Cell Wall

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A ​cell wall​ is a structural layer that surrounds some types of ​cells​, situated outside the ​cell

membrane​. It can be tough, flexible, and sometimes rigid. It provides cells with both structural
support and protection, and also acts as a filtering mechanism. Cell walls are present
in ​plants​, ​fungi​ and ​prokaryotic​ cells, where a major function is to act as pressure vessels,
preventing ​over-expansion​ when water enters the ​cells​. Cell walls are absent from ​mycoplasmas​.
The composition of cell walls varies between species and may depend on cell type and
developmental stage. The primary cell wall of ​land plants​ is composed of the
polysaccharides ​cellulose​, ​hemicellulose​ and ​pectin​. In bacteria, the cell wall is composed
of ​peptidoglycan​. Archaean cell walls have various compositions, and may be formed
of ​glycoprotein​ ​S-layers​, ​pseudopeptidoglycan​, or ​polysaccharides​. Fungi possess cell walls
made of the ​glucosamine​ polymer ​chitin​, and algae typically possess walls made of glycoproteins
and polysaccharides. Unusually, ​diatoms​ have a cell wall composed of ​biogenic silica​.[1]​ ​ Often,
other accessory molecules such as ​lignin​ or ​cutin​ are found anchored to the cell wall.
From Wikipedia

In a plants, algae, fungi, and most bacteria, cell membrane is surrounded by a strong cell wall,
which is a rigid layer that gives protection, support, and shape to the cell.
Cell wall composition varies and is related to the different needs of each type of organism. In
plants and algae, the cell is made of cellulose, a polysaccharide. Because molecules cannot
easily diffuse across cellulose, the cell walls of plants and algae have openings, or channels.
Water and other molecules small enough to fit through the channels can freely pass through the
cell wall. In fungi, cell walls are made of chitin, and in bacteria, they are made of chitin, and in
bacteria, they are made of peptidoglycan.

2. What is the function of your organelle? What is the general

structure of your organelle? Is there anything special about the
molecular make-up of your organelle (organic molecules)?​How is
the organelle's function related to its structure? The function of the cell
wall is to provide protection and structure for the cell. Think of it like
this... The plant cell is like a jail and the cell wall is like a big fence
surrounding the jail not letting anything out or in unless necessary.
The structure of the cell wall is made up of cellulose, cell walls are
thicker and more rigid than a cell membrane found in animal cells.
Cellulose i a carbohydrate that doesn't dissolve in water and
carbohydrates are made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. The cell
wall also acts as support for tall plants such as redwood trees. But for
smaller plants such as flowers and leafs the cells walls are more
elastic and allow the plants to bend. Going back to how cells walls are
like the fence around a jail, all jail fences have a gate or door that
allows thing to enter and exit the jail. There are small holes in the cell
wall called plasmodesmata that act like the doors and gates of a jail
fence. These holes allow nutrients, wastes and ions to exit and enter
the cell. The cell walls thick and sturdy structure allows it to do its job
of supporting and protecting the cell very well.
From https://epiehonorsbiology.wikispaces.com/Cell+Wall

From http://sldnx470.weebly.com/cell-membrane-and-cell-wall.html

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