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Proyecto Final

First A. Author*. Second B. Author,*

Third C. Author*

* Universidad de Monterrey, Av. I. Morones Prieto 4500 Pte., 66238 San Pedro Garza García, N.L.
(e-mail: {author1, author2, author3}

Abstract: Breve resumen del reporte

Keywords: Include a list of 5-10 keywords.
Introducción….. Be sure that the symbols in
5.1 Figures and Tables
your equation have been
1.1 Subsección 1 defined before the equation
Figure axis labels are often a
appears or immediately
source of confusion. Use
Texto… following. Italicize symbols
words rather than symbols.
(T might refer to
As an example, write the
temperature, but T is the unit
quantity “Magnetization,” or
tesla). Refer to “(1),” not
“Magnetization M,” not just
“Eq. (1)” or “equation (1),”
“M.” Put units in
except at the beginning of a
parentheses. Do not label
sentence: “Equation (1) is
axes only with units. As in
Fig. 1, for example, write
“Magnetization (A/m)” or
“Magnetization (A m1),”  6. CONCLUSIONES
not just “A/m.” Do not label Texto…
axes with a ratio of
quantities and units. For Texto….
example, write “Temperature
(K),” not “Temperature/K.” REFERENCIAS
Fig. 1. Ejemplo de figura
List of references arranged
5.2 Ejemplo de ecuaciones alphabetically according to
1.2 Another Subsection first author, subsequent lines
If you are using Word, use indented. Do not number
Text of the subsection. either the Microsoft references. Publications by
Equation Editor or the the same author(s) should be
2. MARCO TEÓRICO MathType add-on for listed in order of year of
equations in your paper publication. Please note that
(Insert | Object | Create all references listed here
Marco teórico de los
métodos numéricos y del New | Microsoft Equation or must be directly cited in the
MathType Equation). “Float body of the text.
fenómeno a estudiar (estudio
de la dinámica lateral de un over text” should not be
selected. Brown, F., Harris, M.G., and
vehículo). Other, A.N. (1998).
Number equations Name of paper. In
consecutively with equation Name(s) of editor(s)
numbers in parentheses flush (ed.), Name of book in
with the right margin, as in italics, page numbers.
2.1 Ejemplo de tabla (1). First use the equation Publisher, Place of
editor to create the equation. publication.
Then select the “Equation” Smith, S.E. (2004). Name of
Table 1. Page margins mark-up style. Press the tab book in italics, page or
key and write the equation chapter numbers if
Page Top
number in parentheses. To relevant. Publisher,
First 3.5
make your equations more Place of publication.
Rest 2.5
compact, you may use the Smith, S.E. and Jones, L.Q.
solidus ( / ), the exp (2008). Name of paper.
function, or appropriate Name of journal in
3. RESULTADOS exponents. Use parentheses italics, volume
to avoid ambiguities in (number), page
Texto… denominators. Punctuate numbers.
equations when they are part
4. DISCUSIÓN Y of a sentence, as in

Texto…  0
F ( r ,  ) dr d  [ r2 / ( 2 0 )]

 exp(   | z j  zi | ) 1 J 1 (  r2 ) J 0 (  ri ) d .

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