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​Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic science and helps in curing many acute

and chronic ailments. It is absolutely safe and can also be used as a
powerful adjunct to other therapies.

Hypnotherapy grants you access to your own powerful

sub-conscious mind and by doing so, provides you a unique opportunity to
understand the complex workings of your own mind and empowers you to
help yourself to heal yourself, so you may lead a more fulfilling and happier
life. It is a powerful counseling and psychotherapy tool.

The state of hypnosis is a very pleasant experience of profound

inner calm and deep physical relaxation. Hypnosis is similar to the
profound trance experienced during expert yoga practice or intense
meditation. In the western model of hypnosis, as followed by us, the client,
in the altered, state of awareness retains complete

Hypnotherapy is officially recognized by The American Medical

Association, The American Psychological Association, The British Medical
Association and the Indian Board of Alternative Medicines, which is
affiliated with the International UMV for complementary medicines.
Dr. Rajiv Naidu is a Homoeopathic Physician, practicing at Lokhandwala, Andheri, since last 12 years. He
is a Qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Past-Life therapist and Energy Healer. He uses an integrated,
holistic approach to heal various diseases, even the chronic, stubborn and so-called incurable ones. He is a
Counselor and a Psychotherapist. He conducts workshops on meditation, self empowerment, stress
management, effective​ ​public speaking, weight management, effective parenting, and relationship
management. He is a visiting training faculty at National Academy of Customs, Excise and Narcotics and
at Ministry of Finance Regional Training Institute. He regularly conducts workshops for overcoming
examination stress, concentration and memory enhancement at various schools and other
Clinic: 26340398 Mobile: 98208 00120
F-20,101, Green Crest, Yamuna Nagar, Near Lokhandwala Bridge, Andheri (west), Mumbai-400 058

Areas of Use
​Migraine, Back pain, Arthritis
Gastro-intestinal problems, Asthma,
Diabetes, Blood pressure, Heart problems,
Cancer, Skin problems
Menstrual problems, Infertility
​Stress management
Fears, Phobias
Self-confidence, Self-esteem
Exam anxiety, Stage fright
Bedwetting, Stammering
Past-life therapy
Self hypnosis
Marital problems, Parent-child problems
Sports performance
De-addictions-​ alcohol, smoking, drugs, sweets, etc
Weight management​ ​and many more….

Dr. S V
The universe is governed by the strict law of cause and effect. When tackling disease and
suffering due to ill health, hypnotherapy help us understand the cause of our suffering. They
bring us face to face with the cause and nature of our suffering. And the realization of what we
are suffering and why, itself is half the battle won. The remaining part of the cure is based on
resolving the issues that have caused and maintained our illness and this process is based on
love, forgiveness and compassion, and therefore these forms of therapy are truly humanistic.
My personal experience with the therapy has been dynamic. I had been suffering from
Dysmenorrhea- extremely painful menses and would be completely out of function during the
first two days of every menstrual period. I was dependent on painkillers for relief but over the
years I was becoming de-sensitised even to those. In the deeply relaxed and focussed state of
hypnosis, I got rid of that pain and associated complaints. For the last one and half years
the menstrual periods after that particular session have been completely pain free and active.
Hypnotherapy taps the infinite potential of the ‘pure consciousness’ and actually helps in
'uprooting' a disease by tackling it from the deep levels of our subconscious and memories. The
cure achieved, for a particular disease, may be called a 'permanent' cure because the therapy
breaks the repetitive pattern of illness.
My basic knowledge and personal experience of these therapies has enabled me to
understand that we are all absolutely happy spiritual beings having a human experience and that
life is not just about overcoming illness or any other form of suffering but it is actually about
learning our lessons through our experiences and all our relationships and realizing the higher
purpose of our existence.
The awareness that disease or any suffering is the effect of a cause that we ourselves have
created or a cause that is within our own selves is extremely reassuring and liberating and
empowering because it means that we ourselves possess all the power and wisdom required
resolving and overcoming it. The therapy instills hope into those who experience it and
motivates them to BE HAPPY, no matter what. Therefore it is truly a holistic science.


An incurable case​: Mrs. A. B. / 40 years/ Film maker/ 31/ 08/ 2006 with complaints of Endometriosis since 7years.
She was suffering from severe menstrual pains on the 1​st​ 3 days of periods. On the 1​st​ day she just cannot function,
totally out of action, just lying in bed. Severe pre-menstrual syndrome starting10 days before periods with
abdominal cramps and bloating feeling. Moods foul getting very angry and sensitive. She suffers from fatigue with
very low energy levels since 10 years after her daughter was born. This had adverse effect on her relationship with
her family.

After the 3 therapy sessions: Feeling very energetic and full of life. Pain and cramps only on 1​st​ day of menses, but
could function the whole day. Moods better even before and during periods. Relationship with family has improved.

December 2007: She continues to show marked improvement in her energy levels, pains and P.M.S. Her
relationship with family continues to be good.

A clear-cut case of how negative emotions in the subconscious creates physical reactions:​
Miss A.M. / 18 years/ Female/ 13​ ​/ 08/ 2006 with problem of Involuntary biting of tongue during sleep, till it bleeds.
Feedback: After the first session the tongue biting reduced considerably and later problem stopped completely.

Enhancing and maximizing a student’s potential​:

Mr. S. M./ 20 years/ 13​ ​/ 08/ 2006, an Engineering student, with Difficulty in concentration. He could not maintain
the momentum of studies with lot of distracting thoughts and anxiety about exams and future. He was always under
stress with bouts of anger and aggression.
Feedback from client: Feeling quite relaxed and energetic on completing sessions. One week later: Concentration
better. Thoughts positive and feeling relaxed. Anger reduced.
5 months later: He continues to feel relaxed and is able to focus well on his studies.
A Case of Vertigo with low blood pressure​:
Mrs. N. K./ 35 years/ Businesswoman/ 23/ 01/ 2005
Terrible Vertigo. Just could not lift head from pillow or turn head with severe weakness.
On starting the​ ​new business she felt very confused, jumbled and scattered being very unsure of how to go forward
with the business.
Immediately after the session: She felt clearer in head and vertigo was less by 40%. She could sit
up and look around. She is completely fine by the next day and continues to be better till date.

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