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Result API Documentation

URL - ​

Request Payload​:

"​uniqueID​": "<scheduleUniqueID>", 


"status": "success/error", 
"responseCode": 200, 
"data": { 
"result": [ 

"assessmentName": "<assessment name>", 
"assessmentStatus": "Not Started/In Progress/Completed/Expired", 
"candidateDetails": { 
"name": "<name>", 
"emailID": "" 
"scores": { 
"12": { 
"testName": "Logical Ability", 
"totalScore": "123" 
"86": { 
"testName": "Personality", 
"totalScore": "123" 

"message": "" 

Input Params :
1. authKey : ​Unique Identification key provided by Aspiring Minds team.
2. uniqueID : ​Unique to each assessment for every candidate. Provided on

Output Params :
1. status : ​shows if api returned desired response or an error. "Success" if score is
returned. "Error" if any error found during score generation.
2. responseCode : ​Unique code belong to status of api.
3. data : contains test-wise scores, candidate details.
4. message : ​Error, success message corresponding to api status

Response Codes :

1. 200 - ​Success.
2. 5001​ - Data not found.
3. 5002​ - Authkey Empty.
4. 5003​ - Authkey Mismatch.
5. 5004​ - Request Param Empty.

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