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School Cagayan National High School – Senior High School Grade Level GRADE 12 (ABM)


WEEK 06 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
A. Content Standard The law of supply and demand, and The law of supply and demand, and The law of supply and demand, and The law of supply and demand, and
factors affecting th economic factors affecting th economic factors affecting th economic factors affecting th economic situation
situation situation situation

B. Performance Standard Conduct a survey of current Conduct a survey of current Conduct a survey of current Conduct a survey of current economic
economic situations within the vicinity economic situations within the economic situations within the situations within the vicinity
vicinity vicinity

C. Learning Explain market structures(perfect, Explain market structures(perfect, Explain market structures(perfect, Explain market structures(perfect,
Competency/Objectives competition, monopoly, oligopoly and competition, monopoly, oligopoly and competition, monopoly, oligopoly and competition, monopoly, oligopoly and
monopolistic competition)ABM _ monopolistic competition ABM _ monopolistic competition ABM _ monopolistic competition ABM _ AE12
Write the LC code for each. AE12 _Ie – h7 AE12 _Ie – h7 AE12 _Ie – h7 _Ie – h7
The learners… ABM _ AE12 _Ie – h8 ABM _ AE12 _Ie – h8

II. CONTENT Application of supply and demand Application of supply and demand Application of supply and demand Application of supply and demand
focusing on Market focusing on Market Structures.Pure focusing on Market focusing on Market Structures.
Structures.(Perfect Competition)) Monopoly Structures.Oligopoly Monopolistic competition

Learning Resources
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages SHS curriculum guide page 2 SHS curriculum guide page 2 SHS curriculum guide page 2 SHS curriculum guide page 2
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages Applied Economics by Eloisa Applied Economics by Eloisa Applied Economics by Eloisa Applied Economics by Eloisa Macalinao
Macalinao Macalinao Macalinao
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource

B. Other Learning Resource,,,,
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Review the learners to their previous Review the learners about the perfect Review the learners about the Review the learners by clarifying
presenting the new lesson lesson in prices commodities and competition and collect the monopoly market structure. issues written on exit slips.
analyse the impact on consumers assignment.

B. Establishing a purpose for the Present a picture to the class and ask The teacher will ask “How does The teacher will ask: The teacher will show a video clip about
lesson questions to the picture shown. monopoly exist as market structure? How will you describe the oligopoly monopolistic competition.
*pictures of different establishments market structure?

C. Presenting examples/ The teacher will ask the learners to Cite examples of business which fall Learners will be asked to cite example
instances of the new lesson cite examples of business which fall under oligopoly market structure. of business in locality first then
Identify and explain different market under“ monopoly”. Discuss. nationwide which fall under
structures to the learners monopolistic competition.
D. Discussing new concepts and Discuss each slides about the Pure Discuss: Discuss :
practicing new skills #1 Monopoly - How did some governments - What are the main features of
Discuss the first market structure limit the creation of oligopoly monopolistic competition?
Perfect competiton condition markets. Why? - What is the most important
characteristic of monopolistic
E. Discussing new concepts and Each group will create a an Think-pair-share Role play:
practicing new skills #2 advantages/disadvantages of the Each group to create a graphic First, students think individually about Each group to portray a market
perfect competition organizer showing the advantages the existence of oligopoly in the structure that will be assigned to them.
and disadvantages of monopoly market: They may choose one among (Rubrics will be explained to the class
type of market structure in their five: before the role playing.)
locality. Apply creativity. Present 1. existence of barriers such as
before the class economies of scale, reputation of the
2. strategic and legal barriers such as
the grant of patents/franchisers
3. loyal following of customers
4. huge capital investments
5. specialized input, and control of
supply of raw materials by a few
. Then they pair up to discuss and
compare their ideas. Finally, students
will be given the chance to share
their ideas in the whole class
F. Developing mastery (leads The teacher will now listen to the
to Formative Assessment 3) answer of the students and will Finally the students will be given a a
synthesize the students answers chancet to discuss the topic. And the The teacher will now close her MS
teacher will correct answers of the power point presentation and let her
students students to ask a term they learned
and explain in his own word/s
G. Finding practical application . If you plan to put up a business, Cite some advantages and Cite advantages and disadvantages Explain the statement:
of concepts and skills in daily which is related to perfect disadvantages of monopoly and how of oligopoly.
living competition, what business it would will it affect you as a consumer? Pricing Power. As in a monopoly, firms
be and why? in monopolistic competition are price
setters, rather than price takers.
H. Making generalizations and As the learners; Ask the learner: Instruct and ask the learners: Why is there so much advertising in
abstractions about the lesson - What are the distinguishing - What are the basic - Describe the oligopoly market monopolistic competition?
features of perfect assumptions under the basic structure.
competition? monopoly model?” - How is it different from other
market structures?
I. Evaluating learning Short quiz. Paper and Pencil Test: Orally Done: Teacher facilitates the chapter quiz.
Facilitate a 10-item short quiz to check Differentiate oligopoly from other market
their understanding on the lesson structures.
presented. The Class will check the quiz.
J. Additional activities for The teacher will give questions The teacher will ask the learners s to The teacher will instruct the learners Learners will be given homework to
application or remediation regarding perfect competition and to answer the question given at home in to analyse and explain the statement prepare for the topics the following
be written on one whole sheet of one half sheet of paper: given. Write the answers in one half week.
paper to be submitted on the next sheet of paper.
day. - What forms of regulations can
be proposed to deter - The beverage companies
What other business qualify under monopolies or limit their Coca-Cola and Pepsi are
perfect competition in Tuguegarao ability to exercise market largely involved in an
City? Explain. power? You can ask the idea oligopoly because they sell
of older people/relatives. very similar soda products.
Which forces smaller
beverage companies out of
business. How?

Students will also be asked to write

on an Exit slip, What I found
interesting, What I learn, What I did
not understand

A.. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other
Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:


Subject Teacher Subject Coordinator SHS Assistant Principal II, for Operations

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