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Biology 20- Unit 4: Human Systems – Chapter 12

TITLE: 12.2 Kidney Diseases and Treatments DATE: December 7, 2015

Total Time: 85 minutes

Specific Outcome Addressed:

1. 20–D3.1sts explain that the goal of science is knowledge about the natural world (NS1)
 explain how an understanding of nephron function is applied to renal and peritoneal dialysis
 identify specific pathologies of the excretory system and the scientific knowledge connected
with the treatment
− identify the physiological complexities and challenges of organ and tissue transplants.
2. 20–D3.3s analyze data and apply mathematical and conceptual models to develop and assess
possible solutions
 assess technological solutions to kidney failure, such as peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis and
kidney transplant, and identify the potential strengths and weaknesses of each (AI–ST2).

Lesson Objective: By the end of this lesson students will be able to:
- Describe several types of kidney diseases and dysfunctions, how they are caused and
how they affect the body;
- Describe several types of kidney failure treatment methods and how they are used to
aid in promoting healthy kidney function;

Materials: pen/pencil, textbook, binder, presentation materials


Time Activity

40 min. For the first 40 minutes of the class, the presentation groups will be able to work on
their topics and put the final touches on their presentations. Groups must use their
time effectively as the next 40 minutes of the class MUST be used for presentation
time. The teacher will circulate around the class to ensure that students are working
and staying on task, and to help groups who may need assistance with their

Devin, Alyssia – Kidney Transplants
Chelsea, Tyson – Dialysis
Brittany, Tori, Kade – Diabetes
Courtney, Emerson, Jasmine – Acute Nephritis
Breanna, Madison – Kidney Stones
Taylar, Mary, Carter – Chronic Nephritis
Kayla, Mickelle, Tanner – Shockwave Lithotripsy
45 min. For the next 45 minutes, each group will present their topic to the class. They can
choose to present by several different methods such as powerpoint, lecture, demo,
etc.; but they must answer all 5 of the instruction points in order to gain top marks.
The groups must have performed detailed research in order to provide their
classmates with accurate information in an easy to understand format.
They must explain in detail:
- the cause of their topic,
- the area it affects the kidney,
- how it affects the kidney,
- how it begins to affect the body as a whole,
- what type of people are prone to this topic,
- and one interesting fact.
Each presentation should be limited to about 6-8 minutes. This can change
depending on if they need less time than 40 min. to prepare. Each member of the
group must take a turn to speak or share their presentation with the class. If at the
end, one member has not spoken, the teacher or class can ask that student questions
about their topic.
Students will also be marked on their volume that they use to present to the class,
and the sequencing of the information in their presentation. They must have a valid
reason as to how they put their presentation together the way that they did and why
they used certain graphics, information, etc.
There is a rubric attached to see the marking criteria for the project.

Each student will be given a blank chart to fill in other groups information. Charts are
already printed and on the counter beside my desk. Before presentations begin,
students must make additions to their chart due to new groups being formed.
These changes should be: The Nephritis space split in half, one side for acute and one
side or chronic, and the treatment of Shockwave Lithotripsy should be added to the
bottom of the chart.

While groups are presenting, students must be courteous to their classmates and
respect their differing abilities to explain information. Students will take notes down
into the designated space on their charts while that group is presenting.
Let the students know that this will be their study tool for their test, so they should
make their notes legible and easy to understand for themselves.

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