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Unit Testing – PP-01-01- Master Data-Bill of

Project ID: 4136-02
Project Name: ICF S/4 HANA Turnkey Implementation

Document Version / Details: 1.0/ 14.05.2019

Unit Testing – Material Management

Record of Release

Version Modified By Reviewed By Authorized By Release Date Modifications Done

1.0 Manikandan R Ganesh Vijayakumar 14-May-2019 Initial
Swaminathan TVN

LTI & ICF Confidential SAP-E2E-408 (Ver. 1.13/15-Jun-2017)
Unit Testing – Material Management

1 Display BOM

Project id: 4136-02 Modules: PP Page

Scenario: Unit Testing –Master Data- Bill of Material Case: Bill of Material-Display
Description: Unit Test plan for Display Bill of Material
Prep. By Manikandan R Run# 1 Revision: 1.0
Geography: LTI (ICF) Run date: 14-05-2019 Status: Completed

Set-up data
Data Object Value/Code Description Comments & Notes
1. 3000000035
2. Furn
3. Usage 1
4. BOM 1

Sr. Business Transaction Expected Actual results Tester Iteration Iteration Status Cause Defect Remarks
no. process steps code/ Fiori results -1 -2 of Severity
App Failure
1. Display Display material Manikan Passed Complete
material BOM: BOM: Initial screen dan d
CS03 Initial screen was displayed
Material BOM
should be
2. Enter Material Manikan Passed Complete
code, Plant and CS03 dan d
3. Item over view Manikan Passed Complete
Go to Display Item over view was
CS03 display the list dan d
material BOM: displayed the list of
of components

LTI & ICF Confidential SAP-E2E-408 (Ver. 1.13/15-Jun-2017)
Unit Testing – Material Management

Sr. Business Transaction Expected Actual results Tester Iteration Iteration Status Cause Defect Remarks
no. process steps code/ Fiori results -1 -2 of Severity
App Failure
General item along with components along
overview quantity with quantity
4. BOM header BOM header was Manikan Passed Complete
display the displayed the dan d
In this screen, Material, Plant, Material, Plant, BOM
Click "Header" BOM no., Alt no., Alt BOM, Usage,
icon to the BOM, Usage, Tech type "M" and
BOM header Tech type "M" Base Quantity
and Base
Test Completion Results: Passed: YES Failed: Corrected, re-tested, and passed


LTI & ICF Confidential SAP-E2E-408 (Ver. 1.13/15-Jun-2017)
Unit Testing – Material Management

Approval: _________________________ Date: ____/____/____

LTI & ICF Confidential SAP-E2E-408 (Ver. 1.13/15-Jun-2017)
Unit Testing – Material Management

LTI Project Manager: _________________

Client Project Manager: _________________

Field Description
Project Id. Project identification number
Scenario Test Scenario from the Business Process Master List
Modules Name of the module and/or function being tested.
Case The particular situation or case that is being tested within the scenario
Description An explanation of the Scenario/Case
Geography The location, company, plant or other relative organisational unit
Run The actual test iteration
Run Date Date that the test took place for the applicable run
Revision Revision of the Unit Test
Status Status of the Unit Test
Data Object Data element that needs to be entered prior to the test
Value/Code Specific value which the data object must be entered as
Description A short description of what the data object is
Prep. By Name of the person preparing the test case
Comments and Notes Any relevant information as it pertains to the data object

LTI & ICF Confidential SAP-E2E-408 (Ver. 1.13/15-Jun-2017)
Unit Testing – Material Management

Business Process Steps The business processes and transactions that comprise the Unit test. Normally these steps are formatted in the same way that they
are found on the Business Process Master List
Transaction Code The R/3 transaction that applies to each transaction
Expected Results The results or outcome that is expected from the test
Actual Results The actual results or outcome that was realised
Tester The person who will be performing the test
OK Status of the step ( OK/Failed/Not tested)
Comments Explanatory text, if required, for the entry

LTI & ICF Confidential SAP-E2E-408 (Ver. 1.13/15-Jun-2017)

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