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0 Introduction

The profile projector is an optical a projection apparatus that can produce an

erlarged projection shadow of an object. The projection methods of examination are
well adapted to the examination of form tools, profile gauge, press-tools, gear teeth,
screw thread etc. sizes of the object may be checked by direct measurement on the
enlarged shadow and subsequent division by the multiplication factor. The
magnification factor is accurate and that the design of the apparatus permits maximum
latitude in holding and adjusting the object.

2.0 Objective

To check the profile and measure the geometrical parameters of the given specimen i.e
(screw thread) by using profile projector.

3.0 Material and Apparatus

i. Screw Thread Plug Gauge ( as specimen )

ii. Profile Projector ( Horizontal / Vertical )
4.0 Method to Approach

A briefing session will be conduct prior to students carrying out the measurement on the
specimen. Please take note of the procedures for setting up the specimen on the profile
projector. Using suitable magnification adjust the focusing knob to ensure the shadow
obtained is sharp and clear. Movement can be made through micrometer adjustment.

Parameter to be measured on the specimen are :

i. Major diameter
ii. Minor diameter
iii. Effective diameter
iv. Pitch
v. Depth
vi. Angle

5.0 Procedure

i. Switch on the optical profile projector.

ii. Place the clean work piece on the glass of the table

iii. Focus it properly by moving focusing wheel and moving the work table to obtain correct
magnified image of the object.

iv. Horizontal (X-axis) measurement can be taken by right hand side micrometer and the
vertical measurement can be taken from the front side micrometer.

v. To measure pitch take the distance between two similar points on adjacent flank or crest
to crest or root to root on adjacent threads, parallel to the axis of the screw thread. For
achieving this adjust the reference line on the projector to the corresponding points and
note the micrometer readings between these points.

vi. Adopt similar procedure for measurement of the other linear parameters of the thread.

vii. For measurement of thread angle match the reference line between flanks and note
down the angle.
6.0 Result

Major Minor Effective

diameter diameter diameter Depth Pitch Angle
1 19.982 16.44 18.265 1.794 2.471 59 25

2 20.004 16.416 18.112 1.79 2.485 60 16

3 20.016 16.421 18.147 1.768 2.45 60 13

7.0 Drawing
8.0 Discussion

Major diameter: In case of a straight thread, this is the diameter of the major cylinder
(imaginary cylinder, co-axial with the screw, which just touches the crests of an external
thread or the root of an internal thread). It is often referred to as the outside diameter,
crest diameter or full diameter of external threads.

Minor diameter: In case of straight thread, this is the diameter of the minor cylinder
(an imaginary cylinder, co- axial with the screw which just touches the roots of an
external thread or the crest of an internal thread). It is often referred to as root diameter
or cone diameter of external threads.

Pitch: The pitch of a thread is the distance, measured parallel to the axis of the thread,
between corresponding points on adjacent thread forms in the same axial plane and on
the same side of axis. The basic pitch is equal to the lead divided by the number of thread
starts. On drawings of thread sections, the pitch is shown as the distance from the centre
of one thread crest to the centre of the next, and this representation is correct for single
start as well as multi-start threads

Effective diameter or pitch diameter: In case of straight thread, this is the diameter of
the pitch cylinder (the imaginary’ cylinder which is co-axial with the axis of the screw,
and intersects the flank of the threads in such a way as to make the width of threads and
width of the spaces between the threads equal). If the pitch cylinder be imagined as
generated by a straight line parallel to the axis of screw, that straight line is then referred
to as the pitch line. Along the pitch line, the widths of the threads and the widths of the
spaces are equal on a perfect thread. This is the most important dimension at it decides
the quality of the fit between the screw and the nut.

Angle of thread: This is the angle between the flanks or slope of the thread measured
in an axial plane.

Depth of thread: This is the distance from the crest or tip of the thread to the root of
the thread measured perpendicular to the longitudinal axis or this could be defined as
the distance measured radially between the major and minor cylinders.
9.0 Evidence

10.0 Conclusion

Optical comparators are used to measure manufactured parts in a wide range of

industries around the world every day. Available with numerous features and options to
suit many applications, comparators can be used throughout a factory, including
incoming inspection areas, R&D labs, machine shops, assembly and production floors,
and final inspection areas. Their versatility, range of capabilities and return on
investment make comparators indispensable and integral to any quality plan.

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