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Task 1: Are any of our ideas mentioned in the text below?

Are you thinking of

visiting another country?
Then you should read these helpful tips!

1.) Your passport must be up-to-date. You cannot travel without a passport.

2.) You should know the laws of the country that you are visiting. You mustn’t break
the laws of the country that you are visiting.

3.) You can get money from your bank quite easily in most countries now. Still, you
should take some money with you, just in case.

Task 2:

Below are some of the words from the text we read. Fill out the gaps:

1.) The rules of a country that must not be ____________ are called laws.

2.) It is quite ___________ to get money out from your bank now, even if you are in
another ____________.

3.) To travel, you need an _______________ passport.

Book: Publisher:
Author(s): Thomas Wolstenholme Year:
Are you thinking of visiting another country?
Then you should read these helpful tips!

1.) Your passport must be up-to-date. You cannot travel without a passport.

2.) You should know the laws of the country that you are visiting. You mustn’t break
the laws of the country that you are visiting.

3.) You can get money from your bank quite easily in most countries now. Still, you
should take some money with you, just in case.

Task 3: The text mentions some things that you have to do and some things that you
don’t have to do. Where would you put the following five things on the scale below?

a) Travel with a passport.

b) Follow the laws of the country that you are visiting.

c) Have an up-to-date passport.

d) Take money with you.

e) Know the laws of the country that you are visiting.

1 – Things you don’t have to do. 5 – Things you have to do.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Book: Publisher:
Author(s): Thomas Wolstenholme Year:

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