Role Play

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Introduction to Role Play

Group Members
S/No Name of Students ID No Related Group

1 Getahun Gedabo RMHS/468/10 Group one(1)

2 Abel Mesfin RMHS/015/10 Group one(1)

3 Dawit Getnet RMHS/115/10 Group one(1)

4 Abdurohman Muhe RMHS/009/10 Group one(1)

5 Kedir Ali RMHS/226/10 Group one(1)

6 Danayit Welay RMHS/118/10 Group one(1)
At the end of this presentation the groups of
students and another groups will be able to:
p Define Role play
p Advantages and disadvantages of Role play
p Steps of Role play
p How to create & facilitate role play
p Ground Rules for the Role Play
What is Role Play?
pA role play is a learning activity in
which students play out roles in a
simulated situation that relates to one
or more learning objectives.
Advantages of Role play
p Role plays encourage student participation and
stimulate thinking.

p They motivate students by involving them in a

realistic situation.

p Role plays help students understand another

person’s perspective or situation.

p Role plays can inform, assess, and improve a

variety of students’ skills and attitudes
(communication and interpersonal skills needed
to interview, counsel, and treat patients)

p Role plays give students opportunities to receive

feedback on their performance in a safe setting
p Helps to build self-esteem and confidence
p Helps to develop real communication skills in
leadership,interviewing and social interaction
Disadvantages of Role-Play
q Itrequires expert's guidance and leadership
q Sometimes participants may feel threatened
q Used as an educational technique, not a
therapeutic one
q Strongly dependent on student of
q Time consuming
Steps of Role Play
q step 1: Selection of a problem
q step 2: construction of role play situation
q step 3: casting the players
q step 4: briefing
q step 5: Role playing action
q step 6: discussion and analysis of action
q step 7: evaluation
Create a Role Play

p Decide what the students should learn

(the objective)

p Select an appropriate situation

p Identify the roles


Determine if the role play will be:

n Informal – acting it out with little or

preparation time
n Formal – planned in advance with

n Clinicaldemonstration – working with

anatomic models and simulated patients
q Determine if the students will report the results
of their discussion of the role play in writing or
orally to the entire group.

p In some cases, the role plays are done only in

small groups. Then one or more groups may
present theirs to the large group and/or the
teacher will facilitate a discussion focusing on
the role plays.
Facilitate a Role Play
p Explainthe nature and purpose of the
exercise (the objectives).

p Define the setting and situation of the

role play.

p Brief the participants on their roles.

p Explain what the other students should
observe and what kind of feedback they
should give.

p Provide the students with questions or

activities that will help them to focus on
the main concepts being presented.

p Keep the role play brief and to the point.

p Engage students in a followup discussion.

p Provide feedback, both positive and

suggestions for improvement.

p Summarize what happened in the session, what

was learned, and how it applies to the skill
being learned.
Ground Rules for the Role Play
p Every group member must participate in the

p Show respect for your group members and

your peers during the preparation and
performance of your role play.

p Use appropriate language and behavior during

the role play enactment.


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