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Geometri 3D Journal Bearing (a) no slip (b) slip



y n
e Oj
x L



 Slip Region S

Rb Ob
y n
e Oj

x L



L Ls slip θs/θ = 0.65

\ no slip

0 θs θ
Table 1 Mesh specification on fluid domain

Element size (m) 8 × 10-7

Layers of division 4
Element 506500
Node 636300
Maximum skewness 0.54905

Table 1 Mesh specification on solid domain

Element size (m) 3 × 10-3

Element 37000
Node 163300
Maximum skewness 0.61416
Table 1 Parameters used in analysis

ϕ Attitude angle ( °) 30°

n Angular velocity (RPM) 6,000
D Bearing diameter (mm) 80
C Radial clearance (mm) 0.04
L Length of the bearing (mm) 80
Ls Length of the slip (mm) 56
ε eccentricity ratio 0.05, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8
E Elastic modulus of steel (GPa) 210
ρs Density of steel (kg/m3) 7850
v Poison’s ratio steel 0.3
ρl Lubricant density (kg/m3) 998.2
µl Lubricant viscosity (Pa.s) 0.0010, 0.0015, 0.0020, 0.0025, 0.0030
Ps Water vapour saturation pressure (Pa) 4042
ρv Water vapour density (kg/m3) 0.5542
µv Water vapour dynamic viscosity (Pa.s) 1.34 × 10-5
θs Angle of slip ( °) 0.65θ

Table 1 Parameters of fluid used in analysis

ρl Lubricant density (kg/m3) 998.2

µl Lubricant viscosity (Pa.s) 0.0010, 0.0015, 0.0020, 0.0025, 0.0030
Ps Water vapour saturation pressure (Pa) 4042
ρv Water vapour density (kg/m3) 0.5542
µv Water vapour dynamic viscosity (Pa.s) 1.34 × 10-5

Table 1 Parameters of solid used in analysis

ϕ Attitude angle ( °) 30°

n Angular velocity (RPM) 6,000
D Bearing diameter (mm) 80
C Radial clearance (mm) 0.04
L Length of the bearing (mm) 80
Ls Length of slip (mm) 56
ε eccentricity ratio 0.05, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8
E Elastic modulus of steel (GPa) 210
ρs Density of steel (kg/m3) 7850
v Poison’s ratio steel 0.3
θs Angle of slip ( °) 0.65θ

e eccentricity between shaft and bearing, m

C radial clearance, m
R radius of the shaft, m
h film thickness, m
ω angular velocity, rad/s
W load carrying capacity, N
Ob bearing centre
Oj shaft centre
ρ fluid density, kg/m3
ρl liquid density, kg/m3
ρv vapour density, kg/m3
ρs structure density, kg/m3
u fluid velocity
P static pressure, Pa
Ps water vapour saturation pressure, Pa
τ shear stress
F external body force, N
t time
ε eccentricity ratio
L length of the bearing
ϕ attitude angle
µ fluid viscosity, Pa. s
µl liquid viscosity, Pa. s
µv vapour viscosity, Pa. s
Fcond condensation coefficient
Fevap evaporation coefficient
Rb bubble radius, m
αnuc nucleation site volume fraction
θ circumferential
D diameter of the bearing
δ total elastic deformation of the shaft and bearing
E elastic modulus, GPa

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