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Volume I, Issue #1 – November/December, Newsletter – Volume I, Issue #1 – November/December 2010

Ticom's Newsletter
(For Modern Survivors)
Prudens es erudio quod paratus
This is where it begins anew... world, one had to understand its
systems, how they work, and how they can
I have seen the future.
be worked. Being a phone phreak was good
It doesn't lie in small bands of well- training towards that end.
armed survivalists living in the
After a couple years of stumbling
around by myself, I found other
The future is urban and industrial. individuals who shared the same
interests. Personal computers were also
It is techie LMIs running
coming en vogue, as well as phreaking's
countermeasure labs in converted l0pht
sister field, computer hacking. Now they
call what we did “cracking.” Modern
It is titanium ferrets: small, fast and “hackers” can argue the differences
vicious, operating in the post- between hacking, cracking, and
industrial landscape of cast-off and phreaking. I was there while it was
re-purposed technology. going down, and to most of us there was
little distinction between them all. It
It is Gibson's Dog Solitude coming to was the same path.
Growing up in New York's Southern
The future is hiding in plain sight, tier, I was happy to discover that
buried in the noise floor with the Gotham City, about an eighty minute
modern flotsam and jetsam. train ride away, was home to TAP
It is a place where line of sight is magazine, which was the bible of hackers
restricted, range is danger close, but and phone phreaks. Unfortunately, I
you can still see infinity. discovered this just after TAP ceased
publication in 1984. Fortunately, this
It is where you feel the shape. guy Eric who lived in Long Island had
The aleph. just started up a new publication for
hackers and phone phreaks. This
Odin's own Beowulf cluster. publication was called 2600, and is now

W hen I began, I started this in its seventeenth year.

journey with a certain objective While all of this was going on, I
in mind. The system of the world also maintained an earlier interest in
had a technological underside, hiding survivalism. Whereas hackers were very
behind a curtain that most people never high-tech and cutting-edge, survivalists
even get the urge to look behind. Back were usually low-tech and could have
in the early 1980s, or maybe it was the even been considered retro. It was
late 1970s, a gentleman whose name I mostly wilderness and rural in nature,
never found out, showed me a neat trick but the best survivalists I ever had the
you could do with a payphone. That was opportunity to learn from operated in
my first peek behind the curtain, and suburban and urban environments. This
the start of a very long, strange, cross-training served me well when
interesting, and enjoyable trip. operating away from the keyboard.
Phone phreaking, besides being a After being in it for a while, I
fun hobby, can also be an educational became comfortable enough with my skill
and philosophical metaphor for the level to help others out, as more
system of the world. At some moment in experienced hobbyists did for me when I
time, I realized that in order to was starting out. I also observed that
function as a free individual in this while TAP occasionally went into the

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Ticom's Newsletter – Volume I, Issue #1 – November/December 2010

low-tech survivalist side of things, the newsletter's motto, “Prudens es

2600 remained high-tech comparatively erudio quod paratus” or “Wise are the
speaking. In talking with fellow educated and prepared.” After the long
travelers, I learned that there was a hard reset, there will need to be a
need for an “underground” periodical rebuilding process. It will be fellow
that covered both ends of the spectrum. travelers such as yourself that will
Thus Cybertek: The Cyberpunk Technical have the skills and tools to be at the
Journal was born. forefront of it, and not repeat the
mistakes of the past.
Cybertek had a good run, but all
good things eventually come to an end. And if by chance the slow decline
The Internet and its ready, freely does not result in a demise during your
available information (regardless of how lifetime, you can at least be secure and
correct or incorrect) dealt a death blow enhance your lifestyle by learning and
to many small periodicals. After twenty practicing the skills of preparedness,
years of doing Cybertek, I decided to technology, and self-determination.
“retire.” One of the reasons was that I This, actually, is the most important
had the perception that there was almost aspect of the path.
no interest in the path that Cybertek
represented, its role as a guide for – Ticom
those wishing to travel that path was at
an end. After my announcement, I quickly
discovered that the interest was much
greater than I thought. Precious Metals Stuff
So here in your hands is the first Many survival experts recommend
issue of Ticom's Newsletter (For Modern investing in precious metals as a means
Survivors). It will be picking up where of preparing for what most of us
Cybertek left off, providing useful recognize as a complex, somewhat pointed
information for individuals who wish to transformation of America sometime in
function as free individuals in today's the future, and the resulting chaos that
slowly declining and increasingly is expected to ensue. Typically, they
dystopian society. This could include recommend gold and silver. Their
high-tech technological stuff aboutrationale is that gold and silver are
computers, electronics, phones, orgood investments and that they can be
radios. It could also include low-tech used as currency during hard times.
stuff that's more survivalist-related, Others say that since “you can't eat
or stuff that really doesn't fit in any gold” it will be of limited or no value
distinctive tech level, but is still after a societal collapse. While it is
useful for navigating the dystopia. true that you can't eat gold or silver,
Whatever information lies in these their intrinsic value, as well as the
pages, it's going to be original stuff intrinsic value of other metals, makes
that was researched and tried in the them useful in various technical
real-world by its author. processes for builders with the right
My direct observations over the expertise. These builders will probably
past few decades have left me with accept them as barter for other goods
little faith in my country's political and services.
process, and in the possibility to any I recommend investing in useful
reform being done via the system. The materials that you may need for your
status quo will maintain the current particular trade. If you don't have a
slow decline resulting in an eventual viable profession that will withstand
demise. Our hope for the future lies in the upcoming reset and transformation,
educated and prepared individuals who then that should become one of your
maintain their self-sufficiency and biggest priorities. If that happens to
self-determination, and is the basis for

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Ticom's Newsletter – Volume I, Issue #1 – November/December 2010

include “precious metals” that are much do you think a crystal radio set,
useful in various industrial processes or at the very least its primary
pertaining to your trade, then so be it. component, would be worth? What about in
For many of us techies, that would a possible future dystopia where radios
include copper, silver, lead, and are outlawed?
possibly gold. Maybe even potential
Galena is a mineral commonly found
semiconductor materials such as Galena.
in many parts of the US, including the
“Galena?! What's so important Northeast. Pull the right rock out of
about Galena?” I hear some of you say. the ground, scrounge some other common
With a small hunk of Galena and some parts, and you have a radio receiver
assorted scrap parts, you can make that runs without electricity.
something like this:
As Currency
There is nothing wrong with
purchasing some junk silver coins from a
local dealer. Allocate maybe 10% of your
preparation budget after your
necessities have been taken care of. You
may also want to put aside nickels and
pre-1982 pennies that are currently
worth more in copper than their face
value. Why? Because you will need
something to buy stuff with.
That is the heart of a crystal radio Barter is OK for small scale
setup, made from a copper pipe cap, a stuff, but it soon reaches a point where
piece of Galena, and some other assorted it becomes unworkable. For barter to
parts. The cats-whisker was made from work, both parties must not only have
the spring of a discarded Bic lighter. and be willing to part with something
Add a tuning coil made from copper wire the other needs, but also be able to
and some more scrap parts like this: come to a mutually agreed-upon value in
order to conduct the trade.
This is where currency comes in.
In using the word “currency”, I am
actually referring to species currency,
that is currency with an intrinsic value
such as gold, silver, and copper.
Currency using precious metals minted
into recognizable coins has been a
hallmark of civilization for thousands
of years. I am not interested in
devolving my standard of living after
the reset. That would be very stupid.
The coming transformation is an
opportunity for us to do better.
The precious metal coinage for our
...and you can now listen to various AM purposes is going to be silver, as
and shortwave radio stations. Are you opposed to gold. Copper might also be
beginning to understand where I'm going used in certain situations. Gold is
here? At the time of this writing, you expensive, at around $1200 an ounce.
can pick up small pieces of Galena, Imagine what $1200 buys, and that is
suitable for crystal radio sets, for what you would be able to buy with a
about $5-$7 each. After the reset, how one-ounce gold coin. Silver and Copper

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Ticom's Newsletter – Volume I, Issue #1 – November/December 2010

are less expensive. Silver is presently Recently, other collector coin

at $20 an ounce. That makes a one-ounce producers operating under the American
coin more usable for day-to-day Open Currency Standard have been
business. Silver coins are available in producing various designs with some
various weights up to one ounce, and are nominal denomination on them. Some of
available in a familiar form as pre-1964 these collector coins are quite nice,
US Currency. That makes it recognizable but their price is well above spot
to all but the most uninitiated. compared to other sources of silver.
I remember when the Liberty Dollar If you like the design of the John
first came out. They were marketed as an Galt or Lakota Nation AOCS one-ounce
alternative currency, and were minted as silver round, and want to buy one as a
a one ounce coin of .999 silver with a curiosity or because you like to collect
stated face value of $10. That face coins, by all means feel free. If you
value was almost double spot price for are looking for a source of silver to
silver at the time. As silver increased put aside for the future, you are better
in price above $10/ounce, Liberty Dollar off going to your local coin shop and
requested everyone turn in their $10 buying pre-1964 junk-silver quarters,
marked silver rounds to be replaced with dimes, half-dollars, and dollar coins.
one bearing a $20 face value. Having to
I have often found various
turn in your money so the issuing
collector coins in mint condition for a
authority can reissue you “new” money is
reasonable price at local coin dealers.
exactly what they do in third-world
What happens is that someone buys these
dictatorships. That however, was not the
collector coins, and then runs into a
only problem with the Liberty Dollar.
situation where they have to unload them
Liberty Dollar's marketing was to raise some cash. The dealer buys them
aimed at Sovereign Citizen/Common Law at his standard purchase price which is
species currency advocates. While this somewhere below spot. That happens
enabled them to sell lots of silver at because unless a collector coin becomes
well above spot price, it had unintended somehow desirable it's really just worth
consequences of the undesirable sort. its weight in silver. He puts them in
The more dedicated disciples of the his junk-silver bin where bargain-
Liberty Dollar proceeded to advocate hunting silver purchasers find them and
their alternative currency with the zeal buy them for slightly above spot.
and intelligence of a typical religious
Precious metals are a long-term
fanatic proselytizing to non-believers.
investment, and perhaps a hedge against
Somewhere along the way, it was
economic decline or collapse. They
perceived by an unconverted individual
generally increase in value at a faster
that a Liberty Dollar was actually legal
rate than inflation, especially in
tender, which it definitely was not.
uncertain times. Chances are you'll
Perhaps someone tried to deposit a
probably wind up giving your coin
Liberty Dollar at a bank. These things
collection to your (grand)children, or
happen when you deal with mundanes.
decide to cash it out when you feel the
The end result was Liberty Dollar value has gone up enough. You might even
being raided by the Federal Government die before doing anything with them.
under the auspices of a counterfeiting
In the next installment, I will
investigation. Based upon common
discuss using precious metals as a form
knowledge of human behavior, I'm sure
of currency in both the present day and
one of the Liberty Dollar disciples
after the collapse and reset.
tried to “explain” things to an
investigator whose primary aim was to Ψ
hear that one thing that would justify a

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Ticom's Newsletter – Volume I, Issue #1 – November/December 2010

Are you beginning to see how this

Radio Communications Stuff fits in with survival communications and
survivalism in general? In a serious
When I was first licensed, CW disaster, the local repeaters might go
proficiency was a requirement for down, you might not be in a good
getting the ham ticket. I struggled location for low VHF/UHF simplex
through the 5WPM Novice requirement, and operations, and maybe running on
even tried a little CW as a Novice class emergency power. One solution: QRP HF
operator. Back then it held little rig with a NVIS antenna for “local” (out
interest, and a few months later I got to 300 miles or so) communications.
my Technician class. I had access to the
VHF bands and the much more interesting So even though you don't need to
packet radio mode. For a couple decades know CW for a ham ticket, it is a useful
CW pretty much faded into the survival skill and it enables you to get
background. access to long-distance communications
on the HF bands for less money than a
Survival communications shares a new 2-meter HT. It also gives you
lot with many genres of ham radio such another excuse to go hiking and camping.
as Adventure Radio, SOTA, HF-Pack, and
GORC. These genres are almost Here are a couple websites for
exclusively QRP operations, and often more information:
CW. Why? Because when running QRP, CW
offers the best bang for the buck, so to
speak. Why run QRP? Because you can Portable operation on HF. Sometimes with
throw a battery-operated QRP rig in a military radios!
MOLLE SAW pouch that will give you
operations capability on all ham bands.
Like this one here: Summits On The Air (SOTA)
Great Outdoors Radio Club
Yaesu FT-817 with
LDG auto-tuner in
milsurp MOLLE Adventure Radio Society
radio pouch.
New England QRP Club
I now find myself dusting off rusty CW
skills so I can play outside with QRP Further Reading:
and CW. I came across this website: ARRL's Low Power Communication by Rich Arland, W3OSS
It has a Java app for CW practice. ISBN 0-87259-104-2

These days you $19.95 from

don't need CW to get
a ham ticket, but The ARRL also offers a
for less than $100 package deal of this
you can buy and book along with a QRP CW
build a CW QRP rig transceiver kit for
set-up that will fit $100.
in a field jacket
pocket. A fellow ham Ψ
in Maine sells QRP kits, including the
famous “Tuna Tin Transmitter”, at

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Ticom's Newsletter – Volume I, Issue #1 – November/December 2010

mindset is whenever you see something

Spook Territory ask yourself, “How can this help me
survive and function as a free
A lot of interesting things were individual in an increasingly dystopian
talked about over the years in previous society?” and “How can this help me
issues of both Cybertek and Technical acquire information that will help me
Intelligence Communications zines. achieve the aims of my previously asked
Powerful information to be sure, but querstion?” At first your performance
there is the issue of integration. will likely to be sub-par, but that is
Getting it all to work together, and the when rule #3 comes in. As you continue
mindset for doing so is what I refer to to practice, you'll get better at doing
as “Spook Territory”; the place off the this.
edge of the map where there be (the
proverbial) dragons. So now let's put all this in
practical context, using articles in
Like any other place, there are this issue, combined with a few other
some ground rules will help you to ideas that occurred to me me as I was
navigate your way around: putting the final touches on this
1. Keep your own council. Be quiet issue...
about what you're doing. Too many We talked a lot about “precious
individuals have dug themselves metals”, including how one common
deep holes by telling of their mineral, Galena, can be combined with
exploits. You may come across some other junk parts to make a simple,
fellow denizens, and share tips yet effective radio receiver. We also
and tricks if they are deemed talked about the low-power “QRP” amateur
trustworthy enough. However, your radio subset, and how QRP radio gear can
best stuff you keep to yourself. be physically small. All of this has
That brings us to the second rule: definite relevance for functioning and
2. Keep learning. You need to be a navigating in a dystopia. By the way, I
jack of all trades, and a master refer to the act of doing this as
of more than a few of them. “dystonautics”.
Technology and techniques continue Now in most cases, this stuff is
to evolve. You will need to keep built in a plastic or metal enclosure
current and find out if the new is and looks the part of a homebrew piece
better than the old. If you ever of electronics. A little uncommon in
think that you know it all, then this day and age of manufactured throw-
it's time to leave the realm. With away stuff, but as of yet not something
all this knowledge, you come to that would get you a one-way railway
the final rule: ride to Stalag 13 (unless you brought it
3. Practice. Idle time is bad. If you into an airport). So despite the geeky
are not actively engaged in a perception you'll get, you at present
project, then go find one. There don't have to worry about your crystal
is always some new technique to radio or Tuna-Tin transmitter on 7040
try or gadget to evaluate. KHz. (That is, if you live in the United
States or any other semi-civilized
The most important step for any country that hasn't yet taken the road
beginner is to develop the mindset. You all the way to totalitarian collectivist
can read historical accounts or how-to hell). Of course, all our country needs
manuals, but remember rule number one: are a couple of incidents, accidental or
The authors aren't going to tell you the otherwise, to get enough of the
good stuff. That's for you to figure out legislative monkeys to vote for sending
on your own. us there.
The best way to develop the That's when you start thinking

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Ticom's Newsletter – Volume I, Issue #1 – November/December 2010

about Spook Territory. In this case, you should read.

we're going to go way out into the
fringe and talk about something as Ψ
innocuous as woodworking. Yep, making
stuff, usually furniture and cute
widgets, out of dead trees. Chemistry Stuff
In most homes the furniture (and When I was shopping for first-aid
many accent-type stuff) is made of dead supplies at my local Wal-Mart, I noticed
trees. You can even go to various craft that the chemical composition of the
stores and buy cute knickknacks made of instant cold packs they sell had been
dead tree stuff for you to decorate and changed. The traditional ingredients for
make pretty. If you were looking for an instant cold packs were Ammonium Nitrate
electronics enclosure that blended in (AN) and water. When you crush the
with your home decor, so the future package, the inner pouch of water breaks
Gestapo has a hard time finding the and creates an endothermic reaction with
crystal radio you use to listen to the the AN. The new composition replaces the
BBC, what could be a good material to AN with a mixture of Urea and Ammonium
use? Chloride. This new composition is
supposedly more effective at generating
One a different note, keeping in cold then the old composition. At
line with keeping stuff spread out, what present, instant cold packs being sold
about building some wooden knickknacks at other locations, particularly at the
that contain a secret compartment in less-expensive odd lot/job lot stores,
which to hide some of those pre-1964 still have the old composition.
silver coins you're keeping as a long-
term investment? Urea is an interesting chemical:
It is a component of urine, although
Taking this one step further, these days it is synthesized instead of
there is a geek cultural genre known extracted. Still, knowing the old ways
Steampunk, in which they kit-bash stuff can be useful in a dystopian society.
to make it look as if it's from the For those of you who are wondering, do
Victorian-era (alternate history). some research on “Urea Nitrate”, and
Research it. don't be stupid with the knowledge you
find. This is an example of the type of
Getting any ideas yet? Can you
think of any advantages to having potentially useful information you will
something functional look like a need to help rebuild things after the
Steampunk cos-player's toy? (What's a reset, or maybe defend yourself against
cos-player, you ask? Research it. While aggression if another Hitler or Stalin
you're at it, do an Internet search for comes to power. Until then, don't do
“Steampunk's Guide to the Apocalypse”). anything that might jeopardize your
ability to function freely and
For those of you who want to effectively in the future, and don't do
prepare for any eventuality, the tools anything that helps the monkeys maintain
you need to invest in are those of math, their status quo.
science, and technology. Being able to
make, fix, and improvise stuff is the Ψ
hallmark of the modern survivalist.
In ending, there is a book that I Epilogue

recommend all of my subscribers read.
o where would you like to go
It's called Starving the Monkeys, by Tom
tomorrow? What questions do you
Baugh. His website is at
have? What articles would you like Many
st to see in future issues? Please let me
people are calling it a 21 . Century
know. I can be reached via email or via
version of Atlas Shrugged, another book
the more traditional route of sending me

Page 7
Ticom's Newsletter – Volume I, Issue #1 – November/December 2010

a letter via the U.S. Mail. Both

addresses are listed in the masthead in Ticom's Newsletter
the next column. (For Modern Survivors)
As you have seen, Ticom's
Newsletter (For Modern Survivors) is
Ticom <>
different from any other survivalist
Carol (proofreading and sanity checks)
publication you have seen. You won't
hear about bugging out and you won't Published by:
hear about stockpiling ammunition and Homestead Design Works
freeze-dried food. You won't hear about P.O. Box 96
how great the Tea Party is, how they are Plymouth, CT 06782
the hope for America, and how everything 203-325-4225
will be just fine if only we can get
Sarah Palin or Ron Paul into the White Copyright  2010, 2011 by Homestead
House. Design Works.
All Rights Reserved.
YOU and YOU alone are responsible
for your continued survival and general Published for educational purposes only.
overall well-being in these interesting Permission is granted to subscribers
and dynamic times. No charismatic leader only for the reproduction and non-
is going to do it for you. Despite the commercial distribution of no more than
assurances of media pundits that “we five copies of this newsletter to non-
surround them”, the truth of the matter subscribers. If you are a non-subscriber
is that they surround Us. We are the reading a copy of this newsletter that
blacks on the back of the bus in 1950s was given to you by a friend, please
Birmingham, and most of our fellow help support the efforts put forth by
citizens will smile and cheer the editor and writers, and subscribe.
approvingly when our heads get busted
for being too uppity.
Subscription Information
However there is hope. Eventually
the monkey collective will have their Ticom's Newsletter (For Modern
entire house of cards collapse. It's Survivors) is published bimonthly in
only a matter of time. For those who see hardcopy format. It is mailed via U.S.
it coming and act accordingly, it will Postal Service First Class Mail in a
be a much needed reset and time to discrete envelope.
rebuild America, not back into its
Yearly subscription rates are as
former greatness, but into something
even better and greater. And in doing
so, we can hopefully avoid the mistakes Individual Subscription (Paypal) - $15
of the past. Individual Subscription (Cash) - $12
Subscriptions via Paypal can be
In the next issue: purchased via our web page at
• Setting up a workshop in a limited html. Cash subscriptions can be sent to:
Homestead Design Works
• Using precious metals as currency. P.O. Box 96
Plymouth, CT 06782
• The fallacy of “bugging out”.
If paying by cash, please make sure your
• And more! payment is placed securely inside the
envelope. We cannot be responsible for
Until next time...
payments lost in the mail.

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