U3.Reading Practice A

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Unit 3 Reading A Name Mark /20

1 Read the text and choose the correct answers A, B or C.

Being British in a (4 marks)
multicultural society 1 Lessons on being British will be taught …
A in England only. C in all of Britain.
In the near future all secondary school students in B in Scotland and England.
England will have lessons in being British. These lessons 2 Kate thinks that lessons on British values are …
about British values and traditions will include finding A racist.   B  necessary.   C   a silly idea.
out about freedom and democracy and learning more 3 Melissa thinks that …
5 about different communities in Britain. The government A Queen Victoria was more British that Robbie Williams.
believes that the lessons, which will emphasize respect B British values are the same now as in the past.
for other religions and cultures, will help improve
C it’s impossible to describe what British values are.
relations between the communities.
4 Nathan thinks that …
Your comments A everyone who lives in Britain should adopt British
10 I think it’s a good idea because we live in a
B everyone should learn about British values.
multicultural society now, with immigrants from


C people should be free to choose whether to adopt
all over the world. I know this is a positive thing, but
the culture.
it’s easy to forget what ‘Britishness’ is all about.
Kate, 16, Leeds 2 Answer the questions using your own words. (8 marks)

15 I don’t agree with the government’s idea. They 1 What will pupils study in the lessons on being British?

always want to add new subjects to our curriculum.
We haven’t got time for any more. Anyway, being
British isn’t something which we can learn in a
classroom. It’s more likely that we’ll learn about 2 Give two reasons why Louis doesn’t agree with the idea.
20 it outside school, from our families, for example.
Louis, 17, Oxford

How can anyone know what being British means?
Aren’t people’s values changing all the time? My 3 Why does Pierre describe the lessons as arrogant?
grandparents’ values are completely different
25 from my parents’ values. It’s like saying that Robbie
Williams has the same values as Queen Victoria. I

don’t think so. 4 Does Laura think the lessons are a good idea? Why /

Melissa, 16, Essex Why not?
It sounds a bit racist to me, acting as if Britain is

30 superior to the other countries. Apparently, they’re
going to teach us about the ‘British values’ of
democracy, freedom and tolerance. I think that’s
3 What do these pronouns in the text refer to? (3 marks)
arrogant. Is Britain the only country that has these
values? What about France, for example, where my 1 it (line 20)
35 mother comes from? 2 these (line 33)
Pierre, 17, Manchester 3 they (line 44)

I think the lessons will be fun. It would be nice to 4 Find words 1–5 in the text and match them with
have lessons on drinking tea. definitions A–E. (5 marks)
Laura, 16, Bristol 1 values (line 3) A probable
40 I think it’s OK to teach facts like British laws and 2 multicultural (line 11) B moral principles, the
how systems like hospitals, education and politics 3 curriculum (line 16) things we believe in
work, but should we force a culture on to someone? 4 likely (line 19) C take and use
If people from other communities want to adopt 5 adopt (line 43) D the things we have to
our culture that’s fine, but they should have the study at school
45 choice. The important thing is to show respect for E with people from
everyone around. different races and
Nathan, 15, London religions


04 CB GIR TRB1 Reading 3P.indd 41 26/10/07 11:39:19

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