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Petitioners PCPPI and PEPSICO engaged the

PEPSI-COLA PRODUCTS PHILIPPINES, services of D.G. Consultores, a Mexican

INCORPORATED, and PEPSICO, consultancy firm with experience in
INCORPORATED, Petitioners, v. PEPE B. handling similar promotion in other
PAGDANGANAN, and PEPITO A. LUMAJAN, countries, to randomly pre-select 60
Respondents. winning three-digit numbers with their
matching security codes out of 1000 three-
digit numbers seeded in the market, as well
This case stemmed from a Complaint6 filed as the corresponding artworks appearing on
by herein respondents Pepe B. Pagdanganan a winning crown and/or resealable cap.
(Pagdanganan) and Pepito A. Lumahan
(Lumahan) against herein petitioners Pepsi- The mechanics of the "Number Fever"
Cola Products Philippines, Incorporated promo was simple - From Monday to Friday,
(PCPPI) and PEPSICO, Incorporated starting 17 February 1992 to 8 May 1992,
(PEPSICO) on 22 December 1992, before the petitioners PCPPI and PEPSICO will
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Pasig City, announce, on national and local broadcast
Branch 163, for Sum of Money and and print media, a randomly pre-selected7
Damages. winning three-digit number. All holders of
specially marked crowns bearing the
The facts are beyond dispute. As culled from winning three-digit number will win the
the records of the case, they are as follows: corresponding amount printed on said
crowns and/or resealable caps.
Petitioners PCPPI and PEPSICO launched a
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) On account of the success of the
approved and supervised under-the-crown promotional campaign, petitioners PCPPI
promotional campaign entitled "Number and PEPSICO extended or stretched out the
Fever" sometime in 1992. With said duration of the "Number Fever" for another
marketing strategy, it undertook to give five weeks or until 12 June 1992.
away cash prizes to holders of specially
marked crowns and resealable caps of For the extended period, petitioners PCPPI
PEPSI-COLA softdrink products, i.e., Pepsi, 7- and PEPSICO again sought the services of
Up, Mirinda and Mountain Dew. Specially D.G. Consultores to pre-select 25 winning
marked crowns and resealable caps were three-digit numbers with their matching
said to contain a) a three-digit number, b) a security codes as well as the corresponding
seven-digit alpha-numeric security code, artworks to appear on a winning crown
and c) the amount of the cash prize in any of and/or resealable cap.
the following denominations - P1,000.00;
P10,000.00; P50,000.00; P100,000.00; and On 25 May 1992, petitioners PCPPI and
P1,000,000.00. PEPSICO announced the notorious three-
digit combination "349" as the winning
number for the next day, 26 May 1992. On
the same night of the announcement, Sincerely,
however, petitioners PCPPI and PEPSICO
learned of reports that numerous people ROD SALAZAR
were trying to redeem "349" bearing crowns President
and/or resealable caps with incorrect PEPSI-COLA PRODUCTS PHILS., INC.
security codes "L-2560-FQ" and "L-3560-
FQ." Upon verification from the list of the 25 Despite the foregoing announcement, on 9
pre-selected8 winning three-digit numbers, July 1992, respondent Pagdanganan
petitioners PCPPI and PEPSICO and the DTI demanded from petitioners PCPPI and
learned that the three-digit combination PEPSICO and the DTI the payment of the
"349" was indeed the winning combination corresponding cash prize of each of his
for 26 May 1992 but the security codes "L- "349" bearing crown, specifically, four 7-Up9
2560-FQ" and "L-3560-FQ" do not crowns and two Mirinda10 crowns, each
correspond to that assigned to the winning displaying the cash prize of P1,000,000.00 in
number "349". addition to one 7-Up11 crown showing the
cash prize of P100,000.00. Notably, all seven
Subsequently, petitioners PCPPI and crowns bore the security code L-2560-FQ.
PEPSICO issued a statement stating in part
that: For his part, respondent Lumahan similarly
insisted that petitioners PCPPI and PEPSICO
DEAR VALUED CUSTOMERS pay him the cash value of his two "winning"
crowns, that is, two 7-Up crowns with one
xxx exhibiting the cash value of P1,000,000.00
and the other the amount of P100,000.00.
Some 349 crowns have winning security
codes as per the list held in a bank vault by Petitioners PCPPI and PEPSICO refused to
the Department of Trade and Industry and take heed of the aforementioned demands.
will be redeemed at full value like all other
authenticated winning crowns. Affronted by the seeming injustice,
respondents Pagdanganan and Lumahan
Some other 349 crowns which have security filed a collective complaint12 for Sum of
codes L-2560-FQ and L-3560-FQ are not Money and Damages before the RTC of
winning crowns. Pasig City, Branch 163, against petitioners
However, as an act of goodwill to our
customers, we will redeem the non-winning After trial on the merits, the RTC rendered
349 crowns for P500.00 each until June 12, its decision on 3 August 2000, the
1992 at all Pepsi plants & warehouses. dispositive part of which states that:

xxx WHEREFORE, for failure of the plaintiffs to

establish a cause of action against
defendants, the instant case is hereby was made clear in the advertisements and
DISMISSED. posters put up by defendants that to win,
the 3-digit number must be matched with
The defendants are hereby ordered to pay the proper security code. The Department
plaintiffs Pagdanganan and Lumahan the of Trade and Industry had been duly
amounts of P3,500.00 and P1,000.00, informed of the mechanics of the Pepsi Cola
respectively. sales promotion for the protection of the
interest of the public.
Without costs.
Anent the award of P3,500.00 and
SO ORDERED. P1,000.00 to respondents Pagdanganan and
Lumahan, respectively, the RTC justified
In dismissing the complaint, the RTC such grant, by stating to wit:
ratiocinated that:
x x x since the defendants have voluntarily
The preponderance of evidence now on announced their desire to pay holders of
record does not appear to support the caps or crowns of their products bearing
assertion of the plaintiffs that number 349 non-winning number 349 as a sign of
with security code number L-2560-FQ won goodwill, the Court feels that this privilege
the Pepsico's sales promotion game for May should also be extended to the plaintiffs
26, 1992. While it is true that number 349 despite the institution of the instant case.
was used both as a winning and non-
winning number, still the winning 349 must Their Partial Motion for Reconsideration13
tally with the corresponding security code having been denied in an Order14 dated 23
contained in the master list of winning August 2000, respondents Pagdanganan and
crowns. Lumahan appealed their case to the Court of
In a Decision15 promulgated on 13 February
x x x [a]mong the 349s enumerated in the 2004, the Court of Appeals reversed and set
list of winning crowns (citation omitted) as aside the decision of the RTC, the fallo of
winning numbers were 349 V-2421-JC; 349 which reads:
A-7963-IS; 349 B-4860-IG; 349 C-3984-RP;
349 D-5863-CO; 349 E-3800-EL; 349 U-3501- WHEREFORE, the appeal is hereby
MN (sic) and 349 U-3246-NP. Nowhere to be GRANTED. The decision of the Regional Trial
found were nos. 349 L-2560-FQ and L-3560- Court of Pasig, Branch 163, in Civil Case No.
FQ. This means that it was not possible for 62726 is REVERSED. Defendants-appellants
both defendants to have won during the are hereby ORDERED to pay plaintiffs-
entire extended period of the sales appellants Pepe Pagdanganan the sum of P5
promotion of Pepsi Cola because the million and Pepito Lumahan the sum of P1.2
number did not appear in the master list. It million.
In a Resolution dated 26 April 2005, the AFFIRMATIVE RELIEF WITHOUT HAVING
Court of Appeals denied petitioners PCPPI APPEALED.
and PEPSICO's Motion for Reconsideration.
In essence, the present petition raises as
The Issues fundamental issue for resolution by the
Court the question of whether or not the
Hence, this Petition for Review on Certiorari instant case is already barred by our rulings
under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, as in the cases of Rodrigo,17 Mendoza,18
amended, predicated on the following Patan19 and, the most recent, De Mesa.20
The Court's Ruling
In ordering petitioners PCPPI and PEPSICO
WHETHER OR NOT PETITIONERS ARE to pay respondents Pagdanganan and
ESTOPPED FROM RAISING STARE DECISIS; Lumahan the amounts of P5,000,000.00 and
P1,200,000.00, the appellate court
II. articulated that:

WHETHER OR NOT RODRIGO, MENDOZA, x x x [w]e fully agree with the contention of
PATAN AND DE MESA ARE BINDING plaintiffs-appellants that such deviation or
ALTHOUGH RESPONDENTS WERE NOT additional requirement, that is the winning
PARTIES THEREIN; crown must have a corresponding winning
security code, imposed by PEPSI was a
III. deviation from the rules approved by DTI.


PREVIOUSLY RESOLVED IN RODRIGO, x x x [i]t appeared that the matching
MENDOZA, PATAN OR DE MESA; winning security with code is not an express
requirement in order to win. Taken together
IV. with printed promo mechanics, this means
that one is a winner as long as he has in his
WHETHER OR NOT THE SENATE AND DTI possession the crown with the winning
TASK FORCE REPORTS ARE EVEN RELEVANT, number. The matching winning security
OR CONTROLLING; and code is not required.

V. With the promo mechanics as the guide, it is

undisputable that plaintiffs-appellants are
very well entitled to the cash prizes
indicated on their crowns. To deny their
claim despite their compliance with the facts, and the applicable laws, the issue and
unequivocal requirements of the promotion evidence are exactly the same, (sic) as those
is contrary to the principle of good faith. decided in the cases of Rodrigo, Mendoza
and later the de Mesa x x x".21 They
xxx contend, however, that "a comparison of
the subject cases show that they are not the
It is highly inequitable for PEPSI to impose same nor identical x x x as evident in the
an additional requirement in order to win as different questions of law, the findings of
a way to evade the unusually large number facts and evidence and issues involved in
of 349 winner-claimants. x x x. said cases x x x."22 In fact, respondents
Pagdanganan and Lumahan particularly
Petitioners PCPPI and PEPSICO fault the argue that the basis of their action is Breach
appellate court for disregarding this Court's of Contract while that of the Rodrigo and
pronouncements in four other Pepsi/"349" Mendoza cases involved complaints for
cases i.e., Mendoza, Rodrigo, Patan and De Specific Performance.
Mesa - that the "349" bearing crowns
and/or resealable caps with security codes The petition is meritorious.
L-2560-FQ and L-3560-FQ, like those held by
respondents Pagdanganan and Lumahan, There is no question that the cases of
are non-winning crowns under the terms of Mendoza, Rodrigo, Patan and De Mesa,
the "Number Fever" promo. They reckon including the case at bar, arose from the
that, by virtue of the principle of stare same set of facts concerning the "Number
decisis, the aforementioned cases have Fever" promo debacle of petitioners PCPPI
already settled the issue of whether or not and PEPSICO. Mendoza, Rodrigo, Patan, De
petitioners PCPPI and PEPSICO are liable to Mesa, Pagdanganan and Lumahan are
holders of non-winning "349" bearing among those holding supposedly winning
crowns and/or resealable caps. Simply put, "349" Pepsi/7-Up/Mirinda/Mountain Dew
the principle of stare decisis should have soft drink crowns and/or resealable caps.
been determinative of the outcome of the Said crowns and/or resealable caps were
case at bar. "Rodrigo, Mendoza, Patan and not honored or allowed to be cashed in by
De Mesa cases having ruled on the very petitioners PCPPI and PEPSICO for failing to
same issues raised in the case at bar, they contain the correct security code assigned
constitute binding judicial precedents on to such winning combination. As a result,
how Pepsi/"349" litigations must be the rejected crown and/or resealable cap
disposed of. holders filed separate complaints for specific
performance/ sum of money/ breach of
On the other hand, respondents contract, with damages, all against
Pagdanganan and Lumahan justify the non- petitioners PCPPI and PEPSICO.
application of the principle of stare decisis
by stating that "it is required that the legal A survey of said cases is imperative in order
rights and relations of the parties, and the to determine whether or not the principle of
stare decisis will, indeed, bar the relitigation The function of the security code is not
of the instant case. limited to the determination of whether or
not a crown is tampered with or fake. It also
In 2001, in the case of Mendoza v. Pepsi- serves to authenticate the winning number
Cola Products Phils., Inc. and Pepsico, Inc.,23 combination whether it had the correct
the RTC dismissed the complaint for specific alpha-numeric security code uniquely
performance and damages against herein assigned to each crown as appearing in
petitioners PCPPI and PEPSICO. On appeal24 PEPSI's official list. The campaign posters for
with the Court of Appeals, the latter the promo period February 17, 1992 to May
dismissed the appeal for lack of merit and 10, 1992 as well as for the extension period
affirmed the dismissal of the complaint. It from May 11, 1992 to June 12, 1992
rationalized that: uniformly enumerated three (3) essential
elements of a participating winning crown,
The mechanics for the "Number Fever" to wit: (1) 3-digit winning number; (2) prize
promo, both in the original period and for denomination; and (3) 7-digit alpha-numeric
the extension period, was duly approved by security code. x x x The promo mechanics
the DTI. Television, radio and print stressed that the 3-digit winning number
advertisements for the promo passed combination must have an authenticated
through and were by the DTI. Posters security code, which security code was
explaining the promo mechanics were unique to every crown. Thus, plaintiff-
posted all over the country and warning ads appellant's '349' crown must also be
in newspapers highlighted the importance measured against the essential elements of
of the security code. Plaintiff-appellant a winning participating crown pursuant to
admitted to have read and understood the the promo's mechanics.
mechanics of the promo. His different
interpretation of the security code's xxx
function should not mean that PEPSI was
grossly negligent. The mechanics were clear. Thus, PEPSI's obligation to redeem plaintiff-
A winning number had its own unique, appellant's '349' crown did not arise as his
matching security code which must be crown did not bear the correct security
authenticated by PEPSI against its official code, a condition precedent to winning the
list. The importance of a matching security proffered prize.
code had been adequately emphasized in
the Warning Ads (citation omitted) and in A Petition for Review on Certiorari was then
the new campaign posters (citation omitted) filed with this Court. In a Resolution dated
during the extension period both of which 24 July 2002, we denied Mendoza's Petition
were duly approved by DTI. for Review for failing to show that the Court
of Appeals committed reversible error.25
Similarly, in 2002, in Rodrigo v. Pepsi Cola
Products (Phils.), Inc. and Pepsico, Inc., the
RTC therein dismissed the complaint for genuine from the fake winning crown,
Specific Performance and Damages filed especially considering the conditions
against herein petitioners PCPPI and surrounding their issuance i.e., that as early
PEPSICO. The Court of Appeals then as March 1992, various complaints of
affirmed the dismissal of the complaint, tampered crowns had reached the DTI. This
stating that: construction is bolstered by the subsequent
release of the 'NUMBER FEVER MORE
To resolve the pivotal issue of whether the CHANCES TO WIN' posters during the
appellants are the real winners of the extension period wherein the security code
promo, the various advertisements must be is defined as a 'measure against tampering
read together to give effect to all. From the or faking of crowns' (citation omitted) and in
start of the promotion, Pepsi had the subsequent advertisements which
highlighted the security code as a major warned the consuming public that the
component of each and every crown. In appellee companies would not honor under
subsequent posters, the companies clarified any circumstances any fake or tampered
its role as a measure against tampering or crown. (Citation omitted.)
faking crowns. (sic), and emphasized the
important role of the security code in The inescapable conclusion is that the
identifying and verifying the real winning crowns held by the appellants are not
crown. In its 'Warning Cheaters' posters, the winning crowns. x x x .
third paragraph succinctly provides that:
Undaunted, Rodrigo went to this Court via a
'Thus if a supposed winning crown is Petition for Review on Certiorari but we
presented to us where the security code subsequently denied his petition, in a
does not match the real security code of the Resolution dated 1 October 2001, for failure
winning number as verified with our master to show that a reversible error was
list (known only to authorized personnel of committed by the Court of Appeals, hence
Pepsi and DTI), then we know that the the aforequoted disquisition was affirmed.
Crown is either fake or tampered with.'
(Citation omitted.) Promulgated in 2003, in Pepsi Cola Products
(Phils.) v. Patan, Jr., the RTC therein
Also (sic) the companies published that: dismissed two consolidated complaints for
specific performance and damages against
'Every crown/cap with a winning number herein petitioners PCPPI and PEPSICO for
and Authenticated security wins the amount lack of cause of action. The Court of Appeals
printed on the crown/cap.' (Citation substantially affirmed the findings of the
omitted.) trial court that therein respondents did not
win in the petitioners' "Number Fever"
Given said advertisements, the impression promotional campaign as their crowns were
an ordinary consumer gets is that the not the winning crowns. The appellate
security code distinguishes the 'real' or court, however, awarded therein
respondents P500 each in the interest of in the said cases must be respected. This
justice. When the case came to the Court by Court's hands are now tied by the finality of
means of a Petition for Review on Certiorari, the said judgments. We have no recourse
the finding that the correct security code is but to deny the instant petition.
an indispensable requirement to be entitled
to the cash prize is concerned, was affirmed. The principle of stare decisis et non quieta
The award of P500 though was deleted as it movere (to adhere to precedents and not to
was our stance that the offer of P500 for unsettle things which are established) is well
every non-winning "349" crown had long entrenched in Article 8 of the Civil Code, to
expired on 12 June 1992. wit:26

And, in the 2005 case of De Mesa v. Pepsi ART. 8. Judicial decisions applying or
Cola Products Phils., Inc., the RTC dismissed interpreting the laws or the Constitution
the case under the principle of stare decisis. shall form a part of the legal system of the
It elucidated that the instant case, as well as Philippines.
the 2001 Mendoza case, not only are the
legal rights and relations of the parties With the above provision of law, in tandem
substantially the same as those passed upon with the foregoing judicial pronouncements,
in the 2002 Rodrigo case, but the facts, the it is quite evident that the appellate court
applicable laws, the causes of action, the committed reversible error in failing to take
issues, and the testimonial and heed of our final, and executory decisions -
documentary evidence are identical such those decisions considered to have attained
that a ruling in one case, under the principle the status of judicial precedents in so far as
of stare decisis, is a bar to any attempt to the Pepsi/"349" cases are concerned. For it
relitigate the same issue. Subsequently, De is the better practice that when a court has
Mesa et al., filed a Petition for Review on laid down a principle of law as applicable to
Certiorari before us challenging the a certain state of facts, it will adhere to that
application of the principle of stare decisis principle and apply it to all future cases
to said case. In a Decision promulgated 19 where the facts are substantially the
August 2005, we denied their recourse to same.27 In the case at bar, therefore, we
this court and affirmed the dismissal of the have no alternative but to uphold the ruling
complaint. We held that: that the correct security code is an essential,
nay, critical, requirement in order to
In the instant case, the legal rights and become entitled to the amount printed on a
relations of the parties, the facts, the "349" bearing crown and/or resealable cap.
applicable laws, the causes of action, the
issues, and the evidence are exactly the Likewise, the same principle of judicial
same as those in the decided cases of precedent will prevent respondents
Mendoza and Rodrigo, supra. Hence, Pagdanganan and Lumahan from receiving
nothing is left to be argued. The issue has the amounts of P3,500.00 and P1,000.00,
been settled and this Court's final decision
respectively, as goodwill compensation. As bound to enforce obedience thereto."29
we have stated on the case of Patan: Abandonment thereof must be based only
on strong and compelling reasons,
Neither is the award of P500 to respondent otherwise, the becoming virtue of
Patan, Jr. "in the interest of justice and predictability which is expected from this
equity" warranted. Respondent Patan, jr. Court would be immeasurably affected and
had consistently refused the petitioner's the public's confidence in the stability of the
offer of P500 for his non-winning "349" solemn pronouncements diminished.
crown. Unlike the other holders of the non-
winning "349" crowns, x x x who availed To reiterate, there is naught that is left to be
themselves of the goodwill money offered brought to court. Those things which have
by the petitioner, respondent Patan, Jr. been so often adjudged ought to rest in
rejected the same. peace.30

xxx WHEREFORE, premises considered, the

instant petition is GRANTED. The assailed 13
In this case, the petitioner's offer of P500 for February 2004 Decision and 26 April 2005
every non-winning "349" crown had long Resolution both of the Court of Appeals in
expired on June 12, 1992. The petitioner CA-G.R. CV No. 68290, are hereby REVERSED
cannot now be compelled to pay and SET ASIDE. The Decision of the Regional
respondent Patan, Jr. P500 as a "goodwill Trial Court of Pasig City, Branch 163, in Civil
gesture," since he had already rejected the Case No. 62726 dismissing the complaint for
same. Sum of Money and Damages is REINSTATED.
Further, respondents Pepe B. Pagdanganan
The doctrine of stare decisis embodies the and Pepito A. Lumahan, are not entitled to
legal maxim that a principle or rule of law the award of P3,500.00 and P1,000.00,
which has been established by the decision respectively, as goodwill compensation.
of a court of controlling jurisdiction will be
followed in other cases involving a similar SO ORDERED.
situation. It is founded on the necessity for
securing certainty and stability in the law
and does not require identity of or privity of THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH,
parties.28 This is unmistakable from the REPRESENTED BY SECRETARY ENRIQUE T.
wordings of Article 8 of the Civil Code. It is ONA, AND THE FOOD AND DRUG
even said that such decisions "assume the ADMINISTRATION (FORMERLY THE
same authority as the statute itself and, BUREAU OF FOOD AND DRUGS),
until authoritatively abandoned, necessarily REPRESENTED BY ASSISTANT SECRETARY
become, to the extent that they are OF HEALTH NICOLAS B. LUTERO III,
applicable, the criteria which must control OFFICER-IN-CHARGE, Petitioners, v. PHILIP
the actuations not only of those called upon MORRIS PHILIPPINES MANUFACTURING,
to decide thereby but also of those in duty INC., Respondent.
activities in the country. On January 8, 2009,
DECISION PCN requested8 the BFAD to formally place
on record the lack of any formal action on
PERLAS-BERNABE, J.: its Gear Up Promo application.9

Assailed in this petition for review on Meanwhile, on November 28, 2008, PMPMI,
certiorari1 are the Decision2 dated August through another advertising agency, Arc
26, 2011 and the Resolution3 dated August Worldwide Philippines Co. (AWPC), filed
3, 2012 rendered by the Court of Appeals another application for a sales promotional
(CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 109493, finding grave permit, this time for its Golden Stick
abuse of discretion on the part of Promotional Activity (Golden Stick Promo)
petitioners the Department of Health (DOH) which the BFAD, however, refused outright,
and the Food and Drug Administration pursuant to a directive of the BFAD Director
(FDA), then known as the Bureau of Food that all permit applications for promotional
and Drugs (BFAD), for denying respondent activities of tobacco companies will no
Philip Morris Philippines Manufacturing, longer be accepted. Despite inquiries, the
Inc.’s (PMPMI) permit applications for its BFAD merely advised AWPC to await the
tobacco sales promotions. formal written notice regarding its

The Facts Eventually, in a letter11 dated January 5,

2009, the BFAD, through Director IV Leticia
On November 19, 2008, PMPMI, through Barbara B. Gutierrez, M.S. (Dir. Gutierrez),
the advertising agency PCN Promopro, Inc. denied PMPMI’s Gear Up Promo application
(PCN), by virtue of Article 1164 of Republic in accordance with the instructions of the
Act No. (RA) 73945 or the “Consumer Act of Undersecretary of Health for Standards and
the Philippines,” applied for a sales Regulations, directing that as of July 1, 2008,
promotion permit before the BFAD, now the “all promotions, advertisements and/or
FDA, for its Gear Up Promotional Activity sponsorships of tobacco products are
(Gear Up Promo).6 The application included already prohibited,” based on the provisions
the mechanics for the promotional activity, of RA 921112 or the “Tobacco Regulation
as well as relevant materials and fees.7 Act of 2003.”13

With more than fifteen (15) days lapsing On January 19, 2009, PMPMI filed an
without the BFAD formally acting upon the administrative appeal14 before the DOH
application, PMPMI then inquired about its Secretary, assailing the BFAD’s denial of its
status. However, PMPMI was only verbally Gear Up Promo application, as well as its
informed of the existence of a refusal to accept the Golden Stick Promo
Memorandum issued by the DOH application. In its appeal, PMPMI
purportedly prohibiting tobacco companies maintained that under RA 9211, promotion
from conducting any tobacco promotional is not prohibited but merely restricted, and
that while there are specific provisions tobacco advertisements, promotions, and
therein totally banning tobacco advertising sponsorships, as promotion is inherent in
and sponsorships, no similar provision could both advertising and sponsorship. As such, if
be found banning promotion.15 It likewise RA 9211 completely prohibited
averred that it had acquired a vested right advertisements and sponsorships, then it is
over the granting of its sales promotional clear that promotion, which is necessarily
permit applications, considering that the included in both activities, is likewise
BFAD has been granting such applications prohibited, explaining further that the
prior to January 5, 2009. Finally, it insisted provisions of RA 9211 should not be
that the denial of its promotional permit interpreted in a way as would render them
applications was tantamount to a violation ridiculous or meaningless.20
of its right to due process as well as their
right to property.16 Lastly, the DOH cited the Philippines’
obligation to observe the provisions of the
The DOH Ruling Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
(FCTC), an international treaty, which has
In a Consolidated Decision17 dated April 30, been duly ratified and adopted by the
2009, then DOH Secretary Francisco T. country on June 6, 2005.21
Duque III (Sec. Duque) denied PMPMI’s
appeal, as well as all other similar actions Aggrieved, PMPMI elevated the matter to
filed by other tobacco companies and the CA via petition for certiorari and
thereby affirmed the action of the BFAD mandamus,22 docketed as CA G.R. SP No.
denying their sales promotional permit 109493, ascribing grave abuse of discretion
applications, pursuant to the provisions of upon the DOH in refusing to grant its sales
RA 9211.18 promotional permit applications,
maintaining, inter alia, that RA 9211 still
In denying PMPMI’s and other tobacco allows promotion activities notwithstanding
companies’ promotional applications, the the phase-out of advertising and
DOH ruled that the issuance of permits for sponsorship activities after July 1, 2008.
sales promotional activities was never a
ministerial duty of the BFAD; rather, it was a The CA Ruling
discretionary power to be exercised within
the confines of the law. Moreover, previous In a Decision23 dated August 26, 2011, the
approvals of sales promotional permit CA granted the petition and nullified the
applications made by the BFAD did not Consolidated Decision of the DOH upon a
create a vested right on the part of the finding that the provisions of RA 9211 were
tobacco companies to have all applications clear when it distinguished promotion from
approved.19 advertising and sponsorship, so much so
that while the latter two (2) activities were
The DOH likewise ruled that the intent and completely banned as of July 1, 2008, the
purpose of RA 9211 was to completely ban same does not hold true with regard to
promotion, which was only restricted. The authority given to the IAC-Tobacco to
CA held that the DOH cannot exercise carte administer and implement the provisions of
blanche authority to deny PMPMI’s RA 9211, which includes regulation of
promotional permit applications, adding tobacco promotions.27
that “[w]hen the law is clear and free from
any doubt or ambiguity, there is no room for Dissatisfied, the DOH, through the Office of
construction or interpretation, only for the Solicitor General (OSG), moved for the
application.”24 reconsideration28 of the said Decision,
which the CA denied in a Resolution29
Furthermore, it ruled that the DOH is bereft dated August 3, 2012, hence, this petition.
of any authority to enforce the provisions of
RA 9211, in view of the creation of the Inter- The Issues Before the Court
Agency Committee–Tobacco (IAC-Tobacco)
under Section 29 of the said law, which shall The essential issues to be resolved are: (a)
have the “exclusive power and function to whether or not the CA erred in finding that
administer and implement the provisions of the authority of the DOH, through the BFAD,
[RA 9211] x x x.”25 Thus, even though to regulate tobacco sales promotions under
PMPMI originally applied for sales Article 116 in relation to Article 109 of RA
promotional permits under Article 116 in 7394 had already been impliedly repealed
relation to Article 109 of RA 7394, from by RA 9211, which created the IAC-Tobacco
which the DOH derives its authority to and granted upon it the exclusive authority
regulate tobacco sales promotions, the said to administer and implement the provisions
provision has already been repealed by thereof; and (b) whether or not the CA erred
Section 39 of RA 9211,26 which states: in ascribing grave abuse of discretion upon
the DOH when the latter held that RA 9211
Section 39. Repealing Clause. – DOH has also completely prohibited tobacco
Administrative Orders No. 10[,] s. 1993 and promotions as of July 1, 2008.
No. 24[,] s. 2003 are hereby repealed.
Article 94 of Republic Act No. 7394, as The Court’s Ruling
amended, otherwise known as the
Consumer Act of the Philippines, is hereby The petition is bereft of merit.
At the core of the present controversy are
All other laws, decrees, ordinances, the pertinent provisions of RA 7394, i.e.,
administrative orders, rules and regulations, Article 116 in relation to Article 109, to wit:
or any part thereof, which are inconsistent
with this Act are likewise repealed or Article 116. Permit to Conduct Promotion. –
amended accordingly. No person shall conduct any sales
campaigns, including beauty contest,
Hence, the CA ruled that the DOH national in character, sponsored and
wrongfully arrogated unto itself the promoted by manufacturing enterprises
without first securing a permit from the (DOH) as Vice Chairperson. The IAC-Tobacco
concerned department at least thirty (30) shall have the following as members:
calendar days prior to the commencement Secretary of the Department of Agriculture
thereof. Unless an objection or denial is (DA);
received within fifteen (15) days from filing Secretary of the Department of Justice
of the application, the same shall be (DOJ);
deemed approved and the promotion Secretary of the Department of Finance
campaign or activity may be conducted: (DOF);
Provided, That any sales promotion Secretary of the Department of
campaign using medical prescriptions or any Environment and Natural Resources (DENR);
part thereof or attachment thereto for Secretary of the Department of Science and
raffles or a promise of reward shall not be Technology (DOST);
allowed, nor a permit be issued therefor. Secretary of the Department of Education
(Emphasis supplied) (DepEd);
Administrator of the National Tobacco
Article 109. Implementing Agency. – The Administration (NTA);
Department of Trade and Industry shall A representative from the Tobacco Industry
enforce the provisions of this Chapter and to be nominated by the legitimate and
its implementing rules and regulations: recognized associations of the industry; and
Provided, That with respect to food, drugs, A representative from a nongovernment
cosmetics, devices, and hazardous organization (NGO) involved in public health
substances, it shall be enforced by the promotion nominated by DOH in
Department of Health. (Emphasis and consultation with the concerned NGOs[.]
underscoring supplied) The Department Secretaries may designate
their Undersecretaries as their authorized
The DOH derives its authority to rule upon representative to the IAC. (Emphasis and
applications for sales promotion permits underscoring supplied)
from the above-cited provisions. On the
other hand, Section 29 of RA 9211 creating It is the CA’s pronouncement that the
the IAC-Tobacco provides: creation of the IAC-Tobacco effectively and
impliedly repealed30 the above-quoted
Section 29. Implementing Agency. – An provisions of RA 7394, thereby removing the
Inter-Agency Committee-Tobacco (IAC- authority of the DOH to rule upon
Tobacco), which shall have the exclusive applications for sales promotional permits
power and function to administer and filed by tobacco companies such as those
implement the provisions of this Act, is filed by PMPMI subject of this case.
hereby created. The IAC-Tobacco shall be
chaired by the Secretary of the Department On the other hand, while the DOH and the
of Trade and Industry (DTI) with the BFAD concede that the creation of the IAC-
Secretary of the Department of Health Tobacco expressly grants upon the IAC-
Tobacco the exclusive power and function to
administer and implement its provisions, prizes, in cash or in kind, as reward for the
they nevertheless maintain that RA 9211 did purchase of a product, security, service or
not remove their authority under RA 7394 winning in contest, game, tournament and
to regulate tobacco sales promotions.31 other similar competitions which involve
They point out that this much can be determination of winner/s and which utilize
deduced from the lack of provisions in RA mass media or other widespread media of
9211 and its implementing rules laying information. It also means techniques purely
down the procedure for the processing of intended to increase the sales, patronage
applications for tobacco sales promotions and/or goodwill of a product. (Emphases
permit.32 As such, the DOH, through the and underscoring supplied)
BFAD, retains the authority to rule on
PMPMI’s promotional permit applications. Identifying its Gear Up Promo and Golden
Stick Promo to be activities that fall under
The Court agrees with the CA. sales promotion as contemplated in the said
provision, PMPMI filed its permit
After a meticulous examination of the applications under Article 116 of RA 7394
above-quoted pertinent provisions of RA before the BFAD.
7394 and RA 9211, the Court finds that the
latter law impliedly repealed the relevant Meanwhile, Section 4 (l) of RA 9211 defines
provisions of the former with respect to the “promotion” as follows:
authority of the DOH to regulate tobacco
sales promotions. Section 4. Definition of Terms. – As used in
this Act:
At this point, the Court notes that both laws
separately treat “promotion” as one of the xxxx
activities related to tobacco: RA 7394
defines “sales promotion” under Article 4 l. “Promotion” – refers to an event or
(bm), while RA 9211 speaks of “promotion” activity organized by or on behalf of a
or “tobacco promotion” under Section 4 (l). tobacco manufacturer, distributor or retailer
with the aim of promoting a brand of
“Sales promotion” is defined in Article 4 tobacco product, which event or activity
(bm) of RA 7394, to wit: would not occur but for the support given to
it by or on behalf of the tobacco
Article 4. Definition of Terms. – For purposes manufacturer, distributor or retailer. It may
of this Act, the term: also refer to the display of a tobacco
product or manufacturer’s name,
xxxx trademark, logo, etc. on non-tobacco
products. This includes the paid use of
bm) “Sales Promotion” means techniques tobacco products bearing the brand names,
intended for broad consumer participation trademarks, logos, etc. in movies, television
which contain promises of gain such as and other forms of entertainment. For the
purpose of this Act, promotion shall be coupons, freebies, point-of-purchase
understood as tobacco promotion[.] displays, premiums, raffle prizes, product
(Emphases and underscoring supplied) samples, sweepstakes, and rebates.35

As adverted to elsewhere, the IAC-Tobacco On the other hand, “promotion” is a term

shall have the exclusive power and function frequently used in marketing which pertains
to administer and implement the provisions to “raising customer awareness of a product
of RA 9211, which includes the conduct of or brand, generating sales, and creating
regulating promotion. brand loyalty”36 which utilize the following
subcategories: personal selling, advertising,
The Court has judiciously scrutinized the sales promotion, direct marketing, and
above definitions and finds that there is no publicity.37 The three basic objectives of
substantial difference between the activities promotion are: (1) to present information to
that would fall under the purview of “sales consumers as well as others; (2) to increase
promotion” in RA 7394, as well as those demand; and (3) to differentiate a
under “promotion” in RA 9211, as would product.38 “Promotion” can be done
warrant a delineation in the authority to through various methods, e.g., internet
regulate its conduct. In fact, the techniques, advertisements, special events,
activities, and methods mentioned in the endorsements, incentives in the purchase of
definition of “sales promotion” can be a product like discounts (i.e., coupons), free
subsumed under the more comprehensive items, or contests.39
and broad scope of “promotion.”
Consequently, if “sales promotion” is
In order to fully understand the depth and considered as one of the subcategories of
scope of these marketing activities, the “promotion,” it is clear, therefore, that
Court finds it necessary to go beyond the “promotion” necessarily incorporates the
ambit of the definitions provided in our activities that fall under “sales promotion.”
laws. Considering that the common and
fundamental purpose of these marketing
Outside RA 7394, “sales promotion” refers strategies is to raise customer awareness in
to activities which make use of “media and order to increase consumer demand or
non-media marketing communication for a sales, drawing a demarcation line between
pre-determined, limited time to increase “promotion” and “sales promotion” as two
consumer demand, stimulate market distinct and separate activities would be
demand or improve product availability,”33 unnecessarily stretching their meanings and,
“to provide added value or incentives to accordingly, sow more confusion. Moreover,
consumers, wholesalers, retailers, or other the techniques, methods, and devices
organizational customers to stimulate through which “sales promotion” are usually
immediate sales” and “product interest, accomplished can likewise be considered as
trial, or purchase.” 34 Examples of devices activities relating to “promotion,” like raffle
used in “sales promotion” are contests, contests, which necessarily require prizes
and drawing of winners, discounts, and 9211, the DOH and the BFAD have been
freebies. effectively and impliedly divested of any
authority to act upon applications for
Concomitantly, while the Court tobacco sales promotional permit, including
acknowledges the attempt of the PMPMI’s.
Department of Justice (DOJ), through its DOJ
Opinion No. 29, series of 2004,40 (DOJ Finally, it must be stressed that RA 9211 is a
Opinion) to reconcile and harmonize the special legislation which exclusively deals
apparently conflicting provisions of RA 7394 with the subject of tobacco products and
and RA 9211 in this respect, to the Court’s related activities. On the other hand, RA
mind, it is more logical to conclude that 7394 is broader and more general in scope,
“sales promotion” and “promotion” are and treats of the general welfare and
actually one and the same. The DOJ, in fact, interests of consumers vis-à-vis proper
referred41 to “product promotion” in RA conduct for business and industry. As such,
9211 as “promotion per se” which, lex specialis derogat generali. General
therefore, can be taken to mean an all- legislation must give way to special
encompassing activity or marketing strategy legislation on the same subject, and
which may reasonably and logically include generally is so interpreted as to embrace
“sales promotion.” Besides, the DOJ Opinion only cases in which the special provisions
is merely persuasive and not necessarily are not applicable. In other words, where
controlling.42 two statutes are of equal theoretical
application to a particular case, the one
Furthermore, the declared policy of RA 9211 specially designed therefore should
where “promotion” is defined includes the prevail.44
institution of “a balanced policy whereby
the use, sale and advertisements of tobacco In fine, the Court agrees with the CA that it
products shall be regulated in order to is the IAC-Tobacco and not the DOH which
promote a healthful environment and has the primary jurisdiction to regulate sales
protect the citizens from the hazards of promotion activities as explained in the
tobacco smoke x x x.”43 Hence, if the IAC- foregoing discussion. As such, the DOH’s
Tobacco was created and expressly given ruling, including its construction of RA 9211
the exclusive authority to implement the (i.e., that it completely banned tobacco
provisions of RA 9211 in accordance with advertisements, promotions, and
the foregoing State policy, it signifies that it sponsorships, as promotion is inherent in
shall also take charge of the regulation of both advertising and sponsorship), are
the use, sale, distribution, and declared null and void, which, as a necessary
advertisements of tobacco products, as well consequence, precludes the Court from
as all forms of “promotion” which further delving on the same. As it stands,
essentially includes “sales promotion.” the present applications filed by PMPMI are
Therefore, with this regulatory power thus remanded to the IAC-Tobacco for its
conferred upon the IAC-Tobacco by RA appropriate action. Notably, in the proper
exercise of its rule-making authority,
nothing precludes the IAC-Tobacco from
designating any of its pilot agencies (which,
for instance, may even be the DOH45) to
perform its multifarious functions under RA

WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The

Decision dated August 26, 2011 and the
Resolution dated August 3, 2012 of the
Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 109493
are hereby AFFIRMED with the
MODIFICATION in that the present permit
applications filed by respondent Philip
Morris Philippines Manufacturing, Inc. for its
tobacco sales promotions are hereby
REMANDED to the Inter-Agency Committee-
Tobacco for appropriate action.



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