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Questions for Extemporaneous Speaking

1. What can you say about President Rodrigo Duterte’s administration for more than three
years now?

2. In your own way, how can you help preserve your own indigenous culture?

3. Are you in favor of the implementation of the Divorce Bill in the Philippines? Explain.

4. If you were given a chance to talk to Pres. Rodrigo Duterte, what will you say to him and

5. What is now the biggest problem faced by Philippine education? Explain.

6. As a youth, what can you contribute to solve the problems regarding health issues such
as Dengue and other diseases?

7. What is your stand on the issue of the territorial dispute over the West Philippine Sea?

8. If you were the president of the Philippines, what is your decision regarding the conflict
between the Filipino and Chinese fishermen on the West Philippine Sea?

9. As a student, what are your perceptions about the implementation of mandatory ROTC
in the senior high school?

10.Do you still believe in what Dr. Jose Rizal said that “The youth is the hope of our
motherland” in spite of many young people being involved in crimes and drugs? Explain.

11.In your own opinion, what are the qualities that a good leader of our nation must

12.What are the qualities that a person running for political posts should possess?

13.What can you say about same-sex marriage?

14.What can you say about romantic relationship between a teacher and a student?

15.What is your perception about premarital sex?

16.What is the most memorable experience in your life and why?

17.How can you define success?

18.How can you divide your time among the following: family responsibilities, studies,
friendships and community responsibilities? Which will you prioritize and why?
19.As a youth, how can you show and value your God-given talents and skills?

20.Discuss three ways that you can use a pencil aside from writing.

21.If you were a teacher, how can you make your class more different than usual classes?

22.If you were an animal, what animal would you be and why?

23.Were you to implement a law or policy that could help teachers, what would it be and

24.What do you think does a 21st century teacher need to have in order to teach better?

25.If you were to teach young children for a day, what three valuable lessons would you
teach them and why?

26.If you were a teacher, how can you push your students to appreciate and take care of
the environment?

27.What does China’s hold over the West Philippine Sea entail to your life as a Filipino
student? Explain.

28.Explain this year’s theme, “The plight of a teacher beyond love and sacrifice”?

29.What is your view regarding the salary standardization law for public school teachers?

30.What is your perception about the Child Protection Policy?

31.If you were elected president of the Philippines, what would be your first project for
public school teachers?

32.What can you consider as your most significant experience with a teacher?
33.What can you consider as the most significant learnings that you received from school?

34.How would you distinguish a traditional teacher from a 21st century teacher?

35.If you were given the chance to be the President of the country, how would you stop
teachers from seeking greener pastures abroad?

36.Are you in favor of the reintroduction of GMRC to the school curriculum?

37.What is your perception regarding President Rodrigo Duterte’s war on drugs?

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