DLL Applied Economics

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School Cagayan National High School – Senior High Grade Level GRADE 12 (ABM)


DAILY LESSON LOG Date August 5-9, 2019 Quarter FIRST QUARTER
WEEK 10 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
A. Content Standard The law of supply and The law of supply and FIRST QUARTER FIRST QUARTER
demand, and factors affecting demand, and factors affecting
the economic situation the economic situation EXAMINATION EXAMINATION

B. Performance Standard Conduct a survey of current Conduct a survey of current

economic situations within economic situations within
the vicinity the vicinity

C. Learning Analyze the effects of Analyze the effects of

Competency/Objectives contemporary issues such as contemporary issues such as
migration, fluctuations in the migration, fluctuations in the
Write the LC code for each. exchange rate, oil price hike , exchange rate, oil price hike ,
The learners… and he purchasing gpower of and he purchasing power of
the Filipino people. ABM _ the Filipino people. ABM _
AE12 _Ie – h8 AE12 _Ie – h8

II. CONTENT Contemporary Economic Contemporary Economic

issues Facing the Filipino issues Facing the Filipino
Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurs
Learning Resources
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages SHS curriculum guide page 2 SHS curriculum guide page 2
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages Applied Economics by Eloisa Applied Economics by
Macalinao Eloisa Macalinao
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource

B. Other Learning Resource www.youtube.com, www.youtube.com,

www.google.com www.google.com
A. Reviewing previous lesson Review on the past lesson . Fish Bowl Method”
or presenting the new lesson
The teacher will prepare
questions about the past lesson
then the students will pick one
question to answer
B. Establishing a purpose for Present the objectives of the The teacher will state the
the lesson day through a PowerPoint objectives for today’s lesson
presentation base from the motivation
C. Presenting examples/  Video presentation ( Sharing of the different
instances of the new lesson 10mins ) concerns/problems in their
Ask the students how can a localities
business contribute in
government that will sustain
economic development

D. Discussing new concepts Using power point -

and practicing new skills #1 presentation discuss how
management affects the
Philippine economy.
Discuss :
The importance of Management which could be a
Entrepreneurs in Building the direct correlation to the
nation financial performance of the

E. Discussing new concepts Gallery walk: Song Analysis:

and practicing new skills #2 Each group will display their
output: The teacher will let her
 Collage/s students listen to the song
 Poster/s composed by Jamie Rivera. A
guide questions will be given
F. Developing mastery
(leads to Formative The teacher will now
Assessment 3) The teacher will now synthesize all the topics
synthesize the topic on the
discussed from the first day to
issue: Rentals and taxes
the last day.

G. Finding practical Ask the students about the Ask the learners to cite
application of concepts and most important values they instances of their daily lives
skills in daily living gain from the different topics where they encountered
discussed and how will affect difficulties in life
their dreams in life?

H. Making generalizations Why is there so much Re discuss the different

and abstractions about the issues facing by Economic issues facing the
lesson Filipino Entrepreneurs
I. Evaluating learning The activity serves as the
The teacher will facilitate the
evaluation of students
chapter quiz
learning of the day
J. Additional activities for Review the students
application or remediation Not needed
A.. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching Strategies that work well: Strategies that work well: -
strategies worked well? - Role playing - Role playing
- Buzz session - Buzz session
- Think pair share - Think pair share
- Lecture method - Lecture method

Why did these work? - Students eagerness to - Students eagerness to

learn learn
- Group members
cooperation in doing - Group members
their tasks cooperation in doing
their tasks
F. What difficulties did I - Students behavior and - Students behavior and - -
encounter which my principal attitude attitude
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or Planned innovations: Planned innovations: - -
localized materials did I - Localized collages - Localized videos
use/discover which I wish to made out of
share with other teachers? indigenous materials
Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:


Subject Teacher Subject Coordinator SHS Assistant Principal II, for Operations

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