Code Reviews at Microsoft Are An Integral Part of The Development Process

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Code reviews play a big role at Microsoft to allow smooth collaboration at such a large scale since

development of software products are coded by thousands of engineers that work on the same code
base simultaneously

Code reviews at Microsoft are an integral part of the development process

At Microsoft, code reviewing is a highly adopted engineering practice and perceived as a great best
practice. And most high-performing teams spend a lot of time doing this.

What can you learn from code review practices at Microsoft?

Why should we incorporate that practise in your our development process

How often do Microsoft engineers perform code reviews?

In this study, 36% of the developers said they perform code reviews multiple times a day. Another
39% of the developers said they do code reviews at least once per day. 12% do code reviews
multiple times a week, and only 13% said they did not do a code review in the past week.

Which benefits does code reviewing provide?

 Improve the code quality, helps to improve software quality

 To find defects in the code

 Knowledge transfer: - team members that review each other’s code, become familiar with a
larger part of the code base.

 New team members and junior developers can learn and improve their coding skills while
reviewing or getting feedback.

If developers discuss alternative solutions during code reviews, it not only improves the code base
but has also a learning effect for all involved. Learning, mentoring and self-improvement are
therefore all reasons code reviewing is perceived as such a beneficial practice at Microsoft.

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