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Food and Beverage Services NC II


Casile,Binan Laguna
G:(Will call to the Room Service Department)
FA: Pick up the phone after 3 Rings.(Identify yourself)
“Good morning! Room service,this is Grace, how may I help you?
G: Good Morning!I would like to place an order for
FA:Yes Ma’am,May I know your name and your room number?
G: This is Mrs.Morris of Room 205
FA: Thank you Mrs Morris!may I take your order now?
Guest: I would like to order a Filipino Breakfast please?
FA:Ok Ma’am,for our Filipino Breakfast,you have a choice of Rice..
“Which rice do you prefer Ma’am?
Garlic fried rice or Steamed rice
G:Garlic Fried Rice please.
FA: “How about your meat Mam?
Lonnganisa,Tocino or Tapa?
G:Longganisa and Tapa.
FA: “For your egg Ma’am, How would you like it done?”
Sunny side-up , Scrambled,Boiled or Poached or Itlog na maalat?
G:Sunny side-up
FA:How about your fish Ma’am?
We have Fried fish or tuyo,dilis,daing na bangus and danggit?
G:I want daing nab angus please?
FA:For your Hot Beverage Ma’am?
You have a choice of Hot Cocoa,kapeng barako and Milk.
G: I want hot cocoa
FA:For Beverage Mam,we have fresh buko juice,Manggo Juice and
Dalandan Juice
G:Manggo Juice
FA:For your fruits Ma’am,We have Papaya and Manggo
G:Papaya please

***suggestive selling
FA:Mam we also have bread like ensaymada,oatmeal cookies and hot
pandesal.Our ensaymada is one of our best-seller because of its very
delicious taste.It is made from first class flour that makes it so
soft,butter,milk ,sugar and topped with itlog na maalat from Victoria
G:Oh really,I want to taste the ensaymada!Its one of my
favorite bread.
FA:Thank you Mam !We also have Silogs,Like Pusitlog,Tapsilog,and
Dangsilog.Our best seller is dangsilog because our Danggit is always fresh
not too salty. Its from Cebu and it has a very delicious taste.And our soup
of the day is Creamy crab soup from Palawan.
G:No that woul be all,maybe tomorrow I want to try
those foods ok!
FA:Yes Mam ,May I repeat your order ,You have ordered Fried Garlic
Rice,Longganisa and Tapa, Daing na bangus ,sunny side-up, hot cocoa,
mango juice ,papaya and Ensaymada..“ did I get your order right Ma’am”
Servings for how many Ma’am?
G:Just for one please..
FA:How would you like to settle you bill Ma’am? Charge to your Room
account or You will pay it in cash?
G:Please charge it to my Room account..or (Ill pay it in
FA:(For Cash payment) Ma’am,would you like me to bring some change
for you money?
G:Ok,Please bring some change for 1000 dollars.
FA:Ok Ma’am, your order will be served after 20 minutes,is that ok with
you Ma’am?
FA:Thank you Ma’am for calling Room Service,please do not hesitate to
call us if you need anything!

****Order the food to the kitchen

FA:For Room 205 ,Please preapare Fried Garlic Rice,Longganisa and Tapa,
Daing na bangus ,sunny side-up, hot cocoa, mango juice ,papaya and
Ensaymada for one serving each.Thank you!
****Prepare the food and the table appointments in the Trolley

Room Service Delivery:

FA:Ma’am,here is your Healthy Breakfast!,May I come in?
G:Please come in!
FA :Ma’am where do you want me to place your food,leave it on the
trolley or set it on the table?
G:Please set it on the table.
>>>Offer some personalized service..
FA:Ma’am would you like me to open the curtains to lighten up your
FA:Ma’am woul you like me to pour the tea/coffee in your cup?
FA: Ma’am would you like me to stay to attend to your other needs?
G: No,thanks I can manage..
FA: Ma’am here is your bill.
G:(sign your bill)
FA: Ma’am,what time would you like me to clear your soiled dishes?
Guest:After an hour please..
FA: Ok Ma’am,I’ll be back after an hour, If you need anything please
don’t hesitate to call Room Service

*Please don’t forget to bring your ballpen and handkerchief.
*Always wear a smile..
*offer a personalized service
*Don’t forget the upselling and suggestive selling

Goodluck guys!Dapat memorize nyo ang procedure at lines nyo sa

Practical Test.

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