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Issues and opportunities:

1. There exists an immense reservoir of goodwill and understanding between Bhutan and
Bangladesh ever since the former became the first country to recognize the latter’s
independence in 1971.

2. In many respects, Bangladesh is the second most important neighbor for Bhutan, after
India. Trade between the two countries has been on the rise over the decade with its value
reaching the highest in 2017 at Nu.3815.45 million. The balance of trade is in favor of
Bhutan and today Bangladesh is the only country with whom Bhutan enjoys a significant
trade surplus.

3. Today there are around 133 Bhutanese students studying in Bangladesh. Since 2005,
Bhutan had been availing two MBBS slots (fees paid by RGoB) annually at government
medical colleges in Bangladesh at the offer of the Bangladesh Government. Since 2017,
the Bangladesh Government has been offering 12 slots for Bhutanese students (10 BBS
and 2 BDS). Likewise, there are currently 3 PG doctors studying at BSMMU.

4. According to visitor arrival statistics, 10,536 tourists from Bangladesh visited Bhutan in
2017 (a 30.89 percent increase from 2016), making it the 2nd most source market after
India in 2017. Most of the visitors from Bangladesh stay in five star/three star hotels and,
according to the general manager of Terma Linca, tourists from Bangladesh spend much
more than Indian tourists. The trend is likely to continue in the days ahead.

5. On May 11, 2018, Bangladesh launched its first geostationary communications satellite
Bangabandhu 1, which has 40 transponders. The satellite is expected to offer coverage
over Bangladesh, the Bay of Bengal, Bhutan, Nepal, India, Indonesia and the Philippines.
Bangabandhu-1 will provide satellite television, internet access, and emergency
communication services during disasters, as well as broadband to rural areas in

6. Currently, Bangladesh receives internet through an optical fibre submarine

communications cable system known as SEA-ME-WE 4, an international consortium of
16 telecommunications companies which carries telecommunications between South East
Asia, the Middle East, Europe and the Indian subcontinent. The landing point in
Bangladesh for the fibre optic connectivity is Cox’s Bazar, and Bangladesh Submarine
Cable Company Limited is responsible for all services related to the submarine cable.
Eight north eastern states of India import internet from Bangladesh through Cox’s Bazar.
Although discussions on importing internet from Cox’s Bazaar through India are
underway, Bhutan could also explore possibility of using Bangladesh’s satellite for
Research and Development (R&D) and disaster purposes and, likewise, for internet
purposes, if feasible.

7. After Hon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s visit to Bhutan in April 2017, Bangladesh
agreed to donate to Bhutan’s Health Trust Fund essential medicines which will be
ceremoniously handed over to the Ambassador of Bhutan by the Hon’ble Health Minister
of Bangladesh in July, 2018. Bhutan has received the first two consignments of
medicines till now, and the final consignment is slated to be received on 26 November

8. In December 2014, during the visit to Bangaldesh by Lyonchhen Tshering Tobgay,

Bangladesh gifted the plot of land at the Baridhara Diplomatic Enclave, measuring
approximately 2.4 bighas (3211.895 sqmtrs), for the construction of RBE Dhaka
premises. The Foreign Ministry in consultation with MoWHS has finalized the ToR for
the hiring of a lead consultant and the construction of RBE Dhaka premises is expected to
kick off in the first quarter of 2019. However, RBE Dhaka is waiting for the capital
budgets for the FY 2018/2019 to be approved by the new Government. We are expecting
that the proposed budget of Nu.10.00 million to hire a lead local consultant to kick off the
construction works will be approved by the Government soon.


1. RBE Dhaka is the only embassy which did not receive budget appropriation for the
purchase of a vehicle despite strong justifications provided since 2016.

2. RBE Dhaka is still waiting for a counsellor-level officer from the Ministry eversince Ms.
Karma Wangzom was relieved from the Embassy on 08 May 2018. RBE Dhaka has
immense responsibilities and huge potential to promote goodwill, HRD and economic
cooperation with Bangladesh. Given security reasons and also in view of finding flats in
the diplomatic zone, all embassy staff quarters are currently in the proximity of the
Embassy building, where rental charges are relatively higher. RAA and MoF have time
and again made their objections to this.

3. The yearly budget earmarked for RBE Dhaka is also one of the lowest, if not the lowest,
compared to all other missions and embassies.

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