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August 2019

Guided Teacher
English Teachers Network
Ministry of Education
English Opens Doors Program
By Melody Alvarez, English Language Fellow
Guided Teacher Reflection

Teacher Introduction
Reflection The purpose of the questions contained
within is to guide teacher reflection and

discussion regarding specific topics of
interest. These questions are not meant
to be used exclusively. You may find that

& Focus some questions are more relevant than

others. All questions do not need to be

Questions addressed during your meeting. Rather,

these are suggested topics to discuss.
You may find one question initiates others
that are not on the list. Please share your
thoughts and your discussions with us!

Remember you will have 45 minutes for

the session. We suggest you choose at
least 3 questions for the group discus-
sion and assign the roles for facilitating
the effective communication according
to guidelines given. You should rotate the
roles each month. Each guide will have
a final task to do as a summary, so you
should consider leaving about 10 minutes
to elaborate on it.

August 2019

Deconstructing Standards
What is “Deconstructing a Standard?”

Breaking a standard, goal, or benchmark into

smaller, more explicit learning targets.

1. How often do you review

your standards?

2. Do you align your curricula

lessons to the standards?

3. What does it mean to

“deconstruct a standard” to

4. What would you say

drives your instruction
most: assessment results,
standards, or curricula?

Guided Teacher Reflection

5. How do you balance

meeting the needs of
individual students, covering
the curricula, & following the

6. How valuable are the

standards to you and your

7. What type(s) of training

have you received around
understanding your

8. How well do you know the

standards for the subject(s)
you teach?

9. How well do students

perform on standards-based
assessments in your class?

10. Do you find standards-

based assessment data
valuable for your instruction?

August 2019

Discussion Topic
Comments, Questions, and Concerns
Use the following boxes to record your thoughts
for each question discussed. What questions
do you have? Comments you’d like to share?
Concerns moving forward?

Comments Questions Concerns

Guided Teacher Reflection

Summary of Group
Discussion Outcomes:
For this week´s discussion, please take pictures
of the discussions during your session. Create
a PowerPoint or similar collage with a short
description of the discussion highlights. Send
the file to:

by September 6.

Remember to copy your ERI on the email.

August 2019

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