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Year Level: 5
​ ​ Time​: 10:40-11:40 D
​ ate​: 27.5.19  Students’ Prior Knowledge: 
Learning Area: M ​ athematics - Angles  ● Introduced to angles 
Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum:   ● Started to practice using the protractor 
Estimate, measure and compare angles using  ● Able to identify different types of angles 
degrees. Construct angles using a protractor 
General Capabilities (​ t​ hat may potentially be covered in the lesson)  
Literacy   Numeracy  ICT  Critical and  Ethical  Personal  Intercultural 
competence  creative  behaviour  and Social  understandi
thinking   competence   ng 
Cross-curriculum priorities (​ may be addressed in the lesson) 
Aboriginal and Torres Strait  Asia and Australia’s  Sustainability 
Islander histories and cultures  engagement with Asia 
Proficiencies: ​(Mathematics only) 
Lesson Objectives ​(i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb) 
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:  
● Use a protractor to measure acute, right, straight and obtuse angles.  
Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation:  Provision for students at educational risk​: 
● Put QR Code’s around the room  ● Microphone 
● Photocopy all QR Codes and answer sheets  ● Instructions on PPT 
● Photocopy self reflection  ● Paired with student in a different maths group 
● Ensure iPads are ready to use 
● PPT with hot tips and instructions on TV  
● Class Dojo on TV too 
● Have all materials ready 
LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson) 
Assessment of Lesson Objective and Suggestions for Improvement​: 

Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation​: 



LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as relevant) 
Time  Motivation and Introduction: 
1. Calm down - satisfying video 
2. WALT: Measure angles using a protractor.  
Rocket PPT 
10 min  3. WILF: Everyone having a go, using Miss Pip’s Hot Tips 
4. Warm up - Rocket  
  Hot Tips Anchor 
  Lesson Steps  
Large protractor 
1. Review Hot Tips Anchor Chart 
2. Model how to measure the degrees using examples.  
  Activity PPT 
3. Introduce QR Code activity 
- materials 
  a. You will need: 1 iPad between 2, answer sheet + pencil + 
- instruction 
texta + protractor each + clipboard.  
b. Measure the angle  
Class Dojo - timer  
  c. Write answer on the sheet 
d. Scan QR Code to check answer - if angle is within 3 
  QR Codes  
degrees = correct 
  Student iPads 
e. If correct colour in the bullseye 
Answer sheets 
  4. Students partner up with someone in a DIFFERENT math’s group 
a. 1 person goes and gets an iPad 
b. Other gets 2 protractors and other materials + find first 
Coloured texta  
5. Put timer on for 25 minutes - assess how groups are going.  
a. Look for team having a go, working together, being kind, 
10 min   Simple measuring 
respectful and responsible learners for dojo’s 
  6. Student’s who are not participating - give simple measuring 
angles sheet - work independently in corner 
  Self reflection 
a. 3,2,1, Magic - Time out/buddy class 
30 min   b. Class dojos for participating 
7. Early finishers - finish measuring angles worksheet from last 
maths, using iPads play Quick Maths.  
  Lesson Closure​: 
1. Introduce self reflection cards. 
2. 3 minutes to complete + put into exit ticket pouch.  
  3. Revise the steps to using a protractor - make reference to Miss 
Pip’s Hot Tips.  
4. Brain break 
10 min   


Work sample - Angles sheet 
Formative assessment - Self reflection 

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