G7 TQ FIrst Quarter-Jane Edited

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Name: _________________ Year & Section: ________________Score_________

Directions: Choose the correct answer that corresponds to the question. Write the letter
on the space provided before each number.

___1. Maria went to the library to borrow a book. She immediately looked at the table of
contents of the book. What reading style did Maria do?
A. Intensive Reading B. Scanning C. Skimming D. Speed Reading
____2. Aleah answered the reading comprehension test. She read the questions first and
looked for key words before going through the passage. The reading style she used is
A. Intensive Reading B. Scanning C. Skimming D. Speed Reading
___3. In a classroom, the students read carefully the given Short Story. What reading style
should the students use to answer comprehension questions about the story read?
A. Intensive Reading B. Scanning C. Skimming D. Speed Reading

For items 4-6, read the fable and answer the questions.
The Two Crabs
One day two Crabs came out from their home to take a stroll on the sand. “Child,”
said the mother, “you are walking very ungracefully. You should accustom yourself, to
walking straight forward.” “Mother,” said the young one, “set the example yourself, and I
will follow you.”
“Why in the world do you walk sideways like that?” said a Mother Crab to her son. “You
should always walk straight forward with your toes turned out.”
“Show me how to walk, mother dear,” answered the little Crab obediently, “I want to learn.”
So the old Crab tried and tried to walk straight forward. But she could walk
sideways only, like her son. And when she wanted to turn her toes out she tripped and fell
on her nose.

____4. What did the two crabs do?
A. took a stroll on the sand B. walked straight forward C. came home D. learned to walk

____ 5. What is the characteristic of the son crab?

A. obedient C. careful
B. honest D. responsible

____ 6. The line, “Show me how to walk, mother dear” tells that a mother will _________
A. model his son B. follow his son C. walk with his son D. love his son
For items 7-8:Reading Comprehension: Read the short passage and answer the give questions.

“How the Moon and the Stars Came to Be Bukidnon” (Mindanao)

One day in the times when the sky was close to the ground a spinster went out to pound rice.
Before she began her work, she took off the beads from around her neck and the comb from her hair, and
hung them on the sky, which at that time looked like coral rock.

Then she began working, and each time that she raised her pestle into the air it struck the sky.
For some time she pounded the rice, and then she raised the pestle so high that it struck the sky very

Immediately the sky began to rice, and it went up so far that she lost her ornaments. Never did
they come down, for the comb became the moon and the beads are the stars that are scattered about.

___7. “One day in the times when the sky was close to the ground...” is the _________ of
the story.
A. Setting B. Conflict C. Character D. Plot

____8. What is the turning point of the story?

A. When she pounded on the rice.

B. When she did not see her comb anymore
C. When she raised the pestle so high that it struck the sky very hard.
D. When she took off the beads around her neck and hang them in the sky.

For items 9-13

_____9. When he needs to act, he never delays and says, “Let’s hit the road.” The highlighted sentence
is an example of ____________.

A. Proverb B. Familiar C. Idiom D. Slang

____10.”What are you up to later?” Which form of language is the highlighted word in the sentence? Be
specific with your answer.

A. Colloquial B. Familiar C. Idiom D. Slang

____11. My mother said, “Half a loaf is better than no bread”. This is an example of________

A. Idiom B. Proverb C. Slang D. Colloquial

_____12. Which meaning best explains this line, “The grass is always greener on the other side of the

A. Don’t become very upset by trivialities.

B. There is always better opportunity to choose from.
C. If you don’t see someone for a long time you like them better.
D. When a bad thing happens there is always a positive aspect to it.

_____13. Her son usually misbehaves with the relatives, but she doesn’t find anything wrong in
him. There are none so blind as those who will not see.This means that _________________

A. It is best to explain to those who never listen.

B. It is better to talk to those who refuse explanation.
C. It is useless explaining to those who want to be corrected.
D. It is useless explaining to those who do not want to understand.

_____ 14. What literary folklore that teaches us a lesson?

A. Legend B. Myth C. Proverb D. Short Story

_____ 15. It is a traditional story based on practical experienced of humanity.

A. Legend B. Myth C. Proverb D. Short Story

_____ 16. “Actions speak louder than words”. What does this line mean?

A. Everyone has the right to speak.

B. We can understand easily if we speak with action.
C. We understand each other even without words.
D. Our actions can tell what we do.

_____ 17. “Better late than never.” This line means _________________.

A. It is better to finish something late than to never do it all.

B. It is okay to be late always.
C. It is better to be late always.
D. It is not okay to be late.
_____ 18. What does this line mean? “Birds of the same feather flock together.”

A. People who are similar spend time together.

B. We can’t be friends with other.
C. Birds are grouped differently.
D. We are born differently.

For items 19 – 21, read each selection and identify the author’s purpose.

_____19. In the beginning, Diwata made the sea and the land and planted trees of many kinds.
Then she took two lumps of earth and shaped them like human figures; she spat in them, and
they became man and woman. (a Bagobo story)

A. To amuse B. To argue C. To inform D. To persuade

_____ 20. “Peck harder, peck harder,” a weak voice cried, the moment her bill struck the
bamboo. The bird was extremely frightened, and was about to fly away. But like a curious
woman, she restrained herself. She wanted to know that voice really was. Gathering her
courage, she pecked, pecked, and pecked. (Malakas at Maganda)

A. To amuse B. To argue C. To inform D. To persuade

_____ 21. ”The tortoise and the hare have a race because the hare is bragging about how fast
he is. Along the way, the hare is far enough ahead to take a nap, and the tortoise passes him,
winning the race. Moral: Slow and steady wins the race.”

A. To argue B. To inform C. To persuade D. To teach a lesson

For items 22 -24: Elements of a short story.

_____ 22. It is a series of events and character action that relates to the central conflict.

A. Character B. Conflict C. Plot D. Setting

_____ 23. It is the struggle between two people or things in a short story.

A. Character B. Conflict C. Plot D. Setting

_____ 24. It is the time and place in which the story happen.

A. Character B. Conflict C. Plot D. Setting

For numbers 25-29, identify the literary devices used

____25. “Too many cooks spoil the broth,” best appeals to the sense of ___________.

A. Sight B. Smell C. Sound D. Taste

____26. Maria was tall and graceful. Her color was a clear, pure brown. Her eyes were big and
black. Her hair was long and thick.

A. Hearing B. Sight C. Smell D. Touch

____27. One day, after one of their secret meetings, Luna went back to the heavens and told
her secret to one of her cousins.

A. Cheerful B. Sorrowful C. Surprised D. Angry

____28. Gently smiling, the mother tenderly tucked the covers up around the child’s neck, and
carefully, quietly, left the room making sure to leave a comforting ray of light shining through the
opened door should the child wake.
A. Light B. Formal C. Serious D. Gloomy

____ 29. “Hurry!” pleaded the giant, who strained to keep his itchy legs still.
A. Afraid B. Anxious C. Joyful D. Sad

For items 30-32, read and choose the correct answer.

____30. The datu responded, “My people and I are grateful to you and your brother Sulayman.”
A. Fanciful B. Suspenseful C. Thankful D. Sorrowful
____31.When a person shrugs his shoulders, this means that he is in __________.
A. Anger B. Doubt C. Happy D. Surprised

____ 32. She walks with chin up, as she goes up to the stage to receive her awards. Chin up
signifies __________.A. Fear and tension C .Anger and frustration
B. Confidence and pride D. Happiness and contentment
For items 33- 35, read each statement and choose the correct series of events.

. a. Guess what?
b. The doctor tells him to change the way he lives.
c. Mr. Matter visits the doctor when he doesn’t feel good
d. He does turn it around.

A. a-b-c-d B. b-c-d-a C. d-a-c-a D. c-b-a-d

. a. It was the smallest, most adorable, and precious thing ever.
b. You could see the polar bears much better if you are closer to it.
c. My favorite animal was a certain kind of monkey called a pigmy marmoset.
d. I also liked Kodiak and polar bears.
e. They were so gigantic

A. a-b-c-d-e B. b-c-d-e-a C. c-a-d-b-e D. d-a-e-b-c

. a. He truly dominated the relay getting his team a two lam lead by the time he
got out of the water.
b. Cameron was a star swimmer at Middle School.
c. He placed first twice and got a third place in the 500 meter butterfly stroke.
d. He had been swimming competitively since he was five years old.

A. b-d-c-a B. a-b-c-d C. c-d-a-b D. d-a-c-b

For items 36-40, read the sentence and choose the correct verb in each sentence.

____ 36. Either the myth or the legend __________ unique feature.
A. has B. have C.had d. will have

____ 37. Literature and history always ________ together.

A. goes B. go C. went D.are
____ 38. Five yards of cloth _________ not enough for all the participants.
A. are B. is C. was D.were

____ 39. We had a program yesterdayThe guest speaker with the other visitors _ given a token.
A. are B. is C. were D. was
_____ 40. The number of young generation today _______ to read stories of love and affection.
A. like B. likes C. liked D. will like

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