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Pedagogical and evaluation guide of the module

Initial Interaction in English

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Pedagogical Guide
Initial Interaction in English

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Pedagogical and evaluation guide of the module
Inicial Interaction in English

Editor: Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica

Area(s): All training areas
Career(s): All of them.
Semester(s): First
Hours per semester: 3
Credits: 5
© Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica

Date of design or update: August, 2018

Prohibited the total or partial reproduction of this work by any means,

without written authorization of Conalep.

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Pedagogical and evaluation guide of the module
Inicial Interaction in English



I. Pedagogical Guide 2

1. Description 5

2. Identification data of the competence standard 6

3. Pedagogical generalities 7

4. Didactic orientations and learning strategies per unit 9

5. Practices / Activities 19

II. Evaluation Guide 47

6. Description 48

7. Weighting table 50

8. Development of evaluation activities 51

9. Assessment matrix or rubric 54

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Pedagogical and evaluation guide of the module
Inicial Interaction in English

1. Description

The Pedagogical Guide is a document that integrates technical-methodological elements proposed in accordance with the principles and guidelines
of the CONALEP Academic Model, in order to guide the educational practice of the teacher in the development of competencies foreseen in the
study programs.

The purpose of this guide is to facilitate the students' learning, channel their actions and reflections and provide situations in which they will develop
the competences. The teacher must consciously assume a role that facilitates the learning process, proposing and taking care of a framework that
favors a safe environment in which students can learn, take risks, make mistakes, extract meaningful lessons from their mistakes, support each
other, establish positive relationships and trust, create meaningful relationships with adults whom they respect not because of their status as such,
but as people whose example, closeness and emotional support is valuable.

It is necessary to emphasize that the development of competences is concretized in the classroom, since training with a focus on competences
means creating learning experiences so that students acquire the ability to mobilize, in an integral way, resources that are considered indispensable
to know how to solve problems. in different situations or contexts, and involve the cognitive, affective and psychomotor dimensions; therefore, the
study programs describe the competences to be developed, understanding them as the integrated combination of knowledge, skills, attitudes and
values that allow the achievement of an efficient, autonomous, flexible and responsible performance of the individual in specific situations and in a
context dice. Consequently, competence implies the understanding and transfer of knowledge to real-life situations. This requires relating, integrating,
interpreting, inventing, applying and transferring knowledge to solving problems. This means that the content, the means of teaching, the learning
strategies, the forms of organization of the class and the evaluation are structured according to the competence to be formed; that is to say, the
emphasis in the curricular projection is on what the students have to learn, in the forms in how they do it and in its application to situations of the
daily and professional life.

Considering that the student is at the center of the training process, we look for support elements that show him what competences he will develop,
how to do it and how he will be evaluated. That is, through the pedagogical guide the student can self-manage their learning through the use of
flexible and appropriate strategies that are transferred and adopted to new situations and contexts and follow up their progress through a constant
self-assessment, as a basis to improve in the achievement and development of the essential skills for academic and personal growth.

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Pedagogical and evaluation guide of the module
Inicial Interaction in English

2. Identification data of the

competence standard

Title: Not apply

Code: Competence level:

Elements of labor competence

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Inicial Interaction in English

3. Pedagogical generalities

In order to divulge the criteria to be considered in the implementation of this guide, some considerations are described regarding the development
and intention of the competences expressed in the modules corresponding to basic, propaedeutic and professional training.

In the first place, it is important to point out that the principles associated with the constructivist conception of learning are closely related to those of
competency-based education, which has been conceived by this College as the ideal approach to guide the occupational training of future technical
professionals and professional technician-bachelor. This approach constitutes one of the most viable options to achieve the link between education
and the productive sector of goods and services.

Considering that the student is at the center of the training process, we look for support elements that show him what competences he will develop,
how to do it and how he will be evaluated. That is, through the pedagogical guide the student can self-manage their learning through the use of
flexible and appropriate strategies that are transferred and adapted to new situations and contexts and follow their progress through a constant self-
assessment, as a basis for improving in the achievement and development of the essential skills for academic and personal growth.

The teacher has to consciously assume a role that facilitates the learning process, proposing and taking care of a framework that favors a safe
environment in which the students can learn, support each other and establish positive and trusting relationships. Likewise, it must promote the
transversality of learning for the development of competencies that will allow graduates to successfully face the challenges of the future society.

The methodological proposals to deal with transversality are:

• Connect the concepts and theories of the subject with each other to favor the understanding of the relationships between the different axes
and components.
• Incorporate methodologies so that science learning contributes to the development of argumentation and communication skills, both orally
and in writing.
• Contextualize the contents of the study, based on situations that are realistic and accessible in the classroom, but at the same time cognitively
close and challenging. Local and global problems are the source of this type of problems in which the unidisciplinary approaches fall short
and generate the impression of artificiality of their study in the school context.

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Inicial Interaction in English

Two relations of transversality are considered:

• The one that is achieved through the articulation of the expected learning of the modules taught in the same semester.
• The one that refers to learning as a continuum articulated along the curricular map and that is promoted between modules of different
semesters and / or between some modules of the same disciplinary field.

An example of transversality between different modules of the same semester, is presented with the program of Initial interaction in English, which
connects knowledge of the module Communication for social interaction, to express ideas and concepts orally and written using the language codes
English, in addition to interpreting explicit and implicit data during personal interaction in the proposed contexts of communication and solution to
everyday problems. In the case of the module Processing information by digital means, it is articulated with the use of technology for the creation of
learning products such as presentations, videos or recordings, being a mechanism to communicate and relate to others, so that they use ICT to
investigate and solve problems, produce materials and transmit information. The connection with the Personal and professional projection module
makes sense when dealing with their family context and, likewise, during activities that have to do with professions, which can be expressed in
another language.

The example of transversality with modules of other semesters is favored in the same disciplinary field with Active communication in English,
Independent communication in English, Productive communication in English and Specialized communication in English, where the graduality of the
content is oriented to the development of English language skills such as: listening, reading, speaking and writing. In the modules of the professional
coreo f training, the English language finds utility in generating the bases for the search of information related to the career, the interpretation of
manufacturer's documents and the understanding of specialized texts.

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Inicial Interaction in English

4. Didactic orientations and

learning strategies per Unit

Unit I
Exchange personal information about herself/himself and others
(Central content)
Didactic orientations

It is suggested to approach the module considering the didactic structure of the sessions, for this the teacher:
• Start with the frame of the module or session, defining the learning activities to be achieved, the learning products to be achieved and the
group commitments of permanent observance such as punctual assistance, active participation, compliance with the activities and evaluation
of the learning.
• Develops the sessions incorporating techniques that favor exchange and communication, as well as collaborative learning and constant
motivation that addresses topics of interest to students.
• Incorporates strategies for the development of activity sheets of the Construye T Program in accordance with the contents.
• The session ends with the recapitulation and reflection of the application of the learned content.

Communication in English requires the development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in the foreign language, considering the
interaction in different social contexts, the achievement of competences, established in the module and specifically in this unit, it is recommended to
the teacher the following:

• Promotes punctual and constant assistance.

• Encourages oral practice of students through choral repetitions, individual repetitions and open and closed participations.
• Use facial expressions, mimicry and body movements to convey the idea in English, without using direct translation into Spanish.
• Encourages the use of intonation, rhythm and emphasis appropriate to the context and situation in order to enhance oral production.
• Give instructions considering the following points:

− Prepares them before class

− Organize the instructions with a logical sequence
− Includes examples and clear descriptions
− Provide relevant, adequate and complete information
− Establishes the start and end time

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Inicial Interaction in English

• Presents symbols of the International Phonetic Alphabet emphasizing the combination of non-familiar letters and sounds in Spanish.
• Guide pronunciation patterns by means of the international alphabet patterns provided in monolingual dictionaries
• It encourages listening to the sounds of the symbols that appear in the dictionary on the following page:
• Encourages the inference of specific lexical meaning based on the context in order to avoid the use of the dictionary as a single source of
• Encourage the oral practice of spelling exercises using any of the following techniques:
− Choral repetition.
− Spelling contests.
− Assignment of individual vocabulary.
− Creation of small groups for feedback.
• Practical written guide through the spelling of both group and individual words.
• Guide the creation of useful phrases throughout the module.
• Presents imperative instructions related to the school environment.
• Encourages the practice of cardinal numbers by means of one of the following techniques:
− Choral repetition.
− Dictation of numbers in pairs.
− Resolution of exercises related to numbers.
− Writing with letter of the dictated numbers.
− Auditory discrimination of exercises related to numbers.
• Presents a simple present of the verb to be under the specific context of personal presentations emphasizing first practice of the first and
second person of the plural to practice later third of the singular. For additional explanation of the topic, refer to any of the following
• Provide written practice exercises verifying the use of the present simple of the verb to be or be.
• Guide the creation of vocabulary list and creation of simple sentences referring to months of the year and days of the week.
• Encourages the use of vocabulary related to requesting and issuing information.
• Presents vocabulary referring to countries and nationalities by means of flags, visual support or practice exercises. To download resources
from countries and nationalities go to the following link:,
• Presents types of possession by means of possessive pronouns, the use of apostrophe and s ('s or s') as well as the verb to have in the first
and second person of the plural, as well as in third persons of the singular. By means of additional resources of the assigned material, library
material or in any of the following pages:

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Inicial Interaction in English
• Encourages oral or written practice in small groups in order to express lexical-related possession of family ties. Ex. She's my aunt. Maria is
my cousin's mother. I have two cousins. She has two names and their names are Marylou and Roxy.
• Encourages the oral practice of short answers and contractions of the auxiliaries of the verb to be or to be in both affirmative and negative.
• Encourages the resolution and verification of specific exercises of the pedagogical guide.
• Strengthens the development of the following transversal competences:
• Express ideas and concepts in situations of daily life according to the communicative context.
• Applies communicative strategies of formal and informal registration applicable in contexts and situations of daily life.
• Communicates in English in situations of social interaction of daily life according to the communicative contexts in which he/she is.
• Practice oral and written enunciation within different work groups with a constructive and consistent attitude.
• Dialogue and learn from information regarding people with different points of view and cultural traditions.

Develop the following generic competences:

4.1 The student expresses ideas and concepts through linguistic, mathematical or graphic representations.
4.2 The student applies different communication strategies according to his/her peers, the context in which he/she is located and the objectives
he/she is chasing.
4.4 The student communicates in a second language in everyday situations.
4.5 The student uses information and communication technologies to obtain information and express ideas.
7.3 The student articulates knowledge from various fields and establishes relationships between them and his/her daily life.
8.3 The student assumes a constructive attitude consistent with the knowledge he/she has within different work teams.
10.1 The student recognizes that diversity takes place in a democratic space of equal dignity and rights of all people, and rejects all forms of

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Inicial Interaction in English

Learning strategies Didactic resources

• Listen to the pronunciation of international phonetic symbols in order to improve oral • IPA, International Phonetic Alphabet,
performance pronunciation, definition and
• Collect useful phrases in a notebook. exercises. Available in:
• Verify pronunciation of questions and short answers of interaction with the teacher
• Promote the exchange of oral and written information for questions and short interaction
html (06/07/18)
− Use the game of faces and gestures to develop the ability of body communication, and • Numbers excercises. Available in:
deduce the vocabulary to use.
• Practice spelling words using one of the following strategies: sson02/05.html, (06/07/18)
− Spell out the words that appear in advertisements or different spaces during the journey
from school to home or to work. sson01/11.html, (06/07/18)
− Form groups of two or three students and dictate words seen in the unit.
− Spell words in a coral form in pairs or triplets. sson03/05.html, (06/07/18)
• Do the activity number 1 Hi, What’s up I want to know about you, Can you spell that? • Explanation and practice of the verb to
• Practice the use of communication using questions and answers to give and receive personal be. Available in: http://english-
• Do the activity number 2 Hi, What’s up I want to know about you, Personal Information!
• Vocabulary exercises. Available in:
• Do the activity number 3 Hi, What’s up I want to know about you, Who are you? de esta guía.
− In teams of up to four members make a voice recording with the conversation of activity
number 3.
sroom.html, (06/07/18), family ties:
• Practice the writing of cardinal numbers using one of the following strategies:
− Form groups of two or three students and dictate numbers from 1 to 100. ily.html, (06/07/18), numbers:
− Spell numbers in a coral form in pairs or triplets.
− Write numbers. mbers.html (06/07/18), countries and
• Practice dictation of numbers nationalities:
− Make a chart with the numbers from 1 to 100 and write it in the following format:
onalities.html (06/07/18), ordinal
Number numbers:
1 One
2 Two nal-numbers.html (06/07/18), personal
3 Three information:
• Explain the difference between cardinal and ordinal numbers written or oral, in pairs or triplets. sonal.html (06/07/18), professions and
• Write 3 sentences with cardinal numbers and 3 sentences with ordinal numbers. occupations:
• Perform the ordinal number exercises from 1 to 50: y essions.html (06/07/18), professions

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Inicial Interaction in English

Learning strategies Didactic resources and occupations with audio and
• Practice oral presentation interactions by doing the following: ilustrated:
− Make groups of two or three students
− Create written dialogues with personal presentation statements of both question and fessions.html (06/07/18), temporality:
− Make grammatical summary of the present simple of verb to be. ocabulary.php?lang=3&topic=152
• Practice vocabulary activities related to occupations, nationalities and family ties. (06/07/18)
• Practice the present simple, verb to be in the following pages: • Explanation of possession in English., http://www.englisch- Available in:,
• Do the activity number 4 “Making questions”, An architect builds... ion/apostro.asp (06/07/18)
• Do the activity number 5 “Making questions”, A survey to know about people’s occupations.
ng_possession01.html (06/07/18)
• Make a grammar summary of third-party presentation expressions.
• Simple presente, gramática inglesa.
− Request cuts or photographs of family members to make a presentation practicing the
Available in:
conversation of greetings, initial questions, family ties, questions and short answers,
dividing the group into small groups.
• Do the activity number 6 “How many people are there in your family? What do they do? What
inglesa/simple-present/, (06/07/18)
do they usually have for breakfast?”, My family!
• Grammar lessons. The simple present
• Do the activity number 7 “How many people are there in your family? What do they do? What
tense. Available in:
do they usually have for breakfast?”, Families!, de esta guía.
• Do the activity number 8 “How many people are there in your family? What do they do? What php_files/grammar-lesson-simple-
do they usually have for breakfast?”, She’s my aunt! present.php, (06/07/18)
• Make grammatical summary of different ways of expressing possession in English. • Verb Forms and Verb Tenses.
• Do possession activities on the following page: Available in:
• Perform the evaluation activity 1.2.1. forms_and_tenses04.html, (06/07/18)

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Inicial Interaction in English

Unidad II
Location of objects and specific locations in her/his environment.
(Central content)
Orientaciones Didácticas

It is recommended to approach the module considering the didactic structure of the sessions, for this the teacher:
• Start with the framing of the module or session, defining the learning activities to be achieved, the learning products to be achieved and the
group commitments of permanent observance such as punctual attendance, active participation, compliance with the activities and evaluation
of learning.
• Develop the sessions incorporating techniques that favor the exchange and communication, as well as collaborative learning and constant
motivation that addresses topics of interest to the students.
• Incorporates strategies for the development of activity sheets of the Construye T Program in accordance with the contents.
• The session ends with the recapitulation and reflection of the application of the learned content.

Communication in English requires the development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in the foreign language, considering the
interaction in different social contexts, the achievement of competences, established in the module and specifically in this unit, it is recommended to
the teacher the following:

• Mark the time of completion of exercises in this guide and the material assigned according to the number of students, the level of
performance, the time that each group takes to resolve the activity in consideration of the results of the monitoring and the assigned task.
• Promotes the practice of vocabulary activities of the assigned material under one of the following strategies:
− Revise previous vocabulary: activate previous knowledge of students' vocabulary through brainstorming, acetate or through illustrations.
− Presents vocabulary: through images, translation, choral repetition and / or explanation in English or Spanish depending on the skills of
the group.
− Practice vocabulary: let students present to the group, in small groups or in pairs from the vocabulary to the class per learning module.
• Promote oral practice under conversation models that suggest controlled or free practice before exposing the student to the whole group,
finally the intention is for the student to acquire the language to communicate in the first instance:
− Guide the practice under the controlled model of the following scheme:
o Previous: the students discuss the conversation illustration of the assigned material and discuss who they think the speakers are,
where the conversation takes place, the kind of vocabulary they expect to hear, etc.
o Introduce the model and verify that all students understand the situation and vocabulary (the grammar is presented in an inductive
way, so an explicit explanation of the grammar point is not suggested unless, at the discretion of the facilitator, it is considered
necessary for understanding)
o The student repeats each line of the choral conversation or individually
o The student practices the model in pairs.
o Practice different conversations based on the model, but changing the vocabulary that respects the idea and the context.
• Direct choral reading using one of the following strategies:
− One person reads a fragment of the text and the others follow it.

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Inicial Interaction in English

− The whole group reads together at the same time.

− The group is divided into two or more small groups, which must repeat aloud an assigned fragment of the text.
− Each person should read a fragment of the text aloud and in order.
− A fragment of the text is read by different people of the assigned group or volunteers.
• Presents vocabulary related to generic objects of a house using one of the following techniques:
− Images.
− Realia
− Complementation exercises.
− Vocabulary exercises
− Union of image-text.
− Brainstorming
− Context
− Creating sentences
• Guide the student to obtain the grammatical, lexical, written, reading or oral skills using resources of the assigned material, extra library
material or lesson plans ready to download available in any of the following pages:, or
• Make explicit grammatical explanations and complementary to the assigned material only when deemed necessary or the students express
doubts about it or their written work or extra individual activities so refer.
• Presents the grammatical aspects as inference and checks that the student makes a summary in English or Spanish with their own words
to verify or correct the use of that aspect.
• Make dictation of numbers in English from 100 to 1000 using one of the following techniques:
− Dictation in loud voice
− Broken phone.
− Teams doing the writing on the blackboard
− Semi-group dictation of different numbers for self-correction and correction in pairs
• Encourages the written practice of circulating numbers to verify the use of hyphens between numbers and the article and. For correct writing
of numbers in English and extra activities verify information and resources available on the following page:
• Presents examples in context of defined and indefinite articles with generic objects of a house.
• Apply diagnostic evaluation and, if necessary, another evaluation. Quizzes available on the following page:
• Encourages the creation of maps and personal material for the practice of instructions to get somewhere.
• Presents lexicon and symbology according to sale spaces and places of entertainment in a simulated map.
• Guide the practice of oral instructions for location of physical spaces.
• Presents the rule of the imperative and guides the written practice of sentences to give instructions and to locate physical spaces.
• Check the list of songs that can be used to teach grammatical aspects in the following link and develop some of the following activities:

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Inicial Interaction in English

− Cut fragments
− Word complementation
− Underlining grammatical structure in the letter
− Creation of images with specific grammatical structure

Develop the following generic competences:

4.1 The student expresses ideas and concepts through linguistic, mathematical or graphic representations.
4.2 The student applies different communication strategies according to his/her peers, the context in which he/she is located and the objectives
he/she is chasing.
4.4 The student communicates in a second language in everyday situations.
4.5 The student uses information and communication technologies to obtain information and express ideas.
10.2 The student dialogues and learns from people with different points of view and cultural traditions by placing his/her own circumstances in a
broader context.

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Inicial Interaction in English

Learning strategies Didactic resources

• Research place prepositions on the web. • Alphabet, numbers and days of the
• Make sentences indicating the place of the generic objects of a house week. Available in:
• Create list of vocabulary in columns under the following scheme:
− First column: generic objects of a house in singular 06/abecedario-numeros-dias-de-la-
− Second column: generic objects of a house in singular in plural. semana-en-ingles-escritura-y-
− Third column: Prepositions of place pronunciacion/ (06/07/18)
− Fourth column: sentence with example of use • Numbers 1 to 1000. Available in:
• Perform oral and written practice to locate objects in images of houses
− Form groups of four or six students. mbers.html (06/07/18)
− Describe location of objects in a house aloud. • Vocabulary of objects in a house:
Available in:
− Do collaborative work, review and correct in group.
− Write a letter describing the places and objects of a house, as an invitation.
use.html (06/07/18)
• Do the activity number 9 “I have a TV in front of my bed”, there is...
• Vocabulary of objects in a house.
• Do the activity number 10 “I have a TV in front of my bed”, Are there any...? Available in:
• Make a summary of the grammatical explanation of there is and there are
• Make a list of vocabulary of parts of the house and generic objects within it. ocabulary.php?lang=3&topic=117
• Students talk about things that can be found in their bedrooms.using there is, there are, (06/07/18)
adjectives, colors and prepositions of place to say where things are. • Vocabulary related with the bathroom.
• Students use the structure there is not and there are not to talk about things that cannot be Available in:
found in their classroom.
• Classify objects using defined and indefinite articles. ocabulary.php?lang=3&topic=119
• Perform comprehension reading as well as the exercises in the following page: http://english- (06/07/18) • Vocabulary related with the bedroom.
• Describe in pairs, the house and the objects in it; as well as personal and family memberships. Available in:
• Do the activity number 11 “I have a TV in front of my bed”, In my house there are...
• Make a summary of the explanation of grammatical rules of the use of the present simple, and ocabulary.php?lang=3&topic=120
present. (06/07/18)
− Present simple using personal pronouns in singular and plural. • Vocabulary related with the kitchen.
− Affirmative and negative form of auxiliar verb of present simple. Available in:
• Make sentences about preferences, tastes and interests, as well as emotions and feelings,
using present simple in affirmative and negative form. ocabulary.php?lang=3&topic=123
− Make a table with 30 activities related to preferences, tastes and interests and assign an (06/07/18)
"emoticon" to express the emotion or feeling that they generate. • Various exercises and maps to give
and receive instructions. Available in:
Activities Emotion or feeling
wingdirections.html (06/07/18)

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Inicial Interaction in English

Learning strategies Didactic resources

• Comparative and superlative reading
exercises. Available in:
− Describe routines using frequency adverbs
− Record a 3-minute audio describing the routine personal activities that take place over the o/Leccion14/Lectura.html
• Do the activity number 12 “My father doesn’t work in the afternoon” • Prepositions of place. Available in:
• Do the activity number 13 “Do you know about the latest and most advanced gadget? How is https://www.curso-
the gadget? How much is it? How much does it cost?”
• Identify in small teams, the grammatical structure in the use of comparatives, possession,
demonstrative pronouns, regular and irregular qualifying adjectives and superlative qualities.
place, (06/07/18)
− Select a text that uses grammatical use to establish differences and similarities through the
specific characteristics.
• Perfect English Grammar. Available in:
− Set the grammar usage for different types of descriptions.
• Make a summary of the grammatical explanation of comparatives, possession, demonstrative https://www.perfect-english-
pronouns, regular and irregular qualifying adjectives and superlative qualities., (06/07/18)
• Make a list of vocabulary of electronic devices.
• Do the activity number 14 “Do you know about the latest and most advanced gadget? How is
the gadget? How much is it? How much does it cost”
• Do the activity number 15 “Do you know about the latest and most advanced gadget? How is
the gadget? How much is it? How much does it cost?”
• Perform the activity of evaluation 2.2.1.
• Create dialogues to exchange location, distance and time information using one or more of the
following strategies:
− Dialogue in pairs
− Word selection and complementation
− Repetition of the dialogue in a loud voice.
• Make list of vocabulary related to distance and time.
• Do the activity number 16 How can I get to the church? Which phrase?
• Research of prepositions of place and direction to give directions.
• Investigate vocabulary related to means of transport.
• Do the activity number 17 How can I get to the church? Directions
• Do the activity number 18 How can I get to the church? Keep walking
• Perform the the activity of evaluation 2.3.1.

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5. Practices / Activities

Learning unit:

Practice: Number:

Practice purpose:

Stage: Duration:

Materials, tools, instruments, machinery and


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Inicial Interaction in English

Student´s name:

Learning unit: Exchange personal information about herself/himself and others

Learning outcome: Exchange personal information in basic conversations using vocabulary and specific structures.

Activity number 1: Hi, What’s up I want to know about you.



Exchange personal information following the next steps:

o Get in pairs.
o Fill in the blanks with personal information.
o Practice the dialogue in pairs and spell the giving words.

I. Complete the following dialogue with YOUR information

Student A: Hi!, My name is ______________________________________________

Student B: Can you spell your name?
Student A: Sure it's _____________________________________________________
Student A: And what's your name?
Student B: My name is __________________________________________________
Student A: How do you spell it?
Student B: ____________________________________________________________
Student B: What's your last name?
Student A: My last name is _______________________________________________
Student B: How do you spell it?
Student A: ____________________________________________________________
Student A: What about you? What's your last name?
Student B: My last name is ________________________________________________
Student A: Can you spell it?
Student B: Sure, It's _____________________________________________________
Student A: How old are you?

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Inicial Interaction in English

Student B: I'm _________________, and you?

Student A: I'm ___________________________________________
Student A: Do you have any siblings (brothers or sisters)?
Student B: _______________________________
Student B: and what about you? do you have any siblings?
Student A: Tell me about your mother and father.
Student B: My mother's name is ____________________ and my father's name is __________________________
Student A: Can you spell their names?
Student B: Ok ______________________________________ and ____________________________________________
Student B: What are your parent's names?
Student A: My moher's name is ______________________ and my father's name is __________________________
Student B: Can you spell their names?
Student A: Ok ______________________________________ and ____________________________________________


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Inicial Interaction in English

Student´s name:

Learning unit: Exchange personal information about herself/himself and others

Learning outcome: Exchange personal information in basic conversations using vocabulary and specific structures

Activity number 2: Hi, What’s up I want to know about you.


Complete the next chart with the given information.
Write your own ID.

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Student´s name:

Learning unit: Exchange personal information about herself/himself and others

Learning outcome: Exchange personal information in basic conversations using vocabulary and specific structures.

Activity number 3: Hi, What’s up I want to know about you.


Share with a classmate following the underlined steps.
o Unscramble the questions, like in example number 1.
o Ask and answer each questions.

1. What’s name your ?

What’s your name? .

2. surname your What’s ?


3. you Can that spell please ?


4. you old How are?


5. address your What’s?


6. your number What’s phone?


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7. e-mail What’s address your?


1. My name’s …

2. __________________________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________________________________

6. __________________________________________________________________________________

7. __________________________________________________________________________________

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Inicial Interaction in English

Student´s name:

Learning unit: Exchange personal information about herself/himself and others

Learning outcome: Writes basic texts that include information about occupations and daily routines

Activity number 4: Making questions


Write on the correct occupation and choose the right personal pronoun.

1. He / she works with money in an office

2. He / she makes houses, flats, etc

3. He / she works in a bar or restaurant.

4. He / she writes in a newspaper

5. He / she takes pictures

6. He / she protects people on the streets

7. He / she goes to school or university

8. He / she works at a hospital

9. He / she teaches sports.

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Inicial Interaction in English

Student´s name:

Learning unit: Exchange personal information about herself/himself and others

Learning outcome: Writes basic texts that include information about occupations and daily routines

Activity number 5: Making questions


Students are required to use verb to be in present simple, in its interrogative form to get information from other people.

Students design a survey to get information about a person's occupation by asking about his/her name, age, and objects that the interviewed
individual uses at work.


Q: Hi
A: Hello
Q: Excuse me, What´s your name?
A: My name is Gustavo
Q: How old are you?
A: I´m 16
Q: What do you do for a living?
A: I´m a doctor
Q: Do you use an eraser at your work?
A: No, I don’t.
Q: Do you use a ladder at your work?
A: No, I don’t.
Q: Do you use a stethoscope at your work?
A: Yes, I do.
Do you use a tongue depressor at your work?
Yes, I do.

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Student´s name:

Learning unit: Exchange personal information about herself/himself and others

Learning outcome: Writes basic texts that include information about occupations and daily routines

Activity number 6: How many people are there in your family? What do they do? What do they usually have for breakfast?



Fill in the following family tree

Taken from: for educative purposes (10/18/11)

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Inicial Interaction in English

Student´s name:

Learning unit: Exchange personal information about herself/himself and others

Learning outcome: Writes basic texts that include information about occupations and daily routines

Activity number 7: How many people are there in your family? What do they do? What do they usually have for breakfast?

Read the next text and answer the questions.

Families today

A mother, a father and two children. This is the typical family. But families are
different now. Some children speak about their families:
Sam: I don’t have siblings. My mother’s name is Martha. I live with my grandmother.
I have a lot of friends and I have two cousins Ross and Martel. I play with my
cousins. My aunt is a nurse and my uncle is a police officer. My parents are actors
and they travel a lot.
Bill: I have two brothers and a sister. I don’t have a father. My mother’s name is
Karen. She’s a lawyer. My sister is a photographer. They work together at the local
newspaper. My brother is married and he has one child. My nephew’s name is Bill.

Claire: I have a big family. I have four grandparents. My mom’s parents’ names are
Christine and Joe. They have 5 children: Tony, Kath, Mary, Bill and Pam, my
mother. I have 12 cousins and 5 brothers. I am the only girl. My father works in
Canada. I live in Australia. My family lives in Australia too. I spend hours playing
computer games.

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1. Who doesn’t have siblings?

2. Who lives in Australia?
3. Who plays with his cousins?
4. Who’s Karen?
5. Who has one sister?
6. Who is a nurse?
7. Who have five children?
8. Where does Bill sister work?
9. Who has four grandparents?
10. Who spend hours playing computer games?

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Inicial Interaction in English

Student´s name:

Learning unit: Exchange personal information about herself/himself and others

Learning outcome: Writes basic texts that include information about occupations and daily routines

Activity number 8: How many people are there in your family? What do they do? What do they usually have for breakfast?


Write the relationship between the family members.

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1. Pam is Wendy’s __________________________________________________

2. Mark is Fred’s ____________________________________________________
3. Linda is Mark’s____________________________________________________
4. Candy is Teddy’s __________________________________________________
5. Giles is Sarah’s ___________________________________________________
6. Pam is Bobby’s ___________________________________________________
7. Jeff is Pam’s _____________________________________________________
8. Wendy is Rachel’s _________________________________________________
9. Bobby is Jeff’s ____________________________________________________
10. Diana is Bobby’s __________________________________________________
11. Teddy is Rachel’s _________________________________________________
12. Bobby is Sara’s ___________________________________________________
13. Sarah is Diana’s ___________________________________________________
14. Teddy is Pam’s ____________________________________________________
15. Jeff is Mark’s ______________________________________________________
16. Olive is Bobby’s ____________________________________________________
17. Olive is Candy’s ____________________________________________________
18. Fred and Olive are Mark and Candy’s ___________________________________
19. Graham is Mark’s ___________________________________________________
20. Linda is Diana’s _____________________________________________________

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Student´s name:

Learning unit: Location of objects and specific locations in her/his environment

Learning outcome: Locates places and objects in his/her immediate environment using prepositions of place

Activity number 9: I have a TV in front of my bed


Describe the picture using preposition of place (on, under, above, next to, behind, in front of, between, near), there is for singular and there
are for plural.









Image taken from google royalty free images, for educative purposes (11/11/12)

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Inicial Interaction in English

Student´s name:

Learning unit: Location of objects and specific locations in her/his environment

Learning outcome: Locates places and objects in his/her immediate environment using prepositions of place

Activity number 10: I have a TV in front of my bed


Exchange information about objects and its location.
o Get in pairs.
o Look for a room picture.
o Ask about things’ locations *use preposition of place (Ej. is there a mirror above
the coach?, yes there is)

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Inicial Interaction in English

Student´s name:

Learning unit: Location of objects and specific locations in her/his environment

Learning outcome: Locates places and objects in his/her immediate environment using prepositions of place

Activity number 11: I have a TV in front of my bed


Write the correct name for each room.

Bathroom Kitchen

Bedroom Living room

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Inicial Interaction in English

Student´s name:

Learning unit: Location of objects and specific locations in her/his environment

Learning outcome: Writes simples texts where objets are compared using information technology to research a topic

Activity number 12: My father doesn’t work in the afternoon

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs, don´t forget the auxiliaries, you can use the verbs more than once and in the negative

do / teach / wash / read / go / feed / live

Carol: Simon, what ______________________you _____________ at night?

Simon: We sometimes__________________ books and my sister Emily usually

______________________________ to the club on Saturday

Carol: __________________Mr. Smith ________________ English?

Simon: No, Mr. Smith ________________________________ English, he

_________________ French.

Carol: Who ______________________ Charles _________________?

Simon: Charles _____________________________his pet.

Carol ______________________ Amanda __________________in Australia?

Simon: Amanda _______________________in Australia, she_________________ in


Carol: What_________________ they ______________on Sunday?

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Simon: Peter and Sue ___________________________their dad´s car

Carol: When __________________your mom _______________the laundry?

Simon: Mom ________________________________ the laundry on weekdays.

Carol: What _____________ your brother ____________ after school?

Simon: He _____________________his homework after school.

Carol: How often ___________you _________ the chores?

Simon: My brother and I __________________________the chores every day.

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Inicial Interaction in English

Student´s name:

Learning unit: Location of objects and specific locations in her/his environment

Learning outcome: Writes simples texts where objets are compared using information technology to research a topic.

Do you know about the latest and most advanced gadget? How is the gadget? How much is it? How much
Activity number 13:
does it cost?


1.- attractive ( ) it can store a lot of information

2.- up-to-date ( ) it is something that can help you

3.- user-friendly ( ) it is very modern

4.- compact ( ) it is easy to carry

5.- versatile ( ) it doesn't cost a lot of money

6.- expensive ( ) it is easy to use

7.- powerful ( ) it is small

8.- cheap ( ) it can do lots of different things

9.- useful ( ) it looks good

10.- portable ( ) it costs a lot of money

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Inicial Interaction in English

Student´s name:

Learning unit: Location of objects and specific locations in her/his environment

Learning outcome: Writes simples texts where objets are compared using information technology to research a topic.

Do you know about the latest and most advanced gadget? How is the gadget? How much is it? How much
Activity number 14:
does it cost?


Complete the next chart.

Adjective Comparative Superlative Adjective Comparative Superlative

light lighter the lightest Important more important the most important
big useful
interesting Carefully
Smart Old
large Cheap
Bad Portable
intelligent compact
expensive versatile
slow good
attractive heavy
boring complete
up-to-date simple
nice dangerous
busy slim

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Student´s name:

Learning unit: Location of objects and specific locations in her/his environment

Learning outcome: Writes simples texts where objets are compared using information technology to research a topic.

Do you know about the latest and most advanced gadget? How is the gadget? How much is it? How much
Activity number 15:
does it cost?

Look at the advertisement for three smartphones. How are they different? Compare your ideas with your partner. Then, find the following
1. Which is the most attractive?
2. Which is the lightest?
3. Which has the biggest memory?
4. Which is the cheapest?

iPhone X 64Gb Huawei P20 Samsung S9 Plus

$28,399 128 Gb 64 Gb
5.8 inch Super Retina Screen 5,8 inchTouchscreen display $18,899
Water and dust resistance $20,999 6,2 inch display
RAM 3Gb RAM 4Gb RAM 6gb
174 grams 165 grams 189 grams

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In pairs, read the description of each item and discuss the following: Why is iPhone X the most expensive? Which is the best buy? Why? Which has
a better display iPhone X or Samsung S9 Plus? Why? Why is iPhone X more expensive than Samsung S9 Plus? Which has more features than the

Complete the sentences according to the previous advertisement.

1. _______________ is good but _______________ is better and _______________is the best.

2. The Ram in ____________ and ____________ are bigger than the Ram in ________________.

3. _______________is more expensive than _______________ and _____________________is the most expensive.

4. _______________ is heavier than ________________ and _______________ is the heaviest.

5. _______________ display is larger than ________________display but ____________ display is the largest.

Make similar statements about gadgets you have at home, such as the videogame, the laptop, the tablet, the digital camera, the smartphone, the
computer and post it in a blog.

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Student´s name:

Learning unit: Location of objects and specific locations in her/his environment

Learning outcome: Describes places of interest and gives instruction to get to a place

Activity number 16: How can I get to the church?

Put he correct vocabulary in the correct column.

− (Just) around the corner − On/at the corner of

− Across from − Opposite
− At the end (of) − Straight on
− Behind − Take the first/second/third/fourth
− Between road on the left/ right
− Continue to − Turn back/ go back
− Cross − Turn left /turn right/ turn into…
− Excuse me, could you tell me the street
way to…? − What’s the best way to…?
− Go along − Where’s…?
− Go around
− Go straight on…
− Go straight until you come to…
− Go through
− Go up/ down
− How can i get…?
− How do i get to…?
− In front of
− It’s on the left
− It’s on the right
− Keep walking/driving until you see
− Near
− Next to
− On

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Inicial Interaction in English

Student´s name:

Learning unit: Location of objects and specific locations in her/his environment

Learning outcome: Describes places of interest and gives instruction to get to a place

Activity number 17: How can I get to the church?

Print, cut and paste in the correct place, following the next directions.

Images taken from: for educative purposes.

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Inicial Interaction in English

1. The library is at the corner of Oak Street.

2. The Park is on 47 Street and Park Avenue behind the church
3. The bookshop is next to the supermarket across from the restaurant
4. The restaurant is at the end or Elmo Street next to the café
5. The supermarket is at the corner of Elmo Street and Maryland Street
6. The bank is between the supermarket and the stationary store
7. The stationary store is at the end of Maryland street
8. The café is in front of the supermarket next to the hotel
9. The museum is opposite from the park
10. The sports club is next to the church in front of the hotel
11. The school is at the corner of Elmo Street and Maryland street next to the cinema
12. The library it at Oak street.

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Inicial Interaction in English

Student´s name:

Learning unit: Location of objects and specific locations in her/his environment

Learning outcome: Describes places of interest and gives instruction to get to a place

Activity number 18: How can I get to the church?


Give and back directions according to how to get a place

o Get in pairs.
o Draw a map that include your school and the nearest places like cooffe shop, Banks, shops, malls, gas stations.
o Use prepositions, imperative form, take turn to give and back instructions to move to a place to other.

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Evaluation Guide
Initial Interaction in English

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6. Description

The evaluation guide is a document that defines the process of collecting and assessing the evidences required by the module developed and is
intended to guide the evaluation of the competences acquired by the students, associated with the Learning Outcomes; In addition, it describes the
techniques and instruments to be used and the weighting of each evaluation activity.

During the teaching - learning process it is important to consider three purposes of evaluation:

The diagnostic evaluation allows to establish a starting point based on the detection of the situation in which the students are. The student will be
able to obtain information on the aspects where he should emphasize his dedication. The teacher can identify the characteristics of the group and
properly guide their strategies. At this stage, informal information collection mechanisms can be used.

The formative evaluation is carried out during the whole learning process of the student, in a constant way, either at the end of each learning activity
or in the integration of several of them. Its purpose is to inform students of their progress with regard to the learning they must achieve and warn
them about the aspects in which they have weaknesses or difficulties in regulating their processes. Also, the teacher can assume new strategies
that contribute to improving the group's results.

The summative evaluation is basically adopted by a social function, since it assumes an accreditation, a promotion, a school failure, desertion rates,
etc., through standardized and well-defined criteria. By conventionally assigning a criterion or value, it manifests the synthesis of the achievements
obtained in a cycle or school period.

Regarding the agent or person responsible for carrying out the evaluation, three categories are distinguished:

The self-assessment that refers to the assessment that the student makes about their own performance, which allows them to recognize their
possibilities, limitations and necessary changes to improve their learning. In this evaluation guide, at least one specific indicator has been selected
for the self-assessment that the student will do on the domain of some less complex competition.

The coevaluation in which students evaluate each other, assessing the learning achieved, either by some of its members or the group as a whole.
In this evaluation guide, at least one indicator has been selected for the student to verify the competence domain of less complexity in another

The heteroevaluation in its external variant occurs when agents that are not part of the teaching-learning process are the evaluators, granting certain
objectivity due to their non-involvement. In this sense, one of the evaluation activities has been selected, defined in the study program, so that it can
be assessed by an external expert or by another teacher who has not taught the module to that group.

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The weighting table linked to the School Evaluation System (SAE) allows both the student and the teacher to observe the progress made in the
learning outcomes that are being achieved. It indicates, in percentage terms, the specific weight for each evaluation activity; the weight obtained by
the student based on the demonstrated performances and the accumulated weight, which refers to the sum of the percentages reached in the various
evaluation activities.

Another important element of the evaluation guide is the rubric or assessment matrix, which establishes the indicators and criteria to be considered
in order to evaluate the achievement of learning outcomes, which may be associated with a performance or a product.

The indicators are the relevant aspects of the evaluation activity and serve as a guide to verify the quality of achievement of the learning outcome.
Each of these indicators corresponds to a percentage value, according to its relevance, highlighting that they also indicate the attributes of the generic
competencies to be evaluated

The criteria are the conditions or levels of quality that describe, in a concrete and precise way, the qualities and levels of quality that each of the
indicators must have. They provide information on what each student has to achieve through their performance, as well as the progress in the
development of the competition. In the rubrics, the following criteria have been established.

 Excellent, in which, in addition to meeting the standards or requirements established as necessary in the achievement of the product or
performance, it is proactive, demonstrates initiative and creativity, or goes beyond what is requested as a minimum, contributing with
elements to improve of the indicator.
 Sufficient, if it meets the standards or requirements established as necessary to demonstrate that it has performed adequately in the
activity or production of the product. It is at this level that we can say that the competition has been acquired.
 Insufficient, when it does not meet the standards or minimum requirements established for the performance or product.

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Inicial Interaction in English

7. Weighting table

ACTIVITY OF % Specific % Achieved
UNIT Learning outcome weight weight

1.1. Exchange personal information in

basic conversations using vocabulary
and specific structures.
1. Exchange personal information
1.2.1 30
about herself/himself and others.
1.2. Writes basic texts that include
information about occupations and
daily routines.
2.1. Writes basic texts that include
information about occupations and
daily routines
2.2.1 30
2.2. Writes simples texts where objets are
2. Location of objects and specific
compared using information
locations in her/his environment.
technology to research a topic.

2.3. Describes places of interest and gives

2.3.1 40
instruction to get to a place.


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8. Develpment of evaluation

Unidad de Aprendizaje: 1. Exchange personal information about herself/himself and others

Resultado de Aprendizaje: 1.2. Writes basic texts that include information about occupations and daily routines

Actividad de Evaluación: 1.2.1. Writes a dialogue in English and uploads it in an online blog.

Instructions: Make a dialogue in English where the grammatical structures and the referred vocabulary are used to request and provide personal
and family information about name, age, occupation, physical characteristics and family relationship.

Create a dialogue in English that includes:

Ask for personal information

• Use the verb to be in simple present, interrogative and affirmative
• Use questions to obtain personal information such as: name, age, occupation
• Use vocabulary related to personal pronouns, occupations, numbers, family, activities, frequency adverbs
• Use short questions to greet and to meet other people

Provides information
• It provides basic information: name, age and occupation.
• Use the present simple to talk about your activities and how often you carry them out.
• Includes spelling of words.
• Use vocabulary referring to adverbs of possession and expressions of presentation of third parties.
• Presents basic information of their relatives (family relationship, name, age, occupation and physical characteristics.
• Take care of grammar and spelling.

Publication of the dialogue in a blog

• Presents the link of the blog where the dialogue was published

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Learning unit: 2. Location of objects and specific locations in her/his environment

Learning outcome: 2.2. Writes simple texts where objets are compared using information technology to research a topic.

2.1.1 Makes a plan of her/his home, using a Power Point presentation in English, describing location,
Activity of evaluation:
existence of objects and physical spaces.

Instructions: Make a PowerPoint presentation of the plan of your home in which you write location information of objects and rooms, insert voice
recording to explain the presentation using the grammatical structures and the vocabulary on the subject.

Make a Power Point presentation

Represent the rooms of your home

• Include a plan of your home

Describe the rooms and objects that can be found

• Use the verb to be in simple present, interrogative and affirmative to know about the family tree of other students.
• Uses related vocabulary furniture of different rooms.
• Describe what can be done in the different rooms.
• Mention what can not be found in the classroom.
• Mention the members of your family and the activities they do
• Use the structure for indefinite articles, existence in plural and singular.

Provide location information

• Provides information on the location of rooms and objects in your home.
• Use the structure for the use of adjectives, color, propositions of place, questions to locate the things and description of what can not be done
in the classroom.
• Provide information on the routine activities you perform.
• Take care of grammar and spelling.

Presentation that includes:

• The location map of rooms and objects.

• The written description according to the evaluation activity.
• Audio with the explanation of the presentation.

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Learning unit: 2. Location of objects and specific locations in her/his environment

Learning outcome: 2.2. Describes places of interest and gives instruction to get to a place.

2.2.1 Makes a video portraying people asking about the existence for places and ask for directions to get to
Activity of evaluation:
those places.

Instructions: Record a video providing and requesting information about the location of places of public interest using the grammatical structures
and the vocabulary about the topic.

Make a video that shows teh following aspects:

Provides indications
• Identify the most important places in your city
• Describe the name and what exists in each place of public interest
• Give indications of geographical location of different sites of public interest.
• Use vocabulary related to asking information on site names, prepositions of place, indefinite articles.

Request information
• Ask for directions and places of public interest.
• Use vocabulary referring to questions and places, as well as the imperative way.
• Take care of grammar and spelling.

Recorded video
• Contains the required communication.
• The recording time is 5 minutes.

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9. Assessment matrix or rubric


Name of
Siglema: ININ-03 the Initial interaction in English

Teacher evaluator: Group: Date:

1.2 Writes basic texts that include information Activity of 1.2.1 Writes a dialogue in English and uploads
Learning outcome:
about occupations and daily routines evaluation: it in an online blog

Excellent Sufficient Insufficient

Makes a script similar to a Makes a script similar to a conversation Makes a script without
conversation dialogue that includes dialogue that includes the following: conversation dialogue structure
the following: and omitting one or more of the
• Proposes ten questions and • Proposes ten questions and following aspects:
exchange of interaction exchange of interaction • Questions and exchange of
Discursive responses on personal data, responses on personal data, interaction responses on
elements of the occupations and routines. occupations and routines. personal data, occupations
text 30 • Request and issuance of • Request and issuance of spelling and routines.
spelling of names and of names and surnames. • Request or issuance of
4.1, 4.2, surnames. • Request for personal information spelling of names and
4.4 and 7.3 • Request for personal and routines of two members of surnames.
information and routines of her/his family. • Personal and routine
two members of your family. information of her/his
• Provides personal family.
information about her/him
and her/his routine.

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Excellent Sufficient Insufficient

• Makes the script including 10 • Makes the script including 10 Omits any of the following
questions and short answers. questions and short answers. aspects:
• Writes questions and answers in • Writes the questions and answers in • Makes the script including 10
dialog format. dialog format. questions and short
• Presents spelling of capitalized • Avoids misspellings. answers.
Presentation of words and hyphens between • Reduces grammatical or structure • Writes the questions and
the document each letter. errors. answers in dialog format.
• Avoids misspellings. • Presents complete sentences. • Avoids misspellings.
4.1, 4.2, • Reduces grammatical or • Uses punctuation and capitalization • Reduces grammatical or
4.4 and 4.5 structure errors. properly. structure errors.
• Presents complete sentences. • Presents complete
• Uses punctuation and sentences.
capitalization appropriately. • Uses punctuation and
capitalization properly.

• Uses the question structure. • Uses the question structure. Omits any of the following
• Uses phrases related to the • Uses phrases related to the personal aspects:
personal and social sphere. and social sphere. • Uses the question structure.
• Uses the present simple of the • Uses the present simple of the verb to • Uses phrases related to the
verb to be with the first, second be with the first, second and third personal and social sphere.
Grammar and third persons of the singular. persons of the singular. • Uses the present simple of
4.1, 4.2, 30 • Uses vocabulary related to • Uses lexicon related to frequency the verb to be with the first,
4.4 and 4.5 frequency adverbs. adverbs. second and third persons of
• Employs structure of short • Employs short answers structure. the singular.
answers. • Uses vocabulary related to
• Uses structure of long answers at frequency adverbs.
least in 2 answers. • Employs short answers

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Excellent Sufficient Insufficient
• Deliveries the work taking care of • Deliveries the work taking care of Omits any of the following
aspects of order and specific aspects of order and specific design. aspects:
design. • Shows organization and • Deliveries the work taking
• Shows organization and responsibility to deliver on a date care of aspects of order and
responsibility when delivered by established by the teacher. specific design.
the teacher. • Shows perseverance to take • Shows organization and
• Shows perseverance to take advantage of the errors marked in responsibility to deliver on a
advantage of the errors marked in previous activities to improve their date established by the
Attitude previous activities to improve work. teacher.
10 their work. • Does the work collaboratively. • Shows perseverance to take
4.1, 4.4, • Does the work collaboratively. • Puts into practice your digital skills. advantage of the errors
8.3 and 10.1 • Puts into practice your digital • Shows respect for the work of his marked in previous activities
skills. classmates to improve their work.
• Shows respect for the work of his • Does the work
classmates collaboratively.
• Actively participates in class. • Puts into practice your digital
• Respects for the work of


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Inicial Interaction in English


Name of
Siglema: ININ-03 the Initial interaction in English

Teacher evaluator: Group: Date:

2.2.1 Makes a plan of her/his home, using a

2.2. Writes simple texts where objets are
Activity of Power Point presentation in English, describing
Learning outcome: compared using information technology to
evaluation: location, existence of objects and physical
research a topic

Excellent Sufficient Insufficient

Writes description of location and Writes description of location and Omits one of the following
existence and routine that includes existence and routine that includes the aspects.
the following: following: Writes description of location and
Discursive • Generic objects of a house • Generic objects of a house existence and routine that
elements of the
• Physical spaces of a house • Physical spaces of a house includes the following:
text 30 • Generic objects of a house
• People • People
• Describes her/his daily routine • Describes your daily routine within • Physical spaces of a house
4.1, 4.2,
within her/his home and of 3 your home and of 3 family members. • People
4.4 and 7.3
family members. • Describes her/his daily
• Writes the membership of routine within her/his home
personal spaces and objects and and of 3 family members.
of a relative.

Prepares a document that contains Prepare a document covering the Fails to cover any of the following
the following aspects: following aspects: aspects in the document:
presentation of
• Minimum reference of 10 and • Minimum reference of 10 and • Minimum reference of 10 and
the document
30 maximum of 15 generic objects. maximum of 15 generic objects. maximum of 15 generic
• Minimum location of 2 and • Minimum location of 2 and maximum objects.
4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 4.5
maximum of 4 rooms in the of 4 rooms in the house. • Minimum established
and 10.2
house. • References of space and objects location of rooms in the
belonging to 2 people. house.

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Pedagogical and evaluation guide of the module
Inicial Interaction in English

Excellent Sufficient Insufficient
• References of space and objects • Avoids misspellings. • Spaces and objects
belonging to 3 people. • Presents complete sentences. belonging reference
• Avoids misspellings. • Uses periods, commas and capital established.
• Presents complete sentences. letters. Commits misspellings that
• Uses periods, commas and • Orally, produces the presentation of impede comprehension.
capital letters. the expected product clearly.
• Produces orally the presentation Commits grammatical or
of the expected product with structural errors that impede
fluency, clarity and intonation. comprehension.

Produces oral messages with the

minimum purposes of clarity.

• Uses vocabulary related to • Uses vocabulary related to generic Misuses or does not use one or
generic objects inside a house. objects inside a house. more of the following grammar
• Uses 4 prepositions of place. • Uses 4 prepositions of place. points:
• Uses vocabulary related to • Use lexicon related to physical • Vocabulary related to generic
physical spaces of a house. spaces of a house. objects inside a house.
• Uses 2 collocations concerning • Uses 2 collocations concerning • Prepositions of place.
rooms. rooms. 2 collocations concerning
4.1, 4.2, 30
• Uses defined and undefined • Uses defined and undefined articles. rooms.
4.4 and 4.5 • Defined
articles. • Uses grammatical tenses in present and undefined
• Correctly uses grammatical simple in the first person, correctly. articles.
tenses in simple present in first • Uses the simple present with
and third person. various grammatical errors.
• Uses affirmative existence in
singular and plural.

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Pedagogical and evaluation guide of the module
Inicial Interaction in English

Excellent Sufficient Insufficient
• Deliveries work taking care of • Deliveries the work taking care of • Deliveries work without
aspects of order, cleanliness and aspects of order and cleanliness. taking care of aspects of
friendly design. • Shows responsibility when delivering order and cleanliness.
• Shows organization and on the date established by the • Shows lack of responsibility
responsibility when delivering on teacher. when delivering at a later
a previous date established by • Shows perseverance to take date than that established by
the teacher. advantage of the errors marked in the teacher, or omits the
• Shows perseverance to take previous activities to improve their delivery of the work.
advantage of the errors marked work. • Shows inconsistency by not
in previous activities to improve • Shows respect when referring to correcting errors marked in
their work. personal information of relatives. previous activities.
• Shows respect when referring to • Shows honesty when reporting • Shows lack of respect when
personal information of relatives. truthful information. referring to the personal
• Shows honesty when reporting • Shows respect for the work of their information of relatives.
Attitude truthful information. peers. • Shows lack of honesty when
(Self-assessment) 10 • Shows respect for the work of reporting erroneous or
4.1, 4.4 and 10.2 their peers. inaccurate information.
• Has the disposition to do the • Fails to show respect for the
work. work of his classmates.


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Pedagogical and evaluation guide of the module
Inicial Interaction in English


Name of
Nombre del
Siglema: ININ-03 the Initial interaction in English

Teacher evaluator: Group: Date:

2.3.1 Makes a video portraying people asking

2.3. Describes places of interest and gives Activity of about the existence for places and ask for
Learning outcome: directions to get to those places.
instructions to get to a place evaluation:

Excellent Enough Insufficient
Makes a video with a script similar to Makes a video with a script similar to a Makes a video without similarity
a conversation dialogue which conversation dialogue which includes to a script, without affinity to a
includes the following: the following: dialogue and without covering
the following thematic points:
• Prepositions from various • Prepositions from various places.
places. • Gives directions correctly. • Prepositions of a specific
30 • Gives directions correctly. • Uses affirmative and negative. place.
4.1, 4.2, 4.4, • Uses affirmative and negative. • Indefinite and defined articles • Gives directions correctly.
4.5 and 10.2 • Indefinite and defined articles • Well structured questions. • Uses affirmative and
• Well structured questions. negative.
• Provides easy-to-locate • Uses indefinite and defined
landmarks. articles.
• Well structured questions.

Uses vocabulary related to generic Uses vocabulary related to generic Misuses or does not use one or
objects in several public places. objects within a public place. more of the following grammar
Grammar • Uses more than 4 prepositions of • Uses 4 prepositions of place. points:
4.1, 4.2, 30 place. • Uses vocabulary related to physical • Vocabulary related to public
4.4 and 4.5 • Uses vocabulary related to spaces of a public place places
physical spaces of public places. • Uses affirmative existence in • Prepositions of place.
singular and plural.

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Pedagogical and evaluation guide of the module
Inicial Interaction in English

Excellent Enough Insufficient
• Uses defined and indefinite • Uses defined and indefinite articles. • Existence in affirmative
articles. singular and plural.
• Uses vocabulary related to • Defined and undefined
distance from public places. articles.

Makes a video covering the following Makes a video covering the following • Has little fluency and shows
aspects: aspects: minimal or no security.
• She/He is fluent and • She/He is fluent and spontaneous. • Handles very short, isolated
spontaneous. • Denotes security in the dialogue and expressions using many
• Denotes security in the dialogue uniform rhythm. pauses.
Use of language and uniform rhythm. • Presents a clear message • The message and
20 • Presents a clear message with • Her/His pronunciation and message pronunciation are
intonation. with intonation. incomprehensible.
• Uses broad vocabulary. • Uses broad vocabulary. • Uses sparse vocabulary or
• Uses the appropriate volume of not related to the subject.
her/his voice and maintains eye

• Edits the video with excellent • Edits the video with excellent quality, • Presents a video without
quality, the image is clear and the image is clear and without editing.
without involuntary movements. involuntary movements. • Presents a video with
Recording and
• Records the audio in a format • Records the audio in a format that is incomprehensible audio.
editing of video 10
that is perfectly understood. perfectly understood.
4.1 and 4.5
• Presents a video that includes a

• Deliveries work taking care of • Deliveries work taking care of aspects • Deliveries the work without
aspects of order and design. of order or design. taking care of aspects of order
10 • Shows organization and • Shows responsibility when delivering or design.
4.1, 4.4 and 10.2 responsibility when delivering on on the date established by the teacher. • Shows little responsibility
a previous date established by • Shows perseverance in taking when delivering after the date
the teacher. advantage of the errors marked in established by the teacher.

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Pedagogical and evaluation guide of the module
Inicial Interaction in English

Excellent Enough Insufficient
• Shows perseverance in taking previous activities to improve their • Does not show
advantage of the errors marked work. perseverance, does not take
in previous activities to improve • Shows originality, creativity or quality in advantage of the errors
her/his work. the product. marked in previous activities
• Shows originality, creativity and • Shows respect for the work of their to improve their work.
quality in the product. classmates. • She/He does not show
• Shows respect for the work of originality, creativity or
their classmates. quality in the product.
• Proposes ideas for improvement. • Does not show respect for
the work of their peers.


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