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Within the logistic management, transport is of utmost importance, since it

intervenes in different processes, such as production and sales. At present, there
are different ways and means of transport to which companies can turn to
successfully move their goods.

The modes of transport can be of an air, sea, land, rail, among others. The means,
on the other hand, refer to the vehicles necessary for transport according to the
chosen mode (airplane, ship, truck and rail). Also, there is another transport
alternative known as Multimodal, which involves the use of at least two different
modes transport.

Before choosing the most convenient means and mode of transport, a company, in
particular needs to assess its needs based on the nature of the cargo it want to
transport and the volume of it. For example, if you want to transport perishable
goods you will need a fast medium.

Another factor to take into account is the economic resources that the company
possesses. In general, land transport is cheaper and more flexible; however, it has
greater geographic restrictions and can be affected by the state of roads and
traffic. For its part, air transport is faster and allows greater coverage, but it is
considerably more expensive and subject to greater restrictions on cargo.
Meanwhile, maritime transport allows a greater variety of products to transport and
has a lower cost than air.

As we see, there are many transportation options for companies. It is only

necessary to consider the needs, resources and objectives of the company in order
to choose the most convenient alternative.

 According – Conforme.
 Airfreight – Carga aerea.
 Couriers – Mensajeros.
 Containers – Contenedores.
 Distribution – Distribucion.
 Freight – Carga.
 Forwarder – Promotor.
 Haulage – Acarreo.
 Lang – Tierra.
 Maritime – Maritimo.
 Means – Recursos.
 Methods – Metodos.
 Payloads – Cargas utiles.
 Processing – Procesamiento.
 Railway – Ferrocarril.
 Shipping – Envio.
 Speedy – Rapido.
 Supplier – proveedor.
 Transport – Transporte.
 Vehicles – Vehiculos.

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