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Unit 1
Word POS Definition Example Notes
A small animal must
fully aware and attentive; wide-
Alert Adjective always remain alert
awake; keen
for predators.
to request something, usually
Apply Verb officially, especially in writing or by apply for a job
sending in a form
The senator argued
to present reasons for or against a that cuts in military
Argue Verb
thing spending were
We must be ready for
Arise Verb any situation that
emerge; become apparent. might arise.
Someone who is suspected of crime The armed suspect
Noun and carries any kind of weapon or was sentenced to life
arm. in prison.
There was an
a group of objects that have been put
Arrangement Noun arrangement of
in a particular order orposition
flowers on the table.
something assigned, as a particular a six-month
Assignment Noun
task or duty assignment
the act or faculty of attending,
could I have your
Attention Noun especially by directing the mind to an
attention, please?
We will let you know
Available Adjective readily obtainable; accessible about any available
jobs at the branch.
This judo class is for
Beginner Noun a person or thing that begins.
beginners only.
The bellhop will help
a person who is employed, especially
you carry the
Bellhop Noun by a hotel, to carry guests' luggage,
suitcases to your
run errands, etc.
something that is advantageous or
Benefit Noun medical benefits
good; an advantage
"I bet this place is
Bet Verb used to express certainty really spooky late at
ready to face and endure danger or
Brave Adjective a brave soldier
pain; showing courage.
To do something that gives you a
Travelling certainly
Broaden one's better understanding of things or
Phrase broadens your
horizon increases your possibilities of being
I have a busy day
Busy days Phrase Days with lots of activities or duties.
The Airport Police
the part of a police department that
Canine Unit is staffed
Canine unit Noun has dogs that are trained for various
by police officers who
handle 10 canines
Biotechnology is a
Career Event that opens a door to grow in very " hot " field with
opportunity your career. many career
Michael is a very
Careful Adjective
cautious in one's actions careful worker.
The talented
a person engaged in cartography, or
Cartographer Noun continued to make
the production of maps.
maps until he went
Mike found a
offering a challenge; testing one's challenging job as a
Challenging Adjective
ability, endurance, etc computer
of, pertaining to, appropriate for, or
Clerical Adjective a clerical job
assigned to an office clerk or clerks
I had a college
an academic title obtained from a degree, so that meant
Noun schol or institution of higher that I could find a
education better job out there in
the workplace.
Comedian Noun an actor in comedy. a stand-up comedian
Players must make a
the act of committing, pledging, or
Commitment Noun commitment to play
engaging oneself
for a full season.
having strong belief or full assurance; Be a bit more
Confident Adjective
sure confident in yourself!
You have to weigh up
the argument, position, arguer, or all the pros and cons
Cons Noun
voter against something. of the matter before
you make a decision.
a marriage/guidance
Counselor Noun a person who counsels; adviser.
She showed herself to
possessing or characterized by
Courageous Adjective be a courageous
courage; brave
Although she often
having or showing good manners; disagreed with me,
Courteous Adjective
polite. she was always
a creative
resulting from originality of thought,
Creative Adjective person/artist/designe
expression, etc.; imaginative
The police officer told
the criminal that he
Criminal Noun guilty of crime.
had the right to
remain silent.
wholly committed to something, as to She's completely
Dedicated Adjective an ideal, political cause, or personal dedicated to her
goal: work.
serving to depress; inducing a state of This weather is so
Depressing Adjective
depression depressing.
A good employment
agency will match
Employment An organization that provides your skills and
agency assistance to get jobs aspirations to
s in the marketplace.
Entertain the Perform presentation that is amusing The artist entertained
public to the viewers. the public.
The police have found
that which tends to prove or disprove no evidence of a
Evidence Noun
something; ground for belief; proof terrorist link with the
knowledge or practical wisdom
What experience do
Experience Noun gained from what one has observed,
you have in this field?
encountered, or undergone
A freelance writer can
Freelance a person who sells articles to write for several
writer newspapers, magazines, etc. different publications
at a time.
working or operating the customary
Full-time Adjective number of hours in each day, week, a full-time job
or month
Someone who has all the
John's fully qualified
Fully qualified Adjective qualifications to perform a job or
for this job.
We need fully-trained
Someone who has all the training personnel to install
Fully-trained Adjective
required to perform a job or activitiy. and maintain these
We have Sandy a
is a breed of medium to large-sized
German Yorkshire Terrier, and
Noun working dog that originated in
shepherd a German Shepherd
named Sam.
a hard, transparent material that is
Glass Noun used to make windows, bottles, and
other objects broken glass
(of a police officer, etc.) to pass
The police officers go
regularly along (a route) or through
Go on patrol Phrase on patrol every day at
(an area) to maintain order and
8:00 p.m.
Gossip a Hollywood gossip
Noun a person who writes a gossip column
columnist columnist
to receive a degree or diploma on Lorna graduated from
Graduate Verb
completing a course of study Freiburg University.
Soldiers guard the
to keep under close watch in order to
Guard Verb main doors of the
prevent escape, misconduct, etc.
150 guests were
a person who receives the hospitality
Guest Noun invited to the
of a club, a city, or the like.
a person who trains and is in charge
Handler Noun police dog handlers
of animals, especially dogs
giving or rendering aid or assistance; She's such a pleasant,
Helpful Adjective
of service helpful child!
very high standard or
High standard Noun Of high quality, condition or level
The reporters hit the
Hit the streets Phrase Go out on the street. streets to interview
Come indoors, it’s
Indoors Adverb in or into a house or building
cold outside.
Find out how to apply
Instructor's License that enables someone to be
Noun for a driving
license instructor
instructor's licence
a formal meeting in which one or
Interview Noun more persons question, consult, or a job interview
evaluate another person
It costs a lot of money or effort but it This dance class is
It's worth it Phrase pays back with good results or very expensive, but
benefits. it's worth it.
a person who writes news stories or
The journalist took
articles for a newspaper ormagazine
Journalist Noun notes throughout the
or broadcasts them on radio or
a class for advanced
Level Noun
rank or status level students
pertaining to, characteristic of, or
Local Adjective restricted to a particular place or Our children all go to
particular places the local school.
It’s hard work looking
Look after after three children all
take care of day.
Phrasal I’m looking for Jim.
Look for
verb to search for someone or something Have you seen him?
I’m really looking
Look forward Phrasal to feel happy and excited about
forward to working
to verb something that is going to happen
with you.
I wrote a letter of
to try to discover the facts about complaint, and the
Look into something such as a problem or a airline have promised
crime to look into the
I’ll look through these
Phrasal to search for something among a lot
Look through files and see if I can
verb of other things
find a copy of my CV.
I didn’t know what
to try to find a particular piece of
Phrasal ‘loquacious’ meant
Look up information by looking in a book or on
verb and had to look it up
a list, or by using a computer
in a dictionary.
The new glasses are
Condition or element affecting the wonderful for driving
Low visibility
Phrase posibility to see clearly or well such as and flying, including
fog, smoke, etc. under low visibility
Phrasal to have (a specified subject) as one's plans to major in
Major in
verb main subject of study history
of or relating to a manager or to the
was hired for a
Managerial Adjective functions, responsibilities, orposition
managerial position
of management
One of the fishes had
a mark that makes it possible to
Markings Noun blue and white
recognize something
The medical tests
related to the treatment of illness and showed some
Medical Adjective
injuries variation in the baby's
heart rate
If the money to buy
Meet the Finish or complete a project on the all the materials is
deadline scheduled date. available on time, we
will meet the dealine.
We use our mini
mini kennel Noun A small shelter for a dog kennel to take our pet
dog when we travel.
Use the mixer to mix
a machine in which you mix things
Mixer Noun the ingredients for
the cake.
a period in the night during which a I don´t like to work
Night shift Noun
particular group of peoplework night shifts.
There are new
On the force Phrase As part of the police team.
officers on the force.
I operate
to use or control equipment or a
Operate Verb sophisticated
machine or to make somethingwork
equipment in my job.
not different or special or unexpected
Ordinary Adjective Another ordinary day
in any way; usual
a place outside, away from buildings, Kids love to play
Outdoors Adverb
where you can experiencenature outdoors.
a person who owns something : one
Talk to the owner of
Owner Noun who has the legal or rightful title to
the building.
(of an activity or work) done for
Part-time Adjective periods of time shorter than the I have a part-time job.
usualhours or schedule
the ability to wait, or to continue
doing something despitedifficulties, Teachers are usually
Patient Adjective
or to suffer without complaining or patient.
becoming annoyed
Magicians perform
Perform tricks Phrase Make tricks
to cause people to do or believe
He used very
Persuasive Adjective something, esp. by explaining why
persuasive words.
they should
behaving in a way that is socially Customer service
Polite Adjective correct and shows understandingof agents must be very
and care for other people's feelings polite.
He has a good
Position Noun a job, especially one that is important position in his
to hit or beat repeatedly with a lot of
Mary pounded the
Pound Verb force, or to crush something by hitting
door with anger.
it repeatedly
o deal with something according to a They are processing
Process Verb
particular set of actions the documents.
a person who has the type of job that
Doctors are busy
Professional Noun needs a high level ofeducation and
an advantage or reason for doing
Pros Noun The pros and the cons
feeling pleasure and satisfaction
Proud Adjective because you or people connectedwith A proud father
you have done or got something good
The puppetteers have
Puppeteer Noun a person who entertains with puppets
very creative puppets.
Put out to make something stop burning Let´s put out the fire!
a competition in which all the
I won the 400 meter
Race Noun competitors try to be the fastest and
to finish first
what happens in human situations This is real-life and
Real-life Adjective
rather than in a story, film, etc.: not a movie.
If you wish to vote
Register with you must first register
Phrase sign up or enrol with
sb with the electoral
to stay in the same place or in the I remained in hotel
Remain Verb
same condition the whole weekend.
an animal that produces eggs and
Crocodiles are
Reptile Noun uses the heat of the sun to keepits
blood warm
Becoming a doctor
to need something or make
Require Verb requires a lot of
something necessar
I will retrieve the
get, find: physical object or computer
Retrieve Verb information when I
get to my office.
giving a reward, especially by making
you feel satisfied that you have done It was a rewarding
Rewarding Adjective
something important or useful, or experience.
done something well
an accepted principle or instruction
that states the way things are or The EIP has many
Rule Noun should be done, and tells you what rules to ensure
you are allowedor are not allowed to discipline.
Danilo Medina is our
Ruler Noun a person who is in charge of a country
a fixed amount of money agreed
every year as pay for anemployee,
Salary Noun a low salary
usually paid directly into his or her
bank account everymonth
the act of selling; specifically : the
transfer of ownership of and title to I work in the sales
Sales Noun
property from one person to another department.
for a price
a device used for cutting materials
such as paper, cloth, and hair,
Please lend me your
Scissors Noun consisting of twosharp blades that are
joined in the middle, and two handles
with holes to put your fingersthrough
having your own business and I prefer to be self-
Self-employed Adjective working for yourself rather than for employed rather than
anemployer having a job.
I work in the morning
Shift Noun period of work
Phrasal to search for and discover something The police dogs
Sniff out
verb to find something through smell sniffed out the drog.
to put or keep things in a special place Store the fruits in the
Store Verb
for use in the future fridge.
Stressful Adjective making you feel worried and nervous Exams are stressful.
She suffered a lot
Suffer Verb to experience physical or mental pain when her mother
passed away.
Mike suddenly has a
a person believed to have committed
lot of money, so he is
a crime or done somethingwrong, or
Suspect Noun a suspect of the
something believed to have caused
robbery in his
something bad
Technical ability to do a job that requires Typing is a technical
skills technical knowledge. skill.
a person who provides assistance in Telephone operators
Telephone establishing a connection, or who help customers to
operator provides information or takes make calls of different
messages via the telephone kinds.
the act or practice of giving tests to
That course involves a
Testing Noun measure someone's knowledge
lot of testing.
Tiring Adjective making you feel tired I have a tiring job.
to find something or someone after The police finally
Track down looking for them in a lot of tracked down the
differentplaces thieves.
the process of learning the skills you The training lasts 4
Training Noun
need to do a particular job oractivity weeks.
I will always treat you
Treat Verb behave towards
Phrasal She turned down my
Turn down to not accept an offer or request
verb business proposal.
below the surface of the earth; below The subway runs
Underground Adverb
ground underground.
Stephen Hawking had
Understandin knowledge about a subject, situation,
Adjective a great understanding
g etc. or about how something works
of the universe.
a particular set of clothes that has to Police officers wear
Uniform Noun be worn by the members of the same their uniforms while
organization or group of people they are on duty.
an opinion, belief, or idea, or a way of I have a different view
View Noun
thinking about something of the situation.
an amount of money that is paid to an
Wage Noun a decent wage.
employee, esp. for each hourworked
Episode 1
an unusual, exciting, and possibly
dangerous activity, such as atrip or
Adventure Noun An adventure movie
experience, or the excitement
produced by such an activity
the period when a person is a boy, He used to play
Boyhood Noun and not yet a man, or the state of baseball in his
being a boy boyhood.
She had a beautiful
Childhood Noun the time when someone is a child childhood with all her
a small, round piece of metal,
Coin Noun usuallysilver or copper coloured, that a 50 cent coin
is used asmoney
decorative or complicated, or (of
Fancy Adjective restaurants, stores, or hotels) a fancy car
Phrasal I grew up in Santo
Grow up to gradually become an adult
verb Domingo.
Noun The pilot or captain of a riverboat. He is a riverboat pilot.
A straw hat is a brimmed hat that is
Straw hats are
woven out of straw or straw-like
Straw hat Noun popular in the country
materials from different plants or
a woman whose husband has died She became a widow
Widow Noun
and who has not married again at a young age.
an area of land covered with a thick Bears and wolves live
Woods Noun
growth of trees in the woods.
DC-3 Unit 2 Vocabulary

Word POS Definition Example Notes

She was injured in
Accident Noun an unfortunate happening that occurs unintentionally a car accident.
He addressed a
few introductory
the place or name of the place where a person, remarks to the
Address Noun, verb organization, or the like is located or may be reached. audience.
any sound, outcry, or information intended to warn of
Alarm Noun approaching danger a smoke alarm
a living creature that can move on its own and actively
acquire food and digest it and has senses and nervous wild/domestic
Animal Noun systems to respond rapidly to the surroundings animals
She announced
the winner of the
competition to an
Announce Verb to make known publicly or officially; proclaim excited audience.
I argue with my
brothers and
sisters all the time
To debate or exchange opposing viewpoints on a particular about whoshould
Argue with Phrasal verb topic with another person wash the dishes.
The police
arrested her for
drinking and
Arrest Verb To seize and hold under the authority of law driving.
You've got
feeling shame; distressed or embarrassed by feelings of nothing to be
Ashamed Adjective guilt,foolishness, or disgrace ashamed of.
I try to avoid going
shopping on
Avoid Verb to prevent from happening Saturdays.
Julian used an axe
a tool with a blade on a handle, used for hewing, chopping, to chop down the
Axe Noun splitting old apple tree.
These flowers
generally grow on
river banks and
Bank Noun A piled-up mass, as of snow or clouds; a heap near streams.
I didn't find any of
to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the the characters in
reliability ofsomething, although without absolute proof the film
Believable Adjective that one is right in doingso believable.
A bolt of lightning
struck the roof of
Bolt of lightning Phrase a discharge of lightning accompanied by thunder the building.
He borrowed a
novel from the
Borrow Verb to obtain (something) with a promise to return it library.
Our car broke
down and we had
to push it off the
Break down Phrasal verb (of a machine or motor vehicle) suddenly cease to function road.
After the break-in,
an illegal forced entry of a building or vehicle, typically to we installed a new
Break in Phrasal verb steal something. security system.
Thieves broke into
our office
downtown and
enter or open (a place, vehicle, or container) forcibly, stole the
Break into Phrasal verb especially for the purposes of theft computers.
Jenny and George
Break up Phrasal verb to end a relationship have broken up.
I was breathless
after climbing the
Breathless Adjective without breath, or breathing with difficulty stairs.
Bright Adjective giving off or reflecting light bright sunshine
The police
brought forward
some new
to introduce/present an argument or proposal for evidence in the
Bring forward Phrasal verb consideration case.
She said the
would bring in the
legislation to
to introduce a law or a rule; to take somebody to a police dealwith the
Bring in Phrasal verb station for questioning problem.
He's forever
bringing up the
Bring up Phrasal verb to raise a child; to mention a subject past.
The burglar had
left his
someone who enters a building illegally in order to steal fingerprints all
Burglar Noun things over the window.
Several men were
questioned by
police yesterday
the crime of entering a building illegally in order to steal about the
Burglary Noun things burglary.
I hate it when
Burst Verb to (cause to) break, or fly apart suddenly balloons burst.
A collision that occurs when a vehicle collides with another My uncle died in a
Car accident Noun vehicle, a stationary object, a pedestrian, or an animal. car accident.
She started as a
The officer of a bank or business concern in charge of cashier making
Cashier Noun paying and receiving money. $6.50 an hour.
The plane flew
along the eastern
Coastline Noun the land and water lying next to a shoreline. coastline.
Thousands of
(of a structure) suddenly fall down or give way; of a buildings
person) fall down and become unconscious as a result of collapsed in the
Collapse Verb illness or injury. earthquake.
The dress comes
in blue, green,
the quality of an object that gives it a certain appearance red, and other
Color Noun when light is reflected by it colors.
A competition, especially one in which entrants perform She's won a lot of
Contest Noun separately and are rated by judges beauty contests.
Another driver
ignored a red light
and crashed into
us in themiddle of
Crash into Phrasal verb To collide with someone or something, often violently. the intersection.
The jet crash-
(of an aircraft) land roughly in an emergency, typically landed and burst
Crash-land Verb without lowering the undercarriage. into flames.
Rainforests are
filled with
Creature Noun A living being, especially an animal creatures.
She stared into
the early darkness
of a thick cloud
Darkness Noun Lacking or having very little light cover.
a floor of a ship, especially the upper, open level extending We sat on deck
Deck Noun for the full length of the vessel. until it was dark.
If a train derails, it
comes off the
Derail Verb To run or cause to run off the rails. railway tracks.
They desperately
Desperately Adverb with great urgency; in intense despair wanted a child.
It would be a
disaster for me if I
Disaster Noun an overwhelming calamity or catastrophe lost my job.
She was disgusted
when she saw the
Disgusted Adjective feeling a strong sense of dislike and disapproval dead mouse.
To kill by submerging and suffocating in water or another He drowned in a
Drown Verb liquid. boating accident.
In 1906 an
A sudden movement of the earth's crust caused by the earthquake
release of stress accumulated along geologic faults or destroyed much
Earthquake Noun byvolcanic activity. Also called seism, temblor. of San Francisco.
I felt quite
whenever I talked
Embarrassed Adjective feeling shame or guilt or embarrassment or remorse to her.
The fire was
thought to have
been caused by a
Explosion Noun the act or an instance of exploding gas explosion.
Animals are
a state, process, or instance of light, heat, and flame due to usually afraid of
Fire Noun burning. fire.
Minibuses must
also carry a first
a portable or wheeled apparatus for putting out small fires aid kit and fire
Fire extinguisher Noun by ejecting extinguishing chemicals extinguisher.
It took the
firefighters several
hours to
extinguish the
Firefighter Noun a person who fights fires flames.
Minibuses must
also carry a first
a set of materials and tools used for giving emergency aid kit and fire
First aid kit Noun treatment to a sick or injured person extinguisher.
It took the
firefighters several
hours to
extinguish the
Flame Noun a portion of burning gas or vapor flames.
She shone the
flashlight into the
Flashlight Noun small battery-operated portable electric light dark room.
My flight was
Flight Noun the act, manner, or power of flying. cancelled.
After the flood it
took weeks for the
a great flowing or overflowing of water, esp. over land not water level to go
Flood Noun usually submerged. down.
I too freeze in
horror whenever a
bee flies into the
Freeze in horror Phrase to be paralyzed by horror car.
We gathered our
to collect several things, often from different places or things together
Gather Verb people and left quickly
The light goes off
when the
Go off Phrasal verb If a light or a machine goes off, it stops working batteries are flat
to welcome someone with particular words or a He greeted me at
Greet Verb particularaction, or to react to something in the stated way the door
My wife wrote a
the food and other items that you buy in a food store or check to pay for
Groceries Noun supermarket groceries
Grow longer Phrase
The police officer
ordered the
suspect to hand
Hand over Phrasal verb to yield control of over his weapons.
The coach took
a public road, especially an important road that joins cities the interstate
Highway Noun ortowns together highway.
to chase and try to catch and kill an animal or bird for food, ome animals hunt
Hunt Verb sport, or profit at night
The state of
Florida was hit by
a hurricane that
a violent wind that has a circular movement, especially in did serious
Hurricane Noun the WestAtlantic Ocean damage
in a situation in which loss of life or serious harm is Their lives are in
In danger Phrase possible danger
She fell and
injured her
Injure Verb to hurt or cause physical harm to a person or animal shoulder
We stood in line
In line Phrase having the parts or units arranged in a straight line at the counter.
There is a new
juice bar in the
Juice bar Noun a cafe serving drinks made from freshly squeezed fruit town center
The lion is often
a tropical forest in which trees andplants grow very closely called the king of
Jungle Noun together the jungle.
generous, helpful, and thinking about other people's Please be kind to
Kind to Phrase feelings your sister
It is cheaper to
drill for oil on land
Land Verb the surface of the earth that is notcovered by water than at sea
We laughed with
relief when we
found out the lion
a feeling of happiness that something unpleasant has was not real; it
Laugh with relief Phrase nothappened or has ended was a joke.
Mr Davies leaped
Leap Verb To provide help, protection, etc. very quickly in to explain
someone very famous and admired, usually because of She was a legend
Legend Noun their ability in a particulararea on Broadway
The bank refuses
to give something to someone for ashort period of time, to lend to
Lend Verb expecting it to be given back students
I threw a life buoy
a ring-shaped device that floats in water and that is used to to him when I saw
Life buoy Noun keep a person from drowning his struggling.
Many fishermen
have been lost
because they
were not wearing
Life jacket Noun a life preserver in the form of a buoyant vest a life jacket.
They survived on a
life raft for four
a type of boat that is carried on a large ship and is used months before
inemergencies, for example when the ship is sinking, to they were
Life raft Noun take people tosafety rescued.
a flash of bright light in the sky that isproduced by
electricity moving betweenclouds or from clouds to the That tree was
Lightning Noun ground struck by lightning
workers to remain
loyal to their
Loyal to sb Phrase firm and not changing in your friendship with or support for aperson
employers.or an organization, or in your belief in your
She was making
toast for
Make toast Phrase to make bread crisp and brown by heat breakfast.
He bought a map
showing the
a drawing that gives you a particular type ofinformation distribution of
Map Noun about a particular area Scotland.
The New York City
marathon begins
in Staten Island
and endsin
Marathon Noun a long race, run on roads, of 26.2 miles or 42.2kilometers Central Park.
the ship has lost
Mast Noun a tall pole on a boat or ship that supports itssails its mast
How much
material will you
need to make the
Material Noun equipment that you need for a particularactivity skirt?
Mature people behave like adults in a way that shows they He's very mature
Mature Adjective are well developedemotionally for his age
All of the
managers are on
board with the
On board Phrase as part of a group or team, especially for aspecial purpose project.
That is my
Opinion Noun a thought or belief about something or someone opinion.
The burglars had
overturned the
Overturn Verb to (cause to) turn over on the side, face, or back: furniture.
This car has
a person traveling in an automobile, train, etc., esp. room for 6
Passenger Noun one who is not the operator passengers.
a way or small passage on the ground beaten by a path through
Path Noun human or animal feet the woods
able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or
suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious with She is patient
Patient with Phrase the person causing it. with her kids.
She paid for the
Pay for Phrasal verb to make payment (of) for dinner.
There were 10
cars in the
Pileup Noun a collision of several moving vehicles: pileup.
The plane crash
an accident in which an aircraft hits land or water and happened at 6:
Plane crash Noun is damaged or destroyed 00 p.m.
The prize is 1
Prize Noun a reward for victory, as in a contest or competition million dollars.
Was Steve given
the promotion he
Promotion Noun advancement in rank, position, salary, etc. wanted?
The pilots
Radio Verb to send (a message, music, etc.) by radio radioed for help.
Her school
an account in writing or the like that preserves or records are in
keeps the memory or knowledge of certain facts or the registrar's
Record Noun events. office.
Neil is still
recovering from
Recover from sth Phrase return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength. shock.
to release an
article for
Release Verb to free from jail, burden, debt, pain, etc.; to let go publication.
the ending or lessening of pain, distress, worry, fear,
Relief Noun etc.; alleviation Relief from pain
We were
happy because something unpleasant has not relieved to hear
Relieved Adjective happened or is no longer happening the news.
The armies
resisted the
Resist Verb to withstand, fight, or work against; oppose invasion.
It´s just a
Rhetorical question Noun a question to which no answer is required question.
The crowd
roared when she
to make or say in a loud, deep, continuing sound, as in scored the
Roar Verb anger winning basket.
A robber is someone who steals money or property 2 robbers stole
from a bank, a shop, or a vehicle, often by using force my car
Robber Noun or threats. yesterday.
There were
robberies in that
Robbery Noun the act, practice, or instance of robbing neighborhood.
He rocked his
Rock Verb to move back and forth in or as if in a cradle child in his arms.
The ruins of
Ruins Noun the remains of a building, etc., destroyed or in decay Troy.
She screamed
her answer to
Scream Verb to make a loud, sharp cry him.
The tires of the
car made a
Screeching noise Noun producing a shrill, harsh, or high-pitched sound noise.
very sensitive to
Sensitive Adjective readily or easily affected by stimuli heat
They set off
together in the
Set off Phrasal verb begin a journey small car.
a dark image cast on a surface by a body that blocks standing in
Shadow Noun light shadow
The car shook
when the engine
Shake Verb to (cause to) move with short, quick movements started.
Italy has the
shape of a boot
when you see it
Shape Noun the appearance of an object on a map.
Storms at sea
he destruction of a ship, as by sinking, or an can cause a
Shipwreck Noun occurrence of such a loss shipwreck.
the part on either side of the body where the arm joins The backpack
the rest of the body, from the base of the neck to the rested on his
Shoulder Noun upper arm shoulders.
We like driving
A side road is a road which leads off a busier, more on side roads
Side road Noun important road. when we travel.
Silently Adverb related to silence the silent desert
The ship sank to
the bottom of the
Sink Verb to fall or descend to a lower level or position sea.
the physical dimensions, largeness, or extent of
Size Noun anything the size of a farm
to cause or allow especially accidentally or
unintentionally to fall, flow, or run out so as to be lost The milk spilled
Spill Verb or wasted on the floor.
Don´t stare at
Stare at Phrasal verb to look steadily at (someone) me like that.
a narrow band differing in color, material, or texture the stripes of a
Stripe Noun from the background parts zebra
Floods swept
away several
Sweep away Phrasal verb to destroy or remove (something) completely houses.
He swerved to
to turn aside suddenly or sharply in movement or avoid hitting the
Swerve Verb direction child.
a rise or leap from a surface in making a jump or flight
or an ascent in an aircraft or in the launching of a The plane took
Take off Phrasal verb rocket off at 10:00 a.m
She spoke
Thankfully Adverb in a thankful manner thankfully.
The children
a loud, rolling noise produced by the expansion of air were afraid of
Thunder Noun heated by lightning thunder
Tiny Adjective very small; little; a tiny car
a pair of parallel lines of rails on which a railroad train,
Track Noun trolley, or the like runs the train tracks
Mozart was truly
in accordance with truth; a brilliant
Truly Adverb truthfully composer.
Tune in to our
tune in, to adjust a radio or television so as to receive station next
Tune in Phrasal verb (signals, etc.) week.
an urgent
Urgently Adverb requiring immediate action or attention message
The rain storm
to carry (something) away by the movement of water washed away
Wash away Phrasal verb The bridge was washed away by flooding last year the bridge.
flags waving in
Wave Verb to (cause to) move back and forth or up and down: the wind.
He wants to lose
Weight Noun the gravitational force exerted upon a body weight.
Alex is very wel-
Well-behaved Adjective showing good behavior or manners behaved.
to speak or say with soft, quiet, hushed sounds, esp. He whispered
Whisper Verb with little or no vibration of the vocal cords softly in her ear.
She wrecked the
Wreck Verb to cause the wreck of something. car.
Episode 2
She beat on the
door until he
Beat Verb to strike forcefully and repeatedly finally answered.
A cabin in the
Cabin Noun a small cottage, usually simply designed and built woods
Your chances of
success improve
a possibility or probability of anything happening; when you work
Chance Noun likelihood hard.
How did the mice
escape from their
Escape Verb to slip or get away, as from confinement or jail cage?
to (cause a door, window, building, etc., to) become I locked the car
Lock Verb fastened or made secure by the operation of a lock or locks doors
He murdered his
Murder Verb to kill (a person) unlawfully and deliberately wife and children.
He ran away from
home when he
Run away Phrasal verb to leave a place or person secretly and suddenly was only twelve.
The company
the act of giving special classes in sports, a school subject, provides internet-
or awork-related activity, especially to one person or a based coaching
Take away Phrasal verb small group for teachers.
Culture Corner 1
A career choice is
because it
determines your
The selection of a particular path or vocation in terms of success in the next
Career choice Noun career. stages of your life.
His coaching has
the act of giving special classes in sports, a school subject, added another
or awork-related activity, especially to one person or a dimension to my
Coaching Noun small group game.
We had a
the act or process of raising funds, as for nonprofit fundraising to
Fundraising Noun organizations or for a political cause. help poor kids.
The president was
informed about
the situation
Informed Adjective having or prepared with information or knowledge yesterday.
She has
accepted an
any official or formal program to provide practical internship in a
Internship Noun experience for beginners in an occupation or profession law firm
beyond a value that can be determined or calculated; Your assistance
Invaluable Adjective of great worth; priceless: was invaluable.
I took on private
tutoring to make
some extra
Tutoring Noun the act of teaching or instructing money.
Jhon is a great
Mentoring Noun a trusted counselor or teacher mentor.
a public or private residential facility providing a high level
of long-term personal or nursing care for persons (such as
the aged or the chronically ill) who are unable to care for She works in a
Nursing home Noun themselves properly nursing home.
She works in the
the business of inducing the public to have understanding public relations
Public relations Noun for and goodwill toward a person, firm, or institution department.
That poor lady
always goes to the
an establishment dispensing minimum dietary essentials soup chcken for
Soup kitchen Noun (such as soup and bread) to the needy dinner.
Cross-Curricular Cut 1
Please accompany
Accompany Verb to go with me.
He was running
in a direction opposite to that in which the hands of a clock counter-clockwise
Counter-clockwise Adverb rotate as viewed from in front in the park.
She classified her
students into
Classify Verb to arrange or organize by classes three groups
The core of the
Core Noun the most important or essential part of anything problem is money.
The cyclone struck
the islands with
Cyclone Noun a violent storm with circular wind motion devastating force
the action of force upon a surface by an object, fluid, etc.,
Pressure Noun in contact with it: air pressure
The earth rotates
once every
to (cause to) turn on an axis; twenty-four
Rotate Verb revolve: hours.
Their lives were
marked by
Severity Noun harshness, sternness, or rigor severity.
Last year there
a condition of the weather with strong winds, rain, thunder were 2 storms in
Storm Noun and lightning, etc. our country.
Tropical Adjective relating to, or living in the tropics a tropical fruit
DC-3 Unit 3
Word POS Definition Example
A bit Phrase A very small amount just a bit of sugar
the act of accommodating; state or process We have first and second class
Accommodation Noun
of being accommodated; adaptation. accommodation on this flight.
a system furnishing air transport, usually
Airline Noun
scheduled, between specified points. What airline did you fly with?
a call warning passengers to get on a ship, The train's about to leave. All
All aboard Phrase
train, or bus that is about to depart. aboard!
An all-inclusive two-week
A vacation package that includes
All-inclusive vacation Noun vacation costs around £880 per
accomodations, food and drinks.
An alternative route would be to
a possibility of choice, esp. between two
Alternative route Noun have a company pension scheme
things, courses of action, etc.
owning the property.
public or formal notice announcing I'll make the announcement at
Announcement Noun
something dawn.
to offer an apology or excuse for some fault, We apologize for the mistake and
Apologize Verb
insult, failure, or injury the inconvenience.
a written or spoken expression of one's I'm the one who owes you an
Apology Noun regret, remorse, or sorrow for having apology, not the other way
insulted, failed, injured, or wronged another around.
It is continuous round the pole
coming from the North Pole or the arctic
Arctic Adjective and roughly is bounded by the
arctic circle.
Please call our customer service
at your earliest
Phrase as soon as you can without difficulty department at your earliest
When we went on vacation to
B&B Noun bed-and-breakfast.
Cuba, we stayed in a B & B.
a piece of equipment designed to be used Ashley slung her backpack on a
Backpack Noun
while being carried on the back chair.
Be responsible for a problem, mistake, or I think the owners are at fault for
Be at fault Phrase
other incident not warning us.
They were stuck in traffic and
Be stuck in traffic Phrase Be in a traffic jam.
missed their flight.
Why don't you two go biking
Biking Noun a bicycle, motorbike or a motorcycle
an act or instance of breaking; disruption or
separation of parts; fracture; rupture ---------
Break Noun,verb I broke my cellphone by accident.
to smash, split, or divide into parts violently;
reduce to pieces or fragments
to take air, oxygen, etc., into the lungs and Her chest was too tight for her to
Breathe Verb
expel it; inhale and exhale; respire breathe deeply.
thrillingly beautiful, remarkable, astonishing, With each bend of the highway
Breathtaking Adjective
exciting, or the like they found breathtaking views.
The brochure contained a
Brochure Noun a pamphlet or leaflet. comprehensive list of activities to
do while we stayed in Boston.
the sport of leaping from a bridge, crane, or
Bungee jumping Noun other high place while secured by a long I was going to go bungee
nylon-cased rubber band around the ankles. jumping, but I chickened out.
an extended journey, usually taken for
Bus tour Noun pleasure, visiting places of interest along the We're going on a bus tour today,
route to see the sights of Copenhagen.
During take-off, one passenger
a push button to operate a call bell or other
Call button Noun began frantically ringing her call
summoning device
being in a place where an army or other
group of persons or an individual is lodged in
Camping Noun
a tent or tents or other temporary means of Camping is a favorite summer
shelter. activity.
These are your rights when your
Canceled flight Noun Plane trip canceled due
flight is canceled
On the pass is also situated a
a kind of farmhouse, low and with wide
Chalet Noun minor ski resort and a chalet
eaves, common in Alpine regions.
offering accommodation.
They charge you $20 just to get in
Charge Verb to impose or ask as a price or fee
the nightclub
to demand by or as by virtue of a right; All parties have claimed success
Claim Verb
demand as a right or as due in yesterday's elections.
Keep away from the edge of the
Cliff Noun a high steep face of a rock
cliff - you might fall.
a region or area characterized by a given Changes in the climate are due to
Climate Noun
climate pollution of the atmosphere.
the state of being compensated or rewarded He claimed compensation for loss
Compensation Noun
in this way. of earnings .
an expression of discontent, regret, pain,
Complaint Noun censure, resentment, or grief; lament; I have a complaint about the
faultfinding food.
a container or apparatus, as an insulated
Cooler Noun chest, in which something may be cooled or Cooler weather is forecast for the
kept cool weekend.
We got many interesting
Place where traditional craft items are
Craft village Noun dominican pieces in the craft
exhibited and sold.
village in the Colonial City.
in a clear and definite manner; The team will definitely lose if he
Definitely Adverb
unambiguously. doesn't play.
to put off to a later time; defer; postpone
Delay Verb, noun ------------ the act of delaying; Because of the delay, we were
procrastination; loitering. offered seats in first class.
food typically sold at a delicatessen, as cold Wasn't that Cynthia, who worked
Deli Noun
cuts, salads, and pickles. in the deli?
It never hurts to check the flight
The time when a person or vehicle such as a
Departure time Noun departure time before you leave
plane, train or bus is scheduled to leave.
for the airport.
The remote desert area is
Desert Adjective occurring, living, or flourishing in the desert
accessible only by helicopter.
the place to which a person or thing travels Life is like a journey with an
Destination Noun
or is sent unknown destination.
A dining car is a railroad passenger car that
I enjoy eating on a dining car and
Dining car Noun serves meals in the manner of a full-service,
seeing the views.
sit-down restaurant.
Disgust Noun a strong distaste; nausea; loathing She pursed her lips with disgust.
The dry season is a yearly period of low The dry season is very hot in my
Dry season Noun
rainfall, especially in the tropics. country.
tastefully fine or luxurious in dress, style, Patricia looked beautiful and
Elegant Adjective
design, etc. elegant as always.
An entrance fee is a sum of money which
you pay before you go into somewhere such
Entrance fee Noun as a cinema or museum, or which you have
to pay in order to join an organization or The gallery charges an entrance
institution. fee.
Magellan was a famous
Explorer Noun a person or thing that explores.
sixteenth-century explorer.
something designed, built, installed, etc., to
Facilities Noun serve a specific function affording a The hotel has special facilities for
convenience or service welcoming disabled people.
a barrier enclosing or bordering a field, yard,
etc., usually made of posts and wire or
Fence Noun
wood, used to prevent entrance, to confine, The house is encircled by a high
or to mark a boundary fence.
His new book shows him to be a
First-rate Adjective of the highest rank, rate, or class.
first-rate novelist.
the setting down of a foot, or the sound so He heard soft footsteps coming
Footstep Noun
produced; footfall; tread up the stair.
Event or situation that happens for an Jack and Mary had been married
For a long time Phrase
extended amount of time. for a long time
You may force a man to shut his
to compel, constrain, or oblige (oneself or
Force Verb eyes, but you cannot make him
someone) to do something
I drove at full steam, and I still
Full steam Phrase As fast as possible
got there late.
large area of land, especially in Africa, where Game parks are important to
Game park Noun
wild animals can live safely. help endangered species.
The robbers got away with
Get away Phrasal verb Escape
escape blame, punishment, or undesirable
If he thinks he can get away with
Get away with Phrasal verb consequences for (an act that is wrong or
cheating me, he's very wrong.
manage with difficulty to live or accomplish He had just enough money to get
Get by Phrasal verb
something. by.
to start or continue doing something, Let me stop chatting and get on
Get on (with) Phrasal verb
especially work with my work.
to accept an unpleasant fact or situation They’re upset that you didn’t call,
Get over Phrasal verb
after dealing with it for a while: but they’ll get over it.
Get up Phrasal verb rise or cause to rise from bed after sleeping I got up very early this morning.
a tour of a historic site or place of interest We took a guided tour in the
Guided tour Noun
conducted by a guide Colonia City last weekend.
to attach or suspend so as to allow free Hang the painting on the wall,
Hang Verb
movement please.
each of a pair of yellow flashing indicator
lights on a vehicle, switched on It was raining a lot and the
Hazard lights Noun simultaneously as a warning that the vehicle drivers turned on their hazard
is stationary or unexpectedly slowing down lights.
or reversing
We took a helicopter ride to my
Helicopter ride Noun trip made by flying on a helicopter
father´s farm on Sunday.
to walk or march a great distance, especially
We love to hike on the mountains
Hike Verb through rural areas, for pleasure, exercise,
just for fun.
military training, or the like
containing a high amount of water or water
Humid Adjective I really dislike humid weather.
vapor; noticeably moist
climatic region which is typified by large
You can find humid continental
seasonal temperature differences, with
climate in central and
Humid continental Adjective warm to hot (and often humid) summers and
northeastern portions of North
cold (sometimes severely cold in the
northern areas) winters.
climate that is typical of west coasts in
higher middle latitudes of continents, and
generally features cool summers and cool You can find humid oceanic
Humid oceanic Adjective
winters, with a relatively narrow annual climate in South America.
temperature range and few extremes of
climate characterized by hot and humid You can find humid subtropical
Humid subtropical Adjective
summers, and mild to chilly winters weather in China and USA.
My boss paid me 1 month in
In advance Phrase happening before it is planned or expected advance so that I can pay my
living in very comfortable conditions because The royal family really lives in the
In the lap of luxury Phrase
you have a lot of money lap of luxury.
ny small arthropod, such as a spider, tick, or
Flies and roaches are very
Insect Noun centipede, having a superficial, general
annoying insects.
similarity to the insects.
a detailed plan for a journey, especially a list I will have a very busy itinerary
Itinerary Noun
of places to visit; plan of travel next week.
a traveling from one place to another, I have a long journey to China in 2
Journey Noun
usually taking a rather long time; trip months.
The production in our company is
Lack of staff Phrase Not having enough employees or personnel very slow this month due to lack
of staff.
service in a hotel that washes and irons Moth 5 star hotels offer laundry
Laundry service Noun
clothes for guests. service to their guests.
the time that the life of someone or We hope to see peace within our
Lifetime Noun
something continues; the term of a life lifetime
lock a room, car, office or any other place I forgot the key in the car and
Lock oneself out Phrase
and leaving the keys inside by mistake. locked myself out.
any scheme for the distribution of prizes by
Lottery Noun I don´t play the lottery.
a place for sitting, waiting, smoking, etc.,
especially a large public room, as in a hotel, a usually public room for relaxing
Lounge Noun
theater, or air terminal, often with adjoining or waiting
type of passenger car on a train, where I will just go to the lounge and
Lounge car Noun
riders can purchase food and drinks relax.
pertaining to, situated on or near, or
Mediterranean Adjective Mediterranean food
dwelling about the Mediterranean Sea.
not cold, severe, or extreme, as air or
Mild Adjective a mild winter
Miss Verb to regret the absence or loss of I miss my old job.
a bundle of coarse yarn, a sponge, or other
They mopped up the water that
Mop Verb absorbent material, fastened at the end of a
was on the floor.
stick or handle for washing floors, dishes, etc
a hotel providing travelers with lodging and
free parking facilities, typically a roadside
There is a motel near the
Motel Noun hotel having rooms adjacent to an outside
parking area or an urban hotel offering
parking within the building.
to cut the grass on a lawn with a lawn
Mow the lawn Phrase I mow the lawn once a month.
The Niagara Falls are a natural
Natural wonder Noun amazing natural or manmade creation
type of railroad passenger car, generally
operated in a passenger train as the last Observation cars were eliminated
Observation car Noun
carriage, with windows on the rear of the car many year ago.
for passengers' viewing pleasure.
On the go Phrase very busy I am always on the go.
It is important to prevent
Prevent Verb to keep from occurring; avert; hinder
to defend or guard from attack, invasion,
We need to protect the
Protect Verb loss, annoyance, insult, etc.; cover or shield
from injury or danger
Provide Verb to supply or equip I provide food for my family.
to acquire by the payment of money or its
Purchase Verb John purchased a new car.
equivalent; buy
I returned the product and got a
Refund Noun an act or instance of refunding
The house is very old and we will
Repairs Noun an instance or operation of repairing
spend a lot of money on repairs.
to provide a substitute or equivalent in the I replaced the chair because it
Replace Verb
place of was broken.
This is not the original part but it
Replacement Noun the act of replacing
is a good replacement.
the act of keeping back, withholding, or I made a reservation in a fancy
Reservation Noun
setting apart restaurant.
How do you respond to that
Respond Verb to reply or answer in words
to bring back into existence, use, or the like;
Restore Verb They restored the painting.
a service provided in a hotel allowing guests
Room service Noun to order food and drink to be brought to That motel has room service.
their rooms
Ruin Verb to reduce to ruin; destroy I ruined my shirt with the paint.
a journey or expedition, for hunting,
I went to a Safari in Africa last
Safari Noun exploration, or investigation, especially in
eastern Africa.
the general appearance of a place; the
The wild, beautiful scenery in the
Scenery Noun aggregate of features that give character to a
a specially prepared, light-reflecting surface
They put up the screen and
Screen Noun on which motion pictures, slides, etc., may
turned on the slide projector.
be projected.
to descend and swim underwater using a We went scuba diving in Boca
Scuba diving Noun
scuba device. Chica on the weekend.
He said he would be with us
Shortly Adverb in a short time; soon
to arrive somewhere in order to join a group My brother showed up at the
Show up Phrasal verb
of people, especially late or unexpectedly party an hour late.
the act of visiting and seeing places and Many tourists go sightseeing in
Sightseeing Noun
objects of interest. the colonial city.
the external covering or integument of an
I can feel the warm sun on my
Skin Noun animal or human body, especially when soft
and flexible.
the visible vapor and gases given off by a
burning or smoldering substance, especially
the gray, brown, or blackish mixture of gases The smoke from cigarettes makes
Smoke Noun
and suspended carbon particles resulting people sick.
from the combustion of wood, peat, coal, or
other organic matter.
any mollusk of the class Gastropoda, having
Snail Noun a spirally coiled shell and a ventral muscular as slow as a snail
foot on which it slowly glides about.
of or like a spectacle; marked by or given to
Spectacular Adjective a spectacular presentation
an impressive, large-scale display.
brilliant or gorgeous appearance, coloring,
Splendor Noun the splendor of the palace
etc.; magnificence
Jenny called on Maria, her trusty
a staunch supporter or adherent; one who
Standby Noun standby, to accompany her on
can be relied upon.
her perilous mission.
Steam trains were replaced by
Steam train Noun
a train that is powered by a steam engine. electric one.
a provision, stock, or store of food or other I got some supplies at the
Supplies Noun
things necessary for maintenance supermarket.
Stay away from work or other activities
Take a month off Phrase I took a month off last year.
during 1 month.
I will take legal action if you break
Take a legal action Phrase contract a lawyer to fight a legal cause
the contract.
I thought it would be easy to find
Though Adverb for all that; however.
a job; I was wrong, though.
the uppermost or upper part, surface, etc.,
Top Noun the top of the mountain
of anything
a truck with special equipment for pulling a
I parked in the wrong place and a
Tow truck Noun vehicle that is not workingto a place where it
tow truck towed my car.
can be repaired
I called the towing company
Towing service Noun because my car broke down on
the street.
a large van or wagon drawn by an
Many people in the USA live in
Trailer Noun automobile, truck, or tractor, used especially
in hauling freight by road.
Some tribal traditions are really
Tribal Adjective of, relating to, or characteristic of a tribe
a journey, voyage, or run made by a boat,
Trip Noun I had fun on my trip.
train, bus, or the like, between two points
climate that is always hot with heavy rain in
The climate in Brasilia is tropical
Tropical dry Adjective the wet season and less rain in the dry
Bangkok has a tropical wet
Tropical wet Adjective Climate that is always humid with heavy rain.
I want to have a tuna salad for
Tuna salad Noun a salad which main ingredient is tuna
dinner tonight.
They complained about
the state of being unable to be used or
Unavailabilty Noun unavailability of refreshments
during the long wait.
Humans can´t breathe under
Underwater Adjective existing or occurring under water
The teacher gave us unlimited
Unlimited Adjective not limited; unrestricted; unconfined
time to fill in the test.
Peter is very unreliable, he is
Unreliable Adjective not reliable; not to be relied or depended on
never on time.
any means in or by which someone travels or
Frank had to walk because he
Vehicle Noun something is carried or conveyed; a means
does not have a vehicle.
of conveyance or transport
by a route that touches or passes through; Send me the information via
Via Preposition
by way of email.
a triangle placed by a broken-down car to In our country all drivers must
Warning triangle Noun
warn motorists to avoid it have a warning triangle.
a steep fall or flow of water in a watercourse The Niagara water falls are
Waterfall Noun
from a height, as over a precipice; cascade. famous all over the world.
a vessel used for private cruising, racing, or We sailed to Isla Saona last
Yacht Noun
other noncommercial purposes. weekend.
a place where people, especially young We stayed in a youth hotel over
Youth hostel Noun people, can stay cheaply for short periods night and continued the trip in
when they are travelling the morning.
Episode 3
an unpleasant effect that follows an event or Many people are still suffering
After-effect Noun accident, sometimes continuing for a long from the after-effects of the
time or happening some time after it accident.
Badly treated Phrase treated in a bad way badly treated children
the quality present in a thing or person that
gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to
Beauty Noun Beauty doesn´t last forever.
the mind; a beautiful thing, as a work of art
or a building.
Cook Noun a person who cooks I study to be a professional cook.
a soft, white, downy substance consisting of
Cotton Noun the hairs or fibers attached to the seeds of
plants belonging to the genus Gossypium I have some cotton t-shirts.
Float Verb to rest or remain on the surface of a liquid Plastic floats on water.
the soul of a dead person, a disembodied
spirit imagined, usually as a vague, shadowy
Ghost Noun I don´t believe in ghosts.
or evanescent form, as wandering among or
haunting living persons
a person, often hired, who does or directs
Housekeeper Noun the domestic work and planning necessary Mary is a housekeeper.
for a home, as cleaning or buying food
Landowners normally have a lot
Landowner Noun an owner or proprietor of land.
of money.
Latest Adjective most recent; current Did you hear the lates news?
Legal Adjective permitted by law; lawful My business is legal.
a female servant; a girl or young unmarried
Maid Noun Jenny is a maid.
We must make camp before
Make camp Phrase get ready to camp
There are several mansions on
Mansion Noun a very large, impressive, or stately residence.
my street.
a person with the ability or power to use, She simply wanted to be the
Master Noun
control, or dispose of something master of her own fate.
nonetheless; notwithstanding; however; in a small but nevertheless
Nevertheless Adverb
spite of that important change
She picked the best detective on
Pick Verb to choose or select from among a group the force to head the
Plantation Noun a group of planted trees or plants a coffee plantation
a more or less rigid floating platform made
Raft Noun an inflatable rubber raft.
of materials that will not sink
to identify as something or someone
Recognize Verb I recognized my old car.
previously seen, known, etc.
My students are doing great in
omething given or received in return or
Reward Noun their tests. I will give them a
recompense for service, merit, hardship, etc.
reward next week.
a run away child sleeping on the
Runaway Adjective having run away; escaped; fugitive.
Slavery still exists in many parts
Slavery Noun the condition of a slave; bondage.
of the world.
DC-3 Unit 4
Word POS Definition Example
an amount of money deposited with a bank, I closed that bank account when I
Account Noun
as in a checking or savings account came to London.
I saw that vase in an antique
Antique store Noun
a shop where antiques are sold store.
To request or seek some assistance,
Apply for Phrasal verb
admission, or employment: I want to apply for the job.
He went backstage and asked for
Autograph Noun a person's own signature
her autograph.
f someone is allowed to do something, it is
Be allowed Phrasal verb all right for them to do it and they will not Children should not be allowed to
get into trouble watch violent movies
Be away Phrasal verb leave or set out at once He will be away for two months.
to reserve or make a reservation for (a hotel I need to book a flight for next
Book Verb
room, passage on a ship, etc.) month.
a small shop or a small specialty department
within a larger store, especially one that sells We're going to Andreas's
Boutique Noun
fashionable clothes and accessories or a Boutique to pick out something
special selection of other merchandise original for both of us.
If you can't do it by yourself, you
Call somebody Phrase Get help from someone else. should call somebody to check
the gas main.
to decide that a flight that has been A snow storm canceled our
Cancel flight Phrase
arranged will not happen. return flight Sunday.
a long, usually slender piece of tallow or wax
Candle Noun with an embedded wick that is burned to A candle had set the curtains on
give light. fire.
Keep your feet dry so you don't
Catch a cold Phrase
To become infected with a cold. catch a cold .
We're supposed to check out of
Check out Phrasal verb
leave a hotel the hotel by 11 o'clock.
City break Noun a short holiday in a large city a city break in Paris or Rome
Make sure your hands are clean
Clean Adjective free from dirt; unsoiled; unstained
before you have your dinner.
The city streets were congested
Congested Adjective crowded to excess; overfull
with vehicles.
to express pleasure to (a person), as on a I must congratulate you on your
Congratulate Verb
happy occasion excellent exam results.
We have provided seats for the
Convenience Noun advantage or accommodation
convenience of our customers.
a small plastic card that you use to buy Your credit card is no longer
Credit card Noun
goods or services and pay for them later valid.
The train was crowded to its full
Crowded Adjective filled to excess; packed
a staff or support to assist a lame or infirm
Crutch Noun person in walking, now usually with a I was on crutches for three
crosspiece at one end to fit under the armpit months after the operation.
to place for safekeeping or in trust, I need to deposit five thousand
Deposit Verb
especially in a bank account yen in my savings account.
The deserted village was filled
Deserted Adjective abandoned; forsaken
with a deathly silence.
A double room with a balcony
composed of two like parts or members;
Double Adjective overlooking the sea had been
twofold in form; paired
reserved for him.
There is heavy traffic in the
Downtown area Noun
in or to the central part of a city downtown area tonight.
The price includes two economy
Economy Adjective of or relating to economy class class airfares from Brisbane to
Los Angeles.
The child looked enchanting in a
Enchanting Adjective charming; captivating
pale blue dress.
pertaining to or characteristic of a people,
especially a group (ethnic group) sharing a
Ethnic Adjective
common and distinctive culture, religion, The violence was the result of
language, or the like political and ethnic conflicts.
We walked through the valley,
Feast you eyes on
Phrase To want something that you think might feasting our eyes on the beauty
become available all around us.
annoyed or bored, and wanting something I'm fed up with being broke all
Fed up Phrasal verb
to change the time.
First-class accommodation is
First-class Adjective of the highest or best class or quality
available on all flights.
an illness usually caused by eating food that I got food poisoning at that cheap
Food poisoning Noun
containsharmful bacteria little seafood restaurant.
a large tract of land covered with trees and They went on a ten-mile hike
Forest Noun
underbrush; woodland through the forest.
eeling ill when you travel in a boat, because When I get seasick , I throw up
Get seasick Phrase
of the movement of the boat in the water my food.
You definitely won't get a
Get a sunburn Phrase red and painful skin that you can get from sunburn because this suntan
spending too much time in the sun lotion is SPF 30.
Mondano was as deserted as a
ghost town Noun
a town where few or no people now live ghost town
to give an opinion about (something)
without enough evidence or without
Guess Verb
knowing for certain if it is true;
hazard: I cannot guess your weight.
I always hand in my homework
Hand in Phrasal verb to give something to a person in authority
on time.
to have a discussion involving differing I had an argument with my sister
Have an argument Phrase points of view; because she always uses my
debate. things.
a place where people who have paid to
Health club Noun become members can go to do The health club charges an
physicalexercise annual membership fee .
Iceland is full of hot springs,
Hot spring Noun a place where hot water comes up naturally beautifully coloured rocks, and
from the ground other natural wonders.
Hurry up! Or we'll be late getting
Hurry up Phrasal verb
do something more quickly to the station.
She has a really intriguing
Intriguing Adjective arousing great interest or curiosity
If your luggage is overweight,
Luggage Noun suitcases, trunks, etc.; baggage
you'll have to pay extra.
wet, soft earth or earthy matter, as on the
Mud Noun ground after rain, at the bottom of a pond, As the bus passed, it spattered us
or along the banks of a river; mire with mud.
The whole family lives in a multi-
Multi-story Adjective (of a building) having several or many stories
story building.
Noisy Adjective making much noise Most of the children were noisy
She won't notice anything but
Notice Verb to perceive; become aware of
what relates to herself.
having the conservative behavior, ways, She wears really old-fashioned
Old-fashioned Adjective
ideas, or tastes of earlier times clothes!
When you are on the road, you are driving or
On the road Phrase
travelling, usually over a long distance She is on the road to recovery.
that it has a wide view of an extensive area My camera can take panoramic
Panoramic Adjective
in all directions pictures.
the sport of soaring while harnessed to a
parasail that is towed by a motorboat, car, or
Parasailing Noun
other fast-moving vehicle, from which one Parasailing is a very exciting
often releases oneself to float freely. extreme sport.
I want to partake of the
Partake Verb to receive, take, or have a share or portion
calm and quiet; free from worries or She died peacefully in her sleep
Peaceful Adjective
annoyances at the age of 90
Go somewhere to collect someone, typically they were picked up by a passing
Pick sb up Phrasal verb
in one's car ship
(especially of a place) attractive in
Picturesque Adjective appearance,especially in an old-fashioned the picturesque narrow streets of
way the old city
(the state of having) enough or more than We've got plenty of time before
Plenty Noun
enough, or a large amount we need to leave for the airpor
Contaminated with harmful or poisonous one of Europe's most polluted
Polluted Adjective
substances rivers
Quiet Adjective making very little or no noise Our new dishwasher is very quiet
to be limited to a particular length, amount,
Range of Phrase
or area We offer a wide range of options
To understand a situation, They didn't realize the danger
Realize Verb
sometimessuddenly they were in
The ship is an exact replica of the
Replica Noun
an exact copy of an object original Golden Hind
a piece of thick heavy cloth smaller than a
Rug Noun carpet, used for covering the floor or for My dog loves lying on the rug in
decoration front of the fire
to finish, use, or sell all of something, so that
Run out of sth Phrase I ran out of money yesterday.
there is none left
This plant grows well in sandy
Sandy Adjective containing or covered with sand
Scenic Adjective having pleasing or beautiful scenery a scenic park.
sheltered or screened from general activity,
Secluded Adjective a secluded life.
view, etc
Megacentro is a famous shopping
Shopping mall Noun a shopping center
solitary or sole; lone; unmarried or not in a
Single Adjective Mario is 45 but he is still single.
romantic relationship
Mount Everest is always snow-
Snow-capped Adjective topped with snow
Our sunny season is over but
there's still time to jump on a
Soak up the rays Phrase to get a sun tan
plane and soak up some rays on
one of the beaches in Hawaii.
to damage severely or harm (something),
The black out spoiled my
Spoil Verb especially with reference to its excellence,
value, usefulness, etc.
a rectangle having all four sides of equal The board in my classroom is
Square Noun
length square.
the most recent stage in the development of
This school has a state of the art
State-of the-art Adjective a product, incorporating the newest ideas
computer lab.
and features.
to remain in one place until the following He was very sick and had to stay
Stay overnight Phrase
day. in the hospital over night.
a district lying immediately outside a city or I prefer to live in the suburbs
Suburbs Noun town, especially a smaller residential because there is less
community contamination.
to make appropriate, adapt, or The arrangements suit me just
Suit Verb
accommodate, as one thing to another fine.
a tract of wet, spongy land, often having a
Swamps usually appear in horror
Swamp Noun growth of certain types of trees and other
vegetation, but unfit for cultivation
exploit for one's own benefit, make good use I am taking advantage of this
Take advantage of Phrase
of the opportunities offered program.
Taste Noun a sensation noticed by this sense; flavor foods that have a sweet taste.
Sancocho is a traditional
Traditional Adjective of or relating to tradition
dominican dish.
go (or cause someone or something to go)
They turned back before reaching
Turn back Phrasal verb back in the direction in which they have
the church.
become (a particular kind of thing or Bruce Banner turns into Hulk
Turn into Phrasal verb
person); be transformed into. when he gets upset.
activate a control that makes a divice such as
Turn off Phrasal verb Please turn of the radio.
a ratio, TV or stove STOP working
activate a control that makes a divice such as
Turn on Phrasal verb I turned on the TV at 8:00 pm
a ratio, TV or stove start working
to happen in a particular way or to have a
Mary´s boyfriend turned out to
Turn out Phrasal verb particular result, especially an unexpected
be a multimillionaire!
Turn up Phrasal verb Increase the volume of a radio, tv, etc. Turn up the radio, please.
impossible to forget; indelibly impressed on
Unforgettable Adjective staying in one's memory:
the memory
an island with clean, unspoiled
Unspoiled Adjective not spoiled; not ruined
The class was suspended until
Until further notice Phrase when there is new info or updates
further notice.
higher, as in place, position, pitch, or in a higher, such as in place, position,
Upper Adjective
scale musical pitch, or in a scale
a mountain or hill, usually having a cuplike
crater at the summit, formed around such a The geology of the area was
Volcano Noun
vent from the ash and lava expelled through affected by an ancient volcano.
bending or turning; The path leading to the top of the
Winding Adjective
sinuous. mountain was steep and winding.
I don´t know what is the problem
Wrong direction Noun incorrect location or purpose with Jenny, but her life is going in
the wrong direction.
Episode 4
to put on formal clothes for a special ou don't need to dress up to
Dress up Phrasal verb
occasion go to the mall
to learn about someone or something. (Not Have you heard about Tom and
Hear about Phrasal verb
necessarily by hearing what happened to him?
Latest news Noun the most resent news Did you hear the latest news?
he middle of the night; twelve o'clock at
Midnight Noun It happened at midnight.
having, characterized by, or showing
Mighty Adjective three mighty industrial countries
superior power or strength
(of a tree or bush) producing
Murderer Noun a person who commits murder.
flowers or masses of flowers
Culture Corner 2
(of a tree or bush) producing flowers or
Blossoming Adjective the beautiful blossoming trees
masses of flowers
Emerging Adjective coming into view or notice; issuing an emerging artist
the large-scale introduction of
manufacturing, advanced technical The industrialization of our
Industrialization Noun
enterprises, and other productive economic country started many years ago.
activity into an area, society, country, etc.
He would do anything in pursuit
In pursuit of sth/sb Phrase in order to achieve (something)
of wealth and fame.
a class of people intermediate between the
classes of higher and lower social rank or
The middle class is paying a lot of
Middle class Noun standing; the social, economic, cultural class,
having approximately average status,
income, education, tastes, and the like.
On June 24 the election campaign
Officially Adverb in a formal and public way.
will officially begin.
a pastime, diversion, exercise, or other
Recreation Noun ...many places of recreation.
resource affording relaxation and enjoyment
Road trip Noun a journey made by car, bus, etc. We took a very exciting road trip.
the general course or prevailing tendency;
Trend Noun ...the new trend in music.
to initiate or precipitate (a chain of events,
Her answer triggered Mr. Smith´s
Trigger Verb scientific reaction, psychological process,
Cross-Curricular Cut 2
to overcome in a contest, election, battle, The romans defeated many
Defeat Verb
etc.; prevail over; vanquish armies to expand their territory.
Our ethnic make-up is the result
the racial and social composition of a
Ethnic make-up Phrase of the different occupations we
country, group, etc.
Our geographical position is
Geographical Adjective of or relating to geography
excellent for business.
of, pertaining to, treating, or characteristic of In the Colonial City there are
Historical Adjective
history or past events many historical places.
Dominican Republic is my
Homeland Noun one's native land
something from which anything arises or is
Origin Noun ...the theory of the origin of live.
derived; source; fountainhead
a person who journeys, especially a long
Pilgrim Noun distance, to some sacred place as an act of The first settlers of America were
religious devotion called "pilgrims."
a person who settles in a new country or The settlers had come to America
Settler Noun
area. to look for land.
Significance Noun importance; consequence ...a topic of great significance.
a tract of land, especially as considered with
They were building on rough
Terrain Noun reference to its natural features, military
advantages, etc
the detailed mapping or charting of the
...some satellite topographical
Topographical Adjective features of a relatively small area, district, or
DC-3 Unit 5 Tasty Treats
Word POS Definition Example
that can be afforded; believed to be within attractive new cars at affordable
Affordable Adjective
one's financial means prices
Allergic Adjective of or relating to allergy; having an allergy an allergic reaction
Thoroughly ready,prepared,equipped, It is all set for our vacation next
All set Phrase
sastisfied,or content. week.
a nut that has a sweet flavor; also : the tree I will add some almonds to the
Almond Noun
that produces almonds salad.
any plant of the genus Asparagus, of the lily
Asparagus Noun family, especially A. officianalis, cultivated
for its edible shoots I want some asparagus soup.
a small portion of a food or drink served
Appetizer Noun before or at the beginning of a meal to My favorite appetizer is chicken
stimulate the desire to eat wings.
Do you want some baked
Baked Adjective That has been cooked by baking.
the edible nutritious seed of various plants
Bean Noun
of the legume family I love Homemade Refried Beans.
The ship disappeared beyond the
Beyond Preposition on, at, or to the farther side of
any of the cellular elements of the blood, as
Blood cell Noun
white blood cells or red blood cells Anemia is a blood cell disorder.
It is hard to blow out 25 candles
Blow out Phrasal verb To extinguish something, especially a flame
on a birthday cake.
Boiled Adjective Cooked in boiling water. I love boiled eggs.
one of the structures composing the Bone cancer is a very serious
Bone Noun
skeleton of a vertebrate disease.
to undergo rapid combustion or consume
Burn Verb fuel in such a way as to give off heat, gases,
and, usually, light; be on fire Run! The house is burning!
a chemical element that is present in teeth, Calcium is very important for
Calcium Noun
bones, and chalk bone health.
a unit equal to the kilocalorie, used to
Calorie Noun express the heat output of an organism and I need to bur a lot of calories to
the fuel or energy value of food get in shape.
one of several substances, such as sugar or
starch, that provide the body with energy, or
Carbohydrates Noun
foods containing these substances such as Carbohydrates increase your
bread, potatoes, pasta, and rice blood sugar.
a gas that is produced when people or
Carbon dioxide Noun animals breathe out, or whencarbon is We inhale oxygen and exhale
burned carbon dioxide.
to cut (a solid material) so as to form I carved my girlfriend´s name on
Carve Verb
something a tree.
an edible kidney-shaped nut, rich in oil and
protein, which is roasted and shelled before
Cashew Noun it can be eaten. Oil extracted from the shells
is used as a lubricant, in the production of
plastics, etc Eating cashews is very healthy.
a form of cultivated plant, of the mustard
Cauliflower Noun family, whose inflorescence forms a Cauliflower is known as a great
compact, usually whitish head natural anti-inflammatory.
a cake having a firm custardlike texture,
made with cream cheese, cottage cheese, or
Cheesecake Noun
both, and sometimes topped with a jamlike
fruit mixture This cheesecake is very creamy.
Creamy Adjective containing cream I love creamy icecream.
Crunchy Adjective crisp; brittle Bake until the topping is crunchy.
the edible, fleshy fruit of this plant, of a
Cucumber Noun cylindrical shape with rounded ends and Cucumber is health because it
having a green, warty skin has a lot of vitamin K.
You can find yougurt in the dairy
Dairy products Noun A foodstuff made from milk products section of the
The decor in this house is elegant
Decor Noun The style of decoration of a room or building
and traditional.
cake, pie, fruit, pudding, ice cream, etc.,
Dessert Noun
served as the final course of a meal I love icrecream for dessert.
a small object with six equal square sides,
Diced Adjective each with between one and six spots on it, Add some diced tomatoes to the
used in games recipe.
any abnormal condition in a plant that
interferes with its vital physiological
processes, caused by pathogenic
Disease Noun
microorganisms, parasites, unfavorable
environmental, genetic, or nutritional
factors, etc Cancer is a very serious disease.
Dish Noun the food served or contained in a dish What´s your favorite dish?
lack of order or regular arrangement; I believe Andrew has some kind
Disorder Noun
confusion of mental disorder.
something that is produced by an agency or
Effect Noun
cause; result; consequence The lethal effects of hard drugs.
a plant, of the nightshade family, cultivated
Eggplant Noun for its edible, dark-purple or occasionally Eggplants are healthy because
white or yellow fruit. they have a lot of magnesium.
One of my neighbors got
Electrocute Verb to kill by electricity electrocuted last night and
almost died.
the capacity for vigorous activity; available Fruits give you a lot of vitamins
Energy Noun
power and energy.
I need to see a doctor soon
Fatigue Noun weariness from bodily or mental exertion because I am suffering from
a thread or filament from which a vegetable
Fiber Noun tissue, mineral substance, or textile is Fiber is escential to have a good
formed. digestion.
that has come off a surface in small thin The paint of this room is flaking
Flaked Adjective
pieces off.
to become hardened into ice or into a solid
Freeze Verb body; change from the liquid to the solid
state by loss of heat Water freezes at 0 degrees.
cooked in a pan or on a griddle over direct
Fried Adjective
heat, usually in fat or oil Fried chicken is really delicious.
The new candidate is gaining
Gains popularity Phrase
become popular. popularity very quickly.
the bulb of such a plant, consisting of smaller
Garlic Noun bulbs, or cloves, used in cooking, sometimes Garlic can improve the inmune
in the form of a powder or flakes. system.
I am giving away all of my old
Give away Phrasal verb
To revel something, to give something for free books.
I tried to convince Mary, but she
Give in Phrasal verb To surrender
insisted and I gave in.
They are giving out free
Give out Phrasal verb To hand out, to stop working
cellphones at Claro.
Give up Phrasal verb To stop doing something I gave up smoking 5 years ago.
(food) reduced to small shreds by Add some grated cheese to the
Grated Adjective
rubbing it on a grater. pizza.
Grilled Adjective cooked on a grill I love grilled chicken.
the act or process, or a manner of growing; His growith was affected by a
Growth Noun
development; gradual increase serious disease.
I want to baked haddock for
Haddock Noun a North Atlantic food fish, of the cod family
Any of many cosmetic products that aim to
Hair conditioner Noun improve the condition of the hair, especially Apply some hair conditioner after
after washing using the shampoo.
to make healthy, whole, or sound; restore to
Heal Verb
health; free from ailment My would healed quickly.
I love the Hors d'oevres they
Hors d'oevres Noun
a small dish eaten at the start of a meal serve at that restaurant.
having official power to make important No one in authority disagreed
In authority Phrase
decisions with the the plan.
uncomfortable inability or difficulty in The fish I ate last night gave me a
Indigestion Noun
digesting food; dyspepsia very serious indigestion.
something that enters as an element into a Use fresh ingredients to make the
Ingredient Noun
mixture soup.
an instrument, utensil, weapon, etc., made
Iron Noun
of iron, the metal itself. Iron rusts easily.
Juicy Adjective full of juice; succulent This hamburger is really juicy.
any of several flightless, ratite birds of the
Kiwi Noun genus Apteryx, of New Zealand, allied to the
extinct moas I want some kiwi juice.
deficiency or absence of something needed,
Lack Noun
desirable, or customary A lack of vitamins
Lamb Noun a young sheep This lamb cut is soft and tender.
I will have some lasagna for
Lasagna Noun large, flat, rectangular strips of pasta
dinner tonight.
The police is trying to find out if
anything serving to connect one part or thing
Link Verb there is a link between the two
with another; a bond or tie
of or being a food or style of cooking that
contains or uses very little butter, oil, or I prefer low-fat food because of
Low-fat Adjective
other fat, usually three grams of fat or less my cholesterol level.
per serving
a piece or mass of solid matter without
Lump Noun a lump of sugar.
regular shape or of no particular shape
the principal dish or course of a meal, The main course will be a Filet
Main course Noun
typically including meat or fis mignon with boile potatoes.
The major news today is about
Of great sigficance or importante. Greater in
Major Adjective the accident that happened
number, quantity, or extent
reduce (a food or other substance) to a
Mashed Adjective mashed potatoes
pulpy mass by crushing it.
in the middle of a group of different
Medium Adjective Shirts of medium size
amounts or sizes
a valuable or useful substance that is dug out Minerals are essential to stay
Mineral Noun
of the ground healthy.
one of many parts in the body that are
Muscle Noun connected to your bones andhelp you to Very strong muscles
one of the long, thin parts in your body that
Nerve Noun carry messages betweenyour brain and The optic nerve
other parts of the body
the dry fruit of some trees that grows in a Nuts are recommended to people
Nut Noun
hard shell, and can often beeaten on a low fat diet.
Obey Verb to do what someone tells you to do Children must obey their parents.
Oily Adjective covered in oil or containing a lot of oil I don´t like oily food.
by asking for something usually in a formal Application forms are available
On request Phrase
way on request.
I'll take a tuna sandwich.
On second
Phrase used when you want to change a decision Actually, on second thought, I'll
you have made have the soup of the day.
a piece of kitchen equipment that is used for
Oven Noun Cook the chicken in the oven.
cooking food
a sudden, strong feeling of fear that makes
Panic Noun He was a victim of a panic attack.
you stop thinking clearlyand do silly things
Parsley has anti-inflammatory
Parsley Noun
a plant that you add to food to give it flavour Properties.
to make smooth, shiny, and glossy, esp. by
Polish Verb She polished her shoes.
a silvery white metallic element that burns
rapidly in the air and whose compounds are Bananas contain a lot of
Potassium Noun
used as fertilizer. potassium.

birds raised for their meat and eggs, as

Poultry Noun Poultry is as expensive as beef.
chickens, turkeys, etc.
to keep (something) alive or in existence;
Preserve Verb to preserve historical monuments
make (something) lasting; protect:
The new president promotes
Promote Verb to help or encourage to flourish
peace and democracy.
Properly Adjective correctly or satisfactorily. We must speak properly at work.
a molecule that is a large portion of the mass
Protein Noun of every life form, composed of amino acids Meat is a source of protein.
linked in long chains
meat that is cooked so as to be still red on
Rare Adjective I want my beafstake rare, please.
the inside
the amount of a charge or payment with
Rate Noun a high rate of interest on loans
reference to some basis of counting
Raw Adjective Not cooked This meat is raw, I cannot eat it!
agreeable to or in agreement with reason;
Reasonable Adjective Your plan is very reasonable.
Recently Adverb happening or done a short while ago We recently returned home.
the act of recommending; I need many recommendations to
Recommendation Noun
advice complete this project.
She removed her hands from the
Remove Verb to move or shift from a place or position
steering wheel.
a detailed account of an event, situation,
etc., usually based on what one has I read the report about the
Report Noun
observed or asked questions about and accident.
written or said formally
Rich Adjective having wealth or great possessions Donald Trump is a very rich man.
Risk Noun a dangerous chance He is in a high risk business.
I want the roast lamb with a
Roast lamb Noun cut of lamb cooked over fire
green salad, please.
covered with rust; having lost agility; That door is very rusty, I have to
Rusty Adjective
out of practice paint it.
Give me the salmon with a
Salmon Noun a fish having edible, pink flesh
vegetable salad.
This food is too salty, I can´t eat
Salty Adjective of, like, or tasting of salt
Sardine Noun a small fish used as food I want some fried sardines.
Put the tomato sause on the
Sauce Noun a liquid food, such as gravy, put on food
pizza and then add the cheese.
I scalded myself with the hot tea
Scald Verb to burn with or as if with hot liquid or steam
by accident.
I some scrambled eggs with
Scrambled Adjective eggs cooked while being stirred
the usually small, hard part of a plant that The farmer planted his seeds in
Seed Noun
grows into a new plant the spring.
Serve Verb to act as a servant to (another); work for In my job I serve a lot of people.
an animal living in water and having a shell, They served me an enormous
Shellfish Noun
such as the oyster or other mollusks platter of fresh shellfish.
a small, long-tailed, ten-footed, edible
Shrimp Noun I want to shrimp soup.
shellfish found chiefly in salt water
a dish of cooked peeled shrimps served cold
Shrimp coctail Noun The shrimp coctail is really tasty.
with cocktail sauce, typically as a starter
in a restaurant, an extra dish of food, for
example vegetables or salad, that is served For a side dish I want some
Side dish Noun
with the main dish, sometimes on a separate vegetables.
The sirloin steak was just
Sirloin steak Noun the best meat from the lower back of a cow
Sliced Adjective a thin, flat piece cut from something The pizza is already sliced.
a hollow part that contains or fits into
Socket Noun a socket for a light bulb
another part
Spacious Adjective containing much space; roomy My room is very spacious.
Special Adjective of a particular kind or character; different Athletes need to eat special food.
having or containing spice; seasoned with
Spicy Adjective spicy Mexican food
Squeaky Adjective making a sound like a squeak a squeaky door
Steam is used for heating
Steam Noun water in the form of an invisible gas or vapor
Sweet Adjective having the taste or flavor of sugar or the like The coffee is too sweet.
I like Patricia but she never takes
Take notice Phrase pay attention; show signs of interest
notice of me.
I will make some tasty treats for
Sweet dish with a lot of preparation and
Tasty treat Noun the students that get the best
grades in the next exam. English Vocabulary Profile
regularly or frequently behave in a particular Many students tend to be late on
Tend to Verb
way or have a certain characteristic Fridays.
an Italian dessert with coffee and liquor-
Tiramisu Noun soaked layers of sponge cake alternating Tiramisu is my favorite dessert.
with mascarpone cheese and chocolate
a large North American bird of the pheasant Many people eat turkey on
Turkey Noun
family Thanks Giving Day.
Varied Adjective characterized by or showing variety varied species of plants
a person who does not eat or does not
Vegetarian Noun believe in eating meat, fish, fowl, or, in some My uncle Tony is a vegetarian.
cases, any food made from animals
any of a group of substances that are
essential to the body in small quantities for
Vitamin Noun normal metabolism, found in very small All vitamins are essential.
amounts in foods and also produced
a large melon with a hard, green rind and
watermelon Noun a slice of watermelon
sweet, juicy, usually red pulp
The decoration was very well
Well-done Adjective carried out successfully or satisfactorily
an injury, usually involving the cutting or He died from multiple stab
Wound Noun
tearing of skin or tissue wounds.
a tart, custardlike food made from milk that
Yogurt Noun has turned thick and sour from the action of I love natural yogurt.
a bluish-white metallic element, used in
Zinc Noun making galvanized iron, brass, and other They use zinc to make batteries.
materials and as an element in voltaic cells.
a cucumber-shaped squash having a smooth,
Zucchini Noun Let´s have a succhini salad.
dark green skin
Episode 5
Awfully Adverb Very, extremely It´s awfully hot today.
a cloudlike mass or layer of water droplets
Fog Noun We drove through heavy fog.
near the surface of the earth
Michigan, Ohio and New York
Free States Noun States where slavery was illegal or prohibited
were some of the free states.
Go up Phrase to move higher, rise, or increase Train fares are going up again.
Past Preposition beyond in time; later than; after: It's already past noon.
to get to or as far as;
Reach Verb The boat reached the shore.
arrive at
to transfer (goods or property) (to
Sell Verb He sold his car.
to do or perform (services) in exchange for
money (for someon
The villagers waited for a
a steam-driven vessel, esp. a small one or
Steamboat Noun steamboat to come up the river.
one used on inland waters
DC-3 Unit All work and No
6 Play

Word POS Definition Example Notes

a short performance by one or
more entertainers, usually part
Act Noun a comedy/juggling/trapeze act
of a variety show or radio or
television program
the art, profession, or activity of
Acting Noun those who perform in stage He wants to get into acting.
plays, motion pictures, etc
an action-packed
Action-packed Adjective
full of exciting events thriller/weekend/finale
characterized by or tending
toward unprovoked offensives,
Aggressive Adjective an aggressive form of cancer
attacks, invasions, or the like;
militantly forward or menacing
a change; modification or We will have to make a slight
Alteration Noun
adjustment alteration to the plans.
I'll be annoyed if we don't finish
Annoyed Adjective irritated, disturbed, or bothered
by eight.
At any given time, these chat
Any given time Phrase any particular time
rooms are full.
a person who assists or gives aid
Assistant Noun She is assistant to a professor.
and support; helper
a group of instrumentalists
The band was playing old
Band Noun playing music of a specialized
Beatles songs.
a soft, visorless cap with a close-
fitting headband and a wide, Antoinette wore her new blue
Beret Noun
round top often with a tab at its suit and white beret.
a hat, usually tying under the
chin and often framing the face,
The baby's bonnet keeps the
Bonnet Noun formerly much worn by women
sun out of her eyes.
but now worn mostly by
a stick or short staff used to Janice had to walk with a cane
Cane Noun assist one in walking; walking for a while after she hurt her
stick knee.
to observe (a day) or
I think I've got the job. Let's
Celebrate Verb commemorate (an event) with
ceremonies or festivities
to participate with one or more
people, through the Internet, in a
real-time conversation, typically
as a series of short text It's a place where people can
Chat Verb
exchanges in a specific chat and exchange ideas.
application, as instant messaging,
or by using images, voice, video,
or some combination of these
His cheerful joke made us
Cheerful Adjective full of cheer; in good spirits
forget our problems.
The libraries, art galleries,
Concert hall Noun a large building in whichconcerts concert halls, and theaters
are performed were all open to the people.
a person who conducts; a leader, The conductor signaled the
Conductor Noun
guide, director, or manager orchestra to rise.
without interruption,without a It has been raining continuously
Continuosly Adverb
pause or interruption for over a week now.
an activity that involves making
I love to do all kinds of crafts
Craft Noun something in a skillful way by
and sewing.
using your hands
a wide, straight piece of material They wore ordinary ties instead
Cravat Noun worn loosely tied in the open of the more formal high collar
neck of a shirt and cravat.
a particular form or stage of
he's very keen to learn about
Culture Noun civilization, as that of a certain
Japanese culture.
sad and gloomy; dejected; She became severely depressed
Depressed Adjective
downcast after her mother's death.
a division of territory, as of a
country, state, or county, marked
District Noun She doesn't live in this district.
off for administrative, electoral,
or other purposes
practical, reasonable, and She's a down-to-earth woman
Down-to-earth Adjective
friendly with no pretensions.
a singer, comedian, dancer,
He's a popular television
Entertainer Noun reciter, or the like, especially a
professional one
a person or place who The hotel is famous for its
Entertainment Noun
entertains; host entertainment.
The most popular exhibit in the
an act or instance of exhibiting;
Exhibit Noun museum was a giant
animatronic dinosaur.
to show or advertise someone or
Tonight’s program features
Feature Verb something as the most important
some outstanding performers.
or most obvious part
obtained personally, or directly
He has firsthand experience of
Firsthand Adjective from someone who is
what war is like.
personallyinvolved in something
liberal in giving or sharing; They are generous although
Generous Adjective
unselfish they are poor.
to find someone or obtain She managed to get a hold of a
Get a hold of Phrase
something copy.
to look directly and continuously
She glared angrily at everyone
Glare Verb at someone or something in
and stormed out of the room.
anangry way
a book that gives you the most
Guide Noun important information about a hotel guide
aparticular subject
a short rest period between the
Halftime Adjective The score was tied at halftime.
two parts of a sports game
the best or most exciting,
Highlights of the match will be
Highlight Noun entertaining, or interesting part
shown after the news.
of something
a small piece of paper, cloth, or
metal, on which there is a person Make sure to bring your ID tag
ID tag Noun
identification, tied or stuck onto every day to work.
something larger.
to bring into a more desirable or This is not good enough. I want
Improve Verb
excellent condition to improve it.
All the musical instruments had
a contrivance or apparatus for
Instruments Noun been tuned up before the
producing musical sounds
concert began.
the time when a football game
It'started raining right after the
Kickoff Noun starts, or a kick of the ball that
kickoff of the soccer game.
startsplay during a game
a person or thing that saves a A microwave oven can be a real
Lifesaver Noun person, as from a difficult lifesaver when you don't have
situation or critical moment time to cook.
The lighting designer used
the arrangement of lights used in
Lighting Noun different colored lights on the
a room, house, theatre, etc.
the way you feel at a particular
Mood Noun She's in a bad mood.
having strong feelings of sadness
When she told me about her
or sympathy, because of
Moved Adjective daughter's death, I was too
something someone has said or
moved even to speak.
I'd prefer to go in May, as
Opposed to Phrase Rather than
opposed to September.
a large group of musicians who
The orchestra is to perform its
play many differentinstruments
Orchestra Noun last ever concert tomorrow
together and are led by a
night at the Albert Hall.
in general rather than in
particular, or including all the The overall winner, after ten
Overall Adjective
people or things in a particular games, will receive $250,000.
group or situation
a type of umbrella (= round
cloth-covered frame on a stick) She carried a parasol to keep
Parasol Noun
carried by women, esp. in the the sun from her face.
past, for protection from the sun
to act (a play, part, etc.), as on
Some musicians will perform at
Perform Verb the stage, in movies, or on
the festival.
a musical, dramatic, or other Annette's performance as Eliza
Performance Noun entertainment presented before Doolittle in "Pygmalion" was
an audienc truly memorable.
His persistence paid off – he
Persistence Noun the quality of being persistent
won the contract.
to take (passengers or freight) Could you do me a favour and
Pick up Phrasal verb
into a vehicle pick up Sam from school today?
Also called storyline. the plan,
scheme, or main story of a
Plot Noun The film had an exciting plot.
literary or dramatic work, as a
play, novel, or short story.
action in response to some What was his reaction to this
Reaction Noun
influence, event, etc. plan?
an area used by the public for There are plans to enlarge the
Recreation area Noun
recreation recreation area.
one to whom something is
A referee must know all the
Referee Noun referred, especially for decision
rules of the game.
or settlement; arbitrator
priority in refusing or taking His refusal to pay the fine got
Refusal Noun
something; option him into even more trouble.
the act or power of resisting, Government troops offered no
Resistance Noun
opposing, or withstanding resistance.
an area from which military Wellington Barracks is a
personnel are excluded for restricted area and anyone who
Restricted area Noun
reasons of security or safety enters should have
unless specially authorized identification.
system or plan for helping
people, companies, etc. that are State benefits provide a safety
Safety net Noun
having problems, especially net for the very poor.
financial problems
His sculpture of a horse won
Sculpture Noun such works of art collectively
first prize.
an older person, especially
Many senior citizens have been
Senior citizen Noun someone who hasstopped
through two world wars.
to put something in aparticular He set a vase of flowers on the
Set Noun
place or position table.
After the earthquake, the
start doing something with
Set about Phrasal verb people set about rebuilding
vigour or determination
their homes.
We set aside some money for
Set aside Phrasal verb to save for a particular purpose
to delay an event, process, or Financial problems have set
Set back Phrasal verb
person back our building programme.
What time will we have to set
Set off/out Phrasal verb to start a journey
off for the station tomorrow?
To build/erect something. To She has set up her own
Set up Phrasal verb start something. To arrange executive recruitment business
something. in Paris.
a piece of clothing like a long
shirt, worn loosely over other
Smock Noun clothing to protect it when an artist's smock
working, or a piece of women's
clothing that is similarto this
to sell all of the supply that you The premiere on Monday is
Sold out Phrase
have of something sold out.
a musical composition or a
passage or section in a musical
composition written for The slow movement opens with
Solo Noun
performance by one singer or a cello solo.
instrumentalist, with or without
a person who looks on or A spectator threw the ball back
Spectator Noun
watches; onlooker; observer to the players.
a single step or degree in a
process; a particular phase,
Stage Noun
period, position, etc., in a Hamlet is on stage for most of
process, development, or series the act.
I saw a street performer
Noun the act of performing in public musician near the subway
places for gratuities. station.
a person or thing acting or Germany brought on a
Substitute Noun
serving in place of another substitute at half time.
The construction of the Panama
Canal was an unprecedented
Noun success, and the result of a
an act that shows powerful skill, practically superhuman feat
strength, or bravery. that took 10 years
having talent or special ability; He's a very talented young
Talented Adjective
gifted actor
a drop of the saline, watery fluid
continually secreted by the
lacrimal glands between the
Tear Noun surface of the eye and the eyelid,
serving to moisten and lubricate Did you notice the tears in his
these parts and keep them clear eyes when he talked about
of foreign particles Diane?
a person who is trained or skilled The technician is busy repairing
Technician Noun
in the technicalities of a subject the machine.
lasting, existing, serving, or
Temporary Adjective effective for a time only; not I'm living with my parents, but
permanent it's only temporary.
The play was full of theater-
Theater-goer Noun someone who regularly goes to goers who enjoy medieval
the theatre drama.
a rope or wire cable, stretched One of the acrobats who
Tightrope Noun tight, on which acrobats perform walked the tightrope at the
feats of balancing circus did it blindfolded.
This is an uplifting story of
inspirational; offering or triumph by a black woman who
Uplifting Adjective providing hope, encouragement, overcame adversity and
salvation, etc. became an inspiration for
an object (such as a bottle or Let's buy a water container for
Water container Noun
can) that can hold Water our camping trip.
You can find a whale trainer at
Whale trainer Noun
a person who trains Whale Sea World.
a person who feeds and tends The zookeeper is feeding the
Zookeeper Noun
animals in a zoo monkeys.
Episode 3
to perform a certain parts in a We can act scenes from Beauty
Act scenes Phrase
film, play, etc and the Beast.
to agree that something is true, I wasn't entirely honest with
Admit Verb
especially unwillingly him, I admit
having little or no hair on the At twenty he was already going
Bald Adjective
scalp bald.
a special type of tie (= strip of
cloth put around acollar) that is
Bow tie Noun
tied in the way that you tie a He was dressed all in black with
shoe a dark green bow tie.
If you cheat in the exam you'll
Cheat Verb to defraud; swindle
never get away with it.
a British nobleman holding the
highest hereditary title outside
the royal family, ranking
Duke Noun immediately below a prince and
above a marquis; a member of
the highest rank of the British
peerage The duke bowed to the Queen.
elderly people collectively; senior The city is building new housing
Elderly Noun
citizens for the elderly.
fastened, attached, or placed so
as to be firm and not readily
Fixed Adjective
movable; firmly implanted;
stationary; rigid a fixed price
to remove or throw away We got rid of our unwelcome
Get rid of Phrasal verb
something unwanted guests
After college she went back
Go back Phrasal verb
to return to a place home
Sorry, I can’t stop, I’m in a
In a hurry Phrase
more quickly than usual hurry.
myself you tell them your name Allow me to introduce myself.
a male sovereign or monarch; a
man who holds by life tenure,
King Noun and usually by hereditary right, Henry became king of England.
the chief authority over a
country and people
He was so consummate a liar
Liar Noun a person who tells lies that, when taken in the fact, he
could brazenly deny it.
to cause or attempt to cause She could pretend she didn't
Pretend Verb
(what is not so) to seem so know who he was for a while.
a person whose office it is to
After some readings and a
perform religious rites, and
Priest Noun hymn, the priest moved to the
especially to make sacrificial
to ask (someone) a question; ask The big question was, would
Question Verb
questions of; interrogate her confidence last?
The riverside walks are at all
Riverside Noun the land along the edges of a times pleasant and sometimes
river spectacular.
royal status, dignity, or power; Her father is descended from
Royalty Noun
sovereignty Greek royalty.
to mention or introduce (an idea, They suggest other products a
Suggest Verb proposition, plan, etc.) for customer might be interested
consideration or possible action in.
Culture Corner 3
a person who performs I'm also a bit of a gymnast and
Contortionist Noun gymnastic feats involving sufficient of a contortionist to
contorted postures do eccentric dancing.
according to the entertainment
industry. In “Jurassic World:
Noun those involved in providing Fallen Kingdom,” the world
entertainment: radio and reels in the aftermath of
televisionand films and theater scientific hubris
a noteworthy or extraordinary
Getting the iron hot was no
Feat Noun act or achievement, usually
easy feat.
displaying boldness, skill, etc.
skill needed to do exercises that
Gymnastic increase the body’s strength, People who work in a circus
ability balance, and ability to move have strong gymnastic abilities.
giving you a sudden very strong jumping out of an airplane with
Heart-stopping Adjective
feeling of fear a parachute is heart-stopping
Was arrived at by incorporating
combined into one body, mass, the new information supplied
Incorporating Adjective
or substance by the first date-list to be
a person who performs juggling
Juggler Noun He juggled four balls at once.
feats, as with balls or knives
His method was direct —
a procedure, technique, or way
addressing her needs with
Method Noun of doing something, especially in
simple statements and
accordance with a definite plan
The city proper retains much of
to make modern; give a new or
its ancient grandeur, despite
Modernize Verb modern character or appearance
the tendency to modernize
streets and private houses.
circus manipulation art where a Western plate spinning
person spins plates, bowls and performers usually present
Plate-spinning Noun
other flat objects on poles, comedy acts and typically
without them falling off. feature
something that restricts; a About the middle of the
Restrictions Noun restrictive condition or century restrictions upon the
regulation; limitation press began to disappear.
an act or instance of defending
or protecting one's own
Self-defense Noun She hit back in self-defense.
interests, property, ideas, etc., as
by argument or strategy
A launch party with
structure to stand at a height
Stilt-walking Noun entertainment for all, including
above the ground.
stilt walking and fire eating
to go beyond in amount, extent, Their love could surpass any
Surpass Verb or degree; be greater than; distance that was put between
exceed them.
is a group of dances that
developed with the swing style
Swing dancing styles are the
of jazz music in the 1920s–1940s,
Swing dancing Noun foundation of many other
with the origins of each dance
dance styles including disco
predating the popular "swing
an apparatus, used in gymnastics
and acrobatics, consisting of a A glamorous couple performed
Trapeze Noun
short horizontal bar attached to on the flying trapeze.
the ends of two suspended ropes
a company, band, or group of
Donald Ryland led the troupe
singers, actors, or other
Troupe Noun down the path on the west side
performers, especially one that
of the river.
travels abou
famous all over the world in a the iconic work of a world-
World-renowed Adjective
particular area ofactivity renowned architect
Cross-Curricular Cut 3
any of various usually
liquidsubstances that can react
Acid Noun the acids in your stomach
with and sometimesdissolve
other materials
the flow of blood around the The drug is now entering the
Bloodstream Noun
body bloodstream.
In gastric banding surgery, no
Digestive is the term used to describe part of the stomach is removed
process every stage of digestion in the and the digestive process
body remains intact.
You can help your digestive
system by drinking water and
Digestive system Noun
the organs in your body involved eating a healthy diet that
with thedigestion of food includes foods rich in fiber.
the tube in the body that carries The lower part of the
Esophagus Noun food from the mouth to the esophagus is connected to the
stomach stomach.
the substance under the skin of
Excess body fat is related to
Fats Noun humans andanimals that stores
serious health conditions
energy and keeps them warm
the lower part of the bowels in
Some patients may need
which water isremoved from
surgery to remove the entire
Large intestine Noun digested food before it is
large intestine (colon), with or
passedout of the body as solid
without the rectum
any substance that plants or
Protein is an example of a
Nutrients Noun animals need inorder to live and
the upper part of the bowels The gastrointestinal tract
Small intestine Noun between the stomachand the includes the stomach, small
large intestine intestine,and large intestine.
any of a group of natural
Vitamins and minerals – zinc
substances that arenecessary in
Vitamin Noun and vitamin C were high on the
small amounts for the growth
list, and some herbs.
and good health of the body
Double Click 3 Nature´s Warning
Unit 7

Word POS Definition Example

rain that contains large amounts of
harmful chemicals as a result
ofburning substances such as coal Acid rain has a devastating effect
Acid rain Noun and oil on the forest.
harmful substances in the air, often Air pollution has become one of
consisting of waste from vehiclesor the most significant health
Air pollution Noun industry problems of our time.
The air quality was so bad that
the degree to which the air in a the government issued a health
Air quality Noun particular place is pollution-free. warning.
an animal, such as a frog, that lives The frog is an amphibian, which
both on land and in water but means it can live on land and in
Amphibian Noun mustproduce its eggs in water water.
used when you are thanking
someone or showing that you are We really appreciate all the help
Appreciate Verb grateful you gave us last weekend.
location at a fair or market where The arts and crafts tent at this
decorative design and handicraft year´s fair has many interesting
Art and crafts tent Noun are exhibited and sold. items.
to forbid (= refuse to allow) He's been banned from driving
Ban Verb something, especially officially for six months.
to become so excited about The manager warned his young
something that you do notcontrol players not to get carried away
Be/get carried away Phrasal verb what you say or do by the emotion of the occasion.
The bicycle course they designed
road or path designed for a bike for the competition is really
Bicycle course Noun riding contest or training challenging.
Smoking can cause serious
Breathing difficulties Noun problems or issues to breath breathing difficulties.
a plan consisting of a number of
activities directed toward She's the campaign organizer for
Campaign Noun theachievement of an aim the Labour Party.
a serious disease that is caused
when cells in the body growin a
way that is uncontrolled and not
normal, killing normal cells and
Cancer Noun often causing death He died of liver cancer.
to protect someone or something
and provide the things they need, Most people would prefer to be
especially someone who is young, cared for at home rather than in
Care for Phrasal verb old, or ill a hospital.
Carry on Phrasal verb To continue doing something. They'll carry on with their plan.
to do something that you have said
you will do or that you have been
Carry out Phrasal verb told to do You must carry out my orders.
You should carry over what you
To let something continue into a learn in school into your everyday
Carry over Phrasal verb new situation. life.
It is doubtful whether it will be
possible to carry through the
Carry through Phrasal verb to complete something successfully education reforms.
company dedicated to providing
food and drink for a large number
of people, for example at weddings I have the best catering company
Catering company Noun and parties. in town.
the process of giving official or
legal approval to a person, We need experienced pilots with
company,product, etc. that has multiengine and instrument
Certification Noun reached a particular standard certification.
a hollow structure that allows the
smokefrom a fire inside a building A column of smoke rose from the
Chimney Noun to escape to theair outside chimney.
a hard, black substance that is dug
from the earth in pieces, and can
be burned toproduce heat or
Coal Noun power, or a single piece of this Put some coal on the fire.
an organized event in which people
try to win a prize by being the best,
Competition Noun fastest, etc. a swimming/chess competition
to build something or put together
different parts to formsomething to construct a new
Construct Verb whole bridge/building
a hollow object, such as a box or a
bottle, that can be used forholding
something, especially to carry or
Container Noun store it a plastic container
to make something less pure or Much of the coast has been
Contaminate Verb make it poisonous contaminated by nuclear waste.
to become less, or to make Total unemployment has
Decrease Verb something become less decreased in the past year.
the cutting down of trees in a large
area, or the destruction of Deforestation is destroying large
Deforestation Noun forestsby people: areas of tropical rain forest
Depletion Noun a reduction in something the depletion of the ozone layer
Many important historical
to damage something so badly that documents were destroyed in the
Destroy Verb it cannot be used fire.
a person or company that makes
money from buying land,building Much of the region's native
new houses, offices, etc., or by vegetation has been damaged by
changing existing buildings tosell or developers who are building
Developer Noun rent hotels along the coast.
an object or machine that has been
Device Noun invented for a particularpurpose an electronic device
to get rid of something unwanted,
especially by leaving it in a Toxic chemicals continue to be
Dump Verb placewhere it is not allowed to be dumped into the river.
a person who argues against and
tries to stop activities that
Eco-warrior Noun damagethe environment John is really an eco worrior.
motor or machines that runs on Modern life would be imposible
Electric engine Noun electricity without electric engines.
to make someone more likely to do
something, or to make something We were encouraged to learn
Encourage Verb more likely to happen foreign languages at school.
a type of animal or plant that might This island is maintained as a
stop existing because there are sanctuary for endangered
Endangered species Noun only a few of that type alive species.
gases ejected from an engine as Exhaust fumes are the main
Exhaust fumes Noun waste products cause of air pollution.
the situation when an animal, species that are in danger of
Extinction Noun plant, or language no longer exists extinction
a situation in which there is not
enough food for a great number
ofpeople, causing illness and death,
or a particular period when this There were reports of refugees
Famine Noun happens dying of famine.
a porous device for removing
impurities or solid particles from a
Filter Noun liquid or gas passed through it an oil filter
provision of fish available or at Our fish stocks are running low,
Fish stocks Noun hand we need to get some more soon.
a stock of food supplied or In the winter food supplies run
Food supplies Noun available for use low to the snow.
to construct or frame; An archipelago is formed by
Form Verb put together many islands.
Flooding which is likely to occur
often during usual weather Urban areas have had a higher
conditions (i.e., more than a 50 number of flood events because
percent chance of flooding in any they have a larger amount of
year, or more than 50 times in 100 pavement compared to rural
Frequent flooding Phrase years) areas.
a small device or machine with a
Gadget Noun particular purpose kitchen gadgets
a substance in a form like air that is Oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen
Gas Noun neither solid nor liquid are all gases.
a gradual increase in world
temperatures caused by gases such
ascarbon dioxide that are collecting
in the air around the earth
andstopping heat escaping into The destruction of the rainforests
Global warming Noun space is contributing to global warming.
Green Day Noun
a building with a roof and sides
made of glass, used for growing
plants that need warmth and Gladys grows a lot of tomatoes in
Greenhouse Noun protection her greenhouse.
an increase in the amount of
carbon dioxide and other gases in
the atmosphere (= mixture of gases
around the earth), that is believed
to be the cause of a gradual They claim that the floods are a
Greenhouse effect Noun warming of the surface of the earth result of the greenhouse effect.
help and advice about how to do
something or about how to
dealwith problems connected with Our instructors can provide
your work, education, or guidance on how to use the
Guidance Noun personalrelationships equipment.
used to tell someone to wait for a
Hold on Phrasal verb short time Hold on, I'll check in my diary.
to cause a delay for someone or A broken truck caused a terrible
Hold up Phrasal verb something, or to make them late traffic hold up this morning.
a request for payment of money I spend a lot of money on
Household bills Noun owed for mortgage, services, etc. household bills every month.
wood imported from one country China spends around US$ 21
Imported timber Noun to another billion on imported timber a year.
is the waste produced by industrial
activity which includes any material
that is rendered useless during a
manufacturing process such as that
of factories, industries, mills, and Industrial waste is one of the
Industrial waste Noun mining operations. main causes of water pollution.
the contamination or degradation Deforestation and agriculture are
Land pollution Noun of earth surface 2 major causes of land pollution.
to put something in especially aflat
or horizontal position, usually
Lay Verb carefully or for aparticular purpose She laid the baby on the bed
People living in low-lying areas
areas of land that are near or at were evacuated because of the
Low-lying areas Phrase sea levels. floods.
any animal of which the female
feeds her youngon milk from her
own body. Most mammals give Humans, dogs, elephants, and
Mammals Noun birthto live young, not eggs dolphins are all mammals
to turn from something solid into
something soft or liquid, or to The snow usually melts by mid
Melt Verb cause something to do this March
things such as minerals, forests, Some natural resources, such as
coal, etc. that existin a place and natural gas and fossil fuel, cannot
Natural resources Noun can be used by people be replaced.
noise, such as that from traffic,
that upsets peoplewhere they live this explosion will add to
or work and is considered to mounting air and noisepollution
Noise pollution Noun beunhealthy for them problems.
a thick liquid that comes from
petroleum, used as a fuel and for
making parts of machinesmove The walls are covered in oil
Oil Noun easily paintings
After the oil spill, the water
an accident in which oil has come around the island was toxic to
Oil spills Noun out of a ship andcaused pollution animal and plant life.
catching too many fish in an area
of the sea, so that there are not low fish stocks caused by
Overfishing Noun many fish left there overfishing
a layer of air containing ozone high
above the earththat prevents Many spray products such as fire
harmful ultraviolet light from the extinguisers damage the ozone
Ozone layer Noun sunfrom reaching the earth layer.
thin, flat material made from
crushed wood orcloth, used for Dictionaries are usually printed
Paper Noun writing, printing, or drawing on on thin paper
a long seat made of wood or metal
that two or more people can sit on,
placed in a public place or open hey stopped and sat on a park
Park bench Noun space in a town bench
a living organism lacking the power River is threatening the aquatic
Plant life Noun of locomotion plant life
a piece of land prepared for playing
Play area Noun a game
s a high-latituderegion of a planet,
dwarf planet, or natural Earth's polar caps have changed
Polar ice caps Noun satellitethat is covered in ice dramatically
to make an area or substance,
usually air, water, or soil, dirty or
harmful to people, animals,
andplants, especially by adding We won't invest in any company
Pollute Verb harmful chemicals that pollutes the environment
Polluted gas Noun
all the people living in a particular en percent of the population
Population Noun country, area, or place lived in poverty
a piece of equipment that is used
to cause liquid,air, or gas to move The pump is powered by a small
Pump Verb from one place to another electric motor.
I can´t put up with Johnny, he
Put up (with) Phrasal verb tolerate; endure. bothers too much.
an act of recognizing or the state of This certificate is in recognition to
Recognition Noun being recognized. your effort.
present (someone or something )
as worthy of confidence,
acceptance, or use, as by making a
favorable judgment of; I recommend that you take her to
Recommend Verb commend. the doctor at once.
amount or figure considered the recommended levels of
Recommended levels Noun normal or acceptable cholesterol.
to bring down to a smaller size, She reduced her weight by ten
Reduce Verb amount, price, etc pounds.
Project to improve a broken, The hospital renovation project
Renovation project Noun damaged, or outdated structure will take 2 years.
any air-breathing animal having a
backbone, a heart with three
chambers, a completely bony
skeleton, and a covering of dry
Reptiles Noun scales or horny plates Crocodiles are reptiles.

the entire property the school Students run and play in the
School grounds Noun occupies. school grounds.
the waste matter that passes They process sewage and turn it
Sewage Noun through sewers into clean water.
the condition or state of not having
Shortage Noun deficiency a shortage of cash.
smoke or other gases that pollute,
combined with fog in an unhealthy In Hong Kong there is a lot of
Smog Noun or irritating mixture. smog.
a bird that sings. I love to hear the songbirds in the
Songbirds Noun [Slang.]a woman vocalist. morning.
to some extent; in some way or I sort of understand what you
Sort of Phrase other. say.
a class of individuals having
common attributes and designated There are approximately 8,000
Species Noun by a common name; species of ants.
a mark made by something We couldn't get the spots of
Spot Noun unwanted, such as dirt grease off the dress.
We don´t want to get sunburned,
a parasol, awning, or other device so we must use a sunshade at the
Sunshade Noun giving protection from the sun. beach.
We are supporters of the
Supporter Noun a person or thing that supports. democratic party.
to destroy or remove a structure or They tore down the old building
Tear down Phrasal verb part of a structure that was next to the park.
to get rid of something that you no
longer want, for example by
Throw away Phrasal verb putting it in a dustbin Please throw the garbage away.
a cyclone or hurricane of the
tropical areas of the W Pacific and
Typhoon Noun the China seas. Typhoons are very destructive.

Radiation in the part of the

electromagnetic spectrum where
wavelengths are just shorter than
those of ordinary, visible violet
light but longer than those of x- Sun light contains a 10 % of
Ultraviolet radiation Noun rays. Ultraviolet radiation.
an instrument, container, or other
object commonly used in a kitchen,
Utensil Noun dairy, etc. Kitchen utensils
vegetated area (a "buffer strip")
near a stream, usually forested,
which helps shade and partially
protect the stream from the impact Vegetarian buffers help increase
Vegetative buffer Noun of adjacent land uses. the quality of water.
the sudden occurrence of a violent Scientists think that dinousaurs
discharge of steam and volcanic were killed by intensive volcanic
Volcanic eruption Noun material eruptions.
Industries that dispose chemicals
into rivers at at fault for water
Water pollution Noun water conatmination pollution.
If you follow the weather
patterns, you can predict the
climate conditions during certain
Weather patterns Noun repeatitive climate cycles parts of the year.
The environmental conditions of a
specific place that is occupied by a Amazon is the biggest wildlife
Wildlife habitat Noun specific species of wildlife. habitat in the world.
The storm wiped out all of the
Wipe out Phrasal verb destroy completely, erase trees in the park.
the hard, fiberlike substance that
makes up most of the stem and We will use wood to make the
Wood Noun branches of a tree table.
Episode 7
a round bread roll, plain or I'll have a sweet bun with my
Bun Noun sweetened coffee.
If the teachers finds you cheating
in the test, you will have serious
Cheat Noun to lie (to) or behave dishonestly troubles.
partly or completely without the
Deaf Adjective sense of hearing deaf from birth
lacking intelligence or good
judgment; He was dumb to try a something
Dumb Adjective stupid so dangerous.
moving, walking, driving, etc to a Peggy was on the way to work
On the way Phrase place. when it started to rain.
the state of having, owning, or She had taken possession of the
Possession Noun controlling something. sofa.
one who works for another, esp.
around the housea person who
performs duties for others,
especially a person employed in a
house on domestic duties or as a
Servant Noun personal attendant. a public servant
Trust Verb to have confidence in He didn't trust the psychologist.
DC-3 Unit 8 Hand in Hand

Word POS Definition Example

to have a continuous pain that is
Ache V, noun unpleasant but not very strong My head/tooth/back aches.
discomfort, pain or inflammation
arising from any part of a joint —
including cartilage, bone, ligaments, I need medication for my aching
Aching joints Phrase tendons or muscles. joints.
the joint (= place where two bones are
connected) between the footand the
leg, or the thin part of the leg just
Ankle Noun above the foot I fell over and sprained my ankle.
a formal public statement about a fact, "the minister was about to make
Announcement Noun occurrence, or intention. an announcement"
an arrangement to meet someone at a "she made an appointment with
Appoinment Noun particular time and place. my receptionist"
(of a country or region) having the
freedom to govern itself or control its the federation included sixteen
Autonomous Adjective own affairs. autonomous republics
The provision of money, resources, or ‘she will be glad to give advice and
Assistance Noun information to help someone. assistance’
a long, narrow piece of cloth that is
tied around aninjury or a part of She removed the bandage to
Bandage Noun someone's body that has been hurt reveal a red swollen wound.
the flow of blood to different parts of Skin ulcers are usually caused by
Blood supply Noun the body poor blood supply.
a condition which makes it impossible Side-effects can include heartburn,
Blurred vision Noun to see clearly blurred vision and nausea.
Broken Adjective damaged, no longer able to work: My watch is broken.
Bruised Adjective having bruises a bruised shoulder/knee/elbow
to think that something is important
and to feel interested in it orupset She's never cared very much
Care Verb about it about her appearance.
someone whose job is to give people
advice and information about what He is a career counselor in
Career type of work they could do or how California who advises clients
counselor Noun they could progress to a betterjob: about career changes.
a rigid surgical dressing, usually made
of bandage treated with plaster of My leg was in a cast for about six
Cast Noun Paris. weeks.
giving money, food, or help free to
those who are in need because they a charitable
Charitable Adjective are ill, poor, or have no home foundation/organization/trust
one of the places at an airport where An angry passenger was swearing
you show your ticket so that you can at the poor girl behind the check-
Check-in desk Noun be told where you will be sitting in desk.
the upper front part of the body of
humansand some animals, between
the stomach and the neck, containing He folded his arms across his
Chest Noun the heart and lungs chest.
is a type of fundraising in which a
charitable organization associates a Child sponsoring programs have
Child donor sponsor with a particular child helped many children around the
sponsoring Noun beneficiary. world.
the people living in one particular area
or people who areconsidered as a unit
because of their common interests, He's well known in the local
Community Noun social group, or nationality community.
a legal document that states and
explains a formal agreementbetween
two different people or groups, or the
Contract Noun agreement itself a contract of employment
a person in charge of a museum, He is the curator of a fine
Curator Noun library, etc. museum.
the importance and value that a
person has, that makes other
peoplerespect them or makes them He managed to retain his dignity
Dignity Noun respect themselves throughout the performance.
the process of making a hole in the
ground for the extraction of a natural
resource such as ground water, I work in a company that digs
Dig wells Phrase natural gas, or petroleum wells.
an illness, injury, or condition that
makes it difficult for someone to do
Disability Noun the things that other people do a physical/learning disability
something that is given to a charity, "please send your donation of £20
Donation Noun especially a sum of money. to the Disaster Appeal
something dangerous or serious, such
as an accident, thathappens suddenly
or unexpectedly and needs fast action Is the emergency exit suitable for
Emergency Noun in order toavoid harmful results wheelchairs?
to put yourself or someone else on an
official list for an activity or
formembership in a group, or to We have enrolled eighty children
Enroll Verb accept someone in such a list in this day-care program.
to be in a successful position over a He has established himself as the
Establish Verb long period of time leading candidate in the election.
The company is accused of child
the use of something in order to get exploitation, which is a very
Exploitation Noun an advantage from it serious charge.
I don't know, but I'll find out for
Find out Phrasal verb to discover, learn, or verify something you
The airline's flight attendants are
trained to limit the number of
someone who serves passengers on an drinks passengersreceive on
Flight attendant Noun aircraft board.
a common infectious illness that
Flu Noun causes fever and headache to catch/get/have (the) flu
an organization that has been created
in order to providemoney for a
particular group of people in need of
Foundation Noun help or for aparticular type of study the British Heart Foundation
feeling annoyed or less confident
because you cannot achievewhat you Are you feeling frustrated in your
Frustrated Adjective want present job?
Hay fever Noun an illness like a cold, caused by pollen She gets really bad hay fever.
an establishment or hospital
department where outpatients are a new health clinic and treatment
Health clinic Noun given medical treatment or advice. centre
to feel pain in a part of your body, or
Hurt Verb to injure someone or causethem pain My head hurts.
not influenced or controlled in any
not influenced or controlled in any way by other people, events, or
Independent Adjective way by other people, events, or things things
Itchy Adjective having or causing an itch. dry, itchy skin
Call centers normally give a very
A method of preparing an employee to complete job training to their
Job training Noun perform a task agents.
the middle joint of the leg that allows The baby was crawling around on
Knee Noun the leg to bend its hands and knees.
a person on a beach or at a swimming
pool whose job is to makecertain that
the swimmers are safe and save them He started working at age 15 as a
Lifeguard Noun if they are in danger lifeguard.
The hotel is in a beautiful location
Location Noun a place or position overlooking the lake
I couldn’t make out what he was
Make out Phrasal verb to see, hear, or understand someone or something
saying. with difficulty
They made up a little poem and
Make up Phrasal verb to invent a story, poem etc wrote it in the card.
make up sb's ‘he made up his mind to attend
mind Phrase Make a decision; decide. the meeting
One of the children got the
Measles Noun an infectious disease that produces small,
red spots all over the body
Migraine Noun severe continuous pain in the head, oftenDowith
suffer fromandmigraines?
difficultyin seeing
a great misfortune or disaster, as a
National flood or serious injury that affects Hurricane Maria was a real
calamity Noun many parts of a country national calamity in Puerto Rico
Roller coasters make me feel
Nauseous Adjective feeling as if you might vomit nauseous.
Dominican doctors see more
Patient Noun one under medical care or treatment patients that they can handle.
There are many areas where the
problems of poverty and
Poverty Noun the condition of being extremely poor unemployment still persist.
The meeting has been put off for a
Put off Phrasal verb to decide or arrange to delay an event orweek.
activity until a later timeor date
Put on your shoes so we can go to
Put on Phrasal verb to dress oneself in the ice cream shop.
In my house there is an extra
to offer somebody accomodations, to bedroom that we use to put up
Put sb up Phrasal verb tolerate with visitors or relatives.
Do you want to talk to Human
Put through Phrasal verb to connect sb by phone Resources? I'll put you through.
I've got an itchy rash all over my
Rash Noun a lot of small red spots on the skin chest.
Thousands of refugees fled across
Refugee Noun a person who has escaped from their own thecountry
border.for political,religious, or economic reasons or because o
Military recruitment is a common
problem both within and outside
Refugee camp Noun a place where people who have escapedrefugee
their own country can live, usually in bad conditions and only exp
special assistance given by public or
private institutions in times of Relief service was sent right after
Relief service Noun disasters like earthquakes, floods, etc. the storm.
Someone who works providing relief
Relief worker Noun service I would love to be a relief worker.
The production of extra mucus by the I got the flu, so I have a fever and
Runny nose Noun nose. a runny nose.
able to provide everything you need, They were busy with growing
especially food, for yourself without vegetables and all the other
Self-sufficiency Noun the help of other people chores of a self-sufficient rural life.
the value you give to your life and Many people derive their self-
Self-worth Noun achievements worth from their work.
The 21-year-old runner twisted his
a period of time or meeting arranged ankle in a training session last
Session Noun for a particular activity Friday.
(a building designed to give) They opened a shelter to provide
protection from bad weather, danger, temporary housing for the city's
Shelter Noun or attack homeless.
an ability to do an activity or job well,
especially because you havepractised
Skill Noun it Ruth had great writing skills.
Slip Verb to slide without intending to She slipped on the ice.
surface which is difficult to hold
firmly or stand on because it is Be careful! The area around the
Slippery surface Noun smooth, wet, or slimy. pool has a slippery surface.
to make something very wet, or (of
liquid) to be absorbed in large The wind had blown the rain in
Soak Verb amounts and soaked the carpet.
Sore Adjective painful and uncomfortable because of injury,
I've got
a sore back.
or too much use
(of a joint) having been injured by a
sudden twisting or wrenching of its She fell off her bike and now she
Sprained Adjective ligaments has a sprained ankle.
Starving Adjective very hungry Isn't lunch ready yet? I'm starving.
Tutor Verb, noun to teach by working with one student or Oscar
a smalltutors
in maths.
whichneeds special help
Twisted Adjective injured slightly by being bent It was nothing serious - just a twisted ankle.
work that is done by the aid of During her vacation, Carol will do
Volunteer work Noun volunteers some volunteer work in Africa.
When people stand in line or wait in
line, they stand one behind the other
in a line, waiting their turn for I hate waiting in line when I go to
Wait in line Phrase something. the bank.
Worry Verb to think about problems or unpleasant things
be all right.
a way that makes you feel unhappy and
Wrist Noun the part of the body between the hand and
I sprained
the armmy wrist playing tennis.
Episode 8
His father is buried in the
Bury Verb to put a dead body into the ground cemetery on the hill.
a long box in which the body of a dead Finally, the bodies were put in
Coffin Noun person is buried or burned coffins and buried in tombs.
a (usually religious) ceremony for
burying or burning the body of adead The funeral will be held next
Funeral Noun person Friday.
be in or move into a horizontal
Lie Verb position on a surface: to lie in bed
a small area on the surface of
something that is damaged, dirty, or She had a red mark on her arm
Mark Noun different in some way where she'd burned herself.
person who does not act wisely in Mario is leading a crazy life. I
Old fool Noun spite of his/her old age believe he is just an old fool.
to show a particular result after a The dispute over the song rights
Prove Verb period of time proved impossible to resolve.
(a piece of) strong, thick string made A sailor threw a rope ashore and
Rope Noun of long twistedthreads we tied the boat to a post.
Culture Corner 4
This plant has narrow, arching
Arching Adjective arched work or formation leaves.
Squirrels were captured, by
Burrow Noun arched work or formation chasing them from their burrows.
If you have a fever you should
Fluid Noun a substance that flows and is not solid drink plenty of fluids.
Grassland Noun a large area of land covered with grass the grasslands of North America
a field with grass and often wild There was a path through the
Meadow Noun flowers in it meadow to the village.
A few tortoise species, such as the
an animal that is naturally able to eat redfoot tortoise, are omnivores,
Omnivore Noun both plants and meat which means they eat everything!
an animal that hunts, kills, and eats
Predator Noun other animals lions, wolves, and other predators
a place where many people go for rest,
Resort Noun sport, or another statedpurpose a holiday resort
a small, black and white North
American animal that makes astrong,
unpleasant smell as a defence when it I noticed the skunk was there
Skunk Noun is attacked because of the smell.
to see or notice someone or If you spot any mistakes in the
something, usually because you are article just mark them with a
Spot Verb looking hard pencil.
to spread liquid in small drops over an
Spray Verb area She sprayed herself with perfume.
to put a foot down on the ground hard The little boy was stomping his
and quickly, making a loud noise, often foot and refusing to take his
Stomp Verb to show anger medicine.
having the fingers or toes connected
Webbed Adjective by a web or membrane Ducks have webbed feet.
The group has raised money to
land on which many trees grow, or an preserve over two million acres of
Woodland Noun area of this woodland.
Cross-Curricular Cut 4
to change, or to change something, to We had to adapt our plans to fit
Adapt Verb suit different conditionsor uses Jack's timetable.
Alarming Adjective causing alarm or fear an alarming case of pneumonia
the very cold area around the North
Arctic Noun Pole Polar bears live in the Arctic.
The drought has had devastating
Devastating Adjective causing a lot of damage or destruction consequences
to record the details of an event, a His interest in cars has been well-
Document Verb process, etc documented by the media.
He drained his glass in one huge
Drain Verb to empty by drawing off liquid swallow.
severe and sudden or having very
Drastic Adjective noticeableeffects: drastic measures
all the living things in an area and the Pollution can have disastrous
way they affect each other and the effects on the delicately balanced
Ecosystem Noun environment ecosystem.
all the animals that live wild in a While she was in Hawaii, she
Fauna Noun particular area studied the local flora and fauna.
all the plants of a particular place or While she was in Hawaii, she
Flora Noun from a particular timein history studied the local flora and fauna.
a large area of countryside, especially
Landscape Noun in relation to itsappearance a rural landscape
movement from one region to another
and often back again, esp.according to
Migration Noun the season of the year She’s interested in bat migration.
Minute Adjective extremely small a minute amount/quantity
the effect that an action, event, or Any decrease in tourism could
decision has on something,especially a have serious repercussions for the
Repercussion Noun bad effect local economy.
to become smaller, or to make Your sweater will shrink if you
Shrink Verb something smaller wash it at too high a temperature.
Skating on thin to be doing something that is He's skating on thin ice by lying to
ice Phrase dangerous or involves risks the police.
A Healthy Mind
DC-3 Unit 9 In a Healthy Body

Word POS Definition Example

Pain or tenderness in one or
I take this medicine for my aching
Aching muscles Phrase more muscles.
a person who is fully grown or In DR you become an adult when
Adult Noun
developed or of age you turn.
a passage, as through a
continuous row of houses,
Alley Noun He took a short cut along an alley.
permitting access from the
street to backyards, garages, etc.
the art, practice, or skill of an I will participate in an archery
Archery Noun
archer. competition next week.
Did John attend to school
Attend Verb to be present at
the rear part of the human body,
Back Noun extending from the neck to the I broke my back at work.
lower end of the spine
a game played on a rectangular
court by two players or two pairs
of players equipped with light Do you know the rules of
Badminton Noun
rackets used to volley a badminton?
shuttlecock over a high net that
divides the court in half.
a game of ball between two
nine-player teams played usually
for nine innings on a field that
Baseball Noun Let´s go to the baseball game!
has as a focal point a diamond-
shaped infield with a home plate
and three other bases
I was very influenced by my
Be influenced Phrase receive the influence of
a curve in a road, river, path, or At the bend in the road you turn
Bend Noun
racing circuit to the right.
Exercising is very beneficial for
Beneficial for Phrase Good for
to be in motion; a sudden, hard
Verb, a quick blow to the back of the
Blow stroke with a hand, fist, or
Noun neck
any of several games in which
players standing at one end of
an alley or green roll balls at
standing objects or toward a
Bowling was their favorite
Bowling Noun mark at the other end, especially
pastime on Saturday nights.
a game in which a heavy ball is
rolled from one end of a wooden
alley at wooden pins set up at
the opposite end
injury to the brain that impairs
Ilegal drugs can cause severe
Brain damage Noun its functions, especially
brain damage.
to produce something to sell to Adelle is bringing out an eagerly
Bring out Verb
the public awaited solo album next month.
Adjectiv attractively full of energy and His bubbling attitude is
e enthusiasm contageous.
Phrasal to remove something by burning Swimming can help you burn off
Burn off
Verb it those unwanted calories.
something that needs great
mental or physical effort in
Space exploration offers a
Challenge Noun order to be done successfully
challenge to humankind.
and therefore tests a person's
someone whose job is to teach
Coach Noun people to improve at a sport, a football coach
skill, or school subject
to struggle to outdo another for
Phrase Birds compete for food with
Compete with acknowledgment, a prize, etc.;
Verb squirrels.
engage in a contest
to direct your attention or your
I will concentrate my attention on
Concentrate Verb efforts towards a particular
the problem.
activity, subject, or problem
a set of classes or a plan of study
on a particular subject, usually
Course Noun I want to take an Italian course.
leading to an exam or
a place where trials and other
legal cases happen, or the
she will take her neighbor to
Court Noun people present in such a place,
especially the officials and those
deciding if someone is guilty
the person who sits in the back
Coxes are often small, light
Cox Noun of a rowing boat and controls its
the subjects studied in a school,
My career curriculum has a lot of
Curriculum Noun college, etc. and what each
math related subjects.
subject includes
a heavy plate-shaped object that
He threw the discus in the
Discus Noun is thrown as part of a sports
a school that provides the first
Elementary part of a child's education, My 7 year old is in elementary
school usually for children between five school now.
and eleven years old
Fall flat Phrase to be unsuccessful His jokes fell flat.
an area of land, used for growing
My grandfather has a huge
Field Noun crops or keeping animals, usually
tomato field.
surrounded by a fence
the symbol for a number or an Wow, that´s a figure I cannot
Figure Noun
amount expressed in numbers afford.
your body's ability to withstand
The amount of time you can run
a physical workload (how much)
Fitness level Noun depends mostly on your fitness
and to recover in a timely
I am exercising 2 hours a day in
Get in shape Phrase become fit
order to get in shape.
a game played outside on grass
in which each player tries to hit
Tiger Woods is a very famous
Golf Noun a small ball into a series of nine
gold player.
or 18 small holes, using a long,
thin stick
Harmful that cause injury or damage Smoking is a very harmful habit.
expression that indicates the
...heals apart, knees together,
Heels apart Phrase correct position of the heels
poles in front.
when getting ready to ski.
a sport in which competitors try
to jump over a bar supported on
Javier Sotomayor (Cuba) is the
two poles. The height of the bar
current men's record holder with
High jump Noun is gradually raised and the
a jump of 2.45 m (8 ft 0​1⁄4 in) set
winner is the person who jumps
in 1993.
highest without knocking the bar
off the poles.
a school in the US for older
children, usually children from
High school Noun Peter starts high school next year.
grades 9-12, or aged
approximately 14-18
a frame or fence for jumping Felix Sanchez has won many
Hurdles Noun
over in a race hurdle races.
a game played on ice between
two teams of players who each
have a curved stick with which We want to watch the ice hockey
Ice hockey Noun
they try to put a puck (= a small, this evening.
hard disc) into the other team's
a single person or thing,
especially when compared to Several unidentified individuals
Individual Noun
the group or set to which they approached the speaker.
physical harm or damage to
Thank God there we had injuries
Injury Noun someone's body caused by an
in the accident.
accident or an attack
a person whose job is to teach I will hire a fitness instructor next
Instructor Noun
people a practical skill month.
the feeling of wanting to give
your attention to something or
Interest Noun of wanting to be involved with That topic is not of my interest.
and to discover more about
a brand name for a bath or pool
into which warm water flows I want to get a big and modern
Jacuzzi Noun
through small holes, producing a jacuzzi for my bathroom.
pleasant bubbling effect
a long stick with a pointed end he athlete must hold the javelin
Javelin Noun that is thrown in sports with only one hand on the cord
competitions grip.
Junior high a school in the US for children My daughter starts junior high
school who are twelve to 15 years old this year.
to be able to understand or deal I read the papers to keep up with
Keep up with something that is what's happening in the
happening or changing very fast outsideworld.
the first year of school, for Callie will start kindergarten in
Kindergarten Noun
children aged five September
he fact of an aircraft arriving on The plane had to make a forced
Landing Noun the ground or aboat reaching landing because one of the
land engines cut out
a group of teams playing a sport
Liverpool were top of the Football
League Noun who take part in competitions
League that year
between each other
a track-and-field event in which I was long jumpng and thus i
Long jump Noun a jump for distance is made would turned my ankle over and
usually from a running start almost broke it.
race in which men must run a The men's 400 meter hurdles has
Men's hurdles Noun track and jump obstacles been present on the Olympic
(hurdles) athletics programme since 1900.
very enthusiastic or determined
Adjectiv Our staff members are hard-
Motivated because you really wantto do
e working and highly motivated
a long pole with a wide, flat part
She dipped her oars into the
Oar Noun at one end, used forrowing a
water and pulled
near to someone or something, A 1,200-strong military force will
On hand Phrase and ready to help or be used ifbe on hand to monitor the
necessary ceasefire
Mario did his homowork on his
On his own Phrase by himself, without help
the speed at which someone or When she thought she heard
Pace Noun somethingmoves, or with which someone following her, she
something happens or changes quickenedher pace
a person who takes part in or
She has been an active
Participants Noun becomes involved in aparticular
participant in the discussion.
to look carefully or with
Peer Noun She peered closely at the map
I have plenty of time to do my
Plenty of Phrase abundance of
a long, thin stick of wood or
metal, often usedstanding A flag fluttered from a 40-foot
straight up in the ground to pole
support things
a sports competition in which
you jump over a high barusing a She won silver in the pole vault
Pole vault Noun
long stick to push yourself off for Australia
the ground
to hit someone or something
Punch Verb He punched him in the stomach
with your fist (= closedhand)
the amount, number, or type of
he price range is from $100 to
Range Noun something between an upper
and a lower limit
to control something, especially
Her mother strictly regulates how
Regulation Noun by making it work in a particular
much TV she can watch.
a large, flat surface, of ice or
other hard material, forskating
They are building a huge rink next
Rink Noun (= a sport using special boots to
to the park.
move along) or the area or
building that contains this
a line of things, people, animals, We had seats in the front/back
Rowing Noun
etc. arrangednext to each other row of the theatre
(a period of time spent in) a
room or small building, often
The residual heat of the stove is
with wood attached to the walls,
Sauna Noun enough for the duration of the
that is heated to a
hightemperature, usually with
one of the two games that are
played to decide who will take The semifinal will be played on
Semi-final Noun
part in the final game of a Saturday
a small building, usually made of
Shed Verb We keep our bikes in the shed
wood, used forstoring things
not to get corrupted, to keep Many politicians are getting
Stay upright Phrase
standing corrupted, but I will stay upright.
Adjectiv filled with steam, or hot and wet
Steamy the bathroom was all steamy.
e like steam
Phrasal Nathalie loves to sleep. She really
Take after To look or act like somebody
Verb takes after her father.
To understand something. To
Phrasal I took in my neighbors the day of
Take in give shelter to somebody or
Verb the storm.
To employ someone, to accept a
Phrasal I took on a lot of work for the
Take on task or responsibility, to
Verb weekend.
To remove something. To treat
Phrasal I will take my wife out for dinner
Take out somebody to a meal at a
Verb tonight.
Phrasal Can you take over the cooking
Take over To gain control of something
Verb while I walk the dog?
Phrasal To begin a new hobby or sport. She took up tennis at the age of
Take up
Verb To occupy (e.g., Time, space) 11.
a number of people or animals
Team Noun who do something together as a In my job we all work as a team.
ability to work with other people
Team skills Noun Mary has great team skills.
to achieve a goal or benefit.
is an activity in which individuals
Team sports Noun are organized into opposing Baseball is a team sport.
teams which compete to win
the conditions that control an Under the terms of their contract,
Term Noun agreement,arrangement, or employees must give three
activity months' notice if they leave.
contest for the position of
champion in a sport which There will be an international
Track and field
Phrase includes athletic contests track and field championship this
established on the skills of year.
running, jumping, and throwing
a small amount of money given
to someone who hasprovided We don't need to leave a tip for
Tip Noun you with a service, in addition to the waiter, because there's a
the officialpayment and for their servicecharge included in the bill.
personal use
person who teaches skills to
Her new trainer has promised to
Trainer Noun people or animalsand prepares
make an olympic athlete of her.
them for a job, activity, or sport
able to be handled or managed The firefighters got the fire under
Under control Phrase
with success : not out of control control
refers to violent and often
unnecessarily harmful
American football is a very violent
Violent sport Noun intentional physical acts
committed during, or motivated
by, a sports game
a game in which two teams use
their hands to hita large ball
She's upset she didn't make the
Volleyball Noun backwards and forwards over a
volleyball team
high netwithout allowing the
ball to touch the ground
a game played in water in which
The most medals are won in
two teams of swimmerstry to
Water polo Noun gymnastics, wrestling and water
get the ball into the other team's
to make a high sound by forcing
air through asmall hole or
Whistle Noun passage, especially through the He whistled as he worked
lips, or through a special device
held to the lips
a gradual lessening of activity,
Phrase the wind-down of space
Wind down intensity, or scale as something
Verb exploration
comes to an end
the group of people who work in Much of the workforce in the
Workforce Noun a company,industry, country, banking sector is/are affected by
etc. the new legislation.
Workout Noun a period of physical exercise After my workout, I have a sauna

Episode 9
a set of connected or related She has built up a chain of 180
Chain Noun
things bookshops across the country
a son of your sister or brother,
They were murmuring about the
Nephew Noun or a son of the sisteror brother
boss's nephew getting the job
of your husband or wife
Early this morning, armed police
a person who is kept in prison as surrounded a house which they
Prisoner Noun
a punishment thought contained an escaped
a small rodent, larger than a
Rat Noun mouse, that has a longtail and is I think we've got rats
considered to be harmful
to help someone or something
The lifeboat rescued the sailors
Rescue Verb out of a dangerous,harmful, or
from the sinking boat
unpleasant situation
to take something without the
She admitted stealing the money
Steal Verb permission orknowledge of the
from her employers
owner and keep it
to arrange or design hair,
Style Noun clothes, a room, etc., esp. so Most women style their hair.
that it looks attractive
to open a lock using a key, an
Could you unlock the door for
Unlock Noun electronic device, or aseries of
numbers or letters
Wour Changing
DC-3 Unit 10 World

Word POS Definition Example

to bring to a successful end; I want to achieve great things in
Achieve Verb
to get by effort my life.
an aerial;
a wire or set of wires attached to
Antenna Noun metal rods by which radio or a TV antenna
television signals are sent out or
energy that is created by splitting Atomic energy can be used in
Atomic energy Noun apart the nuclei of atoms : nuclear many ways and for many
energy purposes.
In our country, the average
Average Person Noun a normal or commor person
person eats 3 times a day.
something awarded, as a payment or The best students get a special
Award Noun
medal award at the end of the course.
a person who believes in the truth or She's been a believer since she
Believer Noun
existence of something. survived a terrible car accident.
a statement of the money owed for I have to pay many bills this
Bill Noun
goods or services month.
Broke Adjective without money My dad is broke this week.
She didn't get where she is today
By accident Phrase unintentionally; by chance.
by accident.
free from excitement;
Calm Adjective I spoke to her in a calm manner.
At 12:00, camp counselors bring
Camp couselor Noun an adult supervisor assigned to a students to the cafeteria for
group of campers at a summer camp lunch.
money in the form of coins or
Cash Noun banknotes, especially that issued by a Will you pay by credit card or in
government cash?
A smile is the most charming part
Charming Adjective pleasing; delightful
of a person forever.
"I came across these old photos
Come across Phrasal Verb
meet or find by chance. recently
to start to suffer from an illness,
Come Down With Phrasal Verb
especially one that is not serious I think I'm coming down with flu.
If someone comes into money,
Come Into Phrasal Verb property, or a title, they receive it as She came into a bit of money
a result of the death of a relation when her grandfather died.
1-to change your opinion of
something. 2-to become conscious 1-He’ll come around to my point
Come around Phrasal Verb
again after an accident or medical of view eventually. 2-She hasn’t
operation come around yet.
to be mentioned or talked about in What points came up at the
Come up Phrasal Verb
conversation meeting?
you'll need good communication
Communication skills Noun the ability to convey or share ideas skills and must be able to work
and feelings effectively. well with others
the act of conferring or consulting
Conference Noun together; consultation, especially on They frequently hold conferences
an important or serious matter at that hotel.
to put or bring into contact; the act or We'll make our decision and
Contact Verb, Noun state of touching; a touching or contact the people involved.
meeting, as of two things or people She's lost contact with her son.
suitable or agreeable to the needs or
purpose; well-suited with respect to
Convenient Adjective
facility or ease in use; favorable, easy, Our local shop has very
or comfortable for use convenient opening hours.
Baturin was also a cosmonaut
Cosmonaut Noun
a Soviet or Russian astronaut who flew on two missions.
the way things happened or will a discovery that could change the
Course of history Phrase
happen course of history
a puzzle consisting of a grid of
squares and blanks into which words
Crossword Puzzle Noun
crossing vertically and horizontally
are written according to clues. Try to solve a crossword puzzle.
The manufacturers are currently
Currently Adjective
at the present time testing the new engine.
information, especially facts or
numbers, collected to be
examinedand considered and used to
Data Noun
help decision-making, or information The report was written after
in anelectronic form that can be analysing data from the case
stored and used by a computer histories of thousands of patients.
He was dedicated to the study of
Dedicated to Phrasal Verb
devoted to a task or purpose. physics.
a course of study at a college or
university, or thequalification given to
Degree Noun
a student after he or she has She has a physics degree/a
completed his or her studies degree in physics from Edinburgh.
needing a lot of time, attention, or
Demanding Adjective
energy She's a very demanding child.
the way in which something is
Design Noun
planned and made I don't like the design of this sofa.
to (cause something to) grow or It became clear that he wasn't
Develop Verb change into a moreadvanced, larger, developing like all the other little
or stronger form boys.
to find information, a place, or an Scientists have discovered how to
Discover Verb
object, especially for the firsttime predict an earthquake.
Drop Out of Phrasal Verb abandon a course of study. she had dropped out of college
Energetic Adjective having or involving a lot of energy an energetic young woman
The police entered the building
Enter Verb
to come or go into a particular place through the side door
a film, poem, or book that is long and
Epic Noun contains a lot of action, usually It's one of those old Hollywood
dealing with a historical subject epics with a cast of thousands.
a test done in order to learn Some people believe that
Experiment Noun something or to discover if something experiments on animals should
works or is true be banned.
relating to tests, especially scientific The drug is still at the
Experimental Adjective
ones experimental stage
to discover, especially where a thing
or person is, eitherunexpectedly or by
Find Verb
searching, or to discover where to get I couldn't find Andrew's phone
or how to achieve something number.
Schools often fail to meet the
Gifted Adjective
clever, or having a special ability needs of gifted children.
showing or expressing thanks, I'm so grateful (to you) for all that
Grateful Adjective
especially to another person you've done.
I am calling in regard to your
In regard to Phrase
in relation to someone or something recent inquiry.
the companies and activities involved
in the process ofproducing goods for
Industry Noun
sale, especially in a factory or special
area industry and commerce
The first safety razor was
Invent Verb to design and/or create something invented by company founder
that has never been made before King C. Gillette in 1903.
upset and angry because someone
Jealous Adjective that you love seemsinterested in
another person a jealous husband/wife
Join the two pieces together
Join Verb
to connect or fasten things together using strong glue.
On a daily basis, the average child
in America is exposed to dozens
Junk food Noun
food that is unhealthy but is quick of televisionadvertisements for
and easy to eat junk food.
an event to celebrate or introduce How much champagne will we
Launch Verb
something new need for the launch?
the moment when a space vehicle The lift-off was delayed about
Lift-off Noun
leaves the ground seven minutes.
You should never lose your
Lose somebody's
Phrase temper with the students - it'll
to become very angry only make things worse.
Archaeologists have mapped the
Map Verb, Noun old Roman city using aerial
to draw a representation of a place photography.
a sport that is a traditional Japanese
Martial arts Noun or Chinese form offighting or Kung fu and karate are martial
defending yourself arts.
the process or activity of accurately
Navigation Noun ascertaining one's position and Columbus corrected his westward
planning and following a route course by celestial navigation
On this mission the Shuttle will
Orbit Verb to follow a curved path around a orbit (the Earth) at a height of
planet or star several hundred miles.
The letters had been placed in
Organized Adjective arranged according to a particular organized piles, one for each
system letter of the alphabet.
Our changing world Phrase
a result or effect of an action, It's too early to predict the
Outcome Noun
situation, etc. outcome of the meeting.
the areas that form the edge of a The factory is in/on the outskirts
Outskirts Noun
town or city of New Delhi.
expressing strong opinions very
Outspoken Adjective directly without worrying if Mr Masack is an outspoken critic
otherpeople are offended of the present government.
You can stay overnight if you
Overnight Adjective
for or during the night want to
an official notice put on your vehicle
when you have parked illegally that
Parking Ticket Noun tells you that you must pay a fine(= a Having to go downtown to pay
punishment that involves paying an the parking ticket was a major
amount of money) inconvenience.
to cover an area of ground with a
Pave Verb hard, flat surface ofpieces of stone, The area near the beach is paved
concrete, or bricks with bricks set in patterns.
He was young, good-looking, and
Physically fit Phrase
in a state of health and well-being. physically fit .
to advertise something by talking
Plug Verb about it a lot orpraising it, especially That interview was just a way for
on the radio or television him to plug his new book
relating to experience, real situations, Qualifications are important but
Practical Adjective or actions rather thanideas or practical experience is always a
imagination plus.
a series of actions that you take in This decision may delay the
Process Noun
order toachieve a result process of European unification
someone's ability to act quickly when You need to have quick reactions
Quick reactions Noun
something happens to play these computer games.
a system that uses radio waves to
Radar Noun find the position of objects that Other vessels in the area show up
cannot be seen on the ship's radar
descent of a space shuttle after The station would burn up on re-
Re-entry Noun mission control gives the go for entry into the earth's
deorbit burn atmosphere.
the state of being judged in
Relativity Noun comparison with other things and not
by itself Einstein’s theory of relativity
Someone or something that is
reliable can betrusted or believed
Reliable Adjective
because he, she, or it works Gideon is very reliable - if he says
orbehaves well in the way you expect he'll do something, he'll do it.
Experts believe that this will
Revolutionize Verb to completely change something so revolutionize the economy of the
that it is muchbetter region
a cylindrical device containing
Rocket Noun material that explodes,sending the The rocket was launched
device through the air yesterday.
a device sent up into space to travel
around theearth, used for collecting
Satallite Noun
information orcommunicating by The World Cup was transmitted
radio, television, etc. around the world by satellite
Application of scientific method to
the investigation of relationships Scientific research is widely
Scientific research Noun
among natural phenomenon, or to claimed to be the source of the
solve a medical or technical problem. high standard of living in the US.
a plastic card with a built-in
Smart card Noun microprocessor, used typically to Orders are now placed and paid
perform financial transactions. for using electronic smart cards
a photovoltaic cell that converts The cars' electric motors are
Solar cell Noun
sunlight directly into electricity. energized by solar cells.
something that someone says or
Statement Noun writes officially, or an action done to He produced a signed statement
express an opinion from the prisoner.
to continue to live or exist, especially
after coming close to dying or being The baby was born with a heart
Survive Verb
destroyed or after being in a difficult problem and only survived for a
or threatening situation few hours.
to broadcast something, or to send The information is transmitted
Transmit Verb out orcarry signals using radio, electronically to the
television, etc. centralcomputer.
The organization called the new
Turning Point Noun the time at which a situation starts to regulations a turning point in the
change in animportant way campaign against smoking.
the responsibility or choice of
Up to me Phrase
(someone) You can leave it up to me.
This software is very user-
User-friendly Adjective
easy for people to work with friendly.
a job that no one is doing and is
Vacancy noun thereforeavailable for someone new There is a vacancy for a shop
to do assistant on Saturdays
There are many joint ventures
Venture Noun a new activity, usually in business, between American and
that involvesrisk or uncertainty Japanesecompanies
having or marked by foresight and
Visionary Adjective
imagination She is known as a visionary leader
a person or company that makes or The watchmaker has a work -
Watchmaker Noun
repairs watches or clocks room at the back of his shop.
a camera that records moving
pictures and soundand allows these He directs his business mostly
Webcam Noun
to be broadcast on the internet as from home via e-mail and
they happen webcam.
he amount that something or There was a slight decrease in his
Weightlessness Noun
someoneweighs weight after a week of dieting
is an ideal state of freedom, peace,
World peace Noun and happiness among and within all World peace is the greatest prize
nations and people. of all.
Episode 10
To have a strong feeling of love or There is nothing I care about
Care about Phrasal Verb
affection for someone or something more than my children.
feeling or showing concern for or She was a very loving wife and
Caring Adjective
kindness to others mother and a caring friend.
to seize or capture, especially after You must lose a fly to catch a
Catch Verb
pursuit trout.
willfully or knowingly causing pain or I overheard some cruel remarks
Cruel Adjective
distress to others about my husband.
foul with, characterized by, or having
Filthy Adjective the nature of filth; disgustingly or This carpet's filthy! It needs a
completely dirty really good going-over.
excessively or inordinately desirous of The greedy boss stopped at
Greedy Adjective
wealth, profit, etc.; avaricious nothing to gain profit.
of a good or benevolent nature or
Kind Adjective
disposition, as a person A kind word is never lost.
faithful to one's sovereign, They had remained loyal to the
Loyal Adjective
government, or state president.
Mean Adjective unkind or unpleasant Stop being so mean to me!
a child who has lost both parents
Orphan Noun through death, or, less commonly, He has been an orphan since he
one parent was five.
He was saved by quick-thinking
Quick-thinking Adjective
devoted to or caring only for oneself;
concerned primarily with one's own
Selfish Adjective
interests, benefits, welfare, etc., Her selfish behaviour completely
regardless of others spoiled the evening.
to hit, wound, damage, kill, or
Shoot Verb destroy with a missile discharged
from a weapon The police rarely shoot to kill .
Are you being completely truthful
Truthful Adjective telling the truth, especially habitually
with me?
A little white lie is surely
White lie Noun a minor, polite, or harmless lie
Culture Corner 5
a game in which players, in teams,
In dodgeball the age and size of
Dodge ball Noun form a circle and try to hit opponents
the players is very important.
with a large ball.
any guide or indication of a future
Guidelines Noun Follow the company´s guidelines.
course of action
tending to innovate, or introduce
Cellphone technology is very
Innovative Adjective something new or different;
characterized by innovation
the fact of taking part, as in some
Participation Noun participation in a celebration
action or attempt
the state or quality of being earlier in
Priority Noun My familiy is my priority.
time, occurrence, etc
the fundamental reason or reasons There is no rationale for such
Rationale Noun
serving to account for something behavior.
to change the shape or formation of; They made a reconfiguration of
Reconfiguration Noun
remodel; restructure the business plan.
the idea, conception, or mental Jenny has a very positive self-
Self-image Noun
image one has of oneself image.
reciprocal action with other Famous people have a lot of
Social Interaction Noun
individuals social interaction.
Thrive Verb to prosper; be fortunate or successful The business is thriving.
Cross-Curricular cut 5
an effort made to accomplish This is my second attempt to get
Attempt Noun
something the job.
a living thing that has had the They produced genetically
Be genetically
Phrase structure of its genes changed by engineered crops resistant to
scientists herbicides.
When is the breeding season for
Breeding Noun the producing of offspring
these sheep?
Many religious organizations are
Cloning Noun the process of producing a clone
against cloning.
a discussion, as of a public question in We had a very interesting debate
Debate Noun an assembly, involving opposing on cloning and its effects on our
viewpoints society.
pack of cards that are used to play Casinos replace their decks of
Deck of cards Phrase
card games cards frequently.
pertaining to or dealing with morals
or the principles of morality; Many people believe that cloning
Ethical Adjective
pertaining to right and wrong in is not ethical.
falling short of success or new economic policies intended
Failed Adjective achievement in something expected, to replace the failed ones of a
desired, etc. past administration
The manufacture of goods in large
Mass production ensures that
quantities, often using standardized
Mass production Noun items get to the public at a low
designs and assembly-line
to inhabit again ; live in; be the The devastated cities were
Repopulate Verb
inhabitants of. repopulated after the war.
to walk without lifting the feet or
to change or rearrange the
Reshuffle Verb with clumsy steps and a shambling
positions or parts of something
reproduction involving the fusion of a Most live on earth is the product
Sexual Reproduction Noun
male and female haploid gamete of sexual reproduction.
Many vegetable plants are
to remove (a plant) from one place
Transplant Verb transplanted when they are very
and plant it in another.

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