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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Math 3

I. Objective

At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:

a. Convert time measure from seconds to minute, minutes to hours and hours to a day and
vice versa.

II.Subject Matter

Topic: Converting Time Measure Involving Seconds, Minutes, Hours and Day.

Reference: Mathematics Learner's Material page 282-285.

Materials: Charts, Clock and flashcards.

III. Procedures

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer

2. Greetings

3.Checking of attendance

4.Checking of Assignments

5. Drill - Reading of the time shown in the model clock.

Divide the class into three and each group have 2 representatives. As the teacher flashes the cards
the representative will read the time shown in the model clock. The first to answer will take a step
forward. The first to reach the front will be the winner.

6. Review

Give the missing numbers in a pattern.

Example: 1, 3,6,9__15,__

7. Motivation
Post the saying "Time is Gold". Ask the pupils what does the saying mean?

8. Unlocking of difficulties
1. Time- particular minute or hour shown by a clock.

2. Minutes- unit of time equal to 60 seconds.

3. Hours- unit of time equal to 60 minutes.

4. Day- is equal to 24 hours.

5. Converting- to change something.

B. Developmental Activities


Show a pictures of clock and let pupils read the time. Ask something about the picture.
What time does it tells us?

How many hands does a clock have?

Which is our hour hand, minute hand and second hand?

2. Analysis/Discussion

Teacher explains about Converting time measure involving seconds, minutes , hours and

When a second hand moves in 1 complete revolution it is equal to 60 seconds.

60 seconds is equal to one minute.

60 minute is equal to one hour.

24 hours is equal to one day.

1. To convert seconds to minutes, divide the number of seconds by 60.


120 seconds= 2 minutes

180 seconds= 3 minutes

300 seconds= 5 minutes

600 seconds= 10 minutes

2. To convert minutes to seconds, multiply the minutes by 60.


3 minutes= 190 seconds

5 minutes= 300 seconds

9 minutes= 540 seconds

15 minutes= 900 seconds

3. To convert minute to hours, divide the number of minutes by 60.


300 minutes = 5 hours

540minutes = 9 hours

660 minutes = 11 hours

1200 minutes = 20 hours

4. To convert hour to minutes multiply the number of hours by 60.


5 hours = 300 minutes

9 hours = 540 minutes

12 hours= 720 minutes

15 hours= 900 minutes

5. To get the number of days , divide the number of hours by 24.


48 hours = 2 days

240 hours= 10 days

288 hours = 12 days

408 hours = 17 days

6. To get the number of hour, multiply the number of days by 24.


3 days= 7 hours

8 days= 192 hours

12 days= 288 hours

15 days= 360 hours

3. Practice Exercises

Group Activity:
Divide the class into three groups. Convert the following:

Group 1:

1. 9 minutes= ___ seconds

2. 240 seconds= ___ 4 minutes

3. 7 days= ___ hours

4. 96 hours=___ 4 days

5. 2 days= ___ hours

Group II

1. 840 seconds= ___ minutes

2.960 minutes=___hours

3. 19 minutes=___ seconds

4. 5 hours=___ minutes

5. 1,260 minutes= ___ seconds

Group III

1. How many seconds in 18 minutes?

2. How many minutes in 720 seconds?

3. How many days in 72 hours?

4. How many hours in 5 days?

5. How many hours in 12 days?

4. Generalization

Ask: How do you convert the following:

Seconds to minutes?

Minutes to seconds?

Minutes to hours?
Hour to minutes?

Day to hours?

Hours to day?

C. Post Activity

1. Application

How do you value time? Give an example.

IV. Evaluation

Direction: Convert the following. Write the answer in your paper.

1. 9 hours= ___ minutes 6. 7 days=___ hours

2.3days=___ hours 7. 336 hours=___ days

3.780 seconds=___ minutes 8. 960 minutes=___ hours

4.540 minutes=___ hours 9. 1,080 seconds= ___ minutes

5.264 hours=___ days 10. 288 hours=___ days

V. Assignment
Direction: Convert the following.

1. 420 seconds= ___minutes 6. 11 minutes=___ seconds

2. 660=___ hours 7. 420 seconds=___ minutes

3. 1200 seconds=___minutes 8. 17 days =___ hours

4. 60 minutes=___seconds 9. 216hours =___ days

5. 240=___ days 10. 480 minutes=___ hours

Prepared by :


Pre-service teacher

Checked by:

Cooperating Teacher

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