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1. A disc spinning on its axis at 20 rad/s will undergo precession when a torque 100N-m is applied about an axis
normal to it at an angular speed, if mass moment of intertia of the disc is the 1kg-m2. [ ]
a. 2 rad/s b.5 rad/s c.10 rad/s d.20 rad/s

2. The engine of an airplane rotates in closckwise direction when seen from the tail end and the airplane takes a
turn to the left. The effect of the gyroscopic couple on the airplane will be [ ]
a. to raise the nose b. to dip the nose
c. to raise the nose and tail d. to dip the nose and tail

3. The air screw of an aeroplane is rotating clockwise when looking form the front.If it makes a left turn the
gyroscopic effect will be [ ]
a. tend to depress the nose b. tend to raise the nose
c. tilt the aero plane d. none

4. When the pitching of a ship is upward the effect of gyroscopic couple acting on it will be [ ]
a. to move the ship towards port side
b. to move the ship towards starboard
c. to raise the bow and lower the stern
d. to raise the stern and lower the bow

5. If an automobile makes a left turn when viewed from front the gyroscopic torque [ ]
a. increases the forces on the outer wheels
b. decreases the forces on the outer wheels
c. does not effect the forces on the outer wheels d. none.

6. A motor car moving at a certain speed takes a left turn in a curved path, if the engine rotates in the same
direction as that of wheels then due to the centrifugal forces the reaction on _____wheels increases and on
the ________ wheels decreases. [ ]
a. inner, outer b. outer, inner c. front, rear d. rear, front

7. The ratio of the maximum fluctuation of speed to the mean speed is called [ ]
a. fluctuation of speed b. maximum fluctuation of speed
c. coefficient of fluctuation of speed d. none

8. the gyroscopic acceleration is given by [ ]

𝛿𝜔 𝛿𝜃 𝛿𝜃 𝛿𝜔
a. b. 𝜔 c. 𝑟 d. 𝑟
𝛿𝑡 𝛿𝑡 𝛿𝑡 𝛿𝑡

9. if the lines of action of three or more forces intersect at a point, it is known as the ---------- point [ ]
a. equilibrium b. central c. zero d. concurrency
10. in dynamically equivalent system, a uniformly distributed mass is divided into ------ point masses[ ]
a. two b. three c. four d. five
11. the efficiency of a screw jack depends on [ ]
a. pitch of threads b. load c. both pitch and load d. neither pitch nor load
12. the efficiency of a screw jack increases with [ ]
a. decreases in load b. increase in load c. decrease in pitch d. increase in pitch
13. the efficiency of a screw jack is maximum when [ ]
∅ ∅ ∅ ∅
a. 𝛼 = 45° − b. 𝛼 = 45° + c. 𝛼 = 45° − d. 𝛼 = 45° +
4 4 2 2
14. Frictional force acts [ ]
a. perpendicular to the contact surface b. parallel to contact surfaces
c. at an angle 600 to the surface d. at an angle 300 to the surface

15. Static friction always -------- kinetic friction [ ]

a. less than b. greater than c. equal d. none of these

16. If helix angle of screw is less than the angle of friction, then the screw is ---------- [ ]
a. self locking b. over-hauling c. none of these

17. The co-efficient of friction not depending on the following [ ]

a. nature of contact b. type of material c. area of contact d. none of these
18. The angle of inclined plane at which the body on it about to start the motion is----- [ ]
a. angle of friction b. angle of repose c. cone of friction d. none of these

19. If the angle of inclined plane is greater than the angle of friction, then the body ----- [ ]
a. will slide on plane b. does not move c. impend the motion d. none of these

20. for flat and conical pivots, ratio of friction torque with uniform wear to friction torque with uniform
pressure is----- [ ]
a. 2/3 b. 3/2 c. 4/3 d. 3/4
21. No force is required for downward motion of a load on a screw jack if---------- [ ]
a. α < φ b. α > φ c. α >2φ d. α < 2φ
22. The maximum efficiency of a screw jack is given by [ ]
1−𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜙 1+𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜙 1−𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜙 1+𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜙
a. 𝜂 = b. 𝜂 = c. 𝜂 = d. 𝜂 =
1+𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜙 1−𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜙 1+𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜙 1−𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜙

23. Mechanical advantage of a screw jack is the ratio of ------------- and ----------------- [ ]
a. effort ,load b. load, effort c. load, torque d. none

24. The axial distance advanced by a screw for one revolution is called------------ [ ]
a. pitch b. lead c. helix d. effort

25. For a triple hand thread, the lead is equal to----- [ ]

a. pitch(p) b. 2p c. 3p 4. 4p

26. Number of friction surfaces in a single plate clutch is--------------------- [ ]

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

27. In a multi plate clutch, the number of active friction surfaces if n is total number of plates [ ]
a. n b. 2n c. n-1 d. 2n-1

28. Gyroscopic couple is given by [ ]

a. Iwwp b. Iw2wp c. Iwwp 2 d. none

29. Efficiency of a screw jack is the ratio of ------------------- and ----------------------- [ ]

a. mechanical advantage( M.A), velocity ratio(V.R) b. V.R, M.A c. none

30. If two forces are parallel, equal, opposite and in straight line, they are in equilibrium TRUE/FALSE

31. Pivots are provided at any position of the shaft to take axial thrust TRUE/ FALSE

32. Uniform Wear Theory is a imperfect theory in the analysis of pivots TRUE/FALSE

33. In Clutches, Generally Uniform Pressure Theory is Followed TRUE/FALSE

34. The frictional torque in case of flat pivot is greater than that of conical pivot TRUE/FALSE

35. Flywheel maintains the speed constant in one revolution TRUE/FALSE

36. Area under turning moment diagram gives work done /cycle TRUE/FALSE

37. Maximum fluctuation of energy is i.e. ΔE = Iω(ω1 – ω2) = I ω2 cs TRUE/FALSE

38. Screw jack must be a self locking screw TRUE/FALSE

39. The force exerted by connecting rod in the direction perpendicular to the crank is crank effort TRUE/FALSE

40. The Material Used For Friction Lining in Clutches is Ferrodo TRUE/FALSE

41. Which of the following brakes is commonly used in motor cars [ ]

a. band brake b. shoe brake c. band and block brake d. internal expanding brake
42. Brakes commonly used in trains are--------------------brakes [ ]
a. band b. shoe c. band and block d. internal expanding brakes
43. In a self locking brake, the force required to apply the brake is ------------------ [ ]
a. minimum b. zero c. maximum d. none
44. When the frictional force helps the applied force in applying the brake, the brake is [ ]
a. self locking b. automatic c. self energizing d. none of the above
45. In an internal expanding shoe brake, more than 50% of braking torque is applied by [ ]
a. leading edge b. trailing edge c. both d. none of these
46. Brakes are effective if they applied to --------------------- wheels of an automobile
[ ] a. front b. rear c. both d. none of the above
47. The ratio of tensions on the tight and slack sides in a band and block brake is [ ]
𝑇𝑛 1−µ𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜃 𝑛 𝑇𝑛 1−µ𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜃 2𝑛 𝑇𝑛 1+µ𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜃 𝑛 𝑇𝑛 1−µ𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜃 1/𝑛
a. =( ) b. =( ) c. =( ) d. =( )
𝑇𝑜 1+µ𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜃 𝑇𝑜 1+µ𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜃 𝑇𝑜 1−µ𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜃 𝑇𝑜 1+µ𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜃


1. A trolley car of total weight 3000N runs on rails of 1.5m gauge and travels a curve 30m radius at
8.7 m/s. The rails are being at the same level. The car has four wheels of 72cm diameter and each
of the two axles is driven by a motor running in a opposite direction to the wheels at a speed of 5
times the speed of rotation of vehicle. Each axle with gear and wheels has a Moment of inertia
147kg m2. Each motor with the shaft and gear pinion has a Moment of inertia 10.5kg m 2. Has
centre of gravity 90 cm above the rail level. Allowing the centrifugal and gyroscopic action,
determine the vertical force exerted by each wheel on the rails.

2. What is the friction axis of a link? For a link having pin joints at its ends, there can be four friction
axes. Explain how the right friction axis out of the four axes can be determined.

3 (a) Explain the following terms used in connection with the movement of a Natural ship:
i. Bow
ii. Stern
iii. Starboard
iv. Port
v. Steering
vi. Pitching and
vii. Rolling.
(b) The turbine rotor of a ship has a mass of 20 tones and a radius of gyration of 0.75m.Its speed
is 2000 rpm. The ship pitches 60 above and below the horizontal position. One complete oscillation
takes 18 seconds and the motion is simple harmonic. Determine.
(a) The maximum angular acceleration of the ship during pitching and
(b) The direction in which the bow will tend to turn while rising, if the rotation of the rotor
is clockwise when looking from rear.
5. The turbine rotor of a ship has a mass of 20 tones and a radius of gyration of 0.75m.Its speed is
2000 rpm. The ship pitches 60 above and below the horizontal position. One complete oscillation
takes 18 seconds and the motion is simple harmonic. Determine.
(a) The maximum angular acceleration of the ship during pitching and
(b) The direction in which the bow will tend to turn while rising, if the rotation of the
rotor is clockwise when looking from rear.
6 (a) Derive an expression for gyroscopic couple.
(b) An aero plane makes a complete half circle of 60m radius, to the left when flying at 200 Kmph. The
rotary engine and the propeller of the aero plane weigh 4000N with a radius of gyration 30 cm the
engine runs at 2500rpm CW, when viewed from rear. Find the gyroscopic couple on the aircraft and
state its effect on it. Show gyroscopic effect by a sketch.
7. Each road wheel of a motor cycle has a mass moment of inertia of 1.5 kg-m2. The rotation parts of
the engine of the motorcycle have a mass moment of inertia of 0.25 kg-m2.The speed of the
engine is 5 times the speed of the wheels and is in the same sense. The mass of the motor cycle is
traveling at 10 km/h and its center of gravity is 0.6 m above the ground level. Find the angle of
heel if the cycle with its rideris 250 kg and is taking a turn of 5m radius. The wheel diameter is

8. (a) Derive the expression for the torque required to lift the load by a screw jack.
(b) The pitch of 50 mm mean diameter threaded screw of screw jack is 12.5 mm. The coefficient of friction
between the screw and the nut is 0.13. Determine the torque required on the screw to raise a load of 25kN,
assuming the load to rotate with the screw. Determine the ratio of the torque required to raise the load to the
torque required to lower the load and also the efficiency of the machine.

9. (a) What do you mean by friction circle? Explain.

(b) A load of 10kN is raised by means of a screw jack, having a screw threaded screw of 12mm pitch and of
diameter 50mm. If a force of 100 N is applied at the end of a lever to raise the load, what should be the given
length of the lever used? Take coefficient of friction =0.15. What should be the mechanical advantage
obtained? State whether the screw is self locking.

10. (a) Which of the two assumptions uniform intensity of pressure or uniform rate of wear, would you make use
in design friction clutch and why?
(b) Derive from first principles an expression for the friction movement of a truncated conical pivot assuming.
i. Uniform pressure and
ii. Uniform wear.

11. (a) Explain the terms: i. Limiting angle of friction and ii. Angle of repose.
(b) Derive from first principles an expression for the friction moment of a flat collar assuming
i) Uniform pressure & ii) Uniform wear.

12. A shaft carrying a load of 12 tonnes and running at 120rpm has a number of collars integral with its shaft
diameter is 240mm and the external diameter of the collars is 360mm. Intensity of uniform pressure is
400KN/m2 and the coefficient of friction is 0.06. Determine the power absorbed in overcoming the friction and
the number of collars required.

13. (a) State the laws of dry friction.

(b) A screw jack is used to raise a load of 50kN. The pitch of single start square threads used for the screw is
24mm. The mean diameter is 72mm. determine the force to be applied at the end of 1.2m long handle when
the load is lifted with constant velocity and rotate with the spindle. Take coefficient of friction =0.2. Also find
the mechanical efficiency of the jack.

14. (a) What is the friction axis of a link? For a link having pin joints at its ends, there can be four friction axes.
Explain how the right friction axis out of the four axes can be determined.
(b) Find the power lost in friction assuming i. uniform pressure and
ii. uniform wear when a vertical shaft of 100 mm diameter rotating at 150 r.p.m. rests on a flat end foot step
bearing. The coefficient of friction is equal to 0.05 and the shaft carries a vertical load of 15kN.

15. (a) Derive the equation K = e/2E where K=Coefficient of fluctuation of speed, explain maximum
Fluctuation of energy and Kinetic energy.
(b) Two Isosceles Triangles represent the turning moment diagram of an engine, the base of the two
triangles being 0 to π and π to 2 π the maximum torque being 1000 N-m. The engine runs at 500rpm. The
fluctuation of speed is not to exceed ±1.5%. Find the thickness of disc type flywheel required if diameter
is 0.5m and density of material is 7.5 gm/cm3.

16. A horizontal steam engine 20 cm diameter by 40 cm stroke, connecting rod 100cm makes 160 r.p.m. The
mass of the reciprocating parts is 50 kg. When the Crank has turned through an angle of 30 degrees, the
steam pressure is 4.5 bar.
(a) Calculate the turning moment on crank shaft.
(b) If the mean resistance torque is 30 N-m and the mass of fly7wheel is 50kg and the radius of
gyration 70 cm Calculate the acceleration of the flywheel.

17. A single cylinder single acting four stroke cycle gas engine develops 22 kW at 300rpm. The flywheel weighs
1000kg. Hoop stress developed is 5 MPa. Density of material of rim of flywheel is 8000kg/m3. The speed
variation on either side is 1% of mean speed. Determine ratio of work done during expansion and
Compression strokes. Work done in suction and exhaust stroke is negligible.

18. A machine shaft running at 200 r.p.m requires a torque increasing uniformly from 1200 N-m to 3600 N-m
during 1800 of rotation. It is steady at 3600 N-m For subsequent one revolution and decreases uniformly
to its original value of 1200 N-m in subsequent one resolution and is again steady at 1200 N-m for next
two revolutions. This completes the cycle. Motor has constant torque and has a Rotor of mass 450 kg and
25 cm radius of gyration. If, in addition, a flywheel of Mass 2000 kg and 60 cm radius of gyration is fitted
to the shaft, determine
(a) Power required to drive the motor, and
(b) Percentage fluctuation of speed.

19. A certain machine requires a torque of (14,000 + 2000 sin θ ) N-m to drive it, Where θ is the angle of rotation
of the shaft measure from some datum. The Machine is directly coupled to an engine which produces a torque
of (14,000 + 2500 sin θ )N-m. The flywheel and other rotating parts attached to the shaft have a mass of 300
kg with radius of gyration of 50 cm. The mean speed is 60rpm Calculate:
(a) The percentage fluctuation of speed
(b) The maximum angular acceleration of the flywheel.

20. (a) Derive the expression for the torque transmitting capacity of a single plate clutch by considering uniform
(b) A friction clutch is required to transmitted 34.5kW at 2000rpm. It is to be single plate disk type with both
sides of the plate effective, the pressure is being applied axially by means of springs and limited to 70kPa on
the plate. If the outer diameter of the friction limit is 1.5 times the internal diameter, find the required
dimensions d1 and d2 of the clutch ring and the total force exerted by the springs. Assume uniform wear
condition (coefficient of friction=0.3).
Answer any three of the following 3X10=30

1. A trolley car of total weight 3000N runs on rails of 1.5m gauge and travels a curve 30m radius at 8.7 m/s. The
rails are being at the same level. The car has four wheels of 72cm diameter and each of the two axles is
driven by a motor running in a opposite direction to the wheels at a speed of 5 times the speed of rotation of
vehicle. Each axle with gear and wheels has a Moment of inertia 147kg m2. Each motor with the shaft and
gear pinion has a Moment of inertia 10.5kg m2. Has centre of gravity 90 cm above the rail level. Allowing the
centrifugal and gyroscopic action, determine the vertical force exerted by each wheel on the rails.

2. (a) Explain the following terms used in connection with the movement of a Natural ship:
i. Bow
ii. Stern
iii. Starboard
iv. Port
v. Steering
vi. Pitching and
vii. Rolling.
(b) The turbine rotor of a ship has a mass of 20 tones and a radius of gyration of 0.75m.Its speed
is 2000 rpm. The ship pitches 60 above and below the horizontal position. One complete oscillation
takes 18 seconds and the motion is simple harmonic. Determine.
(a) The maximum angular acceleration of the ship during pitching and
(b) The direction in which the bow will tend to turn while rising, if the rotation of the rotor
is clockwise when looking from rear.

3. (a) Derive the expression for the torque required to lift the load by a screw jack.
(b) The pitch of 50 mm mean diameter threaded screw of screw jack is 12.5 mm. The coefficient of friction
between the screw and the nut is 0.13. Determine the torque required on the screw to raise a load of 25kN,
assuming the load to rotate with the screw. Determine the ratio of the torque required to raise the load to the
torque required to lower the load and also the efficiency of the machine.

4. A friction clutch is required to transmitted 34.5kW at 2000rpm. It is to be single plate disk type with both
sides of the plate effective, the pressure is being applied axially by means of springs and limited to 70kPa on
the plate. If the outer diameter of the friction limit is 1.5 times the internal diameter, find the required
dimensions d1 and d2 of the clutch ring and the total force exerted by the springs. Assume uniform wear
condition (coefficient of friction=0.3).

5. A band and block brake having 12 blocks, each of which subtends 15 0 at the centre, is applied to a rotating
drum of 600 mm diameter. The blocks are 75 mm thick. The drum and the flywheel mounted on the same
shaft have a mass of 1800 kg and have combined radius of gyration of 600 mm. The two ends of the band are
attached to pins on the opposite sides of the brake fulcrum at distances of 40 mm and 150 mm from the
fulcrum. The force applied at end of a lever of 600mm length from fulcrum is 250N. Calculate
(a) the maximum braking torque,
(b) the angular retardation of the drum,
(c) the time taken by the system to be stationary from the rated speed of 300 r.p.m. Take coefficient
of friction is 0.3.
Name Of Student: Hall Ticket No:
Answer the following 20x1=20
1. A motor car moving at a certain speed takes a left turn in a curved path, if the engine rotates in the same direction as that
of wheels then due to the centrifugal forces the reaction on _____wheels increases and on the ________ wheels decreases.
a. inner, outer b. outer, inner c. front, rear d. rear, front [ ]
2. In a self locking brake, the force required to apply the brake is ------------------ [ ]
a. minimum b. zero c. maximum d. none

3. The gyroscopic acceleration is given by [ ]

𝛿𝜔 𝛿𝜃 𝛿𝜃 𝛿𝜔
a. b. 𝜔 c. 𝑟 d. 𝑟
𝛿𝑡 𝛿𝑡 𝛿𝑡 𝛿𝑡

4. Brakes are effective if they applied to --------------------- wheels of an automobile [ ]

a. front b. rear c. both d. none of the above
5. Which of the following brakes is commonly used in motor cars [ ]
a. band brake b. shoe brake c. band and block brake d. internal expanding brake

6. The efficiency of a screw jack is maximum when [ ]

∅ ∅ ∅ ∅
a. 𝛼 = 45° − b. 𝛼 = 45° + c. 𝛼 = 45° − d. 𝛼 = 45° +
4 4 2 2

7. Static friction always -------- kinetic friction [ ]

a. less than b. greater than c. equal d. none of these
8. If helix angle of screw is less than the angle of friction, then the screw is ---------- [ ]
a. self locking b. over-hauling c. none of these
9. If the angle of inclined plane is greater than the angle of friction, then the body ----- [ ]
a. will slide on plane b. does not move c. impend the motion d. none of these
10. For flat and conical pivots, ratio of friction torque with uniform pressure to friction torque with uniform wear is-----
a. 2/3 b. 3/2 c. 4/3 d. 3/4 [ ]
11. The maximum efficiency of a screw jack is given by (φ-angle of friction) [ ]
1−𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜙 1+𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜙 1−𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜙 1+𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜙
a. 𝜂 = b. 𝜂 = c. 𝜂 = d. 𝜂 =
1+𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜙 1−𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜙 1+𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜙 1−𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜙
12. Number of friction surfaces in a single plate clutch is--------------------- [ ]
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
13. In a multi plate clutch, the number of active friction surfaces if n is total number of plates [ ]
a. n b. 2n c. n-1 d. 2n-1
14. Efficiency of a screw jack is the ratio of ------------------- and ----------------------- [ ]
a. mechanical advantage( M.A), velocity ratio(V.R) b. V.R, M.A c. none

15. Collars are provided at any position of the shaft to take axial thrust TRUE/ FALSE

16. Uniform pressure Theory is generally followed in the analysis of pivots TRUE/FALSE

17. When the frictional force helps the applied force in applying the brake, the brake is [ ]
a. self locking b. automatic c. self energizing d. none of the above

18. For a triple hand thread, the lead is equal to----- [

a. pitch(p) b. 2p c. 3p 4. 4p

19. The ratio of tensions on the tight and slack sides in a band and block brake is [ ]

𝑇𝑛 1−µ𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜃 𝑛 𝑇𝑛 1−µ𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜃 2𝑛 𝑇𝑛 1+µ𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜃 𝑛 𝑇𝑛 1−µ𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜃 1/𝑛

a. =( ) b. =( ) c. =( ) d. =( )
𝑇𝑜 1+µ𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜃 𝑇𝑜 1+µ𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜃 𝑇𝑜 1−µ𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜃 𝑇𝑜 1+µ𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜃

20. Brakes commonly used in trains are--------------------brakes [ ]

a. band b. shoe c. band and block d. internal expanding brakes

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