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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Lapu-Lapu City
District IV


1 identifies the difference between sound and silence accurately
2 relates images to sound and silence within a rhythmic pattern
3 performs echo clapping
FIRST 4 maintains a steady beat when chanting, walking, tapping, clapping, and playing musical instruments
QUARTER claps, taps, chants, walks and plays musical instruments with accurate rhythm in response to sound o in groupings of 2s o in groupings of
5 3s o in groupings of 4s
6 creates simple ostinato patterns in groupings of 2s, 3s, and 4s through body movements
7 performs simple ostinato patterns on other sound sources including body parts
plays simple ostinato patterns on classroom instruments -1 sticks, drums, triangles, nails, coconut shells, bamboo, empty boxes, etc.

1 identifies the pitch of a tone as high or low

2 matches the correct pitch of tones with other sound sources
3 sings simple melodic patterns
- ( so –mi, mi –so, mi – redo)
matches the melody of a song with the correct pitch vocally
4 - greeting songs
- counting songs
- action songs
sings in pitch
- rote singing
5 - greeting songs
- counting songs
- echo singing
identifies with body movements
- the beginnings
6 - endings
- repeats of a recorded music example
identifies similar or dissimilar musical lines with the use of:
7 - body movements
- geometric shapes or objects
relates basic concepts of musical forms to geometric shapes to indicate understanding of:
8 - same patterns
- different patterns
9 chooses the exact geometric shapes that correspond to musical form

identifies the source of sounds

1 - wind, wave, swaying of the trees, animal sounds, sounds produced by machines, transportation, through body movements
2 responds appropriately to differences in sounds heard through body movement
3 replicates the sounds heard from different sources
4 uses voice and other sources of sound to produce a variety of timbres
5 changes with movements
THIRD 6 loud and soft to identify volume changes
QUARTER relates the concepts of dynamics to the movements of animals
7 - elephant walk – loud
- tiny steps of a mouse – soft
interprets with body movements the dynamics of a song
8 - small movement – soft
- big movement –loud
applies the concepts of dynamic levels to enhance poetry, chants, drama, and musical stories
9 - small movement – soft
- big movement – loud

mimics animal movements

1 - horse – fast
- carabao – slow
2 demonstrates the basic concepts of tempo through movements
responds to varied tempo with movements or dance steps
3 - slow movement with slow music
FOURTH - fast movement with fast music
QUARTER 4 relates tempo changes to movements
5 uses varied tempo to enhance poetry, chants, drama, and musical stories
6 identify sounds alone, sounds together
7 demonstrates awareness of texture by using visual images
distinguishes accurately between single musical line and multiple musical lines which occur simultaneously in a given song
demonstrates the concept of texture by singing two-part round
9 - Are You Sleeping, Brother John?
- Row, Row, Row Your Boat

1 tells that ART is all around and is created by different people
distinguishes and identifies the different kinds of drawings:
- portraits 2.2 family portraits
2 - school ground
- on-the-spot
- drawings of home/school surroundings
QUARTER 3 observes and sees the details in a person’s face/body, in a view, to be able to show its shape and texture
4 identifies different lines, shapes, texture used by artists in drawing
uses different drawing tools or materials - pencil, crayons, piece of charcoal, a stick on different papers, sinamay , leaves, tree bark, and
5 other local materials to create his drawing
6 creates a drawing to express one’s ideas about oneself, one’s family , home and school
7 shares stories related to their drawing
8 draws different animals (pets) showing different shapes and textures
9 creates a view-finder to help him/her select a particular view to draw
10 draws different kinds of plants showing a variety of shapes, lines and color

1 identifies colors, both in natural and man-made objects, seen in the surrounding
2 expresses that colors have names, can be grouped as primary, secondary and tertiary
3 experiments on painting using different painting tools and paints
4 paints a design based on the Philippine jeepney or fiesta décor and shapes using primary colors arranged in balanced pattern
SECOND 5 relates personal observations on jeepney designs and fiesta decorations
QUARTER 6 draws a design out of repeated abstract and geometric shapes like in a parol and paints it in primary and secondary colors
7 uses his creativity to create paints from nature and found materials, and brushes from twigs, cloth and other materials
8 creates a design inspired by Philippine flowers or objects found in school
9 paints a home/school landscape or design choosing specific colors to create a certain feeling or mood
10 appreciates and talks about the landscape he painted and the landscapes of others

1 distinguishes between a print and a drawing or painting

2 identifies the shape and texture of prints made from objects found in nature and man-made objects
3 identifies artistically designed prints in his artworks and in the artworks of others
THIRD 4 creates a print by applying dyes on his finger or palm or any part of the body and pressing it to the paper, cloth, wall, etc. to create
QUARTER impression
5 creates a print by rubbing pencil or crayon on paper placed on top of a textured objects from nature and found objects
6 repeats a design by the use of stencil (recycled paper, plastic, cardboard, leaves, and other materials) and prints on paper, cloth, sinamay,
bark, or a wall
7 shares experiences in experimenting different art materials
8 school/district exhibit and culminating activity in celebration of the National Arts Month (February)

1 distinguishes between 2dimensional and 3dimensional artwork and states the difference
identifies the different materials that can be used in creating a 3-dimensional object:
- clay or wood (human or animal figure)
- bamboo (furniture, bahay kubo )
FOURTH 2 - softwood ( trumpo )
QUARTER - paper, cardboard, (masks)
- found material ( parol , sarangola)

3 selects 3D objects that are well proportioned, balanced and show emphasis in design
4 appreciates the creativity of local and indigenous craftsmen and women who created artistic and useful things out of recycled materials
like the parol , maskara , local toys, masks
5 creates a useful 3D object: a pencil holder, bowl, container, using recycled materials like plastic bottles
6 constructs a mask out of cardboard, glue, found materials, bilao , paper plate, string, seeds and other found materials for a celebration
like the Maskara Festival of Bacolod
7 utilizes masks in simple role play or skit
8 creates mobiles out of recyclable materials such as cardboards, papers, baskets, leaves, strings and other found materials
9 creates human figures out of clay, flour-salt mixture, or paper-mache using different techniques

1 distinguishes healthful from less healthful foods
QUARTER 2 tells the consequences of eating less healthful foods
3 practices good decision making skill in food choices
4 practices good eating habits that can help one become healthy

1 identifies proper behavior during mealtime

2 demonstrates proper hand washing
3 realizes the importance of washing hands
4 practices habits of keeping the body clean & healthy
5 realizes the importance of practicing good health habits

1 describes the characteristics of a healthful home environment

2 discusses the effect of clean water on one’s health
3 discusses how to keep water at home clean
THIRD 4 Practices water conservation
QUARTER 5 explains the effect of indoor air on one’s health
6 identifies sources of indoor air pollution
7 practices ways to keep indoor air clean
8 explains the effect of a home environment to the health of the people living in it
9 describes ways on how family members can share household chores in keeping a healthful home environment
10 demonstrates how to keep the home environment healthful

1 identifies situations when it is appropriate to ask for assistance from strangers

2 gives personal information, such as name and address to appropriate persons
3 identifies appropriate persons to ask for assistance
4 demonstrates ways to ask for help
FOURTH 5 follows rules at home and in school.
QUARTER 6 follows rules during fire and other disaster drills
7 observes safety rules with stray or strange animals
8 describes what may happen if safety rules are not followed
9 describes ways people can be intentionally helpful or harmful to one another
10 distinguishes between good and bad touch
11 practices ways to protect oneself against violent or unwanted behaviors of others

Physical education
1 describes the different parts of the body and their movements through enjoyable physical activities
2 creates shapes by using different body parts
3 shows balance on one, two, three, four and five body parts
4 exhibits transfer of weight
FIRST 5 recognizes the importance of participating in fun and enjoyable physical activities
QUARTER engages in fun and enjoyable physical activities with coordination
Suggested learning activities
- action songs singing games
6 - simple games
- chasing and fleeing games
- mimetics

1 identifies locomotor skills

2 demonstrates moving within a group without bumping or falling using locomotors skills
3 executes locomotor skills while moving in different directions at different spatial levels
4 engages in fun and enjoyable physical activities with coordination
SECOND 5 illustrates/demonstrate acceptable responses to challenges, successes, and failures during participation in motor fitness activities
QUARTER demonstrates acceptable responses to challenges, successes, and failures during participation in physical activities
Suggested learning activities
- action songs
6 - singing games
- simple games
- chasing and fleeing games
- mimetics

1 describes the difference between slow and fast, heavy and light, free and bound movements
2 demonstrates contrast between slow and fast speeds while using locomotor skills
3 demonstrates the difference between heavy and light while moving
THIRD 4 demonstrates the difference between free and bound
QUARTER 5 demonstrates the difference between free and bound
6 engages in fun and enjoyable physical activities
7 enumerates the characteristics of a good team player
8 differentiates sharing from cooperating
9 demonstrates the characteristics of sharing and cooperating in physical activities
Suggested learning activities
- action songs
- singing games
- simple games
- chasing and fleeing games
- mimetics
1 identifies movement relationships
2 demonstrates relationship of movement
3 performs jumping over a stationary object several times in succession, using forward- and- back and side-to-side movement patterns
4 engages in fun and enjoyable physical activities
FOURTH 5 enjoys participating in physical activities
QUARTER Suggested learning activities
- action songs
- singing games
- simple games
- chasing and fleeing games
- mimetics

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