Expressionism: Determined and Ambitious Yet Full of Insecurities and Often Doubts Myself

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Determined and ambitious … yet full of insecurities and often doubts myself
- I have a long list of dreams I wanted to fulfill someday which I can only do if I push myself
beyond the limits but then I get insecure and self-doubts consumes me.

An anxious/ uptight person

- I always like to plan ahead of time , and it explains why I always like to write down on a
schedule the things I should do every day. Whenever I know I have to do something productive, I
get really guilty that I’m doing something else.

It seems like a have a different personality whenever I think about the future.

A cheerful person … yet gets really emotional

- I have unstable emotions. There are days when I love joking and goofing around but I easily
get affected and emotional even with the lightest of reasons.

- I love being outside, learning something new, going to places I’ve never been and experience
things I knew I would only get to do once/rarely in my life

As an expressionist, you are generous, compassionate, and family-oriented. You are honest
and trusting, and often try to please others. You dislike disagreements and believe in God.
Expressionism's typical trait is to present the world solely from a subjective perspective,
distorting it radically for emotional effect in order to evoke moods or ideas. Expressionist
artists sought to express meaning or emotional experience rather than physical reality.

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