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90 to 180 mins ascendants ab intestanto of his natural

parents. Check Article 902.

Intestate and Testate Succession
Kunwari grandparent, may 2 anak: A and B. A is
(From 2017 Bar) ILC, can he represent his father, assuming
Q: A bought a property worth 2M. He had in patay na ang father? No. A legitimate father
his possession 3M. He wanted to come home can only be represented by the LC. The reverse
from Saudi. Before he could come home, he is true, such as when ILC is the deceased, the
died intestate. 1 LC, 3 ILC, Parents, common- legitimate family can claim.
law spouse. Who are the heirs? The LC and the It is the presumption of law that there is an
ILC. The common-law spouse is excluded. The irreconcibality between the legitimate and
parents are likewise excluded due to the illegitimate families. If you are going to check
principle of exclusion. Remember this principle 902, you can deduce that if the person to be
in succession: Love descends, and then represented is an ILC/person, both legitimate
ascends, and then it spreads. and illegitimate family can represent him.
How much should the compulsory heirs get in That’s why these commentators (Jurado and ?)
intestate succession? In this question, there’s a are questioning this Article since the legitimate
total of 5M. How much would LC get? ½ of the ascendants can only be represented by the
estate or 2.5M. How much would ILC get? legitimate descendant but the illegitimate
Divide the remaining portion among them. ascendant can be represented by both the
The rule changes if it is testate succession. legitimate descendants and IL descendants.
Supposed in the will, the common-law spouse The law seems to be unjust against the
and the parents were instituted as heirs, the illegitimate.
will must be annulled because of preterition If you are going to question the
due to impairment of the legitime of the constitutionality of this provision on the
compulsory heirs. ground of equal protection clause, it will not
Q: Assuming that the will went through prosper because of the substantial distinction
probate proceedings and you were asked to between the IL and the L. The purpose of the
distribute the estate, how much would the CLS, law is to separate the IL and L families.
the parents, the ILC and LC would get? On preterition, under 854, remember that in
A: ½ goes to LC, ½ of the ½ from LC would go to preterition, the rule is there is complete
ILC. The remaining portion (after the LC gets his omission of heir in the direct line. If during the
share) would not be enough for the 3 ILC so lifetime of the deceased, he donated a
the remedy is to divide the portion to 3, just property to an LC who was not included in the
like in intestate. Thus, the CLS and the parents will, there is no preterition because in
would not get any. preterition, there must be a complete
deprivation of legitime of the compulsory heir.
(Copy of table of legitimes) In this case, there was already an advanced
legitime. If there was a complete deprivation,
Q: Remember also in the rule of LC, ILC and SS.
the remedy is completion/oblation? of
A: LC would get ½, ILC would get ½ of the LC, legitime. If there is an advanced legitime such
while the SS would be treated as an ILC. as donation inter vivos, there is no preterit ion.

Next topic, under Article 992. The ILC is barred On the contrary, if there is preterition such as
to inherit from the LC descendants and this compulsory heir was completely deprived
of his legitime, you can now invoke 854. The This is inverted L-formation, If the origin of the
effect of preterition is the annulment of the property is a brother/sister and it was
institution of the heir but you respect the transferred to another bro/sis, then it was
devisees and the legatees. They shall be valid transferred to another ascendant.
in so far as they are not inefficacious.
So kapag gagawa kayo ng table, kapag may V or
Assuming that there is preterition and the will inverted L, pwedeng may reserve troncal. So
is admitted to probate proceeding, can the now you check for the requisites:
probate court decide on the intrinsic validity of
1. The property should have been acquired by
the will? The answer is YES, to save the heirs
/parties from the recourse of proving the operation of law by operation of law by an
ascendant from his descendant upon latter’s
invalidity of the will, it is essentially needed for
the probate court to declare the validity of the death.
will which preterated the compulsory heir. 2. The property should have been previously
Another topic, 235 of NCC, can you acquired by gratuitous title by descendant
compromise the affiliation of the child? No. from another descendant or from brother or
Ayun lang.

Co-ownership- remember that the law does 3. The descendant/propositus should have died
without any legitimate issue in the direct
not favor co-ownership but under 494, as an
XPN, if the co-owners agree to keep their descending line who could inherit from him;
property for a period of 10 years. If the This requisite is important. P is the
agreement says the thing shall not be obiter of reserve troncal. If namatay is P with
partitioned for 20 years, it is not valid. What descendants who could inherit from him, wala
you will do with the invalidity of the ng RT. But if he died intestate without
agreement? The agreement is invalid only to descendants, then RT may apply. Atty.
the extent beyond 10 years. Pagaruigan said, what you should do to avoid
Article 891- Reserva Troncal RT, don’t die intestate.

It applies only to legitimate families. Once 4. There must be relatives of the descendants
who are within 3rd degree and who belong to
there is an ILC in the equation, you rule out
Reserva Troncal. the line from which property came.

In one question in the bar, the facts are: A is

Another rule, double consanguinity. First, the
relative who would inherit the property must married to B with whom they had C, a LC. B
be a relative of the propositus within the third died. A married D, they got a child again, E. The
other surviving heirs are the father of A, A1
civil degree of consanguinity and it must come
from the line from which the property and father of B, B1.
originated. Second, dapat yung reservatorios C owns the property, he transferred the lot to
must be related by consanguinity from the E. From half-brother to half-brother. E died.
origin of the property. The property was transferred to D, his parent.
V-formation, the origin of the property must be D died. Is there a reserve troncal?
from the ascendant. It is transferred to the Elements:
descendant through a gratuitous title, and then
it is transferred to another ascendant. 1. May illegitimate ba? Wala. May double
consanguinity ba? Meron.
Remember that C transferred the property He cannot because as a requisite for
through donation. There is gratuitous title. collection of money, the debt must be due and
demandable. The SC, however, allowed the
The property was transferred to D from E same-day collection because the debtor has
through operation of law. Check. been in default for several years and it is unfair
There is a reserve troncal. Who should own the to the part of the creditor to demand again in
property? Who are the reservatarios? Article another action.
891 would tell you who the reservatorios are. Under 1403, unenforceable contracts, there is
Reserva Troncal still follows right of an enumeration which is exclusive.
representation, exclusion. Is it necessary to reduce into writing every
Who should own the property? contract?

In this case, the only reservatarios is A. No. Contracts are valid save for
Because the source of the property is the child instances where the law requires it to be
of A and the preposterous of this case is E, written such as in 1403.
child of A again. (Memorize niyo na lang, basta If the two contracting parties are minors, the
ganon.) contract is unenforceable.
What if A died, after getting the property from If one of them is a minor and the other is
the preposterous and reservista? Who should represented by a parent, the contract is
now own the property? voidable.
C should own the property as the only Other pointers:
surviving descendant of A, to the exclusion of
the ascendants, even if one of them is a Extinguishment of Obligations, remember the
reservatarios. The moment that it was causes and the requisites. The three kinds of
transferred to A, RT is already extinguished. Novation, as well.

First degree relatives: Parents Cases in torts: Intergames v. Abrogar, SPS

Second: Brother/Sister Latonio v. McGeorge Food Industries, Radio
Third: Grandparents Communications vs. CA

Bar Q: Loan Agreement Proximate Cause

The debtor would pay as soon as his means Psychological Incapacity- is an expert
permit him to do so. If that is the tenor of the testimony indispensable? No. The basis is the
loan created, how would the creditor collect? totality of evidence. Requisites of PI: Gravity,
Juridical Antecedents, Insurability (?)
The remedy of the creditor is to ask the
court to fix the period. The creditor cannot just Escalation Causes under Contracts, when
send a demand letter because the period is not applicable, validity
yet clear. Without a period, there could not be
default. After asking the court, the creditor can
now collect.

Can the creditor in the same case ask for the

setting of the period and ask for the collection
of the debt?

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