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8th Grade Math

Course Syllabus
Mrs. Collins
Ridge Park Charter Academy

Welcome to the start of a new school year! Math can be such an exciting subject, but
I recognize that many students find math to be difficult and sometimes even a little scary.
We will work together this year to ensure every student feels they can be successful in this
course. Please remember to reach out with any questions!

Supplies Needed
 Textbook: No textbook this year, but each unit students will receive a STUDENT
 2 inch Binder with dividers – this will be used for ONLY Math (students will have
binders for other classes, but should not combine these
 Pencils: math work should be completed in pencil to allow for fixing mistakes
 Eraser
 Whiteboard Markers – students need one each day, but will likely go through many
throughout the year
 Assignment notebook

Course Description: Most students in 8th grade will be diving into more of the Algebraic
Concepts, and really getting ready to start Algebra in 8th grade. Other students will be
working on Algebra instead this year. Both groups of students will dive deep in solving
equations, graphing equations, and understanding situations in which algebraic equations
are used. Much of what we learn this year is best learned through repetition, so students
should practice the skills they learn in class often in order to retain the information.

Math Homework: Students should plan to complete math homework DAILY, including
Friday, in order to practice skills learned in class. Students will be given a variety of
homework but will often receive practice problems in their workbooks as well as IXLs.
Students might also receive homework through Khan
Academy, or in the form of completing notes and
A+ 97% and up
vocabulary. Students should also plan to spend time
A 93%-96.99%
studying on their own, to prepare for upcoming quizzes,
A- 90%-92.99%
unit tests, or interims.
B+ 87%-89.99%
B 83%-86.99%
B - 80%-82.99%
Grades are earned, not given. Grades are
C+ 77%-79.99%
weighted based on the following scale.
C 73%-76.99%
C- 70%-72.99%
D+ 67%-69.99%
D 63%-66.99%
D- 60%-62.99%
F 0%-59.99%
Missing/Late Work:
Homework – 15% Missing work labeled as “M” on a
Class Assignments and Participation – 25% students progress report maybe be
Quizzes – 25% completed and turned in for ½ credit
Unit Assessments/Tests and Interims – 35% up until the Unit Assessment. After
the unit assessment missing
assignments will be changed to a ZERO and will no longer be accepted. Assignments
marked as a ZERO can no longer be completed for a grade.

Students should make every effort to attend class every day. Work will always be more
difficult when a student has missed the instruction.

Students are expected to make up all work missed when absent. When a student is absent it
is THEIR responsibility to get any missing work or information. Students will be given one
extra day for each day they are absent. If an assignment is due on a day that a student is
absent they are expected to turn it in on the day they return. Students should check our class
website to find out what work was done and assigned, and should ask a peer (or the teacher)
for any handouts.

Test/Assignment Corrections:
As with anything, correcting our mistakes is one of the best ways to learn from them. That
being said, I allow and encourage students to make corrections on assessments. This will
not only strengthen their skills, it will better their grade. The grade improvement is two
fold; one: they will be given a few extra points if the new work is correct and two: their
understanding of the material will show on future assignments. Students will be given up to
half the points they missed. (For example, if a students got a 10/20 on their test, and fixes
the 10 missed points, the best grade they can receive would be a 15/20)

*** When correcting their tests students need to use a SEPARATE line piece of paper to
show their work and give the correct answer. Students should attach this to their test and
turn it in within 2 weeks of when their test was returned. Students work should be neat and
organized so that it is easy to follow. If this policy is not followed no additional points will be

Food and Beverages:

Food and beverages in the classroom is a PRIVILEDGE, not a right. Students need to ask
before coming to class with food or drink. As a general rule, I will always say yes. Students
who do not ask, will be told to put their food/drink back in their locker. Additionally,
students who leave a mess will no longer be permitted to bring these. Candy/gum falls
under the category as “food” and also needs permission.

Class Dojo:
Class dojo will be used to communicate with parents this year. For each class students will
be given up to 4 positive points for math class. Students can receive a point for completing
their homework, having all their materials, being on time to class, and cleaning up after
themselves at the end of class. Parents and students can check this in Class Dojo.
Additionally, if any behavior concerns arise parents will be notified through Class Dojo. If
parents have questions or concerns they should contact me through this route as a starting

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