Scarificing Job Satisfaction Over Security of Tenure Grumaduate Nawa

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region


Maya- Maya St. Kaunlaran Village Longos, Malabon City


B. Rivera Street, Tinajeros, Malabon city

Study of Willingness of People: Sacrificing Job Satisfaction over

Security of Job Tenure

A Thesis Presented to the

Faculty of Senior High School Department
Tinajeros National High School

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Course
Practical Research II







Presented to:







Background of the Study………………………………………………...…..10

Statement of the Problem……………………………………………………14

Significance of the Study…………………….…………………………...…15

Scope and Delimitation……….……………………………………………..17

Definition of Terms…………………………………………………….……18


Review of Related Literature & Studies…………………….………………20

Synthesis of Review of Related Literature and Studies……………………..32


Research Design…………………………………………………………..…37
Conceptual Framework…………………………………………………… ..38

Theoretical Framework…………………………………….………………..39

Sampling Procedure.…………………………………………………...…….42



Interview Transcript…………………………………………………..……44

Interpretation of data……………………………………………….………68






Questionnaire for Respondents……………………………………………..132

Curriculum Vitae……………………………………………………………

These researchers are grateful to the following people, for without their help;

this work would not been possible.

They would like to acknowledge the Lord, God, for his continuous guidance

All throughout the work.

Each researcher’s family and friends whom they would like to extend their

deepest gratitude and appreciation with their undying support and guidance.

Dr. Fortunato B. Abude, Principal IV, for his enlightenment and appreciation to

our work.

Mrs. Metodia D. Bejuco- Assistant Principal of, Senior High School

Mrs. Vivian Talens- Grade 12 Teacher-in-Charge

Mr. Ramon Christopher Yaptangco- Course Teacher


Security in tenure is widely tackle in our competitive industry today. According to

the previous study conducted, security in tenure is one of the factor for productivity

of the employees. Security in tenure was greatly consider by the workers enough to

sacrifice their own satisfaction for stable job. The study conducted within the

vicinity of Malabon . This phemenological study was conducted into 10 different

professional such as: Nurse , Office worker, teachers regardless of their working

location. Respondents must have 3-4 years above tenure the researchers use self-

constructed questionnaire. The study revealed that those who have secured tenure

are dissatisfied because of the salary given to them. In addition workers despite of

dissatisfaction are tend to more clever and adaptable to their work.

I. Introduction

We all know that we have our own demand for life but to make it happen we

need to get a job that we know to hold or no contract to follow. Nowadays we know that

it is difficult to get permanent employment, especially if you are not graduated from

college so you have to work harder to take on and reduce the likelihood of getting out

of work. An illegally dismissed employee in entitled to immediate reinstatement

pending appeal and without lost of seniority rights and benefit fall back wages and

accrued benefits. This will help workers more because they don’t need to worry in the

security of tenure as well as job security (Calayag, 2018). According to Porcalla, he said

that the House Bill 6908 is a measure seeking to strengthen Employees security tenure.

Providing employees to work permanently at a particular company without losing their

working benefits.

Over the past several years, high unemployment and limited job mobility

prospects have kept voluntary employee turnover relatively low, if employee job

satisfaction is low , there will be some unfavorable results such as absenteeism , high

employee turnover, conflicts alienation and distress. In addition relatively small number

of individual differences were found to have a noticeable impact on reactions to

dissatisfaction work.

According to ( Farewell and Stamm, 1980) There is substantial agreement that

job satisfaction is negatively related to employee behaviors that represents withdrawal

from, or avoidance of , unpleasant work conditions.These can be seen most clearly in

associations between job satisfaction and intent to quit or actual turnover , as well as

with vluntary absenteeism and, tentatively , with lateness , However, as meta analytic

reviews has shown , these relations are modest in magnitude and consistency.

This paper aim to study also the effect of job security to the overall satisfaction

of a worker. Having a secured job for the future leads to contentment of a worker in a

work field even if it is not his/her field of interest. Job security might as well the standard

of other employees to their satisfaction in a workplace, that does not matter if their

satisfied with it at first. So this research study is intend to job security as follow to tenure

in job as motivator of employee to increase their satisfaction

(Theodossiou, Vasileiou et al, 2014).

Locally, in phillipines it is challenge for workers to find a secure job. A job that

having security in tenure, job that is profitable, a job that can support their necessities

and a job that can satisfy them. However it might be too hard for them to find all this

preferences in one working field in this competitive imdustry. Furthermore according

to Jobstreet Philippines (2015), it said that philippines is posted as having highest job

satisfaction rating five in Southeast Asian territories. It can be say that our job industry

in our local country might be stable and meeting the employes sarisfaction.

Job tenure has its positive influence to the employees or workers. According to

the previous study that was conducted, when employees can feel that their tenure is

secured it uplfits their performance level. Profounded by the study of (Cheng, chen fu,, 2013), security in tenure can result to better work engagement. Furthermore

according to thier study when employes have a high work engagement it can appear to

excellent performance and acomplishment. In addition, better work engagement can

result in more profitable and productive business and company. This might lead to

promotion, more incentives and benifits as pay back to the employes work. Hence this

will make employes not only be more productive but also satisfied on their working

field though it is not incline to their professionalities.

Job security for employees becomes one of the standard for their work field. As

they rather choose to have a long-term employment to provide themselves for their daily

needs and gain stable job than work for a job that doesn't give them any assurance for

tenure. There are lots of case nowadays that a worker ended up themselves in a

workplace that is totally different from what they take up on college and to their passion

for work. The common cause of these scenarios is the demand for a job. But there are

also some reason behind these employees why they rather choose security for job than

satisfying themselves in their work life.

Professionalism satisfaction is an extent were in employees are satisfied on their

particular working place that encompasses by their prfessionality. It is the exertion of

their expertise in their working field were they are satisfied and happy towards their

work. Satisfaction can improve the productivity of employees or workers, that can lead

to profitability and effectivity of one company. It is important for an employee to meet

their satisfaction in all aspect inside the working environment. In addition it is also very

important that they are happy satisfied in the chosen career that relatively connected in

their expertise. Professionalism satisfaction not only pursue employees to be more

productive also, it can give contentment and fulfillment as a professional that acomplish

certain degree. Furthermore great fulfillment in their expertise can lead to more urgency

of exploration that cam result to human cognitive development for use in future intent


II. Background of the Study

In todays’ competitive job market in accordance to the following study that

was conducted. It’s hard for the professionals to find a stable job to sustain their

overall needs. According to (Hu and Hirsh, 2017), Workers who are lacked of stable

jobs, they are willing to involve themselves that pays higher salary. However, those

jobs they engage with, does not give them satisfaction. Coherently in the study

conducted by (Anyanzwa A.H., 2013) Workers are stays over 10 years in their work

only because of necessities. Because of the uncertainty in job security, they have to

choose over their own satisfaction and job security.

Job security and tenure has its mediating effects in the employees or workers, in

their profession in different professionalism. According to (Wanders H.T., 2011, Vol

2, no.2) short term employment affects the productivity and increases feelings of

divided allegiance. He (Wanders H.T, 2011) also found that short term employment

can result to: unscheduled turnover in an organization, low staff morale and

productivity level. This was supported by the study conducted by (Theodossiu &

Vasileous, 2014) Job security there is a certain effect to them that also affect their

productivity that turns to their overall performance. Security in job and tenure

significantly influence the performance of workers towards their job, organizational

goal and others.

Current issue that was tackled in Philippines recently is the problem with

security is tenure. According o the article of (Romero A. 2018), President said the

nature would strengthen workers security of tenure by prohibiting the "prevalent"

practices of contractualization and labor contracting. President propose to make

workers more strengthen. In the long run, According to the article of (Calayag, 2018)

the house on representatives approved on third and final reading the security in tenure

bill, which seeks to address contractualization. This issue is the one of the basis of

study why it is conduct.

Furthermore correspond to the study, job security and security in tenure has its

contribution to the satisfaction of employees or workers. According to (Buhrami M.,

Jandaghi C., Mokhles A. 2011) these employees who tend to have permanent

contract are having more satisfaction than to those contractual employees. Another

is that security and satisfaction for their tenure and security in job coherent to the

study of (Ayanzwa A.H., 2013) examine a specific profession: those who work for

11 years are dissatisfied due to the following factors such as: proximity to retirement

and to their professionalism. In conclusion tenure along with the job security is one

of the main factors of satisfaction of workers as well as the performance in

accordance to the following study conducted.

Most of the employees or workers nowadays’ looks for job that apparently

provide for their daily needs. So the main goal of each of the worker is stable job

which provide them security in employment (Jarosch, 2014). There are some cases

in which these professionals chooses between job satisfaction and stability of

employment that gives them hard time between the situations. It is supported by the

argument of the study entitled "Searching for Job Security and the Consequences of

Job Loss." It said there are workers that choose job security over job quality, which

is usually happens in the workers who are 'on-the-job search' named by Jarosch on

his study.

Workers that find satisfaction on their jobs and meaningful work life had a high

doubt for stability on their job. It’s clearly stated on the discussion of research

conducted by Theodossiou, Vasileiou, et. al, entitled, "Does Job Security Increase

Job Satisfaction? A Study of the European Experience." It says there that employees

who display satisfaction and happiness on their work task or field, and then, high

incertitude should be expected, or is assumed, which leads to decreased of

productivity in a worker. The research now can conclude that instability of

employment leads to dissatisfaction or unmotivated of a worker. Therefore, most

thing to happen, they'll look for job that favors security for job.

In the past decades people change their wants and needs including in their

workplace. The redesign of jobs and work systems is frequently carried out to extend

organizational productivity and /or to improve the quality of the work experiences of

the organization members. Quality work that serve job satisfaction and health enjoys

to priority in industry all over the world but this is not always so. (Herzberg 1959)

Find that while a poor work environment generated discontent , improved conditions

seldom brought about improved attitudes, instead satisfaction come most often from

factors intrinsic to works : achievements ,job recognition and work that was

challenging, interesting and responsible.

In addition (Alamadine, Ritchter and Poz ) said on their study that " this intrinsic

sense of reward plus identification with a particular type of work environment may

mitigate effects of job satisfaction and lead to higher nurse stickiness despite

declining job satisfaction . It is merely fact that the several deficiencies in the

methodology of the Herzberg study were discussed. There were: the narrow range of

jobs investigated, the use of only 1 measure of job attitudes, the absence of any

validity and reliability data, and the absence of any measure of overall job


III. Statement of the Problem

This research seeks to find an legitimate and reliable information to answer

the following research question.

1. What is Job Dissatisfaction?

2. How professionals motivate themselves to work despite Job dissatisfaction?

3. What is the effect of Job dissatisfaction to professionals?

3.1 How job dissatisfaction affects the professionals?

4. How does security of job tenure manipulate the performance of professionals?

5. What is Underemployment?

5.1 Can uncertainty of job security make underemployed professional be satisfied on

their work field?

6. What is Professionalism Satisfaction?

6.1 What are the reasons why they engaged on job that does not give them

professionalism satisfaction?

7. What is security of tenure?

7.2 How does security of job tenure can make professional be satisfied on their work


8. How can be possible that a worker with uncertainty of security of tenure cause

people to lose their fate in future which affect their performance?

IV. Significance of the study

Underemployed (mismatch) – This research also encompasses to study

implications of dissatisfaction on underemployed professional n their work field for

the security of their job. This study will benefit them in coping in the possible

implications uncertainty in job security or security in tenure that may affect them.

Furthermore they can help to be aware on the possible implications of dissatisfaction

that the researchers going to study.

Public Sector workers – Security in tenure has been approved on its final

reading many employees will receive the following benefits of his approved bill. On

the other hand, those who are in public sector are not included in this bill. This will

help them to become knowledgeable on current issue that was tackle that involves in

security of tenure.

K12 students- Goal of k12 curriculum is to promote students to have job

after completing this mandated law. However some company might not accept them

because students are still lacking on experience. Furthermore they can still benefit

on this study, It can give them background on what career track in future they should

go. In addition it can give them some sort of background what is happening in actual

work field. The study can give them some sort of clarity and depiction of reality in

work field.

College fresh graduates- According to one article in Jobstreet Philippines,

college fresh graduate are one of the most prone to the implications of dissatisfaction

in their work field. In addition it is a challenging thing for them is to find a secure

job and profitable. This will give them sort of information on what environment does

the job industry have. Also information that can make them have some adjustment

in themselves.

Companies who accepting work immersions- This study will help them on

what task they will give on the students who tend and undergoing work immersion.

This work immersion is also part of the k12 curriculum to help students to develop

working skills. This will give them background on how they will help on students

in developing skills and giving them some sort of experience that can be use in actual


V. Scope and Delimitation

The study aims to focus on the implications of sacrificing job satisfaction for

security tenure. The study aims to describe how it affects the performance of

employees also to determine factors that affects decision why they engage in job that

does not give them professionalism satisfaction. The study will be conducted within

the vicinity of Malabon City. To make a significant locally to our city also to find

the respondents that are surely suited to our study. Regardless of the working place

of respondents as long as they live within Malabon. Because some of the respondents

works outside the given scope hence this will help the researchers to gained

respondents. The respondents will be the various workers or professionals such as:

Nurses, Call center agents, Office workers. They are the most suited to our study

according to some study that previously conducted they are one of the professions

that are dissatisfied. In addition, the respondents who can participate to the study

must have at least 3-4 years tenure in their current work field. Because to make sure

that the data that will be gathered is reliable and base on the real and current

experiences. The consist of 10 respondents only those who are qualified in the give


VI. Definition of Terms

Job Satisfaction - assuming that it relates as the connection build between the

effort executed by the employee such as knowledge and time alotted to achieve the

mainly goal like the benefits, wages and the work environment offered by the work.

If the efforts rewarded accordingly it increases job satisfaction.

Job Security – Refers to the compensation, salary, benefits and other financial

securities that provided to an employee of a particular company.

Tenure - Employment for more than a year. Neither a fixed period of time or

part-time jobs.

Job Motivator - These are the factors the affects the productivity of a worker

or reasons and standard of a employee for employment in a work field.

Professionalism satsifaction - is an extent were in employees are satisfied

on their particular working place that encompasses by their degree course taken in


Human cognitive development - it is the continous development of

intellectual and cognitive thingking skills of an employee that is needed for the


Expertise - special skill or knowledge of a workers that are exerted for the

innovation and community development.

Expertise Satisfaction - when the workers or employes exerted their

acquired knowledge and espcial skills in relation to their working field or chosen




The study of (Annierah M., Usop,, 2013) examine the performance and

satisfaction in profession related to teaching to be specific teachers. Study found out

that teachers that tend to have more tenure were significant committed on work.

On the other hand the study also states that, "tenure does not appear to hold the

same consistency in its relationship with job satisfaction". Long tenure or the other

way around security in tenure does not always contend with job satisfaction.

In the study conducted by (Wandera H.T., 2011,Vol 2 no. 1) entitled the Effects

of Short term Employment Contract on and Organization: A Case of Kenya Forest

Service. The study includes nurses, construction worker, barkers and other

profession or occupation. The study found out that short that, short term employment

can result to: Unscheduled turnover in an organization, Low staff morale and low

productivity level.

Furthermore, the study also states that "Short term employment affects the

productivity and increases feelings of divided allegiance." Because of uncertainty

and short term employment. Commitment or loyalty ever productivity are affected

by the influence of low job tenure of an employee.

Coherent to the other study. In the study conducted by (Anyanzwa A.H., 2013)

entitled, Influence of age and Tenure on Job Satisfaction and Commitment of nursing

staff, Jarannogi Oringa Onidinga Teaching and Referral Hospital. The study

examined the influence of tenure in job commitment and satisfaction among the

medical related profession to be specific nurses. The study found out that those

nurses who work for 11 years are dissatisfied due to the following factors such as:

proximity to retirement and into their professionalism.

Furthermore Study also found out that tenure affects the commitment of workers

on their job. "23.25 of the respondents who had worked for a period below 10 years

strongly agree that staying in their current organization was matter of necessity."

Meaning they are staying in their work field only because of the factors in their


The study of (Cheng, Chen Fu,, 2013) examine how job tenure is related

to the performance of flight attendants in taiwan. The study focuses in moderating

effects of job tenure and work engagement on the job performance. Findings confirm

and prove that security in tenure has a positive effect among the work engagement

and performance of the flight attendants.

Job tenure can result to better engagement of work according to the study.

Furthermore study also states that "high work engagement appear to have excellent

performance." Therefore we can conclude that one of the most important and

satisfaction of employees is job tenure.

In the article entitled Job Insecurity and Job performance: The moderating Role

of organizational justice and Mediating role of work Engagement. The study

primarily examined the relationship between job security and performance. The

study found out that as the feeling of job insecurity increase is corresponds to level

of job performance of employees.

In addition, according to the study "when employees don't feel secure in their

job, increased stress and negative emotions impact their work performance."

Uncertainty in job security also have an influence in psychological health of an


According to the result on the study conducted by (Bahrami M. Jandaghi C.,

Mokhles A., 2011). There's a difference in the satisfaction of permanent Employees

to contractual employees. According to the result those employees who has a

permanent contract to a company having more satisfaction to those contractual


Furthermore according to the study "there's a significant relationship between

job satisfaction and organizational commitment at the employees". The more they

are satisfy on the work field they are more committed to their job and to the goals of

the company and it can improve their performance and give excellence to their


(Nyamunga R., 2016) studied about the factors affects the performance of

employees. The results stated that employment contract and indefinite contract

affects their performance of employees. The uncertainty lf their tenure in a co Impany

manipulates performance and decision making and key element to influence decision


Furthermore it also states that "job security has become one of the most

employees preferences list". People nowadays choose to have a stable job rather than

fulfill their own professionalism because of the needs of their own.

(Chinomona, 2013) A noteworthy reason given to supporting for the nature of

working life has been guarantee because it show the impact of work fulfillment to an

employee, representative employment responsibility and their residency aim

altogether. Chinomona also stated that their findings showed that the quality of work

life influence job satisfaction, job commitment and consequentially their tenure

intention in a significant way.

"A major reason provided for advocating for quality of work life has been the

promise it creates a win-win situation", Chinomona exclaimed. He emphasized that

it enhance representatives' fulfillment and welfare then the expanded efficiency

length worker residency and thus expanded organization productivity.

(Maden, 2014) Studying the affirm of three--path communication in

anticipating worker' turnover aim. In particular, needs– supplies fit strongly affected

the activity fulfillment of very occupation included representatives than those with

lower dimensions of contribution. Additionally uncover that while the three-way

cooperation does not foresee work fulfillment, the two-route collaboration between

needs– supplies fit and occupation contribution is critical.

"This investigation inspected the intelligent impacts of needs, and those need are

supplies fit, work association, and occupation residency on administration part

representatives' activity fulfillment and turnover expectation", Maden said. She

stated that the impact of need on turnover expectation was observed to be all the

more emphatically positive for longer tenured, exceptionally included


(Lucky,Minai,Rahman, 2013) Job security is the one of the common problem of

an organizational institute and has a great impact in terms of organizational

performances specially to those work on multiethnic environment. The dread of

losing their positions for other ethnic gatherings turns into an extraordinary worry

that needs a critical consideration. Along these lines, associations must discover a

method for workers to clutch their employments in a multiethnic domain as a method

for expanding or keeping up the organizational performance.

"This is crucial, particularly in a multiethnic environment where different ethnic

groups are a majority in some organizations resulting to low job security among the

minority groups." Lucky, Minai, Rahman said. They explained that this problem has

a worldwide economic pressure and it may lead to disorganize of an ethnic group

that working for a one set goal.

According to (Feinberg &Rothstein,2014, p.3) The policy is based on the

teacher's performance where the logic shift to the employment is harder to attain this

kind of policy help provide those officers to have power to disable those ineffective

teachers and to improve the teaching manpower.

However they also said that "Job security tenure may be viewed by teachers as

a part of their overall compensation package and teachers may be willing to accept

difficult working conditions and relatively low pay only when tenure protections

provide substantial job security"

A decreased in job satisfaction due to the idea of losing their job leads to

productivity decreased and motivation loss. So they rather find or look for job that

assure them stability of work gives them efficiency in work. (Theodossiou and

Vasileiou, 2014)

In Theodossiou and Vasileiou on their research on 2014, stated that,

"Uncertainty concerning the job security has detrimental effect on job satisfaction."

Both men and women are worried of the security or stability they'll get from their

work. So once they have job security there is a certain effect to them that also affect

their productivity that turns to their overall performance.

In a competitive job market, workers overrate job security that will in match

with their chosen career path, for the sake of commonly adopted wage-seeking

mechanism. (Jarosch, 2014)

In 2014, Jarosch on his research concluded that, "The loss in job security reduces

worker's future employment rates and keeps their wages depressed." This is the
reason why they look first for a secured job/work, to sustain their needs by means of

the salaries/wages they'll earn, in a long time.

Nursing workforce of German, is continuously in short, due to turnovers, in

which nurses replace over others in specific period of time. Job stability is major

concerned of these professionals the reason the demand for nurses of health

organizations is increasing, and by providing them incentives and increase in

rewards, there are still sticking with that profession neglecting job satisfaction.

(Alameddine, Bauer, Richter and Poza, 2017)

Alameddine, Bauer, Richter and Poza (2017) said on their study that, "This

intrinsic sense of reward plus identification with a particular type of work

environment may mitigate the effects of job satisfaction and lead to higher nurse

stickiness despite declining job satisfaction." Saying that one of the main factor that

affect the decision to stick with a job that does not give them satisfaction is for the

rewards and compensation they get.

Workers who accomplished meaningful jobs agree that they more likely to turn

down jobs that offer higher salary/wages and stick with their current status with the

job they want (Hu and Hirsh, 2017). Contrary to the workers who are lacked of stable

jobs, they are more willing to involve themselves in job that pays higher salary.

"Those participants who lacked a full-time job, and may as a result have been

more motivated to find paid work, likewise did not report any less willingness to

accept reduced salaries in exchange for meaningful positions," stated on the results

of the research of Hu and Hirsh (2017). Those workers that experience low income

are willing to work for job that gives them full-time for stability of income despite

of meaningful work life.

Jobs that seem stable in the past years could easily turn unpopular on the

following years due to changes in technological and environmental aspects and

continuous innovations. (Henderson, 2012)

"Having an in-demand job is one thing, but if that job doesn’t pay enough to

allow you to raise a family, pay down debt, become a home owner or save for

retirement, I’d argue that it isn’t very stable at all," Henderson argued on his article

(2012). Stability and wages offered by a job is very significant in today's world. They

would look for jobs that sustain their needs and invest for the future.

In the article entitled “75 % of Filipino employees are satisfied with their job”

In the year 2015. The study conducted found out that 75% of employees in various

professions were satisfied on their work field. The reason is their employer provides

the security they deserve: such as wages and other benefits.

On the other hand according to the article some of them left because of


“Employees’ who has jobs in the past years says they left because they were


Satisfaction in gained through providing job security to employees coherent with


Employees’ are having longer tenure in their job because they are satisfied.

According to (JobStreet Philippines, 2015) the longer they stay in company and

higher they move up the corporate ladder , they tend to become dissatisfied with their

jobs. Probing on the reason for decrease in job satisfaction at a later point in time

on job, the employees who earlier express satisfaction showed decreasing interest as

they grew up to higher ranks in the company.

(JobStreet Philippines, 2015) Clearly indicated that “the basics are the one that

make you happy at first” “and then you yearn for more, in terms of your contribution

to the company and the opportunity to perform”. Generally, Filipino employees

express job satisfaction at 10% of which 55% were “quite happy” and is 15% “very

happy”. Philippines posted the highest job satisfaction rating five Southeast Asian

territories surveyed.

(Calayag , 2018) The article entitled house approves security of tenure bill .

Article states house representative already approved of the third and final reading,

the security and tenure bill. Were in aiming the employee to end the


He also states that “An Illegally dismissed employee in entitled to immediate

reinstatement pending appeal and without lost of seniority rights and benefit fall back

wages and accrued benefits. This will help workers more because they don’t need to

worry in the security of tenure as well as job security.

(Porcalla, D., 2015) The article entitled “Bill putting and to endo approved”.

Article states that House Bill 6908 is a measure seeking to strengthen Employees

security tenure. Providing employees to work permanently at a particular company

without losing their working benefits.

Furthermore According to the article “this will help strengthen the security of

tenure of private sector employees to end labor only contracting and end to contract.”

However only those employees or workers that in private sector will benefit this law.

Furthermore those who are in public are not encompasses by this law that mostly

who are in the poverty line

According to “Employers Confederation of the Philippines” (2017) studied

about the Employment situationer of Philippines, over the years there is a significant

increase in the numbers of the underplayed employee since the year 2012 up to 2017

According to the study as of 2017 there is 16.1 % underemployed that is working

and contributing 1.9% in the growth overall growth in the employment. Furthermore

as of the year there is 457,000 or 16.55% of graduates are underplayed and

contributes 1.07 of overall labor workforce.

According to “Employers Confederation of the Philippines” (2017) studied

about the Philippines Education System, One of the key to alleviate the

Underemployment or job mismatch is through the K-12 curriculum the recently pass

on its reading and now a mandated Law.

Furthermore according to the study job skill mismatch is one of the top 3 concerns

of employers, according to the findings Job skill mismatch occupies 42% of the total

respondents. In addition the study also concluded that the 3 major cause of job skill

mismatch are: Weak labor-market information system, Job seeker’s career

preference is no longer in demand and Inadequate preparation in terms of education,

training and guidance

Synthesis of Related Literature and Studies

Job Security and Tenure along with Satisfaction

Our institution must provide an stable and job for the present and future

worker of a particular country. According to (Jarosch, 2014), “The lost in job security

reduces workers future employment rate and keeps their wage depression.”

Employment can be threat in profitability rate of a country on the other hand ,

satisfaction of workers also affected. Because of wages depression workers may not

get sufficient variable for necessities. In Philippines, according to Jobstreet

Philippines 2015 “ 75% of Filipinos are satisfied with their jobs.” With this it can

be said that here in our country various work field provides what the workers

preferences or intent. However, According to (Annierah M, Usop et, al, 2013), “

Tenure does not appear to hold the same consistency in its relationship with job

satisfaction.” Satisfaction may also varied or the other factor may affect is in or out

if the working field.

Security of Tenure bill in Philippines

Recently, the current issue about tenure of workers in Philippines was deeply

tackled. The proposal of out current president, Rodrigo Roa, Duterte : Security and

tenure bill was greatly examine for its approval and implementation. According to

article of (Calayag, 2018) entitled "House approves Security tenure bill", article

stating that security tenure bill has been approve by the house representatives.

Security tenure bill according to Calayag, it implies the permanency or regularity in

working field without losing any rights and benefits that given to workers.

Furthermore coherent to this, the article (Porcalla D., 20515) entitled " Bill putting

end to endo approved". He also states that workers can now have permanet job

without losing benifits, wages or even compensation. In addition still according to

his article, it also states that "this will help to strengthen the security of tenure of

private sector employees to end labor only contractual and end contracting.

Sacrificing Job satisfaction for stability and benifits and compensation

Security in work tenure is a phenomenal and relevant problem to tackled it

may encompass by lifestyle of a worker in and outside of the work field uncertainty

in security in tenure and secure job may result into a more grueling life of every

individual. In fact accoding to the study of (Hi and Hirsh, 2017) "Those participants

who are lacked of full time job and may as a result have been more motivated to find

work, likewise did not report any willlngness to accept reduced salaries in exchange

for meaningful work". Coherent to (Alameddine, Bauer, Richter and Poza, 2017) A

study conducted examining nursing workforce in germany " job stability is the major
concern of this professionals, providing them incentives and increase in rewards

there are still sticking with that profession neglecting job satisfaction." Workers tend

to sacrifice job satisfaction for the sort of benefits they can receive. Furthermore in

accordance with this study of (Feinberg &Rothstein,2014, p.3) Examining those who

are in teaching profession particularly teachers, "Job security and tenure may be

viewed by the teacher as a part of overall compensation package and teachers may

be willing to accept difficult working conditions and relatively Low pay only when

tenure protection provide substantial job security." Meaning having a stable job,

enough to make them grateful in their work field. In addition expectation and

satisfaction of a workers correlates to each other. According to (Maden, 2014),

turnover expectation was observe to be all the more emphatically positive for longer

tenure, but not necessarily mean longer tenure is a sign of satisfaction. According to

study of (Ayanzwa A.H, 2013) Examining nurses of Jarannogi Oringa Onidinga

Teaching and Referral Hospital. Those who are 11 years in them work are found out

dissatisfied. As for conclusion Workers are staying on a job despite of dissatisfaction

is because of necessities of family and self. According to study of (Henderson, 2012)

professionals on various professionalism tend to find a job that can raised their

family. Sacrificing their own satisfaction for their own benefits and sustain need of


Tenure as a mediating factors affect performance of employees

Uncertainty in job security and tenure has a mediating affects on the

performance of workers. According to the study of (Nyamunga R., 2016) Uncertainty

in tenure in a company manipulates performance and decision making and key

element to influence decision making. Coherently, it also affects the performance of

an employee inside of their working field. According to (Theodossiou and Vasileiou,

2014), " The idea of losing their jobs leads to productivity decrease and motivation

less. Furthermore when employees or workers are known to have a secure tenure on

job it can result to positive and good outcomes. According to (Cheng, Chen Fu,,

2013), examining the flight attendants in taiwan, "job tenure can result to better work

engagement and performance." In connection with this, according to (Chinoma,

2013) "job satisfaction, job commitment and consequentially their tenure can result

of efficiency and better quality of work". Furthermore it also affects the

organizational performance in the company, according rk (lucky, Minai, Rahman,

2013), "Job security has a great impact in terms of organizational performance."

Profounded by the study lf (Wandera H.T, 2011) " Short term employment affects

the productivity and increases the feeling of divided allegiance. Before all of this the

study of (jandaghi C, Bahrami M, Mokhles A, 2011) already concluded that "There’s

a significant relationship before job satisfaction and organizational commitment of

employees. In conclusion according to the articled "job security and jpb

performance" article stated that as the job insecurity incerease is correspond to the

level of employees. It can be therefore conclude that security in job great affects

workers performance in their working field.



Research Design

This study used the Phenomenology design of research. Phenomenology is a

qualitative research method used to describe how human beings experience a certain

phenomenon. The researcher deemed the phenomenology design appropriate

because it allows researchers to find the universal nature of an experience and can

give a deeper understanding which helps the researcher to analyze the respondents.

Phenomenology is a research tool that is based on the academic disciplines of

philosophy and psychology and has become widely accepted method for describing

human experiences, it attempts to set aside the biases and preconceived assumptions

about human experiences, feelings, and responses to a particular situation.

Phenomenological research is typically conducted by in-depth interviews of

small samples of participants. Interview questions are open-ended to allow the

participants to fully describe the experience from their own view-point with the use

of snowball sampling for the efficient gathering of information.

The data collected is qualitative and analysis includes trying to show themes

or make generalizations about how a particular phenomenon is actually perceived or


Conceptual Framework

The conceptual model that will be used in this research study is Input-

Process-Output model where it shows the series of boxes that are connected to each



Demographic profile
of the respondents:
 Content The Professionals stay
 Age Analysis in the Job where they
 Gender Method are secured. On the
 Tenure of  In-depth other hand, experience
service Interview dissatisfaction in terms
 Degree of their salary.

Theoretical Framework

Two-Factor theory of Frederick Herzberg in 1959 discussed people’s motivation

and job satisfaction in ones workplace. There are certain factors that influence the

satisfaction or dissatisfacion of one employee. Factors that affects the satisfaction of

a worker is called motivators or satisfiers. While the thing in dissatisfacion in a job

are called hygiene factors or dissatisfiers (Herzberg, 1959).

In this theory, there are parts that explained that, removing this so called

dissatisfiers doesn’t mean it leads to satisfaction of a worker, but the truth is, it only

lessens the dissatisfaction they felt. It suggest there, that to only motivate a

woker/employee or the whole team in an organization, they must look first on

motivation factors such as improving their strategies in offering opportunities for

employees for their growth, appreciation and rewards to their accomplishments, and

then, taking care of the following hygiene factors: salary, relationships inside the

workplace and the work condition itself.

Population of the study

The target of this research define to include thos professionals lives within

the vicinity of Malabon City. Regardless if the professionals are working outside the

malabon city as long as they live in malabon. This will help the researchers to gather

or reach the number of the given respondents. The following profession that

mentioned are included: Nurses, call center agents, office workers, factory workers,

construction workers and contractual employees.

Method of Data Collection

Interview will be conducted diretcly the qualified respondents base on the

given scope. With the intention to have exactlt 20 respondents to fullfil the given

requirements and accomplish this studg successfully

Instrument of Data Collection

The researchers design a precise and concise interview question fof the

respondents able to point out their main view of ghe answer. Consist of 7 items not

including the demograpgic profile, enough to gather or accumulate the data for the

study. Researchers will keep evert information that will be gathered in the outmost


Furthermore, the interview questions are self constructed by the researchers.

On the other hand this are with the basis of the previlus study that was conducted.

Interview questions are held for validation, this are presented to our proctor to

determine the revision on order to improve.

Sampling Procedure

The process of snowball sampling is much like asking your subjects to

suggest another person with the same situation as your next subject. The researcher

then observes the suggested subjects and continues in the same way until the

obtaining sufficient number of subjects.

Snowball sampling also known as chain-referral sampling is a non-

probability non-random sampling method used when characteristics to be possessed

by samples are rare and difficult to find.This sampling method involves primary data

sources nominating another potential primary data sources to be used in the research.

In other words, snowball sampling method is based on referrals from initial subjects

to generate additional subjects. Therefore, when applying this sampling method

members of the sample group are recruited via chain referral.

Snowball sampling is a popular business study method. The snowball

sampling method is broadly used where a population is unknown and rare and it is

tough to choose subjects to assemble them as samples for research.

Data Collection

The researcher designed a semi structured interviews contain the components

of both structured and unstructured interviews. In semi- structured interviews

,interviewer prepares a set of same question to be answered by all interviewees. At

the same time additional questions might be asked during interviews to clarify and/or

further expand certain issues.

Sample of the Population

For some studies, the population may be small enough to warrant the

inclusion of all of them in the study. But a study may entail a large population which

cannot all be studied. That portion of the population that is studied is called a sample

of the population (Nworgu, 1991). A sample in this study is, therefore, a smaller

group of elements drawn through a definite procedure from an accessible population.

The elements making up this sample are those that are actually studied.

The sample of population consist of 20 respondents base on the given scope

and delimitation




Inerviewer:What preferences so you have in a company you are satisfied and dissatisfied in
terms of the following:


: kapag merong ano of course syempre number 1 is yung salary and kapag yung
boss mo ay leader so syempre kung makikita mo sa isang work na meron kan progress
hindi yung paulit ulit na yung ginagawa mo tapos puro ganun lang then di ka naman

Interviewer: Don naman po sa degree na natapos niyo sr, does your job or yung pagtuturo
niyo ba nasasatisfy niyo yung degree na natapos niyo?

: Yes

Interviewer: Yes nasasatisfy, in what, in how, in what manner sir

: cause i'm teaching in ICT

Interviewer: ICT

: Oo

Interviewer: Yung college degree niyo po is related in technology and now you teach
media information literacy, so nasasatisfied po. So ano naman po yung mga bagay na sa
masasabi niyo na nakakapagsatisfied don?

: In teaching syempre kapag yung learners mo e mas tamad pa sayo tsaka wala talaga, hindi
talaga nag aaral, umaasa lang sa pabuhat yon ang nakakadismaya.

: Another one sir is yung siguro nadidissatisfied dn po ba kayo, nafifeel niyo ba na

dissatisfie or yung hindi nafufulfill yung degree niyo kapag iba yung sibject na pinapaturo
sa inyo?

: Of course

Interviewer: kaso hindi na eexert yung knowledge niyo

: yes

Interviewer: yon so sa job security naman sir, job security ito yung define as yon yung mga
compenstion, salary, yung tenure kasama na lahat do, satisfied po ba kayo sa kung anong
lagay na ahm job security niyo ngayon sir?

: ahhh so far so good pero ahhhh oo kung may dadagdag pa mas .. Ayun lang

Interviewer: pano po yung ahh pano po kayo ahh sa dissatisfacyion naman sir meron po ba
kayong times na nadidissatisfy sa mga ahhh security na nakukuha niyo sa comoany most
esecially to this school?

: ahmm medyo, may mga times talaga na ganon kapag nakikita mo na ahhh yung
environment mo tsaka yung workplace mo e hindi rin nagiging maayos

Interviewer: yung sa salary naman po sir

: salary ..... Syempre ahh more is better

Interviewer: pero enough naman po sir, satisfy nman po kayo? Don sa ano

Sir jimbert: ahmmm hindi rin

Interviewer: depende po kung nagvavary po sa mga expenses niyo

: oo

Interviewer: so sa temure naman po sir, sa tagal niyo na po dito, are you satisfied or

: ahmm, i'm satisfied kasi hindi na ako umalis sa teaching

Interviewer: sa comoany na po ito, sa school na po ito sir satisfied po ba kayo ss propesyon

na ibinibigay sa inyo?

: minsan oo, minsan hindi

Interviewer: in what way po sir?

: syempre we are here for the students pero merong mga instances na hindi mo na alam
kung sino yung pinagsisilbihan mo

Interviewer: sige po sir noted po yan. About naman po, when it comes to work
environment naman po, how, how does it feel for you sir, dissatisfaction or satisfaction?

: satisfied naman kasi ahhh number 1 dyan is kapag ano, parang sa study, kapag hindi ko
gusto yung strand na pinili mo hindi ko maienjoy yan, pati yung ahhh amg gagawin mo
dyan is magcocompile ka lang, pero kung gusti mo talaga yung subject mo or yung pinag
aaralan mo, tinuturo mo, mag-i-enjoy ka tsaka ahh yung effort mo nandyan

Interviewer: ano yung satisfaction sir na nakikita mo sa work environment mo?

: syempre being an ICT teacher, kailangan ko ng mga materials

Interviewer: ahhhh so provided dapat yung mga technology sa pagtuturo

: yes

Interviewer: in order na efficient na makapagturo

: of course

Interviewer sige po question number 2 po sir, are you satisfied in your job? Why or why
not? Yon nasagot niyo na rin po kanina na satisfy kayo

: Yes i'm satisfied because ito yung gusto ko

Interviewer: nafulfill non yung professionalism niyo kaya satisfy po kayo, ito naman po sir
question number 3, what are the things that motivates you enables you to work efficiently
in you job?

: ahmm, yun nga kasi yung gusto mo, so kahit gaani pa karami yang trabaho mo, kahit
gaano pa karami yung mga toxic jan, mga cancer, e balewala yon kung gusto mo talaga

Interviewer: on the other hand po when it comes to compensation, ano yung mga bagay na
namomotivate sa inyo kapag ganun?

: sa compensation syempre nagagamit mo yung pera mo para mabuhay ka pati pamilya mo

kaya you'll have to work

Interviewer: okay po, thank you po sir, ito naman po yung next questio. How will you
response if the company doesn't meet your preferences and motivators as a determinants of
working efficiently parang hindi po namin, kunyari sa isang comoany hindi po nameet
yung preferences mo in order na mag work ka efficiently or nasatisfy ka, ano po yung ahhh
how will you response on that sir?

: unang una you have to find a way para maka-maging satisfy ka, para maging efficient ka
pero kung ganon naman palagi tapos nakikita mo na nagiging ...

Interviewer: dissatisfaction nalang

: oo, nagiging compliance ka nalang

Interviewer: so pano niyo po gagawin yung compliance sir in order para lang mafulfill
yung job niyo?

: ahmm, learn how to enjoy, learn how to love you job

Interviewer: ahmm so adjustment yung gagawin niyo sir sa sarili niyo para lang- in order to
fit your job, ganon

: kagaya ng iba diba, wala namang madaling trabaho, yung iba makaranas lang na
mahirapan sa trabaho, for sample a month ganyan magreresign na or lumilipat na ng
trabaho, e diba, kung, yon nga yung sinasabi ko kanina kung gusto mo talaga yung work
mo kahit maliut pa yung sahod niyan walang magiging problema. Nung sa private school
pa maliit lang ang sahod ko niyan pero i stay there for 9 years

: so hindi nagmamatter po sa inyo kung ano yung mga fassets kumpara lets say for
example sa job security and work environment ahmm mas maliit yung factor na yon
compare to your professionalism as kong ad nasasatisfy yung professionalism or yung
degreeor nag eenjoy ka sa trabaho, you will stay, magtatagal po kayo.


: yes

Interviewer: so number 6 question po sir, second to the last, how do you work as an ahhh,
ayy how do you work as an underemployed worker? Pano ka po nagwowork sir?

: na?

Interviewer: ahmm sa pagtuturo niyo po, ano po ba yung mga iniexert niyong effort in
order na makapag work efficiently?

: yung ahhhh i have this friend na nauna sa akin magpublic, tinatanong ko siya ano, pano
ba sa public ganyan, ganyan, ganyan, syempre public school are ahhmm ayun ga, isa lang
yung sinagot niya sa akin, mahalin mo yung mga bata, yon lang and the rest magiging
madali nalang

Interviewer: okay po last questio sir, so how do you, ayun may isa pa pala sir follow up
question, how do you work as a long term in yout profession? Diba matagal na po kayo ss
teaching industry

: oo

Interviewer: gaano na po kayo nagwowork as of now as a long term in your profession sir

: kapag sa teaching ka, hindi ka dapat mag stop to learn, kailangan continous pa rin yam,
ang mga learnings hindi matatapos yan once na gumraduate ka, tuloy-tuloy pa rin

Interviewer: so as of now, as your job goes on sa pagtuturo, still you find ahh certain way
in order to learn para makapag exert pa ng mas maraming efforts

: yes, hindi lang sa teaching, sa lahat ng bagay

Interviewer: sa lahat ng jobs most probably, and the lastvquestion sir, how do you see
yourself in the future with situation to experience today? Do you see yourself as working
efficiently? Sa environment na meron ka ngayon or sa situation you are un right now ahhh
do you see yourself as a working efficiently?

: yes

Interviewer: how do you say so sir?

: kasii ito yung profession ko

Interviewer: ayan yung profession mo, so incline talaga sa profession mo

: sabi nga ng isa kong friend, kung hindi ka magiging efficient, kung marami ka nang
trabaho sa isang .... Sa workplace mo, bigay mo nalang yung slot mo sa gusto

Interviewer: ahhh so ganun po

: kasi lalo na in teaching maraming madadamay niyan, kapag tinamad ka na magturo, yung
mga estudyante mo hindi mo matuturuan, hindi mo maiinspire so bigay mo nalang sa iba
na gusto.

Interviewer: compare naman po natin sa present situation, don po sa vision niyo sa sarili
niyo in the future ahhh pano niyo po gagawin yung changes based don sa nararanasan niyo
ngyon, yung changes sa pagtuturo niyo or sa progress na gagawin niyo sa sarili niyo

: continue to learn, study

Interviewer: sige po, i guess thats all po for our question, thankyou po sir, By the way sir

sa demographic profile po, ano po yung degree yung kinuha niyo in college?

: ahmmm, meron akong BSIT- Bachelor of Science in Informatiom Technology and in

teachinh na rin

Interviewer: okay po, so far sa tinajeros nagwowork and yon lang po sir, thank you and By
the way ilang taon na po kayo nagtuturo sir kasama po ngayon?

: siguro mga 11 na

Interviewer: 11 years po

t: oo

Interviewer: okay noted po, thank you po sir for the opportunity, thank you po.


Interviewer: Yung topic po namin is about job satisfaction and security of tenurr,
nagtatackle po siya about sa satisfaction and dissatisfaction ng employee na nasasacrifice
ay yung satisfaction because of security of tenurr so ma'am kunin po muna namin yung
demoggraohic profile niyo, name po?

i: ahmm Devi Joy Ramirez

Interviewer: so ma'am devi ano po yung course or degree na kinuha niyo sa college

i: ahh graduate ako ng BS Psycolog Major in Industrial Psychology

Interviewer: ma'am ilang taon na po kayo nagwowork dito?

: dito mag tu two yearspa lang

Interviewer: pero during past years meron po ba kaying ibang work na pinasukan?

i: meron, first is sa delmonte promo girl, 1 year don tapos nagload ako sa accounting 2
years ako don tapos nagpuregold din ako ahmm 1 year ako don tapos nag casio 4years ako

Interviewer: so far mga 8 years na kayo in your work experience ma'am, so far ayun po
ma'am gusto niyo po ba reviwhin muna yung mga questions namin or diretso tanong
nalang po?

: narinig ko naman na

Interviewer: ayy narinig niyo na po so ma'am question number 1 po, what preferences do
you have in a company you are satisfied and dissatisfied in terms of the following, in terms
of professionalism

:ang question is kung satisfied ba ako?

Interviewer: or san niyo po masasabi na satisfied or dissatisfied ka?

: syempre mas satisfied ako kung yung field of work ko ngayon is related don sa tinapos ko
pero so far kasi kahit oaoano related din naman yung work ko as psychology kasi industrial
kasi more in ano kami ahh hiring of people kasi e sa HR, sa Human resources kasi e so
ngayon okay naman kasi kahit papano syempre parang ganon din, once na merong student
or mga kumukuhs ng form 137, ayun kasi sa ngayon naman diba parang ganon din ahhhh
nag aacquire ka din ng mga student o yung mga graduate na nagrerequest ng form 137 e
parang ganon din

Interviewer: so ma'am sa job security naman po, are you satisfied or dissatisfied?

: sa ngayon dissatisfied kasi yung salary is hindi ganun kalaki compared ..... Talagang ano
malaki yung difference, mababa lang kasi yung sahod namin ang nagpapasahod lang samin
is school hindi pa yung national

Interviewer: yung mga benefits po na ahmmm yung mga benefits niyo po ma'am

: wala kaming benefits na nakukuha

Interviewer: ahmm sa tenure po, so far secure naman yung tenure niyo dito?

: dito? Oo as long as andito si sir abude, secure talaga

Interviewer: so medyo alanganin po kasi?

: depende, once na mapalitan yung principal may chance na mapalitan kami

Interviewer: ahh so hindi po secure so sa work environment naman po ano pong

satisfaction sa inyo tsaka dissatisfacfion?

: satisfaction diti sa work okay naman siya lalo na sa time kasi hawak namin umyung oras,
kumbaga any time though ang time namin is 8 to 5 kahit pumasok kami ng late walang
problema tapos kung kailangan umuwi for .... If ever na emergency hindi na pahirapan
magpaalam ang dissatisfaction naman siguro is yung salary yon lang talaga

Interviewer: yon lang po talaga, are you satisfied sa job niyo ma'am?

: sa job satisfued ako pero sa salary hindi

Interviewer: ahmm so far po ma'am pano niyo po nasabi na satisfied kayo?

: nasi naeenjoy ko naman siya, kumbaga masaya ako sa ginagawa ko

Interviewer: ahmm so ito po ma'am question number 3 , what are the things that motivates
you enables you to work efficiently, ano yung mga motivators sa pag work efficiently?

: syempre una yung anak ko, syempre kailangan ko magtrabaho para sa kanya tsaka yon
din yung mga kasamahan ko, nakakamotivate dun sila e na kahit madaming ginagawa,
kahit nakakapagod lalo na kapag yung kumukuha ng forms na makukulit ganyan, pero
after naman non parang, sige go lang fight lang kaya yan

Interviewer: kawala ng pagod ma'am

: oo

Interviewer: so question number 4 po ma'am, how will you response if yon nga sabi mo
ma'am like sa particular na dissatisfaction is the salary, how will you response on that

: syempre ano hanggang, sabi nga nilaa hanggang maikli ang kumot babaluktot ka so
habang maliit yung sahos syempre tipid tipid muna

Interviewer: next question po tayo, how do you work as an underemployed ma'am since
hindi po match yubg tinapos mo sa trabaho mo

: ahmmm syempre malaking adjustment lalo na nung don pa ako sa ano cashio, 4 years ako
don e, talagang iba yung field na tinapos ko sa work ko don kasi yung hawak ko don is
inventory ng mga parts ng relos e yung tinapos ko is psychology so talagang ang layo diba
adjustment lang

Interviewer: adapt adapt

: kumbaga lahat naman ng bagay natututunan, napag aaralan

Interviewer: tama ma'am, I agree ma'am, question number 6 po, since you are having long
term experience ma'am and medyo matagal tagal ka na rin po dito, how do you work as a
long term employee, orogressive po ba or consistent?

: syemore lahat naman gusti ng progression, so ngayon kasi diba graduate nga ki ng
psychology pinush ako nila sir abude na magtake ng unit ng educ para makapagturo, sa
ngayin nagtitakr ako ng 24 units and matatapis ko na siya this april

Interviewer: congratulations po ma'am

: thank you, kaya yon para pinupush dun nila ako ng kailangan di ka lang dito sa office,
kailangan mo rin magprogress as a teacher ganyan

Interviewer: so far si good ma'am, lastly ma'am sa environment po or sa mga

naeexperience niyo po sa ngayon sa situation niyo ngayon, do you see yourself as working
efficiently as a professionals?

: oo naman syempre

Interviewer: how do you say so po?

: ano ahmm kasi nagagampanan ko naman yung work ko e ahmmm kasi 'pag efficient ka
naman, i mean masasabi mong efficient ka kapag alam mo sa sarili mo na nagagamoanan

mo yung task na binigay sayo, na hindi mo siya napipending, nakukumoketo mo siya,
natatapis mo ng successful

Interviewer: okay po, yun lang po yung question namin. Thankyou po ma'am


1. What preferences do you have in a company when you can see say you are
satisfied and dissatisfied in your work field in term of the following??


:Satisfy naman, fit sa field ko sa work ko human resources kasi ako eh. So generalize ako
sa logical sa college. Satisfy ako kasi nakuha ko kung ano yung dapat, eto yung
environment ko, eto yung work, eto ako, kasi ito yung pinag-aralan ko.

Job Security

:Totally...hindi, ano siya eh, bali kasi yung school na yun charitable institution siya, so
meron siyang scholarship para sa mga batang gustong mag aral ng college, kaya yung
sahod namin ay tama lang. Above minimum pero once na may degree ka, may credentials
ka ina-add naman nila yun. So I'm a bit satisfied.


:Hindi, kasi ano, sakin lang ahh.. doon mo- sabi kasi sakin doon ng management, doon mo
lang ibibuild yung sarili, pwede kang umalis, anytime mo gustuhin pero wala kang
makukuhang....meron kang last pay pero di ganon kalaki. Di rin talaga secure doon sa
company ko.

Work Environment

“Masaya, satisfy naman ako kaso kahit papaano yung 6 months ko naging masaya ko. Saka
attach ako sa mga empleyado, sa mga bata, saka gusto ko rin naman yung ginagawa ko,
kasi nga yun nga talaga yung field ko. Bilang isang human resource, bilang isang head sa
isang company kailangan intindihin mo yung mga empleyado mo. Kailangan hindi ka lang
sa management saka sa empleyado dapat between ka bilang HR.

2)Are you satisfied in your job Why or why not??

:Yes, kasi yun nga, naging masaya ko, fit ako don comfortable ako sa environment ko.

3)What are the things that motivates you, enables you to work efficiently in your

:Syempre family ko, si God, yung pangarap ko. Di natin masasabi dahil diba, once na
naging adult ka na hindi ka na dapat kailangang dumepende sa pamilya mo, sa parents mo,
kasi kailangan, as independent people kaya mo irisk o kaya mong itake yung sarili mo na
as one ka na, kasi ako once na lumabas ka na sa reality iba na yung history diba? Iba na
ying book, iba na yung inline, nasa reality ka na, kaya kailangan strong ka na.

4) How will you response if the company doesn’t meet your references and
motivators as a determinats in working efficiently?

:Kasi ako di naman ako nagtratrabaho para sa 14th, 13th, nagtratrabaho ako para sa,
passion diba, passion ko kasi yung, eto, eto yung field ko, eto yung work ko so as soon
naman na namimeet ko yung ano ko, yung profession ko. Okay lang ako, kasi ang
kailangan ko lang experience, hindi yung sahod, yun yung batayan ko sa trabaho ko. Kasi
once na may experience ka na, pag once ma lumabas ka na doon mas kukunin ka ng ibang
comapy, kasi hindi ka tumitingin sa compensation nila o salary.

6) How do you work as in the long term in your profession?

:Consistent. Consistent ako kasi hindi lang naman kasi doon sa job.. job description ko
umiikot yung trabaho ko, bilang HR diva ayun. At bilang psychology graduate, kailangan
mo ring icouncil yung mga empleyado mo, tanungin mo sila, kamusta na ba sila ganon.
Then, kamustahin mo din yung sarili mo, kung kamusta ka na ba doon sa trabaho mo
diba?, Tatagal ba ako dito, hanggang kaialn ba ako dito or sapat ba na nandito pa ako. Yun,
yung mga tanong na pumapasok sa isip ko na, bakit ako nandito sa company na to, bakit ito
yung trabaho ko. Doon lang nasagot na ahhh.. okay, kailangan ko para magtagal dito kasi,
maraming nangangailang sakin. Hindi lang sa eto yung tinapos ko, kasi kailangan ako dito.

7) How do you see yourself in the future with the situation you experience today??

Do you see yourself working efficiently?

:Yes, actually nasimulan ko na siya eh, bilang isang human resource, pag once na nag
apply ka ng trabaho sa labas, yon mas tataas pa yung experience tsaka yung ano yung Job
Description mo, kung HR generelist ka dito, doon HR supervisor ka, pwede ka ding HR

May Promotion po?

:Yes, so once ma lumabas ako sa trabaho kong to, HR officer na ko o HR supervisor


1) Professionalistsm

Hindi, kasi more on encoding tas medyo kasi nagsusupervise ako ng clinic kasi sa pinsan
ko yun. Tas yung yung ginagawa ko, sakin bumabagsak, tas sakin inaano, parang
minamanage pero parang ako na rin yung secretary doon kasi pag wala yung boss yung
pinsan ko, ako yung parang incharge sa lahat.

So medyo dissatisfied po kayo sa ganon?

Ako, satisfied ako kasi may sahod naman kasi ako eh. Ako, hindi ako yung sa kung ano
yung tinapos dapat yun yung kurso ko, hindi kasi di ko naman gustong mag IT kaya
nakakatamad talaga.


Ako kasi, pwede ako umalis kahit kailan tas magtrabaho sa iba tapos kung hindi man ako
maregular doon pwede akong bumalik doon.

Job Security

Oo satisfied ako doon sa salary doon.

Work environment

Ayun okay naman, friends naman kaming lahat doon.

2) Ngayon okay naman, di gaya kung papasok talaga ako sa industry ng IT.

3) Wala. I mean wala, nagtratrabaho lang ako tas...kung makakahanap ako ng mas trip ko
talaga aalis ako pero ngayon kasi first job ko family business. Motivation, parang puhunan
ko siguro, siguro pang puhunan mag ganon.

So sa interest po ka bumabase? Kung ano interest nyo doon po kayo magkakaroon ng

parang gustong gusto ko na magtrabaho?

Oo parang, walang reklamo.

4) Kung ako, aalis ako, tas maghahanap ako ng hindi toxic na trabaho, tas okay ma yun

So magreresign kayo kahit stable yung job nyo? Basta di na nameet ng company yan?

Ano ba kung someday ba hindi mameet ng company ngayon?, Hindi rin kasi family
business eh.

5)Suited po ba yung course nyo sa trabaho nyo?

Medyo. Pero may supervising.

How do you work sir? Anong inexert nyong effort?

Ako kasi, tamad akong tao, kung inutusan mo kong magwalis iisipin ko muna yung paraan

para mapadali ako ng hindi napapagod. Ayun yung gagawin ko.

Para pong diskarte ganon?

Oo ganon, kunwari halimbawa papawalis mo sakin to paano ko wawalisin to ng di

napapagod na isang walisan lang ganon.

7) Nakikita nyo po ba na efficient kayo sa profession nyo ngayon ni the future sa company
na papasukan nyo?

Siguro kung trip ko yung company, mag-aano ako ng madaming effort at idea kasi ayun
nga talaga yung trip ko. Depende na lang kasi, kunwari, samin business ka yung amin
medical business so hindi ko alam kung paano yung flow na tumatakbo sa kanila. Pero
kung sa forte ko na gagawin, na trip ko talaga madami akong idea kasi yung yung trip ko

So base po doon sa interest nyo wherein knowledgeable kayo sa field saka kayo

Hmmm (Nod)


Ano amm, di kasi sya in line eh. Kasi entreprenual management ako tapos nandito ako as
regestrar, ahmm hindi sya business in line although ang pwede kong i-apply is yung tipong
students yung teacher yung mga kumukuha ng documents dito as costumer so sinasatisfy
ko yung mga needs nila or if ever ini-entertain ko sila kung ano yung dapat na ibigay sa
kanila sa work ko ngayon, t some part satisfy. Well compensated at saka felxi time pero sa
skills hindi kasi ako mag go'grow yung tipong hindi ako mapo'promote yung ahmm

yung masyadong ay hindi may excitement lang kung ano yung pwede kong gawin dito sa
school. Limited lang kasi yung tipong ahmm syempre teachers syempre pwede akong mag
pro-pose ng actings, pwede kong intense yung mga students para mag improve sa pag-aaral
nila. Hindi rin ako makakapag suggest madalas or hindi nasusunod yung o hindi nagagamit
yung suggestion ko if comes to improvement at the school o job yung pwede kong ma dis -
advantage ko.

Job security: oo kasi ahmm una may 13th may 14th month bonus may pbb clotning
allowance merong PEI Merong anniversary bonus, kumbaga maraming bonuses na
makukuha although yung sweldo siguro malaki yung makukuha ko dapat doon sa previous
job ko pero yung security at termination ko kasi dito ahmm eh doon kasi sa previous
company if ever na maganda yung performance mo eh matatanggap ka kaagad malamang
lakas ka ng matanggal kana unlike dito secured ka dito kumbaga Parang meron kang
appoinment department of education mismo tapos syempre diba makikita nyo may mga
may mga teacher na late pero ahmm sumusueldo parin, andito parin sila kahit na naka ilang
late na sila anjan padin sila yung tipong papasok sila na 10 minutes tapos aalis na so
kumabaga medyo secured yung ano mo although may buwanan na sweldo mo kay job kapa
may na sa'sacrifice pero andon padin may stable job kapa din.

Depende naman yun sa felxibility ng tao kung kaya na maka cope sa isang environment
meron kang environment na ikaw tung nasa top of the field ikaw yung nasa top of the
triange meron naman yung mga nasa gitna ka lang o nasa botton ka yung tipong follower
ka lang hindi ka leader or hindi ka boss so depende yun sa persective kung paano mo
ikocope yung sarile mo so diko masasabi kung satisfied o dissatified ako. Confidential at

2.) Hindi kase hindi naman ito yung field ko eh if ever na gusto ko mag pa change ng field
masyadong matagal bago ako mag change ng field. For example ako as a registrar gusto ko
mag leader if take me 3 to 5 yrs bago ako mag teacher take muna ako ng units 1 year
experience magturo,maging isang teacher.!

3.) sweldo ahmm kase yun naman kaya ng magination mo eh bakit ka ba

magtatrabaho,syempre para makasweldo para magkapera o para masatisfy mo yung needs
mo and wants mo or leisure mo. Oo naman nacompensate nya lahat.

4.) Response : Adopt kase katulad ng ano hindi naman lahat ng ganong advantage eh doon
sa field kaagad nila napupuna so meron pa kayang tipong mga stepping stone so will take
every job na mapuntahan natin stepping stone. For example ikaw kailangan mo muna
maging senior highschool kahit ayaw mo mag senior high bago ka makapag college
syempre sabihin na nating accountant ka, hindi ka makakapag exam ng CPA so
magtatrabaho ka muna sa iba pwede kang maging manager pwede kang maging call center
which is hindi naman aligned don sa field mo diba? Si lahat ng kurso kaya natin i manage
lahat ng trabaho naten as stepping stone kung gusto mo mag pursigi doon sa proffesion

Minsan kase doon sa course na kinuha naten no choice na lang un kinuha mong profession
so parang ganon bago ka makapunta doon sa profession na gusto mo yun muna yung
kailangan mong daanan.

5.) yung nga same doon sa sagot sa number 6. Na iaadopt mo na kailangan mong
matutunan pag aralan tapos make youre best doon sa kung ano yung trabaho mo.
6.) mag ti-3yrs na sa work na ito. Hindi kase sa work naman natin marame nagbabago ,
madaming updates maraming kelangan pag aralan so maraming pag reports
tulad ng form na FORM 137 gagawin na syang SF10 SO madaming pagbabago di sya
yung consistent o steady kung baga ahmm pabago bago yung trabaho mo inconsistent.

7.) ahmm diko sya masasabing efficiently,sufficidently kumbaga nasasatisfy lang nung
trabaho ko yung ginagawa ko diko masasabing efficient kasi ahmm may mga lates din ako
mga reports may mga di ako nagagawa pero kumbaga nagiging sapat lang ayon
nakocomply lang kung ano yung kailangan parang deadline or better deadline.

Respondents 7

Interviewer: sir, what are the preferences you have when you can say you are dissatisfied in
terms of the professionalism? Nasasatisfy po ba ng trabho nyo yung degree na tinapos nyo
nung college

: Yes, so far in line sya kasi management graduate ako so far yung work ko related sa job

Interviewer: when it comes to job security naman po, meaning po nito sa reseach naming
isyun yung mga compensation, salary na binibigay ng company nyo.

: So far, Its quite satisfying the salary I receive is enough and compensation and bonuses is
provided to us The benefits generously it was provided/

Interviewer: Yung tenure nyo po ba secured po yun?

: Tenure, I’m very secured because I am now regular here. My boss see my efforts and they
decided to not let me go off and I’m so fortunate and thankful with that.

Interviewer: sa work environment nyo po baa no po yung mga nakakasatisfy and

dissatisfiers na na nararanasan nyo?

: . satisfying to know that the boss recognize your effort, dissatisfied to see is my other
workmates was acting enviously and I clearly notice that, May be its because of my
connection with pour boss in making me as a regular employee.

Interviewer: Question no. 2 po sir satisfied po ba kayo sa job nyo?/

: Yes, so far satisfied like what I’ve said everything is provided to me. Well compensated
and I able to fulfill my necessities.

Interviewer: Question number 3 naman po ano ano po yung nag momotivate sainyo to
work efficiently?

: First of all my family, also the compensation I receive It really helps me a lot so as back I
give my full efforts to my job.

Interviewwer: pano naman po pag di na meet ng company yung satisfaction nyo?

: For the mean time be contented you are very fortunate if you able to find a job
immediately not all the applicants have the assurance of being hired in a particular

Interviewer:Since you are not underemployed di nyo nap o kailangan sagutan yung

Interviewer: Since you are working 3 years here in the company How do you work as a

long term employee in your profession?

: As a management I also tend to manage myself I term of seeking myself into certain

facets that really improves also to improve my job description and skills

Interviewer” Sir last napo, nakikita nyo po ba yung sarili nyo working efficiently bin


: Like what I’ve improving if you’re improving you can work efficiently. You are not

bounded by only certain experiences.

Respodent 7


-in some way inclined because there's also teaching in health because supposed to be in a
science teacher

Job Security:

-now i'm dissatisfied so far but then the salary may not compensate all the needs of the


-so far no ..... So far no

Work Environment:

-so when I become a teacher my goal is to teach student because this is what I what, all I
wanted to do is teaching the student.

2. I'm quite dissatisfied as for now because the salary is not enough compare to my

3. Here in Mapeh Family, family is the first motivator beside to my original family. This
family is very good and great relation with my co-worker. In terms of student naman they
are one of our motivation because they wanted to be a good citizen in the future so they are
one of those mini joys that can bring back joys in your heart, so that's my motivation.

4. So probably we are getting early retirement if it that’s happen.

5. I exert all my power and efforts in teaching my students and my clubs I looked up
myself as like a father or their mother, very hand care to them that I wanted them to be a
good citizen in the near future that’s my goal.

6. I challenge myself in terms of this year will be probably different from next year I
maybe more enhance myself in terms of knowledge skills it means that you continuously

7. No i think because like what I said i'm quite dissatisfied in my salary. My salary is not
enough to my necessities.

Respondents 8


- - of course it's very vertically aligned because i'm a bachelor of science and nursing and
i'm workinh as a community health nurse


- Its very less, very dissatisfied because even though you work, you work even in holidays
unlike in other work if it is holiday you also have holidays but in nursing there's no such
thing as holiday, only one day and rest day mo then you having a salary of 9,000 per month
so every 15 days I earned only 4,500 it's like a nanny diba


- I'm satisfied


- When I become a nurse, I wanted to be a clinical instructor so I don't really want to work in
a hospital settings to care of host messy dirty works inside the hospital so my goal there is to
teach students 'cause the reason I tooked up this degree is to share my knowledge.

2. Dissatisfied

3. I'm dissatisfied witj the system for which nursed difficulty to be permanent in their job
even though you have a good grades you cannot control easily past to the process of being a
permanent becausr most of the founder is what you so called palakasan system.

4. Probably we are getting early retirement id we are not hapoy or probably I find another

5. I'm a very hard working person so I give all I can do to help people in my work so kahit
simpleng thankyou lang okay na ako sapat na iyon para maging motivation ko ang mga
pasyente and also syempre yung family ko.

6. For me kasi sa trabaho kong ito sometimes you need to be a hardworker person in triple
times kasi hindi madali yung trabahi namin you need to exert more effort to do this kind of
work kaya you need to find challenges in this job.

7. I think no lalo na kunh hindi na ako satisfied sa trabaho ko lalo ma sa work environment
na meron kami dito sa hospital so I think in the futurr I am not a public assistance nure
maybe I am at thr office in the near future.

Respondents 9


Interviewer: What preferences when you can say you are satisfied and fissatisfied in your
filed in terms of professionalism sir?? Yung dgreee nyo po ba is in line to your job

: Oo naman, I graduated nurse and as of now working in santa anna hospital hospital as
nurse, pangarao ko kasi maging nurse, actually na promote ako sa work ko as head nurse
kaso lang nadagdagan yung aworking days ko kasi even week end nag te training ko ihh.

Interviewer: Ok po sir when it comes to job security naman po, ang job security po meaning
yung mga compensation, salary na narereceive nyo sa company or to the hospital that you
work with?

: So far I am well compensated and lahat ng benefits provided sobrang laki nung sahod
actually so far sapat nama nsya samin.

Interviewer; How about your tenure sir satisfied naman po ba kayo o secure po ba yung
tenure nyo.

: secured yess…. Dun private hospital kasi yun tapos na promote so I can say nay un gtenure
ko is really secured

Interviewer sa work environment po ba sir kamusta po?

: ayun ditto medyo nakakapgod kasi ng wala kanang pahinga so far medyo dissatisfied kasi
wala kanang talgang rest day na sasacrifice tska motivation mo yung workers mo tska
ofcourse family.

Interviewer: question number 2 naman po sir satisfied naman po ba kayo sa job nyo.

: yes Im satisfied kasi provided naman lahat ih sa workloads lang talga yun problema

Interviewer: ano ano po yung mg amotivators ny osir sa trabaho nyo?

: uhmm siguro yung pangarap ko talgang maging nurse, sabi ko sa sarili ko noon palang gusto
konang tumulong sa mga tao makagamot talga. Pangako korin na di ako ma o OFW kasi yung
ibang nurse pumunta sa ibang bansa kasi mas malaki yung sahod dun. Sabi ditto ako kung san
ako mas kailangan

Interviewer: pano naman po kapag di nabigay o nasatisfy ng company nyo yung satisfaction
nyo o preferences nyo pano pokayo mag rereponse

; uhmm, kapg ganon ih talgang adjust adjust nalang. Kesa nama nmag demand kappa sa gusto
mo eh di nga ma provide. When it comes to salary if hindi nabigay yon ng maayos siguro tipid
tipid nalang din wag masyadong gumastos bilhin lang yun kailangan.

Interviewer: di nama npo kayo underplayed so let skip.

Interviewer: since mga 3-4 years napo kayo no, pano po kayo nag wowor kas having a long
term sa profession nyo.

; syempre you always seek or improvement kahit paulit ulit lang yun ginagawa syempre
kailangan mong hindi mga stay kung nasan ka kailangan may development sa sarili mo.

Interviewer: alastly po sir nakikita nyo po sarili na nagwowork efficiently in the future?/

; Oo naman nag na gagampanan konaman yung tungkulin ko ih tska kagaya ng a ng sinabi ko

seek for improvement.

Respondent 10

Interviewr; ok po star first question po ano ano yung mga preferences sa company or working
field when you can say you are satidfied or dissatisfied? In terms of professionalism?

: so far di ako ganon ka satisfied ih, kasi I graduated nursing kasi, tapos kumuha ako ng units
for teaching supposedly dapat science ako per I teach TLE now.

Interviewer: aahhh ok po sire, how about your job security sir?/ job security ang meaning po
nito sa research naming is yun yung mga compessation, benefits, salary na binibigay ng

: well aminin naman natin na ang pagiging teacher di talga sumasapat yung sahod medyo
dissatisfied kasi kulang talga yung sahod sa mga pangangailangan mo. Pero so far jopeful
naman kasi may pangako nam nna itataas daw yun sahod ng mga teachers ihh pero dissatisfied
talaga in a way na hindi nufufullfil needs mo.

Interviewr: sa tenure nyo po ba sir secured po ba kayo?

: ofcourse as teacher secured ka kahit ng malte ka o hindi mag turo sasahod kapadin ih.

Interviewer: in your work environment naman po ano po yung nakikita nyong bagay na
nakakasaisfy tasaka dissatisfy sainyo??

; So far nakaksatisfy sakin apg may chievements yung student mo tskla nag eecel sila
dissatisfaction siguro yung facilities and tools lang sa pagtuturo siguro.

Interviewer: question 2 po sir are satisfied in your job?

: so far medyo dissatisfied ih kasi yung nga di sumasapat kita mo, ang daaming dapat
pagkagastusan tska magagamit modin yun sa pagtuturo ih.

Interviewer: question 3 po sir ano ano po mga motivators to work efficiently sa job mo?

: kagaya nga ng sbai ko syempre studayante mo kapag may achievements sila tska syempre
family mo.

Interviewer; pano po kapag di ne meet ng company yung satisfaction nyo?/

: be flexible adjust nalang sa sarili tsaka kung di sapat yung sahod kailngan mong I budget

Interviewr: sir nursing po tapos nagtuturo kayo ng TLE medyo malayo po yun pan onyopo
winoworkout yun.

; kailangan mong mag improve kahit di inline tska adaptable ka dapat .

Interviewer: pano=o po kayo nag wowork as ling temr employee??

; actually I have sleepless night sa pag cocomply ng requirements pero kailngan nag
seseek kapdin ng bago bawat araw.

Interviewer: lastly po, nakikita nyo po ba sarili nyo sas efficient workers in the future

: so far oo, seeing myself achieved my masters and continuously excelling sa field ko.

Q1. How do you determine if you are satisfied or dissatisfied in your work field in

terms of the following?


Meaning unit Condense Unit Code Theme

1. I am more satisfied if the Dissatisfied and Mismatch Professionalism

work I have right now is college degree is as dissatisfier

inclined and related to my not related to job

college degree. On the

other way around slightly it

was related to my major

because we are more in

hiring and accessing some


2. My degree is not College degree is Mismatch Professionalism

inclined to my work. I not inclined to the as dissatisfier

graduated as work, dissatisfied

entrepreneurial because my job is

management then I am very far from it

here as registrar, I didn’t

see any relationship to it in

business. Although I imply

services it is still very far

and I’m really dissatisfied

on what I have now.

3. Its kind a different It is different I Mismatch Professionalism

because I Graduated as graduated as nurse as dissatisfier

nurse and I took units for and take units for

teaching. Now I’m teaching

teaching as MAPEH supposedly to

teacher, supposedly I teach science but

should be a science teaching MAPEH

teacher. In some part it subject.

suits on the other hand it is

quite too far.

4. I work in DOH as a satisfied because I Matched Satisfied and in

community health nurse, graduated nurse lined

I’m satisfied because as and work as a

being graduated as nursing community nurse.

my job really suits with my

learnings and skill.

5. It is really my dream is Satisfied because it Matched Satisfied and in

to be a nurse so I took up is my dream to be line

nursing degree in college. a nurse and work

So far I am satisfied as a nurse.

because as a nurse and

nursing graduate I able to

exert my knowledge

actually I was promoted as

head nurse of the hospital.


6. I’m satisfied, with my graduated as nurse Professionalism

job as a teacher I took units and took units for as dissatisfiers.

for teaching, but my degree teaching and now

is not suited to my teaching teaching TLE

subject, I took up nursing subject.

in college then I teach

TLE subject.

7. Yes, I am satisfied Satisfied as Matched Satisfied and in

because it fits my field, I psychology and line

am psychology, this is my fits to the

supposedly environment It environment

fits because this is what I


8. Yes, I am satisfied with Satisfied on my Interest Working for

my work because it in lines work because it Satisfied interest

to my interest though my suits my interest

course is not related.

9. So far yes, I’m satisfied Satisfied in my Matched Satisfied and in

with my work I graduated work, graduated as lined

as BSIT and I took units BSIT and took

for teaching and now I units to teach

teach as a Media and Media and

information literacy that information

suited to literacy subject

my degree and knowledge

10. I graduated as Satisfied and Matched Satisfied and

management so far I am fulfills the duties inh line

satisfied and I see myself and responsibility

on the job that I get now it and degree is a

fulfills what I learned and I lined to the job

able to fill it back.

Q1. What are your preferences when you can say you are satisfied and dissatisfied

in your work field in terms of the following?

Job Security:

Meaning unit Condense Unit Code Theme

1. As of now, sadly Sadly, dissatisfied, Job security as

I am dissatisfied on low salary and no Uncompensated dissatisfiers

the compensation benefits.

or salaries that I

have now. It is

lower compare to

my other workmate.

In addition I don’t

have any benefits

receive in my

working field

2. I’m well Well compensated Compensated Job security as

compensated and I and satisfied, Satisfiers

can say that I am benefits was

satisfied. The provided.

benefits that a work

should have are

provided e.g

Philhealth, Pagibig,


3. As of now Dissatisfied, salary Insufficiency Compenstion

dissatisfied because may not insufficiency

as a teacher our compensate the

salary may not necessities and

compensate all the budget while

necessities in my teaching

household or even

in my budget while


4. It is very Very dissatisfying, Uncompensated Job security as

dissatisfying earned like dissatisfiers

because I only working as a

earned like I’m domestic helper,

working as does not

domestic helper or compensated the

nanny in month. I need

does compensate all

the necessities of

myself and my


5. Yes the salary is Salary is high, and compensated Job security as

high and good, It benefits provided satisfiers

meets my standard. generously

All of the benefits

was fulfil and

bonuses was

provided to us


6. benefits was Benefits are Insufficiency Compensation

provided to us as provided but salary insufficiency

under by may not

government sector, compensate all of

However salaries my necessities

may not

compensate all the

necessities both

personal and for

family including

also the personal

budget allotted for

teaching at some


7. No, I’m not Dissatisfied, Compensation ad

satisfied since they earning with only Uncompensated dissatisfiers

have scholars for above minimum

students who wants conditional if

to study for college having credentials

so our salary is just your salary might

enough, above increase


conditionally if you

have credentials it

might help you to

increase your


8. quite dissatisfied Quite dissatisfied Insufficiency Contented though

with my salary, with salary though insufficient

though it is not it is not enough,

enough once the hard work resolves

person is it

hardworking they

will resolve it.

9. Our salary is just

enough for us, so Salary is enough, Insufficiency Contented though

far the benefits such but the benefits insufficient

as: Pagibig, was provided

Philhealth, and etc. unfailingly

is unfailingly

provided to us. I

can say that I’m


10. So far, Its quite Satisfied about Compensated Job Security as

satisfying the salary salary and befits Satisfiers

I receive is enough was provided

and compensation generously

and bonuses is Definietly

provided to us The

benefits generously

it was provided

Q1. What are your preferences when you can say you are satisfied and dissatisfied

in your work field in terms of the following?


Meaning unit Condense Unit Code Theme

1. It is not that secure Tenure is not Unsecured Tenure as

because if the secured, as the dissatisfiers

principal term was principal term

already completed, it change we might be

might also happen replace also.

that the workers may

be replace by another


2. So far my tenure is Secured tenure, you Secured Tenure as

secured I have can handle your own dissatisfiers

appointments in time without

department heads. affecting your salary

You can go to your

job late without

affecting your salary.

But the point here is

that you have a stable

and secure job for


3. I’m happy because Happy because my Secured Tenure as

as a government tenure is secure satisfiers

employee my job and

tenure is secured.

4. Strongly and very Very dissatisfied Unsecured Tenure as

dissatisfying to company practice dissatisfiers

perceive. In a padrino system you

company that having might be replace or

“Padrino System” or fired anytime.

such term

”palakasan” you

might replace or fired

in your job though

you want to stay.

5. My tenure is really Tenure is secure, Secured Tenure as

secured and I able to able to stay longer in Satisfiers

stay longer in my job. job but decided to

However I decided to quit because of

give up and quit to environment

my job for some

reason in my


6. So far I’m satisfy Satisfied knowing Secured Tenure as satisfiers

because knowing my my tenure is

tenure is secured. I secured, and

see my students students influence

learning and growing me to not quit in

that pushes to not quit teaching.

in teaching and stay

longer in my job.

7. No, I’m not Not satisfied, you Secured Tenure as

satisfied because, as can leave anytime dissatisfiers

the management says but you will not

you can leave receive any last pay

anytime you wanted management says.

but you will not

receive anything

except the last pay.

It’s not really secured

to work there, there’s

no stability.

8. My tenure is Tenure is secured, Secured Interest satisfied

secured I can leave my interest maks me

any moment in my stay but you can

job but I’m staying leave any moment

only because of my


9. I have secure have a secured Secured Tenure as

tenure and satisfy in tenure and satisfy in Satisfiers

with 8 years in 8 years in teaching

teaching and so far I

don’t see any reason

to give up job and

find another.

10. Tenure, I’m very Tenure is now

secured because I am secured because of Secured tenure as satisfiers

now regular here. My being regular. I’m

boss see my efforts fortunate and

and they decided to thankful

not let me go off and

I’m so fortunate and

thankful with that.

Q1. What are your preferences when you can say you are satisfied and dissatisfied

in your work field in terms of the following?

Work Environment


Meaning Unit Condense Unit Code Theme

1. We are satisfied in Satisfied in Accessible Flexibility on the

our work work working hours.

environment in a way environment, we

that we handle our handle our own

own time if we want time.

to go late we can do


2. So far I satisfy Adjustment on Flexibility Adjustment for

myself in doing some myself to satisfactory

adjustment. environment.

3. Yes, very satisfied Satisfied Interrelationship Relationship with

my co-workers because of my colleagues as

inspires me and most co-workers satisfier

of that my students I inspires me and

really enjoy teaching. at most my


4. I’m kind of satisfy Help and assist Public Assistance to

for the fact that I people as part of assistance people

helped people.

the requirements

to my work.

5. My work I received Reward Promotion as

continuously gives promotion as reward.

promotion. head through



6. I’m satisfy so far Connection I Interrelationship Relationship with

because I have a good have with my my colleagues as

relationship with co- workmates and satisfier.

teachers and also to superiors.

our superiors.

7. I’m satisfied happy People that Profession Satisfied with the

with the children, involves my work field.

Colleagues. And of work makes me

course I love my satisfied at the

work since this is same this is my

what my field and profession.

what I really want.

8. Yes, I’m satisfy My workmates Interrelationship Relationship with

because I am with my are also my Colleagues as

colleagues and friends. satisfier.


9. So far, I’m satisfy Achievement of Self-reflection Satisfaction on

and contended with students reflect student’s

my working to me as teacher. achievement.

environment. Mostly

when you can see

your students achieve


10. satisfying to Regular Salary Satisfaction

know that the boss employee through

recognize your effort receives regular compensation.



Meaning unit Condense Unit Code Theme

1. So far I can’t see any Dissatisfied only Uncompensated Job security as

dissatisfaction in my on compensation dissafiers

work environment the or salary

only dissatisfaction is the


2. So far I satisfy myself dissatisfaction is Confidential Unmentioned

in doing some adjustment confidential because of

on the other hand Confidentiality

dissatisfaction is quite


3. I think the things that Dissatisfied about Lack of Work

are dissatisfying to see is the facilities and facilities environment

the facilities and rooms rooms. as dissatisfiers

of the students.

4. Dissatisfying, there’s a Dissatisfied about Work

system of palakasan in the padrino system Unfairness environment

addition you work for not of the hospital. as dissatisfiers

only 8 hours a day with And working

the grueling experiences about 8 above

with the patients and I without proper

my one day rest does not compessation

really restores me.

5. My work environment Exhausting into Workloads Exhaustion in

is the reason why I the extent that my workloads

resigned to my job. I rest day is

doesn’t suits my schedule occupied because

anymore, though I was of training

promoted I tend to give

up because it very

exhausting into the extent

that I don’t have a rest

day because of training

and also it affect my

health condition.

6. So far the only Facilities and Environment

dissatisfaction that I can equipment as dissatisfiers

see is lack in facilities The only

and tools. dissatisfaction is

facility and tools

7. The system of hiring System that System Company

sometimes the neglect applicants system as

management tend to who came from dissatisfiers

neglect those applicants unfamiliar school

that came to schools that and those who

seems to be unfamiliar came from famous

for them though having a are immediately

good credentials. Those recognize

school that are famous

and well known are

immediately recognize.

8. when I lose my interest

because of tiredness and Losing interest Losing Appetite Self-interest as

exhaustion because of dissatsfiers

tiredness and


9. So far I think what are

lacking is technologies Facilities and Facilities and Work

for and facilities for more technology for Equipment environment

efficient teaching efficient teaching as dissatisfiers

10. my other workmates Workmates that Envyingly Work

was acting enviously and acting enviously environment

I clearly notice that, May because of as dissatisfiers

be its because of my promotion

connection with pour

boss in making me as a

regular employee.

Q2. Are you satisfied in your job why?

Meaning unit Condense Unit Code Theme

1. Quite dissatisfied Quite dissatisfied to

because. Because of because salary is Dissatisfied Sacrificing job

my salary that does not enough for satisfaction

not meet only the necessities


2. No, because my No, because my Dissatisfied Sacrificing job

work is quite too far degree is quite too satisfaction

from my degree so I far to my job

tend to adjust myself

in order to fit in.

3. I want to settle Settling down in the

now in my current job but dissatisfied dissatisfied Sacrificing Job

job but it is quite to see that the satisfaction

dissatisfying to see salary does not

that my salary does feeds up.

not really feeds me


4. Like what I’ve Very dissatisfying I Sacrificing job

said it’s very didn’t see any Very satisfaction

dissatisfying I didn’t satisfaction except Dissatisfied

see and satisfaction for professionalism

except to the thing

that I fits to my


5. Yes I’m satisfied

because it suit to my Satisfied and the Satisfied Sacrificing job

career well job suits to my satisfaction

compensated but career and

Well compensated

somehow it is

grueling to think.

6. As what like I’ve Salary does not fill dissatisfied Sacrificing job

said my salary might and satisfy the satisfaction

not compensate my needs and grueling

needs. Dissatisfied in to manage or

a way that it always allocate

that its grueling to

manage and allocate

my salary to all of my


7. I earned above Dissatisfied, Dissatisfied Sacrificing job

minimum and I was Earning above satisfaction

quite fortunate to minimum but

have that but, it is insufficient

quite really compare to the

insufficient compare needs

to my needs that’s

whyI’m dissatisfied

8. Dissatisfied

because most of the Dissatisfied dissatisfied Sacrificing job

time, I lose my because of losing satisfaction.

interest because I interest

don’t want what im


9. Yes, I’m satisfied I I’m satisfied and Satisfied Meets job

found myself here able to exert my satisfaction

and I able exert my knowledge in

knowledge here in teaching


10. Yes, so far So far satisfied Satisfied Meets job

satisfied like what because well satisfaction

I’ve said everything compensated and

is provided to me. benefits was

Well compensated provide

and I able to fulfill

my necessities.

Q3. What are the things that motivates you enables you to work efficiently in your


Meaning unit Condense Unit Code Theme

1. My family, my son Earned for the

of course I need to necessities of my Familism Sustainable

provide for their family and son necessities

necessities and and somehow my

somehow my workers co- workers that

having good inspires me

relationship with them

inspires me.

2. My only motivator

is my salary. Everyone Salary

works expecting to Salary is my only Compensative

have a salary and that motivator, motivation

pursues me to work and expecting to have

comply. something in


3. Motivators of

course, first of all my Family, my Familism Community

family, second my students and my relationship

students when I see achievements.

their achievements I

becoming more

motivated their

grades really inspire me

and lastly my passion

in teaching.

4. My only family, I

stay and work hard Work hard for Familism Sacrificing

though I’m not family satisfaction

contended in my work Though bot

field I tend pursue to satisfy in work

earn for them. field

5. Patriotism, I took Helping people

nursing because I want who is sick and Patriotism Community

to help sick people here extend passion in relationship

in Philippines on the teaching

other way around I also

want to extend that

passion through


6. My family, and of My family and Famlism and Community

course my students and students when Achievements relationship

as trainer when they they win in

win in some completion and

competition I really achieve


pursue myself to

improve more.

7. My motivators, first

of all of course our God My family and Community

then my family and my God and my Life aspects relationship

dreams in life. dreams in life.

8. I don’t have

motivators I only Just consider my Quality Conditional

consider my interest. interest seekers motivations

9. of course my family,

my students and also Family, Students Familism Community

my co-workers. and co-workers relationship

10.First of all my

family, also the Family and Core Increase job

compensation I receive compensation that motivations satisfaction

It really helps me a lot receive

so as back I give my

full efforts to my job.

Q4. How will you respond if the company doesn’t meet your preferences and

motivators as a determinants in working efficiently?

Meaning unit Condense Code Theme


1. There was this saying The salary is

that if the things around not enough so Felicitousness Adjustment to fit in

doesn’t fits you learn to do practice

adjust. If the salary is strict budgeting

not enough for of course and adjusting

do practice strict yourself to fit

budgeting. Everything is into your job

capable of learning.

2. Be adaptable to your

environment not all the Adaptable to Acclimatized Adaptation for

graduates are able to the environment excellence

achieve immediately a and take that as

job related to their step in stone to

degree so far I look this progress.

as a step in stone to


3. So far, I tend to have

my early retirement or Tend to have Resignedly Strong

resigned but then I early dissatisfaction

really don’t care about retirement, but

salary but my passion to salary not

teach. necessary just

my passion

4. Probably I more

likely to resigned and Resign and look Resignedly Strong

find another job because for another job, dissatisfaction

if the job does not fits if your current

you anymore the more doesn’t fits you

you will be dissatisfied. it’ll never be.

5. learn to adapt in your

environment and adjust Adapt in your Acclimatized Adaptation for

yourself demands so that environment excellence

you can fit and able to and adjust

enjoy your job. yourself

demands to fit


6. I adjust my budget

buy what you need only Adjust my Felicitousness Adjustment to fit in

and learn to practice budget and

flexibility in working learn flexibility


7. I work for my

passion, this is my field

as long as I meet my Working for Excellence Professionalism

profession it’s okay, I passion and Satisfaction

only want my meeting the

experience to be exerted professionalism

is the necessary

in a particular work


8. I will resigned and

find another job that is Resign and find Resignedly Strong

not toxic another job dissatisfaction

9. Of course you need to Adjust and be

adjust and be contended contented and Acclimatized Adaptation for

from what you have Adaptable, excellence

now. Adaptable and flexible


10. For the mean time

be contented you are Contented in Satisfied Meets job

very fortunate if you the workplace satisfaction

able to find a job as for being

immediately not all the hired as regular

applicants have the employee

assurance of being hired

in a particular company.

Q5. How do you work as an underemployed employees?

Meaning unit Condense Theme

Unit Code

1. There’s a big adjustment Big Adjustment Cleverish Celerity in

mostly when I was in my mostly when I adaptation

previous job. I need to fit was in my

in my job and learn it as previous job,

soon as possible. The only learn as soon as

thing you can do is adapt. possible.

2. learn everything, in Learn everything Cleverish Celerity in

your working field though in your field. Do adaptation

it is not in lined. Do your the task and

task and comply to your comply to duties.


3. I exert my 100 percent Exert my full Diligently Hard work beats

effort knowing the fact that effort despite of dissatisfaction

there is lacking in absence of

something on my own. something and

And since you have the do it hands on

passion to teach I really do with my passion.

it hands on.

4. (Not underemployed)

5. (not underemployed)

6. Progressive though it is Progress though Progression in

not my degree and it is not in lined Progressive dissatisfaction

professionalism always

seek for improve and be seek improve

adaptable. and be adaptable

7. ( not underemployed)

8. I’ll make a way or think Making way to Cleverish Hasty Shortcuts

for other ways for me to make the work

avoid things that makes me easily


9. (not underemployed(

10. (not underemployed)

Q6. How do you work as a long term employee in your profession?

Meaning unit Condense Unit Code Theme

1. All of us wants to

progress actually my Progressive, My Self- Seeking for

superior pushes me to superior pursue to development Advancement
take unites for teaching
take units for
and gladly I’m about to
teaching and was
finish that. You need to
about to finish that.
be progressive get out of

your box and explore.

2. Inconsistent, because Inconsistent. Variation Adapting

there might always There’s always varying system

change in my working
change in the work
field. What I only doing
field and comply to
is that. Compliance and
fulfill my job.
fulfill my job or task.

3. I seek for progression Seek for Self- Seeking for

you should not be progression, do not development advancement

be stagnant always

stagnant. Always find an find opportunity to

opportunity to improve. improve

4. With my situation I The only thing that

think, the only thing I can can do is Compliant Fulfilment of

do is compliance to your
compliance duties

5. Going to work as early Going to work early Self- Seeking for

as you can, prepare and prepare improvement improvement
yourself to the duties and
yourself for duties,
sometimes I extend my
extend my time but
time in my duty. But, I
seeking for
always tend to seek for
improve to myself.

6. Actually I have I have sleepless Self- Seeking for

sleepless nights for nights for development development
compliances of papers but
compliance but
I always tend to seek for
seek for new things
new things every day.
every day.

7. Consistent. With my

job I work only not about Consistent but Stagnant Compliance to

the compensation because working not only duties and
once you get out of this
for compensation responsibilities
the other company will
but work for
look to your experiences
passion. Because
not on the salary that you
that’s what
companies look for

8. I work, inconsistent, Working Variation Adapting

everything is uncertain, I inconsistent, things varying system
enjoy working when my
are uncertain but
interest was fulfilled
enjoyed if interest


9. Of course you should Improving and Self- Seeking for

be improving and excelling more by development advancement
excelling more to your
work by learning and

studying your field that

will add to your learning through

knowledge. studying

10. As a management I Manage myself to Self- Seeking for

also tend to manage
the facets that can development advancement
myself I term of seeking
myself into certain facets

that really improves also

to improve my job

description and skills,

Q7. How do you see yourself with the situation that you experience today? Do you

see working efficiently?

Meaning unit Condense Unit Code Theme

1) Yes, because as for my

evaluation to myself I able Yes, because Efficient Future productive

to fulfill my duties responsibilities worker

and responsibilities though and duties able to

it is not in line degree I’m fulfill

happy with this.

2. For me I see myself not Sufficient as of Sufficient Compliant Workers

efficient but sufficiently as now, Still finding

of now I only do comply in a job that really

my job I still finding myself suits me, enables

in a job that can really suits to exert my

me, that enables me to exert knowledge.

my skills and learning as

for my degree in college.

3. Yes, I see myself in the Yes, achieving my

future already achieve my master and Efficient Future Productive

masters and exerting the exerting the worker

fullness of my effort fullness effort,

sharing my knowledge to sharing knowledge

my students. to students

4. Yes, I see myself Yes, efficiently Efficient Future productive

efficiently working but not working but not in worker.

on this company. I will find this company

a work field where I can

exert my efforts worthily

5. Yes, I always wanted to Yes, improving Efficient Future productive

improve myself, seek for myself, seeking worker

experiences where I can for experiences

improve my standards and that improves my

also my capabilities. standards and


6. Improving or Improving or Efficient Future productive

progressive, someday I progressing, workers

seeing myself achieved my achieve my master

masters degree and someday and

continuously excelling to continuously

my field excelling.

7. Yes, actually I already Yes, because as

started with it as a human you apply to other Efficient Future productive

resource, once you apply your position will

outside your experiences improve and your

will improve and your job experience

description. Once I leave

here I will be an HR officer

or GR supervisor in a other


8. If the company is suit my If company suits Interest Uncertain in future

interest. Yes I think I could my interest and performance.

give my idea to that knowledgeable

company then give my best enough to that

to that if I’m field

knowledgeable enough to

that field.

9. Yes. If you are Yes, through Efficient Future productive

continuously learning you continuously workers

are improving. Always seek learning and not

for improvement and do not be stagnant

be stagnant.

10. Like what I’ve Yes Improving Efficient Future Productive

improving if you’re and work workers

improving you can work

efficiently. You are not efficiently and not

bounded by only certain bounded.





Job dissatisfaction is the underlying preferences, standards and necessities of

employee that a particular company does not satisfy or meet. A phenomenal problem

that workers or professional encounter in a particular work place, facing

consequences that varies on the standards that sets by an employee. A determinants

to work inefficient, subdivided into a certain facets that an employee encountered on

a particular work place.

Employees are said to work for their family as their motivators in order to

pursue themselves along with dissatisfaction. Employees tend look at their

motivators in order to fulfill the duties and responsibilities that given to them. They

also accepting the reality of their situation by adjusting or adapting to the given

working field. In addition employees or professionals exert excellence in their

working field as their expression of gratitude for hiring them.

The researchers found a significant result that is different from the

expectations pertaining to the effect of dissatisfaction. We found it in positive side,

employees or professionals that are dissatisfied to their work are tend to be adaptable
and clever. In order to have a stable job the data revealed that workers are exert

knowledge and efforts that are outbound by their capabilities and degree in order to

have a stable job. They also work seeking for improvement and advancement to their

job though it is not in lined. On the other hand study also found out that those who

are in private sector jobs or company who are dissatisfied in certain facets, tend to

shift or find another jobs that under public or government sector.

According to the data gathered, most of the respondents that having a secured

tenure are dissatisfied about the compensation or salary that was given to them. They

have a secured job but dissatisfied working in their field. The study found out that,

workers tend to be more adaptable into the environment given to them. Workers are

becoming cleverer in doing the task that given to them. The researchers found it

positive because of the big adjustment that a workers doing. Furthermore when it

comes to work environment they also overcome their satisfiers in order to work

efficiently through adaption the study found out that workers are dissatisfied about

the system, lack in facilities and equipment, workloads, envious co-worker and being


Underemployed is the state of a professional, working that the degree taken in

college is not inline to the working field. One of the determinants why workers are

dissatisfied on their field. A phenomenal problem that facing and tacked in the

Philippines competitive industry.

Uncertainty in job security does not make them satisfied but provokes them

to be contended. To have a secure tenure workers tend to sacrifice their own

satisfaction in terms of salary. Though their salary is really not enough for the

necessities some of them are willing stay and some are resignedly. Study found out

that professionals considerate to their security of tenure than to their salary.

Professionalism satisfaction define as the college degree of a workers is in line

to the current job. The study also found that workers that engage in job that does not

give professionalism satisfaction because the company provides them security in

tenure. They work in dissatisfaction but tend to neglect it for the stable job. Lastly

workers see themselves working efficiently though they experience dissatisfaction

into certain aspects. Base on the data gathered they can work efficiently to their job

because they able to fulfill their duties and responsibility that makes them contented.


The researchers concluded that the dissatisfaction varies in certain facets or

aspects that possesses by an employees and given by the company or working field.

Furthermore the data gathered revealed the employee can be said that they are really

satisfied when the necessities have not been meet by the working field. Professionals

are earnestly working for their necessities it might result into certain outcome that

affects the employee’s performance. On the other way around the study found that

effect of dissatisfaction on every aspect appears positively and aggrandize the

performance, cognitive skills, adaptability and cleverness of the employees.


The researcher recommend the following in accordance to the data gathered and the

result of the study along with feedback and recommendation of scholars.

Implementing the Two Factor Theory (For organization or Company)

According to our theory “you cannot remove the dissatisfiers in an employee in a

particular working field” Herzberg, F. (1959). As for our recommendation. We

greatly suggest the implementation of Two Factor Theory of Frederick Herzberg

(1959). Two factor theory aims to remove the dissatisfaction to an employee through

increasing their motivators in order to work efficiently. For example offering a higher

salary to employees. It does not necessarily mean that they will be satisfied. The

employee is just no longer satisfied.

Herzberg Identifies 4 combination can exist at work:

1. High hygiene and High motivation

The ideal situation. Employees are very motivated and barely have any


2. High hygiene and low motivation

Employees have few complaints, but they are not really motivated, they see their

work simply as a paycheck.

3. Low hygiene and low motivation.

This is the worst possible situation employees are motivated and have a lot


4. Low Hygiene and Low motivation

This is the worst possible situation employees are not motivated and have a lot of


How to apply to factor theory

1st Step

According to Herzberg, take away the dissatisfaction according to Herzberg in order

to do this, determine the important factor first Such as:

- Work on the bureaucracy within the organization

- Make sure there’s supportive and effective supervision

- Create a work environment where all employees are respected

- Pay an honest salary

- Make sure all employees do worthwhile work, to build up the status of their


- Give job guarantees

2nd Step

When the dissatisfaction is taken away, the organization can focus on motivating its

employees effectively

3rd Step

Create condition for satisfaction

For motivation within the organization think about:

- Creating condition for good performance

- Appreciating your employees contribution

- Tailoring the work to your employees talents and abilities

- Giving each team responsibility as much as possible

- Offering opportunities for growth within the organization

- Offering training and development opportunities

The effect of Two-factor Theory will be more efficient and can last long into a

company if the motivators given to employees are varying or changing in a period of

time. Through providing motivation in terms of compensation, security in tenure,

work environment and professionalism worker might work more efficient and

dissatisfied no more.

Remove the demands in a particular working field (For employee)

According to (Maden, 2014), Expectation is observe to be more empathically

positive for longer tenure, indication of satisfaction. However in depends if the

company meets that’s expectation, on the other way around according the findings

employees are tend to be resignedly if the company does not meet the standards set
by an employee. The researchers therefore recommend that employees should

remove their demands before applying to a particular company. According to

Annjekka Torres, Licensed Psychology and a Human Resource practitioner “They

shouldn’t be demanding on the job whether they are fresh graduate, or even those

having a long term experience.

Recommendation along with Department of Labor and Employment

- Strengthen the Labor market Information,

Disseminate Quality and Credible information about the job competitive industry

in the professionals and future workers.

- Advocate greater research and development spending

Continuous development through researches and studies/

- Improve educational system.



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1. How do you determine if you are satisfied or dissatisfied in your work field in

terms of the following?


Job Security


Work environment

2. Are you satisfied in your job Why?

3. What are the things that motivates you, enables you to work efficiently in your

4. How will you response if the company doesn’t meet your references and
motivators as a determinants in working efficiently?

5. How do you work as an underemployed workers?

6. How do you work as long term employee in your profession?

7. How do you see yourself in the future with the situation you experience
Do you see yourself working efficiently?


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