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The Impact of Jollibee Short Films Towards Competitive Fast Food Chain

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

Related Literature
Advertisement is a form of communication intended to pursuade audiences, to purchase
a product so they can get more customer’s attention. Some advertisements use well known
people to catch the consumer’s attention to buy their product. They usally hire someone who is
really famous to sell the product. So advertisement really help a product or brand to be known
by everyone.

According to Cat Triviño (2016), Jollibees brand PR and engagement manager. Jollibee and
it's creative agency. Mccann World Philipppines, have been reaping various awards that
recognize the creative and social impact of Jollibee's online videos.

According to Longman (2000) say's "advertising is an act of telling people publicly about a
product or service in order to persuade them to buy it." A long (2001) feels that advertising can
be defined as any paid from of non-personal communication which is directed to the consumers
or target audiences through various media in order to prevent and promote product, services
and idea.

According to Young (2005) stated that in an effort to improve managing and gain audience
attention, advertisers create branding moment that will resonate with target markets, and
motivate audiences to purchase the advertised product or service, advertisers copy test their
advertisement before releasing to the public.

According to Taining, 2012, “the relationship between social media and consumer
decision-making present that social media affects advertising attitudes, brand attitudes, and
purchasing intentions of consumer". It will not necessarily affect their decision-making, but
might possess a mediating effect. Social media will build brand attitudes that can affect the
buying behavior of the consumers, also the good image of brand or product will lead to make
decision on their purchases.

In accordance, Yang (2012) advertising in social media that is provided by commercial

sources affect both consumer brand attitudes and purchasing intention. With it helps marketers
plan their marketing strategies. Many marketers use social media for marketing campaigns. It is
the easy way to communicate with consumers; also it is inexpensive to advertise their brands or
An article from The Philippine dated August 7, 2012, by Louella D. Desiderio entitled
“Businesses urged to use Internet to push products.” It shows that business are advised to use
the internet for promoting their products and services as more consumers are going online to
research before making purchases. Companies should consider online advertisements for
products and services the offer as more and more people are using the Internet to research
goods as they plan to buy before making purchase.

Related Studies
A research study conducted by Jean Louisse Villanueva Concha and Jossa Kristine Cruz Soler
from University of the Philippines Diliman on April 2012 entitled "The Rise of Online
Adevertising and It's Impact on the Future of the Philippine Newspaper." The researchers
conclude that online activity has reached an extraordinary rise owing to the popularity of social
networking sites and the easier accessibility to computers and the internet for more people. As
such, and with more methods of interactive and efficient advertising available online.

Taylor and Valrie (2003) studied about the working capacity of children’s brain about the
advertisements they wach. They explain about how the children would react about an advertisement so
they focus about the respond of the children to a television advertisement. Their research also proved if
the child was raised in a high, consumer-teaching orientation family group the child will be able to bring
his television experiences. Also this research validates that children have their own ability o develop
their understanding.

Aiyadurai, K (2000) examines advertisement as art and science from the point of view of
the advertiser. The objective of any advertisement is to reach the people with the right sense at
the right time. Hence the advertisers take much effort in creating and presenting advertisement
to the public. The impact of the advertisement on the viewer leads to cultural and social
revolution. Continuous advertisement for the same product influence a change in consumption
pattern of the individual and thus effects a change in the life style of society. This leads to the
behavioural change in society in total.

Samudhrarajakumar C. & C. Madhavi (2000) concluded that the effectiveness of an

advertisement placed in the internet can be easily measured. By simply incorporating an
introductory discount coupon, the responses of the browsers can be measured even
immediately after placing the advertisement. This helps the marketers to reformulate their
advertising strategies in tune with market expectations.

Chattopadhyay (2011) studied how advertising message strategy leaves a significant impact
on consume's cognitive processing of advertisements. There exists significant interaction
between advertising appeals and advertising execution styles on the attention, comprehension,
retention, attitude and purchase motivation of consumers from all demographic segments,
differentiated by age and sex. The research further explored the advertising message preference
of the consumers differentiated by age.

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