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2 medium sized ampalaya

1 cup shrimp peeled and deveined
3 medium sized eggs, beaten
1 glove garlic, minced
1 medium sized onion, sliced
2 medium sized tomatoes, sliced
salt and pepper to taste
1/2 cup of water or chicken stock
2 tbspoon cooking oil

Clean ampalaya, cut and remove seeds. Slice thinly and sprinkle with salt and mix well, to lessen
the bitter taste. Put slice ampalaya in a bowl with hot water and set aside for a few minutes.

In a wok, heat cooking oil and saute garlic, onion and tomatoes. Add drained ampalaya and stir
for 5 minutes. Add water or chicken stock and bring to a boil. Simmer for another 5 minutes or
until ampalaya is done. Add shrimps and stir for another 5 minutes. Add beaten eggs and cook
for another 2 minutes. Salt and pepper to taste. Serve hot with rice.

2. This is definitely a nutritionally balanced food...try preparing this for the whole family grin

100 grams shrimp
1/4 kg chicken fillet
1 doz quail eggs (boiled)
100 grams chicken liver and gizzard, sliced to small pieces
1 tsp garlic
2 tsp cornstarch
1 tbsp oyster sauce
½ piece cabbage, quartered
1 cup green bell pepper,sliced
1 cup red bell pepper, sliced
1 small cauliflower, cut into small pieces
1 cup carrots, sliced
1 cup onion, diced
1 cup snow peas
Shrimp juice (derived by crushing the head of the shrimp)
1 cup chicken stock
1 cup water
salt and pepper to taste

1. In a big wok, saute the garlic and onion

2. Add the boneless chicken and saute for 2 minutes
3. Put-in the chicken liver and let cook for 3 minutes more
4. Pour in the shrimp juice and 1 cup of chicken stock and bring to a boil. Cover the pot and
simmer for 5 minutes.
5. Add the shrimp then sprinkle some salt and pepper.
6. Add the oyster sauce and simmer for 2 minutes.
7. Put-in the cauliflower and cabbage then mix well
8. Add the carrots, snow peas and bell pepper. Cover the pot and simmer for 5 minutes or until
vegetables are cooked
9. Dilute the cornstarch in 1 cup of water then pour mixture in the pot. Mix well. Add pre-boiled
quail eggs
10. Serve hot. Share and Enjoy!


Toothache is one of the commonest problems. It can gear up at any time. Tooth ache can happen
to anyone whether he is old or young though young people are prone to this problem because
they love to eat sweet products like chocolate, cakes, pastries, fizzy drinks, etc. in good quantity
everyday.The main cause of toothache is the decay of the tooth. Bacteria in the mouth breaks
remains of the food into acid and this acid accompanied with calcium damages your teeth.
Toothache is very painful and it should be treated from the very primary level. Do not ignore
toothache because if it takes serious form it will be really a serious problem. You can treat tooth
ache at your home with natural product. This article may help you in this matter.

Salt water is very good to cure toothache. Boil water and mix salt in it. Wash inside of the mouth
with warm salty water 3-4 times a day. Salt helps to kill bacteria and warmth gives relief in pain.

Garlic is another excellent product which helps to kill bacteria. Crush few cloves of garlic and
apply that on the affected area. Raw garlic helps to kill bacteria and it helps to reduce pain.

Raw onion juice also helps to reduce pain killing the bacteria. Green leaves of guava are also
good for the health of the tooth. Crush them and apply it on your pain. It will be cured. Burn few
leaves of guava and use the ash as toothpowder. Your tooth will be healthy in few days.

Lime is a good source of vitamin C. Regular intake of lime keeps your teeth as well as all bones
well. Do not throw away the outer rind of lemon. Burn and rub your teeth with the ash of it. This
helps to cure all types of tooth problems including toothache and bleeding of gums. Mix a pinch of
asafetida and lemon juice and apply it on the ache.

Clove helps to reduce pain and kills ache creating bacteria. Clove oil is available in the market.
Take some raw clove oil, soak a small cotton ball and place that where is aching. Clove oil
effectively reduces pain very quickly. Black peppercorn powder accompanied with salt also
reduces pain.Practice these natural products and get benefited. But if the matter takes serious
turn, do visit your dentist.


by Caroline Murray
Nothing ruins a great meal as much as a painful bout of heartburn.

Although over-the-counter meds are often effective, home remedies might help without the trip to
the pharmacy.

Whether you've overindulged in a spicy dish or a feast of fatty foods, these five natural remedies
could help soothe heartburn and put your belly at ease.
Chewing gum
Besides eliminating garlic breath, chewing gum after a meal might have other advantages,
research suggests.

In a small study from the Journal of Dental Research, people with gastroesophageal reflux
disease (GERD) symptoms experienced heartburn relief when they chewed a piece of sugar-free
gum for 30 minutes after a meal.

"Chewing gum stimulates the salivary flow rate," says study author Rebecca Moazzez, DPhil,
clinical lecturer in King's College London's department of restorative dentistry. "Any acid that
accumulates in the gut is washed away and cleared more quickly. The clearance of acid improves
GERD symptoms."

Baking soda
Old wives' tales will tell you the best way to beat heartburn is with a little sodium bicarbonate
(baking soda).

"Baking soda is OK for most people with heartburn," says Jacqueline Wolf, MD, associate
professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.
"Because it's a base, it helps neutralize [stomach] acid."

Dr. Wolf, author of A Woman's Guide to a Healthy Stomach, recommends mixing between 1/2
and 1 teaspoon of baking soda with a glass of water. But avoid making baking soda your go-to
remedy if you regularly have heartburn—it is high in salt and could cause side effects like swelling
and nausea.

Although research is limited, licorice could ease heartburn and get to the source of the problem,
says Susan Blum, MD, founder and director of the Blum Center for Health in Rye Brook, N.Y.

"The contents of your stomach are supposed to be acidic…which is why antacids are not the
solution," Dr. Blum says. Instead, she says, licorice has natural stomach healing properties.
Eating a lot of licorice, however, can also have serious side effects like high blood pressure, so
look for DGL licorice. (It does not contain the potentially dangerous glycyrrhizic acid.)

Dr. Blum suggests trying chewable DGL licorice tablets before meals, which are available at most
natural-food stores. There are even brands that do not taste like licorice.

Aloe, a plant usually used to soothe burns, could do the same thing for stomachs, says Victor
Sierpina MD, professor of integrative and family medicine at the University of Texas Medical
Branch, in Galveston, and author of The Healthy Gut Workbook.

Aloe vera juice reduces inflammation so "it quiets down any inflammation that is in the esophagus
as well as the stomach," Dr. Sierpina says.

He recommends drinking 1/2 cup before meals, but warns that the juice can be a laxative. Look
for brands that say the laxative component has been removed, such as Aloe Vera Power.

Slippery elm
Despite limited research, slippery elm has been used in herbal remedies for centuries to treat a
variety of illnesses, including GERD symptoms. This tree extract thickens the layer of mucous
lining the stomach, says Dr. Blum, creating a stronger barrier against acid.

"[Slippery elm] is a demulcent that offers a coating or protective layer to the tissue [of the
stomach]," Dr. Sierpina says. "The way slippery elm has traditionally been prescribed is a couple
tablespoons in water after meals and at bedtime."


Soak feet nightly in 1 part vinegar and 2 parts water to eliminate odoriferous bacteria. Or take a
daily foot bath in strong black tea (let it cool first) for 30 minutes. Tea's tannins kill bacteria and
close the pores in your feet, keeping feet dry longer; bacteria tend to thrive in moist environments.
You'll see results in a few days to a week. One caution: Only do the soak when your feet are free
of cuts.

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