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332 S. MICHIGAN AVE SUITE 1032 BOX D524 CHICAGO, IL 60604 PH 310-927-8184 EMAIL

Television Academy
5220 Lankershim Blvd.
North Holywood, CA 91601
Attention President &CEO
Adam Sharp
Senior Vice President of Awards
John Leverence

ABC Entertainment Corporation

77 W. 66th St.
New York, NY 10023
Attention President Karey Burke
CCd to Michael Jackson friends/colleagues
Reverend AL Sharpton Political Action Network
Reverend Jesse Jackson Rainbow Push
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee
President Donald Trump

Re: Disqualifying Leaving Neverland for Emmy

Nomination August 14, 2019

Dear Madam/Sir,

My name is Valencia Renee Dantzler aka Mother Diva. I am a talk show host/producer, Madam
Ambassador of House/EDM music and community activist. I am the Executive Director of Thrill The
World/Gary Chicago we are extension of Thrill The World a non-profit organization that raises money
for various charities by performing the Thriller Dance the Saturday before Halloween worldwide.

I would also like to acknowledge and congratulate Ms. Karey Burke on her new position as President of
ABC Entertainment Corporation, she is copied on this email and letter.
This letter is to request that the nominated film submitted “Leaving Neverland”, be disqualified in the
following categories:
Outstanding Directing for Documentary/NON FICTION
Outstanding Documentary or NON FICTION (category needs to be changed or reworded)
Outstanding Picture Editing for NON FICTION PROGRAM
Outstanding Sound Editing for NON FICTION PROGRAM

According to Academy submission rules and procedures on page 55.

It clearly states” Documentary or nonfiction: in-depth and investigational programs primarily

comprised of documentary or produced nonfiction content; programs with a unified story and overall
show arc; programs which are substantively told with documentary elements or produced nonfiction

This definition is sending out mixed signals and a recipe for disaster for future submissions. I just spoke
to John Leverence, The Senior Vice President of Awards. I asked him a specific question. My question, Is
this film in this category regardless of the content because it was shot in a documentary style
filmmaking made it qualify for this category? Mr. Leverence said that is correct. So I conclude, because
this specific category is labeled Documentary “OR”” Non Fiction. It appears to give the filmmaker an
option to submit content that is shot and labeled as a documentary regardless if the content is actually
true, or scenes are recreated as the truth because it is considered a documentary.

The operative word here is “OR”. Leaving Neverland is a documentary, “OR” was it a scripted film shot
to appear as a documentary for the purposes of entering the film into these categories. How does the
academy determine this? This letter will now open up a can of worms because from this point on all
documentaries submitted to the academy will have to be thoroughly researched to ensure the content
is factual and true. If this be the case that will take a lot of time and resources the academy may not
want to spend however, it will make the Emmys fair and just.

Perhaps this category she be reworded or a new category established i.e., “Outstanding Documentary”
or Outstanding Documentary Regardless of Content”, and “Outstanding Documentary Nonfiction”. The
public as well as entertainment professionals have been taught that a documentary is supposed to be
nonfiction. Well if this is the case, why would you name a category Outstanding Documentary “OR”
Nonfiction? It gives the appearances that it is a choice or two different categories in one. Wouldn’t this
be considered an oxymoron? Documentaries are nonfiction, so why would you need to add the words
“OR nonfiction”? It is like someone saying I have to take my vehicle “or”, automobile to have it serviced,
it all has the same meaning. Perhaps if new categories were established then the content submitted for
Documentary Nonfiction are the only ones that would have to be thoroughly researched to determine if
the content is true and factual.
The content of a documentary should be true. During our conversation Mr. Leverence kept making a
point to me stating I disagree with the content of “Leaving Neverland”, however my disagreeing with
the content does not make it not a documentary. I explained to Mr. Leverence it is not that I disagree
with the content of “Leaving Neverland” or as I referred to it “Lying Neverland”, however there are
facts that prove that the content of the documentary are lies therefore making this film not

My same points would also apply to the category Outstanding Directing for Documentary/NONFICTION.
If a documentary is already nonfiction, then there is no need for slash Nonfiction. This gives the
appearance of a definition that you want to make clear to the audience that this is an award for
directing a documentary that is nonfiction.
This also gives the appearance that there could be another documentary category that is
Documentary/Fiction. Once again it goes back to my same example “Alain Prost won the race of the
year for the fastest automobile/vehicle.

Since there seems to be a gray area, mixed views, and controversy with
the following categories:
Outstanding Documentary or NON FICTION
Outstanding Directing for Documentary/NON FICTION
let’s move on to a definitive category and proof that this film violates Emmy rules and should
definitely be disqualified more so in the below following categories than the two above because the
definition of the word Nonfiction is clear.

Definition of nonfiction is factual information that is true.

Outstanding Picture Editing for NON FICTION PROGRAM

Outstanding Sound Editing for NON FICTION PROGRAM

Emmys Submission Rules and Regulations Guidelines on page 55 state the following:

The following devices may be considered acceptable in the documentary/nonfiction category, with the
caveat that programs using such devices are subject to review at the discretion of the Peer Group
Executive Committee: • Recreations, including the use of performers or animation, if such recreations
are fact based and used for illustration purposes. • A set-up environment or event within a
documentary/nonfiction program if the purpose of environment or event is to disseminate factual
information without reality elements.

At the end of the documentary there are items Michael Jackson gave as a gift to Wade Robson. These
items are shown being burned up. According to Julian’s Auction’s, those items were sold in 2011. Here
is the tweet from Julien’s Auctions confirming these facts.
Please contact Darren Julien.
Email 310-836-1818 Please read all the tweets
and comments.
(Note in some overseas territories the ending of the documentary where the items were being
burned were cut out and never aired when it was brought to Dan Reed’s attention. The academy
would need to determined what version of this documentary was submitted, and if the theatrical
release and HBO release is different than what was submitted to the academy for nomination
consideration that in itself should be grounds for disqualification)

If fake or prop copies of these items were used to recreate something that truthfully happened; it
would imply that Wade Robson in real time, in real life, actually burned up the original items. Since
the items were sold at auction that means Wade Robson never burned up these items; so the
recreation was based on something that never happened which makes that a lie! A lie is not
nonfiction it is fiction. This violates the above rules in the red from page 55 of Emmys Submission
Rules and Regulations Guidelines 2019, therefore disqualifying this film for nonfiction.

So now let’s move on and established the difference between facts and opinions. If I was to say Michael
Jackson would not hurt a child. He wouldn’t even allow his stage handlers to kill a bug that was on his
stage. He purchased a liver for a dying child and saved the child’s life. He could not have possibly abused
children. Now in this scenario I have used facts to back up my opinion.

Fact: Michael Jackson told his stage handlers not to kill the bug?


Fact: Michael Jackson purchased a child a liver.


Michael Jackson would not hurt a child.

My opinion.

My point. This film was put together using various facts about Michael Jackson’s life and facts about
Neverland property to back up a false story which is an opinion which classifies it as FICTION.
Fact: Michael Jackson was found not guilty in a court of law and is no longer here to defend himself. It is
true some people have been found innocent that were guilty, and some guilty people have walked free.
However, in this film, based on depositions of these two accusers’; various dates times and locations are
not adding up.

Fact: Department of Children and Family Services investigated Michael Jackson and found no evidence
of abuse. Sure, DCFS can miss something and be wrong. However, since Michael Jackson was such a
highly profiled person, DCFS was bound to be extremely thorough and monitor Michael Jackson’s
activities with children. The FBI conducted over a 10 years of investigations. Michael Jackson was never
brought up on any federal charges. Anyone that has child performers or children travel with them and
accused of abuse, the FBI gets involved because minors are traveling across state lines and in some cases
overseas. The FBI would have to investigate human trafficking and sex trafficking possibilities. In an
undercover investigation the FBI followed Michael Jackson as he traveled and also notified overseas
bureaus in every country Michael Jackson visited or was on tour to investigate him as well. Strange
behavior is a matter of opinion and does make a person a child molester.

Fact: There is over 600 page FBI file on Michael Jackson which 333 pages are on FBI website

Here is link to some of the pages

Fact: James SafeChuck said he had Thanksgiving dinner in 1987 at Hayvenhurst Jackson Family home.
This is the home Michael Jackson lived at prior to purchasing Sycamore Valley Ranch.

Unrelated but related Fact: There is oil underneath Neverland Ranch.

Fact: Thanksgiving of 1987 fell on Thursday November 26, 1987. During this time Michael Jackson was
on his Bad tour. According to published tour schedules MJ had a concert in Brisbane Australia on
Wednesday November 25, 1987.

Question: So how did he have time to take a 13-hour flight from Brisbane to Los Angeles with a time
difference of 18 hours to have Thanksgiving dinner, get back on the plane with an 18-hour time
difference and fly back to Brisbane for a concert on Friday November 27, 1987 at 8pm. This is not
possible, not even for a Smooth Criminal.

Tour schedule

James Safechuck said the abuse happened every day and it started in 1988-1992 inside a room in the
trains station. Now to be fair as a journalist when Neverland was first open in 1990 to the public,
there was a replica of the main street train station from Disneyland. However according to the below
article Michael Jackson was not there on a regular basis, between touring and recording.

The Director Dan Reed tweeted there that it seems to be a discrepancy. Please review all comments.
Any discrepancy like this is clearly a lie, the director admits that the date is wrong, which should by all
means disqualify this film in any NonFiction Category. James Safechuck never said this happened once
or twice, which would make his story more credible. James Safechuck claimed it happened every day.

Question: How could he have abused this boy every single day for an extended period of time, like
4 years? Not even professional seasoned child molester has time to do that.

The train station as we know it today was not approved until fall of 1993 and construction began and it
was completed in 1994. Please feel free to contact Santa Barbara County Resource Management
Department they are waiting for everyone’s call. Below is the land use permit and blue prints of the
train station look at the date. The dates are both from 1993.
The following is a list of facts from the film Leaving Neverland with questions to make you examine
the truth.

Fact: Psychologists have determined that child predators and abusers will keep personal belongings of
their victims i.e. underwear, clothing, hair etc.

In Leaving Neverland Wade Robson said that Michael Jackson had his secretary call him to meet up to
discuss what he did with his underwear because there might be blood in them. Ok now Wade
specifically said that Michael Jackson molested him for seven years.

Fact: In Leaving Neverland Wade said him and Michael Jackson would practice drills of getting dressed
so they would never get caught.

Questions: If that be the case, Michael Jackson should be an experienced child molester after 7 years
of this routine? What experience child molester would have left bloody underwear in the first place?
Experience child molesters according to experts keep trinkets, underwear hair clothing from their

Wade Robson would not have gotten out the door with bloody underwear. If Michael Jackson was
crafty and creative enough to practice drills with Wade Robson so they would not get caught.
How does an experience child molester slip up and forget bloody underwear that can incriminate him?

Fact: In Leaving Neverland James Safechuck specifically said that him and MICHAEL JACKSON played so
hard they fell asleep and when he finally woke up James Safechuck stated Michael Jackson made this
statement “I performed oral sex on you while you were sleeping”.

Question: What male if their age 7, 14, 25, 39, 53, or 99 is getting oral sex performed on them while
they are sleep and don’t wake up from that act. The penis will wake up and so will they.

Fact: In Leaving Neverland James Safechuck also claims that Michael Jackson called him to testify in the
2005 trial and he told Michael Jackson no he did not want to get involved. James Safechuck specifically
said that Michael Jackson threatened him and said, “well I have the best lawyers and you perjured
yourself before”.

Questions: Wait a minute! Stop and think. If James Safechuck was question in 1993 and according to
depositions James Safechuck said Michael Jackson never touched him so why would Michael Jackson use
that as a threat to get him to testify? Wouldn’t that testimony work in Michael Jackson’s favor?
Furthermore, Michael Jackson was bound and gagged not to have any contact with potential
witnesses and let the lawyers make all of the phone calls.
James Safechuck cousin Tony Safchuck tweeted this

Fact: In Leaving Neverland Wade Robson said that while Michael Jackson was performing oral sex on
him he took Wade’s hand to put it on top of his hair and Wade specifically said his hair felt ruff like a
brillo pad.

Fact: Michael Jackson had a Jeri Curl or S curl. The scientific formula of these products are designed to
keep the hair moist at all times. Fact: The chemicals in the curl formula and pyrotechnics special effects
mixed together is what caused Michael Jackson’s hair to catch fire in the 1984 Pepsi Commercial. These
products are highly flammable any spark to an individual’s hair wearing these products will result in a
hair fire. I recommend you contact some Curl manufacturer companies i.e. as Johnson Hair Care
Products Corporation.

Fact: Michael Jackson wore hair pieces after this incident that were also curly.

Question: Would Michael Jackson risk a child at play pulling his fake curly hair piece off in the throes of
oral sex?
Below are court exhibit copies of emails between Wade Robson and his mother Joy Robson.
She specifically responds stating various versions of a story. Wade Robson also states in the email
that he wants to make sure his “story” about Michael is perfect. which proves they were creating a
fictional story to tell the court, the media and create a fictional film.
Documentary Filmmaker Larry Nimmer was hired in the 2005 trial to video tape Neverland to prove his
Michael Jackson was innocent this is what he discovered.

I truly hope this letter has enlightened the academy to reconsider these nominations. As for President
Burke. I am conflicted with an issue. My television series, “Mother Diva’s House” a news entertainment
program was looking forward to purchasing airtime on WLAJ ABC 53 in Lansing Michigan this fall.
However now, I am conflicted in my soul. I have asked myself do I want to spend money with a network
that will air a program that has a film nominated accusing Michael Jackson of child abuse? You are
potentially losing customers. Perhaps me spending money with your network may not mean anything to
you because you have other sponsors and advertisers. However, small town affiliates depend on local
and regional dollars. There could be thousands of potential advertisers that feel the way I do. Are you
willing to risk losing dollars? This letter has been released to the public. I am seeking other networks at
the moment. I did look forward to having my series on ABC but I cannot support a network that supports

Ms. Burke you also have to take into consideration that Randy Jackson Jr. Michael Jackson nephew is a
camera operator for ABC imagine the conflict in his soul. He has to go to work every day for a network
that will be airing a program that has nominated a film calling his uncle a monster and a child molester. I
am certain he loves his job and wants to continue working but this has put him in a very difficult
position. This lie of a film has a domino effect and has affected so many lives in so many ways.

I hope the academy takes this letter seriously and investigate the matter further. Based on the
information I have provided “Leaving Neverland” clearly violates the Emmys Nonfiction or
Documentary submission rules. To continue you on with the nomination process sends a message to
all filmmakers that they can submit films in the documentary category that are not based on factual
information as long as the film is shot in a documentary style. On behalf of myself as community
activist and The Michael Jackson community we respectfully asked the Academy to disqualify this film
in all nonfiction categories.

I look forward to your decision and response.

Entertainingly yours

Valencia Dantzler
Valencia Dantzler aka Mother Diva

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