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Important Synonym and Antonyms

Explore through the list of 1710 Words with Synonym and Antonyms

S. No. Words Meaning Synonyms Antonyms

1. A lot A little
2. Abandon Total lack of inhibition Abdicate, Desert, leave, Adopt, defend, occupy, seek, advocate, B
resign, abjure, discontinue, favour, prosecute, support, assert, haunt,
quit, retire from, cast off, protect, undertake, cherish, hold, pursue,
forego, recant, retract, uphold, claim, keep, retain, vindicate.
cease, forsake, relinquish, court, maintain, Restraint, caution,
surrender, cede, forswear, continue
renounce, vacate, depart
from, Give up, Repudiate,
Withdraw from,
Recklessness, Carelessness.
3. Abase To lower, to degrade, to Bring low, depress, Advance, elevate, honour, raise,
humiliate dishonour, lower, cast aggrandize, exalt, promote, uplift.
down, discredit, humble, dignify, upgrade, grace
reduce, disgrace, humiliate,
sink. degrade, Fall, debase,
devalue, defile
4. Abash To strike with shame, to Bewilder, daunt, embarrass, Animate, cheer, encourage, rally, Buoy,
embarrass mortify, chagrin, Inspirit, Uphold, Discompose, Embolden,
discompose, humble, Reassure
overawe, confound,
disconcert, humiliate,
shame. confuse, dishearten,
Disconcert, Rattle, Awe,
humble, deflate
5. Abate To lessen, to nullify, to Moderate, Decrease, Increase, augment, swell, grow,
decrease, moderate, slacken, Lessen, shrink, decline, aggravate, enhance, foment, rage,
wane ebb, mitigate, reduce, amplify, enlarge, raise, continue, extend,
subside. diminish, lower magnify, revive, develop
6. Abbreviate Shorten, Condense Lengthen, Increase B-C
7. Abbreviation Abridgment, Contraction
8. Abdicate To give up a position, right, or Relinquish, renounce Accept, accede to
9. Abduct To forcefully take away Kidnap, carry off, steal, nab Deliver, rescue, salvage, liberate

Important Synonym and Antonyms
10. Aberration Something different from the Digression, deviation Normality, regularity
11. Abet To give encouragement, to help, Be an accomplice, help, Oppose, baffle, deter, dissuade, hinder,
to aid, assist, usually in doing support, advocate, confound, disapprove, expose, impede,
some wrong, encourage a bad countenance, incite, counteract, disconcert, frustrate, obstruct.
act, foment, instigate sanction, aid, embolden, denounce, discourage, protest, hinder,
instigate, assist, encourage, hamper
promote, uphold
12. Abeyance Temporary suppression or Unresolved, incomplete Continuing, under way
13. Abhor To loathe, detest Despise, abominate dislike, Love, admire, crave, esteem, approve,
loathe, scorn, hate, desire, like, relish. covet, enjoy
nauseate, shun. detest
14. Abide Anticipate, dwell, remain, Abandon, forfeit, migrate, reject, avoid,
stop, await, endure, reside, forfend, move, resist, depart, journey,
tarry, bear, expect, rest, proceed, shun.
tolerate, bide, inhabit,
sojourn, wait, confront,
live, stay, watch. continue,
15. Ability Skill, Aptitude Incompetence, Inability B
16. Abject Miserable, pitiful Despicable, Servile, Commendable, Praiseworthy, Proud,
Appalling, contemptible respected
17. Abjure To reject, abandon formally Forsake, Renounce, Approve, Sanction, Cherish, retain
18. Able Capable, Qualified Unable, Incapable B
19. Ablution Act of cleansing Purification, sanctification Contamination, defilement

Important Synonym and Antonyms
20. Abolish To put an end to, to do away Eliminate, stop, eradicate, Setup, Establish, found, start, create,
with Abrogate, Annul, abate, authorize, reinstate, revive, cherish,
prohibit, stamp out, institute, renew, confirm, introduce,
exterminate, remove, repair, support, continue, legalize, restore,
subvert, annihilate, sustain. enact, promote
extirpate, repeal, supplant,
annul, nullify, reverse,
suppress, destroy,
obliterate, revoke,
terminate. end, overthrow,
set aside
21. Abomination abhorrence, curse, affection, blessing, enjoyment, joy,
hatred, plague, abuse, appreciation, delight, esteem,
detestation, horror, satisfaction, approval, desire,
shame, annoyance, gratification, treat. benefit
disgust, iniquity, villainy,
aversion, evil, nuisance,
wickedness. crime,
execration, offense
22. Abortive Stopped before completion, Unsuccessful, Productive, Successful, Effective, fruitful
failed attempt unprogressive, Vain,
23. Abound Flourish, Proliferate Deficient, Destitute
24. Above Overhead Below A
25. Abridge To condense, shorten Condense, compress Expand, enlarge
26. Abridgement abbreviation, compend,
epitome, summary,
abstract, compendium,
outline, synopsis.
analysis, digest
27. Abscond To depart secretly Flee, run away Arrest, stay
28. Absent Present

Important Synonym and Antonyms
29. Absolute arbitrary, compulsory, accountable, constitutional, gentle, lowly,
haughty, peremptory, responsible, complaisant, contingent,
arrogant, controlling, humble, meek, submissive, compliant,
imperative, positive, docile, lenient, mild, yielding.
authoritative, despotic, conditional, ductile, limited
imperious, supreme,
autocratic, dictatorial,
irresponsible, tyrannical,
coercive, dogmatic, lordly,
commanding, domineering,
overbearing, unequivocal.
compulsive, exacting
30. Absolve To forgive, free from blame Pardon, Forgive, Acquit, Compel, Accuse, Condemn, incriminate,
exonerate, exculpate, charge, impeach, obligate, bind,
clear, exempt, free, compel, convict, inculpate, oblige
release, discharge,
liberate, set free
31. Absorb consume, engross, suck cast out, dissipate, emit, put forth,
up, take in, drink in, shoot forth, disgorge, distract, exude,
exhaust, swallow, take radiate, throw off, disperse, eject,
up. drink up, imbibe, give up, send out, vomit
swallow up
32. Abstemious Sparing in food, drink or Self – denying, ascetic, Wild, abandoned, unreserved
enjoyment, moderate, temperate sober
33. Abstinence abstemiousness, drunkenness, greed, reveling,
frugality, self-denial, sensuality, excess, intemperance,
sobriety, continence, revelry, wantonness. gluttony,
moderation, self- intoxication, self-indulgence
restraint, temperance.
fasting, self-control
34. Abstract (n) Theoretical , summation Conceptual, synopsis Actual, concrete, full – version

Important Synonym and Antonyms
35. Abstract (v) appropriate, distract, add, complete, fill up, restore, unite.
purloin, steal, detach, combine, conjoin, increase,
divert, remove, take strengthen
away, discriminate,
eliminate, separate,
withdraw. distinguish
36. Abstracted absent, heedless, alert, on hand, ready, wide-awake.
listless, preoccupied, attentive, prompt, thoughtful
inattentive, negligent,
thoughtless. absorbed,
indifferent, oblivious
37. Abstruse Difficult to understand Perplexing, complicated Clear, obvious
38. Absurd anomalous, ill- certain, incontrovertible, rational,
considered, ludicrous, substantial, consistent, indisputable,
ridiculous, chimerical, ill- reasonable, true, demonstrable,
judged, mistaken, indubitable, sagacious, undeniable,
senseless, erroneous, demonstrated, infallible, sensible,
inconclusive, monstrous, unquestionable, established, logical,
stupid, false, incorrect, sound, wise. incontestable
unreasonable, foolish,
infatuated, paradoxical,
wild. ill-advised,
irrational, preposterous
39. Abundant Ample, copious, luxuriant, Plentiful, copious, rich, Scarce, Sparse, Scanty, Insufficient, B-C
overflowing profuse, Ample, Sufficient Meagre, inadequate

Important Synonym and Antonyms
40. Abuse aggrieve, impose on or applaud, conserve, favor, protect,
oppress, ruin, damage, sustain, benefit, consider, laud,
upon, persecute, regard, tend, care for, eulogize,
slander, defame, injure, panegyrize, respect, uphold, cherish,
pervert, victimize, defile, extol, praise, shield, vindicate
malign, prostitute, vilify,
disparage, maltreat, rail
at, violate, harm,
misemploy, ravish,
vituperate, ill-treat,
misuse, reproach,
wrong. ill-use, molest,
41. Accede To express approval, agree to Endorse, comply Refuse, deny
42. Accept Refuse / Decline
43. Accessible Attainable, available, Obtainable, reachable Inapproachable, unreachable
44. Accessory Attachment, ornament, Appendage, appurtenance, Principal, adversary, chief, foe, leader,
accomplice, partner abetter or abettor, antagonist, commander, hinderer,
associate, companion, opponent, rival. betrayer, enemy,
henchman, accomplice, instigator, opposer
attendant, confederate,
participator, ally,
coadjutor, follower,
partner, assistant,
colleague, helper,
45. Accident Adventure, contingency, Intent, appointment, decree, intention,
happening, misfortune, ordainment, preparation, calculation, fate,
calamity, disaster, hazard, law, ordinance, provision, certainty,
mishap, casualty, fortuity, foreordination, necessity, plan, purpose.
incident, possibility.
chance, hap, misadventure,
46. Accidental Intentional

Important Synonym and Antonyms
47. Acclaim Commendation, citation, eulogy, Applause, cheer, encomium Disapprove, odium, boycott
applaud, announce with great
48. Accolade Praise, distinction Honour, recognition Criticism, disparagement
49. Accomplishment Failure
50. Accord Agreement, Harmony Discord
51. Accost To approach and speak to Confront, waylay Retreat, withdraw
52. Accretion Growth in size or increase in Accumulation, amassing Erosion, attrition
53. Accrue To accumulate, grow by Amass, build up Disperse, diffuse
54. Accurate Correct, Right Inaccurate, Incorrect, Wrong B
55. Ace Of highest quality, outstanding First rate, world class, Miserable, terrible, abysmal
56. Acerbic Bitter and sour, corrosive Acidulous, cutting, caustic, Mild, gentle, meek, placid, calm
57. Achieve Accomplish, Attain Fail B
58. Acme Highest point, summit Pinnacle, zenith Pit, nadir
59. Acquaintance Association, experience, Ignorance, ignoring, inexperience,
fellowship, intimacy, unfamiliarity.
companionship, familiarity,
friendship, knowledge
60. Acquisition Possession, property, addition, Attainment, achievement Loss, defeat, beating, hammering
gain, prize
61. Acquittal Release from blame Discharge, exoneration Conviction, incarceration
62. Acrid Bitter, pungent, sarcastic, Choking, unpleasant, harsh Savoury, delectable
acerbic, vitriolic, caustic, sharp,
63. Acrimony Bitterness, animosity Harshness, Bitterness, Goodwill, Courtesy, Benevolence,
Resentment, causticity amiability, gentleness, kindness,
smoothness, good nature, mildness,

Important Synonym and Antonyms
64. Active Energetic, Animated, Lethargic, Idle, Sluggish B-C
65. Actuate To put something into action, to Drive, incite, goad, Hinder, deter, restrain
start something, motivate instigate
66. Acumen Sharpness of insight Awareness, Brilliance, Stupidity, Ignorance, Witlessness, idiocy
Astuteness, sagacity
67. Adamant Uncompromising, unyielding Stubborn, Inflexible, Firm, Flexible, Soft, Manoeuvrable, Yielding, C
Unyielding, adaptable
Uncompromising, obdurate
68. Adapt To accommodate, adjust Acclimatize, conform Preserve, unfit
69. Add Increase, Total Subtract A-B
70. Addicted Abandoned, devoted, given Averse, disinclined, indisposed,
over, inclined, accustomed, unaccustomed.
disposed, given up, prone,
attached, given, habituated,
71. Adduce To quote examples in a Propose, volunteer, give Disprove, refute, withdraw
discussion or a debate
72. Adept Highly skilled, consummate, Expert, adroit, clever Novice, beginner, clumsy, sloppy
proficient, expert at
73. Adequate Sufficient, Enough, Ample Insufficient, Sparse B-C
74. Adhere To cling to or follow without Comply, Observe, Stick to, Condemn, Disjoin, Flout, ignore
deviation cohere
75. Adherent Follower, Disciple Rival, Adversary
76. Adhesive Cohesive, gummy, sticky, Free, inadhesive, loose, separable
viscous. glutinous, sticking,
77. Adieu A farewell Goodbye, bon voyage, Salutation, welcome, greet
78. Adjacent Abutting, bordering, Distant, Detached, disconnected,
contiguous, neighbouring, disjoined, remote, separate.
adjoining, close,
coterminous, next,
attached, conterminous,
near, nigh. beside

Important Synonym and Antonyms
79. Adjourn To postpone, put off to another Postpone, Recess, Suspend, Advance, expedite, Recommence, C
date differ, delay, stop, end Continue
80. Adjunct Joined, Added Separated, Subtracted
81. Admire Adore, delight in, extol, Abhor, contemn, execrate, ridicule,
respect, venerate, applaud, abominate, despise, dislike, hate, scorn,
enjoy, honour, revere, Detest
wonder. approve, esteem,
82. Admit Reject, Deny
83. Admonish To caution or reprimand Counsel, Reprove, Approve, Applaud, Encourage, praise
Reproach, chastise
84. Adore Dote on, idolise, love, worship, Worship, esteem, respect, Hate, abhorrence, detestation
revere, venerate admire
85. Adorn Decorate, beautify, garnish Embellish, polish, Blemish, disfigure, distort
86. Adroit Skilful, accomplished, highly Dexterous, adept Clumsy, inept
87. Adulation High praise Exaltation, idolization Detestation, abhorrence
88. Adult Grown-up Child A
89. Adulterate To corrupt or make impure Contaminate, pollute Cleanse, decontaminate
90. Advance Retreat
91. Advantage Disadvantage
92. Adverse Unfavourable, unlucky, harmful Detrimental, pernicious Beneficial, favourable
93. Adversity Misfortune, Calamity Prosperity, Fortune
94. Advocate Support, Recommend Oppose B-C
95. Aerial Having to do with the air Airborne, inflight Terrestrial, earthly
96. Aesthetic Pertaining to beauty or art Graceful , elegant Distasteful , unattractive
97. Affable Friendly, easy to approach Genial, jovial Aloof, frosty
98. Affinity Fondness, liking, similarity Inclination, empathy Dislike, aversion
99. Affirm Deny

Important Synonym and Antonyms
100. Affluent Rich, abundant Wealthy, propertied Poor, impoverished
101. Affront Personal offence, insult Indignity, aspersion Compliment, justice
102. Afraid Frightened, Scared Confident, Courageous, Brave A-B
103. After Following, Next Before A
104. Against For
105. Agent Actor, factor, means, Chief, inventor, originator, principal
operator, promoter. doer,
instrument, mover,
106. Aggravate To worsen, to make more Worsen, exaggerate, Calm, pacify, quiet, appease
grievous, intensify, to intensify
exacerbate, burden, irritate
107. Aggregate Collective mass or sum, total Cumulative, sum Individual, divided
108. Aggressive Assertive, Pushy, Militant Passive, Peaceful B-C
109. Agile Well-coordinated, nimble Sprightly, lithe Stiff, clumsy
110. Agitate To stir violently, excite, perturb, Trouble, excite, disquiet, Calm, tranquil, quiet, still, serene
disturb rouse
111. Agnostic One who doubts that God exists Disbeliever, doubter Believer, worshipper
112. Agog Full of intense interest or Eager, anxious, keen Aloof
113. Agony Affliction, pain Suffering, anguish, distress Relish, delight, exulting, rejoicing
114. Agrarian Related to farming or rural Agricultural, bucolic Urban, metropolitan
115. Agree accede, admit, coincide, contend, demur, disagree, oppose,
concur, accept, approve, contradict, deny, dispute, protest, decline,
combine, consent, accord, differ, dissent, refuse
assent, comply, harmonize.
116. Ahead Behind
117. Aid Help, Assist Hinder B

Important Synonym and Antonyms
118. Aim Aspiration, endeavour, Aimlessness, heedlessness, negligence,
intention, tendency. design, purposelessness, avoidance, neglect,
goal, mark, determination, oversight, thoughtlessness. carelessness
inclination, object, end,
intent, purpose,
119. Alacrity Cheerful willingness, eagerness, Sprightliness, promptitude Apathy, clumsiness
120. Alarm Affright, disquietude, Comfort, assurance, calmness,
fright, solicitude, confidence, repose, security
apprehension, dread,
misgiving, terror,
consternation, fear, panic,
timidity. dismay,
121. Alert Active, lively, prepared, Asleep, drowsy, dull, heavy, inactive,
vigilant, brisk, nimble, slow, sluggish, stupid
prompt, watchful, hustling,
on the watch, ready, wide-
122. Alien (a) conflicting, distant, akin, apropos, germane, proper,
inappropriate, strange, appropriate, essential, pertinent,
contradictory, foreign,
irrelevant, unconnected,
contrary, hostile, opposed,
unlike. contrasted,
impertinent, remote
123. Alien (n) Foreigner, Stranger, Native, Resident, citizen, fellow-
Outsider countryman, native-born inhabitant,
countryman, naturalized person
124. Alienate Estrange, set at odds, detach, Disaffect, set against, Engage, include, contain
make hostile, separate distance
125. Alike Akin, equivalent, kindred, Different, dissimilar, distinct,
same, analogous, heterogeneous, unlike
homogeneous, like, similar,
equal, identical,
resembling, uniform

Important Synonym and Antonyms
126. Alive Active, breathing, live, Dead, defunct, dull, lifeless, deceased,
quick, alert, brisk, lively, dispirited, inanimate, spiritless
subsisting, animate,
existent, living, vivacious.
animated, existing
127. All None, Nothing
128. Allay To lessen, ease, or soothe Pacify, Soothe, Alleviate, Aggravate, Excite, Increase, intensify
129. Allege To assert as true but without Aver, charge, arraign, Reject, rebuff, contradict, refuse
proof, impute
130. Allegiance Total devotion or faithfulness, Adherence, fidelity, Treachery, subversion, perfidy
loyalty affiliation
131. Allegory Parable, story with a hidden Myth, apologue Fact, history
132. Alleviate To reduce the burden of, to Abate, Relieve, assuage, Aggravate, Enhance
mitigate moderate
133. Alliance Coalition, confederation, Antagonism, disunion, enmity,
fusion, partnership, schism, separation, discord, divorce,
compact, federation, hostility, secession, war
league, union.
134. Allocation Allowance, portion, share Allotment, quota Declassification, lumping
135. Allow Admit, consent to, let, Deny, disapprove, protest, reject,
sanction, tolerate, withstand. disallow, Forbid, refuse,
concede, grant, permit, resist
suffer, yield
136. Alloy admixture, adulteration,
137. Allure To entice by charm, attract Entice, Fascinate, Appeal, Repulse, Repel, Repulsion, revulsion
138. Ally Partner, friend, associate Helper, supporter, assistant Enemy, Opponent, adversary, foe, rival
139. Alone Together

Important Synonym and Antonyms
140. Aloof Reserved, conservative, Distant, detached, cold, Friendly, gracious, responsive
indifferent, uninterested, apart, remote
cool in manner
141. Also as well, in addition, but, nevertheless, on the contrary,
likewise, too, as well as, yet. in spite of, notwithstanding, on
in like manner, similarly, the other hand
withal. besides
142. Altercation A heated dispute, quarrel , noisy Brawl, ruckus, melee, Safeguarding, defence
fight, angry dispute, heated fracas
143. Alternative choice, election, option, compulsion, necessity
pick, preference,
144. Altruism Unselfish concern for others' Compassion, benevolence Selfishness, malevolence
145. Always Forever Never A
146. Amalgamate To mix, combine Integrate, incorporate Separate, detach
147. Amass accumulate, collect, disperse, divide, portion, spend,
heap up, hoard up, store waste. dissipate, parcel, scatter,
up. aggregate, gather, squander
hoard, pile up
148. Amateur An enthusiast or admirer, Beginner, Novice, dabbler, Professional , specialist, skilled B
nonprofessional dilettante, connoisseur,
critic, tyro
149. Amazement admiration, awe, anticipation, composure, expectation,
confusion, surprise, preparation, steadiness, calmness,
astonishment, coolness, indifference, self-
bewilderment, possession, stoicism
perplexity, wonder
150. Ambiguous Uncertain, subject to multiple Ambivalent, enigmatic Unambiguous, clear
151. Ambitious Aspiring, Driven Lazy, Indifferent B-C

Important Synonym and Antonyms
152. Ambition aspiration, competition, carelessness, contentment, humility,
emulation, opposition, indifference, satisfaction
153. Ameliorate To make better, improve Rectify, mend Worsen, leave something untended
154. Amend advance, correct, aggravate, debase, harm, mar,
meliorate, rectify, tarnish, blemish, depress, impair,
ameliorate, emend, spoil, vitiate. corrupt, deteriorate,
mend, reform, better, injure
improve, mitigate,
repair. cleanse, make
better, purify
155. Amiable Friendly, pleasant, likable Affable, agreeable, Unfriendly, disagreeable, acrimonious,
engaging, lovable, crusty, hateful, ill-tempered, surly,
pleasing, attractive, churlish, ill-conditioned, morose,
gentle, lovely, sweet, unamiable, crabbed, dogged, ill-
benignant, good- humored, sour, unlovely, cruel, gruff,
natured, loving, winning, ill-natured, sullen
harming, kind, pleasant,
156. Amicable Friendly, agreeable Amiable, likable Unfriendly, disagreeable
157. Amid amidst, amongst, afar from, away from, beyond, far
betwixt, mingled with, from, outside, without
among, between, in the
midst of, surrounded by
158. Amnesty A general pardon, a period Exoneration, reprieve, Punishment, imprisonment
during which offenders are respite
exempted from punishment
159. Ample Abundant, plentiful Enough, sufficient Insufficient, meagre
160. Amplify Increase, intensify Augment, Deepen, Louden, Reduce, quieten, Lessen, Contract
161. Amuse Bore

Important Synonym and Antonyms
162. Analogy Affinity, likeness, relation, Disagreement, disproportion,
similarity, coincidence, dissimilarity, incongruity, unlikeness.
parity, resemblance, simile,
comparison, proportion,
semblance, similitude.
163. Anathema Ban, curse, something shunned Abhorrent, abomination Benediction, blessing
or disliked
164. Anchor A device to stabilise a structure, Attach, newscaster, Unfasten, undo, disengage
a reliable, principal support, presenter
secure or fasten firmly
165. Ancient Modern
166. Anger Animosity, fury, offense, Amiability, leniency, mildness,
rage, choler, impatience, peacefulness, charity, lenity, patience,
passion, resentment, self-control, forbearance, long-suffering,
displeasure, indignation, peace, self-restraint. gentleness, love,
peevishness, temper, peaceableness
exasperation, ire,
pettishness, vexation,
fretfulness, irritation,
petulance, wrath
167. Anguish Excessive pain of body and Affliction, dolour, bale, Satisfied, contented, pleased
mind, agony, acute pain, torment
extreme suffering
168. Animal beast, fauna, living angel, man, mind, soul, substance
organism, sentient (material), inanimate object, matter,
being. brute, living mineral, spirit, vegetable
169. Animosity Hatred, hostility Acrimony, antagonism Affection, friendship
170. Annihilate To reduce to zero, destroy Abrogate, obliterate, Regenerate, retrieve
completely, exterminate, to wipe liquidate
out, to vanquish, abolish

Important Synonym and Antonyms
171. Announce advertise, give notice bury, cover (up), hush, keep secret,
(of), proclaim, reveal, suppress, conceal, hide, keep back,
circulate, give out, secrete, withhold
promulgate, say,
communicate, herald,
propound, spread
abroad, declare, make
known, publish, state,
enunciate, notify,
report, tell
172. Annoy Soothe
173. Annul To cancel, or make legally Nullify, declare void Restore, reinstate
174. Anomaly Irregularity or deviation from Aberration, exception Regularity, norm
the norm
175. Answer Rejoinder, repartee, reply, Question
response, retort
176. Antagonism Hostility, active resistance Rivalry, opposition, Collaboration, assistance, help
177. Antagonize Provoke, Embitter Soothe, Tranquilize C
178. Antecedent Before in time; prior Preceding, previous Consequent, subsequent
179. Anticipate Apprehend, forecast, hope, Despair of, doubt, dread, fear, recall,
expect, foretaste, look recollect, remember. distrust,
forward to
180. Anticipation Antepast, expectation, Astonishment, despair, dread, fear,
foresight, hope, surprise, consummation, doubt,
apprehension, foreboding, enjoyment, realization, wonder.
foretaste, presentiment,
expectancy, forecast,
forethought, prevision

Important Synonym and Antonyms
181. Antipathy Dislike, hostility, extreme Abhorrence, Antagonism, Affinity, Attraction, fellow-feeling,
opposition or aversion disgust, hatred, repugnance, kindliness, agreement, congeniality,
dislike, hostility, repulsion, harmony, regard, Empathy, sympathy
aversion, distaste,
opposition, uncongeniality.
182. Antique Ancient, old-fashioned, Fashionable, fresh, Modern, modish, new,
quaint, superannuated. recent, stylish,
183. Antiquity Ancient times, the quality of Ancientness, archaism Modernity, trendy
being old
184. Anxiety Anguish, disquiet, Apathy, calmness, confidence, light-
foreboding, perplexity, heartedness, satisfaction, assurance,
apprehension, disturbance, carelessness, ease, nonchalance,
fretfulness, solicitude, care, tranquillity
dread, fretting, trouble,
concern, fear, misgiving,
185. Apart Together
186. Apathy calmness, indifference, agitation, disturbance, feeling,
quietness, stoicism, sensibility, sympathy, alarm,
composure, insensibility, eagerness, frenzy, sensitiveness,
quietude, tranquillity, turbulence, anxiety, emotion, fury,
immobility, lethargy, storm, vehemence, care, excitement,
sluggishness, unconcern, passion, susceptibility, violence.
impassibility, phlegm, distress,
stillness, unfeelingness
187. Apiece distributively, each, accumulatively, confusedly,
individually, separately, indiscriminately, together, unitedly.
severally collectively, en masse, synthetically
188. Apology acknowledgment, accusation, charge, condemnation,
defense, excuse, plea, injury, offense, censure, complaint,
confession, exculpation, imputation, insult, wrong
justification, vindication

Important Synonym and Antonyms
189. Apparent Obvious, Evident, likely, Hidden, Obscure, doubtful, dubious, C
presumable, probable, improbable, unimaginable, unlikely
190. Appeal Attract, Interest Bore
191. AAppear Disappear, Vanish
192. Appendage accessory, addition, main body, original, total, whole
adjunct, attachment,
extension, addendum,
appendix, auxiliary,
193. Approve Accept, Ratify, Endorse Disapprove, Censure B-C
194. Argue Agree
195. Arraign Incriminate, Indict Exculpate, Pardon
196. Array Army, collection, line of
battle, parade, arrangement,
disposition, order, show,
battle array, exhibition,
order of battle, sight
197. Arrest Apprehend, detain, restrain, Discharge, dismiss, free, liberate, release,
stop, capture, hold, secure, set free
take into custody, catch,
make prisoner, seize, take
198. Arrive Reach, Come Depart / Leave B
199. Arrogant Haughty, Stuck-up Humble, Modest B-C

Important Synonym and Antonyms
200. Artifice Art, craft, finesse, Artlessness, frankness, ingenuousness,
invention, stratagem, blind, openness, sincerity, candour,
cunning, fraud, guilelessness, innocence, simplicity, truth.
machination, subterfuge, fairness, honesty
cheat, device, guile,
manoeuvre, trick,
contrivance, dodge,
imposture, ruse, wile
201. Artificial Fake, Synthetic Real, Authentic, Natural B-C
202. Ascend Climb, Escalate Descend, Decline
203. Ask Question, Inquire Answer / Tell A-B
204. Asleep Awake
205. Associate accomplice, coadjutor, antagonist, foe, hinderer, opponent,
comrade, fellow, mate, opposer, rival, stranger. enemy
ally, colleague,
confederate, friend,
partner, chum,
companion, consort,
helpmate, peer
206. Association alliance, confederacy, disintegration, independence,
familiarity, lodge, club, isolation, separation, solitude
community, conjunction,
fellowship, partnership,
connection, fraternity,
society, company,
corporation, friendship,
207. Atrocious Dreadful, Contemptible, Kind, Wonderful C

Important Synonym and Antonyms
208. Attack (n) Aggression, incursion, Defence, repulsion, resistance, retreat,
invasion, onslaught, submission, surrender
assault, infringement,
onset, trespass.
encroachment, intrusion
209. Attack (v) Assail, beset, combat, Aid, cover, protect, shelter, support,
invade, assault, besiege, uphold, befriend, defend, resist, shield,
encounter, set upon, sustain, withstand
beleaguer, charge, fall
upon, storm
210. Attain Accomplish, arrive at, gain, Abandon, fail, forfeit, give up, let go,
master, reach, achieve, lose, miss
compass, get, obtain,
secure, acquire, earn, grasp,
procure, win
211. Attic Cellar
212. Attitude Pose, position, posture
213. Attract Repel
214. Attractive Repulsive
215. Attribute (n) Property, Quality Being, essence, nature, substance
216. Attribute (v) Ascribe, associate, connect, Deny, disconnect, dissociate, separate,
impute, refer. assign, sever, sunder
217. Audacity Boldness, Courage Mildness, Cowardice
218. Augur Betoken, divine, foretell, Assure, demonstrate, establish, make
predict, prognosticate, sure, settle, calculate, determine, insure,
bode, forebode, portend, prove, warrant
presage, prophesy
219. Aunt Uncle
220. Authentic Accurate, Credible, Fictitious, Unreal, False, Artificial, C
Genuine, Real, Factual Imitation
221. Auxiliary Accessory, ally, coadjutor, Antagonist, hinderer, opponent
helper, promoter, aid,
assistant, confederate,
mercenary, subordinate

Important Synonym and Antonyms
222. Avaricious Close, greedy, niggardly, Bountiful, free, generous, liberal,
penurious, sordid, munificent, prodigal, wasteful
covetous, miserly,
parsimonious, rapacious,
223. Average Ordinary, Fair Unusual, Exceptional B-C
224. Avow knowledge, aver, contradict, deny, disavow, disclaim,
confess, own, profess, disown, ignore, repudiate
testify, admit, avouch,
declare, proclaim,
protest, witness
225. Awake Asleep
226. Awful Dreadful, Atrocious, Pleasant, base, contemptible, inferior, B-C
alarming, direful, paltry, beggarly, despicable, lowly,
frightful, majestic, undignified, commonplace, humble,
solemn, appalling, mean, vulgar
dread, grand, noble,
stately, august, horrible,
portentous, terrible,
dire, fearful, imposing,
shocking, terrifi
227. Awkward Clumsy, Uncoordinated / Graceful / B
Rude, Blundering Adroit, Clever, dexterous, handy,
228. Axiom Adage, Truism Absurdity, Contradiction, Demonstration,
Nonsense, Paradox, Sophism, Blunder
229. Babble Blab, cackle, gabble,
murmur, prattle, blurt, chat,
gossip, palaver, tattle, blurt
out, chatter, jabber, prate,
230. Back Front
231. BBackward Forward
232. Bad Good

Important Synonym and Antonyms
233. Bad luck Fortune, Good luck
234. Baffle Astound, Faze Facilitate, Clarify
235. Baffling To Frustrate, Confound, Thwart, Perplex, Stymie Aid, Contribute, Assist
Confuse, Bewilder, Impede; A
Device For Controlling The
Flow Of Gas, Liquid Or Sound
Through An Opening
236. Bail To clear water from by dipping Payment, Financial Donate, String
and throwing out; To help Guarantee
escape from a predicament
237. Bailiwick Distinct Area, A Person’s Field, Domain, Dominion, Minor, Junior, Unaffected
Normal Territory or Jurisdiction Terrain
238. Bait Any Temptation Or Allurement Decoy, Enticement, Lure, Discouragement, Repulsion
As Part Of A Trap; To Persecute Tease
Or Exasperate With Unjust,
Malicious Or Persistent Attacks
239. Bald Hairy
240. Baleful Harmful, With Evil Intentions Harmful, With Evil Benevolent, Friendly
241. Balm Medicinal Ointment, Lotion, Pomade, Emollient Astringent, Irritant
Something That Heals
242. Ban To Forbid, Outlaw Prohibit, Forbid, Outlaw, Allow, Permit, Admit B
243. Banal Trite, Overly Common Clichéd, Hackneyed Original, Uncommon
244. Bandit Brigand, Desperado, Footpad Outlaw, Crook, Conman Law, Ally
245. Bane Destruction, Death, Source Of Scourge, Curse, Pestilence Boon, Benefit, Advantage
Evil, Curse, Source Of Bad
Luck Or Harm, Cause Of Ruin
246. Banish Ban, dismiss, evict,
expatriate, ostracize,
discharge, drive out, exile,
expel, oust. dislodge, eject
247. Banter To Tease Playfully And In Good Gossipry, Small Talk, Debate, Deliberation
Humour Chitchat

Important Synonym and Antonyms
248. Baptise To Give A Name To, To Sanctify, Describe, Denounce, Deny
Administer Baptism Denominate, Dub
249. Barb A Wounding Or Wittily Pointed Insult, Dig, Taunt, Sting Kindness, Praise
Remark, A Medieval Cloth
250. Barbarous Frustrate, Perplex Civilized
251. Bare Covered
252. Baronial Grand, Majestic, August, Grand, Impressive, Opulent Humble, Modest, Poor, Meek
253. Baroque Florid, Gilt Plain, Unadorned
254. Baroque A Bold Style in Architecture, Decorative, Elaborate, Plane, Basic, Pure, Bare, Obvious
Extravagant, Ornate, Elaborate Rococo
Style Of Decoration Or
255. Barrage A Heavy Or Continuous Fire, Bombardment, Onslaught Defence, Trickle
As Of Questions; A Dam
256. Barren Desolate, Sterile, Damp, Fertile, Productive C
Unproductive, Infertile
257. Barrier Barricade, Obstacle Link, Assistance
258. Base Vulgar, Coarse Summit, Noble
259. Bashful Shy, Demure, Quiet Shy, Timid, Coy, Diffident, Outgoing, Assured, Bold, Extrovert, B
Nervous Gregarious
260. Bask To Lie In The Warmth Or Lie Around, Laze Around, Cover, Hide
Sunshine Relax
261. Bastion A Strongly Fortified, Secured, Bulwark, Fort, Weakness, Hurt
Guarded Place Embankment
262. Bate To Reduce the force or intensity Slacken, Subside, Wane Assist, Enlarge
263. Batty Insane, Silly Sane
264. Bawdy Indecent, Obscene Coarse, Vulgar, Lewd, Decent, Moral, Refined, Advanced,
Erotic, Coarse Superior
265. Bawl Cry, Lament, Grieve, Bemoan, Cry, Howl, Wail, Roar, Whisper, Murmur, Undertone
Wail Sob, Shout

Important Synonym and Antonyms
266. Bay To Howl Long And Deep Howl, Bellow Constraint, Cramp
267. Beatific Supremely Happy, Angelic, Innocent, Saintly, Virtuous Evil, Wrong, Depraved, Immoral
Giving Bliss, Blissful
268. Beautiful Pretty, Attractive, Lovely Ugly A
269. Beckon To Make A Summoning To, Signal, Sign, Summon, Dismiss, Release, Discharge, Sack
Gesture, Motion, Nod Gesture
270. Befogged Confused, Dazed, Puzzled, Clear, Headed, Unclouded
Becloud, Dim
271. Before Prior, Earlier After, Behind A-B
272. Befuddle Confuse Thoroughly Muddle, Mix Up, Bewilder, Teach, Coach, Tutor, Educate, Drill
273. Beg Offer
274. Begin End, Stop, Finish
275. Beginning Start, Initiate Conclusion, Finish, End A-B
276. Beguile To Deceive, Mislead, Charm Dupe, Bewitch Be Honest Or Straight
277. Behemoth Huge Creature Or Thing Colossus, Goliath Tiny, Lilliput
278. Behest Command, An Urgent Request, Command, Order, Allowance, Permission
Prompting Will
279. Behind In front of
280. Belated Late, Behind time Delayed, Overdue Early, Punctual
281. Beleaguer Harass, Surround Annoy, Badger Assist, Aid
282. Believe Trust, Accept Doubt, Distrust A-B
283. Belittle To Represent As Unimportant, Demean, Disparage Praise, Applaud
Make Light Of
284. Bellicose Ready To Fight, Aggressive Irascible, Hostile Peace Loving, Amiable
285. Belligerent Hostile, Aggressive, Fighter Disputatious, Quarrelsome Neutral, Friendly
286. Bellow To make a Violent Cry, To Roar Shout, Roar, Yell, Bawl, Whisper, Sigh, Rumour, Hint
Out Like A Bull, Scream Holler
287. Below Under, Lower Above A

Important Synonym and Antonyms
288. Bemuse To put in confusion Bewilder, Puzzle, Perplex, Clarify, Clear Up
289. Benchmark Standard of measure Criterion, Yardstick Extreme, Estimate
290. Beneath Above
291. Benediction Good Wishes, Blessings, Blessing, Approval, Criticism, Disapproval
Encouragement, Sanction Sanction
292. Beneficent Kindly In Action And Purpose, Altruistic, Philanthropic Unkind, Mean
Charitable, Producing Good
293. Beneficial Helpful, Useful, Harmful, Adverse B-C
294. Benevolence Charitableness, Philanthropy, Contribution, Donation, Enmity, Resentment, Malignancy
Kindness Largesse
295. Benevolent Benign, Generous Malevolent, Miserly
296. Benign Kindly, Favourable, Gracious, Favourable, Friendly, Barbarous, Malignant, Cruel
Gentle, Mild, Not Malignant Humane, Clement,
297. Bent Straight
298. Berate To Scold Harshly Rebuke, Admonish Praise, Laud
299. Berserk Violently Frenzied Or Angry, Maniacal, Amok, Crazy, Sane, Sensible, Sound, Normal
Out Of Control, Mad Mad
300. Besiege To Surround To Force To Give Blockade, Surround, Beset Divest, Uncover, Expose
Up, Harass, Cause To Feel
301. Best Finest, Choice Worst A-B
302. Bestow To give as a gift Confer On, Award To Deprive, Refuse
303. Better Worse
304. Bewitching Alluring, Charming Repulsive, Repugnant
305. Bias Prejudice, Slant Partiality, Favouritism Impartiality, Objectivity
306. Bicker Quarrel, Quibble, Argue Dispute, Debate, Squabble Agree, Consent, Correspond
307. Big Small, Little

Important Synonym and Antonyms
308. Bilateral Two sided Two pronged, Joint Independent, Unilateral
309. Bind Predicament Release
310. Birth Beginning Death, End A-B
311. Bisect Cut Into Two Parts Break In Two, Split Join, Unite
312. Bitter Sweet
313. Black White
314. Blame Praise
315. Bland Smooth, Gentle, Suave, Polite, Insipid, Weak, Tasteless, Spicy, Piquant, Peppery, Zesty
Mild Plain
316. Blasphemy Words/actions Meant To Mock Desecration, Impiety, Faithfulness, Godliness, Piousness
Something, Profane Speaking, Sacrilege
Swearing About Something
Sacred, Irreverence, Cursing
317. Blatant Glaring, Obvious, Showy Shameless, Evident Subtle, Inconspicuous
318. Bleak Colourless, Cold, Depressing, Barren, Exposed, Gaunt, Cheerful, Happy, Smiling, Joyful, Bright,
Grim Open, Grim, Austere, Cheerful, Pleasant
319. Blend Combine, Mix Separate B
320. Bless Curse
321. Bliss The Highest Happiness, Ecstasy, Paradise, Delight Misery, Sadness, Grief, Sorrow
Heavenly Happiness
322. Blithe Cheerful, Sprightly, Gay, Carefree, Unconcerned, Tense, Anxious, Bothered, Edgy
Joyous, Merry, Casual, Light- Happy
323. Blunt Dull, Insensitive Keen, Sharp
324. Blush To Grow Red Out Of Shame Go Red, Flush, Colour, Blench, Draw Back, Falter, Recoil
And Confusion Redden
325. Body Soul
326. Boisterous Wild, Noisy And Exuberant; Clamorous, Obstreperous, Quiet, Shy, Timid, Placid, Calm, Quire,
Turbulent, Violent, Rough Rowdy, Lively, Exuberant Restrained
327. Bold Adventurous Timid, Meek

Important Synonym and Antonyms
328. Bolster To Support, To Give A Boost Boost, Strengthen, Undermine, Weaken, Challenge
To, Reinforce Encourage
329. Bombastic Using High Sounding But Pompous, Grandiloquent Simple, Unpretentious
Meaningless Words
330. Boon Blessing, Something To Be Godsend, Bonus Curse, Disadvantage
Thankful For
331. Boor Crude Person, One Lacking Lout, Ruffian Gentlemanly, Well Behaved
Manners Or Taste
332. Boring Interesting
333. Borrow Lend
334. Bottom Base, Foundation Top A-B
335. b Bound Unbound, Free
336. Boundless Limited
337. Bourgeois Middle Class Conservative, Materialistic Proletarian, Communist
338. Boy Girl
339. Brash Reckless, Impetuous, Impudent, Hasty, Foolhardy, Sluggish, Unhurried, Measured
Audacious Aggressive
340. Brave Courageous, Bold, Heroic Scared, Cowardly, Timid B
341. Brazen Bold, Shameless, Impudent, Of Immodest, Abashed Modest, Shy
Or Like Brass
342. Breach Act Of Breaking, Violation Contravention, Bridge, Upholding
343. Break Fracture, Burst Repair, Heal, Fix A-B
344. Brevity Conciseness, Shortness, Briefness, Concision, Length, Span
Terseness Pithiness
345. Brief Short, Concise Long B
346. Bright Dull, Dim
347. Brighten Fade
348. Bring Remove

Important Synonym and Antonyms
349. Brisk Full of Life And Spirit, Lively Bustling, Busy, Energetic, Slow, Sluggish, Dawdling
350. Brittle Breakable, Crisp Tough, Enduring
351. Broad Wide, Expansive Narrow B
352. Brother Sister
353. Brusque Abrupt, Blunt In Manners, Offhand, Rough, Brisk, Civil, Social, National, Communal
Cheeky, Impudent, Short, Gruff
Usually Unpleasant In Effect,
354. Buckle To Catch, Clasp, Bend, Clip, Fastener, Collapse, Undo, Unfasten, Untie, Unbutton
Acquiesce, Yield Crumple
355. Bucolic Related To Cattle – Tending, Pastoral, Country, Urban, Municipal, Metropolitan
Pastoral, Rustic, Rural Countrified
356. Build Destroy
357. Bumptious Egotistic, Often Irritatingly Self Boastful , Arrogant, Brash Modest, Diffident, Humble, Meek
– Assured, Pushy, Arrogant,
Unpleasantly confident
358. Bungle To Do A Job Clumsily Or Botch, Mismanage, Ruin Succeed, Thrive, Make It
Awkwardly, Goof up
359. Burgeon To Sprout Or Flourish Proliferate, Prosper Shrink, Wither
360. Bust To Break, Shatter, Crack, Arrest Out Of Order, Broken Mend, Repair, Fix, Restore
361. Bustle Commotion, Tumult Slowness, Quiet
362. Busy Active, Engaged, Idle, Lazy, Inactive B
Occupied, Working
363. Buy Purchase Sell A-B
364. Cacophony Discord, horrible sound; Dissonance, disharmony Harmony, accord, agreement
harsh, displeasing noise

365. Cagey Secretive, artfully shy, Wary, guarded, reticent, Careless, slapdash, imprudent
marked by cleverness evasive

366. Cajole To flatter, coax, persuade Wheedle, coax Bully, coerce

Important Synonym and Antonyms
367. Calamity Catastrophe, affliction, Adversity, Misfortune, Fortune, Prosperity, tranquillity,
disaster Hardship, distress blessing
368. Calculating Canny, Devious Artless, Honest
369. Callous Hardened, cruel, insensitive, Obdurate, Unfeeling, Compassionate, Tender, Kind, Merciful,
unfeeling Insensitive, Indurated, Sensitive, empathetic
Apathetic, cold, hard-
370. Callow Inexperienced, immature, Naive, adolescent, green Stylish, difficult, urbane, mature
juvenile, unsophisticated,

371. Calm Quiet, Tranquil, Still, Stormy, Excited, Turbulent, Windy, B

Harmonious, Unruffled troubled
372. Calumny Defamation, Aspersion Commendation, Praise
373. Camaraderie Good fellowship, the feeling Brotherhood Enmity, hostility, antagonism
of comradeship

374. Camouflage Cloak, Disguise Reveal

375. Candid Blunt, Bluff Evasive
376. Candid Frank, ingenuous, clear, True, veracious, False, untrue, dishonest, evasive
impartial, fair, open and scrupulous
honest, free of bias even to
the extent of bluntness

377. Canny Smart, founded on common Astute, sharp Obtuse, unintelligent

sense, careful

378. Cant A hypocritical or perfunctory Insincerity, false piety, Seriousness, earnestness

style of speech, incline, humbug
jargon, trite talk, dialect of a
particular group

Important Synonym and Antonyms
379. Cantankerous Perverse in temper, testy, Argumentative, Quiet, submissive
quarrelsome contentious

380. Capable Competent, Able Incompetent, Inept, Incapable

381. Capacious Large, roomy, extensive Spacious, commodious Small, cramped

382. Capitulate To yield or surrender on Cede, succumb, yield, Vanquish, subdue, overcome
certain conditions, to give in, forfeit

383. Captivate Charm, Fascinate, Beguile, Disillusion, Offend, Repel

384. Captive Free
385. Captivity Imprisonment, Freedom, Liberty
386. Capture Apprehend, Seize, Arrest Free, Release B
387. Care Concern, Protection Neglect B
388. Careful Cautious, Watchful Careless, Reckless B
389. Carnal Earthly, Fleshly Spiritual
390. Carnivorous Meat – eating Predatory, raptorial Herbivorous, vegetarian

391. Castigate To punish, chastise, criticise Reprimand, admonish Praise, commend


392. Catalyst Something that does not Accelerator, stimulant Blockage, anti-catalyst
change but causes change

393. Catch Miss, Throw

394. Categorical Unequivocal, unambiguous, Clear cut, Qualified, fit, capable, competent
total, definite, absolute uncompromising

395. Catholic Universal, broad and Generic, Liberal, unbiased Narrow- minded, Parochial, limited

Important Synonym and Antonyms
396. Cause Effect
397. Caustic Biting, sarcastic, able to burn Stinging, scathing Kind, soothing

398. Cautious Careless

399. Cavalier Mounted soldier, haughty, Offhand, contemptuous Respectful, modest

400. Cease Stop, Discontinue, Continue, Recommence, Begin, Originate B-C

Terminate, Desist
401. Cede Transfer, yield title to, Concede, let go, Acquire, obtain, attain, buy
surrender formally relinquish

402. Ceiling Floor

403. Celebrated Acclaimed, Lionized Unknown, Inglorious
404. Celebrity Fame, well-known person Stardom, renown Obscurity, anonymity

405. Celerity Alacrity, cadence, swiftness, Haste, promptness Disregard, lassitude

stride, speed, rapidity

406. Cement Plaster, Mortar Disintegrate

407. Censure To condemn, to blame, to Fault, Rebuke, Reprimand, Praise, Acceptance, admire, extol,
express disapproval of knock, scorn eulogies
408. Centre Edge
409. Certain Positive, Sure, Definite Uncertain, Unsure B
410. Certainly Probably
411. Champion To defend or support Proponent, promoter Opponent, critic

412. Change Remain

413. Chaos Commotion, disturbance, Imbroglio, clutter, Regularity, uniformity, symmetry
anarchy, confusion, extreme disarray
disorder, confusion

Important Synonym and Antonyms
414. Charlatan Quack, fake Fraud, cheat Real, genuine

415. Charming Delightful, Appealing, Obnoxious, Gross, Vulgar B-C

416. Chaste Virtuous, Pure Sullied, Lustful
417. Chastise Punish, Admonish Cheer, Encourage
418. Cheap Competitive, Inexpensive Dear, Unreasonable, Expensive
419. Cheerful Sad, Discouraged, Dreary
420. Chicanery Trickery, fraud, deception Deceit, duplicity Honesty, scrupulousness

421. Chide To scold, express disapproval Chastise, reprimand Laud, approve

422. Child Adult, Grown-up

423. Chilly Cool, Nippy Warm A
424. Chimera A wild fancy Fantasy, daydream Reality, realism, truth, certainty

425. Chivalrous Brave, bold, gallant, Courtly, mannerly, Boorish, rude, impolite, rough
courteous to ladies gracious

426. Choice Specially selected, preferred Finest, exclusive Inferior, mediocre

427. Choleric Easily angered, short Irritable, irascible Amiable, affable


428. Chromatic Relating to colour Hued, bright Wan, pallid

429. Chubby Plump, Pudgy Thin, Skinny A-B

430. Churlish Rude, ungracious, insolent, ill Boorish, truculent, Courteous, polite, considerate
mannered impolite

431. Circuitous Having a circular or winding Indirect, meandering, Direct, straight, through
route; roundabout winding

Important Synonym and Antonyms
432. Circumscribe To encircle, restrict, confine Surround, demarcate Liberate, set free

433. Circumspect Cautious, wary Guarded, secretive Frank, open

434. Circumvent To go around, avoid Evade, dodge Confront, face

435. City Country

436. Civil Polite, relating to citizens Civilised, polished Impolite, uncultured

437. Clamour A loud continuous outcry Yell, cry, screech, bawl, Whisper, sigh, rumour, hint

438. Clandestine Secretive, concealed for a Covert, Furtive, Secret, Open, Legal, above board
darker purpose Hidden, stealthy

439. Clarify Explain, Simplify Confuse B

440. Clarity Clearness, clear Lucidity, Confusion, incomprehensibility
understanding comprehensibility

441. Classic Simple, Typical Romantic, Unusual

442. Clean Dirty
443. Clear Cloudy, Opaque
444. Clement Disposition to be lenient; Mercy, forgiveness, Harshness, austerity, bleakness
mildness, as of the weather moderation

445. Clever Foolish / Stupid

446. Clockwise Counter-clockwise
447. Close Shut, Fasten Open, Jar A
448. Close Near, Imminent Far, Distant B
449. Closet A small private room, private Private, clandestine, Open, unlock, unbolt, unfasten
chambers of a sovereign secretive

Important Synonym and Antonyms
450. Cloying Distasteful because Oversweet, sticky, Clean, spotless, dirt free, tidy
excessive, excessively sweet sugary
or sentimental

451. Clumsy Graceful

452. Coagulate To clot or change from a Clot, thicken Liquefy, melt
liquid to a solid

453. Coarse Bawdy, Boorish, Bumpy, Fine, Chaste, Smooth B

454. Coax To try and persuade by Wheedle, persuade, Force, compel, coerce
flattery or fondling, to entice
soothe or pet, cajole

455. Cocoon The silky protective sheath Insulate, protect, Expose, picture, rendering
spun by insect larvae while envelop, wrap

456. Coerce To compel by force, Constrain, pressurize Persuade, coax


457. Cogent Convincing, persuasive, Forceful, strong, well- Unconvincing, weak, feeble
pertinent argued, relevant

458. Coherent Intelligible, lucid, Rational, Irrational, muddled

understandable comprehensible

459. Cold Hot

460. Colossal Enormous, Immense, Tiny, Insignificant, Trivial B-C
461. Comatose Drowsy, sleepy, affected Exhausted, spent, Energetic, active, brisk, bouncy
with coma, unconscious passed out, torpid

462. Combine Blend, Unite, Join Separate B

Important Synonym and Antonyms
463. Come Go
464. Comedy Tragedy
465. Comfort Discomfort
466. Comic Clown, Jester Tragic, Tragedian
467. Comical Amusing, Funny, Tragic, Sorrowful B
468. Command Obey
469. Commemorate To celebrate, to preserve the Honour, remember, Ignore, disregard, discount
memory of observe

470. Commend To compliment, praise Applaud, extol Criticise, condemn

471. Commensurat Proportional Equivalent, Disproportionate, inordinate

e corresponding

472. Commodious Roomy, spacious, Large, ample, big, vast, Overcrowded, restricted
comfortable extensive

473. Common Rare

474. Common-place Found everyday Ordinary, mediocre Special, exceptional

475. Commotion Activity, ado, action, turmoil Disquiet, confusion, Calmness, tranquillity, serenity

476. Communicable Transmittable Contagious, infectious Incommunicable, non-transferable

477. Commute Travel, exchange, reduce Attenuate, curtail Increase, uphold


478. Compact Bunched, Thick Loose, Diffuse

Important Synonym and Antonyms
479. Compassion Pity, commiseration, Kindness, Sympathy, Cruelty, Barbarity, Coldness, chilliness,
sympathy, forbearance, Empathy, care frostiness
awareness and caring for
others, sympathy for others’
480. Compelling Having a powerful and Enthralling, captivating Boring, dull
irresistible effect

481. Competent Capable, Qualified Incompetent, Inept B-C

482. Complacent Satisfied with success and Contended, pleased with Agitated, turbulent
not trying for further oneself

483. Complement To complete, perfect Accompaniment, Contrast, disparity


484. Complete Conclude, Finish Incomplete B

485. Complex Complicated, Intricate Simple B-C
486. Compliant Submissive and yielding Acquiescent, amenable Recalcitrant, uncooperative

487. Complicated Simple

488. Compliment Insult
489. Comply Accord, acquiesce, adhere to, Obey, fulfil, abide by, Defy, contravene, violate
agree to submit

490. Composure Mental calmness Equanimity, serenity, Agitation, campaigning, protest


491. Compound Complex, composed of Composite, blended Simple, synthesized

several parts

492. Comprehend Understand, Grasp Confuse, Misinterpret B-C

Important Synonym and Antonyms
493. Compress To reduce, squeeze Abbreviate, Shrink, Crush, Amplify, Expand, enlarge B-C
Condense, Squeeze,
494. Comprise Include, consist of Include, Contain, Reject, Lack, Exclude, bar, prohibit,
Encompass, embrace, prevent
495. Compulsive Obsessive, fanatic Distraught, erratic Controlled, flexible

496. Compulsory Voluntary

497. Conceal Reveal
498. Concede To admit reluctantly, to yield Yield, Permit, Grant, Deny, Reject, Maintain, continue,
allow, compromise, sustain
499. Conceit Egotism, Immodesty Modesty
500. Conciliatory Reconciling, soothing Appeasing, pacifying, Provocative, confrontational

501. Concomitant Accompanying, occurring Attendant, connected, Unrelated, unconnected, distinct

along with affiliated

502. Concord Agreement, harmony Agreement, Accord, Pact, Discord, disagreement

503. Concrete Real, Tangible, Solid Abstract, Flimsy C
504. Concur To agree Approve, Agree, Argue, object, Differ, Disagree B
Cooperate, Accede,
505. Condemn Castigate, Chide, Censure, Approve, Praise B-C
506. Condense Compress, Concentrate Expand, Enlarge C
507. Condone To forgive, excuse, overlook, Disregard, close the eyes Acknowledge, admit, recognise
to pardon to

Important Synonym and Antonyms
508. Confess Admit, Acknowledge Deny B
509. Confident Bold, Undaunted Diffident, Cowardly
510. Confine Contain, Enclose, Restrain Free, Release B-C
511. Confiscate To appropriate, seize Extract, annex Bequeath, relinquish

512. Conflict Oppose, Differ, Clash Agree B

513. Conflict Fight, Battle, Struggle Peace, Harmony B-C
514. Confluence Gathering, meeting of two Assemblage, merger Divergence, split

515. Conform Comply, Submit Dissent, Dispute B-C

516. Confuse Complicate, Muddle, Clarify B
517. Congeal To become thick or solid, as a Coagulate, clot Dissolve, liquefy
liquid freezing

518. Congenial Similar in tastes and habits Affable, convivial Antagonistic, unsociable

519. Congenital Existing since birth Inherent, innate Acquired

520. Congested Overcrowded, Stuffed Empty, Unfilled B-C

521. Conglomerate Collected group of varied Aggregation, assemblage Individual, unit

522. Congress Formal meeting or assembly Convention, convocation Dispersion, disbanding

523. Connect Join, Link, Attach Separate, Disconnect B

524. Conquer Fail
525. Conscientious Scrupulous, Virtuous Neglectful, Careless C
526. Conscious Aware, Cognizant Unaware, Unconscious C
527. Consecutive Successive, Continuous Interrupted C

Important Synonym and Antonyms
528. Consensus Unanimity, agreement of Accord, concord Discord, dissension
opinion or attitude

529. Consent Agree, Permit Object, Disagree

530. Consequence Effect, Outcome Origin, Start
531. Conservative Cautious, Restrained Radical, Extreme C
532. Considerate Thoughtful, Sympathetic, Thoughtless, Selfish C
533. Consign To commit, entrust Delegate, turn over Keep, receive

534. Consolation Something providing comfort Assuagement, Aggravation, intensification

or solace for a loss or alleviation

535. Consolidate To combine, strengthen Amalgamate, Centralize, Separate, Weaken, Shatter, fragment
Fortify, Solidify,
536. Conspicuous Prominent, Obvious Concealed, Hidden
537. Constant Variable
538. Constantly Always, Continually Scarcely, Seldom B
539. Consternation Worry, concern, dismay, Disquiet, alarm, anxiety Composure, equanimity

540. Constituent Component, part, citizen, Elemental, essential Aggregate, composite


541. Constrained Forced, compelled, confined, Obligated, coerced Allowed, permitted


542. Constraint Something that forces or Compulsion, captivity Release, liberty

compels, something that
restrains or confines

Important Synonym and Antonyms
543. Construe To understand or interpret Decipher, explicate Confuse, obfuscate

544. Contaminate Pollute, Defile, Infect Purify B-C

545. Contempt Scorn, Disregard Regard, Praise
546. Contend To battle, clash, compete Confront, dispute Retreat, harmonise

547. Contented Satisfied, Pleased Dissatisfied, Unhappy B-C

548. Contentious Quarrel some, disagreeable Belligerent, bellicose Amiable, affable

549. Continue Persist, Persevere Discontinue, Stop, Interrupt B-C

550. Contract Expand
551. Contradict Deny, Oppose Approve, Confirm
552. Contrary Dissimilar, Conflicting Similar, Alike
553. Contravene To contradict, deny, act Abjure, conflict Agree, approve
contrary to

554. Contrite Broken-hearted for sin, Remorseful, repentant, Unapologetic, shameless

penitent, sorry, apologetic, penitent
sorrowful, regretful

555. Convalesce Recuperate, Recover, Heal Relapse C

556. Convene To meet, come together, Congregate, convoke Disperse, scatter

557. Convenient Handy, Accessible Inconvenient B

558. Conventional Typical, commonplace Customary, Traditional, Unorthodox, bohemian, Unusual B-C
559. Convex Curved outward Protuberant, cambered Concave, incurve

560. Convivial Social, jovial, gregarious, Welcoming, warm, Unfriendly, aloof, distant, surly
lively, spirited, congenial cordial

Important Synonym and Antonyms
561. Convoluted Twisted, complicated, Serpentine, tangled Straight forward, simple

562. Cool Warm

563. Copious Sufficient, lavish, abundant, Profuse, bountiful, A few, a couple, a handful, some
plentiful numerous

564. Copy Original

565. Corporeal Something physical or Bodily, animal Cerebral, psychological
concrete, tangible, material,

566. Corpulent Very fat, obese, chubby Fleshy, rotund, plump, Slim, thin, slender, slight, wiry

567. Correct Accurate, Right, Proper Wrong / Incorrect A-B

568. Corroborate To confirm, to make more Agree with, Contradict, gainsay, challenge
certain, to ratify, to support substantiate, uphold

569. Cosmetic Relating to beauty, affecting Beautifying, superficial Fundamental, structural

the surface of something

570. Cosmopolitan Belonging to all the world, International, multiracial Provincial, unsophisticated
sophisticated, free from local

571. Cosy Comfortable, Snug, Homey Uncomfortable B

572. Country City
573. Countryman Foreigner
574. Countrymen Foreigner
575. Courage Bravery, Valour Cowardice, fear B
576. Courteous Polite, Civil Rude, Discourteous B

Important Synonym and Antonyms
577. Courtesy Generosity, Reverence Disdain, Rudeness
578. Cover Conceal, Hide Expose B
579. Covert Covered, concealed, secret, Clandestine, stealthy, Open, unlock, unbolt, exposed
hidden veiled

580. Coy Marked by cute, coquettish, Bashful, timid, modest, Bold, shameless, audacious
or artful playfulness demure

581. Cranky Cross-, Irritable Good-humoured B

582. Crass Very unrefined, grossly Tactless, stupid, inane, Sensitive, receptive, perceptive
insensible ridiculous

583. Craven Cowardly, lily-livered Fainthearted, timid Brave, courageous

584. Craving Desire, hunger, longing, lust Passion, thirst, yearning, Hatred, aversion, dislike

585. Crazy Insane, Daft, Mad Sane B

586. Create Destroy
587. Creation Formation, Foundation Destruction
588. Credible Which may be believed Convincing, plausible Incredible, enormous

589. Creditable Praiseworthy, trustworthy Good, worthy, laudable Poor, deprived, reduced, pitiable

590. Credulous Gullible, trusting Naive, ingenuous Worldly-wise, suspicious

591. Crestfallen Dejected, dispirited Disappointed, down, sad Cheerful, happy, jovial, merry

592. Crooked Straight

593. Cruel Mean, Heartless, Ruthless Kind, Humane B
594. Crumple To crush into irregular Crease, crinkle, crush, Smooth, flat, level, even, soft
wrinkles screw up

Important Synonym and Antonyms
595. Cry Sob, Weep Laugh A
596. Cryptic Hidden, mysteriously Puzzling, baffling Exoteric, easy
obscure, secret, unseen

597. Culminate To reach the highest point End, terminate, Start, create, found, establish
conclude, finish

598. Culpable Criminal, faulty, censurable, Guilty, blameworthy, Innocent, guiltless, naive, pure
reproachable liable

599. Cult Popular, fashionable Craze, fashion, vogue Disbelief, distrust

600. Cunning Acute, Smart Nave, Coarse

601. Curse Bless
602. Cursory Hastily done, superficial Perfunctory, rapid Thorough, painstaking

603. Curtail To shorten, diminish Reduce, pare Increase, lengthen

604. Customer Supplier

605. Dally Loiter, Linger Rush B-C
606. Damage Hurt, Impair, Harm Remedy, Repair, Improve B
607. Dangerous Unsafe, Hazardous, Safe B
608. Daring Bold, Audacious Cautious B-C
609. Dark Dismal, Black Light A-B
610. Dark Bright
611. Daughter Son
612. Dawn Daybreak, Sunrise Sunset, Evening, Dusk B
613. Day Night
614. Daytime Midnight, Night-time
615. Dead Lifeless, Deceased Alive, Active A-B

Important Synonym and Antonyms
616. Death Life
617. Decay Collapse, Decompose, Rot, Bloom, Flourish, Progress B
618. Deceit Deception, Artifice Veracity, Sincerity
619. Decipher Interpret, Reveal Misinterpret, Distort
620. Decline Accept; Increase
621. Decrease Increase
622. Deduct Subtract, Remove Add B
623. Deep Shallow
624. Defeat Victory
625. Defend Protect, Shield Attack, Assault B
626. Defile Contaminate, Pollute Purify, Sanctity
627. Definite Indefinite
628. Defray Spend, Pay Disclaim, Repudiate
629. Defy Resist, Challenge Obey, Comply B
630. Deliberate Cautious, Intentional Rash, Sudden
631. Delicate Fragile, Dainty Sturdy B
632. Demand Supply
633. Demolish Ruin, Devastate, Destroy, Repair, Construct, Restore B
634. Denounce Blame, Boycott, Censure, Commend, Defend C
635. Dense Opaque, Piled, Thick, Sparse, Brainy, Empty B-C
Heavy, Compressed
636. Deny Admit
637. Depart Leave, Exit Arrive B
638. Deposit Store, Place Withdraw B
639. Deprive Despoil, Divest Restore, Renew

Important Synonym and Antonyms
640. Deride Mock, Taunt Inspire, Encourage
641. Derogatory Sarcastic, Critical Laudatory, Appreciative
642. Desolate Barren, Forsaken Dense, Verdant C
643. Despair Depression, Misery Contentment, Hope
644. Desperate Hopeful
645. Despise Hate, Detest, Loathe Love B
646. Destitute Poor, Penniless Wealthy C
647. Destroy Ruin, Wreck, Devastate Create, Restore B
648. Destructive Catastrophic, Pernicious Creative, Constructive
649. Detach Separate, Unfasten, Attach B
650. Deter Hinder, Prevent Encourage B
651. Determined Sure, Convinced, Resolute Doubtful B-C
652. Die Expire, Perish Live A-B
653. Different Distinct, Unlike Same, Alike B
654. Difficult Hard, Challenging Easy A-B
655. Dilute Weaken, Thin Strengthen B
656. Dim Bright
657. Diminish Curtail, Lessen, Decrease Increase, Amplify C
658. Dirty Soiled, Messy Clean A
659. Disagree Differ, Dispute Agree B
660. Disappear Appear
661. Discourage Encourage
662. Disdain Detest, Despise Approve, Praise
663. Diseased Healthy
664. Disgrace Honour
665. Dispute Debate, Oppose Agree B

Important Synonym and Antonyms
666. Dissuade Remonstrate, Counsel Incite, Persuade
667. Diverse Different, Distinct Same, Similar C
668. Divide Separate, Split Unite B
669. Divorced Married
670. Docile Pliable, Pliant, Tame, Headstrong, Obstinate, Wild, Stubborn B-C
671. Doctor Patient
672. Dormant Sleeping, Inactive Awake, Active B
673. Doubt Mistrust, Dispute Trust, Believe B
674. Down Up
675. Downstairs Upstairs
676. Downwards Upwards
677. Drab Dull, Lifeless Bright B
678. Drastic Severe, Extreme, Tough Mild, Moderate B-C
679. Dreadful Terrible, Unpleasant Splendid, Super B
680. Dreary Cheerful
681. Drunk Sober
682. Dry Arid, Parched Moist, Wet A-B
683. Dubious Doubtful, Questionable Certain B-C
684. Dull Blunt, Dreary Sharp, Bright, Shiny, Interesting B
685. Dumb Stupid, Dense Smart A-B
686. Dusk Dawn
687. Dwarf Diminutive, Petite Huge, Giant
688. Eager Keen, Acquisitive Indifferent, Apathetic
689. Early Premature, Beforetime Late A-B
690. Earth Sky
691. East West
692. Easy Simple Hard, Difficult A

Important Synonym and Antonyms
693. Eccentric Strange, Abnormal, Natural, Conventional, Normal C
Peculiar, Unusual
694. Eclipse Diminution, Dimming Shine, Eclipse
695. Ecstasy Delight, Exultation, Joy, Despair, Calamity, Sadness, Depression C
Rapture, Elation
696. Efface Destroy, Obliterate Retain, Maintain
697. Effective Ineffective
698. Elaborate Detailed, Intricate Simple, Plain
699. Elementary Advanced
700. Eloquence Expression, Fluency Halting, Stammering
701. Employer Employee
702. Empty Drain, Unload Full, Fill A-B
703. Encourage Promote, Support, Urge Discourage B
704. Encumbrance Hindrance, Obstacle Incentive, Stimulant
705. End Begin, Start
706. Endeavour Undertake, Aspire Cease, Quit
707. Enemy Opponent, Foe Ally, Friend B
708. Enjoy Like, Appreciate Dislike, Hate B
709. Enlarge Expand, Magnify Reduce, Shrink B
710. Enormous Vast, Immense, Colossal, Diminutive, Negligible, Tiny, B
Mammoth Microscopic
711. Enough Sufficient, Ample, Plenty Insufficient B
712. Enter Exit
713. Entirely Wholly, Completely, Partly B
714. Entrance Exit
715. Epitome Precise, Example Increment, Expansion
716. Equivocal Uncertain, Hazy Obvious, Lucid

Important Synonym and Antonyms
717. Eradicate Destroy, Exterminate Secure, Plant
718. Eternal Always, Perpetual, Temporary, Passing B
719. Even Odd
720. Evening Morning
721. Evident Apparent, Obvious, Clear Doubtful, Vague B-C
722. Evil Bad, Wrong, Wicked Good A
723. Exceptional Remarkable, Outstanding Ordinary, Common, Commonplace C
724. Excite Arouse, Provoke, Incite Compose, Calm B-C
725. Excited Bored
726. Exciting Dull
727. Exhale Inhale
728. Exhibit Conceal
729. Exhilarated Overjoyed, Ecstatic, Elated Depressed, Dejected, Sad C
730. Exit Entrance
731. Expand Contract
732. Expand Shrink
733. Expensive Cheap
734. Explicit Exact, Distinct, Indefinite, Unclear C
735. Export Import
736. Exquisite Delightful, Charming, Revolting, Repulsive C
737. Exterior Outside, Outer Interior B
738. External Internal
739. Extinguish Ignite
740. Extravagant Extreme, Excessive, Meagre C

Important Synonym and Antonyms
741. Fabricate Construct, Produce Destroy, Dismantle
742. Fabulous Marvellous, Amazing Unexciting B
743. Face Confront, Meet Avoid B
744. Fact Fiction
745. Fade Brighten
746. Fail Pass, Succeed
747. Failure Success
748. Fair Honest, Just, Impartial Unjust, Unfair B
749. Fake Imitation, Phony, Artificial Real, Genuine B
750. Fall Spring
751. Fall Rise
752. Fallacy Delusion, Mistake Veracity, Truth
753. False Incorrect, Untrue True B
754. Falter Stumble, Demur Persist, Endure
755. Famous Unknown
756. Fanatical Narrow-minded, Biased Liberal, Tolerant
757. Fancy Elaborate, Ornate, Fussy Simple, Plain B-C
758. Fantastic Incredible, Outrageous Ordinary, Usual B
759. Far Near
760. Fashionable Old Fashioned
761. Fast Rapid, Quick, Swift Slow A-B
762. Fat Chubby, Plump, Stout Skinny, Thin A-B
763. Fatal Deadly, Mortal, Killing Nonfatal B
764. Fatigue Tire, Exhaust Freshen, Refresh, Refreshen B
765. Feasible Possible, Attainable, Impossible B-C
766. Feeble Weak, Frail Strong, Powerful, Robust B

Important Synonym and Antonyms
767. Ferocious Cruel, Fierce, Savage, Gentle, Sympathetic, Tame B-C
Brutal, Savage
768. Fertile Fruitful, Productive Unproductive, Barren C
769. Feud Strife, Quarrel Harmony, Fraternity
770. Few Many A
771. Fiction Fantasy, Untruth, Myth Fact, Truth B
772. Fill Load, Pack Empty A
773. Find Lose
774. Finish Start, Begin
775. Firm Flabby
776. First Last
777. Fix Mend, Repair Break A
778. Flaw Defect, Fault, Blemish Perfection B
779. Flimsy Frail, Fragile, Delicate Sturdy, Strong B
780. Flippant Impudent, Sassy Polite, Respectful C
781. Float Sink
782. Floor Ceiling
783. Fluctuate Deflect, Vacillate Stabilize, Resolve
784. Fluid Liquid Solid B
785. Foe Enemy, Adversary, Friend B-C
786. Fold Unfold
787. Follow Succeed, Trail Lead, Precede A-B
788. Foolish Wise
789. For Against
790. Forbid Prohibit, Ban, Bar Encourage B
791. Fore Aft
792. Forget Remember

Important Synonym and Antonyms
793. Forgivable Unforgivable
794. Forgive Pardon, Excuse, Absolve Blame B
795. Former Previous, Earlier Latter B
796. Forsake Desert, Renounce Hold, Maintain
797. Fortunate Unfortunate
798. Forward Backward
799. Found Lost
800. Fraction Part, Portion, Segment Whole B
801. Fragile Weak, Infirm Enduring, Tough
802. Frank Candid, Straightforward, Evasive B
803. Frantic Violent, Agitated Subdued, Gentle
804. Free Restricted, Bound, Captive
805. Freeze Boil
806. Frenzy Fury, Rage Serenity, Calmness B-C
807. Frequent Infrequent, Seldom
808. Fresh Unused, New Old, Stale B
809. Friend Comrade, Buddy Enemy A-B
810. Frigid Freezing, Frosty Warm, Hot B
811. Frivolous Petty, Worthless, Trivial, Solemn, Significant, Important, Serious B-C
Unimportant, Silly
812. From To
813. Front Fore Back A
814. Frown Smile
815. Frugality Economy, Providence Lavishness, Extravagance
816. Full Packed, Stuffed Empty A
817. Funny Sad
818. Furious Angry, Enraged, Infuriated Calm, Placid B

Important Synonym and Antonyms
819. Future Coming, Tomorrow Past A-B
820. Gain Acquire, Obtain, Receive Lose B
821. Gallant Chivalrous, Stately Ungentlemanly C
822. Gather Converge, Huddle, Collect, Disperse, Dissemble, Scatter B
Accumulate, Compile
823. Gaudy Showy, Garish, Vulgar Tasteful, Refined B-C
824. Gaunt Scrawny, Skinny, Thin Overweight, Plump B-C
825. Generosity Altruism, Bounty Stinginess, Greed
826. Generous Giving, Selfless, Big- Selfish, Stingy B
827. Gentle Tender, Mild Rough, Harsh, violent, Strict A-B
828. Genuine Absolute, Factual, Real, Fake, Spurious, Phony B
Authentic, Sincere
829. Get Give
830. Giant Tiny, Small, Dwarf
831. Gigantic Immense, Colossal, Tiny, Minute B
832. Girl Boy
833. Give Donate, Present, Offer Take, Receive A-B
834. Glad Happy, Pleased, Delighted Sad, Sorry, Unhappy A-B
835. Gloom Obscurity, Darkness Delight, Mirth
836. Gloomy Bleak, Cloudy, Dark, Gay, Bright, Cheery, Cheerful B
Dismal, Depressing
837. Glorious Splendid, Magnificent, Terrible, Awful B-C
838. Glory Dignity, Renown Shame, Disgrace
839. Glossy Dull
840. Glut Stuff, Satiate Starve, Abstain
841. Go Come

Important Synonym and Antonyms
842. Good Nice, Fine, Well-behaved Bad, Evil, Awful A
843. Gorgeous Magnificent, Ravishing, Dull, Unpretentious, Ugly, Hideous, B-C
Dazzling, Stunning Unattractive
844. Graceful Clumsy
845. Gracious Courteous, Beneficent Rude, Unforgiving
846. Grant Refuse
847. Gratitude Thankfulness, Appreciation Ungratefulness B-C
848. Great Outstanding, Remarkable Insignificant, Unimportant, Small, Tiny B
849. Greed Generous
850. Grief Joy
851. Grin Frown
852. Grisly Disgusting, Atrocious Pleasing, Attractive
853. Ground Sky
854. Grow Shrink
855. Grudge Hatred, Aversion Benevolence, Affection
856. Guard Attack
857. Guess Know
858. Guest Host
859. Guile Cunning, Deceit Honesty, Frankness
860. Guilty Innocent
861. Hamper Retard, Prevent Promote, Facilitate
862. Hamstrung Cripple, Debilitate Strengthen, Encourage
863. Handsome Ugly
864. Handy Useful, Convenient, Skilful Inconvenient, Inept B
865. Hapless Unfortunate, Ill-fated Fortunate, Lucky
866. Happiness Sadness
867. Happy Sad

Important Synonym and Antonyms
868. Harass Irritate, Molest Assist, Comfort
869. Hard Firm, Solid, Difficult Soft, Easy A-B
870. Harmful Harmless
871. Harmony Conformity, Amicability Discord, Discord
872. Harsh Mild
873. Hasty Abrupt, Impetuous Leisurely, Cautious
874. Hate Loathe, Detest Love A-B
875. Haughty Arrogant, Pompous Humble, Submissive
876. Hazard Peril, Danger Conviction, Security
877. He She
878. Head Foot
879. Heal Infect
880. Health Disease, Illness
881. Healthy Diseased, Ill, Sick
882. Heat Cold
883. Heaven Hell
884. Heavy Light
885. Height Depth
886. Help Aid, Assist Hinder, Thwart B
887. Here There
888. Heretic Non-conformist, Secularist Conformable, Religious
889. Hero Coward
890. Hide Show
891. Hideous Frightful, Shocking Attractive, Alluring
892. High Elevated, Lofty Low A-B
893. Hill Valley

Important Synonym and Antonyms
894. Him Her
895. Hinder Help
896. Hire Fire
897. His Hers
898. Hit Miss
899. Hold Grasp, Grip, Retain Release, Discharge B
900. Honest Truthful, Sincere, Frank Untruthful, Insincere, Dishonest B
901. Honour Adoration, Reverence Denunciation, Shame
902. Hopeful Desperate
903. Horizontal Vertical
904. Horrible Pleasant
905. Hospitable Welcoming, Cordial, Rude, Unfriendly B-C
906. Host Guest, Visitor
907. Hostile Antagonistic, Aggressive, Friendly, Cordial C
908. Hot Cold
909. Huge Tiny
910. Huge Vast, Immense, Great Small, Tiny A-B
911. Humane Cruel
912. Humble Meek, Timid Proud, Assertive
913. Humble Modest, Unpretentious Vain, Showy B
914. Humid Dry
915. Humiliate Embarrass, Disgrace, Honour, Dignify B-C
916. Humility Resignation, Fawning Boldness, Pride
917. Hungry Full
918. Hurry Slow

Important Synonym and Antonyms
919. Hurt Help
920. Husband Wife
921. Hypocrisy Deception, Pharisaism Sincerity, Frankness
922. Identical Alike, Duplicate Different, Varied B
923. Idle Active
924. Idle Busy
925. Idle Inactive, Lazy Busy, Ambitious B
926. Ignite Extinguish
927. Ignorant Uninformed, Unaware Knowledgeable, Educated B
928. Ignore Notice
929. Ill Healthy, Well
930. Illegal Lawful
931. Imaginary Real
932. Immaculate Unsullied, Spotless Defiled, Tarnished
933. Immaculate Exquisite, Impeccable Defiled, Tarnished
934. Immaculate Spotless, Pure Dirty, Filthy B
935. Immature Childish, Inexperienced Mature, Adult B-C
936. Immense Huge, Enormous Puny, Insignificant, Tiny, Small
937. Immerse Submerge, Involve Emerge, Uncover
938. Immigrate Emigrate
939. Imminent Impending, Brewing Distant, Receding
940. Immune Resistant, Exempt Susceptible C
941. Immunity Prerogative, Privilege Blame, Censure
942. Impair Diminish, Deteriorate Restore, Revive
943. Impartial Just, Unbiased Prejudiced, Biased
944. Impartial Neutral, Unbiased, Fair Prejudiced C

Important Synonym and Antonyms
945. Impatient Eager, Anxious, Intolerant Patient C
946. Impediment Hurdle, Obstruction Assistant, Concurrence
947. Impenitent Uncontrite, Obdurate, Repentant, Penitent
Unrepentant, Unremorseful
948. Imperative Compulsory, Crucial, Unnecessary, Optional C
949. Imperfect Marred, Defective, Faulty Perfect, Flawless B
950. Impetuous Impulsive, Rash, Reckless Restrained, Careful C
951. Impious Irreligious, Unholy Pious, Devout
952. Import Export
953. Important Significant, Meaningful Unimportant, Meaningless; Trivial B
954. Imprison Free
955. Impulsive Flaky, Impetuous Cautious, Deliberate
956. Impute Attribute, Ascribe Exculpate, Support
957. In Out
958. In front of Behind
959. Inclination Disposition, Affection Indifference, Disinclination
960. Include Exclude
961. Incompetent Inefficient, Unskilled Dexterous, Skilled
962. Incongruous Inappropriate, Absurd Compatible, Harmonious
963. Increase Decrease, Reduce
964. Independent Self-reliant, Autonomous Dependent, Unsure B
965. Indifferent Equitable, Haughty Partial, Biased
966. Indigent Destitute, Impoverished Rich, Affluent
967. Individual Group
968. Inept Incompetent, Unskilled Competent
969. Inevitable Unavoidable, Ascertained Unlikely, Doubtful

Important Synonym and Antonyms
970. Inferior Lesser, Substandard Superior B
971. Infernal Damned, Accursed Heavenly,
972. Infringe Violate, Encroach Comply, Concur
973. Infuriate Enrage, Agitate, Provoke Soothe, Clam C
974. Ingenious Clever, Creative, Original Unoriginal, Dull C
975. Ingenuous Undisguised, Naïve, Frank, Deceitful, Dishonest, Sly, Wily, Crafty
976. Inhale Exhale
977. Inner Outer
978. Innocent Guiltless, Blameless Guilty B
979. Insane Crazy, Deranged, Mad Sane B
980. Inside Outside
981. Insinuate Allude, Hint Conceal, Camouflage
982. Insipid Tedious, Prosaic Pleasing, Appetizing
983. Insipid Tasteless, Vapid Delicious, Luscious
984. Insolvent Indigent, Destitute Wealthy, Solvent
985. Instil Inculcate, Inject Eradicate, Extract
986. Instructor Pupil
987. Insufficient Inadequate, Deficient Adequate, Enough B-C
988. Insult Compliment
989. Intelligent Bright, Sensible, Rational Silly, Stupid, Ignorant, Dense B-C
990. Intentional Accidental
991. Interesting Enchanting, Riveting Dull, Uninteresting
992. Interesting Provocative, Engrossing Dull, Boring B-C
993. Interior Exterior
994. Intermittent Sporadic, Periodic Regular, Continual C
995. Internal Inner, Inside External, Outer B

Important Synonym and Antonyms
996. Interrupt Continue
997. Intolerant Bigoted, Prejudiced Understanding, Accepting C
998. Intricate Tangled, Complicated Regulated, Orderly
999. Intrigue Scheme, Conspiracy Candour, Sincerity
1000. Intriguing Fascinating, Enthralling Uninteresting, Dull C
1001. Intrinsic Genuine, Fundamental Extraneous, Incidental
1002. Invective Accusation, Censure Approval, Acclamation
1003. Invincible Unconquerable, Effeminate, Languid
1004. Irrelevant Inappropriate, Unrelated Relevant, Pertinent, Applicable C
1005. Irrepressible Irresistible, Unconfined Composed, Hesitant
1006. Irritate Annoy, Agitate, Provoke Soothe, Calm B
1007. Jaded Tired, Exhausted Renewed, Recreated
1008. Jejune Dull, Boring Interesting, Exciting
1009. Jeopardy Safety, Security
1010. Join Connect, Unite, Link Separate, Disconnect, Detach B
1011. Jolly Merry, Jovial, Joyful Serious, Sad, Grim, Glum B
1012. Jovial Frolicsome, Cheerful Solemn, Morose
1013. Joy Sadness, Grief
1014. Jubilant Rejoicing, Triumphant Melancholy, Depressing
1015. Jubilant Overjoyed, Delighted, Dejected, Depressed C
1016. Judicious Thoughtful, Prudent Irrational, Foolish
1017. Junior Senior
1018. Just Honest, Impartial Unequal, Unfair
1019. Justice Injustice
1020. Justify Defend, Exculpate Impute, Arraign

Important Synonym and Antonyms
1021. Juvenile Young, Tender Dotage, Antiquated
1022. Keen Sharp, Poignant Vapid, Insipid
1023. Keep Save, Protect, Guard Discard, Lose B
1024. Kind Considerate, Tender, Mean, Cruel, Inconsiderate B
1025. Kindred Relation, Species Unrelated, Dissimilar
1026. King Queen
1027. Knave Dishonest, Scoundrel Paragon, Innocent
1028. Knell Death knell, Last blow Reconstruction, Rediscovery
1029. Knotty Complicated, Difficult Simple, Manageable
1030. Knowledge Ignorance
1031. Known Unknown
1032. Lack Abundance, Plenty
1033. Lament Mourn, Grieve Rejoice, Celebrate B-C
1034. Land (to) To take off
1035. Landlord Tenant
1036. Languid Sluggish, Apathetic Energetic, Spirited
1037. Large Big, Massive, Huge Small, Little A
1038. Last Final, End First, Beginning A
1039. Late Early
1040. Laugh Cry
1041. Lavish Abundant, Excessive Scarce, Deficient
1042. Lawful Unlawful, Illegal
1043. Lax Slack, Careless Firm, Reliable
1044. Lazy Industrious
1045. Lazy Diligent
1046. Lead Follow

Important Synonym and Antonyms
1047. Leader Follower
1048. Leading Following
1049. Least Fewest, Minimum, Most, Maximum B
1050. Leave Arrive, Enter
1051. Leave Stay
1052. Left Right
1053. Legal Illegal
1054. Legible Readable, Clear Illegible, Unreadable B-C
1055. Lend Borrow
1056. Length Width
1057. Lengthen Shorten
1058. Lenient Compassionate, Merciful Cruel, Severe
1059. Lenient Lax, Unrestrained, Easy Harsh, Strict B-C
1060. Less More
1061. Let Prevent, Forbid
1062. Level Uneven
1063. Liable Accountable, Bound Unaccountable, Apt to
1064. Liberal Magnanimous, Generous Stingy, Malicious
1065. Lie Truth
1066. Life Death
1067. Light Dark, Heavy
1068. Like Dislike, Hate
1069. Likely Unlikely
1070. Limited Boundless
1071. Linger Remain, Loiter, Prolong Hasten, Quicken, Vanish
1072. Liquid Solid

Important Synonym and Antonyms
1073. Listless Lethargic, Tired Active, Energetic B-C
1074. Literal Figurative
1075. Little Big, Much
1076. Live Die
1077. Lively Inactive
1078. Lock Unlock
1079. Logical Sensible, Sane, Rational Illogical, Unreasonable B-C
1080. Lonely Crowded
1081. Long Lengthy Short A
1082. Loose Slack, Limp Tight A
1083. Lose Find
1084. Loss Win
1085. Lost Found
1086. Loud Soft
1087. Loud Quiet
1088. Love Hate
1089. L Low High
1090. Lower Raise
1091. Loyal Disloyal
1092. Lucid Sound, Rational Obscure, Hidden
1093. Lunacy Delusion, Insanity Normalcy, Sanity
1094. Lure Attract, Seduce, Entice Repel, Dissuade B-C
1095. Luscious Palatable, Delicious Unsavoury, Tart
1096. Luxuriant Profuse, Abundant Scanty, Meagre
1097. Luxurious Extravagant, Elegant Meagre, Scanty C
1098. Mad Happy; Sane

Important Synonym and Antonyms
1099. Magnify Expand, Enlarge, Reduce, Minimize B
1100. Maintain Discontinue
1101. Major Minor
1102. Majority Minority
1103. Make Destroy
1104. Male Female
1105. Malice Vengefulness, Grudge Goodwill, Kindness
1106. Man Woman
1107. Mandatory Imperative, Requisite, Optional C
Required, Compulsory
1108. Manoeuvre Manipulate, Handle, ––––– C
1109. Many Few
1110. Married Divorced, Single
1111. Marry Divorce
1112. Marvellous Terrible
1113. Masculine Gallant, Strapping Feminine, Meek
1114. Mature Immature
1115. Maximum Greatest, Uppermost, Minimum, Least B
1116. Meagre Scanty, Sparse, Poor Abundant, Generous C
1117. Mean Unkind, Malicious, Nasty Pleasant, Nice A-B
1118. Mediocre Fair, Moderate, So-so Outstanding B
1119. Melt Freeze
1120. Mend Repair, Fix Break B
1121. Merciful Cruel
1122. Merit Stature, Asset Demerit, Dishonour

Important Synonym and Antonyms
1123. Merry Sad
1124. Mess Order, Tidiness
1125. Messy Neat
1126. Midnight noon
1127. Migrant Drifting, Traveling, Stationary, Immovable C
1128. Militant Combative, Aggressive, Peaceful C
1129. Minor Lesser, Inferior, Secondary Major B
1130. Minority Majority
1131. Miraculous Marvellous, Extraordinary Ordinary, Trivial
1132. Mirth Merriment, Fun, Laughter Gloom, Sadness B
1133. Miscellaneous Specific
1134. Mischievous Naughty, Impish Well-behaved, Angelic B-C
1135. Miser Spendthrift
1136. Miserable Happy
1137. Misfortune Hardship, Catastrophe, Good luck, Fortune B-C
1138. Mistake Accuracy
1139. Misunderstand Understand
1140. Mitigate Alleviate, Relieve Augment, Enhance
1141. Mix Separate
1142. Mix Sort
1143. Mobile Moveable, Changeable Immobile, Stationary B
1144. Moderate Temperate, Lenient, Extreme, Harsh B-C
1145. Modern Ancient, Old
1146. Modest Humble, Courteous Arrogant, Pompous

Important Synonym and Antonyms
1147. Moist Dry
1148. Molest Harass, Tease Console, Soothe
1149. Mollify Appease, Assuage Irritate, Infuriate
1150. Momentous Important, Powerful, Trivial, Unimportant, Insignificant C
Notable, Eventful,
1151. Monotonous Irksome, Tedious Varied, Pleasant
1152. Monotonous Boring, Tedious, Dreary, Interesting B-C
1153. Moral Ethical, Virtuous, Immoral, Unethical B-C
1154. Morbid Nasty, Macabre Healthy, Cheerful
1155. Morbid Appalling, Awful, Ghastly Pleasant B-C
1156. More Less
1157. Morning Evening
1158. Morning Night
1159. Morose Gloomy, Sullen, Moody, Cheerful, Optimistic C
1160. Most Least
1161. Mother Father
1162. Mountain Valley
1163. Mourn Grieve, Lament, Bemoan Rejoice B
1164. Move Stay
1165. Much Little
1166. Mundane Humdrum Extraordinary, Imaginative
1167. Munificent Liberal, Hospitable Frugal, Penurious
1168. Murky Dusky, Dreary Bright, Shining
1169. Mutinous Recalcitrant, Insurgent Submissive, Faithful

Important Synonym and Antonyms
1170. Mutual Joint, Identical Separate, Distinct
1171. Mysterious Elusive, Occult, Secret Obvious, Known B-C
1172. Nadir Zenith
1173. Naive Sophisticated
1174. Naked Clothed
1175. Narrow Broad, Wide
1176. Nasty Nice, Pleasant
1177. Natural Artificial
1178. Naughty Bad, Disobedient, Wrong Good, Appropriate B
1179. Near Distant, Far
1180. Near Distance
1181. Neat Clean, Orderly, Tidy Messy, Sloppy, Untidy, Disorderly B
1182. Necessary Useless
1183. Negative Affirmative, Positive
1184. Negligent Careless, Derelict, Conscientious, Careful C
1185. Nephew Niece
1186. Nervous Ruffled, Flustered, Composed, Calm B
1187. Neutral Impartial, Unprejudiced Prejudiced, Partial B-C
1188. Never Always
1189. New Unused, Fresh, Modern Old, Antique A-B
1190. Nice Pleasing, Desirable, Fine Unpleasant, Naughty A-B
1191. Niggardly Miser, Covetous Generous, Profuse
1192. Night Day
1193. Night-time Daytime
1194. Nimble Prompt, Brisk Sluggish, Languid
1195. No Yes

Important Synonym and Antonyms
1196. Nobody Everybody
1197. Noise Quiet
1198. Noisy Quiet, Silent
1199. Noisy Silent; Quiet
1200. Nonchalant Indifferent, Negligent, Attentive, Considerate, Concerned, C
Lackadaisical, Blasé Apprehensive
1201. None All
1202. None Some
1203. Noon/ Midday Midnight
1204. Normal Ordinary, Typical, Usual Abnormal, Unusual, Strange B
1205. North South
1206. Nothing Something
1207. Notice Ignore
1208. Notion Conceit, Apprehension Reality, Concrete
1209. Nourish Starve
1210. Novice Tyro, Beginner Veteran, Ingenious
1211. Now Then
1212. Noxious Baneful, Injurious Healing, Profitable
1213. Nullify Cancel, Annual Confirm, Uphold
1214. Numerous Profuse, Various, Several, Scarce, Deficient, Few, Scanty B-C
Abundant, Considerable
1215. Obedient Disobedient
1216. Obese Thin
1217. Obey Mind, Heed, Comply Disobey, Resist B
1218. Obliging Complaisant, Willing Mulish, Obstinate
1219. Oblivious Unconscious, Preoccupied, Mindful, Aware C

Important Synonym and Antonyms
1220. Obnoxious Offensive, Abominable, Pleasant, Pleasing C
1221. Obscure Arcane, Vague Prominent
1222. Observe Examine, Study, Scrutinize Ignore, Disregard B-C
1223. Obsolete Extinct, Dated, Antiquated Stylish, Vogue, Current B-C
1224. Obstinate Stubborn, Adamant, Pliable, Manoeuvrable, Flexible C
1225. Obstruct Impede, Prevent Hasten, Encourage
1226. Obtain Access, Inherit Forfeit
1227. Obvious Evident, Apparent Obscure, Ambiguous, Hidden
1228. Occult Latent, Ambiguous Intelligible, Transparent
1229. Odd Even
1230. Odd Peculiar, Weird, Strange Usual, Ordinary B
1231. Odious Malevolent, Obnoxious Engaging, Fascinating
1232. Off On
1233. Offend Displease, Affront, Disgust Please, Delight B
1234. Offensive Abhorrent, Obnoxious Engaging, Fascinating
1235. Offer Refuse
1236. Offspring Descendant, Sibling Ancestor, Forefather
1237. Often Seldom
1238. Old Young; New
1239. Ominous Menacing, Foreboding, Auspicious C
1240. On Off
1241. One Several
1242. Opaque Obscure, Murky, Unclear, Transparent, Bright, Clear B-C
1243. Open Begin, Unfold, Originate Close, Shut A-B

Important Synonym and Antonyms
1244. Opponent Enemy, Rival, Foe Ally, Friend B
1245. Opposite Same, Similar
1246. Optimist Idealist Pessimist
1247. Optimistic Hopeful, Confident, Bright, Pessimistic B-C
1248. Optional Voluntary, Elective Required B-C
1249. Oracular Cryptic, Vague Lucid, Distinct
1250. Ordain Order, Impose Revoke, Abolish
1251. Ordinary Usual, Average Uncommon, Unusual, Remarkable B
1252. Ornamental Decorative, Adorned Unseemly, Plain
1253. Other Same
1254. Out In
1255. Outbreak Eruption, Insurrection Compliance, Subjection
1256. Outer Inner
1257. Outrage Offence, Maltreatment Praise, Favour
1258. Outrageous Preposterous, Shocking Warranted, Acceptable C
1259. Outstanding Extraordinary, Insignificant, Inconsequential B-C
1260. Over Under
1261. Pacify Appease, Chasten Agitate, Irritate, Worsen
1262. Pain Pleasure
1263. Painstaking Meticulous, Precise, Careless, Negligent B-C
1264. Pamper Flatter, Indulge Deny, Disparage
1265. Panic Calm
1266. Paramount Foremost, Eminent Trivial, Inferior
1267. Part Whole

Important Synonym and Antonyms
1268. Partial Complete
1269. Particular General
1270. Pass Fail
1271. Passive Active
1272. Passive Compliant, Submissive, Forceful B-C
1273. Past Former, Previous, Present; Future B
1274. Patience Tolerance, Perseverance Impatience B-C
1275. Patient Impatient
1276. Peace Disturbance; War
1277. Peculiar Weird, Bizarre Normal, Conventional B-C
1278. Peerless Matchless, Unrivalled Mediocre, Commonplace
1279. Peevish Perverse, Sullen Suave, Amiable
1280. Perceive Ignore
1281. Perfect Flawless, Accurate Imperfect, Faulty B
1282. Permanent Enduring, Lasting Unstable, Temporary, Changing B
1283. Permit Refuse
1284. Permit Forbid
1285. Perpetual Eternal, Endless, Incessant Short-lived, Fleeting C
1286. Persuade Convince, Influence, Dissuade, Deter, Halt B-C
Cajole, Impress
1287. Pertness Flippancy, Impudence Modesty, Diffidence
1288. Perturbed Flustered, Anxious Calm
1289. Perverse Petulant, Obstinate Complacent, Docile
1290. Pessimistic Optimistic
1291. Physical Spiritual

Important Synonym and Antonyms
1292. Place Misplace
1293. Placid Tranquil, Calm Turbulent, Hostile
1294. Plain Fancy
1295. Plausible Believable, Reasonable, Unbelievable C
1296. Play Work
1297. Plentiful Sparse
1298. Plentiful Ample, Enough, Abundant Scarce, Insufficient B-C
1299. Pliable Supple, Flexible, Closed-minded C
Compliant, Rigid,
1300. Plump Thin
1301. Plural Singular
1302. Poetry Prose
1303. Polish Dull
1304. Polite Gracious, Refined, Rude, Discourteous B-C
1305. Polite Impolite, rude
1306. Pollute Purify
1307. Pompous Haughty, Arrogant Unpretentious, Humble
1308. Poor Destitute, Needy, Rich, Wealthy B-C
1309. Portion Part, Segment, Piece Whole, Total B
1310. Positive Negative
1311. Possible Conceivable, Feasible, Impossible, Unachievable B-C
1312. Poverty Riches; Wealth
1313. Powerful Weak
1314. Praise Criticism
1315. Pre Post

Important Synonym and Antonyms
1316. Precarious Doubtful, Insecure Assured
1317. Precarious Dangerous, Uncertain, Sure, Safe C
1318. Preceding Following
1319. Precious Cherished, Valuable, Cheap, Worthless B-C
1320. Predator Prey
1321. Predicament Plight, Dilemma Resolution, Confidence
1322. Prejudiced Biased, Opinionated, Impartial B-C
1323. Premature Early, Hasty Late, Delayed B
1324. Premeditated Planned, Intended, Spontaneous, Accidental C
1325. Present Absent
1326. Preserve Uphold, Guard, Save Destroy, Neglect B
1327. Pretty Lovely, Beautiful, Ugly; Homely, Unattractive A-B
1328. Prevalent Customary, Widespread Uncommon, Unusual B-C
1329. Prevent Thwart, Prohibit, Hinder Encourage, Permit, Allow B-C
1330. Pride Modesty
1331. Private Public
1332. Probable Likely, Apt, Liable Improbable, Doubtful B-C
1333. Problem Solution
1334. Proficient Skilled, Adept, Competent Inefficient, Inept C
1335. Profit Gain, Earnings, Benefit Loss B
1336. Progress Pace, Betterment Retrogress, Worsening
1337. Prohibit Forbid, Bar, Restrict Allow, Permit B
1338. Prominent Distinguished, Eminent Unknown, Not renowned C
1339. Prompt Precise, Punctual, Timely Slow, Negligent, Late B

Important Synonym and Antonyms
1340. Propagate Inseminate, Fecundate Suppress, Deplete
1341. Prosperous Thriving, Successful, Unsuccessful, Fruitless B-C
1342. Proud Arrogant, Elated Modest, Ashamed B
1343. Prudence Vigilance, Discretion Indiscretion
1344. Prudent Imprudent
1345. Pupil Teacher
1346. Pure Impure, Contaminated
1347. Push Shove, Propel Pull A
1348. Put on Take off
1349. Quack Impostor, Deceiver Upright, Unfeigned
1350. Quaint Queer, Strange Familiar, Usual
1351. Qualified Competent, Suited, Unfit, Unsuited, Unqualified B
1352. Quality Inferiority
1353. Quarantine Seclude, Screen Befriend, Socialize
1354. Quell Subdue, Reduce Exacerbate, Agitate
1355. Questing Answer
1356. Question Interrogate, Inquire, Ask Answer B
1357. Quibble Equivocate, Prevaricate Unfeign, Plain
1358. Quick Slow
1359. Quiet Silent, Hushed, Tranquil Loud, Noisy, Rowdy A-B
1360. Quit Cease, Stop, Withdraw Start, Continue, Remain B
1361. Racket Noise, Commotion, Peace, Quiet B
1362. Radiant Luminous, Shining, Dim, Not illuminated C
1363. Raid Incursion, Foray Retreat, Release

Important Synonym and Antonyms
1364. Raise Hoist, Elevate Lower B
1365. Random Specific
1366. Rapid Slow
1367. Rapidity Quickness, Velocity Inertia, Languidity
1368. Rare Common
1369. Ratify Consent, Approve, Deny, Dissent, Veto, Refuse B-C
Confirm, Endorse
1370. Rational Logical, Level-headed, Irrational, Crazy C
1371. Ravage Destroy, Devastate, Ruin, Reconstruct, Renovate, Restore, C
Damage Revitalize
1372. Raw Cooked
1373. Raze Destroy, Demolish Build, Construct B-C
1374. Ready Unprepared
1375. Real Fake
1376. Rear Front
1377. Reason Acumen, Bounds Folly, Speculation
1378. Rebellious Restless, Attacking Submissive, Compliant
1379. Recreation Amusement, Pleasure, Work, Labour B-C
1380. Rectify Amend, Remedy Falsify, Worsen
1381. Redeem Recover, Liberate Conserve, Lose
1382. Reduce Lessen, Decrease, Diminish Increase, Enlarge, Amplify B-C
1383. Refute Contradict, Dispute Agree, Concur C
1384. Regret Rejoice
1385. Regular Routine, Customary, Irregular, Abnormal B-C
1386. Regulate Control, Oversee, Handle Decontrol C

Important Synonym and Antonyms
1387. Relax Tighten
1388. Relentless Persistent, Merciless, Lenient, Sympathetic C
1389. Relevant Pertinent, Suitable, Irrelevant, Insignificant C
1390. Reliable Trustworthy, Steadfast, Undependable, Unreliable B-C
1391. Reluctant Cautious, Averse, Anxious, Eager, Willing, C
Unwilling, Hesitant Accommodating, Enthusiastic
1392. Remember Forget
1393. Remnant Residue, Piece Entire, Whole
1394. Remonstrate Censure, Protest Agree, Loud
1395. Remorse Regret, Penitence Ruthlessness, Obduracy
1396. Remote Secluded, Isolated, Distant Close, Accessible B-C
1397. Repair Destroy
1398. Repulsive Hideous, Offensive, Pleasing, Alluring C
1399. Reputable Honourable, Upstanding, Dishonest, Untrustworthy C
1400. Rescind Annul, Abrogate Delegate, Permit
1401. Resentment Displeasure, Wrath Content, Cheer
1402. Resist Oppose, Withstand, Defy Comply, Conform B-C
1403. Restrain Detain, Confine Incite
1404. Retain Lose
1405. Retaliate Avenge, Revenge, C
1406. Retract Recant, Withdraw Confirm, Assert
1407. Reveal Show, Disclose, Divulge Hide, Conceal B-C
1408. Revenge Forgiveness

Important Synonym and Antonyms
1409. Reverence Respect, Esteem Disrespect, Affront
1410. Reward Punishment
1411. Rich Poor
1412. Ridiculous Nonsensical, Foolish, Sensible, Believable B-C
1413. Right Left; Wrong
1414. Right-side-up Upside-down
1415. Rigid Flexible
1416. Rise Sink
1417. Risky Hazardous, Perilous, Safe, Sound B-C
1418. Rough Smooth
1419. Rout Vanquish, Overthrow Succumb, Withdraw
1420. Rowdy Boisterous, Rambunctious Well-mannered, Genteel C
1421. Rude Impolite, Discourteous Courteous, Polite, Mannerly B-C
1422. Rural Urban
1423. Rustic Rural, Uncivilized Cultured, Refined
1424. Ruthless Remorseless, Inhumane Compassionate, Lenient
1425. Sacred Cherish, Divine Ungodly, Profane
1426. Sad Unhappy, Dejected, Happy, Glad A-B
1427. Safe Unsafe; Dangerous
1428. Sale Fresh
1429. Same Identical, Alike, Equivalent Different, Diverse; Opposite B
1430. Sane Insane
1431. Sarcastic Ironical, Derisive Courteous, Gracious
1432. Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
1433. Satisfied Dissatisfied

Important Synonym and Antonyms
1434. Satisfy Displease
1435. Saucy Impudent, Insolent Modest, Humble
1436. Savage Wild, Untamed, Polished, Civilized, Gentle, Tame C
Uncivilized, Barbarous
1437. Save Preserve, Conserve, Keep Spend, Discard B
1438. Scanty Scarce, Insufficient Lavish, Multitude
1439. Scarce Scanty, Rare, Sparse Plentiful, Abundant B-C
1440. Scatter Collect
1441. Scrawny Skinny, Gaunt, Spindly Husky, Chubby B-C
1442. Scrupulous Meticulous, Ethical, Unethical, Careless C
1443. Secluded Public
1444. Second-hand New
1445. Secure Insecure
1446. Segregate Integrate
1447. Seize Apprehend, Grab, Snatch Release, Free B-C
1448. Seldom Often
1449. Selfish Unselfish
1450. Sell Buy
1451. Seller Buyer
1452. Send Receive
1453. Sensational Dull
1454. Separate Divide, Segregate, Partition Unite, Join; Together B-C
1455. Serene Peaceful, Tranquil, Calm Disturbed, Upset B-C
1456. Serious Grave, Solemn, Pensive Flighty, Fickle; Trivial B-C
1457. Servant Master
1458. Servile Slavish, Docile Aggressive, Dominant

Important Synonym and Antonyms
1459. Shabby Miserable, Impoverished Prosperous, Thriving
1460. Shack Palace
1461. Shade Light
1462. Shallow Deep
1463. Shame Honour
1464. Sharp Dull
1465. She He
1466. Short Long
1467. Shout Whisper
1468. Show Hide
1469. Shrewd Cunning, Crafty Simple, Imbecile
1470. Shrewd Clever, Cunning, Crafty Unthinking, Careless B-C
1471. Shrink Expand, Grow
1472. Shy Trusting
1473. Shy Bashful, Timid Bold, Aggressive B
1474. Sick Ill, Ailing Well, Healthy, Ill A
1475. Silence Sound
1476. Simple Complicated; Complex, Hard
1477. Single Plural; Married
1478. Singular Plural
1479. Sink Float
1480. Sit Stand
1481. Slander Defame, Malign Applaud, Approve
1482. Slave Master
1483. Slavery Freedom
1484. Sleep Wake up

Important Synonym and Antonyms
1485. Slender Fat
1486. Slim Slender, Thin, Svelte Fat, thick, Stout, Stocky B
1487. Slow Fast
1488. Sluggish Listless, Lethargic, Inactive Quick, Speedy B-C
1489. Small Little, Insignificant, Trivial Large, Important B
1490. Small Big
1491. Smart Dumb, Stupid
1492. Smile Frown
1493. Smooth Slick, Glossy, Level Rough B
1494. Sneer Mock, Scorn Flatter, Praise
1495. Soak Dry
1496. Sober Drunk
1497. Sociable Friendly, Cordial, Unfriendly, Aloof B-C
1498. Soft Hard
1499. Solicit Entreat, Implore Protest, Oppose
1500. Solid Liquid
1501. Some None
1502. Something Nothing
1503. Soothe Ease, Relieve Aggravate
1504. Sorrow Woe, Anguish, Grief Gladness, Joy, Ecstasy B-C
1505. Sour Sweet
1506. South North
1507. Sow Reap
1508. Special Exceptional, Notable, Ordinary, Usual B
1509. Speechless Talkative

Important Synonym and Antonyms
1510. Speed up Slow down
1511. Spend Save, Earn
1512. Spontaneous Instinctive, Automatic, Planned, Rehearsed C
1513. Sporadic Intermittent, Scattered Incessant, Frequent
1514. Spry Nimble, Brisk Lethargic, Sluggish
1515. Spurious Fake, Counterfeit Genuine, Authentic
1516. Squalid Dirty, Filthy Tidy, Attractive
1517. Stable Steady, Unchanging, Unsettled B
1518. Stain Blemish, Tarnish Honour, Purify
1519. Start Finish; Stop
1520. Started Finished
1521. Startled Frightened, Shocked Waveringly
1522. Stationary Fixed, Immobile, Firm Movable, Portable C
1523. Stay Go, Leave
1524. Steal Provide
1525. Steep Course, Lofty Flat, Gradual
1526. Sterile Barren, Impotent Profitable, Potent, Fertile
1527. Stiff Flexible
1528. Still Moving
1529. Stimulate Rouse, Stir, Motivate Stifle, Suppress C
1530. Stingy Generous
1531. Stop Quit, Cease, Terminate Start, Begin, Go A-B
1532. Straight Crooked
1533. Stranger Immigrant, Guest Acquaintance, National, Friend
1534. Strength Weakness

Important Synonym and Antonyms
1535. Strengthen Weaken
1536. Strenuous Vigorous, Laborious Effortless, Easy C
1537. Stress Relax
1538. Strict Stringent, Severe, Stern Lenient B-C
1539. Strong Powerful, Mighty, Potent Weak A-B
1540. Student Teacher
1541. Stupid Unintelligent, Dense, Knowledgeable, Smart B
1542. Stupor Lethargy, Unconsciousness Sensibility, Consciousness
1543. Sturdy Weak
1544. Sublime Magnificent, Eminent Ridiculous
1545. Subsequent Consequent, Following, Preceding, Previous C
Succeeding, Latter
1546. Substantial Considerable, Solid Tenuous, Fragile
1547. Subterfuge Deceit, Stratagem Frankness, Openness
1548. Subvert Demolish, Sabotage Generate, Organize
1549. Success Failure
1550. Successful Propitious, Felicitous, Destitute, Untoward, Failing, B-C
Thriving, Prosperous, Unsuccessful
1551. Succinct Concise, Terse Lengthy, Polite
1552. Sufficient Ample, Enough, Adequate Lacking, Insufficient B
1553. Summer Winter
1554. Sun Moon
1555. Sunny Cloudy
1556. Sunrise Sunset
1557. Superb Magnificent, Exquisite Inferior, Mediocre B-C
1558. Superficial Partial, Shallow Profound, Discerning

Important Synonym and Antonyms
1559. Supple Rigid
1560. Suppress Restrain, Inhibit, Squelch Foster, Encourage B-C
1561. Surplus Excess, Additional, Extra Lack, Deficit B-C
1562. Survive Die
1563. Suspect Trust
1564. Sweet Sour
1565. Swift Fast, Speedy, Hasty Slow, Sluggish B
1566. Sycophant Parasite, Flatterer Devoted, Loyal
1567. Sympathy Tenderness, Harmony Antipathy, Discord
1568. Synonym Antonym
1569. Synthetic Man-made, Artificial Natural B
1570. System Scheme, Entity Chaos, Disorder
1571. Taboo Prohibit, Ban Permit, Consent
1572. Taciturn Reserved, Silent Talkative, Extrovert
1573. Take Give
1574. Tall High, Lofty Short A
1575. Tame Compliant, Subdued Wild, Untamed
1576. Tangible Concrete, Definite Vague, Ambiguous C
1577. Tardy Early
1578. Taut Tense, Tight, Stiff Relaxed B-C
1579. Teach Learn
1580. Tedious Wearisome. Irksome Exhilarating, Lively
1581. Temperate Cool, Moderate Boisterous, Violent
1582. Temporary Permanent
1583. Tenacious Stubborn, Dodge Docile, Non- resinous
1584. Tender Delicate, Gentle, Harsh, Rough B

Important Synonym and Antonyms
1585. Tenement Apartment, Digs Breakeven, Dislodge
1586. Terrible Dreadful, Horrible, Vile Wonderful, Superb B
1587. Terse Incisive, Compact Diffuse, Gentle
1588. Thaw Melt, Defrost Freeze B
1589. Them Us
1590. There Here
1591. Thick Chunky, Massive Thin, Attenuated
1592. Thin Thick
1593. Thorough Incomplete
1594. Thrifty Economical, Frugal, Wasteful, Extravagant B-C
1595. Thrive Prosper, Flourish, Develop Fail, Fade, Shrivel B-C
1596. Throng Assembly, Crowd Dispersion, Sparsity
1597. Throw Catch
1598. Tidy Messy
1599. Tie Untie, Loosen
1600. Tight Loose, Slack
1601. Timid Diffident, Coward Bold, Intrepid
1602. Tiny Big, Huge
1603. To From
1604. Together Apart
1605. Told Asked
1606. Tolerant Intolerant
1607. Top Bottom
1608. Total Whole, Entire, Complete Partial B
1609. Tough Easy, Tender
1610. Toward Away

Important Synonym and Antonyms
1611. Tragic Comic
1612. Tranquil Peaceful, Composed Violent, Furious
1613. Tranquil Amicable, Calm Agitated, Fierce
1614. Transform Retain
1615. Transient Temporal, Transitory Lasting, Enduring
1616. Transparent Diaphanous Opaque
1617. Trap Release
1618. Treacherous Dishonest, Duplicitous Forthright, Reliable
1619. Tremble Vibrate Steady
1620. Trenchant Assertive, Forceful Feeble, Ambiguous
1621. Triumph Defeat, Fail
1622. Trivial Trifling, Insignificant Significant, Veteran
1623. Trivial Insignificant, Worthless Important, Crucial C
1624. True False
1625. Truth Falsehood, Lie, Untruth
1626. Tumultuous Violent, Riotous Peaceful, Harmonious
1627. Turbulent Tumultuous, Blustering, Clam, Peaceful C
1628. Turmoil Commotion, Disturbance, Quiet, Tranquillity C
1629. Tyro Beginner, Riotous Proficient, Veteran
1630. Ugly Pretty
1631. Ultimate Primary
1632. Umbrage Chagrin, Offense Sympathy, Goodwill
1633. Unbiased Impartial, Unprejudiced, Prejudiced, Partial C
1634. Unbreakable Fragile

Important Synonym and Antonyms
1635. Uncouth Awkward, Ungraceful, Elegant, Compensate
Boorish, Clownish
1636. Under Over
1637. Understand Misunderstand
1638. Unfold Fold
1639. Union Separation
1640. Unique Common, Ordinary
1641. Unknown Known
1642. Unqualified Qualified
1643. Unsafe Safe
1644. Up Down
1645. Upset Perturb, Ruffle, Agitate Stabilize, Soothe, Calm B
1646. Upside-down Right-side-up
1647. Upstairs Downstairs
1648. Urchin Foundling, Orphan Creep, Knave
1649. Urge Incite, Implore Abhorrence, Abomination, Deter
1650. Urgent Crucial, Important, Unimportant, Trivial B-C
1651. Us Them
1652. Useful Useless
1653. Usually Rarely
1654. Utterly Completely, Entirely Deficiently, Incomplete
1655. Vacant Unoccupied, Empty Occupied, Full, Filled B
1656. Vagrant Wander, Roaming Steady, Settled
1657. Vague Unclear, Obscure, Clear, Definite B-C
1658. Vain Arrogant, Egoistic Modest
1659. Valiant Courageous, Brave, Heroic Cowardly, Fearful C

Important Synonym and Antonyms
1660. Valour Bravery, Prowess Fear, Cowardice
1661. Vanish Appear
1662. Vanity Conceit, Pretension Modesty, Humility
1663. Vast Limited, Tiny
1664. Venerable Esteemed, Honoured Unworthy, Immature
1665. Venom Poison, Malevolence Antidote, Benevolent
1666. Veracity Candour, honesty, reality, Deceit, duplicity, falsehood, fiction, lie,
truthfulness, frankness, deception, error, falseness, guile,
ingenuousness, truth, verity mendacity, delusion, fabrication, falsity,
imposture, untruth.
1667. Verbal Literal, Oral, Vocal
1668. Vertical Horizontal
1669. Veteran Ingenious, Experienced Novice, Tyro
1670. Vibrate Shake, Quiver, Tremble Firm, Steady B
1671. Vicious Corrupt, Obnoxious, Noble, Virtuous, Kind, Humane C
Malicious, Spiteful,
1672. Victory Achievement, Conquest, Defeat, disappointment, failure, B
Success, Triumph. miscarriage, retreat, destruction, disaster,
Advantage, Mastery, frustration, overthrow, rout
Supremacy, Win
1673. Vigilant Cautious, Alert Careless, Negligent
1674. Vilify Malign, Slur, Defame Cherish, Commend
1675. Villain Hero
1676. Violent Gentle

Important Synonym and Antonyms
1677. Virtue Ethic, Morality, chastity, Vice, Dishonesty, Evil, Viciousness,
honesty, probity, truth, Wickedness, Wrong
duty, honour, purity,
uprightness, excellence,
integrity, rectitude,
virtuousness, faithfulness,
justice, righteousness,
worth, goodness, rightness,
1678. Virtuous Moral, Righteous, Angelic Sinful, Wicked C
1679. Visible Invisible
1680. Visitor Host/hostess
1681. Vital Essential, Crucial Unimportant
1682. Vivacious Spirited, Energetic Dispirited, Unattractive
1683. Vivid Eloquent, Lucid Dull, Dim
1684. Voluntary Compulsory
1685. Vouch Confirm, Consent Repudiate, Prohibit
1686. Vulgar Offensive, Uncouth, Coarse Refined, Tasteful B-C
1687. Waive Relinquish, Remove Impose, Clamp, Require
1688. Wake Sleep
1689. Walk Run
1690. Wan Pale, Faded Bright, Healthy
1691. Wane Decline, Dwindle Ameliorate, Rise
1692. War Peace
1693. Warm Cool
1694. Wary Cautious, Circumspect Heedless, Negligent
1695. Wax Wane

Important Synonym and Antonyms
1696. Way Alley, course, lane, path,
route, avenue, driveway,
pass, pathway, street,
bridle-path, highroad,
passage, road,
thoroughfare, channel,
highway, passageway,
roadway, track
1697. Weak Strong
1698. Wealth Riches, Prosperity, Assets Poverty B-C
1699. Weary Tired, Fatigued, Lethargic Energetic, Lively B-C
1700. Wed Marry, Combine Divorce, Separate
1701. Weep Laugh
1702. Well Badly
1703. Wet Dry
1704. Whisper Yell
1705. White Black
1706. Wholehearted Earnest, Sincere Insincere B
1707. Wicked Vicious, Immoral Virtuous, Noble
1708. Wide Narrow
1709. Wield Exert, Employ Forgo, Avoid
1710. Wild Uncivilized, Savage, Tame, Calm B
1711. Wile Trickery, Artifice Naivety, Honour
1712. Wilt Wither, Perish Revive, Bloom
1713. Win Triumph, Succeed, Prevail Lose A-B
1714. Winsome Beautiful, Comely Alluring, Rapturous
1715. Winter Summer

Important Synonym and Antonyms
1716. Wisdom Attainment, insight, Folly, Stupidity, absurdity, imbecility,
prudence, depth, judgment, miscalculation, senselessness, error,
reason, discernment, foolishness, imprudence, misjudgement,
judiciousness, silliness, fatuity, idiocy, indiscretion,
reasonableness, discretion, nonsense
knowledge, sagacity,
enlightenment, learning,
sense, erudition,
prescience, skill, foresight,
profundity, understanding.
1717. Wise Knowing, Scholarly, Smart Dull, Uneducated B
1718. Wit Banter, Fun, Joke, Dullness, seriousness, sobriety,
Waggery, burlesque, solemnity, stolidity, Stupidity. Gravity
humour, playfulness,
waggishness, drollery, jest,
pleasantry, witticism.
facetiousness, jocularity,
1719. With Without
1720. Within Outside
1721. Wonderful Marvellous, Incredible, Ordinary, Blah B
1722. Work Achievement, doing, Play, ease, leisure, recreation, relaxation,
labour, product, action, repose, rest, vacation. idleness
drudgery, occupation,
production, business,
employment, performance,
toil. deed, exertion
1723. Worn Used, Impaired, Old New, Fresh B
1724. Worship Detest
1725. Worth Uselessness
1726. Worthless Valuable
1727. Wreck Create
1728. Wrong Incorrect, Untrue, Mistaken Correct, Right B

Important Synonym and Antonyms
1729. Yearn Languish, Crave Content, Satisfy
1730. Yell Shout, Shriek Whisper, Muted
1731. Yes No
1732. Yet Besides, further, hitherto,
now, still, thus far
1733. Yield Surrender, Abdicate, Resist, Protest, Keep, Retain B-C
Produce, Bear, Provide
1734. Yin Yang
1735. Yoke Connect, Harness Liberate, Release
1736. Young Old
1737. Youthful Adolescent, callow,
childlike, immature,
puerile, boyish, childish,
girlish, juvenile, young
1738. Zeal Eagerness, Fervour Apathy, Lethargy
1739. Zenith Summit, Peak, Pinnacle, Nadir, Bottom, Base B-C
1740. Zest Delight, Enthusiasm Disgust, Passive
1741. Zig-zag Oblique, Wayward Straight, Unbent
1742. Zip Unzip

A Easiest Used in oral language; concrete concepts

Important Synonym and Antonyms
B Intermediate Harder words; more likely used in writing
C Most difficult Advanced vocabulary and concepts
Often a range of levels is given since the difficulty will vary according to the word selection.
Most students find antonyms easier than synonyms since opposites tend to be more concrete concepts than similarities. However, since synonym substitution is a key strategy for improving
written communication, Study of synonyms is more beneficial.


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