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Styles 1 Sara Brians

Pace University Spring 2019

Assigned 3/29 (Class Session 8)
Due 4/5 (Class Session 9)

JOURNAL - 10 points / Due in my hand at 10:30am on Friday, April 5, 2019.
• Your NAME and DATE must be typed clearly at the top of the document.
• Title the document, “Journal #8”
• Typed, double-spaced, 12pt font.
• Minimum 1 page (If you write more than one page, your document must be stapled.)

• PROMPT: Go to the following link:

• Read the article and watch each of the videos of the “10 Iconic Broadway Dance
Numbers” according to
The 42nd STREET Opening Number is no longer accessible, so watch this, from the 2000
The HELLO DOLLY! Clip is no longer accessible, so watch this:

• Choose TWO of the numbers.
• Compare AND contrast the style of dance in each. You can discuss the time
period, story content, choreographer, intention and relationship of characters
and style. Some things to look at when analyzing the style are: tempo, use of
space (travelling or stationary), movement dynamic (sharp, fluid, staccato,
elastic, etc), does the movement tell a story (is it more pedestrian, or more
technical, ballet, tap, jazz, etc). How do the arms and legs move? Does the
movement feel/seem effortful or effortless? What is the purpose of the number
in the story? Do the characters relate? If so, how? Etc.
• I will not accept assignments that do not meet the criteria above.

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