Pre Lab - 2: Objective

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Pre Lab - 2   
​NAME :​ P.Pranavi

Roll no : ​121601035

Objective :
Part A
1. The OFT kit uses time division multiplexing (TDM) to transmit four
data streams (voice 1 & 2, data, and expansion slot data) in one
single transmission medium (optical fiber cable). Data from each of
these streams are packed in frames for transmission.
2. Observe different transmitted data at (S4) and the corresponding
received data at (S24). Feed different external data at these posts and
observe the corresponding output. Explain the observations.
3. The different data streams are synchronized using a frame clock and
the bits are synchronized with a bit clock. Observe these at (Tx frame
clock) and (Tx clock). Find the clock frequency, number of frames per
second and number of bits per frame.

Part B
1. Each frame is identified at the Rx using a known pilot or marker
sequence that is transmitted in each frame. Observe the markers in
the transmitted data at (S3).
2. Change the markers in Tx & Rx and observe the communication link
between Tx & Rx failing and being established (L8, L9).


3. Repeat the above using both even and odd markers.

Part C
1. The Rx recovers the transmission clock as Manchester code is
employed at the Tx. Observe the (Tx clock), (Tx data), and (Coded
data). Explain the observations.
2. Feed external data at the locations and observe the output.


Time-division multiplexing​ (​TDM​) is a method of transmitting and receiving

independent signals over a common signal path by means of synchronized
switches at each end of the transmission line so that each signal appears on the
line only a fraction of time in an alternating pattern. It is used when the bit rate of
the transmission medium exceeds that of the signal to be transmitted.

In TDM, incoming signals are divided into equal fixed-length time slots. After
multiplexing, these signals are transmitted over a shared medium and
reassembled into their original format after de-multiplexing. Time slot selection is
directly proportional to overall system efficiency.

During each time slot a TDM frame (or data packet) is created as a sample of the
signal of a given sub-channel; the frame also consists of a synchronization
channel and sometimes an error correction channel. After the first sample of the
given sub-channel (along with its associated and newly created error correction
and synchronization channels) are taken, the process is repeated for a second
sample when a second frame is created, then repeated for a third frame, etc.;
and the frames are interleaved one after the other. When the time slot has
expired, the process is repeated for the next sub-channel.


Manchester Coding :

In​ telecommunication​ and​ data storage​, ​Manchester code​ (also known as

phase encoding​, or ​PE​) is a​ line code​ in which the encoding of each data​ bit​ is
either low then high, or high then low, for equal time. It is a​ self-clocking signal
with no​ DC component​ Manchester coding is a special case of​ binary phase-shift
keying​ (BPSK), where the data controls the​ phase​ of a square wave​ carrier
whose frequency is the data rate. Manchester code ensures frequent line voltage
transitions, directly proportional to the clock rate; this helps​ clock recovery​.

Manchester code always has a transition at the middle of each bit period and
may (depending on the information to be transmitted) have a transition at the
start of the period also. The direction of the mid-bit transition indicates the data.
Transitions at the period boundaries do not carry information. They exist only to
place the signal in the correct state to allow the mid-bit transition.


Equipment Required :


Two channel, 20MHz Oscilloscope

Function generator, 1Hz - 10MHz

Setting up a digital link :

1) Set the switch SW8 to the DIGITAL position.

2) Connect a 1m optical fiber between LED1 and the PIN diode PD1.
3) Remove the shorting plugs of the coded data shorting links, S6 in the
Manchester coder block and S26 in the Decoder & clock recovery block.
Ensure that the shorting plug of jumper JP2 is across the posts B & A1 [for
PD1 receiver selection].


4) Set the gain such that the signal at P31 is about 2V. Observe the input
signal from the function generator on channel 1 and the received TTL
signal at post A of S2 on channel 2. Vary the frequency of the input signal
and observe the output response.

How to set up multiplexer and demultiplexer :

OFT is as much a synchronous Time Division Multiplexing unit as it is a fiber

optic communication unit. The basic multiplexer has twelve 64 kbps channels
which are time multiplexed. The multiplexed data stream is Manchester coded
and the resulting TTL bit-stream drives the LEDs. At the receiver, the TTL signal
is fed to a Manchestor decoder which recovers the clock and the data.

1)Set up a digital link.

2)During power on, both even and odd marker patterns at the marker generator
and marker reference blocks will be set automatically as follows:

Even marker in both blocks: all bits set to zeros

Odd marker in both blocks : 6th bit set to one and other bits are don’t care.

3)Connect the program marker post P5 in the 8- bit-data transmit block to the
marker program post P6. Similarly program the other markers in the marker
generator and marker reference blocks, using their respective marker program
posts and the program marker post P5.

4)Connect LED1 in the optical Tx1 block and PD1 in the optical Rx1 block using
the 1m optical fiber to set up the850 nm Digital link. Adjust the GAIN control until
the LEDs L0-L7 in 8-bit-data receiver block light up corresponding to the ON


positions of SW0-SW7. When the TDM link is working, the LEDs L8 and L9 in the
marker detection block will be OFF without any flicker. Toggle SW0 and observe
the toggling of L0. The digital link and the TDM MUX-DEMUX are now set up.

How to Check for Marker at Receiver:

The start of the frame is determined by a marker. In this case, the marker is a bit
pattern which is always placed in slot 0 and its occurrence signals the start of a
new frame. Set the even marker in the marker generator block to 11000011.
Ensure that the even marker in the receiver block has the same data bit pattern
as the even marker in the Transmitter block. We will observe the mux-demux
working, as the marker bits are compared with those in the even marker in the
receiver block, and the match is used to reset the slot counters. Now change one
bit in the even marker in the receiver block(say bit 5). Check if the demux is
working. Press the RESET switch. Check if the demux is working. Change the
even marker in the receiver block back to the setting of the even marker in the
transmitter side. Check the functioning of the demux.

The marker is a repetitive bit pattern placed in some pre- defined positions in one
or more (multiple) frames. The receiver searches for this pattern in the received
data. Once this pattern is found for several successive frames (or multiframes),
the receiver is considered to be locked, and demultiplexing is carried out. Locking
on to the correct marker is crucial to correct demultiplexing. 

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