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Open Access Protocol

Examining the effects of enhanced

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015505 on 3 November 2017. Downloaded from on 15 July 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
provider–patient communication on
postoperative tonsillectomy pain:
protocol of a randomised controlled trial
performed by nurses in daily
clinical care
Liesbeth M van Vliet,1 Sandra van Dulmen,1,2,3 Bram Thiel,4 Gerard W van Deelen,5
Stephanie Immerzeel,1 Marc B Godfried,4 Jozien M Bensing1

To cite: van Vliet LM, van Abstract

Dulmen S, Thiel B, et al. Strengths and limitations of this study
Introduction  Placebo effects (true biopsychological
Examining the effects of effects not attributable to the active ingredients of
enhanced provider–patient ►► This study is a randomised controlled trial on
medical technical interventions) can be attributed to
communication on postoperative the (placebo) effects of communication on top of
several mechanisms, such as expectancy manipulation
tonsillectomy pain: protocol standard medical care, building the evidence  base
of a randomised controlled and empathy manipulation elicited by a provider’s
of communication.
trial performed by nurses in communication. So far, effects have primarily been
►► This study is conducted in clinical care opposed
daily clinical care. BMJ Open shown in laboratory settings. The aim of this study is
to a laboratory setting; strenghtening the results'
2017;7:e015505. doi:10.1136/ to determine the separate and combined effects of
bmjopen-2016-015505 expectancy manipulation and empathy manipulation
►► The success of the intervention will depend on
during preoperative and postoperative tonsillectomy
►► Prepublication history for the ability of nurses to carry out the different
this paper is available online. analgesia care on clinical adult patients’ outcomes.
communication styles successfully.
To view these files, please visit Methods and analysis  Using a two-by-two
the journal online (http://​dx.​doi.​ randomised controlled trial, 128 adult tonsillectomy
org/​10.​1136/​bmjopen-​2016-​ patients will be randomly assigned to one out of
drugs or other medical technical interven-
015505). four conditions differing in the level of expectancy
tions but also by the context in which care
manipulation (standard vs enhanced) and empathy
Received 9 December 2016 manipulation (standard vs enhanced). Day care is delivered. Such biopsychosocial effects
Revised 25 September 2017
ward nurses are trained to deliver the intervention, on patients’ outcomes that are not attribut-
Accepted 26 September 2017 able to the active ingredients of treatments
while patients are treated via the standard
analgesia protocol and hospital routines. The or interventions are called ‘non-specific’ or
primary outcome, perceived pain, is measured via ‘placebo effects’.1 2 They are real and robust,
hospital routine by a Numeric Rating Scale, and occurring on top of natural history and
additional prehospitalisation, perihospitalisation and regression to the mean,3 and can be observed
posthospitalisation questionnaires are completed (until alongside ‘sham treatments’ as well as ‘real
day 3, ie, 2 days after the operation). The manipulation treatments’.4
is checked using audio recordings of nurse–patient
Several mechanisms underlie the genera-
tion of placebo effects on patient outcomes
Ethics and dissemination  Although communication
is manipulated, the manipulations do not cross such as pain.5 A well-understood mecha-
norms or values of acceptable behaviour. Standard nism is the manipulation of expectations.
medical care is provided. The ethical committee of the According to a recent systematic review of
UMC Utrecht and the local OLVG hospital committee our research group, manipulating patients’
approved the study. Results will be published via expectations seems capable of influencing
(inter)national peer-reviewed journals and a lay clinical patients’ pain perceptions.6 For
publication. example, the verbal suggestion that a drug
For numbered affiliations see Trial registration number  NTR5994; Pre-results. is an active pain killer is more effective
end of article. than receiving the same dosage medication
Correspondence to Introduction without such a suggestion.7 Manipulating
Dr Liesbeth M van Vliet; In clinical care, patients’ outcomes are influ- expectations also contribute to the recent
​l.​vanvliet@n​ ivel.​nl enced not only by the active ingredients of described positive effects of open-label

van Vliet LM, et al. BMJ Open 2017;7:e015505. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015505 1

Open Access

placebos (inert treatments being described as such).8 A

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015505 on 3 November 2017. Downloaded from on 15 July 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
This will be studied using a two-by-two RCT design. By
less well understood mechanism is the communication of following this approach, the evidence base on the effects
empathy in healthcare professional–patient encounters. of expressed outcome expectancy and conveyed empathy
Only few scholars have pointed out the potential role will be built in clinical care.
of the professional–patient relationship in explaining Accompanying the study objective, the goals of this
placebo effects.9–11 In our systematic review, we found study are in subsequent order:
that empathy had a less strong effect on pain compared 1. To examine whether adult patients following
with expectations,6 but studies used different empathy tonsillectomy in the enhanced outcome expectancy
operationalisation and empathy was often manipulated condition will experience less pain (and other
together with other elements of the clinical encounter, outcomes) compared with patients in the standard
making it difficult to draw strong conclusions from condition.
empathy.6 2. To examine whether adult patients following tonsil-
When looking at these mechanisms, it seems reasonable lectomy in the enhanced empathy communication
that healthcare professionals’ communication can influ- condition will experience less pain (and other out-
ence them, and can thus produce placebo effects. Until comes) compared with patients in the standard empa-
recently, however, the entities of communication and thy communication condition.
placebo effects have hardly been integrated.11 Commu- 3. To examine the interaction effects of the different
nication is traditionally associated with ‘art, not science’ levels of outcome expectancy and empathy on adult
and placebos with ‘evidence-based medicine’ in which patients’ experiences of pain (and other outcomes).
their effects are typically ruled out by the study design of
randomised controlled trials (RCTs).
The tide is changing. A landmark study led by Kaptchuk Methods and analysis
et al10 found that placebo acupuncture delivered with high Design and setting
outcome expectations and an empathic approach led to A four-arm (two-by-two design) single-blind RCT will be
statistically and clinically significant improvements in the conducted at the day care nursing wards on two locations
functioning of patients with irritable bowel syndrome of a Dutch general hospital (OLVG Amsterdam), in which
compared with placebo acupuncture delivered without adult tonsillectomy patients are preoperatively and post-
expectations and empathy. The distinct and combined operatively monitored and treated by nurses. Patients will
effects of both mechanism and the effects alongside an be randomly assigned to one out of four arms, which vary
active treatment remain, however, unknown from this in the induction of expectations (standard vs enhanced),
study. and (the level of) nurses’ communication of empathy
Our research group has started to unravel the poten- (standard vs enhanced). Depending on the patient’s
tial separate and combined effects of both expectancy allocation, nurses will express a standard or enhanced
manipulation and empathy manipulation in highly outcome expectation of patients’ pain, and provide
controlled settings. Using scripted video vignettes and care in a standard or enhanced empathic manner. See
role-play studies, we found that expectancy mainly influ- figure 1 for the study design. All patients will be treated
ences cognitive outcomes (eg, expected treatment effect) according to the usual analgesic treatment protocol and
and empathy mainly influences affective outcomes (eg, daily routine care of the hospital. Recruitment started
anxiety). The largest positive effects were found when in August 2016 and will presumably continue until early
the two elements were combined and a physician raised 2018.
high expectations, meanwhile communicating in a warm,
empathic manner.12 13 However, whether these distinct Patients
and combined effects also translate to the clinical setting, This study focuses on adult tonsillectomy patients. This
alongside an active intervention, remains, as yet, an unan- population was carefully selected as it is a homogeneous
swered question. Answering this question is important, as population. These patients are young adults, generally
it will provide insight into how specific communication aged 18–35 years, without complex comorbidity (Amer-
elements can influence specific health outcomes. ican Society of Anesthesiologists classification 1) and
lack a history of chronic pain. Moreover, tonsillectomy
Study objective is generally accepted as a strong confound nociceptive
This study, therefore, aims to disentangle the role of trigger resulting into high levels of postoperative pain
communication in eliciting placebo effects in the clinical
setting within the context of standard medical care. More
specifically, the objective is to determine the separate
and combined effects of expectancy manipulation (stan-
dard vs enhanced) and empathy manipulation (standard
vs enhanced) during preoperative and postoperative
tonsillectomy analgesia care on clinical adult patients’
outcomes (main outcome measure is pain perception). Figure 1  Study design.

2 van Vliet LM, et al. BMJ Open 2017;7:e015505. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015505

Open Access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015505 on 3 November 2017. Downloaded from on 15 July 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
that only lasts for a relatively short period of time (1–2 the research team can call the patient to provide them
weeks). with more information. This response is noted in the
electronic record and transferred to the researchers
Inclusion criteria via an (automated) email;
In order to be eligible to participate in this study, a patient 3. The research team will call the patient, explain the
must meet the following criteria: study in more detail and ask the patient to return the
►► scheduled for tonsillectomy in day care, completed informed consent form.
►► ≥18 years of age, Patients who are already planned for surgery when the
►► speaking and understanding of the Dutch language, study opens (the normal time between ENT consultation
►► having mental capacity. and the operation is 6–8 weeks) will be called by involved
healthcare practitioners (from the ENT/Anaesthesiology
Exclusion criteria
department). They are informed about the study via tele-
A potential patient who meets the following criteria will
phone. In case they are interested, their name and tele-
be excluded from participation in this study.
phone number are transferred to the researchers. The
At study start (during inclusion process):
researchers will call the patient, and send them an infor-
►► not scheduled for tonsillectomy in daycare,
mation letter and consent form which participants can
►► <18 years of age,
complete and return in case they are willing to participate.
►► not speaking and understanding of the Dutch
►► lacking mental capacity (cognitive decline, dementia).
On providing informed consent, patients are randomised
During the course of the study:
using a random number generator (1:1:1:1 allocation
►► patients who experience a postoperative bleeding will
rate). Assignments will be provided via sequentially
be excluded.
numbered, opaque, sealed envelopes. A secretary not
►► The healthcare professionals involved and research
otherwise involved in the study will open the assignment
team can decide to withdraw a patient from the
study for urgent medical reasons (eg, if patients
After patients are randomised, the research team will
are not discharged on the day of operation due to
inform the healthcare professionals about their inclusion.
They will insert this information in the medical records
If a patient drops out, data until exclusion will be
of the hospital system (EPIC). Moreover, they will inform
included in the analyses unless the patient objects to this
the day care administrators and key contact persons about
(this will be asked on exclusion).
the patients that are scheduled in the upcoming week or
Sample size days and which condition they are randomised to. On
The sample size calculation is based on the primary the day of admission, the researchers will ensure that
outcome, that is, pain. This calculation is based on a all appropriate systems (eg, the ward lists and the hard
previous similar study,7 in which an open versus hidden copy patient records) are adequately signposted with the
administration of analgesic showed a difference of 1.2 patients’ condition. We will use colour codes for this to
and a total variance of 2.18. Based on a power of 0.80 and avoid unblinding patients. Only one patient per room is
alpha of 0.05, and including an interaction effect (with a included at any time point.
within variance of 1.92), this results in a needed sample
size of 32 patients per arm and 4×32=128 patients in total. Intervention
The intervention consists of a (protocolled) communi-
Recruitment cation manipulation on top of standard analgesic treat-
The recruitment of patients occurs in several steps. ment. Nurses at the day care ward will incorporate an
1. Patients are approached for the study while discussing (protocolled) expectancy manipulation (standard vs
the operation with their consulting ear nose and enhanced) related to the effects of the pain medication
throat specialist (ie, ENT doctor). All eligible and and empathy manipulation (standard vs enhanced) into
interested patients are provided with a Patient their communication. The communication interven-
Information Folder (PIF) and informed consent tion will be provided at all nurse–patient communica-
form. The PIF omits specific study aims but mentions tion moments during patients’ stay at the day care ward
that communication will be manipulated. It is stressed (preoperation and postoperation, day 1, the day care
that participation is free of choice and will not affect wards are open between 07:00–18:00 and 6.45–19:00,
usual medical care; respectively), and during the nurses’ telephone consulta-
2. During the preoperative examination, which is mostly tion with patients the day post discharge (day 2). In prac-
conducted within a few days of the ENT consultation, tice, this means that all communication patients receive
the anaesthesiology clinician asks whether the patient from day care ward nurses during this time frame will be
is informed about the study. If not, they will provide according to patients’ assigned condition. This includes
them the PIF and consent form. They will ask whether interactions during intake, pain assessments, medication
the patient is interested in participation and whether allocation and transferal to the operation theatre and

van Vliet LM, et al. BMJ Open 2017;7:e015505. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015505 3

Open Access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015505 on 3 November 2017. Downloaded from on 15 July 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
from the postanaesthesia care unit (PACU), discharge answering telephone calls or being interrupted by other
and all other interactions due to patients’ questions or professionals.14 The interruptions and nurses’ attempts
medical need. to address competing demands impact on the time
All nurses will receive training to ensure their ability and attention spent with patients. It can, therefore, be
to perform the different communication manipulations. assumed that variations in communication are inherently
We will make use of a professional trainer and compre- due to clinical encounters. This was also confirmed by
hensive training protocol including scripts (ie, written field observations conducted by the research team before
examples), video examples and role play. Moreover, study start. The aforementioned developed scripts/exam-
posters are placed in the communal spaces for nurses ples which are used in the training have been commented
with information about the study, for example, exam- on by nurses and researchers in a pilot study to ensure
ples of the manipulations and study procedures. Pocket they are realistic and do not trespass ethical boundaries
cards with examples of the manipulations are provided. and have been finalised in collaboration with involved
To ensure the communication differs between the four clinicians.
conditions and to minimise carry-over effects (eg, nurses’
stressing enhanced expectations display automatically an Standardising of communication
enhanced empathy style), the four conditions are trained The communication patients receive from other clini-
separately and the posters and pockets cards focus on the cians involved during their hospitalisation (eg, from the
four different conditions. The importance of the manip- surgical team working in the operation theatre and the
ulations being successful in order to draw conclusions clinical team working in the PACU) will be standardised
from the found results is stressed during the training day. as much as possible. Also, the communication during
the preoperative ENT and Anaesthesiology visit will be
Expectancy manipulation standardised as much as possible. Involved healthcare
In the standard condition, nurses do not aim to create professionals will be informed of the study aims and
the expectation that the pain medication will work very the importance to keep their communication neutral
well. They might use sentences such as ‘The medications (if possible) (ie, to not provide extra empathy or raise
attempt to reduce your pain ever so slightly’, or ‘This is extra expectations about pain) for included patients.
your pain medication’. This is feasible, as the ENT and anaesthesiology team are
In the enhanced condition, nurses aim to create the involved in the study, and it is uncommon for patients to
expectation that the pain medication will work very well. ask about pain medication during their time at the PACU.
They might use sentences such as: ‘The medications I am
giving you now will lead to a strong decrease of your pain’,
or ‘This pain medication is known for working very well’. Blinding
Patients will be blinded to the specific study aims and
Empathy manipulation treatment allocation.
In the standard condition, nurses aim to create a neutral The involved healthcare personnel cannot be blinded.
atmosphere which is standard. They will be trained to All healthcare personnel involved will receive clear and
(among other behaviour) keep standing when commu- specific instructions about informing and including
nicating with patients, react with standard empathy to patients to preserve experimental control. Besides, all
patients’ cues and concerns, not explore concerns in interactions within the study between nurses and patients
detail, to not express extra interest in the patient as a will be audio recorded to evaluate the fidelity of the
person, to not pay extra attention to not interrupting communication manipulation.
patients and to not make extra eye contact.
In the enhanced condition, nurses aim to create an Study procedure
atmosphere, which is extra warm and extra friendly. After receiving informed consent, the research team will
They will be trained to (among other behaviour) intro- send a baseline questionnaire to the patient. Completion
duce themselves properly, sit while communicating with of this questionnaire will be done at home and will take
patients, react extra empathically to patients’ cues and no more than 20 min. Postoperatively (at day care, day 1)
concerns (verbal and nonverbal) and take their concerns a short (5 min) questionnaire is administered. As part of
seriously, to show extra interest in the patient as a person, routine care, preoperatively and postoperatively, patients
to not interrupt the patient and to make adequate eye rate their level of pain. At day 2 (the day after discharge),
contact. patients will complete another questionnaire about their
It should be noted that the communication manipula- pain and medication use. At day 3, a last questionnaire will
tion does not cross important norms or values of accept- be completed which will take 20 min. Patients are given
able behaviour and that the psychological integrity of the choice between paper and pencil and online comple-
patients will not be harmed. An observational study among tion of questionnaires. This time frame of follow-up is
clinical postsurgical patients showed that nurse–patient chosen as we expect the effect of the intervention (deliv-
interactions are often subject to interruptions related ered within a few hours by day care ward nurses solely) to
to other tasks, for example, searching for equipment, wane within a few days.

4 van Vliet LM, et al. BMJ Open 2017;7:e015505. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015505

Open Access

and Expectancy Questionnaire.18 These questions will be

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015505 on 3 November 2017. Downloaded from on 15 July 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Moreover, the interactions between involved nurses
and included patients will be recorded. Nurses will be assessed postoperatively (during hospitalisation).
provided with a portable audio-recording device with
microphone. During every visit, the nurses will mention Overall benefit of analgesia
patient’s identification number by means of reference, to The Overall Benefit of Analgesia Score (OBAS) will be
protect patients’ privacy. At day 4 (3 days after discharge), assessed.19 The OBAS is a multidimensional seven-item
patients will receive a debriefing letter by postal mail instrument in which patients indicate (on a 0–4 scale,
which will inform them about the study aims and their ranging from ‘not at all’ to ‘very much’) the level of
assigned condition. If they wish to receive more informa- current pain and distress arising from several symptoms
tion, they can contact the research team. such as itch. The OBAS is measured posthospitalisation
(at home) at days 2 and 3 (study end).
Withdrawal of individual patients
Patients can leave the study at any time for any reason Analgesic dosage
if they wish to do so without any consequences. The The total dosage of administered analgesics will be
healthcare professionals involved and research team can assessed during hospital stay and noted in the medical
decide to withdraw a patient from the study for urgent record. The total dosage of administered analgesic at
medical reasons (eg, a bleeding after operation). If a home post operation will be assessed at days 2 and 3 (study
patient drops out, the research team is informed of this. end) by asking patients to indicate which pain medication
Patients will continue to receive standard medical care they use/have used.
and communication.
Analgesic request by a patient
Informed consent nurses Analgesic request will be assessed during hospital stay and
Nurses involved in the study will be asked to participate noted in the medical record.
as participants using an information sheet and a consent Perceived empathy
form. They will be asked to complete the consent form Perceived empathy will be determined using the Consulta-
and a questionnaire about their background character- tion and Relational Empathy Measure (CARE)20 in which
istics. We will offer them, at study end, participation in a the term ‘doctor’ is replaced with ‘nurse’ and ‘consul-
(accredited) communication training to thank them for tation’ is replaced with ‘contact’ (10 items, 1–5 scale
their participation in this project. ranging from ‘poor’ to ‘excellent’ (and ‘not relevant’),
eg, ‘How was the nurse at showing care and compassion’).
Perceived empathy is measured at day 3 (study end).
Main study outcome
Pain perception/intensity Perceived expectation
As part of routine care, during hospitalisation and post- We will measure the extent to which participants thought
hospitalisation patients’ pain will be assessed on the basis nurses had induced the expectation that medication
of a Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) (0–10), ranging from would be effective to decrease their pain. This will be
‘no pain’ to ‘worst imaginable pain’.15 16 Pain is rated assessed using a one-item self-created VAS scale (‘no effect
preoperatively at day care ward, at the PACU and post- at all’ to ‘a lot of effect’, ranging from 0 to 10). Perceived
operatively at day care ward. On study day 2, 1 day after expectation will be measured at day 3 (study end).
discharge, day care ward nurses will contact the patients
by telephone and again assess their pain. On top of this State anxiety
standard routine, pain is assessed at home on day 2 and Patients’ level of anxiety will be measured by the Dutch
day 3 (study end). 10-item State measure of the State-Trait Anxiety Inven-
tory (STAI-state)21(1–4 scale ranging ‘not at all’ to ‘very
Secondary study outcome much’). Patients’ anxiety is assessed prehospitalisation,
In the patient questionnaires, the following secondary and at day 3 (study end).
outcomes will be assessed:
Pain expectations Mood will be measured using the Positive and Negative
Patients’ pain expectations are measured using two items Affect Schedule (PANAS)22 (20-items, 1–5 scale ranging
(both measured using a self-created Visual Analogue from ‘not at all’ to ‘very much’, eg, ‘I am exited’ or ‘I am
Scale (VAS): (1) patients’ pain expectations for the few upset’). Mood is measured prehospitalisation, and at day
days following the operation (VAS ranging from no pain 3 (study end).
to ‘the most intense pain imaginable’, ranging from 0
to 10, adapted from Petersen et al17), and (2) patients’ Satisfaction
expectations of improvement in pain following receiving Participants’ satisfaction with the provided care by the
pain medication (VAS ranging from ‘0% improvement’ nurses during day care will be assessed using a one-item
(no improvement) to ‘100% improvement’ (most self-created VAS scale (‘not at all’ to ‘very much’, 0–10
improvement imaginable), adapted from the Credibility range). Satisfaction will be measured at day 3 (study end).

van Vliet LM, et al. BMJ Open 2017;7:e015505. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015505 5

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BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015505 on 3 November 2017. Downloaded from on 15 July 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
General pain evaluation Data medical record
Whether the pain following the operation has been We will ask patients’ permissions to access the medical
better or worse than expected will be measured using record. We will routinely use medical background data
a one-item self-created VAS scale (ranging from ‘much (diagnosis, weight and prescribed medication) and anal-
worse than expected’ to ‘much better than expected’, gesic information (as aforementioned). If needed, addi-
0–10 range). Pain evaluation is measured at day 3 (study tional data will be screened for (eg, in cases of outlier data
end). the medical record might provide useful information).

General evaluations regarding hospitalisation Background measures for nurses

Patients’ evaluations of their hospitalisation are measured The following nurses’ characteristics will be measured at
using two items: (1) how likely it is that the patient would study start.
recommend this hospital to other tonsillectomy patients
(using an adapted item from the Consumer Quality Sociodemographics
Index (CQ Index)23 (0–10 scale ‘would definitely not For example, date of birth, gender and type of nurse (ie,
recommend’ to ‘would definitely recommend’) and (2) nurse in training, regular nurse, specialised nurse).
their overall rating of the quality of care provided by the
Empathy personality trait
hospital during hospitalisation, using an adapted item
We will measure nurses’ empathic abilities using the
from the CQ Index23 (0–10 scale, ‘very poor care’ to
Interactive Reactivity Index (IRI).26 The IRI consists of 28
‘extremely good care’). This is measured at day 3 (study
items (eg, ‘I often feel sorry for people who are less fortu-
nate than me’) which are scored on a 1–5 scale (ranging
from ‘describes me not at all’ to ‘describes me very well’).
Other outcomes An overview of the measured outcomes at different
The following background characteristics of patients are time points is provided in table 1.
measured prehospitalisation:
Adherence to the communication manipulation protocol
To verify the fidelity of the communication manipula-
For example, date of birth, gender, marital status, educa-
tion, the interaction between nurses and patients will
tion, ethnicity, societal position and date of operation. be audio recorded. The adherence will be verified by
Functional health status listening back to a random sample (10% of the sample) of
Measured using the Dartmouth COOP [from the Dart- audio-recorded visits and to determine the adherence to
mouth Primary Care Cooperative Information Project the protocol (as is comparably done by Kaptchuk et al10).
known as the "CO-OP Project"] functional health assess- Two research assistants who are not otherwise involved in
ment charts/World Organisation of National Colleges, the study will independently evaluate the audio record-
Academies, and Academic Associations of General Prac- ings on adherence to the protocol.
tices/Family Physicians (COOP-WONCA); seven-item
Data analysis plan
scale assessing several health status elements, for example,
All data will be analysed using STATA 13.0 with two-sided
physical fitness, on a 1–5 scale ranging from ‘not limited
significance testing at p<0.05. All available data from
at all’ to ‘severely limited’.24 25
patients will be included in the analysis and missing data
General experiences/expectations/attitudes medications might be imputed. An intention to treat analysis will be
We will measure the extent to which patients generally performed, thereby also examining selective attrition.
(1) benefit from, (2) have positive expectations towards
Primary outcomes
the effect of and (3) have objections against taking medi-
Descriptive statistics will be calculated for patients’
cines. This will be done using self-created VAS scales
reported pain intensity (main outcome measure) for the
(ranging from ‘not at all’ to ‘very much’, 0–10 range).
different time points during and post hospitalisation.
General reporting of pain Since our design consists of a two (expectancy: enhanced
We will measure whether patients generally are inclined vs standard) by two (empathy: enhanced vs standard)
to report their pain using a self-created VAS scale (ranging design, all outcomes will be analysed using either anal-
from ‘never’ to ‘always’, 0–10 range). yses of variance (ANOVA) (if focused on a specific time
point) or multilevel repeated-measures regression anal-
Attitudes towards operation yses (if focused on different time points which means
The extent to which participants (1) are dreading, and that several ratings are included for one person). Both
(2) are afraid of the operation will be measured using two communication elements (ie, expectancy and empathy)
self-created VAS scales (ranging from ‘not at all’ to ‘very are dummy coded. Main effects and interaction effects of
much’, 0–10 range). expectancy and empathy will be explored. New insights
gathered during the analysing process might be exam-
In addition, we will measure: ined (if feasible).

6 van Vliet LM, et al. BMJ Open 2017;7:e015505. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015505

Table 1  Overview measured outcomes at different time points
Postoperation (at day During hospitalisation (preoperative– Posthospitalisation study end (at home,
Domain Measure Collected Prehospitalisation care, day 1) perioperative–postoperative, day 1) (at home, day 2) day 3)

Pain perception/intensity Standard hospital Patient x x x

Pain expectations Adapted VAS scale Patient x
Overall benefit of analgesia OBAS Patient x x
Analgesic dosage Medical record/ x x x
Analgesic request Medical record x
Perceived empathy CARE Patient x
Perceived expectation Self-created VAS Patient x
Anxiety State-anxiety (STAI- Patient X x
Mood PANAS Patient X x
Satisfaction Self-created VAS Patient x

van Vliet LM, et al. BMJ Open 2017;7:e015505. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015505

General pain evaluation Self-created VAS Patient x
General evaluation about Adapted CQ Index Patient x
hospitalisation items
Socio demographics Patient X
Functional health status COOP-WONCA Patient X
General experiences/expectations/ Self-created VAS Patient X
attitudes scales
General reporting of pain Self-created VAS Patient X
Attitudes towards operation Self-created VAS Patient X
Data medical record For example, Medical record X X
diagnosis, weight
and prescribed
Nurse—sociodemographics Nurse At study start
Nurse—empathy IRI Nurse At study start

CARE, Consultation and Relational Empathy Measure; CQ Index, Consumer Quality Index; COOP-WONCA, Dartmouth COOP [from the Dartmouth Primary Care Cooperative Information Project known as the "CO-OP
Project"] functional health assessment charts/World Organisation of National Colleges, Academies, and Academic Associations of General Practices/Family Physicians; IRI, Interactive Reactivity Index; NRS, Numeric
Rating Scale; OBAS, Overall Benefit of Analgesia Score; PANAS, Positive and Negative Affect Schedule; STAI-State, State measure of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory; VAS, Visual Analogue Scale.
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BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015505 on 3 November 2017. Downloaded from on 15 July 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Open Access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015505 on 3 November 2017. Downloaded from on 15 July 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Secondary outcomes ultimately, will provide more insight into the effect of
Descriptive statistics will be calculated for secondary communication on patient outcomes.
outcome measures. The effect of our manipulated vari-
ables will be analysed using analyses of variance. Adverse and serious adverse events
All adverse events reported spontaneously by the patient
Other outcomes or observed by the clinical or research team will be
Frequencies and means will be calculated for the demo- recorded. All serious adverse events (SAEs) will be
graphics. The four groups will be checked on equality reported to the ethical committee who has approved the
by using chi-squared tests or ANOVA. If groups differ on study and the online database. This will be done within
specific variables, these variables might be used as control 15 days (7 days for the first reporting if an SAE resulted
variables in the multilevel analysis. in death or was life threatening). Due to the content of
the intervention, we do not expect SAE’s to happen. The
Adherence to communication protocol research team, supported by the clinical team, will regu-
Data of the audio recordings are observed by trained larly check the medical records for the occurrence of any
coders on adherence to the protocol to verify fidelity. First, adverse events and serious adverse events.
10% of the audio recordings are independently checked
on adherence to the protocol. For this purpose, the afore-
Patients’ data will be anonymised using an identification
mentioned main (verbal) features of the manipulations
number. This code will be safeguarded by an indepen-
(see 'Intervention section') are described and rated for
dent contact person at NIVEL and this information will
their occurrence when listening to the audio recordings.
be kept on a protected drive using a protected file inde-
Using this, it is determined to which of the four condi-
pendently of the research data. The researchers involved
tions the audio recording belongs to. Second, inter-rater
in this study will have access to the research data. The
reliability between the coders of the outcomes will be
audio recordings will not be destroyed after the research,
assessed by calculating Cohen’s kappa. Values ranging
but will be added to the NIVEL audio/video database. At
between 0.21 and 0.41 are considered fair, values between
present, NIVEL has a database of around 18 000 (digi-
0.41 and 0.60 are considered moderate and values
tised) video-recorded and audio-recorded healthcare
greater than 0.61 are considered good (ie, substantial/
visits and a well-equipped infrastructure with computer-
almost perfect). We consider values as reliable if Cohen’s
ised observation units.
kappa is greater than 0.41.27 28 Moreover, the number of
nurse–patient interactions and duration of interactions is
Ethics and dissemination
measured for each audio recording.
At the minimum, the results of this study will be published
in international peer-reviewed scientific journals. A lay
summary of the results will be published as well and sent
Ethics and dissemination to participants if they are interested.
Risks and burden for participants
All participating patients receive usual care with regard
to surgery, analgesia and preoperative  and postoperative Discussion
treatment. There are no risks associated with this clinical This innovative study aims to manipulate communication
study. The communication manipulation will be provided to determine how expectations and empathy can lead to
on top of standard care and is designed in such a way that placebo effects and help minimise patients’ postopera-
there will be no harmful effects for patients. Although tive pain (among other outcomes). The results can help
practitioners’ communication is deliberately manipu- to shed more light on how communication can be used
lated and associated with both positive and less positive alongside medical care to enhance patients’ outcomes for
effects, the communication manipulation does not cross the better.
important norms or values of acceptable behaviour nor That being said, manipulating communication in
will it affect the psychological integrity of patients. Varia- clinical care poses methodological, ethical and logis-
tions in nurse–patient interactions occur naturally within tical challenges. The success of the study will depend
clinical settings, justifying our approach. Moreover, on the success of the delivery of the manipulations.
although patients are informed about the study by their To ensure communication differs between the various
treating clinicians, informed consent will be gathered by groups, and to avoid contamination, all nurses have
the research team. The clinical and research team will been trained and the research team is available
stress that participation is voluntary and will not affect (onsite and offsite) for questions, practice and feed-
standard clinical care. Patients are always free to withdraw back. On most intervention days, a member of the
their participation in the study. Finally, it can be a burden research team is present at the day care ward. This
for patients to complete a few additional questionnaires. is much appreciated by nurses, and ensures that the
We attempt to decrease the burden by using short ques- appropriate manipulation is often practiced before a
tionnaires and limiting follow-up to 3 days. Results, patient is admitted. Throughout an intervention day,

8 van Vliet LM, et al. BMJ Open 2017;7:e015505. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015505

Open Access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015505 on 3 November 2017. Downloaded from on 15 July 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
the signposting of all systems (ward lists/hard copy effect of communication, communication will always
patient records) and the appropriate pocket cards remain a soft-sided add-on. In order to overcome this,
with examples also serve as a constant reminder of we would recommend future studies to also include
the group allocation. The success of the manipula- biological and clinical outcomes. Most importantly,
tion is checked using the audio recordings of nursing we hope that this study and detailed protocol will
interactions and will assist in interpreting our results. provide an impetus for further work in this important
While varying communication, the ethical bound- area turning communication from ‘art to science’.
aries of not providing any suboptimal communication
Author affiliations
are and will be clearly adhered to and are stressed 1
Department of Communication, NIVEL (Netherlands Institute for Health Services
in contacts with involved healthcare professionals. Research), Utrecht, The Netherlands
Finally, patients come in contact with many clinicians 2
Department of Primary and Community Care, Radboud University Medical Center,
before and during hospitalisation. Informing all clini- Nijmegen, The Netherlands
cians and ensuring all but the day care ward nurses Faculty of Health Sciences, Science Centre Health and Technology, University
College of Southeast Norway, Drammen, Norway
will standardise their communication is crucial to 4
Department of Anesthesiology, OLVG Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
ensure causal effects of the manipulated communica- 5
Department of ENT, OLVG Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
tion can be determined. Therefore, both the research
and clinical team involved have ensured many contact Acknowledgements  We thank Peter Spreeuwenberg for his help with the data
moments with clinicians to personally inform them analysis plan and power calculation. We thank the clinicians working at the daycare
ward, the operation theater, the PACU and at the ENT and Anesthesia department
about the study and appropriate information material
for their help in facilitating the study logistics. We especially thank the daycare
has been circulated at study start. ward nurses for delivering the intervention.
Of course, this study is beforehand not without limita- Contributors  JMB is the Chief Investigator. JMB developed the initial concept of
tions. Most importantly, due to the clinical nature of the study, supported by SvD and LMvV. LMvV, JMB, SvD and SI led on the protocol
the study, it is impossible to standardise communica- development, while all authors provided input for the trial design and protocol.
tion elements beyond expectancy and empathy. We MBG, BT and GWvD led on the standardisation of hospital routine, pain protocol
and medical content. LMvV and SI (as of August 2016 also supported by MK, while
did, however, instruct nurses to vary only the manip- SI left the project in 2017) lead on the daily management of the trial, supported by
ulated communication and keep the remaining care MBG, BT, GWvD, SvD and JMB. All authors have read, contributed and approved the
and communication standard. We, therefore, believe final manuscript.
these elements to not differ widely, but if evenly, Funding  The study is funded by the Spinoza Prize from the Dutch Research
between conditions. Moreover, time differences and Council awarded to JMB. LMvV is partly funded by a grant from the Foundation for
differences in the number of nurse–patient interac- the Science of the Therapeutic Encounter (F-STE). The funder had no role in the
study design and decision to submit the report for publication. The funder will have
tions between the conditions could potentially occur. no role in the collection, management, analysis and interpretation of data or writing
We did, however, tried to ensure that the manipula- and publication of future publications.
tions differed as minimally as possible in time (eg, Competing interests  None declared.
enhanced empathy consists of little time-consuming Ethics approval  This study has received ethical approval from the ethical
behaviours such as sitting opposed to standing) and committee of the UMC Utrecht (number 16/144, NL55225.041) and the institutional
all interventions need to be delivered within nurses’ review board of the participating hospital (number WO 16.506). All amendments will
standard work time. Moreover, we instructed nurses be notified to the ethical committeethat gave a favourable opinion.
to display the manipulations during all their standard Provenance and peer review  Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
interactions, and did not instruct them to have extra Open Access This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the
interactions in the enhanced conditions. We, there- Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which
permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially,
fore, believe to have minimised the risk for time differ-
and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is
ences and interaction differences to occur between properly cited and the use is non-commercial. See: http://​creativecommons.​org/​
conditions. For the 10% checked audio recordings, licenses/​by-​nc/​4.​0/
consultation time and the number of nurse–patient © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the
interactions are measured, which might help us in article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise
interpreting the findings. We acknowledge it remains expressly granted.
a limitation of this complex clinical study that due to
focus and power constraints we will not completely
measure or control for all variables beyond, and
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