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Unit-III: Numerical Analysis and Differential

1. Root Finding for Non-linear Equation
2. Newton’s Method 1. Partial Differential Equations of the first order
3. Secant Method 2. Lagrange’s solution of some special types of
4. One-point Iteration Method equations, their solution
5. Multiple Roots 3. Charpit’s general method of solution.
6. Newton Methods of Non-linear systems 4. Partial Differential Equations of second order.
7. InterpolationTheory 5. Homogeneous a nonhomogeneous equation with
8. Finite Differences constant coefficient,
9. Newton’s Forward and Backward differences 6. Monge’s Method.
10. Newton’s Divided differences 7. Fourier series and Fourier transform
11. Lagrange’s interpolation 8. Convergence of series Fourier series
12. Piece-wise linear Interpolation 9. Application of Fourier series and Fourier
13. NumericalIntegration Transforms to boundary value problems.
14. Newton-cote integration formula 10. Solution of Laplaceequation, wave equation and
15. Trapezoidal rule heat conduction equations.
16. Simpsons’ rule
17. Gausian quadrature
18. Asymptotic error formulas and their applications
19. Numerical Methods for Ordinary Different
20. Euler’s Method
21. Multistep Methods
22. Midpoint Method
23. Trapezodial Method
24. Single step Method
25. Runge-Kutta Method.

1. Linear differential equation with constant

coefficient and variable coefficient
2. System of Linear differential equations
3. Laplace Transformation
4. Linearity of the Laplace transformation
5. Laplace transforms of derivatives and integrals
6. Shifting theorems.
7. Differentiation and integration of transforms
8. Convolution theorem.
9. Solution of integral equations and systems of
linear differential equation using Laplace
Transformation Series solution of differential
10. Power series method
11. Besel ,legender
12. Hypergeometric equations
13. Bessel, Legenderfunctions and theirproperties.
14. Strum -Liouvile problem
15. Orthogonality of eigen functions
16. Orthogonality of Bessel functions
17. Legendrepolynomials.

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