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Everyday some random act of kindness happens without your

knowledge. Some kids give an elderly lady a compliment, or a

police officer brightens a by-stander’s morning. In the world we live
in today, these acts do not happen as often as they should. In this
short story Thank You, Ma’am, the boy, out of mysterious luck, gets
taken in by the woman whom he was trying to steal a purse from.
Her actions, following the incident towards the boy, may have
seemed very kind and understanding, but the boy needs a more
solid way of punishment. He requires discipline that will show him
that as complicated as life is, there will not always be someone for
you to lean and depend on.
The first and most foremost thing that would come to mind when
reading this story is how caring Mrs. Luella Bates Washington
Jones was, that she took in the boy and nurtured him; she tried to
teach him between right and wrong. She gave him food, a nice
conversation, and even a chance of escape, which he chose not to
take, but these methods are still an immoral way of handling the
situation. If a boy were to com...
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