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Intermediate Level Wordlist and Multiple-choice Exercises

A Kiss Before Dying

Ira Levin
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advertising 3/1/62 /ˌædvətaɪzɪŋ noun a company that She works for an 1–10) Choose the correct
agency [count] helps you to sell advertising agency in words and fill the gaps in
ˈeɪʤənsi/ your products Manhattan. the sentences below.
air shaft 1/4/30 /ˈeə ˌʃɑːft/ noun a tall space in the Because the air shaft was
advertising agency / air
[count] centre of a building blocked, the building felt
that allows air to very warm. shaft / attorney / birth
come into the rooms certificate / brochure / broken
into / broken up with / bulletin
attorney 2/4/55 /əˈtɜːni/ noun 1 a lawyer He hired an attorney to
board / bunch of keys /
(AmE) [count] help him fight the case.
birth 1/4/28 /ˈbɜːθ səˌtɪfɪkət/ noun a document that We need to see a copy of
certificate [count] shows the date of your passport and birth 1) I didn’t know that he’d
someone’s birth, certificate. ________ with her.
their name and 2) She works as a designer
address where they for an ________ .
were born 3) A ________ was hanging
brochure 1/1/9 /ˈbrəʊʃə/ noun 1 document that gives The firm sent us a on a nail behind the door.
[count] information about a brochure detailing the 4) Times of meetings are put
company and how different types of up on the ________ a week
much money it has investment available. in advance.
earnt 5) Have a look through our
broken into 3/2/78 /ˌbrəʊkən ˈɪntuː/ phrasal to break a window or Burglars had broken into ________ to find out more
to break into verb door in order to the living room during the about our products.
enter someone’s night.
house illegally

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Intermediate Level Wordlist and Multiple-choice Exercises

broken up 1/1/10 /ˌbrəʊkən ˈʌp wɪð/ phrasal to finish a friendship She’s very upset – she’s 6) An ________ goes down
with verb or relationship just broken up with her from the top of the building to
to break up boyfriend. the bottom.
with 7) Your parents’ names are
bulletin 1/2/16 /ˈbʊlətɪn ˌbɔːd/ noun the place on a wall Details of the conference shown on your ________ .
board [count] where notices and are on the bulletin board. 8) From the ________, you
messages are can see the floors below.
attached for people 9) How long has she worked
to read as an ________?
10) Someone has ________
bunch of 1/2/17 /ˌbʌnʧ əv ˈkiːz/ noun several keys held Somebody has dropped a
keys [count] together on a metal bunch of keys in the car my apartment while I’ve been
ring park. out.
catwalk 3/3/81 /ˈkætˌwɔːk/ noun 3 narrow paths of An iron catwalk went round
[count] metal with metal the top of the building.
rails along each side
checkbook 2/2/41 /ˈʧekˌbʊk/ noun book which you use I have two checkbooks – 11–20) Choose the correct
[count] to take money out of one for my personal words and fill the gaps in
your bank account account and one for my the sentences below.
business account.
coffee shop 2/3/51 /ˈkɒfi ˌʃɒp/ noun a place where Why don’t we meet at the checkbook / coffee shop /
[count] people meet and coffee shop at 11? confessed (to) / director / disc
drink coffee together jockey / divorced / drugstore /
Economics and Philosophy /
confess 3/2/80 /kənˈfes/ verb 2 to force someone to Did he confess to the
to make tell the truth (about crime? gelatine capsule / have an
someone something) abortion
confess to
(something) 1) After years of abuse, she
________ him.
director 3/1/62 /dəˈrektə/ /daɪˈrektə/ noun 3 a person who is She’s been a senior
2) Keep your ________ in a
[count] responsible for director at the firm for
running a business fifteen years. safe place.
3) He studied ________
disc jockey 2/2/44 /ˈdɪsk ˌʤɒki/ noun a person who works He enjoys his job as a disc
before becoming a politician.
[count] at a radio station jockey, but doesn’t earn
and plays music on much. 4) She became ill and had to -
radio shows ________ .

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Intermediate Level Wordlist and Multiple-choice Exercises

divorce 1/1/10 /dɪˈvɔːs/ verb to legally end a She divorced her first 5) Do you want a drink?
to divorce marriage (to husband after only six They’ve just opened a new
(someone) someone) months of marriage. ________ on the corner.
drugstore 1/1/8 /ˈdrʌgˌstɔː/ noun a place where Could you get me some 6) She swallowed a
[count] medicines and other paracetamol from the ________ with a glass of
things can be drugstore? water.
bought 7) They hired a ________ for
the party.
Economics 1/1/9 /iːkəˌnɒmɪks ən fɪ noun Economics is the He has a degree in
and study of how Economics and 8) We found an antiseptic
Philosophy ˈlɒsəfi/ /ekəˌnɒmɪks governments, Philosophy. cream at the ________.
businesses and 9) She ________ copying her
ən fɪˈlɒsəfi/ people make homework from a friend.
decisions about 10) He’s just become a
money. Philosophy ________ of the company.
is the study of
knowledge and
gelatine 1/2/17 /ˈʤelətɪn ˌkæpsjuːl/ noun soft pill that can be Throw away any unused
capsule [count] pulled open and gelatine capsules.
filled with medicine
have an 1/1/6 /ˌhæv ən əˈbɔːʃn/ phrase if a woman has an She didn’t want to bring up
abortion abortion, an unborn the child alone and decided
baby is removed to have an abortion.
from her body
lobby 1/4/29 /ˈlɒbi/ noun 1 the area inside the A group of tourists were 21–29) Choose the correct
[count] entrance of a standing in the lobby. words and fill the gaps in
building the sentences below.
mailbox 1/3/25 /ˈmeɪlˌbɒks/ noun a box that letters are Could you check the
[count] put into mailbox, please? lobby / mailbox /
make love (with) /
make love 1/1/8 /ˌmeɪk ˈlʌv (wɪð) phrase to have sex with How often do you make
(with) someone love?

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Intermediate Level Wordlist and Multiple-choice Exercises

Marriage 1/4/27 /ˌmærɪʤ ˈlaɪsəns noun the office where We rang the Marriage Marriage License Bureau /
License [count] people get a License Bureau to make miserably / Municipal Building
Bureau bjʊərəʊ/ marriage license an appointment. / permission to marry /
personal files /
before getting Pharmacy Laboratory
miserably 1/1/6 /ˈmɪzrəbli/ adverb talking or behaving She sat on the bed, crying 1) Dangerous substances in
with sadness or fear miserably. the ________ must not be
used without permission.
Municipal 1/1/5 /mjuːˌnɪsɪpl ˈbɪldɪŋ noun a building where the The Municipal Building
2) The ________ is open
Building [count] officials of a town or was visible on the horizon.
from 9am until 5pm if you
city have their
need to see the Mayor.
3) These are ________ and
permission 1/1/6 /pəˌmɪʃn tə ˈmæri/ phrase a custom in which a Dad has given us
highly confidential.
to marry man asks a permission to marry.
4) I must go and empty the
woman’s father if he
________ .
may marry her
5) ‘Our cat’s just died,’ he said
personal 2/2/42 /ˈpɜːsnəl ˌfaɪlz/ noun folders that contain All personal files are kept
________ .
files [count] information about in a locked room.
6) He dreamed that one day
he would ________ her.
Pharmacy 1/1/8 /ˈfɑːməsi lə noun a building where Students were waiting 7) Licenses are issued at the
Laboratory [count] university students outside the Pharmacy ________ .
ˌbɒrət(ə)ri/ learn to make Laboratory. 8) The receptionist in the
medicines ________ will be happy to
9) I’m happy to give you
________ my daughter.

possessive 1/1/10 /pəˈzesɪv/ adjective someone who is I can’t stand it anymore. 30–38) Choose the correct
possessive does not She’s so possessive! words and fill the gaps in
allow someone that the sentences below.
he/she loves to be
with other people

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Intermediate Level Wordlist and Multiple-choice Exercises

rent 1/1/8 /rent/ verb 1 to pay the owner of They rent a little house possessive / rent / screen /
a property to live in overlooking a park. smelting works / solution /
their house or Stoddard University Yearbook
apartment / suicide note / suspicious /
screen 2/4/58 /skriːn/ noun 3 tall, flat piece of Behind the screen, I could swear on this Bible
[count] furniture used to see a group of people
allow people to have sitting round a desk. 1) All witnesses must agree to
private meetings ________ .
smelting 1/1/9 /ˈsmeltɪŋ ˌwɜːks/ noun a building where His father worked in a
works [count] pieces of rock smelting works. 2) We are currently seeking a
containing metal are ________ to the dispute.
broken in order to 3) Try to trust me. Don’t be so
use the metal later ________ .
4) More information can be
solution 1/3/19 /səˈluːʃn/ noun 3 a method of ending I think we may have found
found in the ________ .
[count] a problem a solution.
5) We hope to buy our own
Stoddard 3/2/76 /ˌstɒdɑːd ˌjuːnɪvɜːsəti noun a book published by The Stoddard University
home one day, but we
University [count] American colleges Yearbook appears yearly.
currently ________ a flat.
Yearbook ˈjɪəbʊk/ containing names
6) The ________ is a loud
and photographs of
and noisy place.
their students
7) He took his own life without
suicide note 1/3/19 /ˈsuːɪsaɪd ˌnəʊt/ noun a message that She left a suicide note on leaving a ________ .
[count] someone writes the bedside table. 8) Don’t be too ________ with
before they kill your friends.
themselves 9) A ________ had been
suspicious 1/3/19 /səˈspɪʃəs/ adjective 2 thinking that I thought he was behaving erected at one end of the
something is wrong in a suspicious way. room.
or that someone is
behaving in a
strange way
swear on 2/3/51 /ˌsweər ɒn ðɪs ˈbaɪbl phrase to promise to tell the I swear on this Bible to
this Bible truth while holding a tell the truth, the whole
to swear on copy of the Bible in truth and nothing but the
a Bible your hand truth.
take some 1/1/8 /ˌteɪk səm ˈpɪlz/ phrase to put pills in your Take some pills, and you’ll 39–47) Choose the correct
pills mouth and swallow feel better. words and fill the gaps in
them the sentences below.
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Intermediate Level Wordlist and Multiple-choice Exercises

tastes 3/1/62 /teɪsts/ noun 3 the types of thing They’re a group of friends
[count] that you like and who all share the same take some pills / tastes /
enjoy doing tastes. telephone booth / throw up /
telephone 1/3/25 /ˈtelɪfəʊn ˌbuːð/ noun a tall box that people I need a coin for the toxicology / trailer /
booth [count] go into to make telephone booth. typewriters / University
telephone calls Office / work
1) Go to the ________ to
throw up 1/2/12 /ˌθrəʊ ˈʌp/ phrasal to be sick That smells disgusting!
verb It makes me want to throw register for your course.
up! 2) We didn’t really get on –
we don’t have the same
toxicology 1/2/15 /ˌtɒksɪˈkɒləʤi/ noun the study of poisons Toxicology is quite a
________ .
[uncount] complex subject.
3) If you have a headache,
trailer 1/1/6 /ˈtreɪlə/ noun 1 a home that consists They live on the edge of
you should ________ .
[count] of a large vehicle on town in a trailer.
4) There’s a ________ at the
end of the building if you need
typewriter 1/3/22 /ˈtaɪpˌraɪtə/ noun 1 a machine that was The museum has a to make a call.
[count] used to print collection of old-fashioned 5) We asked an expert in -
documents before typewriters. ________ to help us identify
computers were the substance.
used 6) I always ________ before
University 1/4/26 /juːnɪˌvɜːsəti ˈɒfɪs/ noun a building that is part She works as an assistant exams.
Office [count] of a university where in the University Office. 7) ________ have been
information about replaced by computers.
students is kept 8) That’s a good suggestion –
work 1/1/11 /wɜːk/ verb 3 to produce a I don’t think your idea is I think it might ________ .
particular effect or going to work. 9) How do you like living in a
result ________?

Wordlist definitions adapted from the Macmillan English Dictionary 2nd Edition © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2007

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