Attorney General Bondi Objects O.J. Simpson's Relocation To Florida - Sep 2017

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PM EDT September 29, 2017 Jordan Ferrell

Attorney General Bondi objects O.J.

Simpson's relocation to Florida
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- In response to O.J. Simpson's desire to relocate
to Florida while on parole, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi sent a
letter to the Department of Corrections this week expressing her
objection in him doing so.

The letter Bondi penned requests that the FDOC immediately notify all
appropriate authorities in Nevada that the State of Florida objects to
granting Simpson permission to relocate to Florida to serve parole.
Bondi states, "Floridians are well aware of Mr. Simpson's background,
his wanton disregard for the lives of others and his sco aw attitude
with respect to the heinous acts for which he has been found civilly

In the letter, Bondi went on to say, "There is no justi cation under

these circumstances for asking the taxpayers of Florida to foot the bill
for hosting Mr. Simpson's parole, especially in light of the added
dangers that his relocation would pose to our citizens."

Bondi backs up her objection to Simpson's relocation by referencing

Florida Statue 949.07, regarding the interstate compact for adult
supervision. The statute allows a compacting state in which an o ender
has been convicted of a crime, served prison time, and been paroled to
permit a parolee to relocate, but the receiving state has the authority to
deny such a request, according to Bondi.

"In the case of Mr. Simpson, sound reasons exist for the State of Florida
to object to permission being given for his relocation to Florida and for
the State of Nevada to honor our objection by denying him such
permission," Bondi said in the letter.

One of the reasons Bondi lists as probable cause to deny his relocation
is the civil judgment entered against him for the wrongful deaths in the
brutal slaying of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman in 1994.
Bondi goes on to mention the criminal activity which led to his arrest in
Las Vegas and the increased burden that would be placed on law
enforcement personnel due to his infamy.

"Interestingly, Mr. Simpson falsely said at his parole hearing, 'I'm not
a guy who lived a criminal life,'" said Bondi.

Bondi states that if the FDOC determines that a denial of his relocation
to Florida is not an option, "our State is entitled to take all deliberate
steps to ensure that Mr. Simpson is subjected to the most stringent and
secure conditions of supervision, within the bounds of applicable law,
during his time spent here."

Simpson is expected to be released as early as Monday, Oct. 2 from High

Desert State Prison outside Las Vegas, according to Nevada Department
of Corrections spokeswoman Brooke Keast.

Simpson has spent the last nine years behind bars for a 2008 armed
robbery and kidnapping convictions following a confrontation with two
sports memorabilia dealers in Las Vegas. Simpson was originally
sentenced to up to 33 years in prison.

"The specter of his residing in comfort in Florida should not be an

option," Bondi said. "Our state should not become a country club for
this convicted criminal."

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