Guidelines For The Examiner: Entry Test: Speaking

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Guidelines for the Examiner

Entry Test: Speaking

This test should take 10 minutes per candidate. Candidates each give a 5 minute
presentation and then answer your questions about it.
Allow candidates time to prepare. While one candidate is being tested, the next one can
prepare their presentation.
Notes on assessment:
Total 20 marks. Award 4 marks each for:
• Fluency and confidence
• Overall comprehensibility (including clear pronunciation)
• Accuracy and appropriacy of language
• Ability to organise ideas and structure the presentation
• Range of language (grammar, functional phrases, vocabulary)

Exit Test: Speaking

This test should take about 15 minutes per candidate. There are two parts:
• Part A: a short (3–4 minute) presentation
• Part B: gathering information about two companies, making a summary, and stating
(with reasons) which one offers the best potential for a takeover
While one candidate is being tested, the next one can prepare their presentation.
The information you need to give the candidate in Part B is set out in the boxes below.
This is a test of the candidate’s ability to ask questions. Do not volunteer information
unless asked specifically for it.

StarSports Silver Clouds

Produces games based on sports: Produces exciting problem-
American football, basketball and solving games for younger
golf players
Sales: steady, not spectacular. But Sales: Excellent. Produced a
the company has recently signed best-selling game (Mountain
agreements with 3 famous sports Rescue) which has sold over 1
stars to help market the games. million copies.
The company was set up only 2 The company was set up 7
years ago. years ago.
Market value: $146 million Market value: $260 million.
Profit last year: $21 million Profit last year: $67 million
Share price: Has remained at Share price: Has been
about $0.60 since the company increasing over the last year
went public last year. and currently stands at $0.99



Notes on assessment:
Part A: Presentation. Total 15 marks. Award 3 marks each for:
• Fluency and confidence
• Overall comprehensibility (including clear pronunciation)
• Accuracy and appropriacy of language
• Ability to organise ideas and structure the presentation
• Range of language (grammar, functional phrases, vocabulary)

Part B: Gathering information. Total 10 marks.

Award 4 marks for:
• Good questioning and ability to get all the facts by asking for repetition or clarification
where necessary;
Award 2 marks each for:
• Inclusion of all facts in the summary
• Ability to organise ideas and give reasons for choice
• Accuracy and appropriacy of language

Examiner’s notes: Writing Test

For each writing task award a maximum of 20 marks, 4 for each of these criteria
• Overall clarity and cohesion of writing
• Organisation and clear structuring of ideas
• Appropriacy of language (formal, polite etc as required by the task)
• Range of language (grammar, functional phrases, vocabulary etc)
• Inclusion of all the information required


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