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Government of India
Ministry of Human Resource Development
Department of Higher Education
Minority CeU.

Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi the 23"' December, 2011


Subject: Reconstitution of the National Monitoring Committee for Minorities'

Education (NMCME) on expiry of tenure.

On expiry of tenure of the present National Monitoring Committee for

Minorities' Education (NMCME), . the Government of India has decided to
reconstitute itfot a period of three years, from 23rd December,.20ll as follows:

I. Union Minister for Human Resource Development Chairman

II. Minister of State for Hwnan Resource Development Member
(Shri E. Ahamad)
IIL Minister of State for Human Resource Development Member
(Dr. D. Purandeswari)

Ex~ Officio Nominees:

IV. Education Minister, Government ofKerala., Thiruvananthapuram Member

V. Education Minister, Government of West Bengal. Kolkata Member
VI. Education Minister, Government of Assam, Guwnhari Member
VH. Education Minister, Govemn:lent of Bihar, Pa~ Member
VITI.Education Secretary, Government of Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow Member
IX. Education Secretary, GovemmentofRajasthan, Ja'pur Member j

X. Education Secretary, Government of Karnataka. Bangalore Member

XI. Education Secretary, Government of J&K Member·

Xll. Vice Chancellor, Jamia Millia lslamia, New Delhi Member

XIII. Vice Chancellor, Aligarh Muslim University Member
XIV. Vice-Chancellor, All India Association for Christia:: Member
Higher Education
XV. Secretary, Anjuman Harrqu-Urdu-e-Hind Member
XVI. Secretary, National Commission for Minorities Member

Lok Sabha Nominees:

XVII. Shri Ismail Hussain, Hon'ble Member ofParliamc:~t, LS Member
XVIII. Shri Navjyot Singh Sidhu, Hon'ble Member ofPo.rUnment, LS Member

Fernandes, Hon'ble Member of Parliament, RS Member

XX. Shri Moinul Hassan, Hon'ble Member of Parliament, RS Member
XXI. Academics, activist~ and administrators connecied Member
with minority issues as listed below:- .

IPadamshri S.R. Kidwai, Prof Urdu,Name i
University of Delhi, Secretary, Ghalib I
Institute I
2. Mr. Ase:har Ali En · eer, Eminent Is~'iic'='::Hi;c'sto;:oSnC:·an=.=<=-:-c-----j·
4. I Mr. P.A.Inarndar, Pune 1
5. I Mr. MahbubulH"'aq~ue,':'-'-A;es~sam""-~~~~·
,__6~·-'i-'Mr""'-. .c;M~a"ul"'anc;ac.:Sx:;ed~Ahmad==:,;Kh'!.!"izar~S;ehah,~~D"e~ob'<"a,nd,_(10U"'PL)~~~- __ _j
7. Rev. Dr. Valson Tharnpu, PrincipaL St Stephen's College 1
8. f Maulana Arshad Madani
-~- -l
~ .. _9_ Maulana Rabe Hasan Nadvi

! 10. Maulana Waliur Rehmani. General Secretary, Muslim Personal Law Board 1
, 11. Rev. Fr. Xavier A10honse, Former Princimti; Lovola College, Cherinai l
'-'_ _,1~2'1._,h~o"f'=.,.,T,eah,ie,r.,Me:ahm~e;o~o;ed,,De~lh~i~---------------- :
f-' _.ol3,c..f-!'Mr~.'-'FO'aroo~o2!"q'ue""Sh,eeoikh.,..,M,u,m,bo;ru,_·- - - - - - - - - - - - - · -
14. Mr. John Dya1
15. Dr. Zahir Qazi, Anjuman Islam, Mumbai
16. Prof. Imtiaz Ahmed, JNU
i 17. Mr. HaneefLakdawalla, Gujarat
I 18. Mr. Bhaian Sinah Walia, De1hi-88
19. Mr. Surinder "Lali'' Sahni, Delhi
I 20. Mr. Khalid nwar
21. Mr. Sayyed Hassan Shuia
I 22. Prof. Akhtar Mehendi
~..::.=.:.~~~'-.:""="'--~~--~~- "---"- ----"-~

' 23. Mr. Saad Mohd. !

24. Mufti Ataur Rahman vasmi · i
25. Dr. Rai Abdul Vakil Abdul Matin Siddiaui
26. Mr. Pushuinder sillcll !
n Dr.FaizanAhmedAzizi i
28. Mr. Shankat Ulla Khan I
30. Mr. Hafiz Matloob Karim
31. Mohd. Shahid Khan
f---"'32"-.i-'M~oh"cl"-A"ti"''q;_S"'i"'dct,li,.,olu,.i___________ .. ----·--------1
33. Mohd. Anees
34. Mohd. Saleem
35. Dr. Bahauddeen Muhammed Nadwi, VC Darul Huda Islamic University,
Chemmad, Mallapuram, Kerala
36" Mr. T.P. Abdullah Koya Madani, hesident, Kerala Nadwatul Mujahideen,
CD Tower, Kozhikode, Kerala [
37. Mr. Sahal H. Musaliar, President, TKM College Trust, Belaire. Kilikolloor, I
Kollam Kerala '
38. Mr. Sirai Hassan, Ex-VC, Jamia Hamdard
39. hof. Zain RatniSh Mithila University, Bihar
40.,. hof. Halim Khan, ex-Chairman M.P. Madarssa Board Yr.·_
I 42. Ms. Roorni Ja~Y1..¥~-~~~-"---------------~
I 43. Mr. Shafi Dehalvi
44. Dr. Ahmed Tamim
45. Mr. Majid Deobandi
46. Dr. Anwar Khan
47. Mr. et Singh
48. Dr. Syed Shah Khusro Hussaini, Dargah Hazrat Khwaja Bandanawaz,
49. Prof. Aktar-Ul-Wasey, Chairman, Delhi Urdu Academy
50. Ms. Teesta Setalvad
51. Prof. Zoya Hassan
52. Prof. Zakia Siddiqui former Principal AMU Women's College
53. Ms. Syeda Bilgrami Imam, Member, National Commission for Minorities
54. Ms. Shabnarn Hashmi, Anhad Foundation
55. Ms. Sehba Hussain, Social Activist and Co-founder SEWA, Member ofNAC
56. Ms. Mabel Rebello, Member of Parliament
57. Dr. Tashi Paf or, Pri:ncipal, Central .Institute of Buddhist Studies, Leh
58. Dr. Samten, Director, Central University of Tibetan Studies

Official Memben:

XXII. Chairman, All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi Member
xxm. Chairman, University Grants Commission, New Delhi Member
XXIV. Secretary, Department of Higher-Education Member
XXV. Secretary, Department ofSchool Education & Literacy Member
XXVI. Secretary, Mhdstry of women and Child Development Member
XXVII. Secretary, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Member
XXVJII. Secretary, Ministry of Minority Affairs Member
XXIX. Joint Secretary (HE), Department of Higher Education Member-Secretary

2. The tenns of reference of the Committee are:

(i) To monitor the implementation of Chapter 3-Minorities' Education of

the Progoramme of Action, 1992;
(ii) To recommend to the Government how best to address issues related
to reservation, recognition and affiliation of minority institutions;
(iii) To monitor the ongoing schemes of the Ministry ofHRD targeted at
(iv) To advise the Government on the contemporary approach towards
traditional metho9s of instruction.

3. The tenure of the members of the Committee, except the ex-officio members
shall be 3 years. The tepure shall take effect from 23.12.2011. The tenure of the
. Mem\xrrs of Parliament would be co-terminus with their tenure in the respe_ctive __
HouSeS Or three years, whichever is less.

4. The Committee shall advise the Government on all matters pertaining to the
education of minorities. In addition, it will review the functioning of various schemes
launched by the Ministry tbr the purpose of promoting minority education.

5. The Committee will meet as often as required but at least once in a year.

Ordered that a copy of the resolution be communicated to the Chairman and

other members of the Committee.

Ordered also that the resolution be published in the Gazette of India for
general information.

-"'-<x , ,
~~..,<· -r-'C
\''-·' . .:)!SOill8)
Joint Secretary tv the Government of India


Government of India Press
(Bharat Sarkar Press)

Copy to:

No. F.6-4/2010-MCIPt.) Date:23.l2.2011

1. Ail Members of the Committ~.

2. All Ministries/Departments oft.1.e Government of India.
3. All State Govemments!UT Administrations.
4. Rajya Sabha Secretariat. Parliament House Annexe, Committee Branch,
New Delhi.
5. Lok Sabha Secretariat, Pafliament House Annexe, Committee Branch-l,
New Delhi.
6. Pay and Accounts Office (HRD), Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi.

~ _;f[J' :
(R.P. Sisodia)
Joint Secretary to the Government of India
~- (;}{R(f ~ ;w:siQ'31 ~ m-t. ~-t it Qast~t<iit•!O
~ Q1:F.i 6-4/2010 tT<JiO~O (1:1'l"i)
3=l'r.'1'r d'&Sl'l
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3ii'ld :a %m ~m-
31 C:Oth!.1"'84<:s ~

~ :RQQl, ~ ~
~ 23 R'<t'td'iil::z:, 2011

~. C":Pt4Cf.itei aditca if ~ liT ~ 3lC"4'!:i'd"!!ct> fir~ ~~ -af.l::rtff

CI5T !J&f af681 t

L'R1'"rl:ttat ~ 3t6'th!'i<i8>act> fu.m ~~ ~ {l:!<iil2d1:8'1!2d1i$} CI5T ~

aditl('t it i3'l'l'if 'Q7'f ''-"h!ct>R ~ 23 ~dd'dl'l. 201 1 ;9 <:ft-ar Cfl!f c5t 311!!ftr q5
~ ~ ~at<>foc:l ~d'ii11'1't!FZ: ~ em-~ ~ ~;-

(i) ~ ~ 'li'l11El&1 Tacbla ~

(ii) ~ dat21Cf Rlct>ta ~ ...rnT (~ ~.~)
(iii) ..,..,.,. '*"'""" fOq;m "'"""' - l;;tf. tt. ~·<Rrl
-.,ilor Of I fl1 d1
(iv) f.trm ~. ~ 'l"h!ct5t'!. Rl'li:l'flaiC1!J'2<1"1
(v) f.nm ;;:fsfr, ~ ~ a'lcr>h!, ~"""'ta""'"'"'a"'"
(vi) ~<tiT <Fi"'sft. ~ 'l!'l<!ct>R. oq;J~'fltt>ttl
(vii) fu4'1T ~. ~ 'I!F!ct>R, ~
(viii) ftr.m ~. 3«'R" lNu 'll'l&Sl't!, di=ts:r&135
(ix) f.trm~. ~ '21'22151'2:, ~
(x) ~r.m ~. qs.,fccp 'lH2tlt'l, ai\llcl'l"t
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(xiv) <!S614f.:l!t, ~ ~ ~ '3t:er fum t!'2•11Rur!i!rn
(xv) <@r<r, ~ ---'3{-rr-~
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54. <!oft N.rn't, ~ t~RIIS3id1 i
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55. <lB ~. ~,:
rrcr.TI.m. 2005-2008
56. <!oft ~ :ci<:=rG ~
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No.(i,4120 I 0-MC(Pt.j
Gm.'ennnent oflndi.a
Ministry of Human Resource Development
Department of Higher Education
Minority Cell

Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi the 27th February, 2012

----···---------==== ---

Subject: Reconstitution of the National Monitoring CoDWlittee for Minorities' Education

(NMC:ME) on expiry of tenure.
In continuati-on of this Ministry's Resolution of even number dated 23m December,
2011 on the. above mentioned subject, the Government of India has decided to nominate Dr.
~yriac Thomas, F~er Vice·~cellor, -~tma Gan~ l!~versity, K~ttayam, Kerala ~s
Member of the National Momtormg Committee for Minonties' Education (NMCME) m
~/\'y- addition .to the existing m~bers under the head academics, activists and administrators
~'fl( ,connec'.:ed with minority issues.


Ordered that a copy of the resolution be communicated to the Chairman and other
members of the Committee.

Ordered also that the resolution be published in the Gazette of India for general
information. -- ~'-'' v
"'""" -"""
Joint Secretary to the Government of India
Ph. No. 23071486
Government of India Press
(Bharat Sarkar Press)

Copy to:- 1\3

No. F.6-412010-MC(Pt) Dated the 27ili February, 2012

All Ministri.... :n_...artments of the Government of India.

Al1 State Go';'~ents!Uf Administrations. ~ S'fo__:> I'~
·R.a}yU sabba- Secretaiia( 'PafliililleDft-iOUSe Annexe, COmmittee Branch, New
•. _/

Delhl. )),
Lok Sabha Secretariat, Parliament House Annexe, Committee Branch-I, New Delhi. "!------

Pa aunts Office (HRD), Shastri Bhawan, New Dellri. ~ ~2.____..,.. /p

+- r-- L ,~;~~-

Government of India
- Ministry of Human Resource Development
Department of Higher Education
Minority Cell

Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi, the 6#. June, 2012


Subject: Reconstitution of the National Monitoring Committee for Mi...llorities'

Education {NMCME) on expiry of tenure.
In continuation of this Ministry's Resolution of even numlier dated 23m
December, 2011 on the subject mentioned above, the Government Of India has
decided to nominate Shri Niaz Ahmed Farooqui, Secretary, Jamial illema-i-Hind,
No.1, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi-110002 as Member of the National
Monitoring Committee for Minorities' Education (MvfCME) listed under the head
academics, activists and administrators corinected with minority issues in place of
Shri Maulana Arshad Madani who has declined to be on the Committee.

Ordered that a copy of the resolution be communicated to the Chairman and
other members of the Committee.

Ordered also that the resolution be published in the Gazette of India for

~'mi.....<~ .'lf'--'
general information.

(Amit Khare)
Joint Secretary to the Government of India
Government of India Press,
(Bharat Sarkar Press)

Copy to:-

No.6-4/20 10-MC(Pt.)
Dated the~
'ft.June, 2012
!. .All Members of Committee.
2. All Ministries/Departments of the Govt. of India
3. All State GovemmentsfUT Admlnistrations.
4. Rajya Sabha Secretariat, Parliament House Annexe, Committee Branch,
New Delhi.
5._~ LQk Sabha Secretariat, Parliament House ~e~~..'._S:o.t~n!!ttee _Branch-IS,
----- ~ew Delhi
6. Pay & Acc01.mts Office(HRD), Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi.

(Amit Khare)
Joint Secretary to the Government of India
(~~'~ if; .:..1-:n...,.,_ ~ ~~ I <is i i: ,..e:-,,~;;;:::-.,:·.
~ 6-~/2QiQ-l?'F_.;;. (0':.C:I )
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¢ q,],.jq-~p;-:1 cB'r ~ ~ ~ ~

3Q-4,'1C'l ~ tit ~ ~
fc..,itli 23 ~{. 2011 ~ fiJlti'&'4<-r. ~ q;- 31"j>o">d'i ;F. ~ ~ ~
.m ~ 3-l'nR ~ ~ ~ it "<~ ~ ~ &!O'IT ~ fum 't, ~ ~ ~ .ffl ~ 3l'f.<P.c. Lf:«c,"i·,_
"dRhL '51J\Illn ~-'!-~, ~ 1, ~ ~ ~ 'JffJ1, <1$ k.M>i'1-110002 <n'r 31(>{lfi&'Licf'- ~ "f[ ~ ~
~~. CrHiii:HC1biT C1<lT m~ if. "<M ¢ ~ t~,.,_-..nt\.1,._ u$ 3'trltii1«1er> fimli 111kkf'{J: ~ if. +Jc.'t""'
io ~ ;# 'lJf.ln ~ 'liT fo'!u\<r fi'nrr ~I

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% m1 ~T ~ ~ f; ~ ~ Cfl'r flidrl ~m ~ ~ q;- m R IJcpJfTh:l ~ ~~ ~

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~: 23071486
~--rtn ffiCi'iR" <lj)¢. DII (>t 'Zl
(~""RC1 ~ Jj¢:\Dii('P-'l)
lfi{kd<illt; (E'nO!liDII)

""""' 6-4/2010-0>L>lt (Utl't)

fu;m; 6 ;;r,r, 2012
2. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~;ftrnm

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:aRICOJIC'IO!J, ~ m $:1", ~ (!fiW, nt ftMfi
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6, """' ifllT i'hm "*""~ ("""" <W= f<l<om), 'l!Flt ~""'' cr$ ~

~ '!lfu<!, """ ~
~; 23071486

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