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CHANDIGARH METRO n Vol. IX No. 193 n Price ₹4.50 n 38 Pages. Area specific pages extra. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 2019


Pak plays Af card to get PUNJAB BANDH CRIPPLES LIFE

AMRITSAR : An assistant sub-in-
spector (ASI) was found dead with
bullet injuries in the custody of
the Punjab Police’s anti-drug
special task force (STF) in Amrit-
US support on Kashmir
sar’s Mall Mandi area on Tuesday,
a day after he was arrested along
with his colleague on charges of
DIPLOMATIC BATTLE Trump offer off the table: Indian envoy Govt needs time to
possessing heroin. Officials said
prima facie it appeared to be a
HT Correspondents
n restore normalcy
case of suicide. The deceased,
Avtar Singh, in his forties, and
ASI Jorawar Singh, who were
stan’s envoy to the US has threat- in Valley, says SC
posted at the Gharinda police ened that his country might
station in Ajnala sub-division, redeploy troops from the NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court
were peddling drugs in the area Afghanistan border to the Indian refused to lift the communication
for the last few months, they frontier, a move that can compli- blackout and other restrictions n Members of Dalit groups — protesting against the demolition of Guru Ravidas temple in Delhi —
said. ››P3 cate peace talks with the Tali- imposed in Jammu & Kashmir burn tyres at Jalandhar bypass in Ludhiana on Tuesday. The Supreme Court has threatened to
ban, even as he called on Wash- since last week, observing that initiate contempt proceedings against the protesters. >>P2 GURPREET SINGH/HT
SFJ, Kashmiri separatists ington to mediate on the Kash- the government may have had
to hold joint protest mir issue. inputs that prompted such a ROAD, RAIL LINES BLOCKED DOABA COMES TO GRINDING HALT
TORONTO: Pro-Khalistan groups Asad Majeed Khan’s com- move and that it will need time to Train services were disrupted across the state follow- Jalandhar, Hoshiarpur, Phagwara and Kapurthala
are joining hands with Kashmiri ments came against the back- “restore normalcy”. ing the protest. At least 11 trains were stopped or bore the brunt of the strike as shops and educa-
separatists for protests at Indian drop of little support for Paki- “There may be apprehension terminated. Protesters also blocked roads, including tional institutions remained closed. The impact
missions on August 15 in Canada, a stan’s demand for intervention of a law and order problem. If the Jalandhar-Delhi national highway, causing jams. was visible in Ludhiana, Amritsar, Bathinda too.
development that India is being by the world community follow- something happens Centre will
watchful about. The pro-Khalis- ing India’s decision to revoke be held responsible. Some time
tan group, Sikhs for Justice or SFJ, Jammu and Kashmir’s special needs to be given to restore nor-

Auto sales dip at fastest

which was recently banned by status. malcy. We cannot take over day-
the Indian government, is India has already dismissed to-day administration,” the court
planning protest rallies in Toronto, Pakistan’s efforts to internation- said. ››P8
Ottawa and Vancouver in Canada alise the Kashmir issue by n A boatman carries vegetables in Srinagar on Tuesday as some
and also in the United States,
Rahul tells Malik
pace in nearly 2 decades
describing the changes in curbs are relaxed for a short while. ANI PHOTO
England and elsewhere in
Jammu and Kashmir as an inter-
Europe. ››P3
nal matter. India’s envoy to the and security consequences”, he if the body will meet to discuss
Bhakra almost full, water
crosses critical level
US, Harsh Shringla, has also said
President Donald Trump’s
Poland, he said, agrees with
Kashmir, as sought by Pakistan,
or it will hold consultations to don’t need plane,
CHANDIGARH : With the water
level in the Bhakra dam reservoir
rising one foot everyday in the
recent offer to mediate on Kash-
mir is no longer on the table.
Poland, the current president
the EU’s position on this issue.
After its foreign affairs head Fed-
erica Mogherini spoke on phone
determine its response.
In an interview with The New
York Times, Khan said India’s
allow us to visit HTC and Agencies
agency Reuters quoted Vishnu
Mathur, the director general of
SIAM, as saying. Mathur added
of the UN Security Council, said with the Indian and Pakistani decisions on Kashmir “could not NEWDELHI: Congress leader Rahul NEW DELHI: Passenger vehicles that car and motorcycle manu-
past week and having crossed the
critical point of 1,670 feet, the on Tuesday that India and Paki- foreign ministers last week, the have come at a worse time for us” Gandhi on Tuesday said he would sales in India declined by 30.98% SALES IS THREATENING facturers have already slashed
Bhakra Beas Management Board stan should bilaterally resolve EU had said it “supports a bilat- because Pakistan had tried to visit Kashmir along with a group in July compared to the same TO IMPACT HUNDREDS about 15,000 jobs.
the Kashmir issue, aligning itself eral political solution between strengthen military control of opposition leaders if they were month last year, logging the HT had on August 2 reported
(BBMB) said it will have to open
the floodgates if the level goes up with the European Union and the India and Pakistan over Kash- along the Afghan border, which allowed to travel freely there. He steepest fall in 19 years as the
OF JOBS IN THE SECTOR that the three biggest auto manu-
by 10 feet more. Last time, the UN in rebuffing Pakistan’s mir, which remains the only way has long been infiltrated by the was responding to a comment industry continued a nine- facturers had recorded their
reservoir floodgates were opened efforts to seek third-party media- to solve a long-lasting dispute Taliban, as part of efforts to end from J&K governor Satyapal month long streak of falling sales Hong Kong and a crash in Argen- worst decline in sales in nearly
in 2010. ››P4 tion. that causes instability and inse- the war in Afghanistan. Malik the day before that the Con- that now threatens hundreds of tina’s peso currency that drove 20 years. According to SIAM
“We hope that both countries curity in the region”. “We have our hands full” on gress leader would do well to visit thousands jobs. investors to safe harbours. data of sales by manufacturers to
can work out a mutually benefi- Czaputowicz said the Security the western border, Khan said, the region before speaking on the The release of the data by the The BSE Sensex ended 623.75 dealerships, domestic car sales
htclassifieds ON WEDNESDAY cial solution bilaterally,” Council had received Pakistan’s adding: “If the situation esca- situation. Malik had also offered Society of Indian Automobile points, or 1.66%, lower than its were hit the hardest. There were

Poland’s foreign minister Jacek letter and Poland’s permanent lates on the eastern border, we to send Gandhi a plane. Gandhi Manufacturers (SIAM) on Tues- opening – its biggest fall in a 69,000 fewer cars sold to dealers
page Tabloid Czaputowicz told reporters at representative will “start con- will have to undertake redeploy- tweeted: “We won’t need an air- day triggered a slump in the month. The BSE Auto index fell in July this year compared to
the UN in New York. The sultations” about it soon. He ments.” Pakistan was “not craft but please ensure us the stock market, which was also by 3.88%. “If this industry goes July 2018, a 36% slump. Such a
strained ties between India and spoke of the Security Council thinking about anything but freedom to travel & meet the peo- dragged lower by global cues down, then everything gets hurt. dip has not been seen since 2000,
with today ’s Hindustan Times Pakistan impact South Asia and discussing the letter, but it could what is happening on our east- ple, mainstream leaders and our such as fears about a drawn out Manufacturing, jobs and reve- when the industry was roughly a
in Chandigarh, Panchkula, could lead to “serious political not be immediately ascertained ern border”, he said. soldiers stationed...” ››P8 US-China trade war, protests in nue to the government,” news fifth of the size of what it is now,
Mohali and Surroundings



02 hindustantimes HINDUSTAN TIMES, C H AN D I G AR H


> SUKHPAL SINGH KHAIRA, Punjab Ekta Party chief

Shutdown paralyses life, Doaba worst-hit

BANDH OVER TEMPLE DEMOLITION Protesters block TRAIN SERVICES AFFECTED At least 11 trains disrupted or VIOLENCE Four injured in a clash at Mukerian; face-off
several highways, majority of the buses remain off road terminated; railways cancels Punjab-bound trains at Ambala between Shiv Sena activists and protesters in SBS Nagar
HT Correspondents


shutdown was observed in the
Doaba region on Tuesday in The Doaba region, comprising The Doaba region witnessed
response to a Punjab bandh call four districts of Jalandhar, complete shutdowns during
given by the Ravidasia commu- Kapurthala, Hoshiarpur and SBS various Dalits protests in the
nity to protest over the demoli- Nagar, has always remained the past.
tion of a historic temple dedi- centre of the Dalit protests in In April last year, Dalits held a
cated to Guru Ravidas in New Punjab in the past. massive protest against the
Delhi’s Tughlakabad on direc- Dalits constitute around 32% of alleged dilution of the Sched-
tions of the Supreme Court. the state population. They are uled Castes and Scheduled
The bandh call evoked over- heavily concentrated in Doaba Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities)
whelming response in Jalan- region. A majority of them Act. In the same month, there
dhar, Hoshiarpur, Kapurthala belong to the Ravidasia com- was a clash between Dalits and
and SBS Nagar where shops, munity. Whenever there is a Shiv Sena activists over the
banks, and commercial estab- protest concerning any Dalit renaming of a roundabout in
lishments remained shut while issue in the state, the region Phagwara. In 2009, Ravidasia
educational institutions were becomes its epicentre. community clashed with Sikh
ordered to be closed by authori- activists after the murder of
ties as a precautionary measure. Dera Sachkhand Ballan, which is
known as the mecca of the Dera Sachkhand Ballan in Viena,
Protesters blocked road traf- Austria. Later, the Ravidasia
fic at various places, including Ramdasia community, is also
situated in Jalandhar. community, under the banner
the Jalandhar-Delhi national of Dera Ballan, replaced Guru
highway. Protest marches were Cabinet ministers Charanjit Granth Sahib with ‘Amrit Bani’
taken out by Dalits at several pla- Singh Channi and Aruna Chau- of Guru Ravidass. In 2003,
ces as the demonstrators sat on dhry had visited the dera on members of the community
dharnas, burnt effigies and Monday and urged its head had a clash with the Sikhs to
placed burning tyres on roads. Sant Niranjan Dass to appeal to take control of a gurdwara at
In Jalandhar and Hoshiarpur, his followers to remain peaceful Talhan village of Jalandhar
protesters carrying swords went during Tuesday’s bandh. district.
around in markets in cars and on
bikes to enforce the bandh.


Four people were injured when
some shopkeepers and protest-
ers clashed and hurled stones at LUDHIANA: Train services railway station at 9:45am,
each other at Harse Mansar vil- were disrupted across the said officials, adding that
lage near Mukerian in Hoshiar- n (Clockwise from top) Members of the Ravidasia community staging a dharna on the Jalandhar-Delhi rail track on Tuesday; a man brandishes a sword during a protest in state following protest by the Kamakhya-Mata
pur. Some protesters allegedly Amritsar; youths trying to block the road in Ludhiana; and a vehicle damaged by protesters in Jalandhar. PARDEEP PANDIT/SAMEER SEHGAL/GURPREET SINGH members of the Ravidasia Vaishno Devi Katra Express
damaged three shops that were community on Tuesday. At was stopped at the Phillaur
open, the police said. Police had least 11 trains were stopped railway station.
to open fire in the air to disperse or terminated. The other trains that
the mob. Hoshiarpur SSP Gau- Following the bandh call, were stopped included the
rav Garg said the police inter- the railways terminated all Amritsar Katihar Express,
vened to defuse the situation. Punjab-bound trains at Nangal Dam-Amritsar
The protesters damaged an Ambala on Tuesday morn- train, Malwa Express, New
SUV on the national highway ing. Protesters laid siege to Delhi-Amritsar Shatabadi
in Jalandhar. tracks and stopped the Express, Shane-Punjab
The protestors held the Nar- Amritsar-Mumbai Express Express and the Chhapra
endra Modi government at the at Jalandhar Cantt at Express.
Centre responsible for the demo- 10.17am, said railway offi- Divisional railway man-
lition of the temple and threat- cials. Another train running ager, Ferozepur division,
ened to intensify their protest, from Pathankot to Delhi was Rajesh Agrawal said the rail
demanding restoration of the stopped at Kartarpur traffic was restored after
shrine. around 10.30am. 4pm. Many trains are run-
In Jalandhar, protesters, sup- The Ludhiana-Amritsar ning five to six hours late
ported by Bahujan Samaj Party train was stopped at Chi- due to protest.
workers, braved heavy rain and heru railway Station in Railway protection force
held demonstrations at several Kapurthala district at (RPF) inspector Anil Kumar
points across the city, especially 9:40am. The Gorakhpur- said no incident of violence
the Nakadar raod. At Dharm- Jammu Tawi train was was reported during the
pura, a large number of women stopped at the Phagwara bandh. HTC
also took part in the protest.
Local Congress MP Santokh
Singh Chaudhary and party
MLAs Pargat Singh, Sushil
Kumar Rinku, Avtar Henry and
protest march passed through.
The protesters also blocked
the main gate of interstate bus
Rajinder Beri, also joined the
protests and assured the protest-
ers that the Punjab government
terminus for over an hour. Edu-
cational institutions remained
open and traffic on the roads was
will take up the matter with the normal. CHANDIGARH: Members of the Ravi-
Centre. Akali Dal MLA Pawan In Faridkot and Moga dis- dasiya community on Tuesday
Kumar Tinu and Baldev Singh tricts, the bandh call had a mixed held protests in several parts of
Khaira joined the protest in their response. Former AAP MP Haryana too.
respective constituencies of Sadhu Singh also joined the pro- One of the country’s busiest
Adampur and Phillaur. How- test march at Faridkot. highway, NH-44 was blocked for
ever, majority of BJP leaders In Faridkot town and Kotka- about two hours in the afternoon
stayed away from the protest In pura, shops and commercial by hundreds of stick-wielding
Jalandhar. establishments remained closed protesters in Karnal. Despite
till evening, while in Moga shops heavy police deployment and per-
TENSION IN SBS NAGAR were closed only for an hour suasions by additional deputy
In SBS Nagar, tension prevailed that the situation was still tense roads. per orders by the local adminis- (Mehta) also expressed solidar- commuters. when protesters carried out a commissioner Anish Yadav and
after Shiv Sena activists pro- in the town. He said Dalit activist Kapurthala city observed a tration, shops were open in sev- ity with the Ravidasia commu- However, a complete shut- protest march. In Mansa, pro- Karnal tehsildar Raj Baksh, they
tested against former BSP MLA from Uttar Pradesh, Chandrash- complete bandh as all commer- eral markets in the town. nity and backed the shutdown down was observed in in San- testers blocked the gate of the refused to budge. The traffic was
Shingara Ram for allegedly ekhar Azad, instigated the Dalits cial establishments remained In Amritsar, most of the pri- call. grur. Shops and commercial local bus stand for over an hour, routed through internal roads.
using derogatory words against against Hindus which added fuel closed and bus services were also vate schools and colleges In Patiala, schools, colleges establishments remained closed. resulting in inconvenience to The blockade was lifted only after
Hindu gods and demanded to the fire. suspended on several routes. remained closed. Also, shops in and commercial establishments In Barnala, the protestors commuters. they submitted a memorandum
action against him. They also In Phagwara, which also In Gurdaspur district, the various markets remained remained open. Earlier in a day, blocked traffic at the ITI chowk. In Muktsar, members of Ravi- to deputy commissioner Vinay
submitted a memorandum to observed a complete shutdown, bandh evoked a mixed response. closed till evening. Dalit protest- the protestors blocked the main The bandh call had a partial dasia community held a protest Pratap Singh.
SSP Alka Meena seeking action a large number of protesters, A complete bandh was observed ers holding the pictures of Guru gate of Punjabi university for impact in Bathinda and other march, but vehicular traffic In Panipat, protesters gath-
against the former MLA. The supported by various political in Batala. All commercial estab- Ravidas and BR Ambedkar pro- over one hour. They also blocked districts of the region. remained normal. In Ferozepur, ered under the flyover in front of
Shiv Sena activists and Dalit pro- parties, took out a protest march. lishments and educational insti- tested at the Hall Gate and raised the main chowk near Patiala In Bathinda, members of Rav- most of the markets remaining the mini-secretariat and raised
testers had face-offs a couple of They blocked the Jalandhar- tutes remained closed through- slogans against the Modi govern- inter-state bus terminal on idasia community took out a pro- closed throughout the day. Mem- slogans against the government.
times but the police controlled Ludhiana highway, Phagwara- out the day. In Gurdapur, ment. The BSP activists also Patiala-Rajpura road around test march in the city. bers of Ravidasia community Similar protests were witnessed
the situation. Nakodar, Phagwara-Hoshiarpur though schools and colleges joined the protest. noon for an hour, causing incon- The traders downed their staged a protest in the town. in Yamunanagar, Kurukshetra
A senior police officer said and the Phagwara-Chandigarh remained closed in the district as The Sikh Students Federation venience to school children and shutters in the areas where the (With inputs from agencies) and Kaithal. HTC

Centre determined Will initiate contempt proceedings 80% dip in roadways’ revenue in Doaba
to find solution, against protesters, warns SC Jatinder Mahal

says Hardeep Puri Press Trust of India

and there is public outcry. It is a
serious issue that cannot be

JALANDHAR :The bandh call given

NEW DELHI/CHANDIGARH: Amid a SAYS WON’T TOLERATE politicised and we want to hear by the Ravidasia community
row over demolition of a Guru NEW DELHI : The Supreme Court from you to settle it. There can- against the demolition of historic
Ravidas temple in Tughlakabad, on Tuesday warned against CRITICISM OF THE not be a public outcry and no Ravidas temple in Delhi hit the
Union minister Hardeep Singh politicising the demolition of a JUDGMENT WHICH HAS political issue be involved in it,” transport services hard in Doaba
Puri on Tuesday said the Centre Guru Ravidas temple in Tugh- the bench said. with the Punjab Roadways wit-
is determined to find a solution lakabad forest area on its order BEEN PASSED BY IT The Delhi Development nessing 80% dip in its day’s reve-
and possibly identify an alterna- and threatened to initiate con- Authority in a statement issued nues in the region.
tive site to “relocate” it. tempt proceedings against those activity can be carried out and on Monday did not use the word The roadways’ depots in
Puri also met Delhi lieutenant provoking dharnas and demon- “the issue cannot be politicised. temple, and said the “structure Jalandhar, SBS Nagar
governor Anil Baijal and dis- strations. We will start contempt. It can- was removed as per the orders and Hoshiarpur failed to run
cussed several issues, including “Don’t think we are power- not be like this”. of the Supreme Court”. their buses on all major routes
the Supreme Court order to less. We know the seriousness of The counsel appearing for the “The standing permanent as roads were blocked by the
vacate the Ravidas temple site. the issue,” a bench headed by Delhi Development Authority structure was dismantled protesters.
“We, along with vice-chair- justice Arun Mishra said when informed that demolition has peacefully without any resist- Officials said the roadways
man of the Delhi Development the counsel appearing for the been carried out as per the order ance or use of force in the pres- earned just Rs 7 lakh against Rs
Authority (DDA), are determined Guru Ravidas Jainti Samaroh of the apex court. ence of Guru Ravi Das Jayanti 35 lakh from ticket sales in its
to find a solution and possibly Samiti referred to the agitation The bench said it will not tol- Samaroh Samiti members,” the four depots in the belt with a high
identify an alternative site,” Puri on the issue in Punjab. erate criticism of the judgment Delhi Development Authority concentration of the Ravidasia
tweeted. On Monday, Delhi social “Don’t speak a word and don’t which has been passed by the had said in the statement. community.
welfare minister Rajendra Pal aggravate the issue. You are in top court. The DDA in its statement had The Jalandhar depots 1 and 2 n Bus services remained suspended on several routes in the state causing inconvenience to the
Gautam sought Prime Minister ’s for contempt. We will haul up “You cannot go on and on and said the apex court in a case earned Rs 6 lakh against its day’s passengers. HT PHOTO
intervention to the community to your entire management. We make comments and criticism titled ‘Guru Ravi Das Jayanti revenue of Rs 20 lakh earning,
rebuild the place of worship. will see what has to be done,” of the judgement. This is Samaroh Samiti vs Union the Hoshiarpur depot clocked with routes outside the state as that too early in the morning. off road, said depot-1 general
Earlier, an Aam Aadmi Party the bench also comprising justi- Supreme Court. Don’t invoke of India’, had on August 9 just Rs 1 lakh against Rs 8 lakh they left their respective depots The rest were not allowed to ply manager Parneet Singh Minhas.
(AAP) delegation led by leader of ces MR Shah and Ajay Rastogi politics here,” the bench said. observed that “serious breach” earnings and SBS Nagar depot early in the morning, hours by the protesters, he added. The protesters kept the Jalan-
opposition in Punjab assembly said while requesting attorney Venugopal, who was sitting has been committed managed to earn only Rs 1 lakh before the strike began. Similarly, of 210 buses of the dhar, Kapurthala, Hoshiarpur
Harpal Cheema met Puri to general KK Venugopal to assist in the court, was told by the by Guru Ravi Das Jayanti Sama- against Rs 7 lakh due to the Roadways’ Hoshiarpur gen- Jalandhar depot 1 and 2, just a and SBS Nagar bus stands closed
apprise him of the latest develop- in the matter. bench that order passed by the roh Samiti by not vacating the strike, officials said. eral manager HS Minhas said of few plied on their routes and that and no private transporters were
ments after the demolition of the At the outset, the bench said apex court is taken for a ride. forest area as earlier ordered by The department is expecting a total of 117 buses only five man- too outside the state. allowed to ply their buses on the
temple. HTC once the order is passed, no such “They are holding dharnas the court. revenue only from the buses aged to ply on their routes and More than 150 buses remained national highways.



WE DNESDAY, AUGUST 14 , 2019 hindustantimes punjab 03

Nabbed with heroin, ASI found dead in STF custody


Radicals vandalised
AMRITSAR SHOCKER Two AK-47 bullets pierced through his face as police claim 5 shots were fired; officials term it suicide
HT Correspondent Singh, who were posted at the
initiated. All legal proceedings not allowed to speak to
Maharaja Ranjit
Gharinda police station in will be followed to find out the
Singh’s statue: Cops
n correspondents.

AMRITSAR : An assistant sub-in-

Ajnala sub-division, were ped-
dling drugs in the area for the
HAVE SEIZED 10GM exact cause of death.”
A police official said Avtar got
Also, the Hindustan Times
correspondent tried to visit
spector (ASI) was found dead last few months, they said. HEROIN, ₹15,590 the assault rifle from an the alleged suicide spot but was
with bullet injuries in the cus- The STF claimed to have AND A HONDA AMAZE unlocked trunk. “Five shots not allowed to do so by STF LAHORE: Two Pakistani men breaking one of its arms and
tody of the Punjab Police’s anti- seized 10gm heroin, ₹15,590 and a were fired in one go and two of officials. belonging to a radical group and damaging other parts .
drug special task force (STF) in Honda Amaze car from Avtar CAR FROM AVTAR them pierced through his face,” Police have started inquest motivated by “religious biases” SP Syed Ghazanfar Shah told
Amritsar’s Mall Mandi and 5gm heroin, 99 counterfeit he said proceedings under Section 174 of vandalised the statue of Maha- the Dawn newspaper that the
area on Tuesday, a day after he notes of ₹100 denomination, a sil- gation suggests that Avtar com- the Code of Criminal Procedure raja Ranjit Singh at Lahore, a attackers were motivated and
was arrested along with his col- ver role used for inhaling heroin mitted suicide. On Tuesday HOW HE MOVED (CrPC) in the case. Mohkampura police official said on Tuesday. vandalised the statue “on the
league on charges of possessing and a Maruti Swift car from n Avtar Singh morning, he went to a bathroom FREELY IN LOCK-UP station house officer (SHO) Jag- The incident took place on basis of religious biases”.
heroin. Jorawar on a tip-off. for brushing his teeth. Then he It is also being seen as negligence jit Singh, said, “Post-mortem on Saturday near the grave of the Police have arrested the two
Officials said prima facie it Avtar is survived by his wife in 2018. entered a room of the STF office on part of the STF as how Avtar the body will be conducted at the first Maharaja of the Sikh men and booked under the coun-
appeared to be a case of suicide. and three children. A case of STF inspector general (IG bor- and shot himself dead by opening was allowed to move freely in the civil hospital under the supervi- Empire in Shahi Qila which was try’s blasphemy laws. The sus-
The deceased, Avtar Singh, in theft was also registered against der range, Amritsar) RK Jaiswal fire with an AK-47 rifle. ‘Judicial lock-up. sion of a judicial magistrate on opened for visitors. pects belonged to Tehreek-Lab-
his forties, and ASI Jorawar him at the Jandiala police station said, “Our preliminary investi- inquiry into the case has been Avtar’s family members were Wednesday.” Two men — one pretending to baik Pakistan of radical cleric
have a leg disability carrying a Maulana Khadim Rizvi. The
wooden rod and another “help- Walled City of Lahore Authority,


SFJ, Kashmiri separatists to ing him to walk” — entered the
Qila. Both went straight to the
statue and started hitting it,
responsible for the Lahore Fort,
expressed shock and has vowed
to repair the statue soon. PTI
INDIA’S INTERNAL hold joint protest at Indian
TO PAK MINISTER missions on Independence Day
HT Correspondent Anirudh Bhattacharyya
n n
RALLIES ARE PLANNED to the headline event that is held
every year in downtown Toronto
IN TORONTO, OTTAWA on Independence Day, which
CHANDIGARH : Punjab chief minis-
ter Capt Amarinder Singh on
TORONTO: Pro-Khalistan groups
are joining hands with Kashmiri
AND VANCOUVER IN tends to attract nearly 50,000 peo-
ple of Indian origin.
Tuesday asked Pakistan minis- separatists for protests at Indian CANADA AND ALSO IN The “India Day Parade” is
ter Fawad Chaudhry to stop try- missions on August 15 in THE US, ENGLAND among the largest in the world,
ing to interfere in India’s inter- Canada, a development that outside India.
nal matter after he made a pro- n A resident of Ghadumi village in Fazilka showing the dead fish in his India is being watchful about. AND PARTS OF EUROPE This year, the event is sched-
vocative tweet on the Indian field. HT PHOTO The pro-Khalistan group, uled for August 18 (Sunday) with
Army. Sikhs for Justice or SFJ, which Kashmir. the venue being Toronto’s Nat-
Amarinder, who served in the
army in the 1960s, told the minis-
ter in the Imran Khan-led gov-
Six-tonne fish found was recently banned by the
Indian government, is planning
protest rallies in Toronto,
“The Kashmiri groups will be
with us everywhere,” Pannun
said, of the joint action. While the
han Philips Square, which is
adjacent to City Hall.
However, the Friends of Kash-
ernment that his provocation
will not work.
“Stop trying to interfere in
dead in Fazilka villages Ottawa and Vancouver in
Canada and also in the United
States, England and elsewhere in
ban has been enforced in India,
Pannun said no prohibition had
been imposed on the activities of
mir Committee Canada has also
announced a protest rally at that
very venue on the same day.
India’s internal matter. And let HT Correspondent Seepage from this drain has Europe. the SFJ in Canada. While the rally is being
me tell you that the Indian Army n also contaminated groundwater SFJ’s legal adviser Gurpat- Given that Indian missions allowed to go ahead by the
is a disciplined and nationalist in the adjoining area. A com- want Singh Pannun said for the hold multiple functions to authorities, a Toronto Police
force, unlike your Army@faw- BATHINDA: Around six tonne of plaint about water contamina- first time, they will also be joined observe Independence Day, spokesperson said they “will
adchaudhry. Your provocative fish were found dead at two villa- tion in Fazilka is under the pur- by groups representing there is concern over attempts to provide officers to separate
statement will not work, nor will ges in Fazilka district over the view of the National Green Tri- Kashmiris, after the abrogation disrupt those celebrations. the groups” and “to keep the
the soldiers in our Army follow last weekend, reportedly due to bunal,” he said. Deputy director of Article 370 in Jammu and Special attention is being paid peace.”
your divisive diktats,” he said on water contamination following fisheries Rajeshwar Kumar said
Twitter. The CM later reacted discharge of untreated sewage the drain containing municipal
strongly in a statement to
Chaudhary’s tweet aimed at
inciting mutiny among Punjabis
into water bodies.
Residents of Ghadumi and
Afsar Wala, villages located near
waste could have caused severe
depletion of oxygen in water.
“Samples of dead fish and
Two held with
in the Indian Army.
He asked Pakistan to mind
the Pakistan border, said dead
fish were found floating in the
water from ponds have been
sent to Guru Angad Dev Veteri- 512gm opium
“their own business” and stay water and scattered on the river nary and Animal Sciences Uni- FARIDKOT: Police have arrested
out of India’s internal matters, banks. versity to ascertain the cause ,” two drug peddlers with 512
warning Islamabad against con- Satpal Singh of Ghadumi said he said. grams of opium following a tip-
tinued attempts to interfere on authorities had been alerted. Meera Ansal, head of the off. The accused has been identi-
the Kashmir issue. Kashmir is “Both the villages are located department of college of fisher- fied as Jagsir Singh of Moga and
and will remain an integral part near the Sabuana drain where ies,GADVASU, said: “Several Gurinderpal Singh of Kotka-
of India, he said. Chaudhary is untreated sewage from Bathinda factors may be responsible, pura. Police said the accused
Pakistan’s federal minister for and Muktsar districts flows into including water contamination. used to sell opium to youths in
science & technology. villages of Fazilka district. A detailed study is needed.” Kotkapura villages . HTC



04 hindustantimes HINDUSTAN TIMES, C H AN D I G AR H


> BD DHALIA, INLD state president

10 feet more and it


will be time to open

RAKSHA BANDHAN Educational qualification: Educational qualification:
CHANDIGARH:Haryana govern- Matriculate Matriculate
ment has decided to allow free MLA’s electoral record: MLA’s electoral record:
travel facility to women and their Kulwant worked for his Jai Parkash has a distinc-
children up to the age of 15 years

Bhakra floodgates
in state roadways buses on the community and remained tion of being a Lok Sabha
occasion of Raksha Bandhan on as district president of member thrice from differ-
August 15. The free travel facility Bazigar, Banjara sanghs for ent parties. He began his
will be available for women and
children from noon on August 14
over a decade. He fought political career with INLD
2009 assembly election founder Devi Lal in 80s. He
up to midnight on August 15. But
this facility would be available KEEPING CLOSE WATCH Reservoir almost full with water as an Independent and also won an assembly elec-
only in ordinary buses of the state
crossing critical level of 1,670 feet after rain in catchment area

› ›
finished third. tion from Barwala in 2000.
roadways plying up to Chandi-
garh and Delhi. HTC Gurpreet Singh Nibber
Khattar to be in Sonepat
n I have served Guhla and would like to contest People are happy with my service. The area had
for I-Day celebrations CHANDIGARH :With the water level again. Development works worth R700 crore for long been ignored. Though the BJP govt has
CHANDIGARH: Haryana governor in the Bhakra dam reservoir ris- have been carried out during my stint as the MLA of not been very supportive, my consistent efforts
Satyadeo Narain Arya will unfurl ing one foot everyday in the past
the National Flag at Faridabad on week and having crossed the Guhla, which remained neglected in the past. have helped in accomplishing development works.
August 15 and chief minister critical point of 1,670 feet, the
Manohar Lal Khattar at Sonepat. Bhakra Beas Management
The ‘At Home’ function will be `12 Assets declared Moveable: `5 lakh `57.79 Assets declared Moveable: `2.79 lakh
Board (BBMB) said it will have
organised on the same day at lakh in 2014 Immovable: `7 lakh lakh in 2014 Immovable: `55 lakh
to open the floodgates if the level
Hotel Rajhans in Surajkund,
goes up by 10 feet more.
Faridabad, a government spokes- Constituency primer: Bordering Punjab’s Pa- Guhla(SC) Constituency primer: Kalayat was a reserved Kalayat
Last time, the reservoir flood-
person said. Vidhan Sabha tiala district, Guhla has been a reserved seat since seat before 2009 assembly elections. A citadel of
speaker Kanwar Pal will unfurl the gates were opened in 2010. The
decision was taken in the 1977. Mostly dominated by the Congress, the BJP HARYANA the Congress and the INLD, it is for the first time HARYANA
National Flag on Independence
Day at Kurukshetra and deputy board’s technical committee never stood a chance here. It is the only segment that an Independent has been elected from there.
speaker Santosh Yadav at Bhi- meeting in which it was decided among 17 reserved seats where community of Barring ’82 and ’87, Kalayat has never elected an
wani. Additional director general not to maintain the water level Bazigars (nomads) have a stronghold. Even after Guhla(SC) MLA twice in a row. The segment is dominated Guhla(SC)
of police (ADGP) (law and order) beyond 1680 feet. delimitation, some area of Guhla was included in by Jats, Rajputs and Baniyas. A backward area
Navdeep Singh Virk said security Officials from the board’s the Kalayat constituency. Drug menace is one of Kaithal in terms of development, Kalayat and Rajaund Kaithal
has been tightened across the partner states – Punjab, Hary- n Keeping tabs on the water level, the BBMB had last week increased the concerning issues here. Pundri villages almost completely cover the constituency. Pundri
Kalayat Kalayat
state for peaceful celebration of ana, Himachal Pradesh and the water outflow from 20,000 cusecs to 31,615 cusecs. HT FILE

the Independence Day and Rajasthan — attended the meet-
Electoral history: Electoral history:
additional forces have been
deployed at the venues where the
To discuss the situation, the
We want to make an more rainfall in the catchment
areas of Himachal Pradesh, 2014: Kulwant Ram Bazigar of BJP defeated Dillu Ram of Congress 2014: Jai Parkash defeated Ram Pal Majra of INLD by 8,390 votes.
National Flag will be hoisted. HTC board management will meet on optimum utilisation of which can lead to floods down- by 2,440 votes. 2009: Ram Pal Majra beat Tejinder Pal Singh of Cong by 9,400 votes.
August 16 again. stream. There is no immediate 2009: Phool Singh of INLD beat Dillu Ram by a margin of 5,253 votes. 2005: Geeta Bhukkal of Congress defeated Pritam Singh of INLD by
Gita at House of Lords On Tuesday, the water inflow the water reaching the threat though,” said another 2005: Dillu Ram defeated Buta Singh of INLD by 10,127 votes. 1,412 votes.
CHANDIGARH:Haryana industries
and commerce minister Vipul Goel
into the reservoir was 57,000
cusecs (cubic feet per second).
reservoir. So we would try senior officer.
BBMB chairperson DK How he performed: Prominent among development works carried How he performed: Jai Parkash highlights how he got several irrigation
on Tuesday said the holy scrip-
ture, Bhagvad Gita, has been
Keeping tabs on the water to run the 157-megawatt Sharma said the board will mon- out by Kulwant are setting up of a girls’ channels rejuvenated in his constituency.
level, the BBMB last week itor the situation on a day-to-
installed at the House of Lords
increased the water outflow turbine which is currently day basis.
college, an industrial training institute,
two public health centres and a stadium, By the way:
An SDM office, a stadium, rest house
and a government girls’ college were set By the way:
and House of Commons in the UK.
After returning from three-day
from 20,000 cusecs to 31,615 closed for repair. “Wednesday and Thursday besides overhaul of several schools, He worked as a taxi up during his tenure. He said new roads He campaigned
international Gita Jayanti Mahot- cusecs. are crucial as the meteorologi- rejuvenation of four irrigation channels and driver before coming were constructed, streetlights were made for himself on a bike
sav organised in London, Goel said “We want to make an opti- cal department has predicted a canal, and expansion of road network. functional and a hospital was upgraded in
into politics. in ’14 polls.
a 50-member committee has also mum utilisation of the water rain in the catchment area of the Kulwant, who was accused of irregularities last five years. He, however, is accused of
been formed to promote the reaching the reservoir. So we “It’s a good thing as there will Sutlej in Himachal Pradesh. during paddy procurement, also faced failing to develop his constituency and it is
message of Gita in the UK. It is would try to run the 157-mega- be more water in the coming There is no prediction of rain protests for his ‘non-performance’. claimed that most of the works have been done by local BJP leaders.
after Mauritius that the interna- watt turbine which is currently year. At the same time, it can be after August 18 and we are hope-
tional Gita Jayanti Mahotsav was closed for repair,” said a senior a cause of worry as we will have ful that the things will be under NEXT: KAITHAL, PUNDRI
held in UK, he added. HTC BBMB engineer. to release more water due to control,” he add

50% dip in stubble burning area Rush to join BJP leaves rivals worried in Hry

Rajesh Moudgil sitionpartyin2014with19MLAs. besides Independent MLA as people would soon have an
in Punjab, Hry & UP since 2017 PARTIES HAVE JOINED

CHANDIGARH: The rush of leaders

While two of its MLAs passed
away, four MLAs sided with the
JJP afterit was floated following
a crippling split in the INLD.
Dinesh Kaushik and Bahujan
Chand Sharma.
actually liked.
The exodus began after the
HT Correspondent to join the ruling BJP has left Coupled with rising scale of ITS FUNCTIONING, Commonwealth Games cham- BJP swept the Lok Sabha elec-
n rivals worried in Haryana in the
wake of upcoming assembly
wins of the BJP in mayoral elec-
tion, Jind bypoll and recent Lok
POLICIES, AND NOT DUE pionBabitaPhogatandherfather
Mahavir Phogat, who were ear-
prise win in 2014 when it came
NEWDELHI: There has been about polls. Sabha elections, there is an exo- TO ANY COMMITMENT OF lier associated with the JJP, with 47 MLAs of total 90 in Hary-
been a beeline of former MLAs
dus of INLD MLAs to the saffron
However, opposition leaders
The BJP, meanwhile, neither
takesplaceeveryOctoberinPun- and other leaders belonging to While Ranbir Ganwa, Kehar ADVISER TO KHATTAR have put on a brave face. appears to be in position to
jab, Haryana,UttarPradesh and different parties for joining the Singh, Zakir Hussain, Naseem “The leaders named above accommodatenewentrantsinits
Delhisince2017,accordingtosat- saffron party while more are Ahmed, Ram Chand Kamboj, Ved Narang and Nagender Bha- were never associated with the foldbeforetheassemblypollsnor
ellite data collated by Indian waiting in the wings. Ravinder Baliala, Parminder dana — who are currently with Congress and had briefly joined the new entrants seem to be a
CouncilofAgriculturalResearch Once the principal opposition Dhull, Makhan Lal Singla and the INLD. it,” says state Congress chief dampener.
(ICAR). party, Indian National Lok Dal Balwan Singh Daulatpuria have Interestingly enough, even its Ashok Tanwar. “The leaders from other par-
ICAR director general Tril- (INLD)looksdefunctasnineofits already joined the BJP, INLD’s former Rajya Sabha member INLD state president BD ties have joined the BJP because
ochan Mohapatra said on Tues- MLAshavealreadymovedtothe Naina Chautala, Anup Dhanak, Ram Kumar Kashyap joined the Dhalia maintains, “The party’s they value its policies and func-
day that there has also been BJP,whilefourothersareopenly PrithiSingh andRajdeepPhogat BJP. workers’baseisintact.Onlytick- tioning, and not because of any
around 15% reduction in the sidingwithitssplinteroutfitJan- are with the JJP. Also, INLD’s Mohd Illyas and et-seekers have joined the BJP.” commitment to get a ticket in the
number of crop residue burning nayakJantaParty(JJP),leaving There are said to be only four Naseem Ahmed, who had first JJP’s state president Nishan polls,” says Rajiv Jain, media
events. n This is mainly a result of more and more farmers opting for it with mere four MLAs. MLAs — party leader Abhay joined the Congress, have now Singh too airs similar views. He adviser to chief minister Mano-
Thisis mainlya resultof more mechanised technology to dispose crop residue. HT FILE The INLD was the main oppo- Chautala, Om Parkash Barwa, moved to the BJP. They are sayssuchchangesaretemporary har Lal Khattar.
and more farmers opting for
mechanised technology to dis-
EXPERTS SAY USE OF entitledtoa50%subsidyfromthe
pose crop residue, such as the
happy-seeder/zero-tillage tech-
nology that cuts paddy straw,
“I don’t think there is a 50%
Ggm boy reunites with father after 13 yrs ‘BEAS-AMRITSAR
sows wheat into the soil, and put
straw over the sown area, which TO A DROP IN AIR
Thereisawarenessamongfarm- HT Correspondent ionasMichaelhadgrowntalland A driver with a private com- TRACK TO BE
acts as mulch, he said.
In 2018, the Centre launched a
₹1,150 crore scheme to subsidise PUNJAB’S PADDY ZONE
ers. Farmers will take it up on
large scale if they are given a
direct subsidy of ₹3,000 per acre.

GURUGRAM: Michaelwassixwhen
did not resemble his childhood
pany in Vasant Kunj at the time,
Edward had suffered the
bereavement of his wife, who
farm straw-management
machinery in the northwestern
states where rampant paddy-
season in 2018,with 7,960 custom
Farmers spend about ₹2,000 per
management machinery,” said
For the next 13 years, his fam-
and memories of his childhood,
his fathercameto believe him.“I
worked as a domestic help, in
“I had to vacate the house
FEROZEPUR :A railway official on
straw burning contributes to air farmers on hire. Harinder Singh Lakhowal, gen- ilyscouredcitystreetsfortheboy couldn’t believe my eyes though within two months and tookup a Tuesday said the process of elec-
pollutioninDelhieveryyearjust “About4,500villagesaretoday eral secretary, Bharatiya Kisan inahuntthatdevastatedthefam- my son was in front of me,” said room on rent close by. I quit my trifying the Amritsar-Gurdas-
before winter sets in. This Octo- burning-freeoutof30-35,000villa- Union in Punjab. ily. Edward, tears rolling down his job to look after my children and pur-Pathankot and Beas-Goind-
ber will be the second harvest gesintheregion,mainlybecause The use of residue manage- His father Edward lost his job n Michael (R) with his father and cheeks. without anysavings, westarting wal-Tarn Taran-Amritsar block
whentheimpactoftheschemeon of largescale awareness cam- ment technologies has led to a and home and was forced to live Ankur Sinha, the officer who Days after Michael disap- surviving on community will be completed by September,
air pollution levels in Delhi and paigns by the government. We drop in air pollution levels in on a bus station after losing his helped in the reunion. HT peared in 2006, Gurugram police lunches,” he said. well before Guru Nanak’s 550th
NCR can be assessed. have already released at least Punjab’spaddyzone,saidexperts onlysonandbeingunabletopro- found him at a bus station, but EdwardandTeenaspentdays birth anniversary celebrations
Mohapatra said about 56,290 ₹500crorethisyeartopreparefor from International Maize and vide for his daughter. sharedscrapsofmemoriesabout unable to furnish details of his at local bus stands and railway begin.
residue-management machines the stubble-burning season, and Wheat Improvement Centre, That search culminated on their times together, his child- family,he wasproduced before a stations,scouringforclues,after Northern Railway general
havebeenboughtbyfarmersand plan to have another 5,000 cus- PAU, and others. Monday when Michael, now 20, hood and missing his mother – childwelfarecommitteeandthen registering a missing persons manager TP Singh said the rail-
custom-hiringcentressince2017, tom-hiringcentresthistime.Har- In 2017, the AQI for eight sta- walked up to Edward’s soiled who died of brain tumour a year shunted from home to home. complaint at the police station, way board has set a target to
of which 19,288 were happy seed- yana can be burning free, some tions, which includes Patiala, mattressattheDelhicantonment before he went missing. Edwardsaidhedidnotremem- but could not trace Michael. complete 100% electrification of
ersor zero-till machines.In Pun- spots will remain in Punjab…” Ludhiana, Bathinda, Amritsar, bus station and introduced him- Ankur Kumar Sinha, an offi- ber the exact day Michael went The search left the family des- all blocks of the Ferozepur Divi-
jab and Haryana, about 1.25 mil- Mohapatra said. Mohali and others, was in the self as his long-lost son. cerofthechildcareinstitutethat missing,butaddedwillneverfor- perately poor, and Edward was sion by 2022 while electrification
lionhaoutof4millionhawascov- Farmers can hire happy- range of 168 to 393 in moderate to “Myfatherkeptonweepingall helped Michael reunite with his get thedesperation when his son forced to send his daughter to a of the Ferozepur-Bathinda sec-
ered by technology to manage seeder or other machinery at verypoorcategoryfromOctober thewhileweweretogether,”said father, said Edward took 15 min- didnotreturnfromthelocalmar- child care institute as he could tion will take place between 2020
residueinjustonepaddyharvest ₹1,200 to ₹1,500 per acre and are 1 to November 15 period. Michael, sharing how they utes to be convinced of the reun- ket that day. not afford to take care of her. and 2021.
The Container Corporation
Of India Ltd (CONCOR), a Nav-

Season’s heaviest rainfall shuts Ggm underpass Panipat bank heist: ratna public sector undertaking
of the Ministry of Railways and
the Indian Railways joined

GURUGRAM: The unidirectional

Rajiv Chowk underpass was
closed on Tuesday evening after
and we are just waiting for rain-
it stops, it will take us only two
Police grope in dark hands to launch container trains
from Suranussi, near Jalandhar
in the Ferozepur division.
“The new facility will give
water accumulated inside it fol- hours to reopen the underpass, HT Correspondent through in the case,” the said. impetus to transportation of
lowingtheheaviestdownpourof provided there is no silt deposi- n As per the police officials asso- cargo from catchment areas of
the season. tion,”saidSaurabhSinghal,con- ciated with the investigation, the Jalandhar, Hoshiarpur,
According to NHAI officials, sultant, NHAI. KARNAL :More than 36 hours have possibility of involvement of Kapurthala and Amritsar,” said
theunidirectionalunderpasswas Itisthesecondunderpasstobe passed since the thieves struck some locals cannot be ruled out Singh.
closed around 6.15pm after rain- closed due to waterlogging this at the branch of Punjab and as they have all information Container trains were
waterfromCHBakhtawarSingh month. On August 2, the Iffco Sindh Bank located on the prem- about the location of lockers and launched on a trial basis in
Roadenteredit fromthe entryas Chowk underpass was closed ises of a gurdwara near Amar strong room. March 2019.
well as from Rajiv Chowk. after its surface caved in. Bhawan Chowk in Panipat city As per the police, the exact A total of 540 TEUs (twenty
The 708-metre underpass “We have a protocol in place, and decamped with gold and worth of the stolen items was not equivalent units) were moved in
allows commuters travelling asperwhichtrafficpoliceofficers cash kept in lockers, but Panipat disclosed by the bank staff, yet six container trains. HTC
from Bakhtawar Chowk to head aredeployedatvulnerablepoints police are yet to get any clue the rough estimates suggest that
directly towards Delhi and inadvance,wheneverthereisan about the miscreants. gold and cash wirth ₹45 lakh THE RAILWAY BOARD HAS
bypass the congested Rajiv overcast sky. Today, however, As per Panipat SP Sumit were taken away.
Chowk. “Rainwaterhasaccumu- our concentration was on inter- Kumar, six teams, including On the complaint of branch A TARGET TO COMPLETE
lated inside the underpass from nal roads as they had heavier three from the crime investiga- manager Somvir Singh, the 100% ELECTRIFICATION
both sides. There was little we wateraccumulation.Whilethere tion agency, have been formed to police had registered an FIR
could do as the rainfall was was congestion on certain investigate the case, but as of under Sections 380 (theft) and 457
extremelyheavyandthattoo,for stretches,weensuredthattraffic now, the police officials are grop- (trespass) of the Indian Penal FEROZEPUR DIVISION
kept moving,” said Himanshu
Garg, DCP (traffic). HTC n The Rajiv Chowk underpass was shut in the evening following massive waterlogging. YOGENDRA KUMAR/HT
ing in the dark.
“We are yet to have a break-
Code (IPC) against unknown



WE DNESDAY, A UGUST 14 , 2 0 1 9 hindustantimes punjab 05

16-yr-old kidnapped, ALL SET FOR I-DAY

strangled to death in
Amritsar, 3 arrested
TRAGEDY IN HOLY CITY The accused who are allegedly
drug addicts have confessed to the crime, say police
HT Correspondent

AMRITSAR : A 16-year-old boy was

strangled to death after being
abducted for a ransom by four
men in Anand Vihar colony near
Verka in Amritsar. The body of
the deceased Prabhkirat Singh,
who was a student of Class 11, was
found from Sukarchak canal on
Monday night.
The teenager’s father Baljit
Singh. 46, is a teacher, and both he
and his wife work for Punjab
School Education Board in Chaw- n Students perform giddha during full-dress rehearsal for the Independence Day parade at Guru Nanak Stadium in
inda Devi village. Amritsar and (right) a man cleans Naib Subedar Baba Nand Singh’s statue for the I-Day event at Fauji Chowk in
In his complaint, Baljit stated n Grieving family members of Bathinda on Tuesday. HT PHOTO
that their younger son, Prab- Prabhkirat Singh (left) at Verka
kirat, had gone to play cricket on in Amritsar HT PHOTO
Monday evening at the govern-
ment school playground in
“When my son didn’t return
till 8 pm, we began to search for
TAKE AWAY THE BOY; 1 held for attack on anti-drug committee member
him, but to no avail. Later, villag-
WHEN HE TRIED TO FLEE, HT Correspondent thigh on Sunday evening, had Code (IPC) and Arms Act. police nab drug-peddlers, and day. Station House Officer
ers told us that they had seen THEY STRANGLED HIM n alleged that ever since the anti- “Karanveer, resident of Kotli the incident was unfortunate as (SHO) Kotbhai, Angrej Singh,
Deepu (of Guru Nanak Nagar in
Verka) and his brothers Vicky
AND DISPOSED OF HIS MUKTSAR : Karanveer Singh alias
drug group had accosted Karn-
veer, he had been holding a
Ablu village, has been arrested.
A 32 bore pistol and seven car-
police ensures safety to commit-
tee members. Satnam, who is an
said, “Jagseer Singh was caught
with 460 sedative tablets. The
and Ajay take away my son in a BODY IN THE CANAL Happy Sandhu was arrested on grudge against them. tridges were seized from him. active member of the committee matter is under investigation.”
Maruti car (PB-18-K-2896). We Tuesday in connection with an A case has been registered He is a convict, with a case will be honored on 15 August,” Anti-drug committees have
then lodged our complaint with At around 10:30 pm on Mon- 24 hours. They accused confessed attack on a member of the anti- under Section 307(Attempt to under NDPS Act on him, and the SSP added. been formed in more than a
the police.” day, someone informed them to having abducted the boy for a drug committee of village Kotli murder), 506 (Punishment for was out on bail,” said SSP dozen of villages in Gidderbaha
The three accused are drug about a dead body which was ransom.” Ablu in Gidderbaha sub divi- criminal intimidation), 34 (Acts Muktsar Manjeet Singh Dhesi. ONE MORE NABBED sub division. “We should be
addicts, he added, and are spotted in Sukarchak canal. The They admitted that when the sion. done by several persons in fur- An anti-drug committee of issued ID cards for smooth
involved in drug trade in the area. body was fished out and the par- boy tried to flee, he was strangled, therance of common intention), SATNAM TO BE Sahib Chand village in Gidder- working and safety,” said Ran-
ents identified their son. and his body was thrown into the SHOT IN THE THIGH 120-B (punishment for criminal HONOURED ON AUG 15 baha sub division has nabbed jeet Singh Gill, a member in
POLICE ACTED FAST Kashmir Singh, Prabhkirat’s canal, he added. Satnam, who was shot in the conspiracy) of Indian Penal “These committees are helping another drug peddler on Tues- Gurusar.
As soon as they were informed, uncle, said, “They strangled our A case has been registered
additional deputy commissioner boy to death before throwing his against the accused under Sec-
(ADCP-city1) Jagjit Singh Walia,
assistant commissioner of police
(ACP) Jaspreet Singh and station
28-year-old man dies
body into the canal.”

tions 302 (punishment for mur-
der) and 201 (causing disappear-
ance of evidence of offence, or giv-
Phillaur sweet
house officer of Verka Surjit
Singh reached the spot and
of ‘drug overdose’,
ADCP Walia said, “We conducted
raids on Tuesday and arrested
ing false information to screen
offender) of IPC at Verka police
shop fire kills
started searching for the boy. the trio. We solved the case within station.
30-yr-old worker
Was under no pressure to accept 3 peddlers booked
PHILLAUR: : A 30-year-old worker
was burnt to death when a fire
broke out at a sweet shop on

Phoolka’s resignation: Speaker ARE DRUG PEDDLERS;


MOGA: : Three persons were

charged with culpable homicide
Tuesday. The deceased—
Umesh, from Bihar— had been
working here for years, police
HT Correspondent INITIALY, FORMER DAKHA ence to the earlier resignation on Tuesday, after a 28-year-old TO DRUGS, WHICH THEY Deputy superintendent of
and not in the proper format. man died of alleged drug over- SUPPLIED TO HIM police (DSP) Phillaur Davinder
The speaker invited Phoolka to dose at his home in the city. The Kumar said a preliminary probe
CHANDIGARH: The Punjab Vidhan WAS NOT APPROVED appear personally on February deceased—Jagdish Kumar— CONTINUOUSLY, revealed that the fire broke out
Sabha secretariat on Tuesday 20, 2019, but he appeared on Feb- who was a scooter mechanic, due to short circuit on the sec-
said that the resignation of AS IT WAS NOT IN THE ruary 21, 2019. During the meet- hails from Ahata Badhan Singh The deceased’s viscera sample ond floor of the shop. After an oil
former Dakha MLA HS Phoolka CORRECT FORMAT ing, the speaker told Phoolka that in Moga district. has been sent for further exami- tank in the shop caught fire, a
was not accepted earlier as it was the resignation was not in the cor- Police booked Jagdeep Singh nation, and we are awaiting the blast enveloped the room where
not in proper format as per rules. not been approved by the speaker rect format. Subsequently, on of Chowk Majitha and Sukhdar- report,” he said. Umesh was stuck. He was
The secretariat issued the clar- as the resignation was not in the August 5, Phoolka’s letter was shan Singh and Gopi, both resi- “The three accused are drug rushed to the local civil hospital
ification in response to media proper format. Phoolka had ten- received in which he wrote that dents of Sadhan Wali Basti in peddlers and they hooked Jagd- but he died of burn injuries.
reports that claimed that dered his resignation as an MLA he will send the resignation to the Moga, after taking a statement of ish to drugs, which they supplied The police have not yet taken
Phoolka’s resignation has been on October 12, 2018, which was speaker in the appropriate for- the deceased’s family. to him continuously, which led any action against the shop
accepted after 10 months as he against the rules of procedure mat. The spokesman said after Station house incharge (SHO) to his death. No arrest has been owner, saying the matter is
threatened to go to the Supreme and “unnecessary” reasons were this Phoolka submitted his resig- Surjit Singh said Jagdish was made so far,” he added. A case under investigation. The DSP
Court. given in the resignation. Phoolka nation on August 8 in the appro- found dead at home on Monday has been registered under Sec- said the deceased’s kin have
Rubbishing reports, a spokes- also tendered a resignation per- priate format as per the rules, evening. “It seems he died of a tion 304 ( culpable homicide not been informed and a case will be
person of the Punjab Vidhan sonally to the speaker on Decem- which was accepted by the drug overdose. His family too amounting to murder) of Indian registered on the basis of his
Sabha said the resignation had ber 11, 2018, which was in refer- speaker on August 9. confirmed he was a drug addict. Penal Code (IPC). family’s statement. HTC

CM ASKS GOVT No MC House meet, devp
AUG 21 STRIKE takes back seat in Amritsar

CHANDIGARH: Punjab chief
Mandeep Narula as MC officials generally remain
minister Captain Amarinder Singh
has scheduled a meeting of the n
In a meeting, every incommunicado most of the time.
cabinet sub-committee on
AMRITSAR: Councillors in the holy
body raises their Sanitation staff is not on duty and
we are unable to complain about
August 21 to resolve state govern-
ment employees’ proposed strike. city are alleging that no develop- concerns collectively, and it. Civil projects, inaugurated a
The CM directed the sub-commit- ment work has rolled forward as year ago, are not on schedule.
tee, headed by local government more than seven months have they all cannot be resolved Without a meeting, how can we
minister Brahm Mohindra to hold
a follow-up meeting with repre-
passed but Amritsar municipal
corporation (MC) is yet to con-
together. So, I am meeting raise these issues with senior offi-
cials?” asked Congress councillor
sentatives of the employees’ duct its first general house meet- councillors individually. Rajkanwal Preet Singh Lucky.
associations on August 28 to ing with its councillors. At these “To avoid facing collective flak
resolve their pending demands as meetings, councillors discuss from councillors on slow develop-
soon as possible. HTC
prevailing issues in their wards ment work, the mayor has started
One booked for assaulting and get agenda of development meeting councillors individu-
woman constable approved. August 8, issues such as sanita- ally,” said a BJP councillor, who
tion, garbage disposal, street- did not wished to be named.
BATHINDA: Police booked a NO MEETING CALLED IN lights and potholed roads were
woman for allegedly assaulting THE WHOLE YEAR addressed. MAYOR REFUTES
a woman constable when she
However, since the last general On Tuesday, the mayor met ALLEGATIONS
attempted to arrest the accused
house meet on December 31, 2018, councillors of the West constitu- When Rintu was asked about the
on Monday. The accused,
Amarjit Kaur of Sirjeana village, most councillors, including those ency, who alleged that develop- allegations, he said, “The meet
was being arrested for trying to of the ruling party in state, flayed ment work was very slow in their was delayed due to elections. But
seize a portion of a building, mayor Karamjit Singh Rintu, for wards. development work has not
which was being sold by her not organising regular house Most councillors, however, slowed down. I met councillors
in-laws. Amarjit attacked meetings. complained of inadequate supply individually to resolve their
constable Harmeet Kaur and Meanwhile, mayor Rintu is of clean drinking water, choked problems better, as in a meeting,
tore her uniform. A case under conducting individual interac- sewerage lines and the flawed everybody cannot raise their con-
Section 353 (assault or criminal tive sessions with councillors of and inadequate execution in cerns collectively. After address-
force to deter public servant each constituency in the city. In work done by civil department. ing issues of every constituency,
from discharge of his duty) and the first meeting with councillors “Councillors usually bring we will call a house meeting in the
186 (obstructing public servant of the South constituency on issues to the table at house meets last week of August.”
in discharge of public functions)
of the Indian Penal Code was

Two killed as bikes

Western Command

Father witnesses son get

run over by canter truck
chief visits Vajra
GURUGRAM: Jagbir was returning
home in Farrukhnagar from a
market when he saw his only son,
21-year-old Mohit, who was riding
collide in Mansa
HT Correspondent (boy), sister-in-law Karamjeet
Corps in Jalandhar
a TVS Apache motorcycle, get run
n Kaur and nephew Ekam when CHANDIGARH: After taking over as
over by a canter truck on Monday.
Mohit was in the second year of his bike rammed into the motor- the Western Army commander,
BPharma. Jagbir rushed his son to MANSA: Two persons were killed cycle being driven Gursewak Lieutenant General RP Singh
the hospital where he was and two children were critically Singh, 35, of Maujian village. visited Vajra Corps, Jalandhar,
declared dead on arrival. The injured in a head-on collision While Gurdeep and Gurdev to review their operational pre-
driver of the canter truck was between two motorcycles near died on the spot, Lovepreet and paredness. He was briefed by Lt
arrested from the spot. “He was the thermal power plant at Karamjeet are undergoing treat- Gen Arvind Dutta, general offi-
riding his motorcycle on the side Banawala village here on ment at the civil hospital in cer commanding (GOC), Vajra
of the road. The canter truck, Tuesday. Mansa. Corps. Earlier, Singh had also
which was coming from Jhajjar Gurdeep Singh, 25, of Tal- “Mehakdeep and Ekam have visited Rising Star Corps to
and going towards Farrukhnagar wandi Aklia village, was travel- been referred to private hospitals assess the operational and secu-
bus stand, hit my son’s motorcy- ling towards Behniwal from Tal- in Bathinda as their condition rity aspects of the force. Prior to
cle. He fell on the road and the wandi Aklia with his wife Love- was critical,” said Gurdeep moving to the Western Com-
truck’s tyre went over him,” said preet Kaur and children Singh, assistant sub-inspector mand, he was the GOC of 21
Jagbir, a farmer, in the FIR. HTC Husandeep (girl) and Mehakdeep and investigating officer. Corps. HTC



06 region hindustantimes H INDUSTAN TIMES, C H A N D I G AR H


girl in Delhi school, held

SHOCKER May have abused at least 3 others on the premises
Shiv Sunny and Kainat Sarfaraz
NEWDELHI: A five-year-old girl stu- Here is how the investigation has progressed so far
dent was raped by a sweeper in a MEERUT/MUZAFFARNAGAR:
private school in south Delhi over n A five-year-old girl student is in the school to see if the A 15-year-old hearing
the course of several days, and raped by a sweeper at a private accused, who is seemingly a impaired girl living in a
the revelation of the shocking school in south Delhi over serial offender, abused more village in Muzaffarna-
crime led to parents of three more several days students gar was raped by her
young students from the school n Parents of three more young n The police are also sending a neighbour over several
alleging that their daughters students from the school make notice to the school authorities months resulting in a
were abused by the man, police similar allegations after the to know if they received any pregnancy, police said
said on Tuesday. case comes to light complaints against him in the on Tuesday.
The sweeper, who was n The sweeper, who has been past The girl is seven-
employed in the school since 2008, employed in the school since n They will also ask the school months pregnant, police
has been arrested. 2008, is later arrested why a male worker was allowed said, adding they have
Vijay Kumar, deputy commis- n Police then seek the help of an into the washroom section arrested the accused.
sioner of police (south), con- NGO to counsel other children meant for girls Circle officer of Jan-
firmed that multiple complaints sath area in Muzaffarna-
of sexual abuse have been gar, Somendra Kumar
received against the man, and the Protection of Children from the washroom for girls is out of Negi, said the family of
said that the police have sought Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act,” bounds for male workers. the girl came to know
the help of an NGO to counsel said the DCP. The school authorities also about the abuse only
other children in the school to see The 45-year-old sweeper is a said they have never received a after the pregnancy
if the accused, seemingly a serial father to three daughters and a complaint against the sweeper in reached an advanced
offender, abused more students. son, and lives in a slum not far the past. “On getting to know of stage after which they
The police are also sending a from the school. The alleged rap- the sexual assault by a non-teach- approached police on
notice to the school authorities to ist submitted his mandatory ing member of the school, the Monday and lodged a
know if they received any com- police verification certificate in principal immediately handed complaint against their
plaints against him in the past. 2017. He worked in the school’s him over to the police and pro- 58-year-old neighbour.
“We will also be asking them why morning shift, the same one that vided all details about him with- The man was arrested
a male worker was allowed into the girl attended. out any delay,” the school said. the same evening. n Girls in a playful mood during heavy rain on The Ridge in Shimla on Tuesday. DEEPAK SANSTA
the washroom section meant for “The sweeper had been taking Ameeta Mohan, principal of The CO said that the
girls,” said Kumar. the girl to isolated spots in the Amity International School in girl has been kept under SHIMLA : Himachal Pradesh is likely to witness heavy rainfall in the last 24 hours. Mandi recorded 47 mm of rainfall, Kangra 44.3mm,
The DCP added that the crime school building to abuse her since Pushp Vihar, said schools should supervision of doctors. upcoming days as state’s Meteorological Department has issued a Una 34.4 mm, Nahan of Sirmaur district 25mm and Chamba 19mm.
was brought to police’s notice on early this month. On one occa- ensure there are no dark spots of Meanwhile, irate vil- yellow warning for lower and middle hills of the state for August Prominent tourist destination Dharamshala received 26.8 mm and
Wednesday, when the child com- sion, he took her inside the CCTV cameras. “For our schools, lagers protested and 16 and 17. MeT Department director Dr Manmohan Singh said recorded 27.4 degrees maximum temperature while Palampur of
plained to her mother about con- school’s washroom. The CCTV we do not hire male sanitation demanded strict action heavy rainfall is likely to occur at isolated parts of the state for Kangra district witnessed 33mm rain and recorded 26 degrees maxi-
stant pain in her abdomen. footage shows him accompany- workers for the pre-primary and against the accused. the next few days. Sujanpur Tira of Hamirpur district recorded the mum temperature.Maximum temperature at Manali and Dalhousie
“When the mother found inju- ing the girl to the washroom and primary section. Even when the HTC AND PTI highest rainfall of 110 mm, followed by 103 mm in Guler during the was 24.8 and 21.1 degrees, respectively.
ries on the girl’s body, she took then walking out with her,” said students step out of the classroom
her to a hospital. The child’s med- a senior investigator who asked for activities or to go to the wash- ally in realtime, by a team. “Con-
ical examination suggested that not to be named. room, they are accompanied by ducting police verification is a
she had been raped, prompting
her to inform the police,” he said.
It was during counselling by a
A school official said that the
footage caught on camera was
from August 5, when the sweeper
teachers or someone that the
school is assigned for the job.
Schools must also ensure that
must. Teachers must tell the chil-
dren not to fear and raise an
alarm if they are grabbed by any-
3 held with heroin 2 dead as tree falls on house in Rampur
JAMMU: Three people held with
local NGO that the girl said that was asked to switch off the water every spot is covered by CCTV one. Children should be encour- 284gm heroin in J&K’s Udham- HT Correspondent around 1:00 am near Mashnu fied as Jatun, 45, and Sarya-
she has been lured by the school’s cooler. “Since the switch was camera.” aged to play in groups and not pur on Tuesday. An SUV was n village, 30 kilometres away from bano,15, while the injured are
sweeper into the bathroom and inside the girls’ washroom, he Delhi police officers said that play alone in isolated areas. The intercepted during patrolling and Rampur. Bashir, Meera and Samaya.
other isolated places on the com- had gone inside. Footage showed in pre-primary schools and pri- school must hold counselling ses- the contraband was seized from SHIMLA : Two people, including a Two people died on the spot All of them belong to Gujjar
pound over several days. the child entering the washroom mary section, it should be manda- sions with all students,” said a Surinder Singh, Imraz Singh and 15-year-old girl, were killed and while the three injured were tribe.
“We arrested the sweeper and moments later,” said the official. tory to have CCTV cameras, senior police officer, who did not Randeep Singh. A case under three sustained injuries after a rushed to Mahatma Gandhi The bodies were sent to Com-
booked him for rape and under Otherwise, the school said that which should be monitored, ide- wish to be named. NDPS Act was registered. HTC tree—uprooted by heavy Medical Services Complex, munity Health Centre, Saharan
rains—fell over their makeshift Khaneri, for treatment. As for postmortem.
house in Rampur subdivision of many as nine people were Deputy superintendent of

Himachal Pradesh’s Shimla dis- present in the house when the police Abhimanyou Verma con-
trict on Tuesday. mishap occurred. firmed the incident and said
The mishap took place The deceased has been identi- investigation is on.

DATE Rupees
1 HARYANA POWER NIT NO. CH-61/IT/ERP-04 DATED 05.08.2019 ENGAGING THE SERVICE OF 05.08.2019 6 LACS 0172-5022416


(NIT NO. 548/MP-7030/PRESSURE PARTS/2019) 06.08.2019 38.17 LACS

Tender no =
2019_HBC_91721_1 & 0180-2566015
Tender no.
3 HARYANA POWER (NIT NO. 547/MP-7020/PAINTING OF TRANSFORMER/2019) 06.08.2019 2.46 LACS & 0180-2566015 HT Correspondent
4 VITA BALLABGARH OPERATION & PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE OF EFFLUENT TREATMENT 10.08.2019 5 LACS http://vitaindia.etenders. 0129-242376, 9968604725 SHIMLA:The kingpin of imperson-
PLANT OF CAP 20KL/DAY ON ANNUAL RATE CONTRACT BASIS AT MILK 30.08.2019 ation racket in the Himachal Pra-
CHILLING CENTRE, BILASPUR (GURUGRAM), HARYANA. desh police recruitment exam
5 DHBVN PROVIDING OF 1 NO. VEHICLE JEEP/ BOLERO FOR SDO CIVIL LINE S/DIVN. 07.08.2019 3.60 LACS 01662-237853, indulged in illegal activities to
20) + 2 OTHER WORKS make quick money after his busi-
6 UHBVN JEEP (BOLERO) 07.08.2019 6000 01262-268564 ness failed, police investigation
THROUGH OUT-SOURCING FOR TWO YEARS 2/M&P/2019-20 Main accused Bikram Singh,
dated: 06.08.19
32, who is a Class-12 pass out from
7 UHBVN COSNTRUCTION OF VCW AT 33KV S/STN. SALHAWAS JHAJJAR 02.08.2019 11.60 LACS xenciviluhbvnrohtak@
PANCHKULA 20.08.2019 Jawali in Kangra district, came in
contact with Haryana-based
8 UHBVN CONSTRUCTION OF INTERLOCKING PAVER BLOCK ROAD AT 33KV S/STN. 02.08.2019 11.70 LACS xenciviluhbvnrohtak@ gangs which arranged ‘experts’
PANCHKULA KAHANAUR (ROHTAK) 20.08.2019 to take the exam on behalf of Bik-
ram’s clients. Singh had tried his
PANIPAT Jawali and Raja Ka Talab four
PANCHKULA ELECTRICAL WORKS OF 11KV/33KN UNDER (OP) CIRCLE, UHBVN, 22.08.2019 TENDER NO = NIT No. 01/ Police sources said, Singh, who
is still absconding, charged ₹6
11 UHBVN EXTENSION OF EXISTING SWITCH HOUSE BUILDING AT 33KV S/STN. 02.08.2019 6.27 LACS xenciviluhbvnrohtak@ GOVERNMENT OF UTTARAKHAND lakh from every aspirant in lieu
12 UHBVN OPERATION OF BIJLI SUVIDHA KENDRA IN WHOLE (OP) CIRCLE UHBVN, 05.08.2019 50000/- 0180-2652352 Second Floor, Red Cross Building, Danda lakhond, P.O. Gujarada,
PANCHKULA PANIPAT 20.08.2019 Sahastradhara Road Dehradun 248001, Uttarakhand, INDIA test. Family of one of the aspi- rants even sold its land, said
UHBVN, KURUKSHETRA 19.08.2019 20/2019-20 Ref. Bid No. IN-UKHFWS-117391-NC-RFB (Augmentation, development,
14 UHBVN MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF RESIDENTIAL & NON RESIDENTIAL CLOSING 11.58 LACS 9356063248 operation and maintenance of integrated Healthcare Facilities and provision advance from an aspirant and
PANCHKULA BUILDINGS OF 33 KV S/STNS./ HVPNL ASSETS UNDER OP DIVISION DATE TENDER NO = xenciviluhbvnpanchkula@ of Healthcare Services on PPP basis in Ramnagar Cluster in Uttarakhand) rest of the amount was to be paid
UHBVN, PEHOWA 19.08.2019 21/2019-20 after the result. It was revealed
Interested bidders may please note the following change in timelines. There
15 UHBVN MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF RESIDENTIAL & NON RESIDENTIAL CLOSING 14.04 LACS 9356063248 are other changes also; please refer to the detailed corrigendum on that the accused had kept the
UHBVN, GUHLA 19.08.2019 22/2019-20 original certificates of the aspi-
16 UHBVN MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF RESIDENTIAL & NON RESIDENTIAL CLOSING 18.37 LACS 9356063248 No. Particulars Earlier Date Revised Date rants to ensure that they make
and Time and Time full payment. The cops are also
UHBVN, CITY KARNAL 21.08.2019 31/2019-20 probing the role of some coaching
1 Bid due date 19th August 2019 10th September 2019
(1500 HRS 1ST) (1500 HRS 1ST) centres in Haryana and Aligarh.
WORKS 22.08.2019 No. 01 dated 2019-20 + 2 2 Last date and time 19th August 2019 10th September 2019
OTHER WORKS for submitting (1500 HRS 1ST) (1500 HRS 1ST) FOUR MORE ARRESTS
18 HVPN , PANCHKULA REPLACEMENT OF ORDINARY PILOT STRING DISC INSULATORS WITH CLOSING 1.85 LACS 0172-2583789 originals/hard copy With four more arrests on Mon-
COMPOSITE LONG ROD POLYMER INSULATOR OF 220 KV (PGCIL) HISAR- DATE of given documents day, the count has gone up to
FATEHABAD D/C LINE FOR FY 2019-20. 16.08.2019
3 Date and time of 19th August 2019 10th September 2019 17. Six of them are from Haryana,
NVM AT PALWAL TIME LIMIT FOR 6 MONTHS + 1 OTHER WORK DATE xenfaridabad. opening of (1530 HRS 1ST) (1530 HRS 1ST) Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan.
19.08.2019 Qualification Bids The four accused are Manoj
20 HSAM, BHIWANI PROVIDING AND FIXING OF ROAD SAFETY MEASURES ON HSAMB ROADS CLOSING 15.85 LACS xenbhiwani2.hsamb@ Project Director Kumar, 21, of Nurpur; Vineet
IN BHIWANI CONSTITUENCY DISTT. BHIWANI +5 OTHER WORKS DATE Tender No. 2693 dt. Kumar, 21, from Baijanth;
22.08.2019 07.08.2019 / 15.2019 + Uttarakhand Health Systems Development Project
5 other works Kamal, 19, from Jawali of Kangra
22.08.2019 UTTARAKHAND HEALTH SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT didates for whom impersonators
22 MCG PROVIDING AND FIXING OF TEEN SHED FOR ATTENDENCE OF LABOUR 08.08.2019 72.27 LACS Second Floor, Red Cross Building, Danda lakhond, P.O. Gujarada, were taking the exam. they have
GURUGRAM ALL WARDS NO.35, UNDER MCG. 14.08.2019 Sahastradhara Road Dehradun 248001, Uttarakhand, INDIA been sent to police remand till
CORPORATION WORKS 14.08.2019 August 16. Kangra superintend-
24 MUNICIPAL PROVIDING & FIXING OF CABLE IN WARD NO. 1 (I.E. DHOBIWARA, JATI CLOSING 43.76 lacs Ref. Bid No. IN-UKHFWS-117389-NC-RFB (Augmentation, development, said, “The SIT is also probing the
CORPORATION KALAN, NAI BASTI, RAMLILA MADAN, SUNDAR MOHALLA, JATWARA, DATE operation and maintenance of integrated Healthcare Facilities and provision racket’s involvement in provid-
SONIPAT SAINIPURA AND MAIN ROAD ETC. IN M.C. SONEPAT.+ 1 OTHER WORK 19.08.2019 of Healthcare Services on PPP basis in Pauri Cluster in Uttarakhand) ing proxy for other recruitment
Interested bidders may please note the following change in timelines. There
25 MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT OF PARK IN SITLA MATA POND IN VILL. SIHI WARD NO.34 06.08.2019 649.71 LACS 9811921735 are other changes also; please refer to the detailed corrigendum on exams in the state.”
CORPORATION FARIDABAD 15.08.2019 TENDER NO Police busted the racket on
FARIDABAD 2019_HRY_92169_1 Sunday during the recruitment
26 MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION OF PARK AT OLD CIVIL HOSPITAL LAND IN WARD NO. 06, 08.08.2019 79.64 LACS https://etenders.hry.nic. Narender Taneja, No. Particulars Earlier Date Revised Date exam for the posts of constables
CORPORATION AT PATAUDI, GURUGRAM (HR). 18.08.2019 in/nicgep/app Municipal Engineer and Time and Time when seven youths were arrested
PATAUDI tender no. 2019_HRY_92742_1 1 19th August 2019 10th September 2019
Bid due date at Paraur exam centre in Kangra
INDUSTRIES 28.08.2019
Last date and time 19th August 2019 district.
CORPORATION LIMITED, nicgep/app tender no 2 10th September 2019
for submitting (1500 HRS 1ST) (1500 HRS 1ST) Some of them were held during
PANCHKULA Enquiry No. 2/HAIC/2019/
dated 08.08.2019 originals/hard copy frisking while others had entered
28 HARYANA AGRO APPOINTMENT OF CONTRACTORS FOR HANDLING OF FOODGRAINS 09.08.2019 RS. 5/- PER 0172-2560134 of given documents the exam hall. More than 38,000
3 Date and time of 19th August 2019 10th September 2019 candidates appeared in the exam
CORPORATION LIMITED, MURTHAL, KAITHAL, BARWALA, TOHANA CAPACITY OF nicgep/app tender no conducted for 1,063 posts. State
PANCHKULA EACH Enquiry No. 3/HAIC/2019/ opening of (1530 HRS 1ST) (1530 HRS 1ST)
GODOWN dated 07.08.2019 Qualification Bids government cancelled the exam.
Another exam will be held,
Project Director
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION KINDLY VISIT: or date for which will be decided
77517 Uttarakhand Health Systems Development Project soon.



WE DNESDAY, AUGUST 14 , 2019 hindustantimes region 07
28-year-old man booked
Sow seeds of love, peace this Independence Day for pronouncing triple talaq
Rameshinder Singh Sandhu forming. No wonder it was from such part of the world and the recent bifurcation of
I WONDERED WHEN named Peace Arch Park. where the border with Paki- Jammu and Kashmir into two
uring my travels, unique In the coming days, as I was stan tells an entirely different Union Territories has brought DEHRADUN/PITHORAGARH: A under IPC for harassing the harass her. After sometime, her
attractions excite me the
most. My uncle based in
WHEN BROTHERS in Canada’s Alberta, I took off
to Waterton border town since
story, it pinched me and I won-
dered when that day will come
a wave of differences between
the two neighbours. But setting
28-year-old man was booked for
allegedly giving triple talaq --
26-year-old woman, they added.
“The case was registered after
mother-in-law Samar Jahan and
brother-in-law Mujahid Jahan
Lynden, a small border town of PARTED SINCE AUGUST a friend suggested a similar when brothers parted since our differences aside, we instant divorce that allows Mus- the victim lodged a complaint also started harassing her.”
Washington, knew that well.
Which is why one morning he
1947 WILL START attraction there. There it was a
lake, also named after peace.
August 1947 will start loving
each other and living in peace.
should remember that nothing
is above peace.
lim men to immediately termi-
nate a marriage just by repeating
against three people on Monday.
She informed us that she got
The accused hails from Pilib-
hit district in Uttar Pradesh, but
announced, “We will be head- LOVING EACH OTHER Half the lake was in Alberta In Europe, where I have With independence days of the word “talaq” thrice -- to his married to Shahid Miyan in 2012. is living in Pithoragarh for about
ing to a park on the US-Canada AND LIVING IN PEACE and the other half in America’s lived for three years, there are Pakistan and India on August wife on Monday in Pithoragarh, Miyan gave her triple talaq 10 years.
border.” Montana state. countries that have fought each 14 and 15, why not make a police said on Tuesday. orally on August 10,” said Om “The accused would soon
Half the park was in Wash- of peace and friendship Daily, tourists enjoy the other in the past but today they meaningful start by sowing the A case was registered under Prakash Sharma, station house be arrested,” the police officer
ington and the other half in between the two nations. I viv- guided boat ride from Waterton stand united with friendly bor- seeds of love and peace this the Muslim Women (Protection officer, Kotwali police station, said.The Rajya Sabha had passed
British Columbia. To mark the idly remember that inspiring and stop for a few minutes on ders. time? As former US president of Rights on Marriage) Act, 2019, where the case was registered. the triple talaq bill on July 30,
border between them, there message on top of one of the the American side and return. Maybe they have learnt that John F Kennedy said, “Man- police said. “The victim claimed that after which paved the way for the
were small pillars and anyone gates, “May these gates never The flags of both countries flut- wars only bring destruction. kind must put an end to war The accused’s mother and her marriage, she was unable to Muslim Women (Protection
from any side could freely roam get closed.” tered on our boat amid com- There is one visitor visa called before war puts an end to man- elder brother were also booked bear a child due to some health of Rights on Marriage) Act,
within the park without any A notice board nearby was mentary that was peppered Schengen that allows you kind.” on charges of cruelty to woman issues for which Miyan used to 2019. HTC
need of a visa. flooded with posters of an art with proverbs and poetry on travel in 26 European coun- Hope persists.
At the centre was the arch exhibition and a music festival the importance of peace. tries. Isn’t that inspiring? n
with gates bolted to its walls
and all around were messages
in which artistes from both the
US and Canada would be per-
It was enough to stir my
imagination and having come
Nothing is impossible. Our
past has seen many disputes
The writer is an Amritsar-based
freelance contributor FIVE HELD, 50
PEACE WILL RETURN care that work on any project GIVING COMMUNIST COLOUR government. Its senior leader, P Kashmir must not curb this
Bifurcation of the state of Jammu
related to the corridor is pure,
pious and quality is maintained.
Former Union finance minister
Chidambaram, has attempted to
give a communal colour to the
recent peace initiative that has
sentiments of a large number of CLASH IN JAIPUR
and Kashmir into two union terri- If we remain positive, the cele- P Chidambaram has given a abrogation of Article 370. This residents of the state attached
tories (UTs) will help silence the brations will pass off well and the communal twist to the abroga- does not show him in a positive with it. Punjab CM has been JAIPUR: Five people were arrested
discordant voices that emerge world will be blessed. tion of Article 370 by claiming light. Every democracy needs a bold in clearly articulating his and more than 50 booked on Tues-
from the valley. This will enable Jagdish Singh Jassal, that it was done to discriminate strong, but a responsible opposi- concern. day afternoon over a communal
peace to return to Jammu, Kash- Patiala against the majority commu- tion, always having national Harpreet Sandhu, clash that broke out in Galta Gate
mir and Ladakh. Now, this is the nity. Without debating the mer- interest at its heart. Ludhiana and Ramganj police station areas
time to focus on progress and CONG MUST MOVE its of his claim, it can also be sub- Prakash Hanspaul in Jaipur, police said.
development of these areas and to AWAY FROM DYNASTY mitted that there has been dis- QUALITY WATER A Mobile internet services were
create an atmosphere of peace in Choosing Sonia Gandhi as the crimination and, even ethnic KARTARPUR: PUNJAB RIGHT OF CITIZENS suspended in some areas in Jai-
the region. Congress president may be good cleansing in the valley, previ- CM HAS BEEN BOLD It is shocking that ground pur on Tuesday morning to “pre-
Devendra Khurana as a temporary measure for the ously, with the minority commu- Apropos ‘Don’t back off Kartar- water has been polluted to such a vent the spread of rumours” after
party. However, it will not benefit nity there. All of us need to let pur corridor project: Capt to severe extent that the National two groups clashed over an
POSITIVITY WILL HELP the national political scene. bygones be bygones and move Pakistan, HT, August 12)’ Pun- Green Tribunal (NGT) has to attack on a bus ferrying pilgrims,
KARTARPUR CORRIDOR The grand old party needs to ahead on the path of peace. jab chief minister Capt Amarin- order third-party quality tests. police said. Additional commis-
The Kartarpur Sahib corridor move away from the Gandhi Subhash Kumar, Ludhiana der Singh has urged Pakistan There needs to be mechanism to sioner of police, crime, Santosh
will come up well in time for the dynasty and act in a democratic authorities to ensure the ensure that the public are aware Chalke said those who were
550th birth anniversary of the manner to elect new leaders at CONG AN IMMATURE timely completion of the project of the quality of water they con- arrested and booked were
first Sikh master, Guru Nanak. national and state levels. Only OPPOSITION before the 550th anniversary. sume. This needs to be public involved in pelting stones and
We should shun negativity and then the cadre will be rejuve- The Congress has failed to show The CM has always batted for information and a citizen right, other unlawful activities on Mon-
be hopeful and confident that all nated and the Congress will maturity as a responsible oppo- state’s interests and it is just as air pollution is. day night.
will go well for the historic cele- achieve the glory it deserves. sition. Its policy seems to be to good that he has raised the point CP Aggarwal, “Ten people and five police-
brations. Yet, we need to take Subhash Vaid oppose every move of the BJP that the ongoing scenario in Ambala City men got injured in the clash. On
the basis of a complaint of the
injured, FIR was registered. At

Banswara rape CAT orders stay on present, the situation is under

control. However, heavy force
has been deployed in Ramganj V.O.CHIDAMBARANAR PORT TRUST
accused sent to IFS officer’s transfer
and Galta Gate areas and an addi-
tional deputy commissioner of
police is monitoring the situation
TUTICORIN - 628 004.

judicial custody CHANDIGARH :The Central Admin- and therefore his transfer order
in these areas,” said Chalke.
The accused were booked
Online Electronic Tenders are invited by V.O.Chidambaranar
istrative Tribunal (CAT) has was illegal. under section 151 (whoever Port Trust, Tuticorin from experienced, reputed and financially
JAIPUR: Four out of five accused stayed transfer orders issued by He said Group A and B offi- knowingly joins or continues in sound contractors, as stipulated in the tender document for the
who were arrested for gang-rap- the Punjab government sanc- cers cannot be transferred any assembly of five or more per- following work:
ing a pregnant woman in Ban- tioning the transfer of Indian unless they have completed two sons likely to cause a disturbance
swara district were sent to judi- Forest Service (IFS) officer Jit- years of service and that too of public peace), 332(voluntarily Tender No. : M-NAVI/50T BP Tug
cial custody, police said on endra Sharma. with specific recommendations causing hurt to deter public ser- Hire/F08
Tuesday. On August 9, Sharma was of the members of the civil servi- vant from discharging his duty), Name of work : Supply, Manning,
Deputy Superintendent of transferred from the post of ces board. He added that he had 352 (assaulting public servant), Operation and
police (DSP), Banswara circle, principal chief conservator of not yet completed two years of 341 (wrongful restraint), 307 Maintenance of 1 No. of
Parbhati Lal said the accused forests (PCCF, head of forest service. (attempt to murder), 336 (Act
50T BP or more highly
were presented at the residence force) in the state to the post of He alleged that Kuldeep endangering human life) and 337
maneuverable Tractor,
of ACJM as it was government Punjab State Forest Develop- Kumar had blatantly violated (causing hurt to any person) of
holiday on Monday evening. ment Corporation managing the Forest (Conservation) Act, the Indian Penal Code. Reverse Tractor or ASD tug
“The accused have been sent to director. 1980, due to which the National The district administration for VOC Port Trust on hire
n People protest against the alleged lynching of Pehlu Khan in judicial custody. On Wednes- Sharma moved CAT on Tues- Green Tribunal, New Delhi, had snapped phone internet services basis for a period of five
Udaipur. HT FILE day, the identification parade of day and sought a stay on the launched an investigation into in 10 police stations, including years extendable by two
the accused would be done by order, calling it ‘illegal and arbi- the matter. Galta Gate, Brahmpuri, Subhash years.

Verdict in Pehlu the victim. Further, the accused

would be taken in police remand
for interrogation and further
investigation,” Lal said.
trary’. Kuldeep Kumar, who has
been working as PCCF (wild-
life), has been posted in place of
Sharma said as head of the
forest department, Kumar
would become custodian of
records, which will hamper fair
Chowk, Ramganj, Manak Chowk,
Bhatta Basti, Shastri Nagar,
Kotwali, Sanjay Circle and
Transport Nagar, known to be
Estimate value of Work

Earnest Money Deposit

: Rs. 34,53,03,000/- plus
: Rs. 59,53,030/-

lynching case today While Sunil Charpota, Vikas,

Naresh Gurjar and Vijay Char-
pota were arrested on Sunday,
Sharma said the transfer
order was in violation of the IFS
(cadre) Rules, 1966, according to
He also submitted that the
impugned order was in viola-
communally sensitive areas in
the capital city. A police officer
said the situation turned tense in
[Rs. 25,00,000/- by NEFT /
Rs. 34,53,030/- by BG]
HT Correspondent cows in a pickup truck. Jitendra was arrested on July which the ministry of person- tion of the transfer guidelines. Ramganj and nearby areas after
n The truck was passing 23, the DSP added. nel, public grievances and pen- Sharma told the tribunal a minor scuffle broke out between Date of downloading of tender : 14.08.2019 to 29.08.2019
through Behror when some Investigation into the gang sions had prescribed that a civil though he had not handed over two communities on Sunday. It document from VOCPT
ALWAR: A local court is likely to members of Hindu organisations rape case revealed that the vic- services board be constituted the charge to the respondent, escalated on Monday evening e-tendering website
announce verdict in the Pehlu allegedly stopped the truck and tim was raped 11 times by the before issuing transfer orders. Kumar had rushed to join the after people gathered at places Last Date and Time for : Up to 15.00 hrs. on
Khan lynching case on Wednes- beat up Khan and his two sons accused in turns due to which Sharma said no such board post, the same evening the like Ramganj and Khole Ke Hanu- submission of Tenders on line 29.08.2019
day, additional public prosecutor mercilessly. Khan was later she suffered miscarriage. HTC had been constituted in his case orders were issued. HTC man Ji Chauraha. HTC
Yogendra Khatana told HT on admitted in a local hospital, Date and time of opening of : 15.30 Hrs. on 29.08.2019
Tuesday. where he died on April 3, Khatana (cover-1) Technical Bid Online
The court of additional district said. He said that there are nine Validity of tender : 120 days from the last
judge no 1, Sarita Swami, is hear- accused in the case including two date fixed for receipt of
ing the case. minors. The fate of seven accused
Arguments from both the sides — Vipin Yadav, Kalu Ram, Daya-
were completed in the case on nand, Ravindra Kumar, Yogesh For further details and updates visit the port e-tender website
August 7 and the judge had Kumar, Bheem Rathi and Deepak
announced to give verdict in the alias Golu — will be decided on Sd/-
case on August 14, the additional Wednesday, Khatana said. Deputy Conservator
public prosecutor said. The two minor accused are fac-
Khatana said on April 1, 2017, ing charges in a juvenile court.
Pehlu Khan and his two sons, res- The victim side presented 44
idents of Jaisinghpura village in witnesses in the case, the addi-
Haryana, were transporting tional public prosecutor said.


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08 hindustantimes HINDUSTAN TIMES, C H AN D I G AR H

p g

SC refuses to order lifting of Will ease J&K restrictions in

a phased manner, says govt
curbs, says govt needs time Ashiq Hussain

JAMMU: The Jammu and Kash-

mir administration on Tuesday
JAMMU: Jammu and Kash-
mir will hold its first inves-
October 12 and 14 in Srina-
gar and Jammu. While the
RESTRICTIONS Bench posts the matter said restrictions imposed in the tors’ summit from October inaugural ceremony will be
for hearing after two weeks, decides Valley last week in the wake of
the revocation of Jammu and
12-14 this year, its principal
secretary, industries and
held in Srinagar, the vale-
dictory ceremony will take
against interfering in the ‘absence of facts’ Kashmir’s special status would
be lifted in a phased manner.
commerce, Navin Choud-
hary said on Tuesday.
place in Jammu,” Choud-
hary told the media.
HT Correspondent termed the situation in Jammu & Government spokesperson The announcement “Thrust sectors would be
n Kashmir, serious. “We will not Rohit Kansal said the move to comes a week after the Cen- horticulture, post-harvest
say anything right now and just ease the restrictions was taken tre nullified Article 370 that technologies, tourism and
NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court post the matter for hearing after following an assessment of dif- granted special status to hospitality, film industry,
refused to lift the communication two weeks,” a bench of Justices ferent areas in the Kashmir Jammu and Kashmir and IT, handloom and handi-
blackout and other restrictions Arun Mishra, MR Shah and AK division by local authorities. He carved the state into two crafts, agro and food proc-
imposed in Jammu & Kashmir Rastogi told Poonawala. The added that normalcy had been Union Territories. Prime essing, manufacturing and
since last week, observing that judges decided against interfer- restored in the Jammu division. Minister Narendra Modi MSME, healthcare and
the government may have had ing in the “absence of facts”. Both Jammu and Kashmir had said on Thursday that pharmaceuticals, skills and
inputs that prompted such a The bench even declined to ask divisions have 10 districts each. Jammu and Kashmir would education,” he said.
move and that it will need time to for a status report from the Cen- “The Jammu region is attract several investors. Choudhary said road
“restore normalcy”. tre, as suggested by the petitioner entirely free of restrictions. “The Jammu and Kash- shows to attract investment
The court was hearing a peti- and said: “This is a very sensitive Restrictions, however, do con- mir Investors’ Summit, would be held across the
tion by social activist Tehseen issue and needs to be considered tinue in parts of Kashmir based 2019, will be held between country and abroad. HTC
Poonawala, seeking the lifting of seriously. Facilities should be on local assessment,” he said,
the restrictions which were given but at the same time it must adding that restrictions may be
imposed following the govern- be ensured there is normalcy and relaxed after Independence Day cial said striking a balance tient departments (OPDs) in
ment’s decision to bifurcate no life is lost.” celebrations. between possible casualties various hospitals; 1,400 new
Jammu & Kashmir into two “There may be apprehension Mobile and landline connec- because of violence and incon- admissions have also been
union territories, Jammu & of a law and order problem. If tivity as well as internet servi- venience caused to people -was made, and 600 medical proce-
Kashmir, and Ladakh, and scrap something happens Centre will ces were blocked and prohibi- necessary. “As we go forward, dures have been performed so
Article 370 and 35-A of the Consti- be held responsible. Some time tory orders under Section 144 of curbs and restrictions will be far. He said that drugs including
tution that gave the region special needs to be given to restore nor- the Code of Criminal Proce- reduced. The government is the life-saving ones have been
status and its permanent resi- malcy. We cannot take over day- n Local residents face security checks during a lockdown in Srinagar AFP dures imposed last Monday, keen to restore normalcy as made available in every hospital

dents, special privileges. to-day administration,” Justice hours before the Centre revoked early as possible,” he added. across the Valley.
Attorney General KK Venugo-
pal, appearing for the govern-
Mishra added.
Discontent has simmered in
We agree with you and cons of a situation need to be
considered. It is for this reason
was clear that she was not in
court “for the soldiers” and that
Jammu and Kashmir’s special
status and split it into two union
A day after Eid al-Adha,
restrictions were eased in many
In addition, the Jammu-Srin-
agar national highway and
ment, contrasted the current sit- Kashmir since the early hours of (the petitioner) that that they (the government) are soldiers “have to follow discipline territories — J&K and Ladakh. parts of the Kashmir Valley. flights from the Valley continue
uation with the one in 2016 follow- August 5, when phone and Inter- reviewing the situation daily. and the rule of the law”. “We are conscious and sensi- People were seen visiting rela- to function normally, Kansal
ing the killing of militant Burhan net lines were suspended and life and liberty is important. Nobody knows what is happening At one point the bench also tive to the difficulties being tives to exchange Eid greetings. said.
Wani and said that while the
administration took three
restrictions placed on movement
and assembly of people.
But the pros and cons of and what could happen.”
Poonawala’s counsel Menaka
questioned Poonawala’s creden-
tials. When told he was a social
faced by everybody as a result of
restrictions but I wish to empha-
While referring to the initia-
tives taken by the government
On the full-dress rehearsal
for the Independence Day, Kan-
months to bring normalcy back to The judges also asked Venugo- a situation need to be Guruswamy said even her brief- activist, Justice Mishra noted size the reasonable restrictions in the two regions, Kansal said sal said it had been done in every
the Valley then, this time, it will pal to ensure facilities are ing advocates – one a Kashmiri “These days social activists are may be necessary to stop mis- that medical services were district of the Valley and the
do so “in a few days”. Not even a restored soon. In response, the considered... Nobody Pandit and the other a Muslim – filing all kinds of petitions.” chief mongers from carrying being provided to the people necessary arrangements have
single life has been lost now,
while 44 people were killed in
Attorney General said the situa-
tion in the Valley is being
knows what is happening have not been able to communi-
cate with their respective fami-
Earlier, advocate Vrinda
Grover mentioned a public inter-
out any untoward incident,”
Kansal said.
without any hindrance.
He said that 13,500 patients
been put in place for the smooth
conduct of Independence Day
2016, he added. Back then, he said, reviewed on a daily basis. “It and what could happen. lies due to the clampdown. “It’s est litigation filed by Anuradha A senior home ministry offi- received treatment at out-pa- celebrations.
separatists in Jammu & Kashmir depends upon the facts and situa- THE SC BENCH festival time and both cannot Bhasin, editor of Kashmir Times
instigated residents to partici- tion. The situation is dynamic reach out to their families in Srin- newspaper. Her petition is about
pate in violent protests with the
strings being pulled from across
the border (a reference to Paki-
there. Changes happen from day
to day. There is a large section
that may not create trouble there
When the petitioner urged for
an interim direction to let the res-
agar. I can’t imagine a Diwali
when I do not get to hear my
mother’s phone,” she added,
the restrictions on freedom of
movement of journalists. Grover
sought an early hearing of the
In 75 days, we have shown what
stan), adding that this justified
the blackout on communication.
The court seemed to agree with
his argument even though it
but there is surely another that
might,” he told the bench. Troops
in large numbers have been sent
to ensure peace, he added.
idents access hospitals, police sta-
tions and schools, the bench said:
“We agree with you that life and
liberty is important. But the pros
pointing out that even soldiers
posted in the region have not been
able to call home. This prompted
responses from the bench that it
matter, but the bench led by Jus-
tice Mishra asked the lawyer to
hand over the application making
the request to the registrar.
a resolute govt can achieve: Modi
HT Correspondent

Need freedom to travel, not

NEW DELHI : The government has

EC holds informal talks taken quick and decisive steps

to tackle some of the most cru-

plane: Rahul on guv’s offer on delimitation of J&K

cial issues facing the country
today, Prime Minister Naren-
dra Modi said in an interview
with a news agency, recounting
HT Correspondent HT Correspondent sation Act, 2019, “The number of the government’s recent moves
DECISION ON J&K NOT AS PER n seats in the Legislative Assembly
of Union Territory of Jammu and
on Kashmir and the laws
cleared in the first session of
NEWDELHI:Congress leader Rahul
Gandhi on Tuesday responded to
sion (EC) of India on Tuesday
Kashmir shall be increased from
107 to 114.”
parliament as examples of the
administration’s resolve.
a comment from Jammu & Kash- HT Correspondent On the issue of the differ- held an internal meeting on the The official cited above, who “In just the first 75 days of our
mir governor Satyapal Malik the n ent stand taken by some proposed delimitation exercise in did not wish to be named, said, “It government, a lot has happened.
day before that the Congress senior Congress leaders, Jammu and Kashmir following was a meeting to inform the com- From children’s safety to Chan-
leader would do well to visit the UMBHA : Congress general she said, “In the Congress, the passage of the Jammu and mission members about the pro- drayaan-II, from action against n PM Narendra Modi and Union minister Amit Shah attend Sushma
region before speaking on the sit- secretary Priyanka Gandhi every voice is heard and Kashmir Reorganisation Bill, visions of the Act and the process corruption to freeing Muslim Swaraj’s condolence meet in New Delhi on Tuesday. ARVIND YADAV/HT
uation there by saying he and a Vadra said on Tuesday that given importance. Proper 2019, in Parliament last week. that was followed for carrying out women from the scourge of Tri-
group of opposition leaders whatever happened in discussion takes place on An official aware of develop- delimitation when new states ple Talaq, from Kashmir to than the one on Kashmir,” the India, calling it a ‘den of corrup-
would do that, provided they Jammu and Kashmir was such matter to reach a con- ments said the election watchdog such as Andhra Pradesh and Tel- Kisan, we have shown what a prime minister said, referring to tion’... Earlier governments,
were allowed to travel freely not as per the Constitution. clusion.” “It is the BJP was familiarising itself with pro- angana were carved out.” resolute government with a the unexpected scrapping of the too, had given a thought to
across the state which has wit- “The way it (scrapping of where only one voice is visions of the Act under which Another official said on the strong mandate of the people special status to the Jammu and reforming this sector but could
nessed a communications black- Article 370) has been done heard,” she said, in a veiled Jammu and Kashmir state has condition of anonymity the can achieve,” Modi said in the Kashmir region. not go through with it. We
out and restrictions on move- is completely unconstitu- attack on Prime Minister been carved into two Union Terri- delimitation process had not interview with IANS. The PM also spoke on some decided to go through with it
ment since August 5. tional,” Priyanka Gandhi Narendra Modi. tories — Jammu & Kashmir and begun as the home ministry had The Prime Minister said the moves that have been contro- because this is not a matter that
On Monday, Malik also offered told media persons in Asked about her opinion Ladakh – that will come into yet to formally write to the elec- progress was made on founda- versial, such as the medical can be taken lightly, as it con-
to send Gandhi a plane (to travel Umbha village of Sonbha- on the decision, she said: effect on October 31. tion watchdog on reorganisation tions laid in his first five-year industry reforms. cerns the health of our people
to Kashmir). “You are a responsi- dra district where she met “Jo Congress party ki ray Delimitation is the process of of the state. term and now helped by a bigger “When we formed the govern- and future of our youth,” he
ble person and you should not families of the 10 people hai, wahi meri rai hai (I fixing limits or boundaries of ter- Delimitation will be carried majority in Lok Sabha. ment in 2014, there were many said.
speak like this,” Malik said, refer- killed over a land dispute have the same opinion, ritorial constituencies in a coun- out in J&K after over two “There has been no time concerns about the existing sys- “Our road map is clear -- a
encing Gandhi’s comments on on July 17. which is the Congress has). try or a province with a legisla- decades. wasting, no mulling over things tem of medical education. Ear- transparent, accessible and
reports of violence in the Kash- tive body. In 2002, the J&K Assembly had for too long, instead a calibrated lier, courts have used strong affordable medical education
mir valley. According to Section 60 of the put a freeze on fresh delimitation plan to execute, implement and words for the institution over- system leading to better health-
Gandhi’s response came on incidents. He can check for him- scrapped the special status to Jammu and Kashmir Reorgani- of seats till 2026. take bold decisions, none bigger seeing medical education in care outcomes,” Modi said.
Tuesday. He has spent the past self from various Indian channels Jammu & Kashmir. The changes
few days in his constituency Way- which have reported the correct were passed by both houses of
anad in Kerala which has been
devastated by floods and land-
slides. “Dear Governor Malik, A
delegation of opposition leaders &
position in the Kashmir valley.
He can also check detailed sub-
missions made by the govern-
ment in the Supreme Court today
Parliament on August 6. The J&K
administration has thus far
turned back from Srinagar air-
port opposition leaders, Ghulam
Amid shutdown in Valley, weddings put on hold
I will take you up on your gra- which heard a case on this matter Nabi Azad of the Congress and Mir Ehsan tion on that day.’’
cious invitation to visit J&K and and left it to government,” the Sitaram Yechury and D Raja n Roadblocks and barbed wires,
Ladakh,” Gandhi wrote on social statement said. It added that Gan- from the Left parties. in addition to restrictions on
media. “We won’t need an air- dhi was “politicising the matter On Tuesday, the Congress SRINAGAR: For the past two movement, mean that many
craft but please ensure us the by seeking to bring a delegation of urged the government to initiate months, Omar Wani has been newspapers do not reach a wide
freedom to travel & meet the peo- opposition leaders to create fur- a political dialogue and busy planning the wedding of his readership. Hence, when Zaffar
ple, mainstream leaders and our ther unrest and problems for the demanded an all-party meeting, only sister, 26-year-old Saima Altaf, a resident of Murtuza Col-
soldiers stationed over there,” common people. He has put forth and asked the Centre to take the Wani. A family of lawyers in ony in Srinagar, had to cancel his
Gandhi tweeted. many conditions for visiting leaders of national parties into north Kashmir’s Baramulla son Altaf’s wedding on August 18,
Malik didn’t respond to this J&K, including meeting main- full confidence on the issue. “The town, the Wanis had fixed the he turned to the local cable net-
but a statement from Raj Bhawan stream leaders under detention”. government has been complain- dates for August 23, 24 and 25, work.“Under the present circum-
accused Gandhi of politicising the The statement also said that ing about disinformation and printed and distributed invita- stances, we can’t arrange even a
incident. “Shri Rahul Gandhi was given the conditions, the gover- rumours and the best answer to tion cards, and collected clothes, small function as everything is
responding to fake news possibly nor has “referred the case to the that is let an all-party delegation sweets and gifts for a lavish three- shut. I requested the local cable
spread from across the border local police and administration to and also media go and meet peo- day ceremony comprising three network to flash message on the
about the situation in Kashmir, examine the request further.” ple,” said party spokesperson big events and a traditional sev- television so that people will
which is peaceful with negligible On August 5, the government Anand Sharma. en-course meal (Wazwan) for at come to know about the cancella-
least 1,200 guests. n Restrictions in place at Srinagar’s Lal Chowk on August 12. (Right) A section of a newspaper carrying tion of the marriage,” he said.
But it was not to be. The revo- wedding cancellation announcements due to the prevailing conditions in the Valley. WASEEM ANDRABI/HT PHOTO The cancellation and downsiz-
VALLEYNOTES cation of Jammu & Kashmir’s ing of weddings has hurt many
special status last week, an asso- dispatch personal messengers to Eid are Kashmir’s traditional party, which was scheduled on businesses, for whom the August-
MHA DENIES FIRING Kashmir will not be part of J&K police demand details ciated communications clamp- relatives and friends living wedding season, mostly because 16th, 17th and 18th August, 2019. October period was a boom time.
India, says MDMK chief Vaiko of rogue Twitter handle down, and restrictions on the nearby, hoping that everyone of the temperate climate that However, the Nikah ceremony Farooq Ahmad Sofi, who runs
AT ‘UNPROVOKED’ CHENNAI: Alleging that the Centre SRINAGAR : Police in Jammu and assembly of four or more people else relays the message. allows for big ceremonies to be will be performed as per pro- a catering service at Jawhar
STONE-PELTERS had entangled India in “quick sand” by Kashmir has shot a letter to Twitter has forced the Wanis to scrap the Wani’s younger brother Adeb held outdoors. Ceremonies last gramme with simplicity,’’ read a Nagar in Srinagar, said that 90%
revoking special status for Jammu asking for details of one of its ac- wedding functions. flew down from Bangladesh, for three days, families spent posted in three local English and of wedding bookings had been
NEW DELHI: The Union ministry of
and Kashmir under Article 370, MDMK counts that has been spreading “It was to be the first marriage where he is pursuing an under- lakhs of rupees on gold, tradi- Urdu dailies by Abdul Majeed cancelled after the government
home affairs said on Tuesday that
general secretary Vaiko said “Kashmir “rumours through his tweets very in our family after two decades, so graduate degree in medicine, but tional pherans and lehanga, Zargar, an advocate based in Bud- revoked special status for J&K.
“miscreants” resorted to unprovoked
will not be a part” of the country frequently which are leading to law everybody was upbeat. Now we is now planning to go back next pashmina shawls, and gold shah Colony in Srinagar. “Usually our business is at its
stone-pelting against security
when the centenary of its independ- and order situation in the Kashmir don’t know what to do because we week. “Till last week, we used to embroidery. Traditional songs in On August 11, Kashmir’s larg- peak after Eid. We had all dates
personnel at Srinagar outskirts on
ence is celebrated. Vaiko made the Valley”. The superintendent of police, have no idea how long the situa- sing songs every evening. Now, Kashmiri enliven the three main est-selling English daily, Greater booked for the next three
August 9 to cause “widespread
statement while reacting to a ques- (Police Component) Srinagar de- tion will continue,” said Wani. everything has stopped,” said ceremonies -- Mehndi, Nikah and Kashmir, dedicated a full page for months...most of the booking
unrest”, but no bullet was fired
tion from reporters here on Monday manded details of the Twitter handle
against the protesters. The incident The restrictions in place cur- Wani’s mother, Shahida Begum. Wallima. With landlines, mobile these messages. orders for August and September
on film star Rajinikanth, lauding Prime registered as “WSK” “@WajSKhan”
took place at Soura amid restrictions rently made it virtually impossi- The Wanis are not the only phones and Internet snapped, it is Another message published in have been cancelled or post-
Minister Narendra Modi and Union having Twitter User ID: “74964902”
on communications and movement of ble for many of Wani’s extended ones. Hundreds of such weddings impossible to ascertain the exact an Urdu newspaper, Tameel-i-Ir- poned,’’ he said.
home minister Amit Shah for scrap- The letter to Twitter, Inc, Corporate
people, following the abrogation of family and friends to reach Bar- across Kashmir slotted for number of weddings cancelled. shad, from Abdul Gani Bhat, a Shops selling weddings mate-
ping the special status to Jammu and secretary in 1335 Market Street Suite
special status to J&K. “...On 09/08, amulla, roughly 55km from state August or September either But over the past week, the classi- resident of the old city of Srina- rials are also affected. “... Big
Kashmir. “Kashmir will not be a part of 900 San Francisco, CA94103 US said:
miscreants mingled with people capital Srinagar, because modes stand cancelled or downgraded to fied pages of many local English gar, read, “The marriage cere- functions have been converted
India. During the centenary celebra- “@WajSKhan is spreading rumours
returning home after prayers... They of transport are sparse and many barebones ceremonies with no and Urdu newspapers have mony of my son Suhail Bashir into simple occasions where peo-
tions of India’s independence, history through his tweets very frequently
resorted to unprovoked stone pelting roads have been blocked. Even Wazwan, and only a serving of sported messages of wedding can- which was fixed for August 17 has ple don’t need anything from us,’’
is going to be written that Kashmir which are leading to law and order
against law enforcement forces to
will not be a part of India; they situation in Kashmir valley which in cancelling the wedding has Qahwa (Kashmiri green tea) to cellations. “Due to prevailing sit- been cancelled. Those who have said Zahoor Ahmad, a shop-
cause widespread unrest (sic),” a home
(Centre) have entangled India in quick turn is a threat to lives of general brought forth its own set of prob- close family members. uation in Kashmir, we have been served invitation cards are keeper in Srinagar’s Gonikhan
ministry spokesperson said.
sand,” he said. public and that of security forces.” lems – Omar has been forced to The three months that follow decided to cancel the marriage informed there will be no func- market.



WE DNESDAY, AUGUST 14 , 2019 hindustantimes nation 09

Sengar, nine others Abhinandan did not get message 15 fishermen dead,
two missing after
charged with murder from war room due to old system Sudhi Ranjan Sen named. The Indian Air Force did
not respond to queries.
named said. “Importantly, com-
munications cannot either be
fied by agencies such as CEMI-
LAC, RCMA, etc, which is a long-
Guj boats capsize
HT Correspondents

UNNAO CASE All 10 to be tried for murder of rape survivor’s father n
Responding to the IAF strikes intercepted or blocked.” drawn process and the same is AHMEDABAD:At least 15 fishermen
NEWDELHI: Wing Commander Abi- on the Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) Over four years between 2008 under progress. This certifica- died and two went missing after
HT Correspondent udice shall be caused to them nandan Varthaman, who was terror camp in Balakot, the Paki- to 2012, IAF tested new communi- tion is prerequisite for fitment of their boats capsized in the sea off
n since if the two (cases) are shot down on February 27 during stan Air Force (PAF) hit back by cation systems available and any aircraft in India.” Dwarka and Porbandar coasts,
allowed to be proceeded sepa- a dogfight with Pakistan Air sending fighters to hit Indian tar- made its recommendation to the The DRDO did not respond to said police on Tuesday. Their
NEWDELHI: A Delhi court Tuesday rately, it might result in conflict- Force jets -- he shot down an F-16 gets on February 27. Indian fight- government. queries. Senior officials in the boats are believed to have cap-
framed charges against expelled ing judgments resulting in grave -- could not hear instructions ask- ers chased them away. At some In 2013, it demonstrated the security establishment, however, sized during the weekend and
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) prejudice to either of the parties ing him to turn back because his point , the Indian fighters were technology at the Halware air- underlined that the Naval ver- the bodies started washing
legislator Kuldeep Singh Sengar, before us,” the court stated in its communications system was asked to “turn-cold” – aviation base in Punjab to the government sion of the new communication ashore at different locations on
his brother Atul Sengar and eight order on Tuesday. jammed by the enemy, according terminology asking fighters to to underline the requirement and sets are being inducted whereas Monday.
others, including three police- The SC on Tuesday refused to to Indian Air Force (IAF) and gov- abandon the chase of enemy air- its necessity. Even as the govern- the work for the IAF version is Dwarka police said six boats
men, for the alleged murder of the direct the Uttar Pradesh govern- ernment officials familiar with craft. Wing Commander Vartha- ment was making up its mind, the under progress. Fighters, unlike and 24 fishermen from Rupen
Unnao rape survivor’s father in ment to file a report regarding the the matter who have renewed a man, however, continued chas- Defence Research and Develop- warships, have very little space. port here had left for fishing last
judicial custody on April 9, 2018, n Kuldeep Singh Sengar. HT FILE status of 20 cases registered long-standing demand for anti- ing the Pakistani fighter. He shot ment Organisation (DRDO) and “In addition, the equipment must Friday, despite two-month ban.
under section 302 of the Indian against the Unnao rape survi- jamming technology. down a US-made F-16 before Bharat Electronics Limited not disturb aerodynamics,” one Fourteen fishermen managed to
Penal Code. into custody. The court also vor’s family members. The uncle If his MIG 21 Bison had been being shot down and taken pris- (BEL) made a bid to design, of these officials added. swim through and reached
It further charged them for charged them with framing of the survivor, who is currently equipped with anti-jamming oner. develop and indigenously pro- IAF went back to the govern- different shores near Dwarka.
reportedly assaulting and falsely incorrect records as a public ser- lodged in Tihar jail, is implicated technology, Varthaman may The Indian Air Force first duce the specified communica- ment asking for permission to “The eighth body was found at
implicating the survivor’s father vant, disappearance of evidence in 19 cases. have turned around when made the request for better com- tion sets for the Indian Air Force. buy a few sets on an emergency Dwarka’s Rupen port late on
in an Arms Act case that led to his and forgery, among other IPC A bench comprising justices instructed to. That would have munications in 2005. Making its Although the DRDO-BEL did pro- basis for frontline fighters. Monday night,” said PI Vasava,
imprisonment on April 3, 2018. sections. The court said in its Deepak Gupta and BR Gavai said prevented him from being shot case then, IAF pointed to new age duce such sets, they did not meet Between 2014 and 2016 there was an inspector with Dwarka police
District and sessions judge order that “the two cases, by no they don’t want to widen the down and taken captive by Paki- communication facility such as the requirements of IAF. “The no response. station. Meanwhile, Porbandar
Dharmesh Sharma ordered that stretch of imagination, could be scope and interfere in other cases stan. data link. A secure data link can sets produced by DRDO cannot be Objections were also raised superintendent of police Prath-
joint charges be framed against considered to be diametrically lodged against them in the state. This is not the first time that provide critical details such as fitted into an aircraft because over the acquiring of anti-jam- vrajsinh Gohil said, “Bodies of
all accused named in two sepa- opposite or mutually exclusive.” Sengar allegedly raped the survi- IAF has flagged the need for bet- the fuel and ammunition availa- they are big and call for major ming technology from foreign seven fishermen have been
rate charge sheets filed by the CBI It noted that there are 50 wit- vor, when she was a minor in ter and more secure communica- ble with each fighter. “The com- changes in the aircraft design,” manufacturers, a third senior found off the Porbandar coast
— one, which charged 10 persons nesses in the Arms Act case and 2017. She is currently admitted in tions. “We may not have lost mander exactly knows which another government official said official who did not want to be and 88 have been rescued since
for the false implication of the 76 witnesses in death in custody AIIMS, New Delhi, after a truck Wing Commander Varthaman fighter needs to fly back to base on condition of anonymity. named added. In 2017, the govern- Saturday.” “The Coast Guard
survivor’s father under the Arms case — 43 witnesses are common. rammed into the car in which she had the drawbacks not been and which one can be used to In response to a query, a BEL ment finally allowed IAF to and state marine police teams
Act; and another, which charged The court said the circumstan- was travelling with family mem- there,” said a senior government engage the enemy,” a serving spokesperson said new commu- acquire the sets from global com- have been looking for the two
five persons for his subsequent ces that led to the death of the sur- bers and her lawyer. Two of her official who did not want to be fighter pilot who did not want to nications set “needs to be certi- panies. missing fishermen,” he added.
death in custody on April 9, 2018. vivor’s father was a matter for the aunts died in the accident. A CBI
The court found that prima trial. On Saturday, the Unnao court in Lucknow is overseeing
facie, all the 10 accused can be
jointly charged under sections of
rape survivor’s counsel had
sought a single trial arguing that
this case. On Friday, the Delhi
court framed charges against Paswan: Will seek
the IPC, including 302, 324 (volun-
tarily causing hurt by weapons),
120-B (criminal conspiracy) and
the allegedly false implication of
the father in an Arms Act case, as
well as his subsequent death
Sengar, representing Bangar-
mau (in Unnao) in the UP Assem-
bly, under sections 3 and 4 of the
an explanation from
25 of the Arms Act (illegal posses-
sion), among others.
while in custody, should be seen
as part of the same offence.
POCSO Act, besides sections 376,
366 among others of the IPC.
‘overcharging’ hotels
It further cancelled the bail of “In my opinion, this course of The apex court had trans- HT Correspondents
three accused UP police officials action shall be most beneficial to ferred four criminal cases from n
and directed the CBI to take them the accused persons, and no prej- UP to Delhi earlier this month.
NEW DELHI: Five-star hotels
charging exorbitant rates for

SC rules out 17-yr-old Bengal girl food items is “unfair trade prac-
tice” and the government will
seek explanations from them,
reopening NRC,
abducted, murdered
food and consumer affairs min-
ister Ram Vilas Paswan said on

orders ‘Aadhaar- HT Correspondents dent used to live in the Asansol

The minister asserted that
provisions will also be made
like’ security n (South) police station area. She
left home on Saturday after-
while framing rules and regula-
tions under the recently enacted
KOLKATA/MIDNAPORE: The body of noon, saying she was going to a Consumer Protection Act to
HT Correspondent a 17-year-old girl was found in tutor in the adjoining Burnpur crack down on such cases.
n Asansol town in Bengal’s West town. She reportedly boarded a Paswan was referring to a
Burdwan district on Tuesday bus. video that recently went viral in
NEW DELHI : The Supreme Court morning, three days after she Her family lodged a police which actor Rahul Bose was
on Tuesday ordered maximum was kidnapped, police said. complaint on Saturday night seen complaining about five-
security for National Register of The girl’s body, found beside when she did not return. The star hotel JW Marriott, Chandi-
Citizens (NRC) data and ruled a roadside dustbin in the upmar- complaint mentioned that her garh for billing two bananas
out any re-verification or future ket Upkar Garden area of Asan- mobile phone had been for ₹442.
reopening of the exercise that is sol, bore injuries and her switched off, police said. On
currently underway in Assam clothes were torn. Sunday, the local police ques-
to identify so-called illegal
A bench of Chief Justice of
India Ranjan Gogoi and Justice
The girl’s family suspects
that she was sexually assaulted
before she was murdered, police
said. The victim’s house is
tioned a few people but could not
trace the girl.
On Monday afternoon, the
victim’s father received a text
RF Nariman directed NRC coor- around 4 km away from the message from her phone, which TENDER NOTICE
dinator Prateek Hajela to adopt place where the body was said the girl had been abducted
a security regime as provided dumped. and would be freed only if the SR. NAME OF BOARD/ NAME OF WORK NOTICE TENDER OPENING AMOUNT/ WEBSITE OF THE NODAL OFFICER/
for protection of Aadhaar data. “Her wrist was slashed. We family paid ₹15 lakh, police said.
The judges ordered that the have initiated a probe. The body The message also asked the fam- DATE
list of exclusions from the list has been sent for post-mortem ily not to inform the police. 1 BOARD OF SCHOOL PRINTING AND SUPPLY OF ANSWER BOOKS FOR SECONDARY & 09.08.2019 3.38 9416973860/
shall be published on August examination to ascertain The victim’s phone was EDUCATION SENIOR SECONDARY EXAMINATION MARCH -2020 26.08.2019 CRORE
31 only online and family-wise. whether she was raped, as sus- switched off immediately after HARYANA, BHIWANI
The bench said only after an pected by her family,” said DP the message arrived. The family 2 HVPNL PROCUREMENT OF VARIOUS 132 KV CURRENT TRANSFORMERS CLOSING EMD-7.35 0172-2583789
“appropriate security regime” Singh, Asansol-Durgapur police ignored the warning and AND NCTS 19.08.2019 LACS
for NRC data is in place, the list commissioner. The Class 10 stu- informed the police. 3 HVPN SUPPLYL OF 1 NO. PICKUP VAN WITH DRIVER FOR SSE, 220 KV S/ 07.08.2019 2.13 LACS 0172-2583789
of inclusions and exclusions STN., HVPNL, BASTARA ON CONTRACT BASIS DURING THE F.Y. 2019- 19.08.2019
shall be made available to the 20 OR AS PER REQUIREMENT
state and central governments
and the registrar general of
Manmohan files RS 4


1.68 LACS



nomination from Raj

“We further direct that only ROADWAYS ENGG. 09.09.2019
hard copies of the supplemen- CORP LTD
tary list of inclusions be pub- 6 HARYANA SEED LABOUR CONTRACT FOR HANDLING & PROCESSING WORK 09.08.2019 50000 https://etenders.hry. 9416315354
Circle Offices and Offices of the HT Correspondent by the BJP. YEAR 2019-20 (UP TO 31.03.2020) HTROUGH ONLINE
District Magistrates of the n After filing his nomination, the 7 HLRDC PESTICIDES, FERTILIZERS, MICRONUTRIENTS, BIO-FERTILIZERS, 12.08.2019 4.40 LACS https://etenders.hry. 094175-55018
state,” the order added. 87-year-old leader thanked the
The court also declined JAIPUR: Former prime minister Congress for nominating him. “I & STICKY TRAPS
requests by the Centre and Manmohan Singh filed his nomi- am very grateful to the Congress 8 ROHTAK COOP. PROVIDING OF UN SKILLED, SEMI-SKILLED, SKILLED, HIGHLY 10.08.2019 26.50
Assam government for 20% nation for the August 26 bypoll to party, chief minister Ashok Geh- MILK PRODUCERS SKILLED, SUPERVISORY MANPOWER IN THE DEPARTMENT OF 26.08.2019 LACS
sample re-verification of the the Rajya Sabha from Rajasthan lot, deputy CM Sachin Pilot and UNION LTD PRODUCTION + 10 OTHER WORKS
draft NRC in areas bordering on Tuesday. other members of the House who 9 BALLABGARH SUPPLY, INSTALLATION, TESTING & COMMISSIONING FOR 12.08.2019 20000 0129-242376
Bangladesh. In its order, the The seat fell vacant after the have nominated me. Same time I COOP. MILK CONVERSION OF COAL FIRED BOILER CAP-2 TON INTO GAS FIRED 02.09.2019
bench clarified that people born death in June this year of Madan recognise that there are sad cir- PRODUCERS
after December 3, 2004 will not Lal Saini of the Bharatiya Janata cumstances in which the vacancy UNION LTD
be included in the NRC if either Party (BJP), also a former state has come. I convey my heartfelt 10 HSAMB JIND A/R OF M.C PROPERTY EXT.MANDI UCHANA FOR THE YEAR 2019-20 CLOSING 61.55 01681-255039
of their parents is a doubtful party president. Rajasthan has 10 condolences to the Saini family,” + 10 OTHER WORKS 17.08.2019 LACS
voter or declared foreigner by a Rajya Sabha seats, so far all held he told reporters. 11 HARYANA PROVIDING CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR CARRYING OUT ALL 09.08.2019 EMD-1 http:// 9416172558
ple born between 1971 and 1987 (A Scientific Society of Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Govt. of India) PANCHKULA
A-34, Iddustrial Area, Phase-VIII, Mohali-160071 12 HARYANA FOREST SUPPLY OF SAWN TIMBER FOR FURNITURE IN WORK-SHOP UNDER 08.08.2019 50 LACS 0184-2241545
saying the NRC may be updated Phode: 591-172-2237052-55, Fax: 591-172-2237050-51
after orders are passed in DEVE. CORP HFDC KARNAL OR PREMISES PROVIDED BY HFDC KARNAL 20.08.2019
Applications are invited for Recruitment of Contractual on Consolidated Salary for the following posts: KARNAL
another case where the inter-
Name of the No. of Minimum Qualifications & Experience 13 HPGCL PROVIDING SERVICES FOR UPKEEP AND WATCH & WARD OF 08.08.2019 23800 9316479155,
pretation of Section 3 of the Citi- post/Pay Range Posts HPGCL COLONY SECTOR-22 & 23 FARIDABAD BY DEPLOYMENT 29.08.2019 deepAk.phogAt@hpgcl.
zenship Act is pending. Project Engineer 04 (a) First class BE/B. Tech/MCA or equivalent degree in relevant discipline. OF MALI-CUM-CHOWKIDAR.
The issue pending before a Pay Range: OR
(b) DOEACC ‘B’ level with at least 1 year of post qualification work
Constitution Bench of the top 31000-135000
experience. CENTER, THERMAL COLONY SEC-23 FARIDABAD. 09.09.2019 deepAk.phogAt@hpgcl.
court is dealing with two ques- OR
c) Post Graduate Degree in Computer Science/Electronics/IT/
tions -One, whether the expres- Computer Applications or relevant domain with at least 1 year of 15 HPGCL (E-NIT NO. 2/CE/ADMN./2019 DATED 08.08.2019) SUB:- TO PROVIDE 08.08.2019 2.15 LACS 0172-5023425
sion “every person born in post qualification work experience SERVICES OF SKILLED / UNSKILLED MANPOWER I.E. PEONS, 28.08.2019
India” applies only to persons The Last date of submission of application is 26.08.2019. For Details like age-limit/concession & how to apply DRIVERS, LDCS ETC AT CORPORATE OFFICE , PANCHKULA.
etc. visit
born to Indian citizens. 16 HPGCL (NIT NO. 13-2019/ AC-205/GS) SUB:- OPERATION & CLEANING OF 06.08.2019 2.78 LACS 0180-2566015
Ref ID of Advt: 4(2)/2018-HR
davp 06134/11/0007/1920 C-DAC Mohali SPACE CLIMA UNIT-5&6 & UNIT-7&8 AT PTPS PANIPAT. 05.09.2019
17 MUNICIPAL SUPPLY AND INSTALLTION OF 6 NOS. ORNAMENTAL CANOPY AT 07.08.2019 68.11 https://etendrs.hry.
(An autonomous Organization under Ministry of HRD, GOHANA FOR “BIO-REMEDIATION OF WASTE I.E SEGREGATION AND 21.08.2019 mejAswAnt71@gmAil.
B-15, Sector-62, NOIDA 19 MUNICIPAL SHUFFLING AND RE-SETTLEMENT OF SOLID WASTER AT BURAKA CLOSING 16070 https://etendrs.hry. 01267-282298
Ref: NVS recruitment notification published in Employment 20 MUNICIPAL CONST OF IPB STREET OPP, MARKET COMMITTEE MODAL TOWN + CLOSING 3.64 https://etendrs.hry. 01696-222016
News dated 6th-12th July 2019 to fill up vacancies of various COMMITTEE 17 OTHER WORKS 19.08.2019 CRORE secymc.kAlAnwAli@
Teaching & Non-Teaching posts. 21 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL COMPLETION OF JOGI DHARAMSHALA IN WARD NO 30 AT KAITHAL 06.08.2019 86.84 https://etendrs.hry. 9416188848
To facilitate the candidates who could not fill up the online KAITHAL
application owing to various unforeseen events i.e. technical COMMITTEE ASSANDH IN WARD NO.1 + 10 OTHER WORKS 20.08.2019 LACS
failures due to flood, rains etc., the closing date to fill up online 23 MUNICIPAL
NIL www.etenders.hry.
application is extended from 9th August 2019 to 25th August ROHTAK
2019. Accordingly, fee submission date is also extended from 24 MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION OF BOUNDARY WALL OF MUNICIPAL LAND ON

12th August 2019 to 26th August 2019. The Cut of date in r/o 25 MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION OF SHOPPING COMPLEX AND MC OFFICE CLOSING 150 LACS https://etendrs.hry. 9812139699
eligibility criteria and other terms & condition of the said notice 26 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL REPAIR OF STREET AND GATE FROM FORM HO DR PARDEEP TO 09.08.2019 351.06 https://etendrs.hry. 9416188848
shall remain unchanged i.e. 9th August 2019. KAITHAL HO SURAJBHAN VIA HO SUDAMA IN WARD NO. 2 AT KAITHAL + 40 16.08.2019 LACS
Deputy Commissioner (Pers.) 77518 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION KINDLY VISIT: or



10 hindustantimes HINDUSTAN TIMES, C H AN D I G AR H

e sta b l i s h e d i n 1 9 24
Kashmir: Play Naya Kashmir: It’s not a new idea
Like Modi, Indira Gandhi, too, wanted to alter
cards right the status quo in the state almost 50 years ago
in the state. But Gujral reported that indus-

This will ensure that it is treated RAGHAVAN tries were not prepared to invest in a conflict
zone and the best he could do was to get two
public sector units to open factories in the
as a domestic issue by the world state.

by the stalwart leader of Kashmiris: Sheikh
he world has decided to wait and watch when it Abdullah.AlthoughAbdullahhadbeeninand

comes to Kashmir. Pakistan’s hopes of creating a fterhisgovernmentvoidedArti- outofprisonsince hisdismissal andarrest in
cle 370, Prime Minister Naren- 1953, his standing in the Kashmir Valley was
global storm over the Indian government’s end- dra Modi said that “a new age unrivalled. Indira Gandhi understood the
ing of Jammu and Kashmir’s special status have has begun in Jammu-Kashmir importance of co-opting Abdullah to ensure
and Ladakh”. In fact, the quest thatNewDelhi’sholdoverKashmirremained
fallen flat. Now even President Donald Trump’s for a new beginning is not all unshaken.
mediation offer is thatnovelinthehistory ofJammu andKash- Amongtheinputsthatshapedherthinking n In Kashmir, Indira Gandhi’s biggest challenge were local leaders who would cleave to New

reportedly “off the table”. The United ourtake mir (J&K).

Indira Gandhi,too,wantedtoalterthe sta-
tus quo in Kashmir.
was advice from an unlikely quarter. Jaya-
prakash Narayan (JP) had been an advocate
of self-determination for Kashmir, but had
Delhi’s vision. Modi will face the same thing


By October 1976, an irate Indira Gandhi was

Nations Security Council told Islama-
Inexplainingitsdecisiontoabolishthespe- changedhismindafterPakistan’saggression himself to the new realities in Kashmir. She telling Gujral that Abdullah had become “a
bad it would not allow a discussion on Kashmir. The Islamic cial status of Jammu and Kashmir, the Modi in 1965.The following yearhe wrote to Indira was not off the mark. In 1971, she returned to pain in the neck”. Indeed, she was seriously
governmenthasemphasisedthedevelopmen- Gandhi arguing that Kashmiris could be power with a massive majority and the next contemplating removing him from office.
world has been silent. The overwhelming sense: A world that has tal and political benefits that are expected to enthused about autonomy within India if year,followingthemilitarydefeatofPakistan, ItwasIndiraGandhiwho wasoustedfrom
other priorities, does not see Pakistan as a credible complainant, flow from these arrangements. These moves Abdullah advocated it. The Sheikh might the Congress won 57 out of the 74 seats in the powerinMarch1977.TheCongresswithdrew
have indeed wrought a radical change in the haveflirtedwithindependenceinthepast,but J&Kassemblyelections.WithSadiq’spassing itssupporttoAbdullah’sgovernmentinJ&K.
and is prepared to take the Modi government at its word when it constitutional relationship between the now“heisrealistenoughtorealise”thatIndia in December 1971, Syed Mir Qasim took over Released from these ties, the Sheikh won a
says both democracy and statehood will be restored. There has Indian Union and the erstwhile state of J&K. would not part with any portion of Kashmir. as chief minister. These dramatic develop- handsome victory in the assembly elections.
As we ponder how these arrangements will TosecureKashmir,itwasimperativetoforge ments left Abdullah with few cards to play. When Indira Gandhi returned to power in
been ample evidence that long ago, the world became tired of work out, it may be useful to look back to anewconcordwithAbdullah,whoremained Meanwhile, PN Haksar, the prime minis- 1980,shehadtomakeyetanothernewstartin
Kashmir, and largely endorsed India’s view that this was a bilat- Indira Gandhi’s attempt at a new beginning. under arrest. ter’s principal secretary, advised her that “it Kashmir — this time with more deleterious
“We will build a new Kashmir, quickly if InOctober1967,Gandhitaskedforeignsec- is imperative to make a fresh start and lead consequences.
eral concern. Pakistan’s own brinkmanship has steadily under- you help, slowly if you don’t, but build it we retary, TN Kaul, with reaching out to Abdul- him [Abdullah] by hand on the difficult and The attempts during the Indira Gandhi
will!”PrimeMinisterIndiraGandhihadsaid lahinhis“private”capacity.Kaulhadknown tortuous road whose ultimate destination is years to create a new normal suggest that
mined the credibility of its own arguments. The decline in mili-
whileaddressingapublicrallyinSrinagarin Abdullah for nearly four decades. In a series reconciliation”. there are limits to the plasticity of politics in
tancy in the Valley from its height in the late 1980s and the con- June 1970. Indeed, important changes were ofmeetingswiththeSheikh,heprobedthelat- Haksar also advocated a quiet dialogue Kashmir.Thechallengeoffosteringnewlead-
already underway. ter’s mind. Abdullah said that the “gradual betweenNewDelhiandAbdullahtoworkout ers who cleave to New Delhi’s vision may be
temporaneous rise in India’s economic and strategic significance Then J&K chief minister, GM Sadiq, had whittling of Article 370 … was unfortunate”, amodelofautonomyacceptabletobothsides. greater today. To be sure, the context now is
has made it all that much harder for Pakistan to find an external been in office since 1964. A year into his ten- but agreed that India’s interests should “not TheensuingnegotiationsbetweenGParthas- very different. Yet we would do well to recall
ure, he had merged his splinter group, the be harmed in any way”. At the same time, he arathi and MA Beg led to an agreement in JP’s advice in his missive to Indira Gandhi:
audience. This was evident in the aftermath of India’s airstrike Democratic National Conference, with the noted thatit wasdifficult tomake thecasefor November1974.Theaccordpavedthewayfor “To think that we will eventually wear
on Balakot. The lack of sympathy for a Pakistan that had, ulti- Congress.What’smore,Sadiqhadenabledthe autonomy:“nofruitfuldialoguewaspossible Abdullah’s return to power, but at the cost of down the people and force them to accept at
erosion ofthestate’s special statusbyaccept- unless a free and congenial atmosphere was further hollowing out the autonomy of J&K. least passively the Union is to delude our-
mately, been bombed on its own soil, was striking. ingmoreprovisionsoftheIndianConstitution created in Kashmir …[Kashmiris] were not In February 1975, Abdullah took over as selves. That might conceivably have hap-
Quite a bit of the present international acceptance of events is (includingArticle356,whichcatersforPresi- preparedtoacceptthismaster-slaverelation- chief minister with the support of the Con- pened had Kashmir not been geographically
dent’srule)andamendingthestate’sconstitu- ship.”WhenKaulpointedoutthatNewDelhi gress.ToAbdullah’ssurpriseandconsterna- locatedwhereit is.Initspresent locationand
because Kashmir is relatively quiet. While odd protests can be tiontoconverttheelectedSadr-e-Riyasatinto wouldnotparleywithanyonedemandingself- tion, these developments drew widespread withseethingdiscontentamongthepeople,it
a governor appointed by the central govern- determination, Abdullah retorted, “It was criticismintheValley.Thereafter,hesought would never be left in peace by Pakistan …
expected, bloodshed should be avoided as much as possible as
ment. Following assembly elections in 1967, very strange … that while Government of to maintain aprudentdistance fromtheCon- Withtheissuesettledtothesatisfactionofthe
that, more than anything else, could swing the international Sadiq returned with a comfortable majority. India had no hesitation in talking to Nagas gress. When the latter suggested that the greatmajorityofthepeople,theexternalmis-
New Delhi was poised to tighten its grip over who were in open armed revolt against her National Conference should merge with the chief-makerswouldnotfindafavourablesoil
mood from passivity to activism. The government must not lose the state. theyshouldrefusetomeettherealrepresent- Congress, Abdullah demurred. He also for sowing their mischief.”
sight of the need to lift prohibitory orders at the first opportune Yetthegovernmentstruggledtocreatejobs atives of the Kashmiri people.” In the event, refusedtotakeanysuggestionsfromtheCon- Srinath Raghavan is professor of International
or promote investments in Kashmir. Sadiq Abdullahwasopentomeetingtheprimemin- gress on the composition of his Cabinet Relations and History, Ashoka University and a
moment and initiate Kashmir along the complex path to new noted that the educated young people of the ister when he was out of prison. beyond agreeing to give them four berths. senior fellow at Carnegie India
elections and statehood as soon as possible. state were increasingly drawn to the seces- Abdullah was released in March 1968, but Lastly,Abdullahduginhisheelsonseatshar- The views expressed are personal
sionist groups. Indira Gandhi deputed her IndiraGandhichosenottomeethim.Sheevi- ingwith theCongressin localbodyelections. By special arrangement with ThePrint
Terrorist activity, Line of Control fireworks and the funding
of mobs are all expected. India should begin the process of vacci-
nating world opinion to this likelihood even as it continues to WRONGMOVE
wrestle with how to ease the Valley back to a state of quasi nor-
malcy. India took two decades to persuade the world to treat
Kashmir as a bilateral issue. If it plays it cards right today, it can
Higher taxes on the super
ensure Kashmir is treated as a domestic issue within two years.
rich is not a sound idea

Climate change is The current policy will push India’s best talent offshore,
affecting the critical finance and technology sectors
the new normal RAJEEV
the bag will be working professionals. The
budget didn’t stop there: New taxes were
Don’tblameitforthecurrentfloods. imposed on share buy backs to “close a loop-
hole” and bring parity with taxes on divi-
Findoutwaystocontroldamage dends. It is notable that dividends are triple
taxed in India for the rich: First, corporate
n There are about 80,000 individuals who earn ~1 crore per year and above, and 6,361 persons
who earn over ~5 crore per year. Soaking this small group will yield about ~12,000 crore per
earnings are taxed; then, the company has to year, which is equally minuscule, given that it would constitute about 0.5% of the annual

fter the devastating floods in Bihar and Assam, it’s now pay dividend distribution tax, and, finally, revenue of the government’s ~24 lakh crore in revenue in 2018 SHUTTERSTOCK

ince its resounding election victory in those getting dividends above a certain
the turn of five other states — Gujarat, Kerala, Karna- May,theNarendraModi-ledBharatiya threshold pay additional surcharges on that and the financial system. sive taxpayer-funded bailouts. The govern-
Janata Party (BJP) government has dividendincome.Ratherthanendingthistri- There is a global war for talent underway, ment requires capital to fund welfare pro-
taka, Maharashtra, and Uttarakhand — to be battered by committed to a number of liberalisa- ple taxation, the government extended the as incumbent and rising powers compete for grammesandinfrastructure,butatthesame
unrelenting rain. According to the weather website, El Dorado, tionmeasures,includingthelaunchofIndia’s perversity to stock buy backs. To top it all, thebestbrainstoenhancetheircapabilitiesin time, it is expending enormous taxpayers’
firstprivatetrainontheNewDelhi-Lucknow India now has progressivism in both direct scienceandtechnology.Indiashouldbelook- money on propping up failed public sector
out of the 15 places that have received most rainfall across the route, an overhaul of the medical education andindirecttaxes,giventhatgoodsandservi- ing to attract C-suite talent from all over the companies.CripplingIndia’scompetitiveness
globe in the last 24 hours (Sunday-Monday), eight are in India. regulatory structure, and critical improve- ces treated as luxury items already see high world,butthe current policywill achievethe by offshoring the most value-creating indus-
mentstothebankruptcycoderegime.Inaddi- taxesunderthemulti-rateGoodsandServices result of shifting our best talent offshore. tries to gain nominal tax revenues is not the
While such extreme weather conditions these days are usually tion to these policy changes, the government Tax regime. Humancapitaloperatesonanextremepower way to raise revenue.
attributed to climate change, there is no point blaming merely ispushinganunprecedentedfinancialisation AsIndiatriestogrowfroma$3trillionGDP lawcurve,withthetop5%beingseveraltimes Therearetwootherwaystoincreasereve-
agenda. economy to a $10-trillion-plus economy, the more valuable than the bottom 95%. The rea- nue.
that phenomenon any more for the fallout; instead, it’s best to ButitwasthemovetoraisetaxesonIndia’s financialservicesandtechnologysectorswill son ecosystems such as London, New York Thefirstistoimposeincometaxonagricul-
highestearnersthathasbeenreceivingadis- have to play a critical role in driving capital and Silicon Valley are so central for finance ture income above a certain threshold. Con-
accept such extreme climate episodes as the new normal, and
proportionatedegreeofmediaattention.The allocationandproductivitygrowth,andboth and technology is that they have agglomer- trarytopopularperception,Indiahasamany
find out ways to minimise their impact . government has been criticised heavily, and these sectors depend on skilled, high quality ated some of the world’s best talent in one wealthyfarmersandevenprofitableagricul-
rightly so, because this policy is at cross pur- human capital. It is talent that is the capital place. ture industry corporate groups who are not
One of the key reasons why floods have a devastating impact poses with all its other efforts to make India a equipmentoftheseknowledge-drivenindus- That potential may never be realised, paying any income tax because of the tax
is because the excess water does not have enough space to drain. $10 trillion-plus economy. It would not be an tries,andbycreatingataxstructurethatespe- because short-sighted policy by the govern- exempt status of agriculture.
exaggeration to say that raising taxes is a cially burdens knowledge workers and capi- mentignoreswhatIndiamightbegivingupto The second method is to sell off State-
This is because the stormwater channels are clogged with plas- nuclear strike on India’s fast-growing finan- talproviders,Indiahasmadeitcompellingfor eke out a tiny amount of tax revenue. The owned companies and public assets lock,
tic, and water sinks, such as wetlands, floodplains, or riverbeds cialandtechnologyindustries,whicharekey highly sought after, globally mobile talent to stageissetforcountrieslikeSingapore,which stockandbarreltotheprivatesector.Thiswill
contributors to our emerging knowledge leave the country. would gladly absorb the cream of India’s result in the better utilisation of the assets,
have been destroyed by encroachments and excessive construc- economy. It is difficult to answer why a top-notch humancapital,tobecomeIndia’stechnology andremoveliabilitiesfromthegovernment’s
tion. As for how plastic increases the threat of floods, one needs The arithmetic driving the tax hike is fundmanager,softwareengineer,datascien- and finance capital. balance sheet.
straightforward. There areabout 80,000indi- tist, doctor or oncologist who can pursue Insteadofscroungingforsmallamountsof Boththeseapproacheswillentailfacingoff
to just see the photograph from Palakkad, Kerala, that went viral vidualswhoearn~1croreperyearandabove, career opportunities in Singapore or the taxtoday,India’sobjectiveshouldbetoestab- against powerful lobbies and unions. But
and 6,361 persons who earn over ~5 crore per United States should sign up to pay Scandi- lishMumbaiasthefinancialcentre,andBen- Modi enjoys popularity and credibility;
last week. The photograph showed an area in the district full of
year.Soakingthissmallgroupwillyieldabout navia-leveltaxesinexchangeforAfrica-grade galuru as the technology capital of south and shouldhemakethecasetothepeople,citizens
plastic bottles and other waste materials that were brought back ~12,000 crore per year, which is equally min- publicservices.Unlessthegoalofthegovern- southeast Asia. Such a vision would require will stand with the Union of India against the
uscule, given that it would constitute about ment is to precipitate a new quit India move- bothacompetitivetaxpolicyaswellasunilat- unions of India.
by the floods. 0.5% of the annual revenue of the govern- mentorexpandtheannualPravasiBharatiya erally opening borders for qualified immi-
The recent round of floods has also raised questions about ment’s ~24 lakh crore in revenue in 2018. Diwas celebration, the high tax policy will grants under a points-based system. Rajeev Mantri is co-founder of the
This presumes that nothing changes, of undermine all the laudable work done to Therehavebeenmediareportsthatwaste- India Enterprise Council
dam management. This issue has come to the fore after reports course.Butcorporatepromoterswillrestruc- reform higher education, scientific research ful public sector units are set to receive mas- The views expressed are personal
said that despite warnings about heavy rainfall in the states,
Maharashtra and Karnataka failed to release water from the
dams on time. An August 2019 report, Krishna Basin Floods in Sumit Paul son. I’ve seen the entire world. But my point country before we decide to venture to for-
is, when you haven’t seen your own back- eign lands. I remember the Japanese Nobel
Maharashtra - Karnataka: How dams harming rather than India is a diverse country. Here, you get to yard, how can you talk of seeing places? laureate Kenzaburo Oe’s poignant lines, “I
helping has said that the dam operators could have acted pru- innervoice witness the sweltering heat of the great
Thar desert, and snowfall in Kashmir. Only
Appreciate what you have right in front of
you, and then talk of other places.
revisited my home after I saw places outside
my country. I found the world was just my
dently by releasing the water in July. The report added that the in the subcontinent, can one experience six I am reminded of Paulo Coelho’s ‘Alche- country’s extension. Futile were my vis-
different seasons, as eulogised by Sanskrit mist’. The protagonist travelled all over to its.....” Yes, futile are your visits if you go
government hasn’t learned any lessons from the past incidents
and that the capacity of the catchment areas to hold and absorb
THERE IS SO MUCH BEAUTY and Persian poets. Very few of us have seen
the length and breadth of India, and those
realise that what he sought from life was
under his nose.
abroad without seeing and enjoying the
glory of your own country.
the rainwater is reducing with time. All these issues need to be
IN INDIA THAT REMAINS who have travelled to its nooks and cran-
nies, have wondered how so many places
We don’t have to go to foreign lands to
find joy and beauty. Even if you do have the
Inner Voice comprises contributions
from our readers
tackled if India wants to weather the climate storm. UNEXPLORED. EXPLORE IT! are still unexplored and untrodden.
I’m not at all a parochially patriotic per-
money, as many do nowadays, to go abroad,
there is still so much to see in our great
The views expressed are personal

R.N.I. No. CHAENG/2011/45688

PRINTED & PUBLISHED BY SHARAD SAXENA for and on behalf of H.T. Media Ltd, SCO – 80-81, 3rd Floor, Sector 17-C, Chandigarh - UT and
printed at Presses of Prithvi Digitech Private Limited, C – 164 - 165, Phase VIII - B, Industrial Focal Point, Mohali, SAS Nagar, Punjab.
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WE DNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 2019 hindustantimes nation 11

10SDFlegislatorsswitchovertoBJP Must partly delink CBI from

CHURNING The ruling party at the Centre
has now become main Oppn party in Sikkim
taken place.”
BJP include Dorjee Tshering
MLAs joining the BJP triggered
whichhadnosubstantial basein
govt’s control, says CJI
HT Correspondents theSDFlegislaturepartyis13and
Narendra Kumar Subba, Dilli
FOR 25 YEARS UNTIL IT the hill state until now, emerged
as a major political force in Sik- HT Correspondent
provided to the Comptroller &
Auditor General (CAG), he said.
n 10 ofthemjoinedthe BJPtoday,” Ram Thapa, Karma Sonam Lep- LOST THE ASSEMBLY kim. The ruling Sikkim Kranti- n “The legal mandate of CBI
BJPgeneralsecretaryRamMad- cha,KrishnaBahadurRai,Tashi POLLS HELD IN STATE kari Morcha (SKM), which the must be strengthened by having
NEWDELHI/SILIGURI: Tenlegislators hav said, adding, “With this, the ThendupBhutia,FarwantiTam- SDF had been accusing of enjoy- NEW DELHI: Why is it that when- a comprehensive legislation
of the Sikkim Democratic Front BJPwillbecomethemainopposi- ang,PintsoNamgyalLepchaand EARLIER THIS YEAR ing “undue blessing” of the BJP, ever there are no political over- addressing deficiencies relating
(SDF) on Tuesday joined the tion party in Sikkim, and we will Raj Kumari Thapa. “We will refused to comment. Jacob Kha- tones to a case, the Central to organisational structure,
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in play the role of a constructive workto expandthe BJP’sbasein from two seats and will vacate ling,theSKMspokesperson,said, Bureau of Investigation (CBI) charter of functions, limits of
Delhi. The SDF, a former ally of opposition.”Formerchiefminis- Sikkim,” said Dorjee Tshering one. “Bypoll to three assembly “This is an internal matter of the does a good job, Chief Justice of power, superintendence, and
theBJP,ruledSikkimfor25years ter and SDF stalwart Pawan Lepcha, also a former minister. seatswilltakeplaceshortly.Ifthe BJP and SDF.” D B Chauhan, India Ranjan Gogoi asked on oversight. Further, to address
untilitwasoustedfrompowerby KumarChamling,whoisthecur- “We want lotus to bloom in Sik- BJPwinsallthree,itstallywillgo statepresidentoftheBJP,saidhis Tuesday. an increasing incidence of inter-

the Sikkim Krantikari Morcha rent leader of the opposition in kim.Theyoungergenerationhas up to 13 MLAs in a house of 32,” a partywouldone dayruleSikkim Delivering the 18th DP Kohli state crimes, an argument could
(SKM) earlier this year. Sikkim, however did not switch accepted ‘Look East’ policy of BJP leader said on the condition butdidnotelaborateanyfurther. memorial lecture at Vigyan be made for including ‘public
Now, the ruling SKM is partof sides. Addressingapressconfer- PrimeMinisterNarendraModi.” of anonymity. Seventeen is the D T Lepcha, a three-time min- Bhawan, Gogoi said given the In a number of order’ in the concurrent list, for
the BJP-led North East Demo- ence in Gantok, senior SDF Chamling and Lepcha, both, magicfigureintheassemblyand ister in the erstwhile Pawan superintendence and control of high-profile and the limited purposes of investi-
cratic Alliance. The SDF won 15 leader PD Rai said: “We want to successfullycontestedassembly if the SKM loses it seat, its tally Chamling government and who the agency continues to, in large gating such crimes,” Gogoi said.
seats while SKM won 17 in the waitandwatchthesituationnow. election from two seats and they willcomedownto16.“Wecanget ledthe10MLAsonTuesday,said, measure, lie with the executive politically sensitive cases, The CJI said an underlying
32-member assembly in the elec- Theissueiscomplex.Wecannei- will vacate one seat each. Kunga within a striking distance of “ThedecisiontojointheBJPwas by virtue of Section 4 of the weakness of public institutions
tionsheldinApril.Twoofitslead- ther welcome it, nor condemn it Nima Lepcha, an MLA from the formingaBJP-ledgovernmentin driven by our concern for Sik- Delhi Special Police Establish- the agency has not been was the lack of an adequately
ersgotelectedfromtwoseatsand outrightlywithoutgivingconsid- ruling Sikkim Krantikari Mor- Sikkim if we win all these three kim’speopleanditsyouths.Only ment Act 1946, the possibility of able to meet the standards qualified and a competent work-
now,theyhavetovacateoneseat eration to the circumstances in chaandaministerinPremSingh by-election,”theBJPleadersaid. time will tell what Chamling’s it being used as a political force. The gap was both qualita-
each.“Sotheeffectivestrengthof which this development has Tamang government, also won Meanwhile,thenewsof10SDF future course of action will be.” instrument remains ever of judicial scrutiny. tive and quantitative, and the
present. RANJAN GOGOI, Chief Justice CBI was no exception, Gogoi
But he had no doubt that of India added.

When going gets tough, the tough Stir against I-T notice to there was more than enough
strength within the organisa-
tion to deal with any such situa- match between institutional
“Such gaps exist not merely
on the operational end but also
on the command side with 15%

get going: Jakhar on Sonia move puja committees in WB tion, he added.

“True, in a number of high-
profile and politically sensitive
aspirations, organisational
design, working culture, and
governing politics,” he said.
posts in executive ranks, 28.37%
in law officers and 56.17% in
technical officer lying vacant.

HT Correspondent cases, the agency has not been The CJI said efforts must be This is a matter of concern as it
NEW DELHI: Punjab Congress
chief Sunil Jakhar has said
When the going gets Sonia Gandhi’s return as
Congress president in just
TAX BOARD able to meet the standards of
judicial scrutiny. Equally true it
made to delink crucial aspects of
the CBI from the overall admin-
results in overburdening of
work, which not only reduces
that the reason why his party tough then the tough two years has, however, drawn KOLKATA: The ruling Trinamool
REFUTES is that such lapses may not have istrative control of the govern- the effectiveness and efficiency
fell back on Sonia Gandhi criticism from several quarters. Congress (TMC) in West Bengal happened infrequently. Such ment. The agency should be of the agency personnel but also
as president is because get going. Our party is But Jakhar said, “It does not onTuesdayclaimedthatincome- TMC CHARGE instances reflect systemic given statutory status through induces psychological distress,”
“tough times call for tough
going through a difficult show bankruptcy in Congress
but the seriousness of the situa-
tax notices were being issued to
Durga Puja committees at the NEWDELHI: The Central
issues and indicate a deep mis- legislation equivalent to that he said.

Speaking on the new Hindu- time right now... Some of tion.” behest of the Bharatiya Janata Board of Direct Taxes
stan Times video show “On the
Record”, he said, “When the
going gets tough then the tough
the names that were
floated around were ‘yes
Asked whether the move
wouldn’t open the Gandhi fam-
ily to allegations of dynasty by
Party-led central government.
The autumn festival will be
(CBDT) on Tuesday
refuted the TMC accusa-
tion that the BJP-led
Cub rescued from Madhya Pradesh
get going. Our party is going
through a difficult time right
men’ of the old guard and
the BJP, he said, “BJP kept say-
ing even when Dr Manmohan
Singh was Prime Minister, Gan-
ber 8. The Banga Janani Vahini
(BJV), an arm of the Trinamool
Central government is
sending income-tax (I-T)
notices to the Durga
well as mother tigress stands guard
The 65-year-old leader, who they have been rejected dhi family was held accounta- tral Kolkata to protest the move. Puja committees in Shruti Tomar & Monika Pandey state, Rajesh Kumar, a cer (DFO), Katni.
lost the Gurdaspur seat to Bolly- SUNIL JAKHAR , ble. That’s what I said in the Over 350 puja committees had Kolkata recently and n Mukundpur Tiger Safari official He added that the cub may
wood actor Sunny Deol, was one Punjab Congress chief CWC. received the I-T notices last said no such notices said. have likely fallen into the well
of the many office-bearers who This is a trap.” According to month.“WethinktheI-Tletterto have been issued in 2019. BHOPAL/JABALPUR: Aneight-month At eight months, a tiger cub past midnight.
quit their posts soon after then Jakhar, it was only Sonia Gan- various Puja committees is an “It is unequivocally oldcubthatfellintoa30-footdeep can usually hunt along with its “The localforest team found it
Congress president Rahul Gan- the old guard and they have dhi who could fix the problem of attack on the biggest festivities stated that the said well in Katni district on Monday mother. Tiger cubs stay with difficulttostarttherescueopera-
dhi put in his papers in May tak- been rejected,” he said, when desertions from the party. andemotionoftheBengalis.Our reports are factually night was rescued by an expert their mother till they are two- tion till around noon as the
ing responsibility for the party’s asked about the tussle between “This is no time for demonstration is to protest the incorrect and are teamfromtheMukundpurTiger and-halfyearsold.Theycanhunt motherwasmovingintheareato
poor showing in the Lok Sabha the older and the younger gen- experiments—(Bhupendra) act of the Centre,” said Kakoli strongly denied,” the SafariinMadhyaPradeshlateon on theirown by the time they are guard the cub. It was with the
elections. eration of leaders. Hoodaji and the likes of him Ghosh Dastidar, MP and chief of I-T department said Tuesday afternoon, a forest 18-months old. help of the expert team from
At the Congress Working “There were vested interests have full faith in Mrs Gandhi. the BJV. in statement. HTC department official said. “The movement of a tigress MukundpurTigerSafarithatthe
Committee (CWC) meeting last fishing in troubled waters. BJP She instils confidence and they However, the I-T department Local forest officials could not with her four cubs was reported cub was rescued around 3- 4pm.
Saturday, Jakhar and other [Bharatiya Janata Party] and have faith in her. What is the clarified that it did not ask puja carryouttherescueoperationtill in Barhi forest range of the dis- The tigress had moved to a
state unit chiefs were asked to other parties were trying to float need of the hour is to tackle committees to pay any tax. “We is not taxable, they can claim afternoon as the cub’s mother trict. A shepherd heard the roar- near-by hillock by then,” the for-
give their point of view. names. Better it is curbed now.” desertions.” have not asked puja committees refund,” said Manas Mondal, was moving around the same ing of the cub (from the well) at est official cited in the first
Jakhar told general secretary topaytaxes. Wehaveaskedthem deputy director of income tax, area, guarding the cub, the offi- around 6am on Tuesday. The instance added.
Priyanka Gandhi Vadra and to deduct 1% TDS for payments Kolkata. Partha Ghosh, presi- cial added. shepherdalsosawthetigressand “First, the team used darts to
other leaders why the candida-
ture of most others was not
ontherecord above~30,000tothosewhomvari-
ous contracts (for idol making
dent of Forum for Durgotsab, an
umbrella body of 353 Puja com-
The cub was then taken for a
one of her cubs in the area. He
tranquillise the cub and when it
unconscious, the team went
acceptable. WITH SUNETRA CHOUDHURY and pandal theme ideation) are mitteeinKolkata,alsodeniedthe ical check-up, the cub will be informed the forest officials and inside the well with the help of
“Some of the names that were awarded. These people did not allegation that organisers were released in Bandhavgarh Tiger police at around 7-8 AM,” said ladders and took the cub out in a
floated around were ‘yes men’ of pay taxes earlier. If their income asked to pay taxes. Reserve in Umaria district of the Rajesh Rai, divisional forest offi- net,” said Rajesh Kumar.

Regd Office: PSEB Head Office, The Mall, Patiala - 147001 S.O.G. AND COMMANDO, PUNJAB, BAHADURGARH, PATIALA
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legacy of Sri Guru Nanak Devi Ji during tendering system in one/two cover for the under mentioned work from experienced contractors/firms.
celebrations of 550th Parkash Purav
S. Name of Work Estimated Bid Time Cost of
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2. Important dates are as under:- 1. The Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and - 2,60,000/- 9 1500/-
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12 hindustantimes HINDUSTAN TIMES, C H AN D I G AR H

> AYATOLLAH ALI KHAMENEI, Iran’s supreme leader, backing the Houthi
rebels in their fight against forces backed by Saudi Arabia and UAE

TrumpsaysChinamovingtroops FIRE PROMPTS
principal deputy assistant
secretary for South and Central
Asian affairs, welcomed the move
by Islamabad and Washington to
ESCALATING TENSIONS Riot police retreat after clashing with angry protesters at airport premises
remove travel restrictions on each
other’s diplomats. “Pleased to see
that both Pakistan and the US
UN urges Hong
removed travel controls and other
measures inhibiting the work of
n Kong to use
restraint, probe
one another’s diplomats,” she was
quoted as saying by the US HONGKONG: US President Donald
bureau of South and Central Asian Trump on Tuesday, citing US

Woman says Lankan PM

AGENCIES intelligence, said the Chinese
government was moving troops
to its border with Hong Kong and
use of force
failed slain journalist father he called for calm as clashes con-
COLOMBO:The daughter of a tinued between protesters and Reuters
journalist killed during the rule of authorities in the former British n
Sri Lanka’s former strongman colony.
accused the current PM of not It was not immediately clear if GENEVA:UN high commissioner
doing enough to prosecute the Trump was reporting fresh for human rights Michelle
strongman’s brother for his role in movements or movements near Bachelet urged Hong Kong n A firefighter tries to extinguish
her father’s killing. He is now the the border already reported in authorities on Tuesday to exer- a fire near a house in
opposition’s presidential candi- the media. cise restraint and investigate Kontodespoti, Evia. REUTERS
date. Ahimsa Wickrematunge, “Our intelligence has evidence of its forces firing tear
daughter of Lasantha Wickrema- informed us that the Chinese gas at protesters in ways banned Agence France-Presse
tunge, wrote to PM Ranil Wick- government is moving troops to by international law. n
remesinghe accusing him of using the border with Hong Kong. “Officials can be seen firing
her father’s name to seek votes.
Everyone should be calm and tear gas canisters into crowded, ATHENS: Hundreds of villagers
She filed a lawsuit in a Los Angeles
safe!” he tweeted. enclosed areas and directly at were evacuated on Tuesday and
court seeking damages from
Gotabaya Rajapaksa. AP
Earlier in the day, riot police individual protesters on multi- the Greek prime minister can-
clashed with pro-democracy ple occasions, creating a consid- celledavacationasscoresoffire-
Trump delays tariffs on protesters at Hong Kong’s air- erable risk of death or serious fighters battled a major wildfire
some Chinese goods port late on Tuesday night, mov- injury,” Bachelet said in a state- on the country’s second-largest
ing into the terminal where the ment. island of Evia, authorities said.
WASHINGTON:Responding to
pressure from businesses and demonstrators had shut down Her office “urges the Hong “Conditionsareexceptionally
growing fears that a trade war is operations at the busy transport Kong authorities to act with difficultandthestate’sfirstprior-
threatening the US economy, the hub for two straight days. restraint, to ensure that the ity is to protect lives,” Kyriakos
Trump administration is delaying Officers armed with pepper rights of those who are express- Mitsotakistoldreportersoutside
some import taxes it planned to spray and batons confronted the ing their views peacefully are the fire department’s centre of
impose on Chinese goods and is protesters who used luggage respected and protected, while operations, after cutting short a
dropping others altogether. AP carts to barricade entrances to ensuring that the response by vacation on his home island of
the airport terminal. law enforcement officials to any Crete.
Indian-origin ex-cop jailed Riot police retreated after violence that may take place is Mitsotakis saidCanadairfire-
in S’pore for sex offences having temporarily restored proportionate”, the statement fightingplanes fromCroatia and
SINGAPORE:A R Arun Prashanth, calm. They took several people n A protester falls during clashes with riot police at the Hong Kong airport. REUTERS n A wounded protester calls for help. REUTERS said. Italy would be deployed on
25, an Indian-origin former into a police van waiting at the Bachelet’s spokesperson Wednesday after Greece
national serviceman with the
Singapore police force, was
sentenced to two years’ jail on
Tuesday for preying on underage
entrance to the airport’s arrivals
Police said they tried to help
ambulance officers reach an
After a brief period when
flights were able to take off and
land, the airport authority sus-
pended check-in services for
‘When will you die?’: Lam grilled Rupert Colville conceded that
security forces in the former
British colony were sometimes
in a difficult situation, saying,
requested EU assistance.
As night fell, crews fought to
protect the villages of Kontodes-
poti, Makrymalli, Stavros and
girls online and involving them in injured man whom protesters departing flights as of 4.30pm. Agence France-Presse misjudgement on others, and everyonetoputasideyourdiffer- “We are not saying it is easy, but Platana after clearing them of
sexual acts. PTI had detained on suspicion of Departing flights that had com- n refuse to acknowledge your mis- encesandcalmdown,”Lamsaid. nevertheless they have to avoid residents.
being an undercover agent. pleted the process were able to takes,” one journalist said. “Take a minute to think, look at excesses, otherwise they can “We are fighting against time
Panel probing SL Easter Protesters also detained a sec- continue to operate. HONG KONG: When Hong Kong “Whenwillyouacceptpolitical our city, our home, do you all just make the situation worse ... to contain the fire. It’s very diffi-
attacks seeks extension ond man who they suspected of It said it did not expect arriv- leader Carrie Lam appeared responsibility to end citizens’ really want to see it pushed into You risk really a vicious circle cult because of strong winds and
COLOMBO:Sri Lanka’s Parliamen- being an undercover agent. ing flights to be affected, before the press on Tuesday, she fear?... When will you be willing an abyss?” of rising violence and tension.” heavy smoke,” Yiorgos Psathas,
tary Select Committee (PSC), Earlier in the day, authorities although dozens were cancelled. faced a media onslaught she per- to step down? When will you tell And the barrage continued as China’s comments on the headofthelocalDirfys-Messapia
which is probing the Easter were forced to cancel all remain- The authority advised people not haps wouldn’t have expected. the police to stop?” the reporter she abruptly left, “Do you have a Hong Kong crisis about municipality, told state TV ERT.
attacks that had killed more than ing flights as the city’s pro-Bei- to come to the airport. No sooner were her prepared from Hong Kong’s public broad- conscience?” shouted one jour- “sprouts of terrorism” emerg- “Afirefighterwasinjuredafter
250 people, will be extended by a
jing leader warned that the pro- More than 200 flights were remarks finished than the full- caster RTHK asked. nalist. “Mrs Lam, many citizens ing in the city were not helpful trying to cross the fire on a bike,
month, its chairman Ananda
testers had pushed events onto a cancelled onMondayandthe air- frontal assault began. In her opening remarks, she have been asking recently when and risked inflaming the situa- andthreecarsbelongingtocamp-
Kumarasiri said. AGENCIES
“path of no return”. port was effectively shut down. “Youblameyourownpolitical called for calm. “I again ask you will die,” yelled another. tion, Colville said. ers were burned,” he said.

Kremlin defends Malaysian police

n Promotional
poster of the THE BIG EVENT
find body of Irish 1969 Woodstock
protest crackdown girl missing from WOODSTOCK ‘69
Music & Arts
Fair in Bethel,
New York. The
poster itself has
450,000 audience

The 1969 festival held from August 15-18 at a dairy farmer’s plot in New become an
$1.3 million
“Law enforcement
agencies are fulfilling
jungle resort York marks its 50th anniversary this week. Here’s everything you need to
know about the event dubbed ‘three days of peace, love and music’
symbol of the
advance ticket sales

MOSCOW: The Kremlin on Tues- Reuters GETTY IMAGES $180,000

daydefendedthepoliceresponse their duties and do n THOSE WHO STOLE THE SHOW* amount spent on talent
to a wave of protests demanding
free local elections in Moscow
everything necessary to SEREMBAN, MALAYSIA: Police on
A BAEZ 32 bands/performers
American singer/ Rock band led by Indian musician/ American rock British rock band American
anddownplayedthehugedemon- ensure security during Tuesday found the unclothed
songwriter Mexican/American composer, who guitarist (Pete Townshend: singer/songwriter,
over 300 songs
strations. body of an Irish teenager who
“We believe the firm action of sanctioned rallies.” wentmissingfromajungleresort Woodstock
guitarist Carlos popularised the
Day 3: 19 songs
guitarist/singer; political activist
$2.4 million
Santana sitar Roger Daltrey:
law enforcement to curb public DMITRY PESKOV, inMalaysia10daysago,thoughit performance: including an Day 1: 14 songs cost of hosting the concert
Kremlin spokesperson lead singer)
unrestwas absolutely justified,” wasnotyetclearwhatcausedher Day 1: 11 songs Day 2: 8 songs Day 1: 3 songs electrified version of including We Shall
spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, death. including Freedom including Soul Sat cross-legged The Star Spangled Day 3: 24 songs Overcome 243 hectares
in the first Kremlin comment Fifteen-year-old Nora Anne immortalised in the Sacrifice Banner including the album land provided by dairy
and played a Performed while she farmer Max Yasgur
since the protests engulfed the used batons on demonstrators. Quoirin,whohadsufferedlearn- 1970 Woodstock Tommy
Virtually unknown 45-minute set of Final performer, was pregnant
capital. AFP journalists at the scene saw ing difficulties, was reported documentary
“We do not agree with those protesters with injuries. missing on August 4 after her It was the first act,
band won over the
audience with its
classical Indian ragas
as rain fell. He was
played to a
diminished crowd of
Started playing at
5am. Townshend Source: AFP;
193km footage shot for
who call what is happening a Peskov instead saidthat there familyarrivedattheDusunrain- woodstock 3-hour documentary
after the first percussion-driven, disatisfied with the around 40,000 closed by throwing
political crisis.” had been instances of protesters forest resort in Seremban, about Woods
Since mid-July tens of thou- using force against law enforce- 70kmsouthoftheMalaysiancap-
scheduled performer
got stuck in traffic
Latin-infused music event due to the
crowd’s use of drugs
which some say was
his most iconic
his banged-up
Gibson SG guitar to
Stone/Woodstock Revisited
sandsof people have taken to the mentduringthedemonstrations. ital of Kuala Lumpur. Frankfurters and burgers
performance the crowd by Susan Reynolds/artists’
consumed on the first day
streets in central Moscow after “The family has been brought websites
the exclusion of several opposi- RUSSIA: WE’RE WINNING in to identify the body found *Based on latest photo availability
tion figures from local polls next ARMS RACE AGAINST US today and they have confirmed Jimi Hendrix: AFP photos/TT News
Highest paid performer Agency/Svenska Dagbladet
month. TheKremlinboastedonTuesday that the body is indeed Nora
a major rally on Saturday and
new cutting edge nuclear weap-
Anne,” said state police chief
Mohamad Mat Yusof.
$32,000 The Who
nearly 1,400 at a protest late last ons despite a mysterious rocket An autopsy will be carried out
month. accident last week in northern on Wednesdaymorning,he said.
Some protesters were injured Russia that caused a temporary Thebody,foundnearastream
in the crackdown and footage of spike in radiation levels. about 2.5kmfromtheresort,was
policeviolencesparkedanoutcry Rosatom, Russia’s state winched up and then flown by
on social networks. nuclear agency,has said that the helicopter to a nearby hospital,
One young woman was August 8 accident occurred dur- police said.
punched in the stomach by an ingarockettestonaseaplatform Authoritieshadbegunacrimi-
officer as she was dragged to the in the White Sea, killing at least nal investigation into the disap-
detention van on Saturday. Her five and injuring three more. pearance, according to Malay-
lawyertoldAFPshewasinhospi- Ithaspledgedtokeepdevelop- sia’s deputy police chief, Mazlan
tal with a concussion. ingnewweaponsregardless,por- Mansor, although an initial Richie Santana Ravi Jimi Joan
The West has condemned the traying the men who died in the investigation revealed no evi- Havens Shankar Hendrix Baez
actions of Russian police, who test as heroes. dence of criminal behaviour.


Woman killed in Sydney knife

Scientists inch closer towards Ebola cure breakthrough rampage, assailant arrested
Reuters the world’s second largest that we do now have what look
n Ebola outbreak in history, like (two) treatments for a dis-
now entering its second year ease for which not long ago we Associated Press about mass killings in North
WASHINGTON: Scientists are a in DR Congo. really had no approach at all,” n America and New Zealand, New
step closer to finding the first The drugs improved sur- he said. South Wales state police com-
effective treatments for the vival rates from the disease Ebola has been spreading in SYDNEY: A knife-wielding man missioner Michael Fuller said.
deadly Ebola haemorrhagic more than two other treat- eastern Congo since August with a history of mental illness is Witnesses said the assailant
fever after two potential drugs ments being tested - ZMapp, 2018 in an outbreak that has suspected of slaying a woman in on Tuesday was carrying a 30cm
showed encouraging survival made by Mapp Biopharmaceu- now become the second larg- a downtown Sydney apartment knife and attempted to stab sev-
results in a clinical trial in DR tical, and Remdesivir, made by est, killing at least 1,800 people. before wounding another eral people near a busy intersec-
Congo. Gilead Sciences - and those A vast Ebola outbreak in woman nearby and attempting tion in Australia’s largest city at
Two experimental drugs - products will be now dropped, West Africa become the to stab other people Tuesday around 2pm.
Regeneron’s REGN-EB3 and a said Anthony Fauci, one of the world’s largest ever when it while yelling “Allahu-akbar (god Fuller described the weapon
monoclonal antibody called researchers co-leading the spread through Guinea, Libe- is great)” police and witnesses as a butcher’s knife.
mAb114 - were both developed trial. ria and Sierra Leone from 2013 said. Police said a man was
using antibodies harvested Fauci, director of the US to 2016 and killed more than Police have not labelled the arrested, and that a 41-year-old
from survivors of Ebola. National Institute of Allergy 11,300 people. rampage an act of terrorism, woman with a stab wound to her
They showed “clearly bet- and Infectious Diseases, said Efforts to control it have although the 21-year-old assail- back was taken to a hospital in
ter” results in patients in a the results were “very good been hampered by militia vio- ant - who was restrained by stable condition.
n A health worker checks on a patient quarantined at an Ebola trial of four potential treat- news” for the fight against lence and some local resist- members of the public before Police said the body of a
treatment centre in Beni, DR Congo. AP ments being conducted during Ebola. “What this means is ance to outside help. being arrested - had collected 21-year-old woman was later dis- n Police gather at the crime
information on his computer covered in a nearby apartment. scene in central Sydney. AFP



WE DNESDAY, AUGUST 14 , 2019 hindustantimes 13

Amazon nears deal to buy CSR relief likely for firms
as panel backs easier norms
up to 10% of Future Retail Gireesh Chandra Prasad

n Sun Pharma founder and

DEAL TALK Future Retail seeks a valuation of ₹2,000 cr from Amazon for stake NEW DELHI: A high-level govern-
ment panel on corporate social
MD Dilip Shanghvi. responsibility (CSR) has recom-
Bloomberg Walmart, which spent $16 billion mended that such spending be
SUN PHARMA NET n last year to acquire Indian made tax-deductible for compa-
e-tailer Flipkart Online Services nies and jail term for executives
PROFIT JUMPS MUMBAI/BENGALURU: Pvt. Ltd, has a local unit that is who failed to transfer unspent
31% IN Q1 Inc. is in late-stage talks to allowed to sell goods to smaller amounts to a state fund be
NEW DELHI: Sun Pharmaceutical acquire as much as 10% of India’s grocery stores but not directly to scrapped.
on Tuesday reported a net profit Future Retail Ltd, people familiar consumers. The panel, led by corporate
of ₹1,387 crore in the April to June with the negotiations said, as the Amazon has been acquiring affairs secretary Injeti Srinivas,
quarter of FY20, up 31% compared US company moves to bolster its tiny stakes in other Indian brick- submitted its report to corpo-
with a year ago. The gross sales brick-and-mortar presence in and-mortar chains such as Shop- rate affairs minister Nirmala
were up 16% at ₹8,259 crore. While one of the world’s fastest-growing pers Stop Ltd and a grocery chain Sitharaman on Tuesday. Indian
India sales were up 8% at ₹2,314 retail markets. from the Aditya Birla Group in companies spend around n The panel submitted its report to corporate affairs minister Nirmala
crore, the US finished dosage India’s No. 2 retailer by turn- the past couple of years. ₹15,000 crore a year on CSR, Sitharaman on Tuesday. MINT FILE
sales moved up by 12% to $424 over, Future is seeking a valua- That’s on top of directly plow- according to the government.
million. The emerging markets tion of about ₹2,000 crore ($281 ing in $5.5 billion into its own Allowing CSR spending as a roll-back of a provision for companies be given 3-5 years to
sales were flat at $194 million. million) from Amazon for the operations in a bid to grab a big- deduction while computing tax- imprisonment of officers who use up funds meant for ongoing
Rest of the world sales showed a
stake, according to the people, n Future Retail founder and chairman Kishore Biyani. MINT FILE ger slice of India’s modern retail able income will come as a big are in default if a company does CSR projects before unspent
growth of 56% at $167 million
who asked not to be identified as market which, according to con- relief to businesses, one of their not transfer unspent CSR funds amount is compulsorily trans-
dollars. The company made
research and development the discussions are private. food retailing segment. LAST MARKET sultant Technopak Advisors, will long-standing demands. To give to a designated government ferred to the designated state
investments of ₹422 crore (5.1% of The sale is likely to be routed The proposed investment in The potential deal underlines the more than double to $188 billion effect to such a provision, the fund within specified time, a fund. This is a relaxation from
sales) compared to ₹500 crore (7% through a holding company, they Future Retail offers some paral- American online giant’s ambi- by 2023, up from $79 billion last Income Tax Act will have to be controversial provision the maximum of three years
of sales) in Q1 FY19. “We have said, and will give Amazon the lels, enabling Amazon to tap into tions to dominate the last sizable year. amended to include CSR spend- inserted into the Companies Act allowed for spending CSR funds
recorded growth across most of option to buy more shares from India’s rising demand for house- market yet to be conquered by Discussions between the Seat- ing among other classes of through amendments passed in that was introduced as part of
the markets for the quarter and Kishore Biyani, Future Retail’s hold products and home-deliv- large networks of hypermarkets tle-based retailer and Future expenditure that are allowed as Parliament during the budget Companies Act amendment this
our performance is in-line with founder and chairman. ered fresh produce and vegeta- and supermarkets, after losing Group revived recently, said the a deduction while computing session. The imprisonment pro- year. Sitharaman had last week
our full-year guidance,” said the The deal with the Mumbai- bles. ground in China. people, after waning earlier this taxable profits. vision had attracted criticism told industry executives at a
company’s managing director based company, which operates Discussions are yet to be final- It’ll also give the Jeff Bezos- year when India tightened rules Sitharaman who holds the from the industry. meeting that the imprisonment
Dilip Shanghvi. its flagship “Big Bazaar” grocery ized, and the deal could still falter controlled firm an edge over rival related to online retail, throwing portfolios of both corporate The 14-member panel recom- clause would be reviewed.
store chain, will give Amazon or be delayed. Representatives Walmart Inc. and the planned Amazon and Walmart’s grand affairs and finance could help in mended that there should only The panel, however, recom-
Housing finance firms to be more exposure to the business for parent company Future e-commerce venture of Mukesh plans for the nation in disarray. quicker implementation of the be a monetary penalty, which mended that the CSR spending
treated as NBFCs: RBI after it bought Whole Foods Mar- Group and Amazon in India said Ambani, Asia’s richest man, that Future Retail operates over proposal, a government official should be 2-3 times the default obligation be extended to lim-
MUMBAI: The Reserve Bank of ket Inc. for $13.7 billion in 2017 they don’t comment on market plans to combine the online and 2,000 stores across 400 cities, said on condition of anonymity. amount with a cap of ₹1 crore. ited liability partnerships and
India (RBI) on Tuesday said that and secured a foothold in the US speculation. offline retail formats in India. including “Big Bazaar” stores. The panel also recommended The panel recommended that banks too.
housing finance companies (HFCs)
will be treated as non-banking

Worried EPFO seeks early redemption of ₹700 crore DHFL bonds

financial companies, adding that
it will release a revised norms for
these entities. “HFCs will hence-
forth be treated as one of the
categories of NBFCs for regula-
Prashant K Nanda “Of the total ₹1,300 crore bond ment. requesting anonymity. Banasure said the senior
tory purposes. RBI will carry out a
review of the extant regulatory n investments (in DHFL), we are The EPFO action comes as it DHFL did not respond to an administration of the home finan-
framework applicable to the HFCs yet to recover ₹700 crore. Though struggles to recover ₹574 crore of email seeking comment. A com- cier has given EPFO a written
and come out with revised NEWDELHI: The Employees’ Provi- the company has promised to pay its bond investments in crisis-rid- pany executive on condition of promise to pay back the entire
regulations in due course,” the RBI dent Fund Organisation (EPFO) back the investments, it is tough den shadow lender Infrastruc- anonymity said that all promises amount. He, however, added that
said. HFCs shall continue to will seek early redemption of to give a timeline right now,” said ture Leasing and Financial Servi- made will be honoured. the health of the company may
comply with National Housing about ₹700 crore worth of bonds of Banasure. ces Ltd (IL&FS). On August 6, DHFL said a get better post December.
Bank’s (NHB’s) directions till RBI troubled mortgage lender Dewan Since mid-June, the invest- DHFL is among the companies board-appointed panel had “The finance investment and
issues a revised framework. Housing Finance Corp. Ltd ment committee of the retirement worst hit by the liquidity crisis approved a debt resolution plan advisory committee (of EPFO)…
Moreover, NHB will continue to (DHFL) to safeguard workers’ fund manager has met four times triggered by the payment that seeks a moratorium on decided that in case of DHFL, all
carry out supervision of HFCs and savings. to discuss ways to recover the defaults by IL&FS in 2018. The cri- repayments but spares creditors out efforts be made to ensure...
they will continue to submit The retirement fund manager investments. It redeemed ₹201 sis shook investor confidence in from having to take haircuts on early redemption. However, if the
various returns to NHB. The will exercise an early exit option crore in two tranches, following non-banks and dried up access to n EPFO’s action comes as it struggles to recover ₹574 crore of its principal payments. On August same is not deposited (by end Sep-
grievance redressal mechanism to redeem investments in 10-year at least two rounds of delibera- financing for them from banks as bond investments in crisis-ridden shadow lender IL&FS. MINT 11, news agency PTI reported, cit- tember), then necessary action as
with regard to HFCs will also bonds of DHFL that mature in tion with DHFL officials in late well as bond markets. ing unidentified people, that per laid down law and procedure
continue to be with the NHB. 2024, said Prabhakar Banasure, a June, according to official docu- “Initially, EPFO thought of cussed in one of the meetings of the firm who promised to pay a DHFL sought ₹15,000 crore imme- should be initiated,” said an
COMPILED FROM AGENCIES member of the finance invest- ments reviewed by Mint and two going to the debt recovery tribu- the investment committee. But part of the amount,” said one of diate funding from banks for EPFO document, a copy of which
AND MINT REPORTERS ment committee of EPFO. people familiar with the develop- nal against DHFL and it was dis- before that it called the officials of the two officials cited earlier, on-lending. was reviewed by Mint.

Retail inflation Jio’s First Day First Show

eases marginally
to 3.15% in July plan spooks multiplex stocks
Reuters Lata Jha
n n
NEW DELHI: India’s retail inflation
rate eased slightly in July, stay-
NEW DELHI: Reliance Industries
Ltd (RIL) chairman Mukesh
ing below the central bank’s 4% Ambani’s audacious plan to NEW DELHI: Shares of Reli- ₹1,275.30.
medium-term target for a 12th home-deliver movies on the day ance Industries Ltd (RIL) on This added ₹71,638 crore
straight month. of their release could transform Tuesday surged 9.72% on to the company’s market
Annual retail inflation in movie-watching and reshape Tuesday, witnessing their valuation, taking its total
July was 3.15%, down from an India’s ₹10,000 crore multiplex biggest jump since February market capitalisation
eight-month high of 3.18% in industry, provided Jio manages 2017, after its chairman and (m-cap) to ₹8.08 lakh crore
June, but below analyst fore- to deftly navigate a landscape of managing director Mukesh on BSE.
casts, data from the Ministry of producers, exhibitors and top Ambani announced the “Reliance can further
Statistics showed on Tuesday. actors, key stakeholders in the group’s plan to sell a 20% move towards ₹1,300 soon.
The Reserve Bank of India entertainment industry. stake in its oils-to-chemicals Going by the track record
(RBI) last week lowered its Shares of multiplex operators business to Saudi Aramco. of the management and
benchmark interest rate for a plunged on Tuesday, a day after During the day, the com- potential of the retail and
fourth meeting in a row, by an Ambani said premium users of pany’s shares touched an digital market of India, Reli-
unconventional 35 basis points JioFiber, a feature-rich wired intraday high of 12.09% to ance’s announcements will
to 5.40%. It projected inflation to broadband service, will get to touch ₹1,302.50 apiece on prompt a fresh rush of buy-
remain at 3.4% to 3.7% during watch the latest movies on the BSE. It was the top gainer ing the stock that can take it
the October-March 2020 period. first day itself. On BSE, shares among the 30-front line com- to new highs in short-term
“Retail inflation remains sub- of PVR Ltd and Inox Leisure Ltd, panies on the key BSE index. and may pass ₹2,000 levels in
dued, with most of the compo- India’s largest and second-larg- On the National Stock next 12 months,” Romesh
nents indicating not much vari- est multiplex operators with 800 Exchange (NSE), shares Tiwari, head of research,
ation compared to the earlier and 600 screens, respectively, gained 9.74% to close at CapitalAim said. PTI
periods,” said Joseph Thomas, fell more than 4% each. JioFiber
research head at Emkay Wealth will start offering the First Day romantic comedy Luka Chuppi Johar said Jio will have to pay
Management. Retail food prices First Show service from mid- released this year, Jio Studios filmmakers a big chunk of their
increased 2.36% in July from a 2020. has announced a bunch of Hindi investment upfront and ensure
year earlier, compared with an In separate statements on movies for the next year, includ- smooth returns on investment
upwardly revised 2.25% in June. Tuesday, both PVR and Inox ing Ayushmann Khurrana and because theatres may not
Food prices are likely to remain said producers will need to Yami Gautam-starrer Bala and screen films if they’re also
subdued after a pick-up in rain- choose between theatrical director Imtiaz Ali’s next with streaming elsewhere. Jio will
fall in several parts of the coun- release and other platforms in Kartik Aaryan and Sara Ali need to keep lead actors on its
try, which will boost crops. the early days of a release. Khan. The bigger chunk, how- side as well, since they often
Core consumer inflation, However, for Jio to pull it off, ever, will come from films ensure impressive opening fig-
which strips out food and fuel it first needs a massive content acquired from other producers. ures by pulling in crowds.
prices, was estimated between library. “A part of this could Currently, there is an While digital deals for films are
4.47% and 4.6% in July, above come from the films under pro- unspoken agreement to main- currently struck at ₹30-40 crore,
4.09% to 4.11% in June, accord- duction at Jio Studios,” said film tain an approximately eight- Jio could take this several
ing to two analysts who esti- trade and exhibition expert Gir- week window between theatri- notches up, compelling stream-
mated from inflation figures ish Johar. cal release and digital premie- ing platforms such as Netflix
released on Tuesday. Known for hits such as res. Industry experts such as and Amazon Prime Video to act.


MS Dhoni invests in used-car company Cars24

Nandita Mathur we live by at Cars24 and there-
n fore the partnership felt natu-
ral and perfect. We also share
NEW DELHI: Cars24, one of a common love for cars which
India’s fastest growing tech- makes this even more spe-
enabled used-car companies, cial.”
has announced a strategic Commenting on his associa-
partnership with cricketer tion with the brand, Dhoni
Mahendra Singh Dhoni, in a said, “I am thrilled to be part of
move to strengthen the brand the Cars24 journey. Besides
as it continues to expand being a fan of all things to do
across markets. with cars, I am also a fan of
As part of this partnership, new-age companies that are
MS Dhoni will own equity in n As part of the partnership with Cars24, MS Dhoni will own equity disruptive, innovative and
Gurugram-based Cars24 and in the company and will become its brand ambassador. PTI FILE shaping the future. Cars24 is
will act as its brand ambassa- definitely one of these compa-
dor. His investment, the quan- Talking about the partner- excited to welcome Mahi into nies. They have big ambitions
tum of which was not dis- ship, Vikram Chopra, the Cars24 family. He is a role and I am excited to work with
closed, is part of the series D co-founder and chief execu- model and hero to most Indi- them and help them achieve
round of funding. tive, Cars24 said, “We are very ans ... It’s the same values that their goals.”



NIT No.-03(2019-2020) EE (PR) SR-I

S. Name of work Amount put to Earnest Date of release Last date/time for tender
No. tender(Rs.) Money (Rs.) of tender in download, Time of
e-procurement receipt of tender through
solution e-procurement solution,
Time of opening of
technical Bid, Pre-bid
meeting time, Time of
opening of financial
Bid. date
1. Component Providing & laying 250 mm to 1600 mm nominal dia 276,83,58,304/- 3,91,69,000/- 09.08.2019 03.10.19 upto 3.00 pm,
-A internal and peripheral sewar line in Kirari group of 03.10.19 upto 3.00 pm,
colonies under Rohini catchment area, in Delhi 03.10.19 at 3.15 pm,
Component Construction of waste water pumping station in at ON DBO BASIS Pre-bid meeting
-B Pratap Vihar, Prem Nagar & at Bhagya Vihar of 11.09.2019 at 12.00
41.00, 6.50 & 9.00 MGD capacities respectively Noon
including rising mains and other related associated/ After Evaluation of Part
allied appurtenant works on DBO basis including A (Technical Bid)
operation and maintenance of all above sewage
pumping station for the period of 12 years including
defect liability period of 2 years
Futher details in this regard can be seen at ( tender ID No. 2019_DJB_178099_1 dated 09.08.2019
Advt. No. J.S.V. 265/2019-20 EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (PR) SR-I


Cairn Foundation (CF), a not-for-profit society,
committed to empower local communities in its
COMPETITIVE BIDDING (CB) areas of operation and support them for their
suitable and inclusive growth seeks an Expression
of Interest (EOI) under Competitive Bidding Process
Design, Develop and (“CB”) from suitably experienced NGO’s, Not for
profit organizations, for profit organization and
Execute Skill and charitable organizations with proven capabilities
and demonstrated performance in similar
Vocational training requirement to express their interest for pre-
qualification to participate in Competitive Bidding
programmes in Process for the following:
1. To assess the skill development gaps and
Jodhpur, Rajasthan
opportunities by conducting a baseline and
need assessment study.
2. Basis the outcome of the study - design
develop and execute vocational/skill training
programs, to link rural youth to livelihood/
economic empowerment opportunities.
Cairn Oil & Gas
EMPLOYMENT PUBLIC NOTICES The interested parties should evince interest to
participate in the Expression of Interest by clicking
Cairn Oil & Gas, a vertical of Vedanta Limited on the “Evince Interest” link against the EoI listing on
TEACHERS REQUIRED for Akal I, VIJAY Kumari W/o Vijay Kumar
Academy Fatehgarh Ganduan (For Registered Office: Vedanta Limited, 1st Floor,
Chopra R/o 134-135, Vijay Nagar, the Cairn website i.e.
Social Studies & Science), Akal ‘C’ wing, Unit 103, Corporate Avenue,
Jalandhar City, Punjab declare that I and submit their contact details online. Further to
Academy Benra (For Biology & Atul Projects, Chakala, Andheri (East),
have changed My name from Vijay
Social Studies), Akal Academy Manal Kumari to Vimal Chopra. All Mumbai – 400093, Maharashtra, India this, interested parties will be invited to submit their
(For English & PTI), Akal Academy concerned please note. response via Smart Source (Cairn’s e Sourcing
Rasheen (For English), Akal CIN: L13209MH1965PLC291394
Academy Mander (For Physics). Platform) within 10 Days from this publication.
Eligibility: Graduation in any stream. I, GURMIT Kaur W/o Balbir Singh
Freshers may also apply. Salary: R/o Village-Buchre, PO-Sadhugarh
10,000 to 15,000. Walk in interview: Tehsil&Distt.Fatehgarh Sahib have
Test, Sharp 10:30 am at: Gurdwara changed my name Gurmit kaur to
Singh Sabha, Near Bus Stand, Gurmeet Kaur.
Sangrur, 98720-18459 on
16.08.2019, I, SERVICE No.(14458003H)Rank Ex.Hav. Shiv Singh S/O Roop Singh
Village Dhroti P.O.-Sunhani Tehsil
EXPERIENCED STRUCTURAL Jhandutta Distt.Bilaspur(H.P.)
Design Engineer (Specialization in declare that my daughter name
concrete Design) required for well wrongly entered as Saveta Kumari
established firm working on projects instead correct name Sweta Kumari.
in North America, for Residential, Concerned Note.
Commercial and Industrial Low to
Medium Rise Building Projects, Com-
petitive salary package. Email re-
sume at PROPERTY

I, TALWINDER Singh S/o Gurmit
Singh, Village Bani P.O. Ganguwal ,
Tehsil Sri Anandpur Sahib
(Rupnagar), changed name from
Talwinder Singh to Talwinder Singh
I, KHUSWANT Singh S/o Satam
Singh, H.No.B-1/1433 Mittal Street
Old Rajpura (Patiala), changed
name to Khushwant Singh.
I, JASWANT Singh Chahal S/o
Mukhtiar Singh, Vill Nihaluwal Teh.
& Distt Barnala, changed my name
to Jaswant Singh.
I, SUNIL Kumar S/o Krishan Lal Jain
R/o #2076/1, Sector-45C,
Chandigarh declare that Sunil
Kumar and Sunil Kumar Jain are one
and the same person.
I, RAVINDER Singh S/o Pritam
Singh Saini R/o H.No. 864, Sector
70, S.A.S. Nagar Mohali (Punjab)
have changed my name from TOLET
Ravinder Singh to Ravinder Saini.
I SUNAINA Sharma w/o Late Shri
Jawahar Lal R/O # 2179 Sector 35-C MOHALI
Chandigarh have changed my minor
daughter's name from Venus
Sharma to Emmara. TWO MASTER Bed Rooms with
Drawing Dining room on first floor
I, SAMSHER Singh S/o Surender of 18 Marla Kothi in Judge Enclave
Singh, Guru Nanak Nagar, Nalas Sector 77 Mohali contact 94170-
Raod, Rajpura (Patiala), changed 50203
name to Shamsher Singh.
I, HARJIT Singh Teja S/o Basawa
Singh Teja, H.No. B-1/1000 Bharat MEDICAL
Colony Rajpura, Patiala, changed
name to Harjit Singh.
I, INDER Paul Kaur W/o Bhupinder
Singh Sekhon, #.572, ward-5, Basti
Gobindgarh, Moga. I have known as
Inderpal Kaur also. Both names
Inderpal Kaur & Inder Paul Kaur is
one and the same lady.
I, BALWINDER Kour W/o Surender
Singh, Guru Nanak Nagar, Nalas
Road Rajpura, Patiala, changed
name to Balwinder Kaur.
I, SURINDER Singh S/o Joginder
Singh, Guru Nanak Nagar, Nalas
Road, Rajpura (Patiala), changed
name to Surender Singh.



WE DNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 2019 hindustantimes 15


What makes Himanshu and Archut clear winners in the JEE Advanced exam
It was a judicious mix of hard and 106 marks in Physics, Chem-
work and extra-curricular activ- istry and Mathematics, respec-
ities that made these aspiring tively.
computer engineers bag the sec- Admission in IIT-Delhi to pur-
ond and third positions in one of sue the course of his choice --
the country’s top competitive computer science -- was a given
exam. Success is a way of life at for the 17-year-old. “It’s been a
FIIT-JEE. And this year too, its dream come true” says Himan-
flag of success has been kept fly- shu who had always aspired to
ing by two young students, study at this prestigious insti-
Himanshu Gaurav Singh and tute. But what, he insists, made it
Archit Bubna, who are JEE possible was his preparation at
Advanced 2019 second and third FIIT-JEE – an institute “that
toppers respectively. always produces such good
This has been possible results”.
because of this institute’s under- It was while he was in Std X
standing of the students’ needs at that Himanshu joined FIIT-JEE.
different stages of their study “When I had voiced my decision
and exam-preparation. That is about this to my parents, they
what, consequently, becomes readily agreed. And were more
the guiding force behind the than happy as the institute has a
structure and methodology of great success rate, and its stu-
each of its courses. And not to dents invariably do well.” His
forget, the secret of the success father, Lavkush Singh, head of
stories of all its students. the department at the State Gov-
The story of FIIT-JEE goes ernment Polytechnic, Kau-
back to the year 1992 when it was shambi wanted a healthy and
created by D K Goel, a mechani- competitive environment for his
cal engineering graduate from son and was happy with what

› ›
IIT Delhi, who had a vision to FIIT-JEE had to offer.
provide an ideal and competent
launch pad for serious JEE aspi-
Soon after Himanshu joined I was pretty young at the time but my parents tell me that even from the time I was “I was pretty confident of doing well – of being in the top three rank-holders after I
this institute’s Gorakhpur
rants. Along the way, besides branch, he felt a great change in in Std II or III I was fairly good in studies. And my area of interest they could gauge checked the answers. I had always been good in studies but since becoming
merely coaching for IIT-JEE, it his attitude to learning. “I had
also started making a difference always been good in studies but was mainly science subjects. In any case, the general, rather popular, consensus is that associated with this place, I seemed to have got that extra push because our teachers
in the way students think and
approach problems. And yes
since becoming associated with engineering requires higher intellectual abilities were always encouraging, always motivating us to do well
this place, I seemed to have got
exams. As efforts started being that extra push because our
made to develop and enhance the teachers were always encourag-
students’ IQ, the association ing, always motivating us to do
with FIIT-JEE worked towards well.” The fact that all the other on our preparation and guide to music, playingbadminton and Hailing from Hajipur near any case, the general, rather hours a day and the rest of the a fundamental manner. It
also making them complete, fellow students are also good, each other too. This was some- spending time with his friends. “I Patna, Bihar, Archit moved to popular, consensus is that engi- time spend on following some believes in teaching students in
intelligent people who were very academically inclined and thing, we soon came to under- think all this – the emphasis on Delhi when he was about five to neering requires higher intellec- recreational activity or the a way that makes them do well in
there to make a mark in the aim to do well helped in being a stand, that will stand us in good not just studies but also recrea- six years old. Talking about his tual abilities,” says the 18-year- other,” says Archit who enjoys a IIT-JEE (irrespective of the pat-
world. Ask any of its students great motivating factor. “While stead not just in our forthcoming tional activities also works to early years, he says that doing old who joined FIIT-JEE from good game of table tennis and tern), boards, NTSE, KVPY,
who have undergone training the whole atmosphere is very examinations but also at every bring out the winners in us all.” well in examinations was par for the time he was in Std VI. “Yes, playing the keyboard too. “I had olympiads and other engineer-
and studied here and they will competitive, it is surprisingly, step of the way, throughout our And now that he has started the course. they have programmes for chil- started out on the piano but dis- ing entrance exams.
talk about how the institute has very friendlytoo.All through the lives,” smiles Himanshu. “FIIT- attending classes at IIT-Delhi, “I was pretty young at the time dren as young as that.” continued my music classes. Andyes,eveninmanyUSUni-
worked to create a compelling time we were there, all of us were JEE training, we are sure, will Himanshu can’t help but thank but my parents tell me that even Talking about himself, Archit However, I am sure I can play a versities where the admission is
desire in them to always aspire there for each other without any make us winners at every step of FIIT-JEE for playing such a piv- from the time I was in Std II or III says he went there because he few tunes even now,” he smiles. based on the student’s perform-
for perfection and in the process, feelings of negativity and antag- the way.” otal role in shaping the way he I was fairly good in studies. And found school boring. “For some When you look at students ance of school as well as the last
keep setting newer benchmarks onism.”Nowonderthen,Himan- So, while studies remain an thinks. “And shaping my life too my area of interest they could reason, I felt that I already knew like Himanshu and Archit, you board exam and SAT-I, SAT-II,
of excellence, and enable them to shu adds, there was no hesitation important part of the students’ – for paving such a beautifulpath gauge was mainly science sub- what was being taught to me in know that they are perfect exam- AP Exams and TOEFL.
achieve greater heights. in sharing notes and helping schedule – “we had to attend six- ahead of me,” he smiles. jects.” And the youngster would my class. ples of what FIIT-JEE’s plan for This has been possible not just
Little wonder then that aim- each other solve difficult prob- hour classes four days in a Archit who did his schooling “invariably” do well in School So, there was always this hun- students was from the very out- through excellent comprehen-
ing for the unachievable and lems. “This was something that week”, informs Himanshu – from the Amity International Olympiads. This was not just at ger in me to learn and know set – to provide a wholesome edu- sive study material but also, as
continuously raising the bar has the FIIT-JEE teachers would FIIT-JEE also stresses upon the School in Pushp Vihar agrees. the school level but later, also at something more. FIIT-JEE with cation experience. And that is all FIIT-JEE students will vouch
become a part of the DNA ofFIIT- also always stress upon, for, a need for taking time out for some Having secured admission in the the inter-school level and in the its very stimulating atmosphere the reason why students look at for, personalized coaching that
JEE. Himanshu Gaurav Singh positive atmosphere is one that recreational activity or the Computer Science and Engi- SOF (Science Olympiad Founda- helped me there,” informs the option of studying at FIIT- helps them resolve complex and
and Archit Bubna agree whole- is stimulating, inspiring and other. Consequently, daily neering course at IIT-Delhi, he tion) examinations. “I think Archit. And even in his higher JEE to pursue their goals. tricky problems and work on
heartedly. motivating – the kind that would morning walks became, as he wants to pursue a career in artifi- that’s when my parents saw a classes, when the courses grew With a system that revolves their analytical skills and paral-
Having done his Std XII from keep all of us students always says, “a mandatory part of my cial intelligence and become a spark in me and felt that I must more intense he was able to bal- around truth, transparency and lel thinking processes.
Gorakhpur, Himanshu secured revved up, always raring to solve schedule. scientist. India, according to look at a career in the engineer- ance both – his school curricu- commitment, it is evident that And all this in an environ-
99 per cent in his board exams. “I even the most difficult of prob- Some of our teachers would him, needs to move along with ing stream. But, of course, there lum as well as the FIIT-JEE syl- the institute does not like to com- ment that is positively competi-
was pretty confident of doing lems,” he smiles. sometime even ask if we were the rest of the world in creative was no pressure from their side – labi. It was easy for me,” he promise on quality – something tive and motivating -- the kind
well – of being in the top three The journey with FIIT-JEE doing them on a regular basis or and scientific applications of the decision was all mine,” he declares. “My teachers at FIIT- that can be seen in its every that will inspire them to set their
rank-holders after I checked the has ensured that students con- not – because all such activities, artificial intelligence. “That is smiles. Ask him if he didn’t think JEE helped me all along ensur- sphere and activity. goals higher, remain stress free
answers,” says the topper of the stantly remain on the path of they said, work to not just why Iwould lovetodosomething of Medicine as a career option ing that all of us students work With a good faculty, FIIT- and healthy and become good,
Delhi zone who secured340 out of learning. “We were always refresh but also relax the mind”. extraordinary in this field,” he and he shakes his head. “I some- out a balanced study schedule. JEE’s objective, as mentioned positive individuals… And keep
372 marks. He obtained 115, 119 encouraged to exchange insights Himanshu also enjoys listening adds. how wasn’t too keen on that. In We used to study for eight to nine earlier, is to prepare students in the FIIT-JEE flag flying high.

Public education in Indian states Rural innovators conclave at NIRDPR

offers a massive reform opportunity HT Correspondent

National Institute of Rural

with potential funding and net-
work support. The themes of the
conclave are Agriculture &
Allied Activities, Green Energy
of innovations and technologies
focused on mitigating these
issues. The RISC programme
aims to provide critical support
who have the technological and
financial means of catering to
the entrepreneurial aspirations
of the youth. Theconclave will be
Gaurav Goel Development and Panchayati Solution, Waste to Wealth, to innovators from rural areas attended by representatives
n Raj (NIRDPR) is all set to host the Health & Elderly Care, Drinking who know these issues better from Technical institutions,
3rd edition of Rural Innovators Water & Sanitation, Sustainable than anyone else to work Government departments sup-
Educationisoftenseenasapana- Startup Conclave (RISC) on Housing, and Sustainable Liveli- towards addressing these chal- porting incubation, Non-Gov-
cea for lifting people out of pov- 27-28th September 2019 at the hood. lenges.” ernment agencies and most
erty in developing countries. Institute campus in Rajendrana- The best innovations and In this event a platform called importantly by the Business
Apart from the evidence on its gar, Hyderabad. The two-day startups identified will be ‘Rural Innovation and Design Developers, Venture Capitalists,
role in increasing social inclu- unique conclave will serve as a awarded cash prizes of one lakh (RIDe)’ Challenge will also be Angel Investors and other play-
sion, education as a cause reso- platform to showcase a wide rupees for startups and fifty organized for school (above 8th ers from the entrepreneurial
nateswithmostdecisionmakers array of budding entrepreneurs, thousand rupees for innovators, standard) and college students, ecosystem.
and socially minded people, rural innovators and aspirant besides a fellowship for one-year with an aim of finding potential The conclave will be orga-
owing to its visible impact in the startups to demonstrate their to participate in tailor-made solutions to critical everyday nized by the Centre for Innova-
livesofindividuals. Therefore,it design ideas, innovations, tech- workshops on themes such as problems. These solutions will tions and Appropriate Technolo-
isnowonderthatcorporatesocial nologies, pitch, and get an oppor- design, packaging, marketing, be represented through poster gies (CIAT) of NIRDPR, and will
responsibility (CSR) and philan- tunity to receive learning and etc., to be organized by NIRDPR. displays at the conclave. A fel- witness the participation of
thropicefforts in India havelong mentoring support. Dr. W. R. Reddy, IAS, Director lowship of Rs.10,000, Rs.7,500 and young school and college stu-
been overwhelmingly tilted Being introduced in the mem- General, NIRDPR, speaking Rs.5,000 will be awarded to the dents, rural innovators, budding
towards educational interven- ory of late Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, about the significance of the con- first, second and third ranking startups, funding agencies, giv-
tions.Aresearchsuggeststhatas RISC-2019 seeks to provide a clave said, “Humongous prob- prizes respectively. NIRDPR will ing them the opportunity to lev-
of2014,78ofthetop100companies platform to innovators and lems which are plaguing the play a key role by connecting erage each others’ strengths for
in Indian CSR had at least one n An absence of accountability in the system with respect to learning outcomes is a concern FILE/HT entrepreneurs to showcase their rural areas can only be these innovators with appropri- bringing into the fray, sustaina-
program to address educational innovations and connect them addressed by constant infusion ate institutions and investors ble solutions for development.
needs1. With more than 50% of temsthinkingapproachthatcon- hand, Odisha and Madhya Academic monitoring of schools
school education in India being fronts multiple challenges that Pradesh are making concerted was instituted across the state,
provided by way of government
schooling, itishardly surprising
that government schools are the
largest beneficiaries of such
pose barriers to the delivery of
neously. So, what are these chal-
efforts to alter their education
piecemeal strategies to compre-
hensive, state-wide systemic
and combined with assessment
data, to mandate data-backed
Cost-effective platforms to learn coding
funds.Despite this,the results in For one, majority of the stu- transformations. As a part of this, the main- Abhijit Ahaskar sion. The platform has both free skills, and career paths to help paid service with a monthly sub-
ourpublic-schooleducationhave dents in our education system These transformations are a stream administrative officers n and premium content. The users figure out where to begin scription of $19.99 (around ₹1,380
been far from encouraging, with havebeenleftbehindinthelearn- combination of governance including Deputy Commission- former gives unlimited access to and what to learn, and arranges today).
many states continuing to show ing curve over the years, result- reformsononesideandacademic erswerepulledin,tobuildowner- NEW DELHI: Computer program- all the courses without being all courses in cards that users E-learning platforms such
poor learning outcomes as the ingnowinclassroomswherestu- interventions on the other, with ship of the initiatives on the ming, commonly referred to as bombed by ads along with a com- can slide through as they learn Udemi, Edx, Coursera, LinkedIn
years go by. dentsofstarklydifferentabilities theoverallobjectiveofimproving ground. coding, is currently one of the pletion certificate. For premium new skills. Learning and Khan Academy
One of the reasons for this are bunched up together. This learning outcomes for students. They were supported by the most coveted skills in the tech- access, users have to pay ₹650 per Users can schedule their also have got courses on com-
could bethe lackofconsensus on makes it extremely difficult for Amongst these states, Hary- Chief Minister’s Good Govern- nology industry. With more month, or they can opt for an learning hours, and review and puter programming with the
the best path to achieve better teachers to get everyone up to ana has been on this journey the ance Associates (CMGGAs) who organizations going online, annual plan of ₹2,350. Program- practice sessions, and the Codec- option to get certified after com-
learning outcomes. While most speed. Compounding this prob- longest, having begun their first spentalargepartoftheirtime on there’s an increased demand for ming Hub is available on desk- ademy Go app sends daily pleting the courses and tests.
stakeholdersalignontheneedto lem is the poor or sub-optimal phase of reforms in 2014, by initi- SakshamHaryana.Theremedial coders in almost every industry. top, Android and iOS. reminders. However, they can be quite over-
improvequalityofeducation,this allocation of resources, particu- ating structural changes that learningprogramme-acorepilot According to market surveys, a For those looking to mix the It also includes articles and whelming for someone looking
alignment doesn’t extend to the larly human resources. Public would establish the foundation initiative of the previous phase - basic coding job in JavaScript learning with a bit of social videos by professionals to keep only for coding related courses
solutions to this problem. This schools suffer from non-availa- for systemic transformation. As got rolled-out across the state. pays $22,000 (around ₹15 lakh media experience to connect learners posted on the latest in as they have numerous other
lack of consensus has led to a bility of teachers, and existing part of this, efforts were taken to Last, but not the least, the state today) per year, while those with with anyone, from a beginner to the world of programming. It is a subjects and courses.
patchworkofinitiativesinmany teachersinschoolsspendaninor- institute periodic standardized madeeffortstomakethisprocess programming skills in block- a pro, there is SoloLearn. The
statesrangingfromintroduction dinateamountoftimeonnon-ac- assessments to generate regular participative, by engaging the chain and artificial intelligence platform doesn’t have as many
of technology in classrooms to ademicadministrativeactivities, data on learning levels. A reme- teachers, parents, and the com- canearnaround $80,000 per year. courses as Programming Hub
enhancement in curriculum thereby minimizing their teach- dial learning programme was munityatlargethroughmultiple In case you are interested in does, but it has a very intuitive
design, provision of additional ing-time. then designed and piloted to initiatives.While efforts contin- adding coding skills to your interface. All languages specific
teaching resources, etc. While This is further aggravated by impart foundational skills and ued to drive the Saksham Hary- resume, there are several online to a field are clubbed together.
wellintentioned,theseinitiatives an absence of accountability in competencies prerequisite to a ana initiatives, the concept of platforms dedicated entirely to SoloLearn also allows its mem-
havehadalimitedimpactasthey the system with respect to learn- particular grade, based on the ‘Saksham Ghoshna’ was intro- coding, which can get you bers to post their own coding
areusuallynotdesignedforscale, ing outcomes, because most insights drawn from this assess- duced to galvanise all stakehold- started with their simple, time- courses and challenges. Users
oftenworkingonlyinsmallsani- stakeholders within the system mentdataofstudents.Inparallel, erstowards thegoalofachieving bound courses. can chat with others and get
tized environments. areheldresponsibleforadminis- teacher transfers were also 80% grade level competence One such platform, Program- doubts cleared by the pros on the
In some cases where the solu- trative and infrastructure streamlinedusingonlinemecha- across the state using a competi- ming Hub, run by a Mumbai- platforms.
tions are actually designed for upkeep,whichmaynotalwaysbe nisms, thereby ending the tiveframework.Underthisgami- based startup, was co-founded There is an “ask me anything”
scale, they still fall short of being central to the delivery of quality patronage network that had fication approach, education by software engineer Nigel Cra- section, along the lines of Red-
trulytransformativeas theyend education.Thedisinterestofpar- existed for decades. blocks in the state are incentiv- sto and business grad Tito Aby dit’s AMA, wherein users can
up overwhelming an already ents, the community and the Theambitioussecondphaseof ized to attain grade level compe- Idicula. It offers short courses on ask questions to popular devel-
under-resourced and under politicalleadershiptoconstruct- systemic transformation called tence through the various every relevant programming opers from all over the world.
equippedgovernmenteducation ively engage with the education ‘Sakhsam Haryana’ began in sytemic initaitives etc. language—from C++ to Python The pro version costs ₹169 and
system. system only further adds to the April 2017, on the back of earlier The author is is the Founder of ‘Sama- and Javascript to Swift. removes ads in addition to offer-
Given these experiences it is problem. reforms. Efforts were made to gra | Transforming Governance’, a mission Developed in collaboration ing certificates.
amply clear that the problems To confront all these challen- driveaccountabilityforlearning driven governance consulting firm. Sama- with experts from Google, Pro- For learners looking for a plat-
plaguingtheIndianpubliceduca- ges,severalstatesincludingHar- outcomes at all levels of the state gra is working on systemic education gramming Hub offers bite-sized form that makes coding more
tion system cannot be seen in yana,HimachalPradesh,Rajast- machinery, driven transformation with 3 states including Har- interactive courses with regular fun, there is Codecademy Go. It
silos; these in fact require a sys- han, Andhra Pradesh, Jhark- by the Chief Minister himself. yana Q&As and illustrations for revi- uses step-by-step guides, called



16 hindustantimes HINDUSTAN TIMES, C H AN D I G AR H

> WESLEY SNEIJDER, midfielder who scored 31 goals ( 134 caps) for Netherlands, after quitting football

HARD TIMES Since his return following a thumb injury, the opener has failed in four successive knocks facetoface
KRUNAL PANDYA, India all-rounder
Press Trust of India

‘I prepare for the big occasions’


PORT-OF-SPAIN: Opener Shikhar

Dhawan would be desperate for
a big knock after four consecu- Bihan Sengupta in a side when several people—
tive failures as India eye another n like Ravindra Jadeja, Vijay
series victory when they clash Shankar—all performing a simi-
with the West Indies in the third MUMBAI:Hardik Pandya is lar role?
and final ODI here on Wednes- Team India’s rock n’ roll I think of all the controllable
day. man, its great and fearless all- things to be honest. Perform,
With scores of 1, 23, 3 in the T20 rounder in-the-making. His give the best for the team;
series and single-digit score of 2 older brother Krunal has had whatever is required I’ll do
in the second ODI, Dhawan’s a less fiery start, but after for the team. I don’t think of
comeback post injury has been emerging as one of Mumbai things that are not in my
far from ideal. Indian’s most dependable n Krunal Pandya. AP hand, say selection, umpir-
Troubled by in-coming deliv- player in the Indian Premier ing, or pitch conditions.
eries, twice Dhawan lost his League, he is hoping to bring that good an IPL in terms of
wicket to pacer Sheldon Cottrell. the same consistency to the batting, so I was focussing You and Hardik haven’t played
Since Dhawan is not part of Indian T20 side. He was more on the basics. It hap- too many international games
the Test squad, the Delhi left- adjudged as the man-of-the- pens that in a few series you together. Do the equations
hander would like to finish the series in the recently-con- perform and you don’t in change when you’ll are playing
Caribbean assignment on a high. cluded three-match T20I con- some, but it’s important to for India and not Mumbai Indi-
There is another mini-battle test against West Indies. keep improving, keep analys- ans?
brewing in the Indian batting ing on what are the things It’s the same I guess. The
line up for the number four slot Maiden man-of-the-series you need to improve, or what focus and the ultimate goal is
with Shreyas Iyer putting tre- against West Indies. How does you’re doing well. So to go to to make sure your team wins.
mendous pressure on Rishabh it feel? West Indies and apply myself, Whether you are playing for
Pant. It feels good. I had played for get used to the conditions, it your IPL franchisee, for Bar-
Pant has enjoyed the backing India A before as well (in helped me a lot. oda or internationals, it
of the team management, espe- West Indies) so that experi- doesn’t change. We have
cially skipper Virat Kohli but his ence helped me. You’ve only played T20 for India played our cricket together
repeated failures and Iyer’s so far. from childhood. From club
68-ball 71-run knock in the sec- Not even been a year since your The ultimate goal is to repre- cricket to state cricket, and
ond ODI has made things differ- n Shikhar Dhawan has been struggling against in-coming deliveries and has just one double digit score in the last four matches for India. GETTY debut. How do you see the jour- sent in all formats. It’s not we have been lucky to be
ent. ney so far? that I’m only thinking or pre- playing for the same fran-
after hitting a brilliant 120 off 125 rate. I went to Australia, New Zea- paring myself for T20Is. I’ve chisee. So that mindset and
Pant’s temperament is cause of
balls in the second ODI.
Kohli anchored India’s
Although teams don’t prefer
changing their winning combi- INDIA MANAGER IN TROUBLE land and West Indies for the
first time with the Indian side
been playing for India A for
the last two-and-a-half years
the approach is the same.

concern as he threw away his innings in Iyer’s company after nations, Kohli might give Nav- NEWDELHI: The Indian PTI. “But when a very sen- and got man-of-the-match and I’ve been doing well. I For you as well, blending in eas-
wicket on numerous occasions. openers Dhawan and Rohit deep Saini a run in the last ODI cricket team’s administra- ior person from Indian High awards. I feel I’m improving want to get into the ODI side ily with the senior team in just 14
Any team would prefer a level- Sharma were dismissedcheaply. by resting Shami. tive manager Sunil Subra- Commission in Trinidad in every tournament. And as well. But again, the focus is matches…
headed batsman for that crucial Bhuvneshwar Kumar was the West Indies, on the other manium’s is set to be repri- called up Subramanium that’s where my focus is. on the process. If I keep I like big occasions because I
position and by his knock on star for India with the ball in the hand, would be desperate to save manded by the BCCI for refused to entertain their Whenever I go for a tourna- improving every day, I’ll be feel whatever effort I put in
Sunday, Iyer has made a strong last match with impressive fig- the series with a win. allegedly misbehaving with calls,” the source said. Sub- ment, I prepare myself and more consistent. And if I am the nets, I prepare for the big
case for himself. ures of 4 for 31 from eight overs But for that to happen, West officials of the country’s ramanium could not be then see if I was a better consistent, I’ll play all the for- occasions. And when it comes
Even legendary Sunil Gavas- and the pacer would look to Indies’ batting unit will have to High Commissions in the reached for a comment. player than the last series or mats eventually. I think that to playing for your country,
kar has vouched for Iyer for the carry on his fine form in the com- take more responsibility. It’s West Indies. “The Indian “The matter reached gov- not. To see the player I was you can’t be thinking of any nothing is more than that.
numberflourslot.He wants Pant ing matches of the tour. time talents like Shai Hope, team was supposed to shoot ernment in Delhi and CoA eight months back and what I one format. I don’t want to be Every time you step on to the
to drop down to number five as Bhuvneshwar’s pace col- Shimron Hetmyer and Nicholas a small ad on ‘Water Conser- chief Vinod Rai. It is learnt am now, I’m happy. a player who is one dimen- field for your country, you
he feels the wicketkeeper bats- league Mohammed Shami (2/39) Pooran rise up to the occasion for vation’ as this directive that CEO Rahul Johri and sional, or play just one for- have a chance to be a hero. I
man is best suited to provide the and Kuldeep Yadav (2/59) also West Indies cricket to thrive. came from the government. his team were needed to step What was the mental prepara- mat. I want to adapt to all situ- look at things that way and
late impetus. chipped in wickets but the left- After the final ODI, the two The BCCI informed Subra- in to ensure that things were tion like? ations or all formats. not ‘Oh I’m under pressure, I
Elsewhere on the batting arm spinner went for some runs teams will battle in a two-match manium is their point per- back on track,” an official I was just focussing on my have to get out of this thing’. I
front, Kohli would look to carry and he would be hoping for bet- Test series, starting August 22 at son,” a top BCCI source told informed. PTI expectations. I didn’t have How difficult is it to find a place see it as an opportunity.
on with his good batting form ter display in terms of economy North Sound, Antigua.

How do you get Steve Smith out? SA name three uncapped

Left-arm spin may help tie down Smith
players for India Test tour
Smith has issues with left-arm spin, his average is lowest against Reuters back-up to Keshav Maharaj,” he
it. England could take advantage of that by picking Jack Leach added in a media release.
Bowling type Batting average
SQUADS Van Zyl also announced a
CAPE TOWN: South Africa have TESTS:Faf du Plessis (capt), squad for the T20Is before the
Left-arm spin 34.9 named three uncapped players Temba Bavuma, Theunis de Tests, with Du Plessis not
Leg-break 48.77 in their Test squad for the three- Bruyn, Quinton de Kock, Dean included in that group and Quin-
match tour of India in early Octo- Elgar, Zubayr Hamza, Keshav ton de Kock set to captain. “The
Left-arm pace 65.28 Maharaj, Aiden Markram,
ber as they begin life without T20 series gives us the last
Right-arm pace 67.05 retired veterans Dale Steyn and Senuran Muthusamy, Lungi chance to have a look at our lead-
Off-break 94.07 Hashim Amla. Ngidi, Anrich Nortje, Vernon ership and batting options as the
Philander, Dane Piedt, Kagiso
Fast bowler Anrich Nortje, next edition of the ICC T20 World
Rabada, Rudi Second.
Balls spinning away need of the hour wicketkeeper-batsman Rudi Cup is now little more than a
Second and spin bowling all- T20S: Quinton de Kock (capt), year away, which is why we have
His problem with left-arm spin is part of his larger problem with Rassie van der Dussen, Temba
balls spinning away rounder Senuran Muthusamy gone with an inexperienced lead-
havebeenincludedinthe15-man Bavuma, Junior Dala, Bjorn ership group,” Van Zyl said. “I
Direction Batting average selection that will be captained Fortuin, Beuran Hendricks, would like to stress that Faf du
Spinning in 97.46 by Faf du Plessis. It will be led by Reeza Hendricks, David Miller, Plessis remains an important
Anrich Nortje, Andile Phehluk-
Spinning away 35.66 interim team director Enoch part of our plans for white-ball
wayo, Dwaine Pretorius,
Nkwe, filling the role after the cricket.”
Kagiso Rabada, Tabraiz
Archer’s short balls could do the trick contract of West Indian coach Shamsi, Jon-Jon Smuts. South Africa will start the
n Steve Smith attends a practice session at Lord's on Tuesday. AFP Ottis Gibson was not renewed. tour with the limited overs
Smith is more vulnerable to short balls at the start of his innings. “All three newcomers to the matches, the first of which is in
Ben Jones GO SHORT EARLY PATIENCE England should unleash Jofra Archer early on Test side have more than earned the options for the conditions we Dharamsala on September. 15.
n It’s a classic tactic, when a bats- In the 2017/18 Ashes, England Period Batting average their spurs through impressive are likely to encounter on the That will be followed by Tests in
manisseeminglyundismissable, skipperJoeRootshowedthewill- In first 30 balls 27.14 performances in last season’s sub-continent with (spinners) Visakhapatnam (October 2-6),
It’s the question on the lips of a bounce him out. On the face of it, ingness to try different plans Four-Day Franchise competi- Muthusamy and Dane Piedt, Ranchi (October 10-14) and Pune
nation.HowonearthdoEngland Smith has rarely had an issue against Smith. Leg-slip, close After first 30 balls 147.87 tion,” CSA’s Acting Director of who was far and away the lead- (October 19-23), which are the
get Steve Smith out? with short-pitched bowling—he catchers, lopsided fields, men on Cricket Corrie van Zyl said. ing wicket-taker in our Four- first for South Africa in the ICC
He averages more than any averages 91.53againstit inTests. the fence—he has been keen to
Raw pace unlikely to help restrict him “We feel we have covered all Day competition, providing the Test Championship.
batsman in history barring the However, it matters when you keep Smith guessing. He doesn’t struggle against 90+ mph bowling, he batters it.
greatest, and frustratingly for bowl those short balls. Smith is It’s a good trait to have, that Archer’s short ones may bother him but just pace won’t
English bowlers, they can’t stop
running into him. They’ve been
dominated by him in 2017, 2018
significantly more vulnerable to
short bowling at the start of his
innings. Smith averages 52
flexible optimism. But trying to
matchSmith’s quirkytechnique
withaquirkydismissal isflawed
< 80
Batting average
*miles per hour
Ali takes a break New Zealand eye
and2019,his12-monthbanfalling against all bowling in the first 30 thinking. As many batting 80-85 57.84
top Test ranking in
his Ashes brutality to continue
balls he faces, 68 after that). But
against short balls, in the first 30
deliveries he faces, he averages
experts have observed over the
years, despite all the idiosyncra-
90+ 72.66
after Ashes snub Sri Lanka series
in his last 11 Ashes Tests, and 27. After that—well, don’t waste odd positions he gets into, when High-arm release could push him back
shows no sign of easing up. your energy. he addresses the ball, his head is Agencies whenhecomesbackandplaysfor Agence France-Presse
So England need to come up England have a few bowlers still and the bat straight. He still Where Archer could trouble Smith is with his high-arm release. n us. We look forward to when he n
with ways of getting him out as who are sharp enough, on does the basics as a coaching Smith struggles against balls released from over 2.15m high returns soon.” Ali is the world’s
possible. Here are a few ideas. English pitches, to dig it in and manual would suggest. So, the Release height Batting average LONDON: England all-rounder leading Test wicket-taker over GALLE:NewZealandhaveachance
troublebatsmen.BenStokesand bowlers should do the same. Below 2.15 metres 73.06 Moeen Ali will take a “short the past 12 months, with 48 in 10 of securing the top spot in Tests
SLOW LEFT-ARM Chris Woakes can both do it, and Smith’sweaknessagainstpace break” from cricket after being matches at an average of 25.27. when they take on Sri Lanka in a
Australianfanshaveknownitfor Jofra Archer is also an option. is the same as anyone else—on a Above 2.15 metres 45 dropped from the squad in the two-match series. New Zealand,
a while, keeping pretty quiet on good length, in the channel out- second Ashes Test. The 32-year- PATTINSON OUT with 109 points, are behind India
thematter—butSmithdoeshave HIGH RELEASE side off stump. The pattern for
Aiming at the stumps may not help oldwasaxedafterscoringnought Australia dropped pacer James on 113 points, but a 2-0 series win
a significantly worse record Archer’s introduction is impor- Smith is that bowlers hang it in Smith deals well with balls and four in England’s first Test Pattinson from a 12-man squad will see the Kiwis go top. Test
against left-arm finger spin. His tant. Firstly, it will allow them to that zone, then dart it back in to on his stumps, trying to pin 85 26 defeat at Edgbaston. with Josh Hazlewood coming in rankings have added relevance
average against it is his lowest field11playersinthesecondTest, try and pin him lbw. Generally, him LBW may not work He also struggled with his off- as likely replacement. Fellow withthenewtwo-yearICCWorld
againstanybowlingtype,scoring after having to do with 10 at Edg- Smithdealswithitratherwell;he 181 42.13 281 26 spin, takingthreewicketsfor172 quick Mitchell Starc, the left Test Championship now on.
Steve Smith test
just 35 runs per dismissal. baston (due to James Andeson’s averages 45.37 against balls on batting average runs across Australia’s two armer who was also overlooked Crisis-riddenSriLankawillbe
There’scontext.Smith’sissues injury).Secondly,he’sabrilliant the stumps. The key is in not get- against pace 114.5 32.44 82.5 innings,failingtotakeadvantage for the first Test, also made the wary of providing a rank turner
have been against top-class left- bowler. However, the oft-cited ting drawn in, not losing focus, of a pitch that ought to have squad but could end up carrying in the first Test after being out-
arm spinners; Rangana Herath, thirdbenefit—thatArcher’space and not going for the magic ball. suited him. Ali, who was a mem- the drinks once the playing smarted by England here.
Ravindra Jadeja and Keshav could unsettle even Smith—is Youcanmixinthosebouncers 106 36 berofEngland’sWorldCup-win- lineup is named at the toss. The Kiwis too are carrying
Maharaj have all dismissed him potentiallyabittoooptimistic.As early,butthereisnothingwrong ningsquad,hasbeenreplacedby Spearhead Pat Cummins and plenty of spin options and are
multipletimes.However,there’s arawfact,Smithdoesn’tstruggle withjuststickinginthatchannel. Length balls outside off could work Somerset left-arm spinner Jack Peter Siddle, who made up the likely to play two of them. Bom-
enough evidenceof his struggles against90mph+ bowling.Hebat- As the graphic below shows, LeachfortheLord’sTest,withhis pace trio with Pattinson in the bay-born left-arm spinner Ajaz
Smith never gets set against good-length balls outside off.
against mediocre left-arm spin- ters it. However, there is a bene- Smith doesn’t get “set” against countyWorcestershirerevealing 251-runopeningvictory,retained Patel claimed five wickets in the
England should stick to that line and length
ners; South Africa Test opener fit—more significant than his those deliveries on a good length he willnow takea “shortbreak”. their places. warm-up game in Negombo and
DeanElgar,whobowls orthodox pace is the height from which he outside off. They are almost as Balls faced Batting average “Mo is spending a little time CaptainTimPainetoldreport- he is likely to be the second spin-
left-arm spin, has dismissed releases the ball. In the World effectivewhenhe’sfaced150balls 0-29 13.66 awayfromthemiddlerecharging ers Pattinson was left out as part nertoleggieToddAstle.NewZea-
Smith twice in 41 balls. Cup, Archer’s release point was, as when he’s faced 50. Stick at it, his batteriesandputtingin some of long-term planning, with the land are likely to stick to two
There is something about the onaverage,2.15m.InTests,Smith and you’ll be rewarded.
30-59 17.33 quality practice time which he choice between Hazlewood and seamers with Colin de Grand-
angle which disturbs him. More hasshown somevulnerability to Overall, it’s hard to maintain 60-89 17 feelsheneeds,andwecompletely Starc. “Whichever one of those hommeasthethirdoption.Trent
specifically,he’sdisturbedbythe bowlers releasing the ball from anyrealoptimismwhenbowling 90-119 29 respect,” Worcestershire first- two we unleash tomorrow, they Boult will be the top pick while
direction of spin, because while that height, or higher. The most toSmith.Theonlywayistocome teamcoachAlexGidmantoldthe arecertainlyreadytogo,”hesaid. either Tim Southee or Neil Wag-
it’smostnotablewhenfacingleft- influential factorthen is theline. prepared with different strate-
120-149 23 club’s website on Tuesday. “He Hazlewoodisseenasthelikeli- ner will make the cut.
arm spin, the ballspinningaway If you can find the channel out- gies, and acknowledge that his 150-179 20 has had an intense schedule of est replacement based on per- “Theyareastrongteam.They
is what causes the real trouble. side off-stump from that height, dominance has little to do with 180-209 22 international cricket involving formances in a tour match willcomeinto this series with lot
Selecting Somerset finger- Smith averages just 23.28. yourownfailingsasabowler.He theWorldCupandthestartofthe againstWorcestershire.Edgbas- of confidence behind them after
spinner Jack Leach gives them a Archer’sdefiningskill ishis con- is better than you, but you only
210-239 23 Ashes. Mo loves playing for ton was Pattinson’s first Test in whathappenedinSouthAfrica,”
clearadvantage.(Moeenhasbeen trol of line, so he is perfect to exe- needtobebetterthanhimforone 240-269 9 Worcestershireandhegivesalift three and a half years, after he said New Zealand coach Gary
dropped for the Lord’s Test). cute this strategy. ball. CRICVIZ toeveryoneinthedressing room suffered back injuries. Stead.



WE DNESDAY, AUGUST 14 , 2019 hindustantimes sport 17

‘Dravid has no conflict case to answer’

ALL CLEAR Ex-India skipper can continue as NCA director, says CoA member
Sanjjeev K Samyal
What’s this conflict of interest

MUMBAI: Indian cricket Board’s

issue eating up Indian cricket? n Andy Murray. AFP

Committee of Administrators
(CoA) has determined that Rahul
Dravid has no conflict of interest
Khurram Habib
The potential problem is that con-
flict of interest is not just defined as
owner of a cricket academy.
Ganguly’s position as advisor
After Cincinnati
loss, no US Open

and is confident the former India someone holding two paying posi- of Delhi Capitals is even more,
skipper will be cleared to con- Is there a conflict of interest in tions at the same time, but as any- given that he is president of the
tinue as the National Cricket
Academy’s cricket head.
“There’s no conflict in Rahul’s
Rahul Dravid’s appointment as
chief of the NCA?
Dravid was appointed as director
thing that may unduly influence a
person’s professional conduct.
The important word here is
Cricket Association of Bengal—
which is in contract with DC’s
rivals Kolkata Knight Riders. On
singles for Murray
case. He has got a notice and we of the National Cricket Academy “may”; since India Cements owns top of it, he is also a TV commen- Agencies
have cleared his appointment. (NCA) in July. He has been sent a an IPL team, holding even a posi- tator and news channel pundit. n
We had seen no conflict; if the notice by BCCI’s ombudsman- tion in abeyance with them may be Ganguly’s excuse (and Ten-
ombudsman (sees any), we will cum-ethics officer following a reasonably seen as conflict of dulkar’s for that matter) has been CINCINNATI: Andy Murray
have our response going to the complaint from a Madhya Pra- interest, which is not defined by that he does not charge money to announced on Monday he would
ombudsman why there is no con- desh Cricket Association mem- the evidence of wrongdoing, but be in an advisory role with an IPL not play singles at the US Open
flict. He has to consider (it). It’s a ber, based on the fact that Dravid by the possibility. franchise. But, again, that line of after losing in his long-awaited
process…and the process will is also employed full-time as a Also, it is important to take into reasoning holds no water as the return from hip surgery at the
continue,” CoA member, Lt Gen vice-president with India account that this “possibility” is conflict comes not from drawing Cincinnati Masters.
(retd) Ravi Thodge, told report- Cements, the owner of IPL fran- independent of the individual, so a salary but from holding a posi- The Scot lost 6-4, 6-4 to Richard
ers after a meeting of the panel chise Chennai Super Kings. Rules the argument that Dravid is well- tion of influence. Gasquet in his first singles match
here on Tuesday. 38 (4) (f) and 38 (4) (j) of the BCCI known as a person of great integ- since January before saying he
BCCI ombudsman DK Jain constitution prevents any indi- rity is irrelevant. Why has it been difficult for the had turned down a wild card into
has issued a notice to Dravid, vidual from holding two separate BCCI to avoid former players who the men’s draw at the year’s final
seeking response to allegations posts. The complaint against Which other former cricketer cur- are in conflict of interest? Grand Slam.
of conflict of interest as an Dravid did not go down well with rently holds a position in the BCCI The BCCI believes—ever since “I am not going to play US
employee of India Cements, his former colleague Sourav Gan- that could be a conflict of interest? the constitutional reforms began Open singles,” the 32-year-old
which owns IPL franchise Chen- guly, who too has faced allega- Apart from Dravid, several leg- a few years ago—that it needs said. “I didn’t feel I was able to
nai Super Kings. Dravid has tions of conflict of interest for ends of Indian cricket including former cricketers to be a part of make that decision before the
taken a two-year leave of holding more than one post Sourav Ganguly, Sachin Ten- the decision-making process. But match.”
absence from the company. within the BCCI ranks. dulkar, VVS Laxman and Kapil almost every high-profile former He indicated that he would
“Once you select someone of Dravid, meanwhile, called Dev all find themselves in a posi- player has his or her profes- play doubles and mixed doubles
Dravid’s stature, he has to “abeyance”—which means ‘a tion of conflict. Tendulkar, Lax- sional/business commitments at Flushing Meadows in two
ensure NCA comes up to interna- state of temporary inactivity’— man and Ganguly were the three beyond the realm of cricket and weeks and left open the door for
tional standard. He has given his on his India Cements post for the members of BCCI’s Cricket Advi- that now comes in the way of possibly for playing before then.
vision and we are fully in sup- period of his NCA assignment. sory Committee (CAC), while undertaking full-time responsi-
port of that. We will work But when a second complaint was also being involved with their bilities because of the checks that SHARAPOVA SETS UP
together,” said Thodge. filed over Dravid’s abeyance, Jus- respective IPL teams, Mumbai have been laid in place. Since like BARTY SHOWDOWN
Among other important tice (retd) DK Jain, the BCCI’s Indians, Sunrisers Hyderabad any sport, cricketers have a short Maria Sharapova overpowered
points on the agenda discussed ombudsman-cum-ethics officer, and the Delhi Capitals. shelf-life as professional athletes, Alison Riske 6-3, 7-6(4) in Cincin-
by the three-member Supreme was forced to send Dravid Laxman and Ganguly were they necessarily need to find pro- nati on Monday to set up a tanta-
Court-appointed panel to run another notice. “I have sought a found to be in conflict in June fessions related to the game once lising second-round battle with
BCCI was holding elections of n Despite the Committee of Administrators’ backing, Rahul Dravid needs a final clearance from BCCI’s reply from him as there still was even as Tendulkar freed himself they retire, which may include world No 2 Ashleigh Barty, who
BCCI and its state associations, ethics officer that he has no conflict of interest. GETTY IMAGES another complaint against him,” by resigning from the CAC. Fol- commentary, or running an defeated the Russian at this
and the selection process of the Jain told Hindustan Times. lowing Tendulkar’s resignation, academy, or being employed with year’s Australian Open.
India team coach. constitution (from) August 16 electoral officer. Certain things meeting, a talk was organised by This complain points out that the CAC became a defunct board, a company (whether private or Johanna Konta suffered her
Thodge said the shortlisting of onwards, till they complete it.” have been resolved. A code has BCCI’s legal firm. It was deliv- even in abeyance, Dravid, who until it was reconstituted with government) where they are second straight first-round exit at
candidates for head coach’s post The election process is been drawn,” said Thodge. ered by Dr Simon Longstaff, who has been with India Cements Dev, Shanta Rangaswamy and involved with the sporting activi- a tournament as she fell 6-3, 3-6 7-5
has been done and there is no expected to face some delay. It is On the issue of the associa- supervised Cricket Australia’s since 1994, is deemed to be hold- Anshuman Gaekwad. This lot, ties of the group. to qualifier Rebecca Peterson in a
pressure on the Kapil Dev-led scheduled for September (state tions refusing to come on board, ‘Cultural Review’ after last ing two positions. He will have to set to choose India’s next head Hence, at every step, the board marathon first-round match.
Cricket Advisory Committee units) and October (BCCI). “We Thodge said they have had year’s ball-tampering scandal. quit the India Cements job to sat- coach later this week, too face the walks into a new hurdle; a hurdle
that will do the selection. discussed about the elections. enough time to conduct elec- The talk was on governance and isfy norms in the constitution. same allegations. that was placed there by its very WILDCARD FOR GAUFF
“Rest of the issues are admin- There were discussions with the tions. “There will be minor ethics, said Thodge. “Cricket Vinod Rai, chairman of Com- Apart from being a member of own constitution. So, bringing NEW YORK: American teenager

istrative (related to) selection of delays. There is ample time. We was called the gentleman’s game mittee of Administrators (CoA), the CAC, Dev is the owner of a into the official fold men and Cori “Coco” Gauff and former
the head coach and selection of
other coaches, that is what we
He (Dravid) has to just held a review; most of them
will join by then. I don’t see such
till the betting scandal hit. Every
game goes through this. He
was clear that he didn’t have a
problem with Dravid’s position,
company that supplies flood-
lights to cricket stadiums and is
women who have served the
game well has been far from easy.
champion Samantha Stosur were
among players to be given wild-
discussed. Interviews will start ensure NCA comes up a great difficulty in getting it (Longstaff) was here and gave a saying that the CoA is satisfied also a director of the Indian While Rai believes the conflict cards into the main draw of the
now. Shortlisting has been done. done. Some of them are yet to lecture. It was not related to with abeyance, where he is not Cricketer’s Association, a body of of interest issue cannot be US Open starting later this
I won’t get into the names, there to international standard. register their constitution. Fig- Indian cricket per se. We are not being paid by India Cements, and ex-cricketers in which both extended to a point where its month, organisers said on Tues-
is too much speculation. There is
no pressure on anybody (on
He has given his vision and ures keep changing on a daily
basis. It’s more than 24-25…
saying there are any issues about
ethics in Indian cricket, no way.
is actually being recompensed for
that by the BCCI.
Gaekwad and Rangaswamy hold
top posts. Gaekwad is also the
implementation borders on the
ridiculous, the strict rules as per
day. Gauff, 15, stunned players
and fans alike when she made her
selecting the coach). The CAC is we are fully in support of (those who have complied It was on governance.” owner of a cricket academy and its new constitution (one that is debut in the main draw of a Grand
an independent body which will with).The intention is to hold the The Committee of Adminis- So if he’s not in India Cements’ Rule 38 (4) clearly states that indi- supposed to aid good governance) Slam at this year’s Wimbledon,
select the coach, and balance will that. We will work together. election around the date given trators (CoA), along with Dravid pay, but only his position is being viduals working for the BCCI often does. Hence, the board finds reaching the fourth round
be done by selectors. That is the LT GEN (RETD) THODGE, on Dravid (October 22).” and the top brass of BCCI held for the future, what’s the cannot hold more than one of 16 itself trapped in a governance- where she was beaten by Simona
normal process as per the BCCI On the sidelines of the CoA attended the lecture. problem? posts, one of which being the maze of its own making. Halep.

Frappart ready for spotlight India players call

for neutral turf
SUPER CUP French referee will be first woman to officiate a major UEFA final when Liverpool take on Chelsea in Istanbul
match played between the win-
ners of the Champions League
and the Europa League. Liver-
Argentine World versus Pakistan
HT Correspondent
ISTANBUL: Stephanie Frappart
said she will prove female offi-
pool beat Tottenham Hotspur in
the Champions League final last
Cup winner Jose n

cials are as competent as their

male counterparts when she
becomes the first woman to ref-
season while Chelsea defeated
Arsenal in the Europa League
Luis Brown dies NEW DELHI: The Indian Davis Cup
team wants next month’s tie in
Pakistan to be shifted to a neu-
eree a major UEFA competition Fourth official and Turkish Agencies tral venue due to the political
final in the Super Cup between referee Cuneyt Cakir supported n tension between the two coun-
Liverpool and Chelsea on the trio, saying: “They are tries, and has communicated it
Wednesday. brave, they have courage, they BUENOS AIRES: World Cup winner to the All India Tennis Associa-
Frappart, 35, will be assisted don’t hesitate to give unpopular Jose Luis Brown, who scored tion (AITA).
by her French compatriot Man- decisions - you will see tomor- Argentina’s opening goal in the “We have asked AITA to
uela Nicolosi and Ireland’s row.” 1986 World Cup final against West request for a neutral venue,”
Michelle O’Neill. Germany, has died at the age of India captain Mahesh Bhupathi
The trio have worked REDS EYE WIN 62, local media reported on Mon- said.
together at bigger matches— For Liverpool, Istanbul will day. AITA wrote to the Interna-
they were in charge of this bring back memories of one of The country’s football associa- tional Tennis Federation (ITF)
year’s Women’s World Cup final the club’s greatest triumphs. tion confirmed the former central on Tuesday seeking to
in France—but there is no doubt The Anfield club memorably defender’s death in a tweet, while make a representation to the
they will be under intense focus defeated AC Milan on penalties former Argentina striker Gabriel ITF board explaining the n Mahesh Bhupathi. GETTY IMAGES
at Istanbul’s Vodafone Park. to win the Champions League by Batistuta also tweeted his condo- ground situation.
Asked if she was afraid of the Bosphorus back in 2005, and lences. Brown had been battling AITA wants the Sept 14-15 fix- right way,” he added.
being “double criticised” for now they face Chelsea in the Alzheimer’s disease, media ture in Islamabad to be shifted On Monday, AITA had asked
any mistakes made, Frappart Turkish city after becoming reports said. to a neutral venue or be post- ITF to conduct fresh security
said it was time for female refer- European champions for the Affectionately referred to by poned. checks after the fallout of India
ees to show they are as good as sixth time in June. his nickname ‘Tata’, Brown spent “Travel connectivity scrapped provisions of Article
the men. The traditional curtain- most of his playing career at Estu- between the two nations has 370 that granted special status to
“We have to prove ourselves raiser to the European season diantes, making close to 300 been affected. Diplomatic rela- Jammu and Kashmir.
technically and physically that may not be taken entirely seri- league appearances for the club. tions have been downgraded.
we are the same as the men. We ously by everyone, but neither Our high commissioner has ‘ITF SATISFIED’
are not afraid about (wrong club will turn their noses up at MAN CITY FINED, BUT been sent back. We have written ITF maintained that ‘safety and
decisions). We are ready,” she the chance of lifting more silver- ESCAPE TRANSFER BAN all this and asked ITF under security’ remain their highest
told a news conference. ware, with Liverpool having MANCHESTER: Premier League such circumstances, how do you priority.
Frappart, who in April just ended a seven-year trophy champions Manchester City still say that (risk) parameters “We are working closely with
became the first female referee drought and Lampard eager to have been fined 370,000 Swiss remain the same,” AITA gen- the host nation and independent
in France’s Ligue 1, also dis- kickstart his Chelsea manage- Francs ($380,000) by FIFA for eral secretary Hiranmoy Chat- expert security advisors—ITF is
missed the idea that it was more rial career. breaches of rules regarding the terjee said. satisfied with their current
difficult to officiate a men’s The clubs have already won transfer of Under-18 players, foot- Sometimes it is difficult for a security assessment of the site
game. the competition four times ball’s world governing body said foreigner to understand the sit- and the security plan in place.
“I think there is not a lot of between them, but nine of the in a statement on Monday. uation and that is why AITA has The overall security risk rating
difference because football is last 10 winners of the Super Cup However, City were not asked for a hearing, he said. for Pakistan has not changed,
the same. It’s the same rules so I have come from Spain. handed a transfer ban for the “We have asked ITF to review however, (and) we will continue
will do the same as the women’s The Reds head into the game infringement. City are facing it (security) and give us a hear- to monitor the situation closely
game,” she added. without first-choice goalkeeper other investigations from FIFA ing with the board over the tele- with our advisors,” it said in a
Chelsea manager Frank Lam- Alisson, who was injured dur- and UEFA regarding financial phone so that we can explain the statement.
pard said he was pleased to be ing the 4-1 win over Norwich fair play. FIFA said its disciplin- ground realities and they can Pakistan Tennis Federation
part of a moment in history. during the opening Premier ary committee took into account then take a call.” chief Saleem Saifullah had
“I think the game has come on League weekend. the fact that City had “accepted ruled out moving the tie to a
a long way in many ways, in Spaniard Adrian will depu- its responsibility”. ‘HIGH TENSION’ neutral venue saying top-level
terms of the women’s World Cup tise in Alisson’s absence, and Asked about the players’ con- security arrangements have
which we all watched this sum- Klopp is hopeful his team can PERISIC JOINS BAYERN cerns, Chatterjee said, “We are been made.
mer, in terms of how much build on their win over Totten- BERLIN: Bundesliga champions with the players. There is high “If they want, we will not
respect the game’s getting, how ham Hotspur in the Champions Bayern Munich have signed Inter tension prevailing between the even have spectators for the
many people are watching it and League final in Madrid. Milan and Croatia winger Ivan two nations and nobody would tie,” he had said.
the interest in the game,” he “Stay greedy. That’s very Perisic on a one-year loan deal, feel comfortable to play in Paki- AITA sources said they have
said. important—I have no doubt the club confirmed on Tuesday. stan under the circumstances. discussed the situation but won-
“I think we were very slow about that, but it’s clear that we “Ivan will help us immediately We would prefer to play else- dered the point of hosting a tie
everywhere on this and now we have to do that,” Klopp with his many years of interna- where. We are in touch with the without spectators.
are trying to make strides and told when asked how tional experience,” said Bayern players.” Also, it is felt that travel
there’s still a long way to go but his side could build on that suc- sporting director Hasan Saliham- “We are trying to explore all restrictions mean it will be
in terms of tomorrow I think it’s cess. idzic. Perisic, 30, is widely consid- options as of now and will take a difficult for fans to go to Paki-
a huge moment. Reds fans will also be tempted ered as Bayern’s back-up option call as and when it is required. stan to watch the tie, consider-
“Its a historical moment that by the possibility of a third suc- after their bid to sign Leroy There is precedence where ITF ing there was heightened inter-
is one more step in the right cessive Champions League final Sane was derailed by the has postponed ties or given neu- est when the Indian Davis Cup
direction.” appearance, back in Istanbul at Man City winger’s recent knee tral venues. This situation team last played in Pakistan in
The Super Cup is an annual the end of the campaign. n Stephanie Frappart is set to officiate Wednesday’s Super Cup final between Liverpool and Chelsea. GETTY injury. demands that ITF looks at it the 1964.



18 hindustantimes HINDUSTAN TIMES, C H AN D I G AR H



CHANDIGARH, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 2019, 6 PAGESI Entertainment & Promotional Features


7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 On the eve of Independence Day of India, John Abraham
7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 says that he looks up to the Indian flag; adds Batla


House, was a perfect film for him to act in and produce OF CELEBRATING
My earliest memories are
effective change within the and I don’t think I have lost has never been my intention. I of going to school,
industry, and films that make anything for my producers or am in a happy space now. unfurling the flag and
people think and at the same exhibitors Just to be in the rat n singing the national
time, entertain them. Vicky race to anthem. I come from two
diverse religions in my


Donor (2012) was the first of its push big
kind, so was Madras Cafe (2013; numberss family – Christian and
both produced by John). Parsi. But from childhood,
It’s very important to it has always been instilled
change. I am very in my head by my parents
happy I am not one of that, ‘remember that you
those actors who are are an Indian first’, instead
of me denominating any
still trying to breach
religion on myself. I have
certain numerical
grown up with the
Rishabh Suri fledged role in the film, and a was then an ACP and now is a wanted to commit suicide, and figures. Yes, emotion that India matters
crucial one. Just to weave in DCP. My concern was to his relationship with his lovely commerce is the most. So, I always look
he patriotic streak in that song was the most difficult understand not only his body wife. I met her, too. It was nice important

up to the Indian flag. We
actor John Abraham is part for my director (Nikkhil language but mentality, too. To to meet a man who is such a are very fortunate that we
more than evident Advani). Once you see the film, understand the trauma he went dichotomy in his real life. are allowed to unfurl the
through his film choices you will forgive us for having a through after the Batla House National flag. So, this year
— 2018 saw him doing fantastic number in it. incident, the fact that he You’ve been in showbiz for over 16 too, I will unfurl it, and
Parmanu- The Story of years now. How much have your then fold it back before
Pokhran, followed by What was it about the story that priorities changed — what goes on sunset.
Satyameva Jayate, and in both, made you say yes? in John Abraham’s mind today?
the theme was John’s love for As an actor, consumer and I want to make films that make
his country. But he maintains viewer, I thought the script was
that his idea of patriotism is not exciting. There’s a saying in
‘jingoistic’. His next, Batla English that ‘fact is stranger
House, is inspired by the 2008 than fiction’. This story seemed
incident which took place in unbelievable. It came together
Delhi. While there have been really well. I like political and
objections raised, the actor psychological thrillers. I
asserts that the treatment of his thought this is a perfect film to
next is sensitive. Excerpts from not only act in, but produce,
a chat with John: too.

The subject of your next is very You also screened the film recently
sensitive. How did you manage to in Delhi for the honourable Vice
retain the sensitivity, yet have the President of India, Shri Venkaiah
scope for an item song like O Saki Naidu. What was his reaction to it?
Saki, and commercial elements? It was nice meeting Shri
Venkaiah Naidu. Being a
To answer the former part of senior political leader, he
your question, I think we have threw some light on the
actually left the film open to political situation in the
debate. We have told the film country and me being
from three different point of politically aware, it was a great I don’t think I have
views — the victims’, the opportunity to meet him. He’s a
terrorists’ point of view, the very learned man, and at the
lost anything for
court’s point of view, and the same time, extremely down to my producers or
witnesses’ point of view. When earth. We showed him some
they walk out of the film, we parts of the film, he was very
exhibitors. Just to be in
want people to discuss it, if they excited to know the way we the rat race to push big
agree, disagree, or whether
they have a different point of
have showed the film.
How did you go about the prep for
numbers has never
view which was not shown in the film, based on a real-life John Abraham with been my intention. I am
person? kids on the eve of in a happy space now.
the film. The item number part I met and spent time with Independence Day
— Nora (Fatehi) has got a full- Sanjeev Kumar Yadav, who PHOTOS: AALOK SONI/HT

NOTE TO READERS: Some of the coverage that appears on our pages is paid for by the concerned brands. No sponsored content does or shall appear in any part of HT without it being declared as such to our valued readers.




different from a man’s
TREND OVER COMFORT body. Women change sizes —
For fashion designer Pria monthly, yearly, situationally
Kataaria Puri, the trend — and so, our bodies are
that we need to get
freedom from is
changing forever.
Therefore, a fitted or a
“feeling tight pair of jeans which may
uncomfortable in

be trending may become
our clothes”. “It is the point of unhappiness
important to and discomfort. When your
feel beautiful body is bloated due to
rather than menstrual cycles and you are
look not able to fit into them, it
beautiful. will upset you and make you
To be able feel fat. In that moment, you
to feel do not realise that you feel fat

beautiful, because the cut and fit of the
it is very pair of jeans is why you feel
important to be uncomfortable. “I believe it
comfortable. is essential to give away this
Comfort trend of restricted clothing
clothing and adopt a trend of
denotes free free-flowing and free size
size clothing clothing. A pair of jeans
that does not

which has elastic at the
restrict your waist can be of much better
body movement use. Sportswear fabrics
and comprises such as lycra are comfortable
silhouettes that because it allows you to
are styled in a expand and moulds
fluid manner,” according to the shape of your
adds Puri. body so you don’t feel
It is significant uncomfortable. Adopting
This Independence Day, say for women to
feel beautiful
free size clothing is a great
trend so that one feels
because a comfortable in their own
goodbye to fashion trends that hhave woman’s body is skin,” adds Puri.

been the norm on every runwayy

Akshata Shetty
hen was the SHORTS!
Understated chic
Rocking the denim jumpsuit is Bhumi Pednekar, who pulled
off the look with panache. To complement her outfit, she
According to
W last time you
told yourself
‘it’s okay to be
different?’ We live
a world where we
Reality star Kim Kardashian
West made them trendy and
everyone wanted them. We
are talking about the trend
designer Kunal of cycling shorts. According
chose orange tinted shades and yellow pumps. are made to follow
Anil Tanna, in to fashion designer Bhaavya
trends even if we
India, surface Bhatnagar, the cycling
ornamentati don’t want to. Be i
on has the colour of the
season or a certain
shorts trend is not
something she would
primarily recommend. “I personally
always been silhouette for a
dress, you start don’t like the cycling shorts
treated with
believing that if you trend. It’s tricky to get right
and more don't own anything and not the easiest to style,”
often with which is trendy, you adds Bhatnagar. However, if
gaudy motifs are not fashionable. you love shorts, she
garishly However, this suggests you can instead
overloaded Independence Day, opt for formal Bermuda
with fashion designers shorts with interesting
unnecessary give their opinion details such as pleated,
bling. With about certain fashion structured waistbands or
evolving times, trends that need to go sheer.
and for a dapper
away. “Fashion changes
man, this trend
from season to season
needs to go
and person to person.
away. Tanna
believes that Stop imitating people. COLOUR NO BAR
classic styles Your clothes must speak For fashion designer
stay forever about your personality. Khera shares that we need Eshaani Jayaswal,
and hence, Embrace your shape, size, freedom from body shaming. freedom from colour is a
surface budget and way of life. “We shouldn’t be spreading must. “Colours play a
ornamentati Every designer has a insecurity among women major role in staying
on can be design philosophy and about how they don’t conform fashionable. The colour of
dealt with a aesthetic. Their creations to a conventional, acceptable the dress that you are
more are an extension of their body type. I think if we learn to wearing should not be
Beauty lies in simplicity elegant
h with
personalities,” says fashion
designer Eshaani Jayaswal.
love ourselves, we can pull
off any outfit no matter the
determined by your skin
tone. Different colours
Dia Mirza looks ethereal in this picture where she has donned body type. Wouldn’t that be work well for different
a simple grey linen sari. She captioned it, “Don’t wait for the
intricate painstakingly SAY NO TO BODY fashionable?” asks Khera, individuals. Just because
developed textures. SHAMING adding, “What we can you are dusky doesn’t
storms of your life to pass. Learn to dance in the rain.”
Fashion designer Sunaina replace this with, is mean you can’t pull off
acceptance. Instead of asking brighter colours,” adds
women to fit into our Jayaswal. The designer
clothes, we as designers, also feels that telling
should make clothes that fit women not to wear black
women because there or white for festivities
shouldn’t be such a thing as should stop. PHOTO: INSTAGRAM/
convention in beauty.”

Farozan Akhtar instruments and old colleagues actually are. It was slangs from the members.
on his trip home. “I spent some challenging,” says Sid. Sid credits his younger
ou miss things only once time with my guitar and my brother, Vedant, for seeing the

Y you’re away from them,”

says Sid of Z-Boys, talking
about how much he missed
keys, writing new music and
lyrics. I also met the people I
began my journey with — the
A solo performer until last
potential in him and
convincing his parents to let
him quit mass communications
Indian cuisine and Hindi films producers and directors whom year, Sid didn’t find it too tough degree in Bangalore. “He
while in South Korea. The I used to make my YouTube to fit in with the other six motivated my parents to let me
singer-performer was in India videos with,” shares Sid. members of Z-Boys. “We’re move to Delhi to follow my
last month for a vacation after As Delhi University has actually like a family. When I passion. He even found me
wrapping up work on his new reopened for a new session, we first met the other guys, they places to perform,” says Sid,
single titled Holla Holla. ask Sid how he is balancing his were like ‘let’s see how it goes’ adding that it was his brother
Unsurprisingly, he tells us that studies with his musical but as time passed, we became who gave him the idea to start a
he spent his time catching up career. “I feel education is like brothers. They helped me a YouTube channel. “He shaped
on latest Bollywood releases really important so I’m lot in many ways,” shares the me into the artiste I am,” he
and gorging on spicy food. doing BCom correspondence 20-year-old, adding that he says with a smile.
Sid also honoured his from DU. But I haven’t learnt Filipino and Japanese n
musical beginnings by getting had time to attend any
reacquainted with his musical classes as I had training
and shows to focus on. I don’t
know if I’ll have time to
prepare for exams either,” he
tells us with a tone of worry in
his voice. Sid also mentions the
possibility of a Korea and
Indonesia tour, which would
keep him tied up with no time
for studies.

Having spent over six months
in South Korea, Sid shares that
adjusting to the K-pop industry
has its own challenges. “Back
in India, I was just following
Bollywood, but when I joined
the Korean music industry, I
got a chance to better
understand the process of
making global music. I got to
see how good my skills

When I first met the

other members of Z-
Boys, they were like
‘let’s see how it goes’
but as time passed, we
became like brothers.
They helped me a lot.



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Jameela Jamil against airbrushing pictures

ritish actor Jameela Jamil She continued, “We have to billboards isn’t ever showing her stretch marks

B urged celebrities and

influencers to discontinue
the practice of airbrushing or
stop setting standards for
others that we ourselves don’t
even meet.” To prove the same,
airbrushed. I get backfat in
every single bra. And I used to
hide so many photos because of
where she said, “I guess these
just aren’t gonna go away. This
is my body.” Last year, Jamil
retouching their pictures. Jamil also shared a picture of muffin tops. Double chins and had initiated the #IWeigh
The actor took to Twitter NBC’s The Good Place showing imperfections because I never campaign on social media.
urging influences, models actor her un-airbrushed backfat. saw them on people on She encouraged users to stop
to join her in discouraging the Alongside, she wrote, “Finally television.” Chrissy Teigen, in focusing on their body weight.
practice of airbrushing in able to insist my image, even on July last year, shared a video of ANI
“I know it’s hard because we
are perpetually scrutinised and
criticised in this industry, but
I’m begging other influencers,
actors, and models to join me in
not allowing airbrushing,” she

Jameela Jamil PHOTO: AFP




Astrologer Prem Kumar Sharma can be contacted at: Delhi: 011-47033152, Sunidhi Chauhan: The singer, who is known for
40532026 (Sat to Mon): Panchkula: 91-172-2562832, 2572874 (Tues to Thurs);
Mumbai: 09223376963 (Last week of every month)
songs such as Kamli, Dhoom Machale, Sajnaaji
Vaari, Sheila Ki Jawani and Desi Girl, turns 36

You will be much more careful in incurring a You will be able to adopt a set physical Active lifestyle will keep you fit. Financial Worries regarding money may be laid to
major expenditure, so as not to go routine through sheer will power to get security promises to add to your rest. Someone is likely to come near to
beyond the budget. Gift of the gab and back in shape. Be careful so as not to independence. Recognition for your your heart, even as no words are
good handling of clients promise to win default on loan. Some turbulence on the contribution at work may not come exchanged! A complaint of a family
them over. A short-tempered family work front can be expected and can take quickly and you may have to toil harder. member from someone can make you
ARIES member is likely to spoil your mood. TAURUS a serious turn. You are likely to do some GEMINI This is the time to strengthen the family CANCER see red. An exciting trip may get
(MAR 21 - APR 20) Driving off to a holiday destination cannot (APR 21 - MAY 20) fun things with family today. Travelling (MAY 21 - JUN 21) bonds. An overseas invitation may find (JUNE 22 - JULY 22) postponed. Legalities in acquiring a house
be ruled out for some. You may not feel right with your near and dear ones is indicated. some packing their bags. You are likely to or a flat will be completed without much
about an action you are about to undertake, This is an auspicious day to acquire property. add to your assets. Some of you can lag behind hassle. There is some scope of improving your
but your fears will prove to be baseless. Someone is likely to invite you over to stay at his or her place. on the academic front by not being regular. scores on the academic front, so go for it.
Love Focus: Spouse or lover is likely to shower dollops of love on you Love Focus: You may not be able to spare time for meeting lover Love Focus: Lover may be planning something special for you, so get Love Focus: Someone from the opposite gender you enjoy being
and brighten up the romantic front! today, but make up for it later. ready to be surprised. with may give rise to romantic aspirations.
Lucky Number: 7 Lucky Colour: Baby Pink Lucky Number: 9 Lucky Colour: Maroon Lucky Number: 11 Lucky Colour: Light Blue Lucky Number: 5 Lucky Colour: Parrot Green

Some of you may feel frustrated by not Chance to add to wealth may be seized by Good investments will ensure profuse Financially, you are not likely to face much
being able to raise enough money to you. A skill needs to be perfected to avoid growth of your money tree on the issues. Not discussing issues with seniors
realize your dreams. Things might come lagging behind others at work. A family financial front. A promotion or before implementing may bring you into
to a standstill on the professional front. member will be at his or her best recognition is likely for some on the the firing line. A trip with family is likely
Resolving a family dispute can take up behaviour and will do you proud. This is professional front. Family may appear a to prove most enjoyable. A packaged
much of your day. A trip will help you LEO not the day to undertake a journey as VIRGO bit demanding, but you may be reading LIBRA tour to a holiday destination is likely. A SCORPIO
realize your dream. Being fair to the heirs (JULY 23 - AUG 23) problems are indicated. A new property (AUG 24 - SEPT 23) too much into it. Travel only if you have (SEPT 24 - OCT 23) new property acquired by you will start (OCT 24 - NOV 22)
on the property front may become an acquired by you will start giving good to. A few additions and alterations in the giving good monetary returns. You will be
overriding issue. You are likely to enjoy the monetary returns. Spit and polish may become house are indicated. A stranger is likely to much more mentally at ease by talking things
company of friends today. the order of the day for some homemakers. extend a helping hand and become your friend. out with someone you blindly confide in.
Love Focus: On the romantic front, you may be left wondering by Love Focus: Flirting won’t hurt you and can give oodles of fun, so Love Focus: Your attempts to win someone’s heart may face Love Focus: Whatever is in your heart needs to be expressed in
lover! why not enjoy while it lasts! insurmountable hurdles on the romantic front. words on the romantic front, so don’t feel reluctant in doing so.
Lucky Number: 15 Lucky Colour: Red Lucky Number: 4 Lucky Colour: Dark Slate Grey Lucky Number: 22 Lucky Colour: Indigo Lucky Number: 17 Lucky Colour: Navy Blue

A project may require additional finances A loan given to someone may not be You can be a bit careful in spending your You manage to maintain good health
to become viable. You will take every returned on the promised date.Some kind money to avoid upsetting your budget. despite irregular hours. Stability on the
opportunity to understand the finer of compensation can be expected on the Your guidance in something important financial front is assured. An increase in
points of your job. Those planning to business front. Family responsibilities may be sought at work. Your popularity workload is foreseen on the professional
settle out of town will get full support will give little time for enjoyment. A among family and friends is set to rise. front, but you will overcome it. Those
of family. A long journey will be leisure trip with someone close will not Your desire to visit someone may make wanting to study abroad or out of town
SAGITTARIUS completed without any glitches or delays. CAPRICORN be without its share of hassles, but will AQUARIUS you undertake a journey. Property PISCES will find the family supportive. Some risk
(NOV 23 - DEC 21) (DEC 22 - JAN 21) (JAN 22 - FEB 19) (FEB 20 - MAR 20)
A property deal is likely to favour you. prove enjoyable on the whole. Some acquired recently promises to give good is foreseen on the road today, so remain
Someone calling a spade a spade on the social complications are foreseen in matters related returns. A peaceful existence is foreseen and alert. A property issue is likely to be resolved
front can hurt you in the extreme. to property. will allow you to unwind today. amicably. Homemakers can remain busy in doing up the house today.
Love Focus: Promises on the romantic front may be difficult to keep, Love Focus: A match making process may be underway for the Love Focus: Inadequate response from your side may dampen the Love Focus: Love life will cruise along satisfactorily and you will get a
but you will manage somehow. eligible. spirits of the one who is ready to shower his or her love on you. chance to enjoy happy moments with partner.
Lucky Number: 3 Lucky Colour: Red Lucky Number: 1 Lucky Colour: Peach Lucky Number: 6 Lucky Colour: White Lucky Number: 8 Lucky Colour: Forest Green




Kareena Kapoor was keen on playing the lead
role in director Imtiaz Ali’s Love Aaj Kal (2009)
Fill in all the squares in the grid so that each row, column and alongside boyfriend Saif Ali Khan. But Deepika
each of the 9X9 squares contains all the digits from 1 to 9.
Padukone eventually got the part.
Solve the four anagrams and move one letter to each square to
form four ordinary words

Now arrange the letters marked with an asterisk (*) to form the answer to
the riddle or to fill in the missing words as indicated.
It is easier to get _____________than permission

ANSWER: It is easier to get forgiveness than permission - Grace Hopper

Place numbers into the puzzle cells so that each row and column contains each of the digits from 1 to 5. No number is to be repeated in any row or
SCRAMBLE SOLUTION: Ember, orris, bongos, vivify
column. Each bold-outlined cells contain a hint of a number and one of the mathematical symbols + x - /. The number is the result of the operation
represented by the symbol to the digits contained.

A still from the Assamese film — Bulbul Can Sing; and (below)
filmmaker Rima Das.

Shreya Mukherjee
er film Bulbul Can Sing PICCADILY SQUARE: CHANDIGARH Gold (4DX) 12:35 PM 05:40 PM Super 30 07:50 PM

Dora And The Lost City Of Judgementall Hai Kya Mushkil 10:55 PM
has been named the Singham Punjabi 10:00 AM The Lion King (4DX 3D)
Best Assamese Film at 12:45 PM 03:00 PM 03:50 PM 03:00 PM IT (4DX A) 11:00 PM
Bring The Soul: The Movie The Lion King Hindi 04:50 PM ZIRAKPUR Fast & Furious: Hobbs &
the 66th National Film
06:05 PM 08:20 PM 11:30 PM Korean 10:00 AM 02:10 PM PVR: CENTRA, CHANDIGARH Ardaas Karaan Punjabi 07:30 Sikander 2 Punjabi 09:30
Awards, and director Rima Shaw (A) 09:00 AM 02:30 PM
Das can’t keep calm. “I feel Jabariya Jodi 10:05 AM 01:10 Jabariya Jodi 10:00 AM 01:05 Singham Punjabi 09:00 AM PM AM 12:20 PM 07:45 PM
elated and humbled,” she PM 05:40 PM 08:45 PM 11:25 PM 04:10 PM 07:15 PM 10:20 10:35 AM 12:05 PM 03:10 PM Fast & Furious: Hobbs &
VR: PUNJAB MALL, MOHALI Singham Punjabi 09:00 AM
says. Her award-winning film PM PM 04:45 PM 06:15 PM 09:20 PM Shaw (3D A) 09:45 AM 03:00
Dora And The Lost City Of 10:00 AM 12:55 PM 02:25 PM
was recently screened at the Fast & Furious: Hobbs & Judgementall Hai Kya 10:30 10:55 PM PM 08:00 PM 10:40 PM
Gold 09:00 AM 03:55 PM 06:55 PM 09:55 PM
Indian Film Festival Of Shaw (A) Hindi 10:35 AM AM Sikander 2 Punjabi 09:10 AM Jabariya Jodi 10:10 AM 12:00 10:45 PM
Melbourne (IFFM). 06:30 PM Thanneer Mathan 02:55 PM VR PUNJAB (GOLD), MOHALI PM 05:30 PM 10:50 PM Jabariya Jodi 09:20 AM 02:50
“It feels great! Thanks to Sikander 2 03:25 PM 11:00 PM Dhinangal Malayalam 10:30 Jabariya Jodi 09:35 AM 03:20 Singham Punjabi 09:45 AM Singham Punjabi 11:10 AM PM 10:50 PM
the jury and the team of AM
CINEPOLIS TDI MALL JAGAT: PM 09:45 PM 12:50 PM 02:10 PM 03:55 PM 01:00 PM 02:00 PM 03:50 PM Sikander 2 Punjabi,11:45 AM
National Film Awards. Mr
CHANDIGARH Pranaam (A) 12:00 PM Fast & Furious: Hobbs & 07:00 PM 10:05 PM 04:50 PM 06:40 PM 07:40 PM 05:25 PM
Shah Rukh Khan introduced
Bulbul Can Sing at the Last year, after Rima’s Fast & Furious: Hobbs & Fast & Furious: Hobbs & Shaw (A) Hindi 12:00 PM Fast & Furious: Hobbs & 09:30 PM 10:30 PM Bring The Soul: The Movie
opening night of Indian Film much-talked about film Shaw (3D A) Hindi 09:10 AM Shaw (3D A) 12:10 PM 03:05 05:45 PM Shaw (A) 11:15 AM 05:15 PM Ardaas Karaan Punjabi, Korean 12:05 PM 05:45 PM
Festival of Melbourne and he Village Rockstars (2017) 02:25 PM PM 06:00 PM 11:35 PM Fast & Furious: Hobbs & The Lion King (3D) 08:10 PM 02:45 PM Chal Mera Putt (UA) Punjabi,
was the one who broke the received the Best Feature Fast & Furious: Hobbs & Chal Mera Putt Punjabi 12:20 Shaw (A) 11:20 PM Jabariya Jodi 10:50 PM The Lion King (3D) Hindi 12:15 PM 08:10 PM
news of the my film winning a Film ‘Swarna Kamal’ award, Shaw (A) 07:55 PM PM 05:55 PM 11:30 PM Judgementall Hai Kya (UA) 05:40 PM The Lion King (3D) Hindi,
National award congratulated Rima had spoken about how Singham Punjabi 10:00 AM Nerkonda Paarvai Tamil 12:40 PM MOHALI Chal Mera Putt Punjabi 05:15 PM
me. Even after Village she doesn’t have enough 01:25 PM Chal Mera Putt (UA) Punjabi 08:20 PM
01:05 PM 04:10 PM 07:15 PM Fast & Furious: Hobbs & Ardaas Karaan Punjabi 08:00
Rockstars won the Best budget to make and promote Sikander 2 Punjabi 03:05 PM
10:20 PM 01:40 PM Shaw (3D A) 09:00 AM 10:55 FUN CINEMAS: REPUBLIC MALL, PM
Feature Film Award last year, films. So, does she see the 08:40 PM
Jabariya Jodi 10:15 AM 04:10 Super 30 (U) 06:25 PM PM CHANDIGARH
the audience was celebrating scenario changing after this Ardaas Karaan Punjabi INOX: NH22 MALL, AMRAVATI
it like one of their own films award? Rima says, “Things PM 10:00 PM Ardaas Karaan Punjabi, Fast & Furious: Hobbs &
04:30 PM Fast & Furious: Hobbs & ENCLAVE, PANCHKULA
has won the award. I truly feel are definitely changing for The Lion King 11:50 AM 07:50 PM Shaw (3D A) 05:15 PM
Kalki Malayalam 04:40 PM Shaw (3D A) Hindi 09:00 AM Jabariya Jodi (UA) 10:00 AM
blessed,” adds Rima. good. I’m collaborating with Ardaas Karaan Punjabi 01:15 The Lion King 08:40 PM Sikander 2 Punjabi, 09:05 AM
Scary Stories to Tell in the 02:15 PM 08:05 PM 12:50 PM 04:00 PM 06:30 PM
producers for some upcoming PM PVR: CITY CENTRE MALL, 02:40 PM 08:05 PM 11:00 PM Jabariya Jodi 09:40 AM 12:45
projects.” Dark 05:45 PM 10:50 PM 09:15 PM
Chal Mera Putt Punjabi 05:15 CHANDIGARH Chal Mera Putt Punjabi, 2D PM 07:00 PM 10:05 PM
And talk about what the Super 30 (U) 07:30 PM Singham Punjabi 10:15 AM
PM Fast & Furious: Hobbs & 09:15 AM 02:55 PM 08:25 PM Chal Mera Putt Punjabi,
director is planning to work Manmadhudu 2 Telugu 03:30 PM 07:00 PM 10:00 PM
Sikander 2 Punjabi, 2D 07:10 Shaw (3D A) Hindi 10:00 AM Jabariya Jodi 09:45 AM 12:40 09:45 AM 06:20 PM
on next, and she lists a 07:40 PM Chicken Curry Law (A)
PM 10:00 PM PM 02:15 PM 06:45 PM 11:00 Singham Punjabi 10:00 AM
number of projects. “I’ve just Chicken Curry Law (A) 10:55 01:00 PM
Super 30 (U) 10:45 PM Fast & Furious: Hobbs & PM 01:05 PM 03:20 PM 04:10 PM
I’m also working on a few PVR: ELANTE CHANDIGARH Shaw (3D A) 04:00 PM Singham Punjabi 10:15 AM 05:05 PM 07:15 PM 10:20 PM
projects in collaboration with PVR: ELANTE 4DX CHANDIGARH Singham Punjabi 10:00 AM 11:45 AM 01:20 PM 03:35 PM The Lion King (3D) Hindi, Jabariya Jodi 10:00 AM
Singham Punjabi 09:30 AM
other producers. I’ll also be Fast & Furious: Hobbs & 01:05 PM 04:10 PM 07:15 PM 04:25 PM 07:30 PM 09:45 PM 11:40 AM 12:50 PM 04:00 PM 06:30 PM
12:35 PM 02:40 PM 03:40 PM
making a film in Assam, Shaw (4DX, A) 09:40 AM 10:20 PM 10:35 PM Ardaas Karaan Punjabi, 09:15 PM
06:45 PM 08:15 PM 09:50 PM
which is backed by the Assam Fast & Furious: Hobbs & Chal Mera Putt Punjabi 11:00 Dora And The Lost City Of 12:25 PM Singham Punjabi 10:15 AM
State Film Corporation. My
11:20 PM
Shaw (4DX, A) Hindi 08:05 AM Gold 12:20 PM 05:30 PM Super 30 03:50 PM 03:30 PM 07:00 PM 10:00 PM
independent feature film The Lion King (3D) Hindi
PM Jabariya Jodi 12:55 PM 06:55 Ardaas Karaan Punjabi Sikander 2 Punjabi, Chicken Curry Law (A)
projects are in the pipeline, 09:30 AM
Dora And The Lost City Of PM 10:30 PM 05:30 PM 09:00 PM 01:00 PM
too!” The Lion King (3D) 08:55 PM




Karan Tacker and his sister Sasha Tacker,

an entrepreneur who runs her gifting
business and (above) many Rakhis ago

Actor siblings Akshay

Dogra and Ridhi Dogra
and (below) as kids

Divyanka Tripathi
Dahiya and her
brother Aishwarya
now a pilot

Delnaaz and her brothers, actor Bakhtiyaar (above,
right) and Dr Paurus Irani; and (left) with baby
Bakhtiyaar in the centre and Paurus (right)
Celebrating the sibling bond which
only gets stronger with time,
popular TV actors relive their good
ol’ days, sharing then-and-now
pics with their partners-in-crime Mohsin
Khan and
Compiled by: Juhi Chakraborty, Rishabh Suri, Sangeeta Yadav, sister Zeba
Shreya Mukherjee Tara
Ahmed, a
(above) as

Karan Wahi and sibling Eshanka Wahi, who runs an event Model No. : CXW-220-A828
management company, replicate their childhood pose Asmita Sood and brother Aarav Sood, a student



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I don’t want to do anything that isn’t worthy: Nimrat

Shreya Mukherjee between her work in India
and abroad. “I am putting all
howbiz calls for THE ACTOR, WHO WAS LAST SEEN IN THE TEST my attention and energy

S relevance, more so if you

are a performer. And as
the saying goes, out of sight
towards managing my career
both ways. I must admit it’s
been tricky, when you go
means out of mind. But that’s INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS, GIVES MORE IMPORTANCE abroad you miss being in
not something Nimrat Kaur is touch here and when you
losing sleep over. TO QUALITY THAN QUANTITY come here and do something
What concerns the actor you lose touch in being
more is quality rather than there,” she says.
the quantity. The actor, who earn the love and support of kind of desperation might go Nimrat has been getting a
was last seen in The Test the audience back. against your productivity. I number of international

‘I’ve been a
Case (that ended in January “I don’t like to scare myself fear making such mistakes. offers. “I have to take a call
2018), has not been doing with the [thought],” she So, a little bit of gap at times is and hopefully, I’ll be able to
much work in India and is continues, “I’d rather do good, it also helps in talk about my upcoming
busy with her international something fantastic than gathering more interest. projects soon. That’s why
projects, gives more something random just Hopefully, when I come right now I am figuring how I

victim of abuse importance to quality than

Nimrat believes that more
than the break, choosing right
because I am out of the scene.
I don’t want to do anything
that isn’t worthy.”
Nimrat opines that breaks
back, I’ll be accepted,” adds
At the same time the 37-
year-old shares how she is
would be dividing my time. I
don’t want to miss being part
of good stories,” she

multiple times’
kind of work will help her are good sometimes. “That trying to strike a balance n

n Sunday, a popular someone’s household

O TV actor along with

her 18-year-old
daughter filed a complaint
you’re writing about,
someone’s life you’re
discussing. Many of
against her actor-husband you fortunately haven’t
and the latter’s stepfather. even dealt with something
He was accused of of such heinous
allegedly showing obscene proportions, and hence
pictures to his you have no right to
stepdaughter and booked comment, discuss or paint
under section 354-A someone else’s image
(sexual harassment), 323 through your biased,
(causing hurt), 504 misinformed views. It’s
(intentional insult), 506 beyond disgusting and its
(criminal intimidation), time that i stand up for my
509 (word, act or gesture to mother for she is the
insult modesty of woman) strongest person i know
of the Indian Penal Code and since out of all of us
(IPC) and 67-A I’m the only person who’s
(transmitting obscene witnessed her struggle day
material) of the in and day out, my opinion
Information Technology is the only one that
Act at Samta Nagar police matters (sic).”
station, Kandivali (East). She also clarified that
The TV actor married her stepfather “never
the accused in 2013, and physically molested or
the couple has a three- touched her
year-old son. Reportedly, inappropriately”. She
their marriage was going wrote, “Before spreading
through a rough patch, something of this calibre
and the actor wanted a or even believing it, its
divorce. imperative you as readers
In light of multiple know the veracity of the
media reports, the facts that you’re blindly
daughter has penned a divulging endlessly. He did
note on her Instagram persistently make
account, speaking up inappropriate and
against her stepfather. She disturbing remarks the
also commented on her impact of which is only
mother being a victim of known to my mother and I,
domestic abuse. “The and if any woman from
media does not have the any walk of life were to
facts and they never will. I hear them she would be
was on multiple occasions greatly embarrassed and
a victim of domestic abuse provoked, too. Words
NOT my mother, except which would question the
for the day that the standing dignity of any
complaint was filed he woman, which you
hadn’t hit my mother. As a wouldn’t expect to hear
reader of the news its often from any man, especially
easy to forget that you do not your ‘father’.”
not know the truth of what The girl claims to be a
goes on behind closed “proud daughter” and that
doors or how much her “mother is the most
fortitude my mother has respectable individual that
shown in both her she has ever come across”.
marriages. This is HTC






Wed 14 Thu 15 Fri 16 Sunset
Wednesday at

Rain Rain Rain Thursday at
Max 5:50am
Max Max
32°c 32°c 33°c
Min Min
27°c 27° c 25°c Humidity MODERATE RAIN
Yesterday’s temp: Max 33°C Min 28.1°C

35 fined ₹10K each TUNING IN FOR THE I-DAY

PANCHKULA: A man in his mid-

twenties made off with the gun
of a security guard outside a
jewellery store in Sector 14,
Panchkula, during the wee hours
for drunken driving
of Monday. The security guard, COURT SHOCKER Local court takes lead in going by the
identified as Rattan Singh, a
native of Rajouri, Jammu and provisions in the new notification; taken by surprise at the
Kashmir, works for PC Jewellers in
Sector 14. ››P3 hefty penalty, only 9 of the 35 offenders could pay the fine
BTech student held HT Correspondent
with 12gm heroin
PANCHKULA: A BTech student was
Penalty: Old versus new
arrested for carrying 12gm heroin CHANDIGARH: Even as the Chandi- The new notification has hiked the fine for different
near old Panchkula on Monday. garh Police are yet to start issuing traffic violations with the aim to make roads safer
Inspector Karambir Singh, challans as per the new notifica- Old New
in-charge Sector 19 crime branch, tion, a local court has taken the
said the accused was identified as lead and slapped at least 35 Drunken driving ₹2,000
Nitish Sharma, a resident of drunken driving offenders with ₹10,000
Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh. He ₹10,000 fine on Tuesday. How-
was arrested from near Jainendra Driving without licence ₹500
ever, only nine offenders could ₹5,000
Gurukul School, Sector 1, where he pay the hefty fine in the court as
was waiting for a customer to Without helmet
they were not prepared to come
(licence will get suspended
hand over the heroin. ››P3
across such a hefty fine.
for 3 months)
Mohali MC fire officer Drunken driving offenders
were in for a shock when they Triple riding ₹300 n Visually impaired students taking part in the full-dress rehearsal ahead of the Independence Day at the Parade Ground in Sector 17 on
issued chargesheet
were told about the penalty (licence will get suspended ₹2,000 Tuesday. See also p5 ANIL DAYAL/HT
MOHALI: The Mohali MC commis- for 3 months)
amount. Many left without pay-
sioner on Tuesday issued a
ing the fine as they weren’t carry- ₹300
chargesheet to fire officer Sanjay Without seat belt
Kumar and sought explanation ing ₹10,000 with them. Some went ₹1,000
from three other fire officers for to the nearest ATM to withdraw
cash and returned to deposit the Over speeding ₹400 27-YR-OLD MAN
HC asks UT adviser, DGP,
failing to locate a house in Sector ₹1,000
70, where a fire had broken out on
June 30. ››P2 “The court has fined around 40
people ₹10,000 for drunken driv-

debate of
ing, out of them nine people paid
the fine in the court of civil judge
(junior division) Manu Mittu,”
a Union Territory, orders auto-
matically comes into effect with
Centre’s notification.”
offence, the court by order will
cancel the driving licence of the
PARKED CAR home secy to appear today
the week said an official from the court.
“This amount is too much,”
One of the advocates practis-
ing at the local courts said as per
As per the new Motor Vehicles
(Amendment) Act, 2019, notifica-
HT Correspondent
said a man in his 40s, who paid the previous Act, the fine for tion, the amount of fine for differ- HT Correspondent
BRAND STAND ₹10,000 for the offence. He was drunken driving was up to ₹2,000, ent violations was considerably ZIRAKPUR: A 27-year-old man was
challaned by the Chandigarh which has been enhanced to hiked to make commuting safer. found dead in a Maruti Swift car
SHOULD MPLAD Police on Friday for drunken ₹10,000. Senior officials from the traffic outside the Metro Mall on Zirak- CHANDIGARH: Hours after the Pun- Scores of petitions were dismissed by different judges recording that
“dismissed for non-prosecution” as none had appeared. A bench pre-
driving. As per Section 185 of Motor police on the condition of ano- pur-Ambala highway on Tues- jab and Haryana high court on
PROJECTS HAVE “The court imposed the fine as Vehicles (MV) Act, first-time nymity said that they were yet to day evening. Tuesday asked three top Chandi- sided over by justice Manoj Bajaj imposed a fine of ₹50,000 on the Bar as
MP’S NAME? per the new notification,” said offence can lead to imprisonment receive orders about this. “The The deceased has been identi- garh administration officers to in a illegal detention case, one of the parties was not allowed to enter
the court by lawyers. The court also took note of reports that lawyers
What kind of MPLAD projects one of the officials. A senior advo- up to six months, or fine up to government of India will first fied as Hardeep Singh, a resident remain present in the court on
manhandled litigants, mediapersons and court staff.
should have the parliamenta- cate said that the amendment is ₹2,000 or both. Also, as per Section give the green signal to the Chan- of Nathia Patti, Barnala. Wednesday in view of agitating

› ›
rian’s name or should names already on record. 20 (2) of Motor Vehicles Act, digarh administration which will Police said they were lawyers not allowing litigants to
be displayed at all? When asked whether Chandi- drunken driving offender’s driv- then inform the traffic police, informed by a passerby. “We enter courts for nearly two This is totally ...lawyers have
Send your answers to garh has notified it, home secre- ing licence can be disqualified for which hasn’t happened till now. immediately rushed o the spot- weeks now, the Bar association
chandigarh@hindustan- tary Arun Kumar Gupta said, a period of at least six months. The challans on Tuesday were and took the body in our posses- said that litigants won’t be unconstitutional... implemented by August 16. “There is no need to notify the law As per Section 22(2) of Motor issued by the court and not by the sion,” said Zirakpur station stopped from tomorrow.
separately and Chandigarh being Vehicles Act, for the second traffic police,” they said. house officer (SHO) Gurcharan Those asked by the high court
right of litigant to have their call for strike to
Singh. to remain present on Thursday access to court cannot paralyse the working of
Police said no injury marks are Manoj Parida, the adviser to
ELANTE BOMB HOAX have been found on the body. the UT administrator; Arun be denied, it amounts to this court, and violated
“The body was taken to the Kumar Gupta home secretary,

Caller used number of man in Dubai Dera Bassi Civil Hospital for the
post-mortem. The post mortem
will be done on Wednesday and
the parents of the deceased have
and DGP Sanjay Baniwal. It
observed that “the responsibility
to ensure peace, harmony and
law and order around the high
interference in the
administration of justice
the fundamental right of
the citizens
Shub Karman Dhaliwal
person in Dubai but he is inno-
cent and has no role in making the
already been informed,” the
police said. The Zirakpur police
court premises rests with the
Chandigarh administration”.
hoax call,” said Nilambari Jaga- A WOMAN IN DELHI Police said two calls were have initiated inquest proceed- The lawyers had been laying
CHANDIGARH: In the Monday’s
bomb hoax at Elante, it has
dale, SSP, Chandigarh. The
caller had used the number
WHO SAID SHE WAS received at the police control
room on Monday, the second call
ings. siege to the main gate of the high
court and have locked other
tered members of the Bar.
The high court full bench,
emerged that the caller might 0069801018. USING HER DUBAI-BASED came through Vodafone net- entry points in protest against which called top three UT offi- Even as Haryana government
have spoofed the identity of a per-
son based in Dubai. The calls
Sources said the Chandigarh
and Delhi Police have traced a
HUSBAND’S NUMBER work. Investigators on Tuesday
have traced down the website,
mustread Haryana’s decision to set up an
administrative tribunal. The
cers to court acted on the com-
plaints of litigants, who had sub-
constituted a panel headed by
chief secretary on Monday to
were made via Gsoft Technolo- woman who was using the said which was used as a platform to work was suspended by Punjab mitted that they were desirous of look into the matter, the lawyers
gies, an internet gateway, which number. She claimed to be the turned out to be a hoax, sent the make the call via internet. “The PUCSC POLLS: and Haryana High Court Bar appearing in person but being in a general house meeting held
has said that the calls were wife of the Dubai-based man. security personnel in a tizzy and call was made via, Gsoft Technol- Association (PHHCBA) on July forcibly denied entry onto the in the afternoon on Tuesday
directed to it by Portugal-based “The woman is a homemaker and led to emergency evacuation of ogies, which is a gateway. The
13-PT CIRCULAR 25, a day after the Centre came premises of the high court decided to continue with the
Cavoxnet Ltd, another provider she said that she uses the number thousands of shoppers at Elante website has been contacted to Panjab University on Tuesday out with the notification of the despite having valid entry pass. strike. However, the general
of voice over internet protocol to call her husband. The phone of mall. provide further details about the issued a 13-point circular tribunal. Lawyers are demand- “…even the litigants who intend house meeting turned out to be a
(VoIP) services. her husband is switched off and The call was received by the user and the IP address,” said to the student organisations ing roll back of the decision, to file their petitions in person stormy one. Many of the lawyers
in view of the upcoming
“The identity of the person attempts are being made to trace police control room around Jagadale. Sources said Gsoft in arguing that tribunalisation was are being stopped forcibly. This were in favour of calling off the
Panjab University Campus
against whose name the number him. He will be called to Chandi- 1:10pm. The call was made using its reply said calls were directed resulting in infringement of jur- Court cannot sit as a mute spec- strike and heated exchange of
Students’ Council (PUCSC)
is issued is different from that of garh,” said a police official privy VoIP, which allows a person to to them by Cavoxnet Ltd, another elections next month. ››P4 isdiction of high court. Nearly tator to all this,” the court words was witnessed between
the telephone from which the call to the matter. make voice calls using an inter- provider of VoIP services based 10,000 lawyers appear in high observed asking three top offi- different groups. The meeting
was made. We have traced the On Monday, a call, which net connection. in Portugal. court daily, including 4,000 regis- cers to be present in court. ended abruptly.

C H A N D I G A R H - K H A R A R F LY O V E R
Kalka: Car mows
Police didn’t find trucks on stretch, but here they are down 23-yr-old man
Idrees Bukhtiyar

MOHALI :In response to a RTI plea

filed on July 10 to know the num-
ber of heavy vehicles challaned
› No heavy vehicle plied
on the road beneath
Chandigarh-Kharar flyover
and we haven’t issued
within 15 days the road under the
flyover motorable. “I have asked
the NHAI to let us know wherever
they need the diversion, we will
do it,” Dayalan said.
The NHAI in 2015 had
HT Correspondent

PANCHKULA: A 23-year-old man

was killed after a speeding car hit
reached near a furniture shop, a
rashly driven Hyundai i20 com-
ing from Kalka side hit Sushil
and the bike from the rear. The
car also hit a four-wheeler
for violating the ban on their handed over the ₹369-crore the motorcycle he was riding on parked on the roadside and
entry under the Chandigarh- any challan since project to Larsen & Toubro. Una- in Kalka on Monday late night, rammed into an electricity pole,”
Kharar flyover, the Mohali police ble to meet the deadline, the firm police said. The deceased, identi- said Vishal.
in their reply said that they
January till June had sought traffic-free road for fied as Sushil Kumar, alias Investigating official assist-
haven’t found any heavy vehicle KULDEEP SINGH CHAHAL, MOhali speeding up the work. The dis- Sunny, of Bilaspur in Himachal ant sub-inspector (ASI) Rohtash
plying on the stretch between SSP, in reply to an RTI plea trict authorities had taken up the Pradesh, was currently residing Singh said a PCR vehicle took the
January and June, so no challan matter with the state govern- in Kalka. He worked for a private victim to Kalka community
was issued. The decision on the closing the ment, after which a panel was company in Parwanoo and was health centre, where he was
In the RTI reply, Mohali SSP stretch was made to facilitate the formed to find a solution but going to Pinjore to attend a reli- declared brought dead.
Kuldeep Singh Chahal said, “No construction of the elevated nothing was done till date. gious event (jagran) with his “The car driver fled the spot
heavy vehicles plied under Chan- Chandigarh- Kharar highway Residents along the stretch three friends when the incident leaving the vehicle (HR49D-7609)
digarh-Kharar flyover and we and the ongoing flyover work. have expressed resentment took place. behind. Investigations are
haven’t issued any challan from The administration had against the traffic police and the Police said as per the com- underway and the driver will be
January till June.” banned entry of heavy vehicles administration for failing to plaint from victim's friend Vis- traced soon,” said the ASI.
On January 4, Kharar sub-di- from Gopal Sweets chowk n MARCH 5, 2019: Kharar SDM had banned the entry of certain categories of goods carriers from 7am to check the heavy vehicles. hal, who also work in the same A case was registered against
visional magistrate (SDM) had towards Khanpur Chowk on the 8pm on the road to facilitate the construction work in 2019. ANIL DAYAL/HT FILE “Presence of trucks on the company, they left for Pinjore on the car driver under Sec-
ordered that the road will remain National Highway 21 and from route lead to traffic jams daily, two motorcycles at around 1am tions 279 (rash driving),
closed for heavy vehicles Khanpur Chowk to Swaraj Fac- from Kharar bus stand junction (NHAI) blamed the district to repair and maintain the road leading to inconvenience, espe- and Sushil was riding one of the 304A (causing death by negli-
(canters, trucks, tippers, and tory on Landran-Kharar road. to Khanpur Chowk, even as it administration for failing to under the flyover because of the cially to students, patients, and two-wheelers. gence), 336 (act endangering life
tractor-trailers from 7am to 8pm, Interestingly, the administration didn’t give any option of diver- divert traffic under the under traffic movement. office-goers. How can authorities When they reach near Radhe of others), and 427 (mischief
barring ambulances, passenger had banned entry of all vehicles sion to the commuters. construction flyover that was Last week, Mohali DC Girish allow them to ply on this road?” Shyam gaushala, the motorcycle causing damage to the amount of
buses and school and college from Khanpur Chowk towards On August 2, the National holding up the work. They also Dayalan directed the NHAI and said Parminder Singh, a Kharar ran out of fuel and Sushil started fifty rupees) of the Indian Penal
buses. Gopal Sweets Chowk and Highways Authority of India said the department was unable the private firm L&T to make resident. pushing the bike. “As we Code at Kalka police station.



02 tricity hindustantimes H I N DUSTAN T I M E S , C H AN D I G AR H

Failuretospothouse: Vehicles, furniture occupy cycle tracks here Rajanbir Singh


CHANDIGARH: Already riddled
with traffic chaos, the Sector 53
furniture market continues to PLANNED, ADMN SAYS

issuedchargesheet be a host of traffic violations.

The cycle tracks demarcated
here last month continue to be a
parking spot for visitors to the
market as well as a space for
them, then it is unlikely that
DERELICTION OF DUTY Explanation sought from 3 others shopkeepers to display their
they will adopt to any new meas-
ures,” he said.
Hillary Victor
LOCAL BODIES DEPT Following this, local area
Market general secretary
Sanjeev Bhandari said a meet- ON THE CONTRARY
HAD ALSO ISSUED A shot off a letter to MC commis- ing was held with the traffic The local area councillor, Satish
MOHALI : The Mohali municipal
corporation (MC) commissioner
SHOW-CAUSE NOTICE sioner,demandingactionagainst
police in which they had dis-
cussed how the parking situa-
Kumar, said that the whole mar-
ket was an illegal encroachment
onTuesdayissuedachargesheet TO ADFO IN THE fire officials. He said fire officials tion had worsened here, and and building parking facilities
to fire officer Sanjay Kumar and CASE RECENTLY failedtolocatethehousenumber while efforts were made to sort would legitimise their claim on
sought explanation from three inaplannedsector,thattoowhen things out, cycle tracks were the land. “As per a survey, about
otherfireofficers,namelyMohan the streets were empty. marked here days later. 100 shops should be there, but
Lal, Karam Chand Sood and explanation has been sought Not only this, even the local “Customers coming to the the number is much larger.
ArunKhanna,forfailingtolocate from the other three officers and bodies department recently market are offended when we Removing the illegal shopkeep-
a house in Sector 70, where a fire they have to file their reply in 30 issued a show-cause notice to ask them to park away from the n The cycle tracks demarcated in the Sector 53 furniture market last month continue to be a parking spot ers will solve the traffic situa-
had broken out on June 30. days.Ifthereplyisnotfoundtobe assistant divisional fire officer cycle track. They remain vary of for visitors as well as a space for shopkeepers to display their wares. HT PHOTO tion here,” he said.
Kumar, who was leading the satisfactory, action will be initi- Krishan Lal Kakkar in the case, traffic violation information Officials of the engineering
team of the other three officers atedaccordingly,theofficersaid. asked him to file a reply within slips (TVIS) challans, and spend track here,” he said. quently and challaning officers tration knew that the traffic wing of UT administration said,
that had responded to the call of The fire at house number 237 seven days. less time in the shops here, mak- also visit the place regularly. A here is hard to manage, why did “We had marked a cycle track
the incident, has been charge- had erupted due to a short-cir- Owner of the house, Paramjit ing our business suffer,” he said. NEED FOR SOLUTION long-term solution is needed to they demarcate a cycle track? It here as per the directions of the
sheeted under Rule 10 (minor cuit,butthefirebrigadecouldnot Singh Randhawa, said the offi- “We also tell the shopkeepers However, traffic police officials sort out the situation here,” a seems proper surveys weren’t Indian Road Congress (IRC).
punishment) of Punjab Punish- locatethehouseandwentbackto cers should understand their not to encroach upon the cycle said they had met with the shop- police official said on the condi- carried out and all stakeholders The market here has been set up
ment and Appeal Rules, 1970. thestation,butrecordedtheinci- responsibility.“Theentirefurni- tracks but the tracks are right in keepers and prepared a pro- tion of anonymity. weren’t consulted. A police offi- illegally, and the deputy com-
Under this, a guilty officer may dentintheirdailydiary.Thefam- tureand electronicgadgetswere front of the shops. The adminis- posal to mark spots for parking Harpreet Singh, founder cial can be posted here 24x7 to missioner (DC), municipal cor-
not get annual increment for a ily members in the house them- gutted. We had to use the water tration should have studied the with yellow lines, but there was president of an NGO, Avoid regulate the traffic here. Before poration (MC), and the police
shortspellandhispromotionwill selves managed to douse the pipe of the lawn to douse the road properly and sought sug- no progress on that front. “We Accident, said a temporary situ- making any such changes, the should remove the encroach-
not be considered. flames that gutted their drawing flames. We are thankful to God gestions from the shopkeepers receive TVIS challans here via ation was needed here for the road accessibility must be kept ments and clear up the footpath
A senior officer of the MC said room. that we all were saved,” he said. before demarcating a cycle Whatsapp and social media fre- time being. “When the adminis- in mind. If it is inconvenient for here. Enforcement is key.”

MARK OF LOVE Panchkula murder: Wife also suspected

victim of having an affair, says accused
PANCHKULA :A day after a 26-year- was looking for a job. Bedi had had come to Panchkula for some
oldmanwasarrestedformurder- booked hotel room during her workandaskedto pick him from
ing his friend in Panchkula, he stay.Aweeklater,hissisteragain neartheTauDeviLalStadiumin
madesomestartlingrevelations. lefthome,whichmadehimsuspi- Sector 3. Police said the victim,
The accused Sandeep Kumar cious. alongwithhiswife,pickedupthe
aka Shibu of Ramphur Phul, “WhenSandeepenquiredfrom accused and took him to their
Scholarship for SC/ST/OBC Students
Bathinda, said he conspired to the cousin, she told him that his house. The accused had initially
kill his friend and former neigh- sister had met a man when she planned to kill Bedi at his house,
bour Gagandeep Singh Bedi, 38, visited Zirakpur in July,” said a butashecouldnot,heplannedto
after he found out that the latter cop privy to the investigations, kill him the next day.

157 pledge to was having an affair with his

22-year-old sister. He further
revealed that the victim’s wife n Victim Gagandeep Singh Bedi
adding that Sandeep went
through the CCTV camera foot-
age to confirm the claims.
Whenthetwo wereheadingto
the Zirakpur bus stand the next
day, the accused brought up the
donate organs at alsosuspectedthathewashaving
an affair with some women, produced in a local court, which
After seeing his sister with
Bedi in the CCTV footage, the
matter. Though initially Bedi

two PGI camps which is why the couple had

moved to Panchkula from
sent him to two-day police
remand. During interrogation,
the accused revealedthat his sis-
accused got enraged and con-
Manimajra and bought a khukri
theaccused’s sister, whichmade
him furious and he killed Bedi,
whose body was found near the
CHANDIGARH :As many as 157 peo- Sandeep, who was arrested ter had come to Zirakpur with a to kill Bedi. The accused then rearentrancetoTauDeviLalSta-
ple pledged to donate organs dur- from Bathinda on Monday, was cousin in July, saying that she called the victim, stating that he dium in Sector 3 on Sunday.HTC
ing two awareness camps orga-
nised by the Regional Organ and
n A woman celebrates Raksha Bandhan with Indian Army officials in Chandigarh on Tuesday. The Tissue Transplant Organisation ANTI-DENGUE DRIVE IN MOHALI
festival will coincide with Independence Day this year. (ROTTO), Postgraduate Insti-

Larvae found in 78 houses, 15 fined

tute of Medical Education and
Research (PGIMER), to mark the
World Organ Donation Day here
PGI NURSING on Tuesday.
In the first event at the new HT Correspondent

EXAM SCRAPPED; SIT to probe against OPD, at least 99 volunteers took

the pledge to donate organs and
at another camp organised in

MOHALI: Anti-dengue teams of the Beware of that sting

TO BE HELD P’kula cop, 3 others collaboration with Ojas Hospi-
tal, Panchkula, 58 employees,
including doctors and patients’
Mohali health department con-
ducted surprise checking of 1,471
houses in the district on Tues-
Dengue is a viral infection spread by the bite of the aedes
aegypti mosquito. It is not communicable: it does not
spread directly from person to person. The dengue fever
HT Correspondent
PANCHKULA :Two days after a sub-
inspector (SI) of the Panchkula
from her morning walk on Fri-
day. He then received messages
attendants, pledged their
There were some touching
day. Mohali civil surgeon Dr
Manjit Singh said, “During the
drive, 15 challans were issued on
lasts for seven to 10 days.
Symptoms Tests
n police and three other persons and videos from her on What- moments at the camp at the new the spot after the teams detected
Sudden high fever Antibody titer for Dengue virus types
were booked for harassing a sApp in which she claimed that OPD when deceased donor Ravi dengue larvae in 78 houses. The
Severe headache Complete blood count (CBC) Test
CHANDIGARH: The registrar of the woman,theseniorpoliceofficials she wanted to reach a compro- Kapoor’s family members also maximum number of violations Swollen lymph glands Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test
Post Graduate Institute of Medi- on Tuesday formed a special mise with the shop owners, but registered themselves as organ were from the urban area of the Severe joints and
cal Education and Research investigatingteam(SIT)toprobe theSIwasnotlisteningtoherand donors. 29-year-old Ravi district.” muscle pain Preventive measures
(PGIMER) on Tuesday scrapped the matter. thewomenpolicestationhadnot Kapoor was killed in an accident Singh along with district epi- Skin rash (appear Avoid densely populated checked, emptied or changed
the entrance examination held It was on August 6 when the takenhercomplaintseriously,so in July. demiologist Dr Shalinder Kaur between two to five residential areas. regularly.
days after the initial
for admission to BSc (nursing) complainant, Kavita Sachdeva, shewasforcedtocommitsuicide. PGIMER director Dr Jagat and other health officials visited fever) Keep your home and Use mosquito repellents on
four-year course. whorunsagarmentshoponrent A missing persons complaint Ram said, “The basic aim of several houses in Phase 5, where environment hygienic. If your exposed skin.
Mild to severe nausea surroundings are clean, there
The examination was held on in Sector 7, had a scuffle with the was registered by her husband, observing World Organ Dona- 412 houses were surveyed and Mild to severe Use air conditioning instead of
will be no room for the opening windows.
Sunday and the result was to be accused Vandana and Mukesh, and she was traced when she tion Day is to dispel misconcep- larvae was found in 21 houses. vomiting mosquitoes to breed.
Mild bleeding from Use mosquito net if sleeping
declared at 11am on Tuesday. ownersoftheshop, andSanjana, called her parents. tions and disseminate the right The teams had carried out a Mosquitoes breed at stagnant areas are not covered.
nose and gums.
However, citing administrative an ex-employee of the shop, over A case was registered against information to promote the similar checking around 20 days water places. So do not store
Bruising on skin water in empty containers. Wear long sleeve clothes and
reasons, the registrar scrapped payment of rent. Following the the SI and three accused under noble cause of organ donation. ago and found larvae in 36 Febrile convulsions Check for hidden water bodies long pants when mosquitoes are
the examination in the evening, scuffle, a case of assault was reg- Sections 346 (wrongful confine- These initiatives definitely help houses in the district. Pain behind the eyes like manholes, septic tanks, most active.
though sources said the move istered against Kavita. mentin secret)and506 (criminal in boosting the transplantation Singh said dengue is transmit- Drowsiness or clogged drains, wells. Make sure windows and door
came after a wrong question However,laterKavitatoldthe intimidation)oftheIndianPenal activity in the region, thereby ted by the bite of Aedes mosquito irritability The areas where still water can screens are secure and free of
Pale, cold and clammy collect such as, birdbaths, pet holes.
paper was distributed at one of police that she was being pres- Code at the Sector 14 police sta- contributing to saving precious which usually targets during the
skin dishes, empty planters, flower Seek early consultation, if
the examination centres. suredbythein-chargeofSector7 tion. lives.” day time. He added that Aedes Difficulty in breathing pots, cans, etc., should be experienced with symptoms.
Now a fresh examination will police post, SI Mohan Lal, who Panchkula police commis- The institute has successful mosquito breeds in desert cool-
be held on August 25 (Sunday) at allegedly threatened to arrest sioner Saurabh Singh said, “An transplant programmes in kid- ers, water storage containers,
10am and the result will be and torture her. Following this, SIThasbeenformedunderassist- ney, liver and heart. However, tires, overhead tanks and other
declared the next day at 2pm. the woman moved a complaint antcommissionerofpolice(ACP) the waiting list at he hospital is places where water collects. broken pots and crockery be seasonal outbreak takes place. He instructed the health teams to
Theregistraraskedthecandi- and a case was registered. NoopurBishnoiforafairinvesti- still very long with 1,650 waiting He appealed to the people that removed. He appealed to the people to give priority to areas where
dates to download their fresh As per Kavita’s husband Pan- gation in the matter. The role of for kidney and 2,600 cornea all the water storage containers Singh said it was better to take observe Friday as dry day to cases of dengue larvae had been
admit cards from August 19. kaj Sachdeva, she did not return the SI is being probed.” HTC transplants. HTC be kept covered, and old tires, preventive measures before the make the district dengue-free. reported in the past.

Showers in store Bandh call: Dalit outfits protest in Mohali Veterinary officers’
body protests
for city from today HT Correspondent
Meanwhile, several Dalit
organisations blocked the traf- mass transfers
HT Correspondent coming week.” fic for around two hours at ITI
n With rain, a dip in tempera- MOHALI : Following a Punjab Chowk in Lalru on the Ambala- HT Correspondent
ture can also be expected. bandh call by members of Ravi- Chandigarh highway. Normal n
CHANDIGARH :Rain is likely in the Maximum temperature went das community on Tuesday, the traffic was restored only after
city during remaining days ofthe down from 34.8 degrees C on members of Sri Guru Ravidas Dera Bassi DSP Gurbaksh Singh MOHALI : Members of Punjab
week, according to the India Monday to 33.0 degrees C on Naujwan Sabha Punjab along and SDM Pooja Syal Grewal and State Veterinary Inspectors
Meteorological Department Tuesday. Minimum tempera- with members of Bahujan received a memorandum from Association (PSVIA) on Tues-
(IMD) here. ture went up from 27.2 degrees Samaj Party (BSP) held a the protesters. day staged a protest against
IMD officials said, “There has on Monday to 28.1 degrees on protest in Mohali against the their mass transfers, at the
been light to moderate rain not Tuesday. In the next three days, demolition of the 15th-century MIXED RESPONSE office of director, animal
exceeding 40 mm in the city at maximum temperature is Guru Ravidas temple in New IN RUPNAGAR husbandry, Punjab Livestock
least till Friday. Short spells of expected to stay between 32 Delhi. RUPNAGAR: The bandh call Complex, here at Sector 68,
rain throughout the city degrees C and 33 degrees C while The protestors began their evoked mixed response in Mohali.
are expected in the coming days. minimum temperature is march from Phase 7 and blocked Rupnagar, where Dalit organi- Around 400 protesters raised
As per initial observations, expected to remain between 25 the traffic at the main light point sations organised protest slogans against the state gov-
rain is also expected in the and 27 degrees. before holding a protest at Kum- marches and burnt the effigies ernment. They demanded that
bra light point and later at of Modi government at various animal dispensaries should not
Sohana gurdwara light point. places, though no untoward be closed and charge of more vil-
Raising slogans against the incident was reported. lage dispensaries from one
Union government, the mem- Shops remained shut in employee be revoked.
bers also submitted a memoran- n Members of Dalit community protesting against the demolition of Guru Ravidas temple at Sector 69 in Rupnagar, Anandpur Sahib, The association president,
dum to deputy commissioner Mohali on Tuesday. RAVI KUMAR/HT Nangal, Chamkaur Sahib and Nirmal Saini, said the director
Girish Dayalan for Prime Minis- Morinda till noon. had decided to desert the rural
ter Narendra Modi and Presi- union said, “We will intensify Union government has not paid redressed by the Union govern- In Rupnagar, the protesters veterinary services. He said the
dent of India for taking immedi- the protest if the Union govern- due attention to the religious ment.” submitted a memorandum to department should send them to
ate steps in order to preserve the ment does not interfere in sentiments of Ravidasia com- The temple was razed last deputy commissioner Sumeet their actual places of posting in
sanctity of the temple at Tugh- restoring the glory of our guru’s munity in particular and minor- Saturday on the Supreme Jarangal. field from where they had been
lakabad in New Delhi. temple.” ities in general. Even last year, Court’s orders over allegations In Nangal, the protesters drawing their salaries.
In another protest, the mem- Manjit Singh, former director a similar nationwide protest by of encroachment. Protests have blocked traffic on Nangal dam He said that treatment given
bers of Dalit community burnt Ambedkar Centre, Panjab Uni- Dalit community were carried erupted at several places in and Anandpur Sahib,while in to veterinary inspectors would
the effigy of Prime Minister at versity, who also participated in out in response to Supreme Punjab, including Ludhiana, Chamkaur Sahib they stage not be tolerated. “If our
Sector 69 in Mohali. the protest at Mohali and Court’s decision to dilute Jalandhar, Phagwara, Gurdas- dharna on gurdwara Katalgarh demands will not be fulfilled, we
Balwinder Singh Kumbra, Kharar, said, “Though it is the Prevention of SC/ST Atrocity pur and Amritsar, after the tem- Sahib T-Point and blocked traf- will intensify our protest,” he
president of the panchayat decision of the apex court, but Act, which was later on ple was demolished. fic there. said.



WE DNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 2019 hindustantimes tricity 03
Half-bakedfacility HELD WITH
M A N P R E E T S I N G H , R E S E A R C H E R , C A N C E R T R E AT M E N T , U S

‘It was in this city that I learnt

drivesvehicle IN PANCHKULA
HT Correspondent
the four pillars of education’

PANCHKULA:A BTech student was

arrested for carrying 12gm
Manpreet Singh is currently pursuing a doc-
ment planning.

heroin near old Panchkula on Having spent torate in mechanical engineering at the Bio- MY SECRET SAUCE
Monday. heat Transfer Laboratory at the University of Conscientiously maintain higher work ethics
HASSLE Those choosing numbers can’t buy vehicle without Inspector Karambir Singh, years researching Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), US. and remain persistent in your efforts to
in-charge Sector 19 crime A summer research intern at Maryland Pro- achieve educational and professional goals.
RLA allotting it; Guv seeks temporary numbers in such cases branch, said the accused was in the US, helping ton Treatment Centre, University of Mary- Strong determination and perseverance are

Vivek Gupta
identified as Nitish Sharma, a
resident of Bilaspur, Himachal
cancer patients land School of Medicine, he is also a key con-
tributor to the National Science Foundation
the important traits one should possess in
order to achieve greater heights while
He was arrested from near
in Punjab is still on an interdisciplinary PhD research project
on mild hyperthermia to enhance delivery of
maintaining a balance between work, life
and family.
CHANDIGARH : After multiple
n A random number can be sponsible for physical inspec-
Jainendra Gurukul School, the dream that therapeutic nanocarriers in tumours. Prior to
deadlines and roadblocks, the Sector 1, where he was waiting joining UMBC, he had worked on a project THE MANTRA OF SUCCESS
UT administration on Tuesday
instantly generated after
depositing road tax and
tion of the vehicle, which was
earlier done by a motor
for a customer to hand over the keeps Manpreet funded by the National Institute of Health IN YOUR PROFESSION?
finally opened the facility for heroin. (NIH), US, in association with Rowan Univer- Sincerity, hard work, passion, dedication and
the registration of two- and four-
documents with the dealer. vehicle inspector in Sector 42.
Cops said the accused Singh going sity, New Jersey, and Thomas Jefferson Uni- determination. I still remember my daily
wheelers at dealers’ end. n No more waiting in queues at n The dealer will ensure com- revealed that he was a drug versity, Pennsylvania. The project was school prayers “Arise, awake and stop not
However, instead of making the RLA office or booking plete documentation, avoid- addict and started supplying aimed at designing novel multi-perfo- until your goal is achieved”. One must medi-
the process more convenient for appointments online, as the ing hassle later. heroin to meet his need of drugs. rated infusion catheters for type-1 dia- tate to maintain inner peace, which is propor-
vehicle owners, the facility has dealer will prepare and n If you want a fancy number, “He used to get the drug from betes patients. His major research tional to external worldly happiness. One
brought along hassle for people submit the files. book it on RLA website Delhi for around ₹1,500 per gram, area is hyperthermia treatment must invest in knowledge and education as
eyeing a number of their choice. n The dealer will also be re- before buying the vehicle. and sold it here for up to ₹3,500 modalities for cancer, which entails they pay off huge interests.
Now, they cannot buy a new per gram,” a policeman said. using heat as a source to treat cancer.
vehicle without booking the He said Sharma was pursuing THE TURNING POINT
number of their choice online Under UT’s new system, the along revenue for the RLA. “To BTech from a college in Baddi, HOMETOWN In 2016, after completing my masters, I was
with the Registering and Licens- customer will only get a random ensure such customers are not and was waiting to clear his sup- He grew up in Mullanpur Garibdass looking for better doctorate opportunities at
ing Authority (RLA), as the pro- number after deposition of road inconvenienced, there needs to plementary exams. He was (New Chandigarh) in Mohali. universities working on the same research
vision of temporary number has tax and required documents at be a provision of temporary booked under the Narcotic topic. My aim was on doing something for the
been withdrawn. the dealer’s point. numbers,” the administrator Drugs and Psychotropic Sub- FAMILY cancer patients in Punjab. This is when Dr
In case the vehicle number is demanded, adding that the stances Act at the Sector 5 police His father is a retired offi- Thomas L Merrill from Rowan University
unavailable with RLA, the BADNORE QUESTIONS administration should have station. cial from Punjab govern- hired me as a research associate. After work-
buyer will have to wait for the ANOMALY studied the process followed in The accused was produced in ment’s labour department, ing with two parallel research projects of the
auction of the next series of UT administrator-cum-Punjab other states before launching it court on Tuesday and remanded while mother is a home- National Institute of Health, US, for one year,
numbers, which generally governor VP Singh Badnore in Chandigarh. to four-day police custody. maker. He has an elder I was hired by D Liang Zhu, from UMBC, who
comes in every three to four questioned the anomaly at Deepak Joshi of Joshi Auto- brother. saw my work and offered me a PhD fellowship
months. As such, a buyer can- the launch of the facility on mobiles, said temporary num- from National Science Foundation, USA.
not leave with the new vehicle Tuesday. bers will also be helpful in case HE WAS ARRESTED EDUCATION These two meetings were turning points in
from the showroom, without “In case someone wants a there was a glitch in the genera- FROM NEAR JAINENDRA I completed my bache- my life, as one helped me move to the US and
settling for a random number. vehicle number of their choice, tion of a random number. lors in mechanical engi- the other is helping me work towards my
On the contrary, Punjab should they have to wait for it RLA officer Virat said the
GURUKUL SCHOOL, neering from Guru dream of helping cancer patients in Punjab.
offers on-the-spot numbers of before buying a new vehicle in dealers needed to submit the SECTOR 1, WHERE HE Nanak Dev Engineering
choice at the dealer. A customer
can go for a random number, or
anticipation of approval from
the RLA?” Badnore questioned.
customers files within two days
of purchase of vehicle. “Once
WAS WAITING FOR A College, Ludhiana, and
masters in thermal engi-
It was in Chandigarh that I learnt the four pil-
pay and get a preferred number. He said in most instances, the files are submitted, the reg- CUSTOMER TO HAND neering from Thapar lars of education that helped me work as an
An auction is held for fancy
people wanted a number of their
choice, which also brought
istration certificates will be dis-
patched in four days,” he added.
OVER THE HEROIN University, Patiala. My
initial schooling was from
engineering scientist in the US.

Government Model Senior THINGS I LIKE TO DO WHEN

Secondary School, Sector I VISIT CHANDIGARH
Man falls off 16, Chandigarh. My doc-
toral studies are fully
I miss my home town, as I visited it two years
ago. At Chandigarh, I like to spend time at

newspaper office’s Badnore asks Centre to adopt funded through the National
Science Foundation, US.
Sukhna Lake and Sector 17.


building, dies
HT Correspondent
Delhi finance panel’s report AREA OF EXPERTISE
Biological heat and mass
transfer, medical imaging-
based computational onco-
Chandigarh has become smarter over the
years. There has been a tremendous change
in terms of shopping with introduction of
HT Correspondent logy, computational fluid high-end malls. But at the same time, traffic
AS PER COMMISSION’S dynamics and hyperthermia treat- has spiralled out of control.
man died after falling off the
second floor of a newspaper
Singh Badnore has asked the
office’s building in Sector 29 on
Police said the deceased was
identified as Naresh Popli, who
Commission that lays emphasis
Man walks off with dozing guard’s gun
worked as section head of the tion’s share in UT’s revenue. FOR 2019-20 IS HT Correspondent
PCR COPS HAD ALERTED stealing the gun while the secu- the police that he had locked his
newspaper’s marketing branch. Confirming it, MC commis- rity guard was asleep on his shop, Rana Studio and Telecom,
“A CCTV camera recorded sioner KK Yadav said the MC n UT administrator VP Singh JUST ₹375 CRORE n

THE GUARD TO STAY chair. at Mauli village around 10.30pm

Popli falling off the second
floor,” said a police official,
General House earlier this year
had passed the resolution to
does not have dedicated funds to
PANCHKULA : A man in his mid-
twenties made off with the gun of
AWAKE DURING DUTY, Police said before stealing the
gun, the thief also took out a bun-
on Monday. When he returned
on Tuesday morning, he found
privy to the matter. implement the Fourth Delhi YadavsaidMCwillgetamajor upgrade their infrastructure. a security guard dozing outside a BUT HE FELL ASLEEP dle of Indian cigarettes (beedi) the shop’s shutter partially ajar.
Another cop said they were Finance Commission’s report. boost if the central government The situation is similar at colo- jewellery store in Sector 14, AGAIN; THIEF SMOKES from the guard’s pocket and “Upon inspection, the com-
not suspecting any foul play, “The UT administrator has now adoptedthecommission’srecom- nieswheretheburgeoningpopu- Panchkula, during the wee smoked one. plainant found several mobile
and no suicide note had been taken up the matter with Centre mendation. lation is putting pressure on the hours of Monday. GUARD’S BEEDI BEFORE Based on the complaint and phones, an LCD television and a
recovered. Investigating offi- toadoptit,andwearehopefulofa existinginfrastructure. Besides, The security guard, identified LEAVING WITH THE GUN CCTV footage, police have digital camera missing from the
cials are questioning his family positive response,” he said. MC STARING AT EMPTY thecivicbodyisalsostrugglingto as Rattan Singh, a native of booked the unidentified man shop,” said assistant sub-inspec-
and colleagues. Thecivicbodygetsitssharein COFFERS finishcarpetingofits500-kmroad Rajouri, Jammu and Kashmir, under Section 379 (theft) of the tor (ASI) Davinder Kumar, the
Meanwhile, the Industrial UT’s annual revenue through The civic body of City Beautiful network. works for PC Jewellers in gation said a PCR vehicle had Indian Penal Code (IPC) at the investigating official.
Area police station officials grant-in-aid, approved every does not have money left for cre- Former mayor Davesh Sector 14. found the guard sleeping earlier Sector 14 police station. “The complainant has yet to
have initiated inquest proceed- year in the Union Budget. ating or upgrading public infra- Moudgil said since the corpora- He told the police that he fell and had woken him up to stay give a list of all stolen items,” the
ings under Section 174 of the As per the Fourth Delhi structure. From increasing its tiondidnothaveadedicatedreve- asleep outside the store around alert during duty. However, he THIEVES STRIKE AT ASI said, adding that a case
Criminal Procedure Code. FinanceCommissionrecommen- waterstoragecapacitytoreplac- nue source, it was heavily 3am. When he woke up around went back to sleep. RAIPUR RANI SHOP under Sections 380 (theft in
The body was handed over to dations, MC must get over ₹1,000 ingthecity’sone-fourthofsewage dependent on aid from UT reve- 3.45am, he was shocked to find Inspector Naveen Saharan, Thieves decamped with mobile dwelling house, etc) and 457
the family after post-mortem croreeveryyearfromtheUTrev- and stormwater drainage pipes nue.“MCshouldgetitsdueshare his 12-bore gun missing. Sector 14 station house officer phones and an LCD television (lurking house trespass or house
examination at Government enue, but the grant-in-aid areallpendingforwantoffunds. aspertherecommendationofthe It is licenced in Jammu and (SHO), said they had recovered from a locked shop in Raipur breaking by night) of the IPC was
Medical College and Hospital, approved for the civic body for Allvillages in Chandigarhare financecommission,sothatitcan Kashmir. CCTV footage from the show- Rani on Monday night. registered at the Raipur Rani
Sector 32. 2019-20 is just ₹375 crore. nowunderthecorporation,butit serve the city well,” he said. Officials privy to the investi- room, wherein a man can be seen Complainant Arun Rana told police station.

AUGUST 14, 2019
Inter-state gang of MP’S COURT Sweepers’ body chief
BLOOD DONATION vehicle lifters: Two faces inquiry over
more nabbed
PANCHKULA:Three weeks after the
crime branch of Panchkula
canvassing for Cong
Police recovered 61 stolen two- HT Correspondent CHADHA’S ACCOMPLICE
wheelers with the arrest of three n ALSO INDICTED
members of an inter-state gang Apart from Chadha, his accom-
of vehicle lifters, the team on CHANDIGARH:President of Chandi- plice, Om Pal Chawar, has also
Tuesday arrested their two garh Sweepers’ Union, Krishan been indicted for similar reasons
accomplices. Chadha, is in trouble again as the and might face an inquiry.
Inspector Aman Kumar, municipal corporation (MC) has While Chadha could not be
in-charge, crime branch, Sector begun a departmental inquiry reached, Chawar said the action
On the eve of Independence Day, VR Punjab mall in with collaboration 26, said the duo was identified as against him. taken against them was wrong.
Grecian Hospital, Sector 69, will organise a camp at the mall. The blood Tarlochan Singh, alias Raju Sar- A preliminary investigation “We attended a protest for the
units collected will be contributed to different military forces, such as dar, 36, a resident of Zirakpur, indicted him of canvassing for welfare of fellow workers where
CRPF and BSF. and Satvir Singh, 38, a native of the Congress party during the Congress leaders also happened
Where: Grecian Hospital First Aid Centre, VR Punjab, Mohali Uttar Pradesh. 2019 Lok Sabha (LS) elections. to be present. There was no polit-
KumarsaidTarlochanusedto The inquiry revealed that ical canvassing. We even gave
When: 12pm prepare fake registration certifi- Chadha violated the service our reply to our departments,”
cates with affidavits to fool peo- rules, as being a regular he claimed.
ple into purchasing stolen vehi- employee of the MC, he could Two months back, Chadha
MEMORIAL cles. “A total of 40 more stolen n Chandigarh MP Kirron Kher tries her hand at basketball after inaugurating the basketball and not participate in political was suspended for misbehaving
LECTURE motorcycles have been recov- volleyball court at Government High School in Sector 45, Chandigarh, on Tuesday. KESHAV SINGH/HT programmes. with mayor Rajesh Kalia. The
Panjab University is organising the ered,takingthetallyofrecovered MC commissioner KK Yadav mayor had accused him of
first Balram Ji Dass Tandon Memo- booty to 101,” the inspector said. said a chargesheet will be issued attempting to manhandle him
rial Lecture. Vice-president and PU Various items used to prepare against Chadha for the violation during a sanitation depart-
chancellor, M Venkaiah Naidu, will
deliver it. Former governor of
Chhattisgarh, Tandon was one of
the founder members of Jan
fake documents, including a
CPU, monitor, printer, scanner,
keyboard, pen drives, fake
Expedite smart city projects: Kher of service rules.
He said that no employee of
the civic body could participate
ment’s meeting at the MC build-
ing in Sector 17. Kalia had even
alleged that Chadha threatened
stamps, etc., were recovered HT Correspondent ernance services. in political activities while in him and other officials during
Sangh, the parent organisation from Tarlochan. n RECOMMENDS BRINGING He said tenders for most of service. He also said adequate the meeting. Later, the duo
of the Bharatiya Janata Party.
Where: Law Auditorium, Panjab University; When: 10am
He said after stealing the vehi-
cles, the gang members CHANDIGARH :Chandigarh mem-
DOWN TIME TAKEN IN these projects will be finalised
by August end.
action might be taken against
Chadha based on the departmen-
reached a compromise, follow-
ing which the suspension order
approached Tarlochan for fake ber of Parliament (MP) Kirron PROCEDURAL ACTIVITIES During the meeting, Kher tal inquiry report. was revoked.
documents, and then targeted Kher on Tuesday emphasised on AND APPROVALS told Yadav to ensure that these
APNI MANDI daily wagers working at brick expediting development works works started on ground at the
CHANDIGARH :Sectors 15B,
Sector 15B kiln factories to sell them vehi- mooted under the Smart City FROM COMMITTEES earliest. She also directed him to
Sector 40A cles. “They sold off the two- Mission to bring timely benefits expedite the long-pending refur-
40A and 46
Chandigarh wheelers with fake registration to city residents. that tenders for projects worth bishment of the Sector-17 Plaza.
MOHALI :Phase 11 and
Sector 57 certificates for ₹12,000 to ₹15,000 Kher, who chaired the advi- ₹666 crore had been issued. She concluded the meeting with
Sector 57
to daily wagers,” he added. sory committee meeting of These included upgrade of five the direction to hold review
PANCHKULA :Sector 26 Mohali
Sector 46 The inspector said earlier Tar- Chandigarh Smart City Limited sewage treatment plants meetings more frequently.
Panchkula lochan was booked by Chandi- (CSCL), recommended to bring (STP) and construction of one Mayor Rajesh Kalia, UT chief
Phase 11 garh Police for duping people on down the time taken in proce- STP at Kishangarh at a total cost engineer Mukesh Anand, MC
the pretext of sending them dural activities and approvals of ₹550 crore. chief engineer Manoj Kumar
Sector 26 abroad. Two more gang mem- from different committees. Others included public bike Bansal and CSCL general man-
To list events write to us at bers, Navi and Nashir, are still at During the meeting, CSCL sharing, bio-mining of legacy ager NP Sharma also attended
large. CEO KK Yadav informed Kher waste at Dadumajra, and e-gov- the meeting.



04 education/ tricity hindustantimes H INDUSTA N TIMES, C H A N D I G AR H

PU senate to discuss C I T I Z E N S O F E X C E L L E N C E

tenure extension of INDEPENDENCE DAY AWARDS

For their excellent contribution to fields including education, social service, sports, administration and bravery, 21 residents of Chandigarh will
be honoured with commendation certificates during the Independence Day function to be held at Sector 17 Parade Ground on August 15. UT
administrator VP Singh Badnore will give away the awards to the selected achievers.

DSWs on August 22
AGENDA In May, syndicate had recommended extending
tenure of three officials by one year; V-C had opposed it
Arshdeep Arshi n Harbhajan Kaur, philanthropist
CHANDIGARH : Panjab University
senate will meet on August 22
OF 26 POSTS AGAINST EX V-C Good Samaritan: n Kulwant Singh, n JS Jayara, principal, n Amarjeet Singh, n Anita Kaushal,
and take up the agenda of exten-
sion of tenure of dean students’
welfare (men) Emanuel Nahar,
CHANDIGARH: PU senate will
discuss the agenda of adver-
tisement of 26 posts by the
CHANDIGARH: PU senate will
also take up the agenda of the
complaint against the former
City woman Home Guard Institute for the Blind-26 leading fireman principal, PGCG-11

DSW (women) Neena Capalash

and associate DSW Ranjan
university for which the last
date to apply was July 29. The
advertisement was withheld
V-C Arun K Grover, filed by a
PhD scholar under Section 3
(2) of the Sexual Harassment
donates ₹25 lakh
The syndicate in its meeting
on May 28 had unanimously rec-
after the syndicate members
on July 30 raised the issue
of Women at Work Place Act,
2013. The section deals with
over 10 years
ommended extension in tenure that the V-C formed an extra- interference or creating an
by one year to the three officials. constitutional committee. intimidating or hostile work HT Correspondent
Vice-chancellor Raj Kumar, They said the posts were environment. The PhD n
however, had recorded strong advertised without syndi- scholar had alleged that
reservation against the syndi- cate’s approval. They alleged Grover had tried to influence CHANDIGARH : Taking inspiration
cate’s resolution and had not rec- that these posts were differ- the faculty to act against her from the principles of Sikhism,
ommend the move. ent from the list approved by by cancelling her PhD regis- 70-year-old Harbhajan Kaur, a n Mahender Singh, principal, n Dr Upendrajeet Singh Gill, n Komil Tyagi, sr assistant n Dharam Vir,
The syndicate had resolved the ministry of human tration. The matter is sub- Chandigarh-based philanthro- Government College of Yoga state nodal officer (health) professor, MCM DAV junior assistant, GCA-10
that the three will continue in resource development. judice. pist, has donated all her life sav-
their current positions till the ings for the welfare of economi-
final decision by the senate, cally weaker sections in the city.
which will be taken up in the cate even said that the agenda of As per the minutes of the Kaur, an economics postgrad-
meeting on August 22. the May 28 meeting was changed meeting, the V-C had requested uate and former Markfed
The term of the three DSWs in the last minute: from giving them with ‘folded hands’ that “he employee, said that all the life
ended on May 31 this year and extension in tenure to the three should be given one official of his savings, including the money she
the syndicate had recommended officials to appointment of new choice.” The syndicate members received on her retirement, has
an extension up to May 31, 2020. persons. had said that it is also his (V-C’s) been distributed among needy
The V-C in the meeting had duty to agree with the syndicate and orphans.
V-C WANTED CHANGE said that he has to execute day- because it is a “two-way traffic.” “In the last one decade, I have
As per the minutes of the syndi- to-day things. He said that he The DSWs were given exten- donated around ₹25 lakh for poor
cate meeting, the V-C wanted to was doing a lot of monitoring and sion of one year by the senate in widows through monthly finan-
change the three officials, how- he would not recommend exten- 2018, taking into consideration cial pensions, needy and deserv- n Alka Jain, associate n Satbir Singh, a resident of n Piyush Sharma, a resident n Rajinder Singh,
ever, syndicate members were sion to the three officials. The the Panjab University Campus ing students through fee and professor, GCA-10 Sector 7, Chandigarh of Sector 37, Chandigarh senior architect, UT
unanimously of the opinion to meeting was even adjourned for Students’ Council (PUCSC) elec- books, livelihood options to those
give extension to them. two hours as the V-C did not wish tions. The 2019 elections are due distraught by circumstances, dis-
Some members of the syndi- to budge from his stand. in September this year. tressed and helpless patients at
PGIMER and other hospitals
through medicines and treat-

PU stops student ment without any consideration
of caste, creed and religion,”
Kaur says.
On July 13, she donated 20

STREET FOOD body from holding wheelchairs to the advanced

trauma centre of PGIMER.
“Wherever I go, people ask me

VENDORS talk on Kashmir what motivates me to donate, and

my response is always the same:
Gurbani teaches us, kirat
karo, naam japo, wand chhako. I
n Ramesh Lal Chugh, excise
and taxation officer, UT
n Rohit Kumar Saini,
forester, UT
n Mukesh Kumar, a resident of
n Nitin Mahajan, a resident of
Sector 15, Chandigarh

CHANDIGARH:As many as 13 street HT Correspondent the event. am of the conviction that

food vendors attended the 8th n On Tuesday, the Chandigarh Almighty has assigned us some
capacity building and training deputy superintendent of police duty to make our lives worth-
workshop jointly organised by CHANDIGARH : Punjab Students’ and station house officer of Sec- while. Charity gives us peace
the department of community Union (Lalkaar), a student group tor 11 police station, along with which no material possession can
medicine and school of public of Panjab University, on Tues- the DSW met with the students. ensure.”
health, Postgraduate Institute of day condemned the varsity Amandeep said they were told Harbhajan has also opened
Medical Education and Research authorities for refusing them the not to hold the discussion in the charitable physiotherapy cen-
(PGIMER), and Chandigarh holding of an open discussion on light of Independence Day as it tres, stitching centres and even
municipal corporation (MC) on abrogation of Article 370 and 35 A could harm the atmosphere in facilitated construction of shel-
Tuesday. on the university campus. the university. ters in gurdwaras to support the
The vendors received free The student body was to hold He said, “We told them it was poor and needy.
hygiene kit which included the discussion on Tuesday but its an open discussion and students She was born in Malukkalan n Sushil Kumar Sharma, n Meera Bheri, n Nazil, assistant professor, n Satvinder Singh,
aprons, gloves, head covers and representative received a call could present their views. When village in Hoshiarpur district, superintendent, UT constable GRIID-31 sub-inspector
easy to understand IEC (effective from Sector 11 police station ask- the whole of the country is debat- and has three children.
information, education and com- ing them to withhold the event. ing it, how can it be against the
munication) material. They were The representative of the country? The authorities agreed
also examined by doctors of the
community medicine, PGIMER.
Training sessions focussed on
bylaws of the MC, Food Safety
union, Amandeep Singh, said
that the policeperson said the
event could disrupt the peaceful
atmosphere of the university.
to let us hold the discussion.
Now, we will hold it on August 19
The DSW said, “The DSP had
PUCSC elections: University issues 13-point circular
and Standard Regulation Act, They argued with the policeman met the students in view of vice- Arshdeep Arshi play, along with mentioning the Presidential candidate of Stu-
Street Vendors Act, Swacchh that this was a matter of the uni- president of India M Venkaiah n number of students participating dents’ Organisation of India (SOI)
Bharat Mission, women empow- versity and only the university Naidu’s visit on August 14 so that in it. They will have to ensure that MAJOR DIRECTIONS Chetan Chaudhary said, “This is
erment and prevention of exploi- could allow or deny them per- no issue is created. The students CHANDIGARH : Panjab University no outsiders participate in such dictatorship. If we have to hold a
tation. mission. Afterwards, they did not know that they have to has issued a 13-point circular on events. n 3-day prior permission to be n Content of posters has to be protest on any issue that may
Sukhjinder Singh, dietician, received a call from dean stu- give an application in the regard. Tuesday for the student organisa- Further, the events can only be taken before any protest/event approved by the DSW arise, even if in a particular hos-
dietary department of PGIMER, dents’ welfare (DSW) Emanuel We have allowed them to hold tions in view of the upcoming held in the ground behind the n Number of participants have to n Trespassing in PU offices is not tel, should we ask for permission
highlighted the importance of Nahar asking them to not hold the discussion (at a later date).” Panjab University Campus Stu- main library, outer parking near be mentioned for organising allowed first? This is completely ridicu-
safety uniform features (like dents’ Council (PUCSC) elec- Girls’ Hostels 4 and 5 in Sector 14 protest/event n Guest entry/outside entry in lous.”
apron, head cover, gloves, etc). tions. The elections are held and the outer parking near Girls’ n Events are to be held at desig- hostels not allowed till further Former PUCSC president and
He also demonstrated the right
way of wearing them.
To increase awareness about
PU faculty bags India every year in September.
A meeting of the committee
constituted by vice-chancellor
Hostels 8 and 9 (opposite Interna-
tional hostel, Sector 25).
nated spaces only orders representative of Students For
Society, Kanupriya, said, “Like
the Indian government, the uni-
financial literacy, various micro
financing schemes were
explained to street food vendors
Top Cited Author Award Raj Kumar under the chairman-
ship of dean research RK Singla
was held on August 8.
The student organisations will
have to take permission of the
dents at the earliest. No trespass-
ing in the offices of PU is allowed.
Defacement of buildings/
The circular further says that
guest entry/outside entry is not
versity administration is also
crushing the space for dissent.
We strongly condemn such atti-
by Harkit Singh, senior manager HT Correspondent subsidiary of Institute of Phys- The circular has been issued DSW for pasting/releasing any walls/trees of the campus will be allowed in the hostels till further tude of the administration.”
of Punjab National Bank. n ics based in the United King- after Students for Society (SFS) type of posters, after getting the punished under the Defacement orders. Meanwhile, dean students’
Dr Pushkar from PGIMER dom. and Akhil Bharatiya Vidhyarthi content approved. Hurtful/pro- Act and the charges for removing welfare (men) Emanuel Nahar
explained the vendors the critical CHANDIGARH: Faculty at the Insti- The award was presented to Parishad (ABVP) clashed over an vocative content will not allowed. the same will be recovered from ‘ATTACK ON FREEDOM’ said, “The circular has been
points from where the food can tute of Forensic Science & Crim- him at PU by the company repre- objectionable poster. The circular also says the the concerned student organisa- Students’ Federation of India issued in order to maintain peace
get contaminated. He empha- inology, Panjab University (PU), sentative, Arti Manoja, on Tues- As per the circular, the student entry of outsiders is totally tions. (SFI) president Abhilash Raj- in view of the upcoming PUCSC
sised on the sources of infection Vishal Sharma, was conferred day. Sharma dedicated the organisations will have to take banned. The university has Anyone indulging in vandal- khowa termed the circular “an elections. The students do not
that leads to food related health with the India Top Cited Author award to his father who passed permission at least three days requested chairpersons/direct- ism or unlawful activities will be attack on the freedom of speech need to worry and we are here to
issues. HTC Award 2019 by IOP Publishing, a away in 2018. prior to organising any protest/ ors to issue ID cards to new stu- punished as per law, the circular and students’ rights.” cooperate with them.”

schoolnotes campusconnect
Rakshabandhan SAINT SOLDIER INT’L SCHOOL and presented various patriotic
PU EXTENDS PU declares results training head of Fortis Healthcare,
performances to mark the upcoming CHANDIGARH: Panjab University Mohali, Dr Jaspreet Ahluwalia, was
ST TERESA CONVENT Grandparents day Independence Day on Tuesday. The DATE FOR NSS declared the results of BEd (mental the speaker. She spoke on ways to
programme began with the unfurl- maintain personal hygiene and
PANCHKULA: St Teresa Convent CHANDIGARH: Grandparents Day
ing of the national flag by the
ENROLMENT retardation) fourth semester, MA
importance of homemade food.
School, Sector 25, celebrated Raksha- was celebrated at Saint Soldier (governance and leadership) second
bandhan on Tuesday. An inter-house International School, Sector 28-B, on principal. CHANDIGARH: Panjab University has
semester, MA (history) fourth semes-
rakhi-making activity was con- Tuesday. Students of Nursery Class extended the last date for enrolment
ter, MSc (environment science) second
PISA pilot project launched
ducted. Students showcased their sang songs and danced to the tune of for volunteers of National Service CHANDIGARH : Following Chandi-
semester, MSc (mathematics) second
creativity and decorated thaalis. ‘grandparents – you are special’. PANCHKULA: Doon Public School, Scheme (NSS) in its teaching depart- garh’s selection for the Programme
semester, MA (economics) second
Students were apprised of the Sector 21, celebrated Independence ments and its affiliated colleges to for International Student Assessment
RYAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL semester, MA (history of visual arts)
significance of the festival. Day. The celebrations began with a August 31. Students who enrol and (PISA) which will conducted in 2021,
fourth semester, for the examinations
dance performance by the students participate in NSS activities for one UT education department along with
KIDS ‘R’ KIDS Collage making which showcased the spirit of the year will get a certificate. Similarly,
held in May 2019; and of BSc (honours)
in biophysics,third semester, for the Khan Academy, on Tuesday launched
CHANDIGARH: A Rakhi-making and MOHALI: , Rainy day brings joy and Indian soldiers. Students presented those who will complete two or three a pilot project for providing coaching
examinations held in December 2018.
greeting card-making workshop was happiness in nature and the sur- speeches, patriotic songs and dances. years as regular NSS volunteers will be to the students at Government Model
Students can see their results on
held at Kids ‘R’ Kids School, Sector rounding. It uplifts the mood of SHISHU NIKETAN PUBLIC SCHOOL awarded B and C certificates. More High School, Sector 8. Education
websites of the respective depart-
42-C, on Tuesday. Students used people by making atmosphere calm information can be accorded from secretary BL Sharma was the chief
beads, satin ribbons, sequins, motifs, and serene. Young minds of Montes- Cultural fest NSS office at PU. Students can guest on the occasion. The pilot
laces and silk threads to make sori got working on collage on rainy download the NSS form from the CCA conducts mentorship project will be tested in nine govern-
season and unleashed their PANCHKULA: Shishu Niketan Public link:
beautiful rakhis. Their mothers also School, Sector 5, conducted its programme for MArch ment schools of the city. Under the
joined them. creativity. forms/20111220123109- model, students are given training/
cultural fest, Tarang, on Tuesday. The NSSForm.pdf?124608520819 CHANDIGARH: Second mentorship
SANAWAR MONTESSORI SCHOOL AKSIPS-45 event was presided over by the assignments during school hours.
programme for the students of
CHANDIGARH: Students of Sanawar principal Ranjna Bakshi. Students and Hindi dept releases new Masters of Architecture was con-
Workshop on peace their parents enjoyed the delicacies ducted at Chandigarh College of
Government college
Montessori School, Sector 11, cele- issue of research journal students stage dharna
brated Rakshabandhan on Tuesday. CHANDIGARH: Aiming to achieve the and culture of Rajasthan, Haryana Architecture (CCA) here on Tuesday.
nDressed as soldiers, students of Gian Jyoti Global School take out a peace of mind and to train the staff and Punjab. CHANDIGARH: Panjab University RUPNAGAR: Students of Government
The entire school came dressed in Principal Sangeeta Bagga said the
march during I-Day celebrations in Mohali on Tuesday. HT PHOTO members to be cheerful and enthusi-
vice-chancellor Raj Kumar on Tuesday College, Rupnagar, under the banner
traditional attire. The celebrations SAUPIN’S-MOHALI postgraduate course at CCA was a
astic a workshop on Positive Aura released the new issue of 'Parishodh,' of Punjab Students Union, staged a
began with special morning assem- long felt need of students and this
the research journal brought out by dharna in the college to press their
bly. SAUPIN’S-PANCHKULA MOUNT CARMEL SCHOOL was held at AKSIPS 45 Smart School Robotics contest the department of Hindi. The last
year all the 20 seats were filled
wherein the experts from the through all India competition. demands. President of the college’s
SMD LITTLE CHAMP Cyber bullying Environmental fortnight Brahma kumari’s Foundation inter- MOHALI: Saupin’s School, Sector 70, issue came out on September 14 last PSU unit, Arpan Singh, said that
acted with the teachers. organised the Robomania 2K19, a year. Chairpesron Gurmeet Singh said Session on healthy drinking water was not available in
PANCHKULA: Rakshabandhan was PANCHKULA: To apprise students CHANDIGARH: The environment robotics contest, on Tuesday. More the journal was started by noted living held at MCM the college and college authorities
celebrated at SMD Little Champ about what cyber bullying is and fortnight celebrations organised at than 150 students from across tricity
Smart School Sector 2, on Tuesday. how to protect oneself from being Mount Carmel School culminated on
Independence Day Hindi writer Hazari Prasad Dwivedi in
CHANDIGARH: The swachhta commit-
had not done anything in this regard
took part in various categories. The the year 1964. He said the current despite submission of memorandums
Students prepared beautiful Rakhis bullied, a seminar on cyber bullying Tuesday. Children wore green head GIAN JYOTI contest had two categories, open tee of MCM DAV College for Women
issue has been dedicated to Jnanpith several times. He also alleged that
with waste material. Sisters tied was organised in the school audito- gears and carried placards. The and lego. It included four events, organised a session on ‘Healthy
MOHALI: Students of Gian Jyoti awardee writer Krishna Sobti who toilets and urinals of the college were
Rakhis to their brothers and got gifts rium. Students of Classes 6 to 8 were school cabinet and NSS volunteers robo fight, robo speed race, robo tug Living: Role of Hygiene Management
Global School, Phase 2, paid homage passed away in January this year. not clean and foul smell.
from them. apprised of cyber bullying. presented a sapling to each guest. of war and robo walk. Techniques’ on Tuesday. Regional
to the freedom fighters of the nation



WE DNESDAY, AUGUST 14 , 2019 hindustantimes tricity & beyond 05

New Sunny Enclave ESCAPE UNHURT

residents left in lurch AS SCHOOL BUS Memories of the colonial past

OVERTURNS CONNECT Books chronicling
the life of freedom fighters, the
PENDING DUES Builder Bajwa Developers has not fully paid
HT Correspondent
electricity bills to the Punjab State Power Corporation Limited n trauma of Partition are popular
Idrees Bukhtiyar

MOHALI: The residents of

New Sunny Enclave, Sector 123,
are facing frequent power snags
as the builder of the project,
› There are no
permanent electricity
connections here. They
have given us power
ing ₹6,000 per month to the
builder as electricity charges.
“Earlier, they were charging us
₹10 per unit, which they reduced
to ₹8 per unit. But still, we are get-
ting hefty bills,” he said.
On August 9, the area faced a
RUPNAGAR : More than two dozen
students of St Carmel School,
Katli, had a narrow escape after
their school bus overturned in
the paddy fields near Majri
Jattan village, around four kilo-
meters from Rupnagar, on Tues-
Aishwarya Khosla

CHANDIGARH: After Bhagat Singh, Raj-

guru and Sukhdev were hung, the
British unceremoniously dumped
their bodies. The women of Punjab
Bajwa Developers, failed to pay connections from the power cut for nine hours. day morning. went across villages singing wedding
the electricity bill to the Punjab In June, sources in the PSPCL As per the bus driver, Nirmal songs in honour of the revolutionary, n Books on the freedom movement
State Power Corporation Limited streetlight poles outside said the developer had failed to Singh, he was driving to the who died too young, writes socio-cul- have become a part of Punjab’s folk
(PSPCL) on time. pay the previous year’s bill of ₹32 school on Grewal-Majri Jattan tural historian Ishwar Dayal Gaur in culture.
“We are suffering each day.
our homes. lakh, which is why the electricity road when a scooter came in Martyr As Bridegroom.

There have been multiple instan- BAL KRISHAN SHARMA, resident was snapped. The builder depos- front of the bus and in a an Stories such as these have become a and Urvashi Butalia’s The Other Side
ces when the electricity was ited an amount of ₹10 lakh after attempt to save it, he lost control part of the folk culture of Punjab. Nat- Of Silence: Voices From The Partition
snapped without any reason,” two days, following which elec- on the bus, and overturned. urally, books on the subject generate a Of India. “Khushwant Singh’s Train
said Pankaj Chauhan, secretary, Bal Krishan Sharma, a local tricity was restored. A depart- All the students are safe. lot of interest. To Pakistan, Bhisham Sahni’s Tamas,
Residents’ Welfare Association resident, said the builder had ment official, requesting ano- “Books tracing the life of Bhagat and Sadat Hassan Manto’s stories are
(RWA), New Sunny Enclave, add- given them illegal power connec- nymity, said the developer had DRIVER SAYS A SCOOTER Singh and Udham Singh do rather perennial favourites,” he says.
ing that they had taken up the tions. “There are no permanent paid ₹22 lakhs since June as dues. well,” says Ajay Arora, proprietor of The Patient Assassin: A True Tale
matter with the local MLA as electricity connections here. As per the data shared by the
CAME IN FRONT OF THE Capital Book Depot, in Sector 17. of Massacre, Revenge And The Raj by
well, but to no avail. They have given us power con- PSPCL, the builder now has to BUS AND IN AN ATTEMPT “Bhagat Singh’s essay, Why I Am An Anita Anand, which charts Udham
RWA president SS Binder
said, “It is the fifth time this year
nections from the streetlight
poles outside our homes,”
pay ₹47,311 as default amount and
₹2 lakh as outstanding amount of
TO SAVE IT, HE LOST Atheist and Bhagat Singh’s ‘Jail Note-
book’, the fifth volume in the Hanging
Singh’s 21-year-long quest for revenge
is a must-read.
that the builder failed to pay the Sharma said. New Sunny Enclave. The total CONTROL OF Of Bhagat Singh series edited by Mal- Anchal Malhotra’s Remnants Of A
electricity bill on time, leaving us
at the receiving end.”
RWA joint secretary Raman
Makkar said they have been pay-
defaulting amount since 2017
against the builder is ₹13 lakh .
THE VEHICLE winder Jit Singh Waraich, The Bhagat
Singh Reader, edited by Chaman Lal,
Separation: A History Of The Parti-
tion Through Material Memory
Bhagat Singh Liberation’s Blazing should definitely be read by anybody
Star by PMS Grewal and Trials of Bha- hoping to understand the trauma of

25 vehicles
impounded from
Security beefed up in Mohali gat Singh: Politics of Justice penned
by AG Noorani are books worth going
through. Books containing facsimiles
of Bhagat Singh’s actual notes are
tition by Yasmin Khan, Indian Sum-
mer: The Secret History Of The End Of
Partition. Malhotra traces memories
through objects. A coin-collection,
ghara (a pot), a gaz (measuring
device), a gift of pearls from a maha-

railway station ahead of I-Day celebrations especially popular,” he adds.

Pankaj P Singh, who owns The
Browser Library and Bookstore in
Sector 8, recommends The Great Par-
An Empire by British historian Alex
Von Tunzelmann, Shameful Flight, by
Stanley Wolpert, which studies Brit-
ain’s ill-planned retreat from India,
raja, a maang-tikka (head ornament)
and a hand-stitched shawl among
other things, which made their way to
either side of the border.
HT Correspondent HT Correspondent
CHECK-POSTS HAVE On tuesday, she hoisted the tri-
n n
colour and inspected the parade
along with superintendent of
CHANDIGARH: The government
railway police (GRP)
MOHALI: Ahead of Independence
Day celebrations, security
SEVERAL SPOTS OF THE police Harvinder Singh Virk.
Contingents of police and
impounded 25 vehicles on Tues- has been tightened in the CITY, THE PATROLLING students from Mai Bhago Armed
day as they were parked at the
Chandigarh railway station for
over a year.
district, said senior superintend-
ent of police Kuldeep
Forces Preparatory Institute,
Mohali; Government College,
Phase 6; Shivalik
‘Bhagat Singh given market-oriented glamour’
The vehicles were The Mohali police held a check TEAMS HAS ALSO Public School, Sector-41B; Socio-cultural historian Ish- Aishwarya Khosla about a rich trove of folktales, Bhagat Singh’s idealism is
impounded during a checking at hotels, rented accommoda- Government Model Senior war Dayal Gaur, specialises Punjab’s cultural icons awakened my interest in reduced to his mustache and
organised at the railway station tions, the Chandigarh railway
BEEN INCREASED Secondary School, Phase 3B1, in the history of Punjab, its Punjab’s cultural history. pistol and has been given a
and its parking lots by the rail- station and bus stands on and Government Girls Senior literature and culture. He What prompted you to market-oriented glamour.
way police force (RPF), GRP and Tuesday. “Entry points of the district Secondary School, Sohana, has authored Martyr As research figures like Bhagat Your autobiography People put up posts on Hir-
the UT police. Check-posts have been have been sealed and checking on participated in the parade. Bridegroom and Society and Singh and Hir Ranjha? will be called… Ranjha but don’t under-
The vehicles include one installed at several spots of the the inter-state border points A cultural programme was Religion and Patriarchy: Bhagat Singh, Hir Ranjha Unfolding the Self, as you stand that they were fight-
car, three autos and 20 motor- city. increased,” he said. presented in which 1,150 students Exploring Medieval and Maharaja Ranjit Singh remember everything but ing patriarchy. People make
bikes. The patrolling time of the participated. Punjab are our common cultural you forget yourself and your incendiary remarks on com-
GRP station house officer Police Control Room (PCR) teams DRESS REHEARSAL AT They sang patriotic songs and Through Hir icons. They are our icons roots. As a cultural histo- munal grounds but forget
Naresh Kumar said, “Further has also been increased. MOHALI GOVT COLLEGE performed bhangra. Waris. He is across the border. They rian, I try to excavate cul- Hir Ranjha were Muslim,
proceedings will take place after Meanwhile, a dress rehearsal for Punjab Vidhan Sabha speaker at present alone unite Punjabis across tural roots, which help us to Guru Nanak’s companion
the identification of the owners 600 POLICE PERSONAL the Independence Day Rana KP Singh will working on the world. understand political and was a Muslim-man Bhai
of the vehicles.” DEPLOYED AT MOHALI celebrations was held at Govern- be the chief guest on the a book on communal divisions. Mardana and most of Maha-
He said, “The UT police, RPF GOVERNMENT COLLEGE ment College, Phase 6, Mohali. D-day. Maharaja How did you get interested in raja Ranjit Singh’s council
and GRP has to enhance secu- Chahal said 600 police personal Additional deputy commis- “All preparations for the func- Ranjit Singh. the cultural history of Punjab? Is the youth still in touch with of ministers was also Mus-
rity measures for Independence have been deployed at Govern- sioner (ADC) Sakshi Sawhney tion are in place. Instructions He speaks to My grandfather, who was their cultural roots? lim. Punjab’s composite cul-
Day. We will depute police per- ment College Phase 6, Mohali, said all preparations and have been issued to HT’s teacher, and my mother, The youth is drifting away ture could not be divided in a
sonnel at all sensitive points where the 73rd Independence security arrangements for the ensure arrangements for who was unlettered but had from their cultural roots. single day.
including the station’s entrance Day celebrations are due to Independence Day function are students participating in various
and all six platforms.” take place. in place. events,” said Sawhney.


Mail services
PANCHKULA : In view of the
Independence Day celebrations, a
restored for
full-dress rehearsal was held at
Parade Ground, Sector 5, in
Panchkula on Tuesday.
Jammu and Leh
HT Correspondent
A march past was also performed n
by troops of police, Home Guard
volunteers and NCC scouts. CHANDIGARH : The postal depart-
Committees have been formed ment has revoked the suspension
for maintaining security, coordi-
of booking and transfer of articles
nating traffic and parking, and
meant for Jammu and Leh. How-
ensuring transport facility for
participants. ever, mail services for Kashmir
will remain suspended until fur-
Panchkula deputy commissioner ther orders.
(DC) Mukesh Kumar Ahuja was In an official communication
present and hoisted the flag. to all circle heads by Abhishek
He gave guidelines to the officials Kumar Singh, assistant director
in-charge for the district-level general of mail operations, servi-
Independence Day programme to ces will remain suspended in
be held at the Parade Ground Kashmir until conditions are
from 9am on Thursday. restored to normal. The depart-
The DC further directed all ment had suspended mail servi-
officials to complete arrange- ces for the Jammu and Kashmir
ments for the event by Wednes- circle from August 05.
day. A senior officer at general post
Ahuja said Haryana health and office, Sector 17-D, informed that
sports minister Anil Vij will unfurl bookings and transfer of articles
the national flag and flag-off 15 to Jammu and Leh were restarted
ambulances from the health three days back after verbal com-
department. munication was received from
n Preparations for “Freedom fighters, war veterans, officials in Delhi. “However, the
Independence Day family members of martyrs and official order has come on Tues-
were held with vigour residents who achieved remarka- day,” he said. Earlier, in a letter
with full-dress rehearsals ble feats in different areas will be circulated to all circle heads by
at the Parade Ground in felicitated during the function,” Pawan Kumar Singh, director of
Sector 5, Panchkula the DC said. HTC mail operations, post offices
(above), and at the Parade across the country were directed
Ground in Sector 17, not to book mails which are
Chandigarh (below), on meant to be sent to J&K.

Minor’s gangrape:
Accused sent to
judicial custody
MOHALI : A 25-year-old man, who
was the main accused in the gan-
grape of a minor girl from Amb
Sahib Colony in June, was sent to
judicial custody on Tuesday.
“The accused, identified as
Raman, was arrested on August 9
and was on remand till yesterday
(Monday). He was produced
before a court which sent him to
14-day judicial custody,” police
said. A resident of Amb Sahib Col-
ony, Phase 11, Mohali, the
accused was arrested on Friday.
He had also uploaded an obscene
video of the victim online. Two of
his accomplices, Ajay and Rahul,
have been arrested, while three
others are at large.
The crime had come to the fore
in June this year after the vic-
tim’s brother came across the
video and questioned her. HTC



06 sport hindustantimes H INDUSTA N TIMES, C H A N D I G AR H

Army XI score 5-3 victory over

Day 1: Hard-fought victories Air India in All-India hockey
for Ajay, Prithvi in boys’ U-19 HT Correspondent

BENGALURU : A sensational come-

back by Bharat Petroleum Cor-
poration Ltd (BPCL) in the
IOCL (Affan Yousaf 3’, Tal-
winder Singh 8’, Gurjinder
(14 MIN AND 50 MIN),
JUNIOR BADMINTON Ajay beat Sanyam 7-15, 15-11, 15-11, Prithvi ousts Shasvat 15,11, 13-15, 15-12, in dying minutes of the match
ensured they drew 5-5 against
Singh 14’, Gurjinder Singh 20’,
Sumit Kumar 42’) drew with AND SIRAJU ALIRA (59
qualification matches; In the girls’ U-19 qualification matches Shagunpreet beats Mahima 15-6,15-12 nemesis Indian Oil Corporation BPCL (Devinder Walmiki 10’,
Mohd Amir Khan 20’, Shilan-
HT Correspondent
Ltd (IOCL) in a high-scoring
Pool A encounter here at the
and Lakra 39’, Abharan Sudev SCORERS FOR ARMY XI
57’, Mohd Amir Khan 59’) 5-5
n Dolo-650 Bangalore Cup All
India Hockey Tournament 2019 Army XI (Prathap Shindhe 8’, quarter, making them settle for
CHANDIGARH: Ajay Dhankar, (Men) on Tuesday. Rajant Rajput 14’ & 50’, Binay a draw.
Prithvi Kapoor secured hard- It was late goals by Bengaluru Bengra 20’, Siraju Alira 59’) In another fiercely-fought
fought wins in the boys’ lad Abharan Sudev (57’) and beat Air India, Mumbai (Arjun Pool B match, Army XI over-
Sharma 26’, Shivendra Singh
under-19 qualifying matches on Mohd. Amir Khan (59’) that top- came a stiff challenge from Air
39’ & 41’) 5-3
the first day of the Yonex Sun- pled a strong 5-3 lead posted by India, Mumbai, to beat them 5-3.
rise 28th Krishna Khaitan IOCL through goals by Affan It was Army XI who made a
Memorial All-India Junior Yousaf (3’), Talwinder Singh Amir Khan’s 18th minute goal. dominating start with a 3-0 lead
Prize Money Selection Badmin- (8’), Gurjinder Singh (14’ & 20’) The third quarter saw BPCL following goals by Prathap
ton Tournament at Multipur- and Sumit Kumar (42’) to even- make amends to a poor start as Shindhe (8’), Rajant Rajput (14’)
pose Hall in Tau Devi Lal Sta- tually play a draw 5-5. they stitched together a tight and Binay Bengra (20’).
dium, Sector 3, Panchkula, on The high-voltage match lived defence while their fowards Air India bounced back with
Tuesday. up to the billing with both teams worked in tandem to create an improvised attack to score in
Ajay lost the first game 7-15 showcasing aggression in their potential circle entries. the 26th minute through Arjun
against Sanyam Grover, but pursuit from hooter-to-hooter. In the 39th minute, unmarked Sharma and kept up the tempo
bounced back to win the next First quarter saw IOCL strik- Shilanand Lakra picked up a in the third quarter as they
two games 15-11, 15-11, while ers Talwinder Singh and Affan good assist by Dipsan Tirkey to struck back-to-back goals in the
Prithvi Kapoor started well Yousaf work a lethal combina- score from the top of the 39th and 41st minute through
against Shasvat Vijay V win- tion in the forwardline to earn a circle. star striker Shivendra Singh.
ning the first game 15-11. splendid 2-0 lead within eight The following minutes saw But a tiring Air India team
Shasvat came back to win the minutes from start time. Sumit Kumar score from a were a no-match to Army XI’s
second game 15-13. In the final Though an infringement by rebound that came off the BPCL fitness and grit as they held
game, Prithvi won 15-12 to move IOCL defenders in the circle goalkeeper Vikas Dahiya’s pads their nerves till the final hooter.
into next round. gave away a penalty stroke after he defended Yuvraj Wal- Missing PCs added to Air
In other matches, Ojaswi which was well-converted by miki’s shot on goal. India’s woes while Army XI
Sharma beat Faizan Ahmed Devinder Walmiki and nar- The 42nd minute goal marched to victory with crucial
16-14,15-9, while Jhashank rowed IOCL lead to 2-1, goals by ensured IOCL stayed ahead 5-3 goals in the 50th minute and
Kashyap outplayed Ayush Nar- dragflicker Gurjinder Singh (14’ but poor finishing and lacklus- 59th minute through Rajant Raj-
ang 15-13,15-4. & 20’) ensured IOCL stayed in 4-2 ter defence saw them concede put and Siraju Alira
Randeep Singh eased past lead despite BPCL forward two crucial goals in the final respectively.
Brijesh Verma 15-4,15-7, while
Anirudh Sunil secured a keenly
-contested win over Sahaj Tyagi
Saksham beat Om Pranav
Haryana Steelers Amateur golfer Sneha
15-9,15-8, while Rahoul Kanne
outclassed Shreeman Sanjal
Babu 15-6, 15-5.
n A shuttler in action on Day 1 of the Yonex Sunrise 28th Krishna Khaitan Memorial All-India Junior Prize Money Selection Badminton
Tournament at Multipurpose Hall in Tau Devi Lal Stadium, Sector 3, Panchkula, on Tuesday. SANT ARORA/HT take on UP Yoddha eyes glory again
Virendra Patel beat Lak- HT Correspondent Press Trust of India
shanka Vaishnav 15-8,15-8,
while Rohan Thool eased past AMANDEEP DRALL
Shiv Singla 15-7,15-6. Boys’ singles U-19 : Ajay Dhankhar Dhruvkumar Raval bt Anmol Bhatia Sahil Kumar bt Dorje Tamang Vidisha Chawla 15-6,15-2, Sai Shriya CHANDIGARH/AHMEDABAD: Haryana HYDERABAD: Amateur Sneha
Gaurav Sharma was bt Sanyam Grover 7-15,15-11,15-11; 15-8,15-9, Abhinaav K bt Angshuman 15-6,15-8, Rajiv Goyat bt Anuj Yanamandra bt Pramila Sharma Steelers have been on a roll ever Singh will be looking to clinch AND KAPURTHALA’S
stretched in the first game by Ojaswi Sharma bt Faizan Ahmed Gogoi 7-15,15-11,15-11, H Nagpal bt Bartwal 15-7,12-15,15-6, Ytharth 15-7,15-10, Deeya Mishra bt Sruthika since the return of raider Vikash her second title in succession GURSIMAR BADWAL
Sahil Kumar before winning 16-14,15-9, Jhashank Kashyap bt Aaryan Goyal 15-11,10-15,15-9, Madaan bt Akshit Narang Senthil 15-9,15-11, Yazvi Balooni bt Kandola and they will look to when she tees off at the 12th Leg
16-14,15-11, while Ansh Tirdia Ayush Narang 15-13,15-4, Randeep Shaurya Singh bt Hasil Tewari 15-12,15-17,15-12, Puranjay Sharma bt Vineeta Panchal 15-5,15-12, Urvi maintain their fine run on of the Hero Women’s Pro Golf
beat Vasu Rana 15-13,15-5. Y Singh bt Brijesh Verma 15-4,15-7, 15-7,15-9, Saharsh Mohan bt Aahan Jatin Gandhi 15-7,15-13, Akshat Negi Thakurdesai bt Rudrani Jaiswal Wednesday against UP Yoddha in Tour, starting on Wednesday, LEADING CONTENDERS
Madaan defeated Devansh Anirudh Sunil bt Sahaj Tyagi Pathak 15-9,15-13, Pankaj T bt bt Deepanshu 15-11,15-11, Anshul 15-10,12-15,15-7, Mahi Naresh bt their seventh match of the Pro here at the Boulder Hills Golf &
Sharma 15-10,15-8, while Kavin 16-14,12-15,15-4, Saksham bt Om Sehrawat 9-15,15-12,15-6, Madhav Budhwar bt Vishal Katheria Manvi Draboo 15-1,15-2, Sant Kaur bt Kabaddi League season seven at Country Club.
Thang beat Manav Choudhary Pranav 15-9,15-8, Rahoul Kanne bt Kanojia bt Harsh Anand Deshwal 15-10,15-10, Uneeth Krishna BV bt Niki Rapria 15-12,13-15,15-12, Akshita the EKA Arena in Ahmedabad. Winner of the 11th Leg at the
15-5,15-8. Shreeman Sanjal Babu 15-6,15-5, 10-15,15-12,15-9, A Chaudhary bt Harshit Sharma 16-14,15-12, Binay Anil Radha bt Radhika Sharma Vikash apart from impressing Hyderabad Golf Association Kapoor, to join a select band of
Virendra Patel bt Lakshanka Sachin Yadav 15-2,15-4, Kuber Varma Mahto bt Rajat Jakhar 15-11,15-7, 15-13,15-13, Sakshi Asrani bt Hazel
In the girls’ under-19 qualifi- with his raids has also been bril- course, local girl Sneha is also a amateurs who have won a pro
Vaishnav 15-8,15-8, Rohan Thool bt bt Vaasu Himmatrka 15-9,12-15,15-7, Adarsh Subramanian R bt Manasvi Sehrawat 15-6,15-10, Nikita bt Tia
cation matches, Shagunpreet liant defensively in the last few regular at the Boulder Hills event.
Shiv Singla 15-7,15-6, Gaurav Sharma M Rana bt Nikhil 15-10,15-10, Ankit 15-10,15-12, Chirag Seth bt Adarsh Mahajan 15-2,15-5, Soumya Ragha-
Kaur eased past Mahima Tomar bt Sahil Kumar 16-14,15-11, Ansh Chahal bt Yash Thombare 15-10,15-8, 15-4,15-7, Manoj DN bt Sunny Narwal van bt Divyanshi 15-6,15-5, Mili matches. Even though the team venue. That select band includes the
15-6,15-12, while Sheethal D Tirdia bt Vasu Rana 15-13,15-5, R Prithvi Kapoor bt Shasvat Vijay V 15-3,15-9, Naren Iyer bt Yuvraj Singh Verma bt Palak Arora 15-9,17-15, Riju were trailing for most parts of the Another amateur Shreya Pal, likes of Aditi Ashok, Diksha
secured a hard-fought win Goyat bt Shubh Tailor 15-11,13-15,15-12, Anish Chandra J bt 15-10,15-9, Harshit Nagpal bt Patidar bt Vedika Dahiya match against Bengaluru Bulls, who finished a creditable fifth Dagar, Tvesa Malik and Rid-
over Vidushi Singh 15-7, 12-15, 8-15,15-12,15-13, Y Madaan bt De- Mayank Aggarwal 15-8,15-5, Sannid- Anirudh Nair 13-15,15-4,15-8, Saharsh 7-15,15-10,15-9, Ananya Muni bt they never gave up. They fought last week, is also back in the hima Dilawari.
15-13. vansh Sharma 15-10,15-8, Kavin hya Nautiyal bt Tushar Pal 15-5,15-12, Mohan bt Yogeshwar Narang Jaismeen Malhi 15-4,13-15,15-11, hard and made sure they took field. Pranavi Urs, Gurbani Singh,
In other matches, Sneha Thang bt Manav Choudhary Sarthak Garg bt Anurag Singh 15-6,15-5, Tarun Sehrawat bt Peey- Khushi Thakkar bt Aashna Jagdev home all five points. Among the leading names Raksha Phadke and Mehar
Singh beat Megha Nasir 15-5,15-8, A Negi bt Pranav Makkar 15-8,15-6, Saket CS bt Aashish ush Singh 15-4,15-11, Abhishek 15-10,15-11, Samayara Panwar bt Jiya “We have been focusing a lot from the Pro Tour, Ridhima Dil- Atwal have also won titles on
15-4,15-6, while Divya outplayed 15-10,15-5, A Budhwar bt Shikhar Agnihotri 18-16,15-7, Arunsreevatsan Chaudhary bt Anhad Singh Pabla Rawat 15-11,15-11, Durva Gupta bt on our mistakes and making sure awari, three time winner this Hero WPG Tour as amateurs.
Vidisha Chawla 15-6,15-2. Nashine 15-10,12-15,15-10, Shiv M bt Ayush Dash 15-11,15-13, Harshit 15-11,15-13, Prithvi Kapoor bt Harshit Muskan 15-4,15-7, Pragya Juliani we don’t repeat them. In the ear- season leads the list, while oth- As the second half of the sea-
Sai Shriya Yanamandra had Bhardwaj bt Manish Pandey Gupta bt Harsh Kumar 15-11,15-6, A Mishra 15-5,15-3, Sannidhya Nautiyal Bodra bt Nimar Kaur Virk 15-10,15-6, lier matches when we made these ers include Hero Order of Merit son rolls on, regulars like
an easy outing as she disposed of 15-5,15-9, Uneeth Krishna BV bt B Fallary bt Apurv 15-13,15-8, H Jadhav bt Vinay Tyagi 15-13,15-10, Harshit Anushka Yadav bt Trisha Mahajan mistakes, we couldn’t come back. leader Gaurika Bishnoi and No. Amandeep Drall and Gursimar
the challenge of Pramila Mahto 15-10,16-14, , Charan Naik bt S Saroha 15-3,15-3, Taukir Ahmed Gupta bt Shailendra Bhatia 16-14,15-3, Shavi Bhatnagar bt You can expect us to play how we 2 Neha Tripathi. Badwal, who have often domi-
Sharma 15-7,15-10, while Deeya Kelavathu bt Varshith Reddy B bt Ved Singh 15-12,13-15,15-12, Ankit T 15-4,15-4, Arjun Fallary bt Anurag Charmie 15-7,15-13, Aarya Gharge bt played against the Bulls going Meanwhile, Panchkula’s nated the local tour and won
Mishra moved into next round 15-7,15-12, C Seth bt Arjun Parkash bt Boragohain 15-10,15-11, Bhuvak Jalan 17-15,11-15,19-17 Parul Gahlawat 15-5,15-10, Bhargavi forward in the league,” said Amandeep Drall and Kapur- numerous times, have won just
at the expense of Sruthika Sent- 15-9,15-8, Pushaan Leo Paul bt Dabas bt Jayasuriya B 15-13,15-11, Girls’ singles U-19: Shagunpreet K bt Sana Verma 16-18,15-11,15-5, Vikash. thala’s Gursimar Badwal are once each and would be looking
Anshuman Shukla 15-9,15-8, Manoj Saksh Bhatt bt Shahil Malik Kaur bt Mahima Tomar 15-6,15-12, Tanisha Giri bt Garima Kundu
hil 15-9,15-11. Defender Vikas Kale has been the other leading contenders in to add to that.
DN bt Avadh Bhati 15-5,15-11, Naren 15-8,15-8, Anurag Kumar bt Shiv Sheethal D bt Vidushi Singh 15-7,15-7, Meghana Reddy M bt Tanya
Yazvi Balooni beat Vineeta exceptional for the Steelers, play- the field. This season six players have
Iyer bt Sehaj Bhardwaj 15-5,15-6, Mishra 15-11,9-15,15-10, Pranay Katta 15-7,12-15,15-13, Sneha Singh bt Sharma 15-3,15-1, Divyanshi Sharma
Panchal 15-5,15-12, while Rajan Yadav bt Yash Tuteja 15-8,15-9, bt Udayveer 15-8,15-10, Kanishik bt Ria Singh 15-5,15-5, Riddhima ing his game to perfection. He has Last week Sneha, showing won the 11 events held so far,
Urvi Thakurdesai edged past Megha Nasir 15-4,15-6, Divya bt ensured the opponent’s trump maturity and caliber way with three of them -- Ridhima
S Sharma bt Lakshay Malik 15-5,15-8, Choudhari bt J Gumbar 15,15-13,17-15, Raturi bt Vaasvi Singal 15-7,15-13,
Rudrani Jaiswal 15-10, 12-15, card remains out of the pitch for beyond her 15 years, beat a (3), Gaurika (2) and Tvesa (2) --
15-7. most periods of the match. strong field including Vani being multiple winners.


Hosts Patiala gain first innings TROPHY GETS
lead against Sangrur on Day 1
HT Correspondent
n HT Correspondent
PATIALA: Patiala took a 210-run
first innings lead on Day 1 of the CHANDIGARH : A total of five dis-
two-day match against Sangrur tricts namely Mohali, Ludhiana,
during the ongoing Punjab Amritsar, Jalandhar and Patiala,
Inter-District Cricket Tourna- will be competing in the Punjab
ment for U-16 ML Markan Tro- State Inter District Senior one-
phy at the HR Saggi ground in day tournament for FC Mittal
Patiala on Tuesday. Trophy starting August 14. The
Batting first, Sangrur were final will be held on August 25.
skittled out for 58 runs in 41.5 The tournament opener will
overs in their first innings. between Patlala and Jalandhar to
Emanjot Singh (4 for 8) and Bal- be played, Patiala at Dhruv Pan-
tej Singh (2 for 4) gelled well in dove stadium while Mohali will
the bowling department for be travelling to Ludhiana for
Patiala and ran through the their fixture against Ludhiana.
opposition batting line-up. Patiala will cross swords with
In reply, the hosts declared Jalandhar in Patiala while Lud-
their innings at 268 for 7. hiana will take on Mohali in Lud-
In their second essay, San- hiana on August 14.
grur were 18 for 2 when the first Amritsar will clash with in
day’s play ended. n A match in progress between Patiala and Sangrur during the Punjab Inter-District Cricket Tournament Mohali while Patiala will meet
for U-16 ML Markan Trophy at the HR Saggi ground in Patiala on Tuesday. BHARAT BHUSHAN/HT Ludhiana in Ludhiana on August
MOGA TAKES 4-RUN 17. Amritsar will lock horns with
LEAD VS MOHALI (6 for 16) impressed with the Jalandhar in Amritsar while
CHANDIGARH :Moga grabbed slen- ball. He ran through the Mohali Patiala will play against Mohali
der four-run first innings lead batting line-up. in Patiala on August 19. Amritsar
on Day 1 of the two-day match
DAY 1 BRIEF SCORES will face off Ludhiana in Amrit-
against Mohali at the Punjab AMRITSAR TAKE 1ST Match 1: Sangrur (1st Innings): 58 Sehajman Singh 2 for 19), Mohali sar while Jalandhar will take on
Cricket Association Stadium, INNINGS LEAD all out in 41.5 overs (Sukhraj Singh (1st Innings): 98 all out in 56.2 Mohali in Mohali on August 21.
Mullanpur, on Tuesday. AMRITSAR: Amritsar grabbed a 10, Aryan Sharma 9, Emanjot Singh overs (Aryan Bhatia 61, Raghuveer Amritsar will clash with Patiala
Led by Karanveer Singh’s (6 first innings lead of 43 runs on 4 for 8, Baltej Singh 2 for 4) Narang 16, Karanveer Singh 6 for in Patiala while Jalandhar will
for 16) superb bowling perform- Day 1 of the two-day match 16, Mukhand Deep Singh 2 for 31, play against Ludhiana in Ludhi-
Patiala (1st Innings): 268 for 7 Navjeet 2 for 26).
ance Moga restricted Mohali at against Muktsar at Gandhi ana on August 23.
declared (Kabir Garg 82, Sambhav
98 in their first innings. Batting Ground on Tuesday. Match 3: Muktsar (1st Innings):
52, Divansh Garg 51)
first, Moga were bowled out for On winning the toss, Muktsar 114 all out in 50.6 overs (Arpan
102 runs in 40.1 overs. opted to bat and were bowled Match 2: Sangrur (2nd innings): Singh 45, Amit Kumar 10, Nikhil
Mukhand Deep Singh (28) out for 114 runs in 50.6 overs in 18 for 2 (Amrinder 13, Emanjot 1 for Sidana 14, Fatehdeep Singh 5 for
and Harmanjot Singh (15 no) their first innings. Opener 0, Abhinav 1 for 10) 20, Anirudh Sharma 2 for 40),
were the main architects of the Arpan Singh (45) top-scored for Moga (1st Innings): 102 all out in Amritsar (1st Innings): 157 for 3 in
Moga innings. For Mohali, Muktsar. 40.1 overs (Mukhand Deep Singh 42 overs (Arshdeep Singh 58 no,
Himanshu (5 for 19) bowled a For the hosts, Fatehdeep 28, Harmanjot Singh 15 no, Sumitpal Singh 40, Vansh Rishi 24,
splendid spell and bagged a five- Singh (5 for 20) bowled well to Karanveer Singh 14, Himanshu 5 Sandeep Nishad 23, Navsher Singh
wicket haul. He was ably sup- claim a fifer. Apart from him, for 19, Aarav Mahajan 2 for 21, 1 for 43, Parinaazbir Singh 1 for 57)
ported by Aarav Mahajan (2 for Anirudh Sharma (2 for 40) was
21) and Sehajman Singh (2 for among the wickets. He bagged
19) in the bowling department. twin wickets. deep Singh (58 no) and Arpit Raj- Singh (40) and Vansh Rishi (24)
In reply, Mohali batsmen did In reply, Amritsar batsmen put (11 no) were at the crease for propelled the hosts, who are
not fare well and were bowled showed mettle and were 157 for the hosts when the first day’s leading by 43 runs in their first
out for 98 runs. 3 in 42 overs. play ended. innings with seven wickets in
For Moga, Karanveer Singh One down batsman, Arsh- Earlier, openers Sumitpal hand.



31°C 26°C
Sunset on Wednesday 7:16pm
Sunrise on Thursday 5:50am

STOLEN >> p4
LUDHIANA: Two days ahead of
Independence Day, the CIA staff-1
of Ludhiana police commissioner-
ate arrested a 26-year-old man
and recovered a countrymade
illegal pistol, one live cartridge
and four shells from his posses-
sion on Monday. The accused has
been identified as Harish Kumar,
26, of Raebareli of Uttar Pradesh.
CIA-1 in-charge sub-inspector
Avtar Singh said the accused had
come to city two months ago and
he had bought the pistol from UP
for executing crime in city. A case
under Sections 25, 54, 59 of Arms
Act has been registered. HTC

Gurdwara mgmt head

assaulted in Jagraon
LUDHIANA : Four unidentified
miscreants allegedly assaulted a
local gurdwara management
committee head of Chakar village n Protesters blocking tracks at Dhandari Kalan; and (right) disrupting traffic at Bharat Nagar Chowk in Ludhiana during Punjab bandh to protest the demolition of a Guru Ravidas temple in Delhi. GURPREET SINGH/HT
in Jagraon with rods and sticks.
The victim, Dalip Singh, 65, said

Bandh throws life out of gear in city

both his legs were fractured in the
incident and the accused alleg-
edly threatened to kill him.
Assistant sub-inspector of police
Manohar Lal said they are scan-
ning CCTVs installed in the area to
nab the accused. He added that
an FIR under Section 307 (murder)
of the Indian Penal Code has been
registered against unidentified
RAVIDASIA COMMUNITY PROTEST Armed with iron rods, agitators force traders to shut shops, lay siege to road, rail lines, residents suffer
persons. HTC
HT Correspondent protestors also blocked the road
Sports trials disrupted n with a tractor.
due to Punjab bandh Meanwhile, the Bandh
LUDHIANA: The Punjab sports LUDHIANA: Normal life was remained unaffected on Gill road,
department trials for selecting affected as highways, roads, mar- where most of the shops
candidates to 17 sports wings kets, malls and petrol pumps remained open. Some shops in
across state and induct them into remained shut for a major part of other areas opened by late even-
colleges were disrupted due to the day in wake of the Punjab ing.
Punjab bandh. No new date has Bandh call given by members of Commuters were a harried lot
been announced for trails. HTC the Ravidasia community, who as they did not get any public
Sale deeds in name were protesting against the dem- vehicle during heavy rain that hit
of dead: LIT told olition of Guru Ravidas temple in the city on Tuesday morning.
to hold inquiry Delhi’s Tughlakabad area. The protestors also burnt effi-
Police commissioner Sukh- gies of Prime Minister Narendra
LUDHIANA: Suspecting an alleged chain Singh Gill had issued prohi- Modi. Satwinderjit Singh Hira,
scam wherein sale deeds of two bitionary orders under Section national president of Adi Dharam
plots in Shaheed Bhagat Singh
144 of Code of Criminal Proce- Mission also reached Ludhiana
(SBS) Nagar were registered by
dure, however, this did not step and joined the protest. He said
two clerks of Ludhiana Improve-
ment Trust (LIT) in the name of them protesters from wrecking that the protest will continue and
dead persons, the Punjab Local havoc in the city. The protesters they are chalking out a plan to
bodies department has sent a took out rods, downed shutters, stage a protest at Jantar Mantar
reminder to LIT for conducting an stopped buses and trains and took in Delhi.
inquiry. ››P4 the city to ransom as they staged
a protest. Many of them were seen ‘DIDN’T SPARE
riding bikes, taking repeated EVEN PATIENTS’
debate of rounds of various roads in the Jagjit Singh, a resident of Ishar
the week city threatening shopkeepers
who were found with shops open
Nagar, stated that his wife is suf-
fering from renal problem. He
CIVIC SENSE even as police remained mute was taking her to Christian Medi-
spectators. The protestors also cal College and Hospital (CMCH)
WHOSE vandalised a sweetmeat shop in on Tuesday morning for dialyses,
RESPONSIBILITY Khanna after they found it open. but they got stuck in the traffic
The mob also blocked National jam as the protestors had blocked
IS IT ANYWAYS? Highway-1 at Jalandhar Bypass the road due to the protest.
From spitting at public places Chowk and did not allow traffic to Police commissioner Sukh-
to littering garbage, a number pass through Samrala Chowk, chain Singh Gill said around 3,000
of Ludhianvis lack civic sense. Bharat Nagar Chowk, Gill Canal police personnel were on road
Moreover, incidents of road Bridge on Ludhiana Ferozepur along with all 35 officers of assist-
rage, vandalism and creating road and Sherpur Chowk for a ant commissioner of police (ACP)
nuisance are rising. What major part of the day. At Jalan- rank and above. He claimed that
steps should be taken to dhar bypass, they were seen no incident of violence has been
inculcate civic sense in city breaking a pole and also a tree reported in the city.
residents? using it to block the road. While district administration
Send your views to At other places, the protestors offices remained open, the foot-
ludhiana@hindustan- even used police barricades to fall was thin. Due to the bandh, by August 17 stop traffic. On the Ferozepur the full dress rehearsal for Inde- n Police personnel on duty near the Gur Mandi market in Ludhiana. The streets wore a deserted look as protesters forced all shopkeepers to down their shutters. Police
road near Mullanpur Dakha, the pendence Day could not be held. commissioner Sukhchain Singh Gill said around 3,000 police personnel were on road to maintain the law and order situation. GURPREET SINGH

Passengers stranded as bus services halted Protest hits business ahead of

Harvinder Kaur

LUDHIANA: Thousands of passen-

Raksha Bandhan, traders irked
HT Correspondent
gers were left stranded for hours
on Tuesday as bus services came n
to a halt in Ludhiana amid the TIME THEY HAVE TO SELL
state-wide protest call by Ravi-
das community members.
LUDHIANA: Shopkeepers and trad-
ers in the city cried foul over the
The platform of Amar Sukh- protest by Ravidas community AS THE TREND WILL
dev Singh Inter State Bus Termi- on Tuesday as it dampened the CHANGE THE NEXT YEAR
nal (ISBT) Ludhiana remained Rakhi spirit.
crowded in the morning with Traders in Jawahar Nagar
passengers remaining largely market, Model Town market, city on Tuesday as the industri-
clueless about the resumption of Sarabha Nagar market cried alists were not able to dispatch
the bus service. While the buses fould as their business was hit the material. Bank transactions
were moving in and out of the merely two days before the festi- could also not take place and the
bus stand as per routine from val. The traders rued that the industrialists were not even able
4:30am onwards, the services market is already going through to reach at their respective
came to a halt around 9.45am a slump and their investment industrial units, said Jindal.
after the protestors started worth lakhs would go waste.
blocking major routes. Jawahar Nagar shopkeepers TRUCKS STOPPED AT
As many as 250 buses, both association president Om Pra- TRANSPORT NAGAR
government and private, were n Buses parked at inter-state bus terminus in Ludhiana in wake of the bandh call by members of the kash Ahuja said the shopkeepers As protesters blocked the roads
stationed at Ludhiana ISBT amid Ravidas community. GURPREET SINGH/HT have nothing to do with the pro- and national highways during
protest, leaving commuters has- test but they will still have to protest, over 1,000 trucks were
sled. Tarsem Singh, an operator at 20 minutes when the bus reached got halted after 9:45am said bear the brunt for the same. n Police personnel on duty outside the JMD Mall, Railway Station stalled at Transport Nagar in the
Charanjit Singh, 35, a city resi- the inquiry room of PUNBUS Dhandari Kalan, we were put on affected passengers can use the “This is the time for shopkeepers Road, in Ludhiana on Tuesday. GURPREET SINGH/HT city.
dent, who had to go Moga for informed that since Monday aft- a different bus by the driver who bus tickets they brought on to earn from their investment Ludhiana goods transport
attending a business meeting ernoon, they received over 100 brought us back to the bus Tuesday. but now they have only one day ruling parties, opposition parties Bandh call,” said Ahuja. association general secretary
was infuriated with the sudden calls from people on whether the stand,” she said. “I can’t afford to “Any passenger who has the to sell off the rakhis. The same and district administration for A CICU member said that two Jagdish Singh Jassowal said no
halt of bus services. “After read- buses will ply on Tuesday or not. spend money on travelling every Punjab Roadways ticket for rakhis cannot be sold the next the disorder created due to Pun- groups of his customers came to transporter was ready to take
ing about the reports of the state- “There was no official order can- day. They should not have Tuesday can use the same ticket year as the trend changes and jab bandh on Tuesday. the city on Tuesday. While one risk and the government should
wide protest, I called the ISBT celling the bus services for Tues- boarded passengers if the bus on Wednesday. In case, they face many also gets damaged in Association president Upkar was stopped on their way from not encourage such type of pro-
inquiry office for confirmation day. We communicated the same services were to be cancelled. any problem, they can approach stores,” said Ahuja. Singh Ahuja said CICU had Sahnewal airport, the other was tests as it causes losses in lakhs
yesterday at 8pm and again in to the people. It was only after They should give our money us. Our team is trying its best to Model Town market associa- arranged a meeting with a multi- stopped at Jagraon bridge when to the transporters. The orders
the morning at 9am. They told facing blockage on different back,” she added. guide the stranded passengers,” tion president Amarjit Singh national company for its mem- they departed from the railway got delayed and this also affects
me that the buses are moving as routes that the operators decided said Daleep Singh. said shopkeepers were waiting bers but they could reach the city station. One of the customers the revenue of government in
per routine but now I am left not the ply their buses,” he ‘PASSENGERS CAN A few private bus drivers and for protesters to move off the from Chandigarh because of the was also thrashed at Jagraon form of taxes and toll collection.
with no option but to hire a cab,” said. TRAVEL WITH UNUSED conductors who were heading to road since morning but to no protest. “Factories and business bridge. Trucks from J and K, Haryana,
said Charanjit. Sukhdev Kaur, 60, who was TICKET TOMORROW’ Jalandhar, Moga and Patiala avail. establishments remained closed Federation of Punjab Small Gujarat, Rajasthan etc were also
Ludhiana ISBT is one of the travelling to her in-laws place in Dalip Singh, station supervisor were seen boarding INDUSTRY CRIES FOUL due to which we suffered huge Industries Association (FOP- stationed at the Transport Nagar
busiest in the state with on an Sirhind, said, “I boarded the at ISBT, Ludhiana, who was passengers at 11am though the The Chamber of Industrial monetary losses. Also no gov- SIA) president Badish Jindal and would move only after the
average 2,500 buses plying to Punjab Roadways bus from ISBT approached by many passengers services resumed only at and Commercial Undertakings ernment body informed the said that transaction of over roads are clear, said Jassowal.
various destinations everyday. at around 9:30am. But just after at his office after the bus services 4 pm. (CICU) condemned the role of industry about the Punjab ₹1,000 crore were affected in the ››MORE ON PAGE 3



02 campus hindustantimes H INDUSTAN TIMES, C H A N D I G AR H

Amid confusion, students return from

centres without taking retest exams
PUNJAB BANDH Private educational institutions were closed due to a statewide shutdown call
by Ravidasia community to protest the demolition of a 15th century Guru Ravidas temple in Delhi

HT Correspondent
n I went to my centre to
LUDHIANA : Amid a confusion on take my compartment
whether the government
schools and colleges would
examination. I travelled
function on Tuesday, a number 40km to reach the
of students arrived at their cen-
tres to take the Punjab School centre but had to return
Education Board (PSEB) com-
partment examinations but had
home without taking
to go back home without writing my examination. n Apoorv Prakash (left) from PAU being felicitated with the IEI Young Engineers Award by Tripura chief
their papers. PARUL KUMARI, Class 10 student minister Biplab Kumar Deb (second from right) at Pragna Bhawan, Agartala. HT PHOTO
The private educational insti-
tutions were closed due to a
statewide ‘bandh’ called by
Ravidasia community to
protest the demolition of a 15th
The college authorities said
that heavy rain in the morning
was another reason for the low
PAU scientist gets Young
century Guru Ravidas temple in

turnout of students.
Teachers said that they faced
problems in reaching their
schools due to waterlogging and
Engineers Award
HT Correspondent
A day ahead of the examina-
tions, PSEB had announced to
traffic snarls in the morning.
In the afternoon, due to road n
APOORV PRAKASH WAS Pranajit Singha Roy, agricul-
tural engineering division board
postpone physics and business blockage by protesters, teachers AWARDED FOR HIS chairman and other officials
studies compartment papers of
Class 12, and science of Class 10. n Government Model Senior Secondary School, Cemetery Road, wears a deserted look in Ludhiana on
and students had to take longer
routes to reach their homes.
LUDHIANA : Assistant production
engineer, department of farm
CONTRIBUTION TO of IEI were present at the
Examinations of the three sub- Tuesday. Around 10% students managed to reach govt schools and colleges in the city. GURPREET SINGH/HT In view of the bandh, several machinery and power engineer- AGRICULTURAL The Institution of Engineers
jects were scheduled on private schools in the district ing of Punjab Agricultural Uni- ENGINEERING AND (India) instituted the IEI Young
Tuesday. home without taking my exami- private schools also remained total 600 students in the school. were also closed. versity (PAU), Apoorv Prakash, Engineers Award to promote the
“I went to my examination nation,” said a Class 10 student, closed for the day. The situation was no differ- The schools included DAV was conferred with the IEI PRECISION FARMING pursuit of excellence in the field
centre that was Government Parul Kumari, who hails from ent in other government Public School, BRS Nagar; BCM Young Engineers Award by Tri- of engineering. The award con-
Senior Secondary School Raikot. THIN ATTENDANCE schools. Only 80 students Arya Model Senior Secondary pura chief minister (CM) Biplab tution of Engineers (India) at sists of a plaque and a certificate
(GSSS), Multipurpose, at 10am Another student, Amrit Around 10% students managed reached GSSS, Multipurpose, School, Shastri Nagar; BCM Kumar Deb. Pragna Bhawan, Agartala, Tri- and its purpose is to recognise
to appear in my compartment Singh, said, “I was not aware to reach government schools which has a count of 1,950 stu- Secondary School, Sector-32; The award was presented to pura, on August 10 and 11. Pra- the outstanding achievements or
examination but the teachers on that the college would be closed and colleges in the city, while dents studying in Classes 6 to 12. BCM School, Dugri; Bal Prakash during the ‘33rd kash got the award for his contri- contributions made by young
duty told me that the board today (Tuesday). After reaching the rest preferred staying at In city colleges too, low Bharati Public School; Kundan National Convention of Agricul- bution to agricultural engineer- engineers in engineering
(PSEB) had postponed the paper Arya College, I found the gates home in view of the security attendance was witnessed at Vidya Mandir, all branches of tural Engineers and National ing. After the inaugural session, research.
due to Punjab bandh call. I trav- shut. Upon asking, I was told concerns. both -- SCD Government College Green Land School and Conference on Commercial he showcased his achievements PAU vice-chancellor Baldev
elled 40km to reach the exami- that the college was not func- At GSSS, Indrapuri, only 100 and Government College for Sacred Heart Convent School, Crops Processing and Value in the field of precision farming. Singh Dhillon Singh congratu-
nation centre but had to return tioning for the day.” Most of the students turned up out of the Girls (GCG). BRS Nagar. Addition’ organised by the Insti- Tripura agriculture minister lated him.

Adulterated milk City NGO to produce song on organ donation 3 HELD WITH
can lead to abortion, Amarpal Singh 19KG BEEF AT
says IVF expert LUDHIANA: A city-based non-gov-
ernmental organisation (NGO)
‘Punarjot Eye Bank Society’
along with the support of 15
HT Correspondent HT Correspondent
THE INJECTED OXYTOCIN n Gagandeep Singh Brar
artistes from Punjabi film indus-
try, is coming up with a song on n
REACHES HUMAN organ donation.
LUDHIANA: Milk adulterated with
oxytocin should be avoided by
pregnant women as it may lead to
PAU student bags The NGO named ‘Punarjot Eye
Bank Society’ has opted for an
audio-visual method with a
LUDHIANA : Government Railway
Police (GRP) on Tuesday
arrested three men and recov-
abortion and babies may be born
with deformities, said an IVF
scholarship for motive to generate awareness
among the public regarding the
ered 19kg beef from their posses-
sion at the city railway station.
expert from city through an advi-
sory issued on Tuesday.
Milk is known for its health ing,” she added. Hormones like
Phd in USA importance of organ donation.
Apart from this, the video of the
song is being directed with the
The beef was found in differ-
ent forms, including fritters.
The accused hav been identi-
benefits in people of all age prolactin, luteinizing hor- LUDHIANA: Gagandeep Singh Brar, support of non-resident Indians fied as Ramazan Ahmed,
groups. mone(LH), estrogens, progester- an MSc student of department of (NRIs) living in different Mohammad Sajid and Moham-
Lately the problem of adultera- one, oxytocin, growth hormone, entomology, PAU, brought lau- countries. It also features resi- mad Parvesh and all three of
tion of food products has multi- thyroid-stimulating hormone are rels to the university by bagging dents of different religions and them belong to Tibba Road area
plied to alarming extents thus present in milk which may cause full scholarship for pursuing PhD countries. of Ludhiana.
posing health issues. hormonal imbalance leading to at Colorado State University, “There are hundreds and thou- GRP said the accused had
Milk and dairy products are no infertility in humans as well. USA. sands of people who either die due brought the beef from Saharapur
exception. Cattle are injected “Among females, PCOS and PAU department of entomol- to organ failure or remain blind n (From left) singer Surinder Shinda (in maroon) felicitating a liver donor in presence of singer Lehmber and were travelling in Shalimar
steroids and hormones to boost endometriosis have become com- ogy head Pardeep Kumar for their entire lives. It is not the Hussainpuri (in yellow) and Punarjot Eye Bank Society chairman Dr Ramesh Chand (in white). HT PHOTO Express (14645) which runs
delivery of milk production. mon which may be attributed to Chhuneja said Gagandeep will only problem in India but also in between Delhi and Jammu
“Oxytocin is one such injec- drinking milk containing excess work under Dr Vamsi Nalam‘s other countries, and can be an eight minute song which has eye donation has become more appealed to the residents to come Tawi.The trio alighted at Ludhi-
tion that not only affects cattle estrogen. Over 70% estrogen lev- guidance on two viral diseases in resolved when we all will work been sung by 15 Punjabi singers, common, said the doctor. forward for the cause saying that ana Railway Station but were
but also humans. The injected els in the humans are from ani- sugar beet, rhizomnia and beet together towards a common aim. including Sardool Sikander, Sur- “Eyes are donated after the there is no disfigurement of one’s caught at the circulating area of
oxytocin reaches the human mal-derived dairy products. Such curly top. He will receive In the song, people of different inder Shinda, Kanth Kaler, Bal- death of a person but it is very face when his/her eyes are the station.
body through consumption hormones are known to be endo- research assistantship of US$ religions and different countries winder Safri and Lehmber Hus- difficult to influence the kin as donated, moreover, artificial “The beef has been seized and
of milk or any other dairy prod- crine disruptors and play havoc 23,000 per annum and health will carry a torch, a symbol of sainpuri. The lyrics of the song here, people still believe in some eyes are fixed after harvesting will be sent for laboratory test on
ucts causing several side effects,” with the hormonal balance caus- insurance throughout his PhD. integrity and friendship, so that have been written by Binder superstitions. Whether the person the tissue. Wednesday,” said station house
says Dr Bakul Kapoor, IVF spe- ing anovulation,” said Dr Gagandeep recently com- we can spread awareness across Nawanpindia. has pledged or not, the consent of “Whenever a person dies, the officer (SHO) Balvir Singh.
cialist, Indira IVF Hospital. Kapoor. pleted his MSc in entomology the world,” said Punarjot Eye Dr Ramesh said that half of the the kin is compulsory,” he said. people who are close to the The accused were produced in
“This is one of the reasons for Thus it is important to under- wherein he worked on ‘structural Bank Society chairman and man- videography of the song was done “However, we are generating parents or other family members the court and sent to custody. A
early onset of puberty among stand how adulterated milk can and functional characterisation aging director, Dr Ramesh here in Punjab, while the shoot- awareness among residents from must convince the kin for case was registered under Sec-
girls, development of breasts in cause health issues in both males of double sex (dsx) gene in cotton Chand. ing of the remaining half was time to time. Since 2003, there organ donation of the body,” he tions 295-A (deliberate and mali-
male and lack of testosterone pro- and females. Boiling milk can whitefly’ under the guidance of done in England. The song will be have been 6,700 eye donations said. He also said that a person cious acts, intended to outrage
duction due to hormonal imbal- help eliminate traces of oxytocin. Dr Satnam Singh at PAU TO BE RELEASED released later this month. done in association with Punarjot with cancer, HIV or with bacteria religious feelings of any class by
ance. It increases the risk of hae- Thus a little vigilance can help Regional Research Station, Far- LATER THIS MONTH The organ donation includes Eye Bank Society and 5,200 cornia in the bloodstream which can insulting its religion or religious
morrhage in mothers after birth save us from a number of health idkot. V-C Baldev Singh Dhillon Dr Ramesh, who is the the script- donation of kidney, lungs, heart, have been transplanted, that too cause diseases, cannot donate beliefs) of the Indian Penal Code
and can also inhibit breastfeed- and fertility issues, she added. congratulated the student. HTC writer of the video, said that it is eye and liver and among these, free of cost,” Dr Ramesh said. He organs. (IPC), and 5 and 8 of the Preven-
tion of Cow Slaughter Act.

With reference to the

news story, “Industrial-
ists take up IGST issues
with customs chief”,
which appeared on Page
3 of HT Ludhiana on
August 9, AS Ranga,
commissioner of cus-
FOR ENQUIRY CONTACT : toms, Ludhiana, has
TO BOOK YOUR AD SIMPLY CALL >> 0161-5025898 DEEPAK - 98764-48829, VIKRAMJEET:- 79865-17240
clarified that IGST
refunds of around 50
exporters have been
withheld pending verifi-
cation based on input
from RMCC Mumbai,
and this comprises only
2% of the total exporters
in Ludhiana.
It was inadvertently
mentioned that 2% of the
total pending refunds
are in Ludhiana. For
these exporters, the
actual exports have
been allowed and IGST
refunds will be scrolled
out on receipt of a report
from CGST authorities.
The error is regretted.



WE DNESDAY, AUGUST 14 , 2019 hindustantimes ludhiana 03

n Buses remained parked at ISBT Ludhiana on Tuesday due to Punjab bandh call by members of Ravidasia community, who were protesting
against the demolition of Guru Ravidas temple in Delhi; and (right) a deserted petrol pump during the protest. GURPREET SINGH/HT

Tough time for Ludhiana-Jagraon commuters

INCONVENIENCE GALORE Travellers left stranded till protest was lifted; protesters had blocked highway after every 5 kms starting from Bharat Nagar Chowk
Amarpal Singh Whattheysay

My kids are staying in a
LUDHIANA : The entire 40-km
stretch of the National Highway hostel of a training centre in
from Ludhiana to Jagraon wore
a deserted look during the pro-
the city. I came to take them
test by members of the Ravida- back. We took a bus in morning,
sia community against the dem-
olition of a Ravidas temple in but the bus was stopped at
The commuters on this route
Mullanpur. The bus has been
were left stranded till the time stranded here for two hours.
the protest was lifted in the JASPAL SINGH,50, MOGA
evening. The protesters blocked

the National Highway-95 (Fero-
zepur Road) after almost every I came to Ludhiana in a bus
5 kms starting from the Bharat
Nagar Chowk. in the morning for some
The highway was blocked
from both sides at the Bharat
work regarding my insurance
Nagar Chowk, the BRS Nagar policy. Neither the firm office
Chowk near the Verka Milk
Plant, Jhande village crossing was open, nor there ware buses
and at the Mullanpur Chowk
and so on.
to return home. I am now
Traffic blockades caused stranded here.
major inconvenience to hun- JAGSIRAT SINGH, 45, KOTKAPURA
dreds of commuters travelling

in buses and private vehicles as
they were stopped many a time I am a sales manager in a
on the way and the vehicles had n Almost all roads in the Ludhiana wore a deserted look on Tuesday as vehicles did not ply during the protest. GURPREET SINGH/HT
to be diverted to inside roads of pharma firm here. But
villages along the highway.
With no availability of Ola-Uber
Some private and PRTC
buses were seen stationed near
stopped by protesters near
Jhande village and asked to take
and it is the common people,
who suffer,” he rued.
tance well in time before pro-
testers could block the road.
and added that he took an inter-
nal road via Thareeke village
protesters shut the market. I took
taxi service and no rickshaws or Dakha village and some passen- a U-turn. Singh, who decided to Another commuter, Lakh- “But, due to heavy rainfall and Jhande village. “After a bus home, but now the bus is
three-wheelers available in the gers were found sitting inside go via villages, was unaware of winder Singh, who was travel- today, I couldn’t cover the dis- reaching Mullanpur, when we
outskirts, a number of them pre- the buses waiting for the pro- the route, but had no alterna- ling with his family from Chan- tance and when we crossed again took the highway think- stranded here. We have to stay in
ferred to walk till they could get
a lift from other commuters.
testers to clear the passage.
Ajitpal Singh, who was trav-
“Blocking of roads by protest-
digarh to Ferozepur, said he left
Chandigarh around 7.00 in the
Thareeke village, protesters
were sitting on the highway and,
ing that the passage will be clear
ahead, but jusr a few metres
the bus till the passage is cleared
Apart from this, waterlogged elling in his private car from ers is common here. Authorities morning, thinking that he despite repeated requests, they away, the highway was again by protesters.
roads added to their woes. Ludhiana towards Jagraon, was always remain a mute spectator would be able to cover the dis- didn’t allow us to pass,” he said, blocked.” RAJBIR SINGH, 35, MOGA

Passport office shut down, FEW VISITORS

Several trains delayed, passengers
applicants left helpless MINI-SECTT hassled at city railway station
HT Correspondent HT Correspondent
OFFICE WAS OPENED AT said Gitanjali, 35, who had an
appointment for a new passport n
ITS USUAL TIME AT 9:30 at 3 pm.
LUDHIANA : The Passport Seva
Kendra in the Jammu Colony
IN MORNING, BUT THE Gitanjali, who lives in Hai-
bowal, criticised the passport
LUDHIANA : Offices of the district
administration in the mini-secre-
was closed by the staff at noon on STAFF HAD TO SHUT IT office for not informing the appli- tariat here wore a deserted look
Tuesday amid protest by mem- DOWN AFTER THE cants in advance. on Tuesday with officials remain-
bers of the Ravidasia community. “The school, where my son ing available in offices, but very
While the centre was opened for PROTESTERS GATHERED studies, informed us yesterday few people managing to visit the
the public at its usual time at 9:30 NEAR THE OFFICE AND that it will remain shut on Tues- mini-secretariat due to a protest
in the morning, the staff had to day. If a private institute can be so by members of the Ravidasia
shut it down after the protesters
RAISED SLOGANS structured, why can’t the govern- community and incessant rain in
gathered near the office and ment departments be responsible the morning.
raised slogans against the gov- passport applications on any day. enough to at least inform the “It was a terrible day. I had a
ernment. Applicants may reschedule their applicants through messages,” hearing in the court today. I left
“The protesters asked the appointment for the next availa- she said. my home at 9am when it was rain-
guard outside to shut the office, ble date on the same fee along Similarly, Bhupinder Singh, ing heavily. When I reached the
following which the kendra was with all required documents in 45, from Dugri, who was visiting Clock Tower, protesters had
closed within half-an- hour and a original -- RPO Chandigarh,” the centre for the renewal of his gathered there and blocked the
closure notice put up outside,” read the notice. passport, was enquiring from the traffic. The police diverted the
said a guard, working in the “The protesters had blocked guard as to when he should come traffic towards the Domoria
nearby building. almost every major chowk in the again. “The guard suggested me Bridge. Around 11am, I managed
While the staff decided to shut city, but I didn’t want to miss my to take an online appointment for to reach the mini-secretariat but,
down the centre, the applicants, passport appointment. Even the next available date. I’m sure the passage leading towards the
who had appointments for Tues- though I was a bit scared, I some- that there will be no dates availa- district court complex, was in
day afternoon, were left helpless. how managed to reach here only ble at least for this week,” knee-deep water. I had no option,
“In case of non-processing of to find the Seva Kendra closed,” informed Bhupinder Singh. but to walk down in a pool of
water to reach the complex,” said
elderly woman Gurdarshan

Garbage-lifting process comes Kaur. The officials, who had man-

aged to reach offices were seen
whiling away time in their offices, n Passengers and their kin waiting for trains amid delay due to the Punjab bandh called by the members of Ravidasia community against the

to a halt amid protest by Dalits

while a few employees were seen demolition of a temple in Delhi, at Ludhiana railway station on Tuesday. GURPREET SINGH/HT

gathered at the porch to enjoy the
rainfall. HT Correspondent My father has an appointment with a doctor in New tion by the evening, had the trains
Meanwhile, some protesters, n not been stopped. Now we are left
HT Correspondent THE GARBAGE-LIFTING door-to-door lifting of garbage belonging to the Ravidasia com- Delhi while I have to take care of my business but we with no option, but to wait,” she from houses also got delayed munity, led by Congress MLA LUDHIANA : A family was very added.

PROCESS CAME TO A firstly due to rainfall and then the Kuldeep Singh Vaid, met DC Par- much disappointed when it was are stranded here in rain. We are left with no option as the Another passenger, Satwinder
LUDHIANA: Heaps of garbage were HALT AROUND 10 AM protest. Sweeping of roads was deep Kumar Agrawal and handed stranded at the railway station protesters have taken over roads as well. Singh, said, "Railways should be
seen at secondary dumping also done in the afternoon at dif- over a memorandum to condemn here on Tuesday because the more accountable and should
points as the garbage-lifting proc- AFTER PROTESTERS ferent parts of the city including the demolition of the Ravidas train they were waiting for was
JAGJEET SINGH, passenger
have come up with quick diver-
ess in the city was hit due to a pro- BLOCKED ROADS Mall Road, Haibowal, Gill Road temple in Delhi. delayed due to the blockage of the sions if they knew the situation
test by members of Dalit organi- and adjoining areas. He said the Congress govern- Amritsar-Jalandhar-Ludhiana been standing here since 11am in matters and we are left stranded could go this bad.”
sations here on Tuesday to pro- otherwise it would be done on Manager of A2Z company ment would not tolerate disre- section by Dalit protesters. the morning. The railway author- here in rain.” Many other families, left
test the demolition of the 15th Wednesday. Door-to-door gar- Vishant Chaudhary said garbage spect to spiritual gurus. He said The family was to travel from ities are telling us now that the “What’s disappointing is we stranded at the station, had no
century Guru Ravidas temple in bage collectors dump the house- was lifted from a few points in the the dictatorial step of demolish- Ludhiana to Delhi in the Delhi- protesters have taken over the are left with no option as the pro- choice but to wait. A heavy rush
Delhi. Door-to-door lifting of gar- hold waste at over 50 secondary morning, but the process came to ing the historical temple had hurt Pathankot (22430) but the train tracks and the train is delayed. I testers have taken over roads as was seen at the reservation coun-
bage and sweeping work was also dumping points in the city, from a halt at 10 am after protesters the sentiments of the Dalit com- did not reach Ludhiana as it was fail to understand what to do well. Why should a common man ter.
delayed in different parts of the where it is taken to the MC’s main gathered on roads. If roads were munity. stopped at Kartarpur by the agi- in such a situation,” he ques- be the one suffering the wrath of People were seen running
city due to the protest and rain in dump site on the Tajpur road. cleared of protesters by 5 or 6 pm, While supporting the bandh, tators. tioned. such protests,” he questioned. to inquire about the arrival of
the morning. The garbage-lifting process then they might again start the Vaid urged common public in A member of the family, Jag- He added, “My father Jas- Jasmeet kaur, wife of Jagjeet trains. Protesters had blocked a
A2Z company officials said lift- came to a halt around 10 am after lifting process for some time, oth- general and the Ravidasia com- jeet Singh, said, “The train was winder Singh has an appoint- Singh, said, “My children have train at the Dhandari Kalan sta-
ing might start in the evening if protesters blocked roads and erwise garbage would be lifted on munity in particular to opt for supposed to reach Ludhiana ment with a doctor in New Delhi been crying since morning, we tion due to which trains were not
roads were cleared of protesters, main chowks in the city. The Wednesday only. non-violent means of protest. around 11:30 am and we have while I have to look up to business would have reached our destina- able to reach Ludhiana.



04 neighbourhood hindustantimes H INDUSTAN TIMES, C H A N D I G AR H

Heavy rain leaves Ludhiana waterlogged

MONSOON WOES 138mm precipitation in first two weeks of August breaks record of last five years in the city, with Tuesday recording the highest rain this month
HT Correspondent

LUDHIANA: Residents and com-

muters in different parts of the
city, including Panj Peer Road,
Model Town, Ghumar Mandi,
Hambran Road, Haibowal,
Dugri, Civil Lines, Udham Singh
Nagar, Railway Station Road,
Ferozepur Road and Kundan
Puri, had a harrowing time as
intermittent heavy rains led to
water inundation on Tuesday.
Waterlogged city roads forced
the municipal corporation (MC)
officials to move on roads.
MC commissioner Kanlwal-
preet Kaur Brar along with the
other MC officials, including
councillor Mamta Ashu,visited
different points of Buddha Nul-
lah, Panj Peer Road, Hambran
Road and a few other areas. The
officials said the commissioner
had directed the staff to expedite
the process to pump out the accu-
mulated water to bring relief to n A worker clearing a manhole in Ludhiana on Tuesday; and (right and below) vehicles wading through waterlogged city roads. GURPREET SINGH/HT
the residents.
The Buddha Nullah had over-
flowed from three points after
the city witnessed heavy rainfall
on August 1. Despite attempts
City records highest August rainfall
were made to reach the MC com- Mohit Khanna as 138mm rainfall had already 204mm rainfall in July ers were told to provide irrigation
missioner, she was not available n been recorded in a fortnight. The Met department of PAU to paddy crop. The advisory men-
for comments. According to the metrological stated that 204mm rainfall tioned that the farmers should
LUDHIANA: The 138mm rainfall in (Met) department officials, recorded in July was close to the pay proper attention to the crop
MC TEAM VISITS the first two weeks of August 82.4mm rainfall was recorded in average rainfall of 216mm pre- and observe that the field did not
RAINWATER broke the city’s record of the last August 2014, 84.8mm rainfall in scribed for July. Sidhu said the develop cracks.
HARVESTING WELL: five years, with Tuesday record- 2015, while 13mm and 17mm rain- month of June remained 50% rain The advisory asked the farm-
The MC commissioner along ing 68.2mm rainfall, the highest fall was witnessed in 2016 and deficient. Against the stipulated ers to eradicate weeds growing on
with councillor Ashu also visited rainfall in the month so far. Prior 2017, respectively, in the same 83mm rainfall, June had received paddy fields and advised them to
the rainwater harvesting well, to this, Ludhiana witnessed the month. In 2018, the city received merely 35mm rainfall. save the crop from sheath blight
which was recently established highest August rainfall of 205mm 53.8mm rainfall in August. disease by removing grasses from
in BRS Nagar. One of the MC offi- in 2013. According to Prabhjyot Interestingly, on Tuesday, the PAU ISSUES ADVISORY bunds in fields and keeping them
cials, requesting anonymity, Kaur Sidhu, head, the depart- city has recorded 32.6mm more TO FARMERS clean.
said the civic body had received ment of climate change and agri- rainfall as compared to August 1 In the meantime, the department The advisory suggested farm-
information that the accumu- cultural methodology, Punjab when 36.8mm rainfall had left the of agriculture has issued an advi- ers that it was the right time to
lated water gets drained out Agricultural University (PAU), city in complete deluge. Sidhu sory to the farmers, suggesting transplant rainy season tomato
slowly through the harvesting 194mm rainfall is considered to said the weather will remain the them to drain out excess water and early cauliflower. Prevailing
well. However, the officials con- be normal in August. same even on August 14, after from the fields. weather is favourable for the
cerned said the process will take Sidhu said she was hopeful which the rain activity will begin Two days after pond water development and spread of fruit
time as water had to percolate. that monsoon will meet the target to recede. infiltrated into the soil, the farm- rot in chilli, said the advisory.

Ban on firecrackers on roads Sale deeds in the Theft at shop in Giaspura;

during marriage processions name of dead: LIT 100 mobiles,₹20K stolen
HT Correspondent
n told to hold inquiry
could be disturbed following
which he was extending ban on
assembly of five or more people at
of visitors. He said Ludhiana was
an industrial hub of Punjab due
to which thousands of business-
HT Correspondent
LUDHIANA:Bursting crackers dur- one place. He said that the men visit the city daily and they
ing a marriage procession could PUDA P ground at Sector 38-A on stayed in hotels, guest houses and HT Correspondent bans Lal, a resident of BRS Nagar. LUDHIANA: Despite police claims of
land ‘baratis’ in jail, as commis- the Chandigarh road had been a other accommodations. n The complainant said it is manda- night patrolling, there is no relief
sioner of police Sukhchain Singh designated place for holding pro- The city police chief said own- tory for the person to mark his or from burglaries in the city. Bur-
Gill has banned crackers on busy tests, rallies and marches. ers of the hotels, guest houses and LUDHIANA: Suspecting an alleged her presence while getting the glars targeted a mobile shop in
roads under Section 144 of the Besides he has also banned others usually did not keep the scam wherein sale deeds of two sale deed registered to make sure Giaspura on the intervening
Criminal Procedure Code carrying weapons, including fire- entire record resulting anti-so- plots in Shaheed Bhagat Singh that the person is alive. night of Monday and Tuesday
(CrPC). The commissioner of arms, axes, sticks and inflamma- cial elements managing to com- (SBS) Nagar were registered by The complainant also claimed and decamped with 100 mobile
police said bursting of crackers ble material, in public places. mit the crimes easily. two clerks of Ludhiana Improve- that the whole process was car- phones, a laptop, accessories and
on roads disturbed the easy flow According to the orders, issued ment Trust (LIT) in the name of ried out in connivance with other ₹20,000 in cash.
of traffic and sometimes caused under Section 144 of the CrPC, BAN ON REHRIS dead persons, the Punjab Local senior officials of LIT and few On being informed, a police
mishaps too. protests, rallies and marches Gill has also banned using foot- bodies department has sent a property dealers. party from the Division number 6
In his orders, the police chief have also been banned. paths to install rehris and set up reminder to LIT for conducting LIT executive officer Harpreet police station reached the spot
said he had seen some people makeshift stalls of eatables. He an inquiry into the matter and Sandhu said he has directed the and initiated investigation.
bursting firecrackers on roads NO BLACK FILMS ON ordered no shopkeeper could also summoned a report. executive engineer, SDO and JE Vikas Gupta, owner of DK
during marriage processions. VEHICLE WINDOWPANES keep his goods outside the prem- Previously in the month of to inquire into the matter. The Mobile Shop, stated he came to
“As most part of a road is covered Gill has also banned pasting of ises of his shop. All these orders December, a complaint was sent presence of a person is manda- know about the burglary on
by the procession, and bursting black films on windows of all would remain in force for the to the department and vigilance tory at the time of registering the Tuesday morning after one of his
crackers on the road adds to the vehicles because when a black next two months. bureau by a resident of BRS deed and if manipulations have friends, Lucky Singh, noticed the
woes of the commuters,” he said. film is pasted on the window of a Nagar, Jatinder Singh, who been done, required action would broken shutter of the shop during n The CCTV footage shows suspects during burglary in a shop at
He said the police would now take vehicle, it becomes very difficult NO LIQUOR accused the two clerks-- Gagan- be taken in this regard. The vigi- morning walk. He said he rushed Giaspura in Ludhiana. HT PHOT
appropriate action against to identify the persons sitting CONSUMPTION IN OPEN deep and Kapurdin for register- lance department is also conduct- to the shop immediately and was
offenders. inside the vehicle. And, some- The commissioner of police has ing the deeds in the names of dead ing an inquiry into the case at shocked to see it ransacked. him, otherwise, the loss would glars were in contact with each
times, some people commit also banned the consumption of persons. The accused took ₹10 state level, said the EO. Gupta said the stolen items have been much more. He said other over mobile phones, he
BAN ON ASSEMBLY OF crimes using such vehicles. alcohol in open at rehris, dhabas, lakh for registering sale deed of The local bodies department included 100 mobile phones, a lap- when he scanned the CCTV cam- added. As per CCTV footage, they
FIVE OR MORE PEOPLE shops and public places. He said each plot. had asked LIT to inquire into the top, memory cards, pen drives, eras installed in the shop, he remained in the shop for 15 min-
Gill also extended the ban on KEEP RECORD due to consumption of alcohol in As per the complaint, the staff matter in May. But they failed to cheque books, debit cards and ₹ found that five burglars had utes, he added.
assembly of five or more people OF GUESTS the open, people indulged in has registered sale deed of plots send a report regarding the same 20,000 in cash. He estimated the struck at the shop around 2:05 Inspector Amarjit Singh, SHO
for the next two months. The police commissioner has also fights, which led to law and order 71-C and 593-F of SBS Nagar on due to which a reminder was sent. loss at ₹4.5 lakh. Gupta said, am. He said while two burglars at Division number 6 police sta-
The commissioner said, ordered all owners of hotels, problem. These orders would the name of deceased Sunil Rai The vigilance bureau had also while leaving for home on Mon- remained out of the shop, three tion, said a case had been regis-
according to intelligence inputs guest houses and other service remain in force till further and Madhu Bhushan respec- directed the department to act day night, he had taken the barged into the shop after break- tered and the police were on the
law and order situation in the city apartments to maintain a record orders. tively. Both are children of Har- against the complaint in June. expensive mobile phones with ing open the shutter. The bur- lookout for the thieves.

colourful threads, stickers, cotton
STUDENTS OF balls and glitters. Students were
GCG SHINE IN apprised of the significance of the
festival. They were judged on the
UNIVERSITY RESULTS basis of creativity and efforts. The
LUDHIANA : : Students of Government rakhis designed by the students of
College for Girls (GCG) brought laurels the senior wing were packed in a box
by bagging positions in MA (Punjabi) along with greeting cards and sent to
fourth semester examination con- the chief commissioner of income tax
ducted by Panjab University, Chandi- department, Ludhiana. Principal Jyoti
garh. Two students secured the Sachdev Pujara lauded the efforts of
seventh and tenth position in the the students.
varsity. Navdeep Kaur stood seventh
securing 75.6% marks and Rajvir Raksha Bandhan celebrated
Kaur secured the tenth position by at The Learning Station
securing 73.8% marks. Principal LUDHIANA : Raksha Bandhan was
Manju Sahni congratulated the celebrated at The Learning Station
students and the faculty members Preschool on Tuesday. The students
of the department for the came dressed in colourful attires.
achievement. Girls tied sacred rakhi threads on
the wrists of boys, who came dressed
Guest lecture at PCTE as army men. Coordinator Sakshi
Group of Institutes Abbott apprised the students of the n Students of BCM School, Ludhiana, during the International Youth Day celebrations. HT PHOTO
LUDHIANA : Deepak Vohra, an Indian importance of the festival. The
diplomat, delivered a session at PCTE principal appreciated the efforts
Group of Institutes. He is the current made by the students.
special advisor to Lesotho and Guinea
Bissau. Vohra addressed the students International Youth Day
about world economy, Kashmir issue, celebrations at BCM
elections and defense. He stated LUDHIANA : BCM School, Basant
during his session in 1967, the then Avenue, on Tuesday celebrated
prime minister of India, Indira Gandhi International Youth Day on the
went to US to seek help for food theme transforming education that
because India suffered a bad famine highlighted the efforts to make
and drought. On her arrival, US media education more relevant, equitable
reported that the Indian leader came and inclusive for youth. The assembly
to beg for food. Following this commenced with a speech on the
incident, Gandhi pledged to never importance of the day followed
beg for food again. Today, India is one by an intra-class panel discussion for
of the largest producer of food. classes 11 and 12 on topics such as
artificial intelligence, cyber security,
Raksha Bandhan celebrations internet addiction and safety meas-
at Green Land Convent ures for social networking. Principal
LUDHIANA : Green Land Convent Vandna Shahi inaugurated the
School, New Subhash Nagar, cele- stationery mart (tuck shop), an
brated Raksha Bandhan on Tuesday. initiative taken by the budding
Children took part in a rakhi-making entrepreneurs of the school. She n Students of The Learning Station Preschool, Ludhiana, during the Raksha Bandhan celebrations on
contest. They made rakhis using lauded the efforts of the youngsters. Tuesday. HT PHOTO



CHANDIGARH/PUNJAB, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 2019, 4 PAGESI Entertainment & Promotional Features



‘I was a victim of On the eve of the 73rd Independence Day of India, actor John Abraham says that he looks
up to the Indian flag; adds Batla House, was a perfect film for him to act in and produce
My earliest memories are

domestic abuse on Rishabh Suri the film. The item number part psychological thrillers. I How did you go about the prep for
the film, based on a real-life
of going to school,
unfurling the flag and
singing the national
anthem. I come from two

multiple occasions’ T
— Nora (Fatehi) has got a full- thought this is a perfect film to
he patriotic streak in fledged role in the film, and a not only act in, but produce, person? diverse religions in my
family – Christian and
actor John Abraham is crucial one. Just to weave in too. I met and spent time with
more than evident
I don’t think I have that song was the most difficult Sanjeev Kumar Yadav, who
Parsi. But from childhood,
it has always been instilled
through his film choices lost anything for part for my director (Nikkhil You also screened the film recently was then an ACP and now is a in my head by my parents
— 2018 saw him doing my producers or Advani). Once you see the film, in Delhi for the honourable Vice DCP. My concern was to that, ‘remember that you
n Sunday, a popular someone’s household Parmanu- The Story of you will forgive us for having a President of India, Shri Venkaiah understand not only his body

are an Indian first’, instead
TV actor along with you’re writing about, Pokhran, followed by exhibitors. Just to be in fantastic number in it. Naidu. What was his reaction to it? language but mentality, too. To of me denominating any
her 18-year-old someone’s life you’re Satyameva Jayate, and in both, the rat race to push big It was nice meeting Shri understand the trauma he went religion on myself. I have
daughter filed a complaint discussing. Many of the theme was John’s love for What was it about the story that Venkaiah Naidu. Being a through after the Batla House grown up with the
against her actor-husband you fortunately haven’t his country. But he maintains numbers has never made you say yes? senior political leader, he incident, the fact that he emotion that India matters
and the latter’s stepfather. even dealt with something that his idea of patriotism is not been my intention. I am As an actor, consumer and threw some light on the wanted to commit suicide, and the most. So, I always look
He was accused of of such heinous ‘jingoistic’. His next, Batla viewer, I thought the script political situation in the his relationship with his lovely up to the Indian flag. We
allegedly showing obscene proportions, and hence House, is inspired by the 2008
in a happy space now. was exciting. There’s a country and me being wife. I met her, too. It was nice are very fortunate that we
pictures to his you have no right to incident which took place in JOHN ABRAHAM, ACTOR saying in English that politically aware, it was a to meet a man who is such a are allowed to unfurl the
stepdaughter and booked comment, discuss or paint Delhi. While there have been ‘fact is stranger than great opportunity to dichotomy in his real life. National flag. So, this year
under section 354-A someone else’s image objections raised, the actor fiction’. This story meet him. He’s a very too, I will unfurl it, and
(sexual harassment), 323 through your biased, asserts that the treatment of his part of your question, I think seemed unbelievable. learned man, and at the You’ve been in showbiz for over 16 then fold it back before
(causing hurt), 504 misinformed views. It’s next is sensitive. Excerpts from we have actually left the film It came together same time, extremely years now. How much have your sunset.
(intentional insult), 506 beyond disgusting and its a chat with John: open to debate. We have told really well. I like down to earth. We priorities changed — what goes on
(criminal intimidation), time that i stand up for my the film from three different political and showed him in John Abraham’s mind today?
509 (word, act or gesture to mother for she is the The subject of your next is very point of views — the victims’, some parts I want to make films that make numerical figures. Yes,
insult modesty of woman) strongest person i know sensitive. How did you manage to the terrorists’ point of view, the of the film, effective change within the commerce is important and I
of the Indian Penal Code and since out of all of us retain the sensitivity, yet have the court’s point of view, and the he was industry, and films that make don’t think I have lost anything
(IPC) and 67-A I’m the only person who’s scope for an item song like O Saki witnesses’ point of view. When very people think and at the same for my producers or exhibitors.
(transmitting obscene witnessed her struggle day Saki, and commercial elements? they walk out of the film, we excited to time, entertain them. Vicky Just to be in the rat race to push
material) of the in and day out, my opinion want people to discuss it, if they know the Donor (2012) was the first of its big numbers has never been
Information Technology is the only one that To agree, disagree, or whether way we kind, so was Madras Cafe (2013; my intention. I am in a happy
Act at Samta Nagar police matters (sic).” answer they have a different point of have both produced by John). It’s space now.
station, Kandivali (East). She also clarified that the view which was not shown in showed very important to change. I am n
The TV actor married her stepfather “never former the film. very happy I am not one of
the accused in 2013, and physically molested or those actors who are still
the couple has a three- touched her trying to breach
year-old son. Reportedly, inappropriately”. She certain
their marriage was going wrote, “Before spreading
through a rough patch, something of this calibre
and the actor wanted a or even believing it, its
divorce. imperative you as readers
In light of multiple know the veracity of the
media reports, the facts that you’re blindly
daughter has penned a divulging endlessly. He did
note on her Instagram persistently make
account, speaking up inappropriate and
against her stepfather. She disturbing remarks the
also commented on her impact of which is only
mother being a victim of known to my mother and I,
domestic abuse. “The and if any woman from
media does not have the any walk of life were to
facts and they never will. I hear them she would be
was on multiple occasions greatly embarrassed and
a victim of domestic abuse provoked, too. Words
NOT my mother, except which would question the
for the day that the standing dignity of any
complaint was filed he woman, which you
hadn’t hit my mother. As a wouldn’t expect to hear
reader of the news its often from any man, especially
easy to forget that you do not your ‘father’.”
not know the truth of what The girl claims to be a
goes on behind closed “proud daughter” and that
doors or how much her “mother is the most
fortitude my mother has respectable individual that John Abraham with
shown in both her she has ever come across”. kids on the eve of
marriages. This is HTC Independence Day

A K-pop star, but Sid’s dil remains Hindustani STOP PRESS

I don’t want to do
anything that isn’t
Farozan Akhtar A K-POP ADVENTURE
Having spent over six months
ou miss things only once in South Korea, Sid shares that

Y you’re away from them,”

says Sid of Z-Boys, talking
adjusting to the K-pop industry
has its own challenges. “Back
about how much he missed
Indian cuisine and Hindi films
while in South Korea. The
singer-performer was in India
last month for a vacation after
in India, I was just following
Bollywood, but when I joined
the Korean music industry, I
got a chance to better
understand the process of
worthy: Nimrat
Shreya Mukherjee
wrapping up work on his new making global music. I got to
single titled Holla Holla. see how good my skills actually howbiz calls for
Unsurprisingly, he tells us that
he spent his time catching up
on latest Bollywood releases
are. It was challenging,” says
Sid. S relevance, more so if you
are a performer. And as
the saying goes, out of sight
and gorging on spicy food. FAMILIES, OLD means out of mind. But that’s
Sid also honoured his AND NEW MINAJ WILL MARRY not something Nimrat Kaur is
musical beginnings by getting A solo performer until last losing sleep over. What
reacquainted with his musical year, Sid didn’t find it too PETTY IN 80 DAYS concerns the actor more is
instruments and old colleagues tough to fit in with the other he countdown has quality rather than the
on his trip home. “I spent some
time with my guitar and my
six members of Z-Boys.
“We’re actually like a family.
T officially begun, as
rapper Nicki Minaj
quantity. The actor, who
was last seen in The Test
keys, writing new music and When I first met the other revealed that she will Case (that ended in January
lyrics. I also met the people I guys, they were like ‘let’s see marry her beau Kenneth 2018), has not been doing much
began my journey with — the how it goes’ but as time passed, Petty in “about 80 days”. work in India and is busy with
producers and directors whom we became like brothers. They The 36-year-old rapper her international projects,
I used to make my YouTube helped me a lot in many ways,” made the announcement gives more importance to
videos with,” shares Sid. shares the 20-year-old, adding on Monday’s episode of her quality than quantity. Nimrat
As Delhi University has that he learnt Filipino and Queen Radio show. believes that more than the
reopened for a new session, we Japanese slangs from the break, choosing right kind of
The singer explained that
ask Sid how he is balancing his members. work will help her earn the Nimrat
she and Petty “filed for the
studies with his musical Sid credits his younger love and support of the Kaur
marriage license and still
career. “I feel education is brother, Vedant, for seeing the audience back.
had to pick it up”, but since
really important so I’m potential in him and “I don’t like to scare myself good, it also helps in gathering and when you come here and
she was travelling, she had
doing BCom correspondence convincing his parents to let with the [thought],” she more interest. Hopefully, do something you lose touch in
to get the license renewed,
from DU. But I haven’t him quit mass communications continues, “I’d rather do when I come back, I’ll be being there,” she says.
People reported.
had time to attend any degree in Bangalore. “He something fantastic than accepted,” adds actor. Nimrat has been getting a
classes as I had training motivated my parents to let me PHOTO: GOKUL VS/HT ANI something random just At the same time the 37- number of international
and shows to focus on. I don’t move to Delhi to follow my because I am out of the scene. I year-old shares how she is offers. “I have to take a call
know if I’ll have time to passion. He even found me don’t want to do anything that trying to strike a balance and hopefully, I’ll be able to
prepare for exams either,” he places to perform,” says Sid, NOTE TO READERS: Some of the isn’t worthy.” between her work in India and talk about my upcoming
tells us with a tone of worry in adding that it was his brother When I first met the other members of Z-Boys, they coverage that appears on our pages Nimrat opines that breaks abroad. “I am putting all my projects soon. That’s why right
his voice. Sid also mentions the who gave him the idea to start a were like ‘let’s see how it goes’ but as time passed, we is paid for by the concerned brands.
No sponsored content does or shall
are good sometimes. “That attention and energy towards now I am figuring how I would
possibility of a Korea and YouTube channel. “He shaped kind of desperation might go managing my career both be dividing my time. I don’t
Indonesia tour, which would me into the artiste I am,” he became like brothers. They helped me a lot. appear in any part of HT without it against your productivity. I ways. I must admit it’s been want to miss being part of good
keep him tied up with no time says with a smile. SID K-POP STAR being declared as such to our valued fear making such mistakes. So, tricky, when you go abroad stories,” she concludes.
for studies. n a little bit of gap at times is you miss being in touch here n




Astrologer Prem Kumar Sharma can be contacted at: Delhi: 011-47033152, Sunidhi Chauhan: The singer, who is known for
40532026 (Sat to Mon): Panchkula: 91-172-2562832, 2572874 (Tues to Thurs);
Mumbai: 09223376963 (Last week of every month)
songs such as Kamli, Dhoom Machale, Sajnaaji
Vaari, Sheila Ki Jawani and Desi Girl, turns 36

You will be much more careful in incurring a You will be able to adopt a set physical Active lifestyle will keep you fit. Financial Worries regarding money may be laid to
major expenditure, so as not to go routine through sheer will power to get security promises to add to your rest. Someone is likely to come near to
beyond the budget. Gift of the gab and back in shape. Be careful so as not to independence. Recognition for your your heart, even as no words are
good handling of clients promise to win default on loan. Some turbulence on the contribution at work may not come exchanged! A complaint of a family
them over. A short-tempered family work front can be expected and can take quickly and you may have to toil harder. member from someone can make you
ARIES member is likely to spoil your mood. TAURUS a serious turn. You are likely to do some GEMINI This is the time to strengthen the family CANCER see red. An exciting trip may get
(MAR 21 - APR 20) Driving off to a holiday destination cannot (APR 21 - MAY 20) fun things with family today. Travelling (MAY 21 - JUN 21) bonds. An overseas invitation may find (JUNE 22 - JULY 22) postponed. Legalities in acquiring a house
be ruled out for some. You may not feel right with your near and dear ones is indicated. some packing their bags. You are likely to or a flat will be completed without much
about an action you are about to undertake, This is an auspicious day to acquire property. add to your assets. Some of you can lag behind hassle. There is some scope of improving your
but your fears will prove to be baseless. Someone is likely to invite you over to stay at his or her place. on the academic front by not being regular. scores on the academic front, so go for it.
Love Focus: Spouse or lover is likely to shower dollops of love on you Love Focus: You may not be able to spare time for meeting lover Love Focus: Lover may be planning something special for you, so get Love Focus: Someone from the opposite gender you enjoy being
and brighten up the romantic front! today, but make up for it later. ready to be surprised. with may give rise to romantic aspirations.
Lucky Number: 7 Lucky Colour: Baby Pink Lucky Number: 9 Lucky Colour: Maroon Lucky Number: 11 Lucky Colour: Light Blue Lucky Number: 5 Lucky Colour: Parrot Green

Some of you may feel frustrated by not Chance to add to wealth may be seized by Good investments will ensure profuse Financially, you are not likely to face much
being able to raise enough money to you. A skill needs to be perfected to avoid growth of your money tree on the issues. Not discussing issues with seniors
realize your dreams. Things might come lagging behind others at work. A family financial front. A promotion or before implementing may bring you into
to a standstill on the professional front. member will be at his or her best recognition is likely for some on the the firing line. A trip with family is likely
Resolving a family dispute can take up behaviour and will do you proud. This is professional front. Family may appear a to prove most enjoyable. A packaged
much of your day. A trip will help you LEO not the day to undertake a journey as VIRGO bit demanding, but you may be reading LIBRA tour to a holiday destination is likely. A SCORPIO
realize your dream. Being fair to the heirs (JULY 23 - AUG 23) problems are indicated. A new property (AUG 24 - SEPT 23) too much into it. Travel only if you have (SEPT 24 - OCT 23) new property acquired by you will start (OCT 24 - NOV 22)
on the property front may become an acquired by you will start giving good to. A few additions and alterations in the giving good monetary returns. You will be
overriding issue. You are likely to enjoy the monetary returns. Spit and polish may become house are indicated. A stranger is likely to much more mentally at ease by talking things
company of friends today. the order of the day for some homemakers. extend a helping hand and become your friend. out with someone you blindly confide in.
Love Focus: On the romantic front, you may be left wondering by Love Focus: Flirting won’t hurt you and can give oodles of fun, so Love Focus: Your attempts to win someone’s heart may face Love Focus: Whatever is in your heart needs to be expressed in
lover! why not enjoy while it lasts! insurmountable hurdles on the romantic front. words on the romantic front, so don’t feel reluctant in doing so.
Lucky Number: 15 Lucky Colour: Red Lucky Number: 4 Lucky Colour: Dark Slate Grey Lucky Number: 22 Lucky Colour: Indigo Lucky Number: 17 Lucky Colour: Navy Blue

A project may require additional finances A loan given to someone may not be You can be a bit careful in spending your You manage to maintain good health
to become viable. You will take every returned on the promised date.Some kind money to avoid upsetting your budget. despite irregular hours. Stability on the
opportunity to understand the finer of compensation can be expected on the Your guidance in something important financial front is assured. An increase in
points of your job. Those planning to business front. Family responsibilities may be sought at work. Your popularity workload is foreseen on the professional
settle out of town will get full support will give little time for enjoyment. A among family and friends is set to rise. front, but you will overcome it. Those
of family. A long journey will be leisure trip with someone close will not Your desire to visit someone may make wanting to study abroad or out of town
SAGITTARIUS completed without any glitches or delays. CAPRICORN be without its share of hassles, but will AQUARIUS you undertake a journey. Property PISCES will find the family supportive. Some risk
(NOV 23 - DEC 21) (DEC 22 - JAN 21) (JAN 22 - FEB 19) (FEB 20 - MAR 20)
A property deal is likely to favour you. prove enjoyable on the whole. Some acquired recently promises to give good is foreseen on the road today, so remain
Someone calling a spade a spade on the social complications are foreseen in matters related returns. A peaceful existence is foreseen and alert. A property issue is likely to be resolved
front can hurt you in the extreme. to property. will allow you to unwind today. amicably. Homemakers can remain busy in doing up the house today.
Love Focus: Promises on the romantic front may be difficult to keep, Love Focus: A match making process may be underway for the Love Focus: Inadequate response from your side may dampen the Love Focus: Love life will cruise along satisfactorily and you will get a
but you will manage somehow. eligible. spirits of the one who is ready to shower his or her love on you. chance to enjoy happy moments with partner.
Lucky Number: 3 Lucky Colour: Red Lucky Number: 1 Lucky Colour: Peach Lucky Number: 6 Lucky Colour: White Lucky Number: 8 Lucky Colour: Forest Green




Kareena Kapoor was keen on playing the lead
role in director Imtiaz Ali’s Love Aaj Kal (2009)
Fill in all the squares in the grid so that each row, column and alongside boyfriend Saif Ali Khan. But Deepika
each of the 9X9 squares contains all the digits from 1 to 9.
Padukone eventually got the part.
Solve the four anagrams and move one letter to each square to
form four ordinary words

Now arrange the letters marked with an asterisk (*) to form the answer to
the riddle or to fill in the missing words as indicated.
It is easier to get _____________than permission

ANSWER: It is easier to get forgiveness than permission - Grace Hopper

Place numbers into the puzzle cells so that each row and column contains each of the digits from 1 to 5. No number is to be repeated in any row or
SCRAMBLE SOLUTION: Ember, orris, bongos, vivify
column. Each bold-outlined cells contain a hint of a number and one of the mathematical symbols + x - /. The number is the result of the operation
represented by the symbol to the digits contained.

Ohio to celebrate 25 years of

A still from the Assamese film — Bulbul Can Sing; and (below)
filmmaker Rima Das.

Shreya Mukherjee
The Shawshank Redemption
er film Bulbul Can Sing

H has been named the

Best Assamese Film at
the 66th National Film
Awards, and director Rima
Das can’t keep calm. “I feel he Shawshank
elated and humbled,” she
says. Her award-winning film
was recently screened at the
T Redemption (1994) is
heading towards its 25th
anniversary and to mark
Indian Film Festival Of the same, a celebration is to
Melbourne (IFFM). take place in Ohio, USA,
“It feels great! Thanks to starting from August 16 till Wonder EDITOR’S Black Panther at 2000 Pacific Rim: Uprising at 2100
the jury and the team of August 18. Woman at 1358
National Film Awards. Mr According to reports, the
0856 Jackie Chan’s
PICK 0858 Toy Story 3
1054 Ice Age: Dawn of The
0921 The Mask
Shah Rukh Khan introduced movie, which released in 1994, 1127 Mad Max: Fury Road
First Strike Dinosaurs 1331 My Sister’s Keeper
Bulbul Can Sing at the Last year, after Rima’s was filmed in and around
opening night of Indian Film much-talked about film Mansfield, Ohio, and this 1025 A Quite Place 1241 Baby’s Day Out 1548 Rob-B-Hood
Festival of Melbourne and he Village Rockstars (2017) year, the same location will be 1158 Godzilla 1436 Fantastic Four: Rise 1841 The Legend
was the one who broke the received the Best Feature filled with fans and a few cast 1358 Wonder Woman of The Silver Surfer of Tarzan
news of the my film winning a Film ‘Swarna Kamal’ award, members. 1622 The Terminal 1622 Home Alone 3 2100 Pacific Rim: Uprising
National award congratulated Rima had spoken about how The story followed a 1850 Eagle Eye 1823 The Hitman’s Bodyguard 2322 The Scorpion
me. Even after Village she doesn’t have enough banker named Andy Dufresne 2100 Sherlock Holmes: A 2000 Black Panther King 4: Quest
Rockstars won the Best budget to make and promote played by Tim Robbins, who Game of Shadows 2342 Spiritual Kung Fu For Power
Feature Film Award last year, films. So, does she see the was sentenced to life in 2321 S.W.A.T
the audience was celebrating scenario changing after this Shawshank State
it like one of their own films award? Rima says, “Things Penitentiary for the murder
has won the award. I truly feel are definitely changing for of his wife and her lover,
blessed,” adds Rima. good. I’m collaborating with despite he claimed innocence.
producers for some upcoming While serving his term in
projects.” the prison, he becomes
And talk about what the friends with a fellow prisoner,
director is planning to work Ellis Red Redding, played by
on next, and she lists a Morgan Freeman.
number of projects. “I’ve just Dufresne becomes involved
completed a BRICS project. in a money-laundering
I’m also working on a few scheme run by the warden but
projects in collaboration with manages to turn the tables Kick at 1650 Ra.One at 1652 Commando 2 at 1525
other producers. I’ll also be with a few twists and later 0918 Mohan Vadani
1030 Golmaal 3 1106 Sanam Teri Kasam
making a film in Assam, manages to escape the prison. 1212 Singam 3
which is backed by the Assam Actors who are expected to 1330 The Return of 1416 Shiva The Super
Abhimanyu Hero 3 1525 Commando 2
State Film Corporation. My come at the reunion are Bob A still from the film
independent feature film Gunton William Sadler, Mark 1650 Kick 1652 Ra.One 1800 Rowdy Rajkumar 2
projects are in the pipeline, Rolston, Frank Medrano, Claire Slemmer. The shown in the film including 2000 Dumdaar Khiladi 2000 Himmatwar 2100 Mahaabali
too!” Alfonso Freeman, Scott celebration will feature a tour Ohio State Reformatory. 2240 Double Attack 2306 Show Dogs 2343 Revolver Raja
n Mann, Renee Blaine and to more than a dozen sites ANI



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Jameela Jamil against

airbrushing pictures
ritish actor Jameela Jamil are perpetually scrutinised and

B urged celebrities and

influencers to discontinue
the practice of airbrushing or
criticised in this industry, but
I’m begging other influencers,
actors, and models to join me in
retouching their pictures. not allowing airbrushing,” she
The actor took to Twitter tweeted.
urging influences, models actor She continued, “We have to
to join her in discouraging the stop setting standards for
practice of airbrushing in others that we ourselves don’t
pictures. even meet.” To prove the same,
“I know it’s hard because we Jamil also shared a picture of
NBC’s The Good Place showing
her un-airbrushed backfat.
Jameela Alongside, she wrote, “Finally
Jamil able to insist my image, even on
PHOTO: billboards isn’t ever
AFP airbrushed. I get backfat in
every single bra. And I used to
hide so many photos because of
muffin tops. Double chins and
imperfections because I never
saw them on people on
television.” Chrissy Teigen, in
July last year, shared a video of
showing her stretch marks
where she said, “I guess
these just aren’t gonna go
away. This is my body.”
Last year, Jamil had
initiated the #IWeigh
campaign on social
She encouraged
users to stop
focusing on their
body weight.




Akshata Shetty SHAMING
Reality star Kim Kardashian
For fashion designer
important to feel beautiful rather
than look beautiful. To be able to
feel beautiful, it is very important
to be comfortable. Comfort
clothing denotes free size
body. Women change sizes —
monthly, yearly, situationally —
and so, our bodies are changing
forever. Therefore, ait is essential
to give away this trend of
West made them trendy and Pria Kataaria Puri, clothing that does not restrict restricted clothing and adopt a
hen was the last time Fashion designer COLOUR NO BAR everyone wanted them. We the trend that we your body movement and trend of free-flowing and free

W are talking about the trend need to get comprises silhouettes that are size clothing. Jeans with elastic at
you told yourself Sunaina Khera shares For fashion designer Eshaani freedom from is styled in a fluid manner,” adds the waist can be of much better
‘it’s okay to be that we need freedom from of cycling shorts. According
Jayaswal, freedom from colour is a to fashion designer Bhaavya “feeling Puri.It is significant for women to fitted or a tight pair of jeans
different?’ We live in body shaming. “We must. “Colours play a major role in uncomfortable in feel beautiful because a woman’s which may be trending may
a world where we are made to shouldn’t be spreading Bhatnagar, the cycling
staying fashionable. The colour of our clothes”. “It is body is different from a man’s become the point of discomfort.”
follow trends even if we don’t insecurity among women shorts trend is not
the dress that you are wearing something she would
want to. Be it the colour of the about how they don’t should not be determined by your
season or a certain silhouette conform to a recommend. “I personally
skin tone. Different colours work don’t like the cycling shorts
for a dress, you start believing conventional, well for different individuals. Just
that if you don't own anything acceptable body type. trend. It’s tricky to get right
because you are dusky doesn’t and not the easiest to
which is trendy, you are not I think if we learn to mean you can’t pull off brighter
fashionable. However, this love ourselves, we style,” adds
colours,” adds Jayaswal. The Bhatnagar.
Independence Day, fashion can pull designer also feels that telling
designers give their opinion off any outfit no However, if you
women not to wear black or white love shorts, she
about certain fashion trends matter the body for festivities should stop.
that need to go away. type. Wouldn’t that suggests you can
“Fashion changes from be fashionable?” instead opt for
season to season and person asks Khera, adding, formal
to person. Stop imitating “What we can Bermuda
people. Your clothes must replace this with, shorts with
speak about your personality. is acceptance. WHY SO GAUDY? interesting
Embrace your shape, size, Instead of asking According to menswear designer Kunal Anil Tanna, in India, details
budget and way of life. Every women to fit into our surface ornamentation has primarily always been treated with such as
designer has a design clothes, we as embroidery and more often with gaudy motifs garishly pleated,
philosophy and aesthetic. designers, should overloaded with unnecessary bling. With evolving times, and structured
Their creations are an make clothes that fit for a dapper man, this trend needs to go away. Tanna believes waistband
extension of their women because that classic styles stay forever and hence, surface s or sheer.
personalities,” says fashion there shouldn’t be ornamentation can be dealt with a more elegant approach with
intricate painstakingly
designer Eshaani Jayaswal. such a thing as
developed textures.
convention in
SAY NO TO BODY beauty.”




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JALANDHAR/PUNJAB, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 2019, 4 PAGESI Entertainment & Promotional Features



‘I was a victim of On the eve of the 73rd Independence Day of India, actor John Abraham says that he looks
up to the Indian flag; adds Batla House, was a perfect film for him to act in and produce
My earliest memories are

domestic abuse on Rishabh Suri the film. The item number part psychological thrillers. I How did you go about the prep for
the film, based on a real-life
of going to school,
unfurling the flag and
singing the national
anthem. I come from two

multiple occasions’ T
— Nora (Fatehi) has got a full- thought this is a perfect film to
he patriotic streak in fledged role in the film, and a not only act in, but produce, person? diverse religions in my
family – Christian and
actor John Abraham is crucial one. Just to weave in too. I met and spent time with
more than evident
I don’t think I have that song was the most difficult Sanjeev Kumar Yadav, who
Parsi. But from childhood,
it has always been instilled
through his film choices lost anything for part for my director (Nikkhil You also screened the film recently was then an ACP and now is a in my head by my parents
— 2018 saw him doing my producers or Advani). Once you see the film, in Delhi for the honourable Vice DCP. My concern was to that, ‘remember that you
n Sunday, a popular someone’s household Parmanu- The Story of you will forgive us for having a President of India, Shri Venkaiah understand not only his body

are an Indian first’, instead
TV actor along with you’re writing about, Pokhran, followed by exhibitors. Just to be in fantastic number in it. Naidu. What was his reaction to it? language but mentality, too. To of me denominating any
her 18-year-old someone’s life you’re Satyameva Jayate, and in both, the rat race to push big It was nice meeting Shri understand the trauma he went religion on myself. I have
daughter filed a complaint discussing. Many of the theme was John’s love for What was it about the story that Venkaiah Naidu. Being a through after the Batla House grown up with the
against her actor-husband you fortunately haven’t his country. But he maintains numbers has never made you say yes? senior political leader, he incident, the fact that he emotion that India matters
and the latter’s stepfather. even dealt with something that his idea of patriotism is not been my intention. I am As an actor, consumer and threw some light on the wanted to commit suicide, and the most. So, I always look
He was accused of of such heinous ‘jingoistic’. His next, Batla viewer, I thought the script political situation in the his relationship with his lovely up to the Indian flag. We
allegedly showing obscene proportions, and hence House, is inspired by the 2008
in a happy space now. was exciting. There’s a country and me being wife. I met her, too. It was nice are very fortunate that we
pictures to his you have no right to incident which took place in JOHN ABRAHAM, ACTOR saying in English that politically aware, it was a to meet a man who is such a are allowed to unfurl the
stepdaughter and booked comment, discuss or paint Delhi. While there have been ‘fact is stranger than great opportunity to dichotomy in his real life. National flag. So, this year
under section 354-A someone else’s image objections raised, the actor fiction’. This story meet him. He’s a very too, I will unfurl it, and
(sexual harassment), 323 through your biased, asserts that the treatment of his part of your question, I think seemed unbelievable. learned man, and at the You’ve been in showbiz for over 16 then fold it back before
(causing hurt), 504 misinformed views. It’s next is sensitive. Excerpts from we have actually left the film It came together same time, extremely years now. How much have your sunset.
(intentional insult), 506 beyond disgusting and its a chat with John: open to debate. We have told really well. I like down to earth. We priorities changed — what goes on
(criminal intimidation), time that i stand up for my the film from three different political and showed him in John Abraham’s mind today?
509 (word, act or gesture to mother for she is the The subject of your next is very point of views — the victims’, some parts I want to make films that make numerical figures. Yes,
insult modesty of woman) strongest person i know sensitive. How did you manage to the terrorists’ point of view, the of the film, effective change within the commerce is important and I
of the Indian Penal Code and since out of all of us retain the sensitivity, yet have the court’s point of view, and the he was industry, and films that make don’t think I have lost anything
(IPC) and 67-A I’m the only person who’s scope for an item song like O Saki witnesses’ point of view. When very people think and at the same for my producers or exhibitors.
(transmitting obscene witnessed her struggle day Saki, and commercial elements? they walk out of the film, we excited to time, entertain them. Vicky Just to be in the rat race to push
material) of the in and day out, my opinion want people to discuss it, if they know the Donor (2012) was the first of its big numbers has never been
Information Technology is the only one that To agree, disagree, or whether way we kind, so was Madras Cafe (2013; my intention. I am in a happy
Act at Samta Nagar police matters (sic).” answer they have a different point of have both produced by John). It’s space now.
station, Kandivali (East). She also clarified that the view which was not shown in showed very important to change. I am n
The TV actor married her stepfather “never former the film. very happy I am not one of
the accused in 2013, and physically molested or those actors who are still
the couple has a three- touched her trying to breach
year-old son. Reportedly, inappropriately”. She certain
their marriage was going wrote, “Before spreading
through a rough patch, something of this calibre
and the actor wanted a or even believing it, its
divorce. imperative you as readers
In light of multiple know the veracity of the
media reports, the facts that you’re blindly
daughter has penned a divulging endlessly. He did
note on her Instagram persistently make
account, speaking up inappropriate and
against her stepfather. She disturbing remarks the
also commented on her impact of which is only
mother being a victim of known to my mother and I,
domestic abuse. “The and if any woman from
media does not have the any walk of life were to
facts and they never will. I hear them she would be
was on multiple occasions greatly embarrassed and
a victim of domestic abuse provoked, too. Words
NOT my mother, except which would question the
for the day that the standing dignity of any
complaint was filed he woman, which you
hadn’t hit my mother. As a wouldn’t expect to hear
reader of the news its often from any man, especially
easy to forget that you do not your ‘father’.”
not know the truth of what The girl claims to be a
goes on behind closed “proud daughter” and that
doors or how much her “mother is the most
fortitude my mother has respectable individual that John Abraham with
shown in both her she has ever come across”. kids on the eve of
marriages. This is HTC Independence Day

A K-pop star, but Sid’s dil remains Hindustani STOP PRESS

I don’t want to do
anything that isn’t
Farozan Akhtar A K-POP ADVENTURE
Having spent over six months
ou miss things only once in South Korea, Sid shares that

Y you’re away from them,”

says Sid of Z-Boys, talking
adjusting to the K-pop industry
has its own challenges. “Back
about how much he missed
Indian cuisine and Hindi films
while in South Korea. The
singer-performer was in India
last month for a vacation after
in India, I was just following
Bollywood, but when I joined
the Korean music industry, I
got a chance to better
understand the process of
worthy: Nimrat
Shreya Mukherjee
wrapping up work on his new making global music. I got to
single titled Holla Holla. see how good my skills actually howbiz calls for
Unsurprisingly, he tells us that
he spent his time catching up
on latest Bollywood releases
are. It was challenging,” says
Sid. S relevance, more so if you
are a performer. And as
the saying goes, out of sight
and gorging on spicy food. FAMILIES, OLD means out of mind. But that’s
Sid also honoured his AND NEW MINAJ WILL MARRY not something Nimrat Kaur is
musical beginnings by getting A solo performer until last losing sleep over. What
reacquainted with his musical year, Sid didn’t find it too PETTY IN 80 DAYS concerns the actor more is
instruments and old colleagues tough to fit in with the other he countdown has quality rather than the
on his trip home. “I spent some
time with my guitar and my
six members of Z-Boys.
“We’re actually like a family.
T officially begun, as
rapper Nicki Minaj
quantity. The actor, who
was last seen in The Test
keys, writing new music and When I first met the other revealed that she will Case (that ended in January
lyrics. I also met the people I guys, they were like ‘let’s see marry her beau Kenneth 2018), has not been doing much
began my journey with — the how it goes’ but as time passed, Petty in “about 80 days”. work in India and is busy with
producers and directors whom we became like brothers. They The 36-year-old rapper her international projects,
I used to make my YouTube helped me a lot in many ways,” made the announcement gives more importance to
videos with,” shares Sid. shares the 20-year-old, adding on Monday’s episode of her quality than quantity. Nimrat
As Delhi University has that he learnt Filipino and Queen Radio show. believes that more than the
reopened for a new session, we Japanese slangs from the break, choosing right kind of
The singer explained that
ask Sid how he is balancing his members. work will help her earn the Nimrat
she and Petty “filed for the
studies with his musical Sid credits his younger love and support of the Kaur
marriage license and still
career. “I feel education is brother, Vedant, for seeing the audience back.
had to pick it up”, but since
really important so I’m potential in him and “I don’t like to scare myself good, it also helps in gathering and when you come here and
she was travelling, she had
doing BCom correspondence convincing his parents to let with the [thought],” she more interest. Hopefully, do something you lose touch in
to get the license renewed,
from DU. But I haven’t him quit mass communications continues, “I’d rather do when I come back, I’ll be being there,” she says.
People reported.
had time to attend any degree in Bangalore. “He something fantastic than accepted,” adds actor. Nimrat has been getting a
classes as I had training motivated my parents to let me PHOTO: GOKUL VS/HT ANI something random just At the same time the 37- number of international
and shows to focus on. I don’t move to Delhi to follow my because I am out of the scene. I year-old shares how she is offers. “I have to take a call
know if I’ll have time to passion. He even found me don’t want to do anything that trying to strike a balance and hopefully, I’ll be able to
prepare for exams either,” he places to perform,” says Sid, NOTE TO READERS: Some of the isn’t worthy.” between her work in India and talk about my upcoming
tells us with a tone of worry in adding that it was his brother When I first met the other members of Z-Boys, they coverage that appears on our pages Nimrat opines that breaks abroad. “I am putting all my projects soon. That’s why right
his voice. Sid also mentions the who gave him the idea to start a were like ‘let’s see how it goes’ but as time passed, we is paid for by the concerned brands.
No sponsored content does or shall
are good sometimes. “That attention and energy towards now I am figuring how I would
possibility of a Korea and YouTube channel. “He shaped kind of desperation might go managing my career both be dividing my time. I don’t
Indonesia tour, which would me into the artiste I am,” he became like brothers. They helped me a lot. appear in any part of HT without it against your productivity. I ways. I must admit it’s been want to miss being part of good
keep him tied up with no time says with a smile. SID K-POP STAR being declared as such to our valued fear making such mistakes. So, tricky, when you go abroad stories,” she concludes.
for studies. n a little bit of gap at times is you miss being in touch here n




Astrologer Prem Kumar Sharma can be contacted at: Delhi: 011-47033152, Sunidhi Chauhan: The singer, who is known for
40532026 (Sat to Mon): Panchkula: 91-172-2562832, 2572874 (Tues to Thurs);
Mumbai: 09223376963 (Last week of every month)
songs such as Kamli, Dhoom Machale, Sajnaaji
Vaari, Sheila Ki Jawani and Desi Girl, turns 36

You will be much more careful in incurring a You will be able to adopt a set physical Active lifestyle will keep you fit. Financial Worries regarding money may be laid to
major expenditure, so as not to go routine through sheer will power to get security promises to add to your rest. Someone is likely to come near to
beyond the budget. Gift of the gab and back in shape. Be careful so as not to independence. Recognition for your your heart, even as no words are
good handling of clients promise to win default on loan. Some turbulence on the contribution at work may not come exchanged! A complaint of a family
them over. A short-tempered family work front can be expected and can take quickly and you may have to toil harder. member from someone can make you
ARIES member is likely to spoil your mood. TAURUS a serious turn. You are likely to do some GEMINI This is the time to strengthen the family CANCER see red. An exciting trip may get
(MAR 21 - APR 20) Driving off to a holiday destination cannot (APR 21 - MAY 20) fun things with family today. Travelling (MAY 21 - JUN 21) bonds. An overseas invitation may find (JUNE 22 - JULY 22) postponed. Legalities in acquiring a house
be ruled out for some. You may not feel right with your near and dear ones is indicated. some packing their bags. You are likely to or a flat will be completed without much
about an action you are about to undertake, This is an auspicious day to acquire property. add to your assets. Some of you can lag behind hassle. There is some scope of improving your
but your fears will prove to be baseless. Someone is likely to invite you over to stay at his or her place. on the academic front by not being regular. scores on the academic front, so go for it.
Love Focus: Spouse or lover is likely to shower dollops of love on you Love Focus: You may not be able to spare time for meeting lover Love Focus: Lover may be planning something special for you, so get Love Focus: Someone from the opposite gender you enjoy being
and brighten up the romantic front! today, but make up for it later. ready to be surprised. with may give rise to romantic aspirations.
Lucky Number: 7 Lucky Colour: Baby Pink Lucky Number: 9 Lucky Colour: Maroon Lucky Number: 11 Lucky Colour: Light Blue Lucky Number: 5 Lucky Colour: Parrot Green

Some of you may feel frustrated by not Chance to add to wealth may be seized by Good investments will ensure profuse Financially, you are not likely to face much
being able to raise enough money to you. A skill needs to be perfected to avoid growth of your money tree on the issues. Not discussing issues with seniors
realize your dreams. Things might come lagging behind others at work. A family financial front. A promotion or before implementing may bring you into
to a standstill on the professional front. member will be at his or her best recognition is likely for some on the the firing line. A trip with family is likely
Resolving a family dispute can take up behaviour and will do you proud. This is professional front. Family may appear a to prove most enjoyable. A packaged
much of your day. A trip will help you LEO not the day to undertake a journey as VIRGO bit demanding, but you may be reading LIBRA tour to a holiday destination is likely. A SCORPIO
realize your dream. Being fair to the heirs (JULY 23 - AUG 23) problems are indicated. A new property (AUG 24 - SEPT 23) too much into it. Travel only if you have (SEPT 24 - OCT 23) new property acquired by you will start (OCT 24 - NOV 22)
on the property front may become an acquired by you will start giving good to. A few additions and alterations in the giving good monetary returns. You will be
overriding issue. You are likely to enjoy the monetary returns. Spit and polish may become house are indicated. A stranger is likely to much more mentally at ease by talking things
company of friends today. the order of the day for some homemakers. extend a helping hand and become your friend. out with someone you blindly confide in.
Love Focus: On the romantic front, you may be left wondering by Love Focus: Flirting won’t hurt you and can give oodles of fun, so Love Focus: Your attempts to win someone’s heart may face Love Focus: Whatever is in your heart needs to be expressed in
lover! why not enjoy while it lasts! insurmountable hurdles on the romantic front. words on the romantic front, so don’t feel reluctant in doing so.
Lucky Number: 15 Lucky Colour: Red Lucky Number: 4 Lucky Colour: Dark Slate Grey Lucky Number: 22 Lucky Colour: Indigo Lucky Number: 17 Lucky Colour: Navy Blue

A project may require additional finances A loan given to someone may not be You can be a bit careful in spending your You manage to maintain good health
to become viable. You will take every returned on the promised date.Some kind money to avoid upsetting your budget. despite irregular hours. Stability on the
opportunity to understand the finer of compensation can be expected on the Your guidance in something important financial front is assured. An increase in
points of your job. Those planning to business front. Family responsibilities may be sought at work. Your popularity workload is foreseen on the professional
settle out of town will get full support will give little time for enjoyment. A among family and friends is set to rise. front, but you will overcome it. Those
of family. A long journey will be leisure trip with someone close will not Your desire to visit someone may make wanting to study abroad or out of town
SAGITTARIUS completed without any glitches or delays. CAPRICORN be without its share of hassles, but will AQUARIUS you undertake a journey. Property PISCES will find the family supportive. Some risk
(NOV 23 - DEC 21) (DEC 22 - JAN 21) (JAN 22 - FEB 19) (FEB 20 - MAR 20)
A property deal is likely to favour you. prove enjoyable on the whole. Some acquired recently promises to give good is foreseen on the road today, so remain
Someone calling a spade a spade on the social complications are foreseen in matters related returns. A peaceful existence is foreseen and alert. A property issue is likely to be resolved
front can hurt you in the extreme. to property. will allow you to unwind today. amicably. Homemakers can remain busy in doing up the house today.
Love Focus: Promises on the romantic front may be difficult to keep, Love Focus: A match making process may be underway for the Love Focus: Inadequate response from your side may dampen the Love Focus: Love life will cruise along satisfactorily and you will get a
but you will manage somehow. eligible. spirits of the one who is ready to shower his or her love on you. chance to enjoy happy moments with partner.
Lucky Number: 3 Lucky Colour: Red Lucky Number: 1 Lucky Colour: Peach Lucky Number: 6 Lucky Colour: White Lucky Number: 8 Lucky Colour: Forest Green




Kareena Kapoor was keen on playing the lead
role in director Imtiaz Ali’s Love Aaj Kal (2009)
Fill in all the squares in the grid so that each row, column and alongside boyfriend Saif Ali Khan. But Deepika
each of the 9X9 squares contains all the digits from 1 to 9.
Padukone eventually got the part.
Solve the four anagrams and move one letter to each square to
form four ordinary words

Now arrange the letters marked with an asterisk (*) to form the answer to
the riddle or to fill in the missing words as indicated.
It is easier to get _____________than permission

ANSWER: It is easier to get forgiveness than permission - Grace Hopper

Place numbers into the puzzle cells so that each row and column contains each of the digits from 1 to 5. No number is to be repeated in any row or
SCRAMBLE SOLUTION: Ember, orris, bongos, vivify
column. Each bold-outlined cells contain a hint of a number and one of the mathematical symbols + x - /. The number is the result of the operation
represented by the symbol to the digits contained.

Ohio to celebrate 25 years of

A still from the Assamese film — Bulbul Can Sing; and (below)
filmmaker Rima Das.

Shreya Mukherjee
The Shawshank Redemption
er film Bulbul Can Sing

H has been named the

Best Assamese Film at
the 66th National Film
Awards, and director Rima
Das can’t keep calm. “I feel he Shawshank
elated and humbled,” she
says. Her award-winning film
was recently screened at the
T Redemption (1994) is
heading towards its 25th
anniversary and to mark
Indian Film Festival Of the same, a celebration is to
Melbourne (IFFM). take place in Ohio, USA,
“It feels great! Thanks to starting from August 16 till Wonder EDITOR’S Black Panther at 2000 Pacific Rim: Uprising at 2100
the jury and the team of August 18. Woman at 1358
National Film Awards. Mr According to reports, the
0856 Jackie Chan’s
PICK 0858 Toy Story 3
1054 Ice Age: Dawn of The
0921 The Mask
Shah Rukh Khan introduced movie, which released in 1994, 1127 Mad Max: Fury Road
First Strike Dinosaurs 1331 My Sister’s Keeper
Bulbul Can Sing at the Last year, after Rima’s was filmed in and around
opening night of Indian Film much-talked about film Mansfield, Ohio, and this 1025 A Quite Place 1241 Baby’s Day Out 1548 Rob-B-Hood
Festival of Melbourne and he Village Rockstars (2017) year, the same location will be 1158 Godzilla 1436 Fantastic Four: Rise 1841 The Legend
was the one who broke the received the Best Feature filled with fans and a few cast 1358 Wonder Woman of The Silver Surfer of Tarzan
news of the my film winning a Film ‘Swarna Kamal’ award, members. 1622 The Terminal 1622 Home Alone 3 2100 Pacific Rim: Uprising
National award congratulated Rima had spoken about how The story followed a 1850 Eagle Eye 1823 The Hitman’s Bodyguard 2322 The Scorpion
me. Even after Village she doesn’t have enough banker named Andy Dufresne 2100 Sherlock Holmes: A 2000 Black Panther King 4: Quest
Rockstars won the Best budget to make and promote played by Tim Robbins, who Game of Shadows 2342 Spiritual Kung Fu For Power
Feature Film Award last year, films. So, does she see the was sentenced to life in 2321 S.W.A.T
the audience was celebrating scenario changing after this Shawshank State
it like one of their own films award? Rima says, “Things Penitentiary for the murder
has won the award. I truly feel are definitely changing for of his wife and her lover,
blessed,” adds Rima. good. I’m collaborating with despite he claimed innocence.
producers for some upcoming While serving his term in
projects.” the prison, he becomes
And talk about what the friends with a fellow prisoner,
director is planning to work Ellis Red Redding, played by
on next, and she lists a Morgan Freeman.
number of projects. “I’ve just Dufresne becomes involved
completed a BRICS project. in a money-laundering
I’m also working on a few scheme run by the warden but
projects in collaboration with manages to turn the tables Kick at 1650 Ra.One at 1652 Commando 2 at 1525
other producers. I’ll also be with a few twists and later 0918 Mohan Vadani
1030 Golmaal 3 1106 Sanam Teri Kasam
making a film in Assam, manages to escape the prison. 1212 Singam 3
which is backed by the Assam Actors who are expected to 1330 The Return of 1416 Shiva The Super
Abhimanyu Hero 3 1525 Commando 2
State Film Corporation. My come at the reunion are Bob A still from the film
independent feature film Gunton William Sadler, Mark 1650 Kick 1652 Ra.One 1800 Rowdy Rajkumar 2
projects are in the pipeline, Rolston, Frank Medrano, Claire Slemmer. The shown in the film including 2000 Dumdaar Khiladi 2000 Himmatwar 2100 Mahaabali
too!” Alfonso Freeman, Scott celebration will feature a tour Ohio State Reformatory. 2240 Double Attack 2306 Show Dogs 2343 Revolver Raja
n Mann, Renee Blaine and to more than a dozen sites ANI



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Jameela Jamil against Kartik Aaryan shows up in

airbrushing pictures
ritish actor Jameela Jamil are perpetually scrutinised and
Thailand for Sara’s big day
B urged celebrities and
influencers to discontinue
the practice of airbrushing or
criticised in this industry, but
I’m begging other influencers,
actors, and models to join me in
The birthday
selfie with Sara
Ali Khan that
retouching their pictures. not allowing airbrushing,” she Kartik Aaryan
The actor took to Twitter tweeted. shared
urging influences, models actor She continued, “We have to PHOTO: INSTAGRAM/
to join her in discouraging the stop setting standards for KARTIKAARYAN
practice of airbrushing in others that we ourselves don’t
pictures. even meet.” To prove the same,
“I know it’s hard because we Jamil also shared a picture of
NBC’s The Good Place showing
her un-airbrushed backfat.
Jameela Alongside, she wrote, “Finally
Jamil able to insist my image, even on
PHOTO: billboards isn’t ever
AFP airbrushed. I get backfat in
every single bra. And I used to
hide so many photos because of
muffin tops. Double chins and
imperfections because I never ctor Sara Ali Khan and Eid Mubarak (this time
saw them on people on
television.” Chrissy Teigen, in
July last year, shared a video of
A turned 24 on Monday
and celebrated her
without the mask).”
In the picture, Sara and
Kartik are seated together
showing her stretch marks in Thailand, where she is with a cake in front of them.
where she said, “I guess currently shooting for He also added a heart emoji.
these just aren’t gonna go Coolie No 1 opposite Varun The last part of his
away. This is my body.” Dhawan. However, making statement had the internet
Last year, Jamil had her day super special was confused but he
initiated the #IWeigh rumoured boyfriend, actor seems to be referring to the
campaign on social Kartik Aaryan, who flew to duo’s appearance on Eid
media. the country to join her. before, where they roamed
She encouraged Taking to Instagram, the the streets of Mumbai with
users to stop Luka Chuppi actor shared a their faces covered. The two
focusing on their selfie with Sara and wrote: have been spotted together
body weight. “Happy Birthday Princess on various occasions. HTC




different from a man’s
TREND OVER COMFORT body. Women change sizes —
For fashion designer Pria monthly, yearly, situationally
Kataaria Puri, the trend — and so, our bodies are
LOOKBOOK that we need to get
freedom from is
changing forever.
Therefore, a fitted or a
PHOTO: YOGEN SHAH “feeling tight pair of jeans which may
uncomfortable in

be trending may become
our clothes”. “It is the point of unhappiness
important to and discomfort. When your
feel beautiful body is bloated due to
rather than menstrual cycles and you are
look not able to fit into them, it
beautiful. will upset you and make you
To be able feel fat. In that moment, you
to feel do not realise that you feel fat

beautiful, because the cut and fit of the
it is very pair of jeans is why you feel
important to be uncomfortable. “I believe it
comfortable. is essential to give away this
Comfort trend of restricted clothing
clothing and adopt a trend of
denotes free free-flowing and free size
size clothing clothing. A pair of jeans
that does not

which has elastic at the
restrict your waist can be of much better
body movement use. Sportswear fabrics
and comprises such as lycra are comfortable
silhouettes that because it allows you to
are styled in a expand and moulds
fluid manner,” according to the shape of your
adds Puri. body so you don’t feel
It is significant uncomfortable. Adopting
This Independence Day, say for women to
feel beautiful
free size clothing is a great
trend so that one feels
because a comfortable in their own
goodbye to fashion trends that have woman’s body is skin,” adds Puri.

been the norm on every runway

Akshata Shetty
hen was the SHORTS!
W last time you
told yourself
‘it’s okay to be
different?’ We live
a world where we
Reality star Kim Kardashian
West made them trendy and
everyone wanted them. We
are talking about the trend
are made to follow of cycling shorts. According
trends even if we to fashion designer Bhaavya

Understated chic don’t want to. Be i

the colour of the
season or a certain
Bhatnagar, the cycling
shorts trend is not
something she would
Rocking the denim jumpsuit is Bhumi Pednekar, who pulled recommend. “I personally
silhouette for a
off the look with panache. To complement her outfit, she
chose orange tinted shades and yellow pumps.
WHY SO dress, you start don’t like the cycling shorts
trend. It’s tricky to get right
GAUDY? believing that if you
don't own anything and not the easiest to style,”
According to which is trendy, you adds Bhatnagar. However, if
are not fashionable. you love shorts, she
suggests you can instead
However, this
Kunal Anil Independence Day, opt for formal Bermuda
Tanna, in fashion designers shorts with interesting
India, surface give their opinion details such as pleated,
ornamentation structured waistbands or
about certain fashion
has primarily sheer.
trends that need to go
always been
treated with away. “Fashion changes
embroidery and from season to season
and person to person.
more often
with gaudy Stop imitating people. COLOUR NO BAR
motifs Your clothes must speak For fashion designer
garishly about your personality. Eshaani Jayaswal,
overloaded Embrace your shape, size, freedom from colour is a
with budget and way of life. must. “Colours play a
unnecessary Every designer has a major role in staying
bling. With design philosophy and fashionable. The colour of
evolving aesthetic. Their creations the dress that you are
times, and are an extension of their love ourselves, we can pull wearing should not be
for a personalities,” says fashion off any outfit no matter the determined by your skin
dapper designer Eshaani Jayaswal. body type. Wouldn’t that be tone. Different colours
man, this fashionable?” asks Khera, work well for different
trend needs to go away. SAY NO TO BODY adding, “What we can individuals. Just because
Tanna believes that classic
styles stay forever and
SHAMING replace this with, is you are dusky doesn’t
hence, surface Fashion designer Sunaina acceptance. Instead of asking mean you can’t pull off

Beauty lies in simplicity ornamentation can be

dealt with a more
elegant approach with
Khera shares that we need
freedom from body shaming.
“We shouldn’t be spreading
women to fit into our
clothes, we as designers,
should make clothes that fit
brighter colours,” adds
Jayaswal. The designer
also feels that telling
Dia Mirza looks ethereal in this picture where she has donned intricate painstakingly insecurity among women women because there women not to wear black
a simple grey linen sari. She captioned it, “Don’t wait for the developed textures. about how they don’t conform shouldn’t be such a thing as or white for festivities
storms of your life to pass. Learn to dance in the rain.” to a conventional, acceptable convention in beauty.” should stop. PHOTO: INSTAGRAM/
body type. I think if we learn to n

ctor-comedian Amy Jia Tolentino’s new book “Nothing can prepare you for soft post-baby body.”

A Schumer loves being a

mother, even if parenting
can be a little crazy at times.
titled Trick Mirror and
Quentin Tarantino’s film,
Once Upon a Time in
childbirth and what comes
after,” she told People last
month . Fully embracing her
Schumer struggled with
hyperemesis gravidarum, a
form of acute morning
Over the weekend, the 38- Hollywood, which she said post-baby body, the actor sickness, throughout her
year-old comedian posted a was very funny. posted a group photo from a pregnancy period.
photo of herself and husband Saving the best for last, beach trip in July that showed Last month, she also
Chris Fischer, which was Schumer wrote that she her smiling on the beach in a celebrated another
taken after the pair played wanted to recommend being a black one-piece swimsuit milestone in her
“doubles volleyball” together. parent if you can. “It’s nuts,” while her husband carried postpartum journey
“Three months after a C she added. Schumer, who their baby boy. — getting her period
playing doubles volleyball for welcomed her first child, son “We’re good,” she again. “First period in
90 minutes. I feel so strong,” Gene Attell, with Fischer on captioned the image. In a year,” Schumer
she captioned the selfie. May 5, has been candid about response to a user who wrote triumphantly captioned
Schumer went on to list the difficulties of the that Schumer looked great in a slideshow of images that
some of the top things she’s postpartum period, which is her swimsuit with a normal showed her and Fischer on
recommending nowadays, referred to as the fourth woman’s body, the star wrote the beach.
including New Yorker writer trimester”of pregnancy. that she is “loving my warm ANI



CHANDIGARH/PUNJAB, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 2019, 4 PAGESI Entertainment & Promotional Features



‘I was a victim of On the eve of the 73rd Independence Day of India, actor John Abraham says that he looks
up to the Indian flag; adds Batla House, was a perfect film for him to act in and produce
My earliest memories are

domestic abuse on Rishabh Suri the film. The item number part psychological thrillers. I How did you go about the prep for
the film, based on a real-life
of going to school,
unfurling the flag and
singing the national
anthem. I come from two

multiple occasions’ T
— Nora (Fatehi) has got a full- thought this is a perfect film to
he patriotic streak in fledged role in the film, and a not only act in, but produce, person? diverse religions in my
family – Christian and
actor John Abraham is crucial one. Just to weave in too. I met and spent time with
more than evident
I don’t think I have that song was the most difficult Sanjeev Kumar Yadav, who
Parsi. But from childhood,
it has always been instilled
through his film choices lost anything for part for my director (Nikkhil You also screened the film recently was then an ACP and now is a in my head by my parents
— 2018 saw him doing my producers or Advani). Once you see the film, in Delhi for the honourable Vice DCP. My concern was to that, ‘remember that you
n Sunday, a popular someone’s household Parmanu- The Story of you will forgive us for having a President of India, Shri Venkaiah understand not only his body

are an Indian first’, instead
TV actor along with you’re writing about, Pokhran, followed by exhibitors. Just to be in fantastic number in it. Naidu. What was his reaction to it? language but mentality, too. To of me denominating any
her 18-year-old someone’s life you’re Satyameva Jayate, and in both, the rat race to push big It was nice meeting Shri understand the trauma he went religion on myself. I have
daughter filed a complaint discussing. Many of the theme was John’s love for What was it about the story that Venkaiah Naidu. Being a through after the Batla House grown up with the
against her actor-husband you fortunately haven’t his country. But he maintains numbers has never made you say yes? senior political leader, he incident, the fact that he emotion that India matters
and the latter’s stepfather. even dealt with something that his idea of patriotism is not been my intention. I am As an actor, consumer and threw some light on the wanted to commit suicide, and the most. So, I always look
He was accused of of such heinous ‘jingoistic’. His next, Batla viewer, I thought the script political situation in the his relationship with his lovely up to the Indian flag. We
allegedly showing obscene proportions, and hence House, is inspired by the 2008
in a happy space now. was exciting. There’s a country and me being wife. I met her, too. It was nice are very fortunate that we
pictures to his you have no right to incident which took place in JOHN ABRAHAM, ACTOR saying in English that politically aware, it was a to meet a man who is such a are allowed to unfurl the
stepdaughter and booked comment, discuss or paint Delhi. While there have been ‘fact is stranger than great opportunity to dichotomy in his real life. National flag. So, this year
under section 354-A someone else’s image objections raised, the actor fiction’. This story meet him. He’s a very too, I will unfurl it, and
(sexual harassment), 323 through your biased, asserts that the treatment of his part of your question, I think seemed unbelievable. learned man, and at the You’ve been in showbiz for over 16 then fold it back before
(causing hurt), 504 misinformed views. It’s next is sensitive. Excerpts from we have actually left the film It came together same time, extremely years now. How much have your sunset.
(intentional insult), 506 beyond disgusting and its a chat with John: open to debate. We have told really well. I like down to earth. We priorities changed — what goes on
(criminal intimidation), time that i stand up for my the film from three different political and showed him in John Abraham’s mind today?
509 (word, act or gesture to mother for she is the The subject of your next is very point of views — the victims’, some parts I want to make films that make numerical figures. Yes,
insult modesty of woman) strongest person i know sensitive. How did you manage to the terrorists’ point of view, the of the film, effective change within the commerce is important and I
of the Indian Penal Code and since out of all of us retain the sensitivity, yet have the court’s point of view, and the he was industry, and films that make don’t think I have lost anything
(IPC) and 67-A I’m the only person who’s scope for an item song like O Saki witnesses’ point of view. When very people think and at the same for my producers or exhibitors.
(transmitting obscene witnessed her struggle day Saki, and commercial elements? they walk out of the film, we excited to time, entertain them. Vicky Just to be in the rat race to push
material) of the in and day out, my opinion want people to discuss it, if they know the Donor (2012) was the first of its big numbers has never been
Information Technology is the only one that To agree, disagree, or whether way we kind, so was Madras Cafe (2013; my intention. I am in a happy
Act at Samta Nagar police matters (sic).” answer they have a different point of have both produced by John). It’s space now.
station, Kandivali (East). She also clarified that the view which was not shown in showed very important to change. I am n
The TV actor married her stepfather “never former the film. very happy I am not one of
the accused in 2013, and physically molested or those actors who are still
the couple has a three- touched her trying to breach
year-old son. Reportedly, inappropriately”. She certain
their marriage was going wrote, “Before spreading
through a rough patch, something of this calibre
and the actor wanted a or even believing it, its
divorce. imperative you as readers
In light of multiple know the veracity of the
media reports, the facts that you’re blindly
daughter has penned a divulging endlessly. He did
note on her Instagram persistently make
account, speaking up inappropriate and
against her stepfather. She disturbing remarks the
also commented on her impact of which is only
mother being a victim of known to my mother and I,
domestic abuse. “The and if any woman from
media does not have the any walk of life were to
facts and they never will. I hear them she would be
was on multiple occasions greatly embarrassed and
a victim of domestic abuse provoked, too. Words
NOT my mother, except which would question the
for the day that the standing dignity of any
complaint was filed he woman, which you
hadn’t hit my mother. As a wouldn’t expect to hear
reader of the news its often from any man, especially
easy to forget that you do not your ‘father’.”
not know the truth of what The girl claims to be a
goes on behind closed “proud daughter” and that
doors or how much her “mother is the most
fortitude my mother has respectable individual that John Abraham with
shown in both her she has ever come across”. kids on the eve of
marriages. This is HTC Independence Day

A K-pop star, but Sid’s dil remains Hindustani STOP PRESS

I don’t want to do
anything that isn’t
Farozan Akhtar A K-POP ADVENTURE
Having spent over six months
ou miss things only once in South Korea, Sid shares that

Y you’re away from them,”

says Sid of Z-Boys, talking
adjusting to the K-pop industry
has its own challenges. “Back
about how much he missed
Indian cuisine and Hindi films
while in South Korea. The
singer-performer was in India
last month for a vacation after
in India, I was just following
Bollywood, but when I joined
the Korean music industry, I
got a chance to better
understand the process of
worthy: Nimrat
Shreya Mukherjee
wrapping up work on his new making global music. I got to
single titled Holla Holla. see how good my skills actually howbiz calls for
Unsurprisingly, he tells us that
he spent his time catching up
on latest Bollywood releases
are. It was challenging,” says
Sid. S relevance, more so if you
are a performer. And as
the saying goes, out of sight
and gorging on spicy food. FAMILIES, OLD means out of mind. But that’s
Sid also honoured his AND NEW MINAJ WILL MARRY not something Nimrat Kaur is
musical beginnings by getting A solo performer until last losing sleep over. What
reacquainted with his musical year, Sid didn’t find it too PETTY IN 80 DAYS concerns the actor more is
instruments and old colleagues tough to fit in with the other he countdown has quality rather than the
on his trip home. “I spent some
time with my guitar and my
six members of Z-Boys.
“We’re actually like a family.
T officially begun, as
rapper Nicki Minaj
quantity. The actor, who
was last seen in The Test
keys, writing new music and When I first met the other revealed that she will Case (that ended in January
lyrics. I also met the people I guys, they were like ‘let’s see marry her beau Kenneth 2018), has not been doing much
began my journey with — the how it goes’ but as time passed, Petty in “about 80 days”. work in India and is busy with
producers and directors whom we became like brothers. They The 36-year-old rapper her international projects,
I used to make my YouTube helped me a lot in many ways,” made the announcement gives more importance to
videos with,” shares Sid. shares the 20-year-old, adding on Monday’s episode of her quality than quantity. Nimrat
As Delhi University has that he learnt Filipino and Queen Radio show. believes that more than the
reopened for a new session, we Japanese slangs from the break, choosing right kind of
The singer explained that
ask Sid how he is balancing his members. work will help her earn the Nimrat
she and Petty “filed for the
studies with his musical Sid credits his younger love and support of the Kaur
marriage license and still
career. “I feel education is brother, Vedant, for seeing the audience back.
had to pick it up”, but since
really important so I’m potential in him and “I don’t like to scare myself good, it also helps in gathering and when you come here and
she was travelling, she had
doing BCom correspondence convincing his parents to let with the [thought],” she more interest. Hopefully, do something you lose touch in
to get the license renewed,
from DU. But I haven’t him quit mass communications continues, “I’d rather do when I come back, I’ll be being there,” she says.
People reported.
had time to attend any degree in Bangalore. “He something fantastic than accepted,” adds actor. Nimrat has been getting a
classes as I had training motivated my parents to let me PHOTO: GOKUL VS/HT ANI something random just At the same time the 37- number of international
and shows to focus on. I don’t move to Delhi to follow my because I am out of the scene. I year-old shares how she is offers. “I have to take a call
know if I’ll have time to passion. He even found me don’t want to do anything that trying to strike a balance and hopefully, I’ll be able to
prepare for exams either,” he places to perform,” says Sid, NOTE TO READERS: Some of the isn’t worthy.” between her work in India and talk about my upcoming
tells us with a tone of worry in adding that it was his brother When I first met the other members of Z-Boys, they coverage that appears on our pages Nimrat opines that breaks abroad. “I am putting all my projects soon. That’s why right
his voice. Sid also mentions the who gave him the idea to start a were like ‘let’s see how it goes’ but as time passed, we is paid for by the concerned brands.
No sponsored content does or shall
are good sometimes. “That attention and energy towards now I am figuring how I would
possibility of a Korea and YouTube channel. “He shaped kind of desperation might go managing my career both be dividing my time. I don’t
Indonesia tour, which would me into the artiste I am,” he became like brothers. They helped me a lot. appear in any part of HT without it against your productivity. I ways. I must admit it’s been want to miss being part of good
keep him tied up with no time says with a smile. SID K-POP STAR being declared as such to our valued fear making such mistakes. So, tricky, when you go abroad stories,” she concludes.
for studies. n a little bit of gap at times is you miss being in touch here n




Astrologer Prem Kumar Sharma can be contacted at: Delhi: 011-47033152, Sunidhi Chauhan: The singer, who is known for
40532026 (Sat to Mon): Panchkula: 91-172-2562832, 2572874 (Tues to Thurs);
Mumbai: 09223376963 (Last week of every month)
songs such as Kamli, Dhoom Machale, Sajnaaji
Vaari, Sheila Ki Jawani and Desi Girl, turns 36

You will be much more careful in incurring a You will be able to adopt a set physical Active lifestyle will keep you fit. Financial Worries regarding money may be laid to
major expenditure, so as not to go routine through sheer will power to get security promises to add to your rest. Someone is likely to come near to
beyond the budget. Gift of the gab and back in shape. Be careful so as not to independence. Recognition for your your heart, even as no words are
good handling of clients promise to win default on loan. Some turbulence on the contribution at work may not come exchanged! A complaint of a family
them over. A short-tempered family work front can be expected and can take quickly and you may have to toil harder. member from someone can make you
ARIES member is likely to spoil your mood. TAURUS a serious turn. You are likely to do some GEMINI This is the time to strengthen the family CANCER see red. An exciting trip may get
(MAR 21 - APR 20) Driving off to a holiday destination cannot (APR 21 - MAY 20) fun things with family today. Travelling (MAY 21 - JUN 21) bonds. An overseas invitation may find (JUNE 22 - JULY 22) postponed. Legalities in acquiring a house
be ruled out for some. You may not feel right with your near and dear ones is indicated. some packing their bags. You are likely to or a flat will be completed without much
about an action you are about to undertake, This is an auspicious day to acquire property. add to your assets. Some of you can lag behind hassle. There is some scope of improving your
but your fears will prove to be baseless. Someone is likely to invite you over to stay at his or her place. on the academic front by not being regular. scores on the academic front, so go for it.
Love Focus: Spouse or lover is likely to shower dollops of love on you Love Focus: You may not be able to spare time for meeting lover Love Focus: Lover may be planning something special for you, so get Love Focus: Someone from the opposite gender you enjoy being
and brighten up the romantic front! today, but make up for it later. ready to be surprised. with may give rise to romantic aspirations.
Lucky Number: 7 Lucky Colour: Baby Pink Lucky Number: 9 Lucky Colour: Maroon Lucky Number: 11 Lucky Colour: Light Blue Lucky Number: 5 Lucky Colour: Parrot Green

Some of you may feel frustrated by not Chance to add to wealth may be seized by Good investments will ensure profuse Financially, you are not likely to face much
being able to raise enough money to you. A skill needs to be perfected to avoid growth of your money tree on the issues. Not discussing issues with seniors
realize your dreams. Things might come lagging behind others at work. A family financial front. A promotion or before implementing may bring you into
to a standstill on the professional front. member will be at his or her best recognition is likely for some on the the firing line. A trip with family is likely
Resolving a family dispute can take up behaviour and will do you proud. This is professional front. Family may appear a to prove most enjoyable. A packaged
much of your day. A trip will help you LEO not the day to undertake a journey as VIRGO bit demanding, but you may be reading LIBRA tour to a holiday destination is likely. A SCORPIO
realize your dream. Being fair to the heirs (JULY 23 - AUG 23) problems are indicated. A new property (AUG 24 - SEPT 23) too much into it. Travel only if you have (SEPT 24 - OCT 23) new property acquired by you will start (OCT 24 - NOV 22)
on the property front may become an acquired by you will start giving good to. A few additions and alterations in the giving good monetary returns. You will be
overriding issue. You are likely to enjoy the monetary returns. Spit and polish may become house are indicated. A stranger is likely to much more mentally at ease by talking things
company of friends today. the order of the day for some homemakers. extend a helping hand and become your friend. out with someone you blindly confide in.
Love Focus: On the romantic front, you may be left wondering by Love Focus: Flirting won’t hurt you and can give oodles of fun, so Love Focus: Your attempts to win someone’s heart may face Love Focus: Whatever is in your heart needs to be expressed in
lover! why not enjoy while it lasts! insurmountable hurdles on the romantic front. words on the romantic front, so don’t feel reluctant in doing so.
Lucky Number: 15 Lucky Colour: Red Lucky Number: 4 Lucky Colour: Dark Slate Grey Lucky Number: 22 Lucky Colour: Indigo Lucky Number: 17 Lucky Colour: Navy Blue

A project may require additional finances A loan given to someone may not be You can be a bit careful in spending your You manage to maintain good health
to become viable. You will take every returned on the promised date.Some kind money to avoid upsetting your budget. despite irregular hours. Stability on the
opportunity to understand the finer of compensation can be expected on the Your guidance in something important financial front is assured. An increase in
points of your job. Those planning to business front. Family responsibilities may be sought at work. Your popularity workload is foreseen on the professional
settle out of town will get full support will give little time for enjoyment. A among family and friends is set to rise. front, but you will overcome it. Those
of family. A long journey will be leisure trip with someone close will not Your desire to visit someone may make wanting to study abroad or out of town
SAGITTARIUS completed without any glitches or delays. CAPRICORN be without its share of hassles, but will AQUARIUS you undertake a journey. Property PISCES will find the family supportive. Some risk
(NOV 23 - DEC 21) (DEC 22 - JAN 21) (JAN 22 - FEB 19) (FEB 20 - MAR 20)
A property deal is likely to favour you. prove enjoyable on the whole. Some acquired recently promises to give good is foreseen on the road today, so remain
Someone calling a spade a spade on the social complications are foreseen in matters related returns. A peaceful existence is foreseen and alert. A property issue is likely to be resolved
front can hurt you in the extreme. to property. will allow you to unwind today. amicably. Homemakers can remain busy in doing up the house today.
Love Focus: Promises on the romantic front may be difficult to keep, Love Focus: A match making process may be underway for the Love Focus: Inadequate response from your side may dampen the Love Focus: Love life will cruise along satisfactorily and you will get a
but you will manage somehow. eligible. spirits of the one who is ready to shower his or her love on you. chance to enjoy happy moments with partner.
Lucky Number: 3 Lucky Colour: Red Lucky Number: 1 Lucky Colour: Peach Lucky Number: 6 Lucky Colour: White Lucky Number: 8 Lucky Colour: Forest Green




Kareena Kapoor was keen on playing the lead
role in director Imtiaz Ali’s Love Aaj Kal (2009)
Fill in all the squares in the grid so that each row, column and alongside boyfriend Saif Ali Khan. But Deepika
each of the 9X9 squares contains all the digits from 1 to 9.
Padukone eventually got the part.
Solve the four anagrams and move one letter to each square to
form four ordinary words

Now arrange the letters marked with an asterisk (*) to form the answer to
the riddle or to fill in the missing words as indicated.
It is easier to get _____________than permission

ANSWER: It is easier to get forgiveness than permission - Grace Hopper

Place numbers into the puzzle cells so that each row and column contains each of the digits from 1 to 5. No number is to be repeated in any row or
SCRAMBLE SOLUTION: Ember, orris, bongos, vivify
column. Each bold-outlined cells contain a hint of a number and one of the mathematical symbols + x - /. The number is the result of the operation
represented by the symbol to the digits contained.

Ohio to celebrate 25 years of

A still from the Assamese film — Bulbul Can Sing; and (below)
filmmaker Rima Das.

Shreya Mukherjee
The Shawshank Redemption
er film Bulbul Can Sing

H has been named the

Best Assamese Film at
the 66th National Film
Awards, and director Rima
Das can’t keep calm. “I feel he Shawshank
elated and humbled,” she
says. Her award-winning film
was recently screened at the
T Redemption (1994) is
heading towards its 25th
anniversary and to mark
Indian Film Festival Of the same, a celebration is to
Melbourne (IFFM). take place in Ohio, USA,
“It feels great! Thanks to starting from August 16 till Wonder EDITOR’S Black Panther at 2000 Pacific Rim: Uprising at 2100
the jury and the team of August 18. Woman at 1358
National Film Awards. Mr According to reports, the
0856 Jackie Chan’s
PICK 0858 Toy Story 3
1054 Ice Age: Dawn of The
0921 The Mask
Shah Rukh Khan introduced movie, which released in 1994, 1127 Mad Max: Fury Road
First Strike Dinosaurs 1331 My Sister’s Keeper
Bulbul Can Sing at the Last year, after Rima’s was filmed in and around
opening night of Indian Film much-talked about film Mansfield, Ohio, and this 1025 A Quite Place 1241 Baby’s Day Out 1548 Rob-B-Hood
Festival of Melbourne and he Village Rockstars (2017) year, the same location will be 1158 Godzilla 1436 Fantastic Four: Rise 1841 The Legend
was the one who broke the received the Best Feature filled with fans and a few cast 1358 Wonder Woman of The Silver Surfer of Tarzan
news of the my film winning a Film ‘Swarna Kamal’ award, members. 1622 The Terminal 1622 Home Alone 3 2100 Pacific Rim: Uprising
National award congratulated Rima had spoken about how The story followed a 1850 Eagle Eye 1823 The Hitman’s Bodyguard 2322 The Scorpion
me. Even after Village she doesn’t have enough banker named Andy Dufresne 2100 Sherlock Holmes: A 2000 Black Panther King 4: Quest
Rockstars won the Best budget to make and promote played by Tim Robbins, who Game of Shadows 2342 Spiritual Kung Fu For Power
Feature Film Award last year, films. So, does she see the was sentenced to life in 2321 S.W.A.T
the audience was celebrating scenario changing after this Shawshank State
it like one of their own films award? Rima says, “Things Penitentiary for the murder
has won the award. I truly feel are definitely changing for of his wife and her lover,
blessed,” adds Rima. good. I’m collaborating with despite he claimed innocence.
producers for some upcoming While serving his term in
projects.” the prison, he becomes
And talk about what the friends with a fellow prisoner,
director is planning to work Ellis Red Redding, played by
on next, and she lists a Morgan Freeman.
number of projects. “I’ve just Dufresne becomes involved
completed a BRICS project. in a money-laundering
I’m also working on a few scheme run by the warden but
projects in collaboration with manages to turn the tables Kick at 1650 Ra.One at 1652 Commando 2 at 1525
other producers. I’ll also be with a few twists and later 0918 Mohan Vadani
1030 Golmaal 3 1106 Sanam Teri Kasam
making a film in Assam, manages to escape the prison. 1212 Singam 3
which is backed by the Assam Actors who are expected to 1330 The Return of 1416 Shiva The Super
Abhimanyu Hero 3 1525 Commando 2
State Film Corporation. My come at the reunion are Bob A still from the film
independent feature film Gunton William Sadler, Mark 1650 Kick 1652 Ra.One 1800 Rowdy Rajkumar 2
projects are in the pipeline, Rolston, Frank Medrano, Claire Slemmer. The shown in the film including 2000 Dumdaar Khiladi 2000 Himmatwar 2100 Mahaabali
too!” Alfonso Freeman, Scott celebration will feature a tour Ohio State Reformatory. 2240 Double Attack 2306 Show Dogs 2343 Revolver Raja
n Mann, Renee Blaine and to more than a dozen sites ANI



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Jameela Jamil against Kartik Aaryan shows up in

airbrushing pictures
ritish actor Jameela Jamil are perpetually scrutinised and
Thailand for Sara’s big day
B urged celebrities and
influencers to discontinue
the practice of airbrushing or
criticised in this industry, but
I’m begging other influencers,
actors, and models to join me in
The birthday
selfie with Sara
Ali Khan that
retouching their pictures. not allowing airbrushing,” she Kartik Aaryan
The actor took to Twitter tweeted. shared
urging influences, models actor She continued, “We have to PHOTO: INSTAGRAM/
to join her in discouraging the stop setting standards for KARTIKAARYAN
practice of airbrushing in others that we ourselves don’t
pictures. even meet.” To prove the same,
“I know it’s hard because we Jamil also shared a picture of
NBC’s The Good Place showing
her un-airbrushed backfat.
Jameela Alongside, she wrote, “Finally
Jamil able to insist my image, even on
PHOTO: billboards isn’t ever
AFP airbrushed. I get backfat in
every single bra. And I used to
hide so many photos because of
muffin tops. Double chins and
imperfections because I never ctor Sara Ali Khan and Eid Mubarak (this time
saw them on people on
television.” Chrissy Teigen, in
July last year, shared a video of
A turned 24 on Monday
and celebrated her
without the mask).”
In the picture, Sara and
Kartik are seated together
showing her stretch marks in Thailand, where she is with a cake in front of them.
where she said, “I guess currently shooting for He also added a heart emoji.
these just aren’t gonna go Coolie No 1 opposite Varun The last part of his
away. This is my body.” Dhawan. However, making statement had the internet
Last year, Jamil had her day super special was confused but he
initiated the #IWeigh rumoured boyfriend, actor seems to be referring to the
campaign on social Kartik Aaryan, who flew to duo’s appearance on Eid
media. the country to join her. before, where they roamed
She encouraged Taking to Instagram, the the streets of Mumbai with
users to stop Luka Chuppi actor shared a their faces covered. The two
focusing on their selfie with Sara and wrote: have been spotted together
body weight. “Happy Birthday Princess on various occasions. HTC




different from a man’s
TREND OVER COMFORT body. Women change sizes —
For fashion designer Pria monthly, yearly, situationally
Kataaria Puri, the trend — and so, our bodies are
LOOKBOOK that we need to get
freedom from is
changing forever.
Therefore, a fitted or a
PHOTO: YOGEN SHAH “feeling tight pair of jeans which may
uncomfortable in

be trending may become
our clothes”. “It is the point of unhappiness
important to and discomfort. When your
feel beautiful body is bloated due to
rather than menstrual cycles and you are
look not able to fit into them, it
beautiful. will upset you and make you
To be able feel fat. In that moment, you
to feel do not realise that you feel fat

beautiful, because the cut and fit of the
it is very pair of jeans is why you feel
important to be uncomfortable. “I believe it
comfortable. is essential to give away this
Comfort trend of restricted clothing
clothing and adopt a trend of
denotes free free-flowing and free size
size clothing clothing. A pair of jeans
that does not

which has elastic at the
restrict your waist can be of much better
body movement use. Sportswear fabrics
and comprises such as lycra are comfortable
silhouettes that because it allows you to
are styled in a expand and moulds
fluid manner,” according to the shape of your
adds Puri. body so you don’t feel
It is significant uncomfortable. Adopting
This Independence Day, say for women to
feel beautiful
free size clothing is a great
trend so that one feels
because a comfortable in their own
goodbye to fashion trends that have woman’s body is skin,” adds Puri.

been the norm on every runway

Akshata Shetty
hen was the SHORTS!
W last time you
told yourself
‘it’s okay to be
different?’ We live
a world where we
Reality star Kim Kardashian
West made them trendy and
everyone wanted them. We
are talking about the trend
are made to follow of cycling shorts. According
trends even if we to fashion designer Bhaavya

Understated chic don’t want to. Be i

the colour of the
season or a certain
Bhatnagar, the cycling
shorts trend is not
something she would
Rocking the denim jumpsuit is Bhumi Pednekar, who pulled recommend. “I personally
silhouette for a
off the look with panache. To complement her outfit, she
chose orange tinted shades and yellow pumps.
WHY SO dress, you start don’t like the cycling shorts
trend. It’s tricky to get right
GAUDY? believing that if you
don't own anything and not the easiest to style,”
According to which is trendy, you adds Bhatnagar. However, if
are not fashionable. you love shorts, she
suggests you can instead
However, this
Kunal Anil Independence Day, opt for formal Bermuda
Tanna, in fashion designers shorts with interesting
India, surface give their opinion details such as pleated,
ornamentation structured waistbands or
about certain fashion
has primarily sheer.
trends that need to go
always been
treated with away. “Fashion changes
embroidery and from season to season
and person to person.
more often
with gaudy Stop imitating people. COLOUR NO BAR
motifs Your clothes must speak For fashion designer
garishly about your personality. Eshaani Jayaswal,
overloaded Embrace your shape, size, freedom from colour is a
with budget and way of life. must. “Colours play a
unnecessary Every designer has a major role in staying
bling. With design philosophy and fashionable. The colour of
evolving aesthetic. Their creations the dress that you are
times, and are an extension of their love ourselves, we can pull wearing should not be
for a personalities,” says fashion off any outfit no matter the determined by your skin
dapper designer Eshaani Jayaswal. body type. Wouldn’t that be tone. Different colours
man, this fashionable?” asks Khera, work well for different
trend needs to go away. SAY NO TO BODY adding, “What we can individuals. Just because
Tanna believes that classic
styles stay forever and
SHAMING replace this with, is you are dusky doesn’t
hence, surface Fashion designer Sunaina acceptance. Instead of asking mean you can’t pull off

Beauty lies in simplicity ornamentation can be

dealt with a more
elegant approach with
Khera shares that we need
freedom from body shaming.
“We shouldn’t be spreading
women to fit into our
clothes, we as designers,
should make clothes that fit
brighter colours,” adds
Jayaswal. The designer
also feels that telling
Dia Mirza looks ethereal in this picture where she has donned intricate painstakingly insecurity among women women because there women not to wear black
a simple grey linen sari. She captioned it, “Don’t wait for the developed textures. about how they don’t conform shouldn’t be such a thing as or white for festivities
storms of your life to pass. Learn to dance in the rain.” to a conventional, acceptable convention in beauty.” should stop. PHOTO: INSTAGRAM/
body type. I think if we learn to n

ctor-comedian Amy Jia Tolentino’s new book “Nothing can prepare you for soft post-baby body.”

A Schumer loves being a

mother, even if parenting
can be a little crazy at times.
titled Trick Mirror and
Quentin Tarantino’s film,
Once Upon a Time in
childbirth and what comes
after,” she told People last
month . Fully embracing her
Schumer struggled with
hyperemesis gravidarum, a
form of acute morning
Over the weekend, the 38- Hollywood, which she said post-baby body, the actor sickness, throughout her
year-old comedian posted a was very funny. posted a group photo from a pregnancy period.
photo of herself and husband Saving the best for last, beach trip in July that showed Last month, she also
Chris Fischer, which was Schumer wrote that she her smiling on the beach in a celebrated another
taken after the pair played wanted to recommend being a black one-piece swimsuit milestone in her
“doubles volleyball” together. parent if you can. “It’s nuts,” while her husband carried postpartum journey
“Three months after a C she added. Schumer, who their baby boy. — getting her period
playing doubles volleyball for welcomed her first child, son “We’re good,” she again. “First period in
90 minutes. I feel so strong,” Gene Attell, with Fischer on captioned the image. In a year,” Schumer
she captioned the selfie. May 5, has been candid about response to a user who wrote triumphantly captioned
Schumer went on to list the difficulties of the that Schumer looked great in a slideshow of images that
some of the top things she’s postpartum period, which is her swimsuit with a normal showed her and Fischer on
recommending nowadays, referred to as the fourth woman’s body, the star wrote the beach.
including New Yorker writer trimester”of pregnancy. that she is “loving my warm ANI



CHANDIGARH/PUNJAB, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 2019, 4 PAGESI Entertainment & Promotional Features



‘I was a victim of On the eve of the 73rd Independence Day of India, actor John Abraham says that he looks
up to the Indian flag; adds Batla House, was a perfect film for him to act in and produce
My earliest memories are

domestic abuse on Rishabh Suri the film. The item number part psychological thrillers. I How did you go about the prep for
the film, based on a real-life
of going to school,
unfurling the flag and
singing the national
anthem. I come from two

multiple occasions’ T
— Nora (Fatehi) has got a full- thought this is a perfect film to
he patriotic streak in fledged role in the film, and a not only act in, but produce, person? diverse religions in my
family – Christian and
actor John Abraham is crucial one. Just to weave in too. I met and spent time with
more than evident
I don’t think I have that song was the most difficult Sanjeev Kumar Yadav, who
Parsi. But from childhood,
it has always been instilled
through his film choices lost anything for part for my director (Nikkhil You also screened the film recently was then an ACP and now is a in my head by my parents
— 2018 saw him doing my producers or Advani). Once you see the film, in Delhi for the honourable Vice DCP. My concern was to that, ‘remember that you
n Sunday, a popular someone’s household Parmanu- The Story of you will forgive us for having a President of India, Shri Venkaiah understand not only his body

are an Indian first’, instead
TV actor along with you’re writing about, Pokhran, followed by exhibitors. Just to be in fantastic number in it. Naidu. What was his reaction to it? language but mentality, too. To of me denominating any
her 18-year-old someone’s life you’re Satyameva Jayate, and in both, the rat race to push big It was nice meeting Shri understand the trauma he went religion on myself. I have
daughter filed a complaint discussing. Many of the theme was John’s love for What was it about the story that Venkaiah Naidu. Being a through after the Batla House grown up with the
against her actor-husband you fortunately haven’t his country. But he maintains numbers has never made you say yes? senior political leader, he incident, the fact that he emotion that India matters
and the latter’s stepfather. even dealt with something that his idea of patriotism is not been my intention. I am As an actor, consumer and threw some light on the wanted to commit suicide, and the most. So, I always look
He was accused of of such heinous ‘jingoistic’. His next, Batla viewer, I thought the script political situation in the his relationship with his lovely up to the Indian flag. We
allegedly showing obscene proportions, and hence House, is inspired by the 2008
in a happy space now. was exciting. There’s a country and me being wife. I met her, too. It was nice are very fortunate that we
pictures to his you have no right to incident which took place in JOHN ABRAHAM, ACTOR saying in English that politically aware, it was a to meet a man who is such a are allowed to unfurl the
stepdaughter and booked comment, discuss or paint Delhi. While there have been ‘fact is stranger than great opportunity to dichotomy in his real life. National flag. So, this year
under section 354-A someone else’s image objections raised, the actor fiction’. This story meet him. He’s a very too, I will unfurl it, and
(sexual harassment), 323 through your biased, asserts that the treatment of his part of your question, I think seemed unbelievable. learned man, and at the You’ve been in showbiz for over 16 then fold it back before
(causing hurt), 504 misinformed views. It’s next is sensitive. Excerpts from we have actually left the film It came together same time, extremely years now. How much have your sunset.
(intentional insult), 506 beyond disgusting and its a chat with John: open to debate. We have told really well. I like down to earth. We priorities changed — what goes on
(criminal intimidation), time that i stand up for my the film from three different political and showed him in John Abraham’s mind today?
509 (word, act or gesture to mother for she is the The subject of your next is very point of views — the victims’, some parts I want to make films that make numerical figures. Yes,
insult modesty of woman) strongest person i know sensitive. How did you manage to the terrorists’ point of view, the of the film, effective change within the commerce is important and I
of the Indian Penal Code and since out of all of us retain the sensitivity, yet have the court’s point of view, and the he was industry, and films that make don’t think I have lost anything
(IPC) and 67-A I’m the only person who’s scope for an item song like O Saki witnesses’ point of view. When very people think and at the same for my producers or exhibitors.
(transmitting obscene witnessed her struggle day Saki, and commercial elements? they walk out of the film, we excited to time, entertain them. Vicky Just to be in the rat race to push
material) of the in and day out, my opinion want people to discuss it, if they know the Donor (2012) was the first of its big numbers has never been
Information Technology is the only one that To agree, disagree, or whether way we kind, so was Madras Cafe (2013; my intention. I am in a happy
Act at Samta Nagar police matters (sic).” answer they have a different point of have both produced by John). It’s space now.
station, Kandivali (East). She also clarified that the view which was not shown in showed very important to change. I am n
The TV actor married her stepfather “never former the film. very happy I am not one of
the accused in 2013, and physically molested or those actors who are still
the couple has a three- touched her trying to breach
year-old son. Reportedly, inappropriately”. She certain
their marriage was going wrote, “Before spreading
through a rough patch, something of this calibre
and the actor wanted a or even believing it, its
divorce. imperative you as readers
In light of multiple know the veracity of the
media reports, the facts that you’re blindly
daughter has penned a divulging endlessly. He did
note on her Instagram persistently make
account, speaking up inappropriate and
against her stepfather. She disturbing remarks the
also commented on her impact of which is only
mother being a victim of known to my mother and I,
domestic abuse. “The and if any woman from
media does not have the any walk of life were to
facts and they never will. I hear them she would be
was on multiple occasions greatly embarrassed and
a victim of domestic abuse provoked, too. Words
NOT my mother, except which would question the
for the day that the standing dignity of any
complaint was filed he woman, which you
hadn’t hit my mother. As a wouldn’t expect to hear
reader of the news its often from any man, especially
easy to forget that you do not your ‘father’.”
not know the truth of what The girl claims to be a
goes on behind closed “proud daughter” and that
doors or how much her “mother is the most
fortitude my mother has respectable individual that John Abraham with
shown in both her she has ever come across”. kids on the eve of
marriages. This is HTC Independence Day

A K-pop star, but Sid’s dil remains Hindustani STOP PRESS

I don’t want to do
anything that isn’t
Farozan Akhtar A K-POP ADVENTURE
Having spent over six months
ou miss things only once in South Korea, Sid shares that

Y you’re away from them,”

says Sid of Z-Boys, talking
adjusting to the K-pop industry
has its own challenges. “Back
about how much he missed
Indian cuisine and Hindi films
while in South Korea. The
singer-performer was in India
last month for a vacation after
in India, I was just following
Bollywood, but when I joined
the Korean music industry, I
got a chance to better
understand the process of
worthy: Nimrat
Shreya Mukherjee
wrapping up work on his new making global music. I got to
single titled Holla Holla. see how good my skills actually howbiz calls for
Unsurprisingly, he tells us that
he spent his time catching up
on latest Bollywood releases
are. It was challenging,” says
Sid. S relevance, more so if you
are a performer. And as
the saying goes, out of sight
and gorging on spicy food. FAMILIES, OLD means out of mind. But that’s
Sid also honoured his AND NEW MINAJ WILL MARRY not something Nimrat Kaur is
musical beginnings by getting A solo performer until last losing sleep over. What
reacquainted with his musical year, Sid didn’t find it too PETTY IN 80 DAYS concerns the actor more is
instruments and old colleagues tough to fit in with the other he countdown has quality rather than the
on his trip home. “I spent some
time with my guitar and my
six members of Z-Boys.
“We’re actually like a family.
T officially begun, as
rapper Nicki Minaj
quantity. The actor, who
was last seen in The Test
keys, writing new music and When I first met the other revealed that she will Case (that ended in January
lyrics. I also met the people I guys, they were like ‘let’s see marry her beau Kenneth 2018), has not been doing much
began my journey with — the how it goes’ but as time passed, Petty in “about 80 days”. work in India and is busy with
producers and directors whom we became like brothers. They The 36-year-old rapper her international projects,
I used to make my YouTube helped me a lot in many ways,” made the announcement gives more importance to
videos with,” shares Sid. shares the 20-year-old, adding on Monday’s episode of her quality than quantity. Nimrat
As Delhi University has that he learnt Filipino and Queen Radio show. believes that more than the
reopened for a new session, we Japanese slangs from the break, choosing right kind of
The singer explained that
ask Sid how he is balancing his members. work will help her earn the Nimrat
she and Petty “filed for the
studies with his musical Sid credits his younger love and support of the Kaur
marriage license and still
career. “I feel education is brother, Vedant, for seeing the audience back.
had to pick it up”, but since
really important so I’m potential in him and “I don’t like to scare myself good, it also helps in gathering and when you come here and
she was travelling, she had
doing BCom correspondence convincing his parents to let with the [thought],” she more interest. Hopefully, do something you lose touch in
to get the license renewed,
from DU. But I haven’t him quit mass communications continues, “I’d rather do when I come back, I’ll be being there,” she says.
People reported.
had time to attend any degree in Bangalore. “He something fantastic than accepted,” adds actor. Nimrat has been getting a
classes as I had training motivated my parents to let me PHOTO: GOKUL VS/HT ANI something random just At the same time the 37- number of international
and shows to focus on. I don’t move to Delhi to follow my because I am out of the scene. I year-old shares how she is offers. “I have to take a call
know if I’ll have time to passion. He even found me don’t want to do anything that trying to strike a balance and hopefully, I’ll be able to
prepare for exams either,” he places to perform,” says Sid, NOTE TO READERS: Some of the isn’t worthy.” between her work in India and talk about my upcoming
tells us with a tone of worry in adding that it was his brother When I first met the other members of Z-Boys, they coverage that appears on our pages Nimrat opines that breaks abroad. “I am putting all my projects soon. That’s why right
his voice. Sid also mentions the who gave him the idea to start a were like ‘let’s see how it goes’ but as time passed, we is paid for by the concerned brands.
No sponsored content does or shall
are good sometimes. “That attention and energy towards now I am figuring how I would
possibility of a Korea and YouTube channel. “He shaped kind of desperation might go managing my career both be dividing my time. I don’t
Indonesia tour, which would me into the artiste I am,” he became like brothers. They helped me a lot. appear in any part of HT without it against your productivity. I ways. I must admit it’s been want to miss being part of good
keep him tied up with no time says with a smile. SID K-POP STAR being declared as such to our valued fear making such mistakes. So, tricky, when you go abroad stories,” she concludes.
for studies. n a little bit of gap at times is you miss being in touch here n




Astrologer Prem Kumar Sharma can be contacted at: Delhi: 011-47033152, Sunidhi Chauhan: The singer, who is known for
40532026 (Sat to Mon): Panchkula: 91-172-2562832, 2572874 (Tues to Thurs);
Mumbai: 09223376963 (Last week of every month)
songs such as Kamli, Dhoom Machale, Sajnaaji
Vaari, Sheila Ki Jawani and Desi Girl, turns 36

You will be much more careful in incurring a You will be able to adopt a set physical Active lifestyle will keep you fit. Financial Worries regarding money may be laid to
major expenditure, so as not to go routine through sheer will power to get security promises to add to your rest. Someone is likely to come near to
beyond the budget. Gift of the gab and back in shape. Be careful so as not to independence. Recognition for your your heart, even as no words are
good handling of clients promise to win default on loan. Some turbulence on the contribution at work may not come exchanged! A complaint of a family
them over. A short-tempered family work front can be expected and can take quickly and you may have to toil harder. member from someone can make you
ARIES member is likely to spoil your mood. TAURUS a serious turn. You are likely to do some GEMINI This is the time to strengthen the family CANCER see red. An exciting trip may get
(MAR 21 - APR 20) Driving off to a holiday destination cannot (APR 21 - MAY 20) fun things with family today. Travelling (MAY 21 - JUN 21) bonds. An overseas invitation may find (JUNE 22 - JULY 22) postponed. Legalities in acquiring a house
be ruled out for some. You may not feel right with your near and dear ones is indicated. some packing their bags. You are likely to or a flat will be completed without much
about an action you are about to undertake, This is an auspicious day to acquire property. add to your assets. Some of you can lag behind hassle. There is some scope of improving your
but your fears will prove to be baseless. Someone is likely to invite you over to stay at his or her place. on the academic front by not being regular. scores on the academic front, so go for it.
Love Focus: Spouse or lover is likely to shower dollops of love on you Love Focus: You may not be able to spare time for meeting lover Love Focus: Lover may be planning something special for you, so get Love Focus: Someone from the opposite gender you enjoy being
and brighten up the romantic front! today, but make up for it later. ready to be surprised. with may give rise to romantic aspirations.
Lucky Number: 7 Lucky Colour: Baby Pink Lucky Number: 9 Lucky Colour: Maroon Lucky Number: 11 Lucky Colour: Light Blue Lucky Number: 5 Lucky Colour: Parrot Green

Some of you may feel frustrated by not Chance to add to wealth may be seized by Good investments will ensure profuse Financially, you are not likely to face much
being able to raise enough money to you. A skill needs to be perfected to avoid growth of your money tree on the issues. Not discussing issues with seniors
realize your dreams. Things might come lagging behind others at work. A family financial front. A promotion or before implementing may bring you into
to a standstill on the professional front. member will be at his or her best recognition is likely for some on the the firing line. A trip with family is likely
Resolving a family dispute can take up behaviour and will do you proud. This is professional front. Family may appear a to prove most enjoyable. A packaged
much of your day. A trip will help you LEO not the day to undertake a journey as VIRGO bit demanding, but you may be reading LIBRA tour to a holiday destination is likely. A SCORPIO
realize your dream. Being fair to the heirs (JULY 23 - AUG 23) problems are indicated. A new property (AUG 24 - SEPT 23) too much into it. Travel only if you have (SEPT 24 - OCT 23) new property acquired by you will start (OCT 24 - NOV 22)
on the property front may become an acquired by you will start giving good to. A few additions and alterations in the giving good monetary returns. You will be
overriding issue. You are likely to enjoy the monetary returns. Spit and polish may become house are indicated. A stranger is likely to much more mentally at ease by talking things
company of friends today. the order of the day for some homemakers. extend a helping hand and become your friend. out with someone you blindly confide in.
Love Focus: On the romantic front, you may be left wondering by Love Focus: Flirting won’t hurt you and can give oodles of fun, so Love Focus: Your attempts to win someone’s heart may face Love Focus: Whatever is in your heart needs to be expressed in
lover! why not enjoy while it lasts! insurmountable hurdles on the romantic front. words on the romantic front, so don’t feel reluctant in doing so.
Lucky Number: 15 Lucky Colour: Red Lucky Number: 4 Lucky Colour: Dark Slate Grey Lucky Number: 22 Lucky Colour: Indigo Lucky Number: 17 Lucky Colour: Navy Blue

A project may require additional finances A loan given to someone may not be You can be a bit careful in spending your You manage to maintain good health
to become viable. You will take every returned on the promised date.Some kind money to avoid upsetting your budget. despite irregular hours. Stability on the
opportunity to understand the finer of compensation can be expected on the Your guidance in something important financial front is assured. An increase in
points of your job. Those planning to business front. Family responsibilities may be sought at work. Your popularity workload is foreseen on the professional
settle out of town will get full support will give little time for enjoyment. A among family and friends is set to rise. front, but you will overcome it. Those
of family. A long journey will be leisure trip with someone close will not Your desire to visit someone may make wanting to study abroad or out of town
SAGITTARIUS completed without any glitches or delays. CAPRICORN be without its share of hassles, but will AQUARIUS you undertake a journey. Property PISCES will find the family supportive. Some risk
(NOV 23 - DEC 21) (DEC 22 - JAN 21) (JAN 22 - FEB 19) (FEB 20 - MAR 20)
A property deal is likely to favour you. prove enjoyable on the whole. Some acquired recently promises to give good is foreseen on the road today, so remain
Someone calling a spade a spade on the social complications are foreseen in matters related returns. A peaceful existence is foreseen and alert. A property issue is likely to be resolved
front can hurt you in the extreme. to property. will allow you to unwind today. amicably. Homemakers can remain busy in doing up the house today.
Love Focus: Promises on the romantic front may be difficult to keep, Love Focus: A match making process may be underway for the Love Focus: Inadequate response from your side may dampen the Love Focus: Love life will cruise along satisfactorily and you will get a
but you will manage somehow. eligible. spirits of the one who is ready to shower his or her love on you. chance to enjoy happy moments with partner.
Lucky Number: 3 Lucky Colour: Red Lucky Number: 1 Lucky Colour: Peach Lucky Number: 6 Lucky Colour: White Lucky Number: 8 Lucky Colour: Forest Green




Kareena Kapoor was keen on playing the lead
role in director Imtiaz Ali’s Love Aaj Kal (2009)
Fill in all the squares in the grid so that each row, column and alongside boyfriend Saif Ali Khan. But Deepika
each of the 9X9 squares contains all the digits from 1 to 9.
Padukone eventually got the part.
Solve the four anagrams and move one letter to each square to
form four ordinary words

Now arrange the letters marked with an asterisk (*) to form the answer to
the riddle or to fill in the missing words as indicated.
It is easier to get _____________than permission

ANSWER: It is easier to get forgiveness than permission - Grace Hopper

Place numbers into the puzzle cells so that each row and column contains each of the digits from 1 to 5. No number is to be repeated in any row or
SCRAMBLE SOLUTION: Ember, orris, bongos, vivify
column. Each bold-outlined cells contain a hint of a number and one of the mathematical symbols + x - /. The number is the result of the operation
represented by the symbol to the digits contained.

Ohio to celebrate 25 years of

A still from the Assamese film — Bulbul Can Sing; and (below)
filmmaker Rima Das.

Shreya Mukherjee
The Shawshank Redemption
er film Bulbul Can Sing

H has been named the

Best Assamese Film at
the 66th National Film
Awards, and director Rima
Das can’t keep calm. “I feel he Shawshank
elated and humbled,” she
says. Her award-winning film
was recently screened at the
T Redemption (1994) is
heading towards its 25th
anniversary and to mark
Indian Film Festival Of the same, a celebration is to
Melbourne (IFFM). take place in Ohio, USA,
“It feels great! Thanks to starting from August 16 till Wonder EDITOR’S Black Panther at 2000 Pacific Rim: Uprising at 2100
the jury and the team of August 18. Woman at 1358
National Film Awards. Mr According to reports, the
0856 Jackie Chan’s
PICK 0858 Toy Story 3
1054 Ice Age: Dawn of The
0921 The Mask
Shah Rukh Khan introduced movie, which released in 1994, 1127 Mad Max: Fury Road
First Strike Dinosaurs 1331 My Sister’s Keeper
Bulbul Can Sing at the Last year, after Rima’s was filmed in and around
opening night of Indian Film much-talked about film Mansfield, Ohio, and this 1025 A Quite Place 1241 Baby’s Day Out 1548 Rob-B-Hood
Festival of Melbourne and he Village Rockstars (2017) year, the same location will be 1158 Godzilla 1436 Fantastic Four: Rise 1841 The Legend
was the one who broke the received the Best Feature filled with fans and a few cast 1358 Wonder Woman of The Silver Surfer of Tarzan
news of the my film winning a Film ‘Swarna Kamal’ award, members. 1622 The Terminal 1622 Home Alone 3 2100 Pacific Rim: Uprising
National award congratulated Rima had spoken about how The story followed a 1850 Eagle Eye 1823 The Hitman’s Bodyguard 2322 The Scorpion
me. Even after Village she doesn’t have enough banker named Andy Dufresne 2100 Sherlock Holmes: A 2000 Black Panther King 4: Quest
Rockstars won the Best budget to make and promote played by Tim Robbins, who Game of Shadows 2342 Spiritual Kung Fu For Power
Feature Film Award last year, films. So, does she see the was sentenced to life in 2321 S.W.A.T
the audience was celebrating scenario changing after this Shawshank State
it like one of their own films award? Rima says, “Things Penitentiary for the murder
has won the award. I truly feel are definitely changing for of his wife and her lover,
blessed,” adds Rima. good. I’m collaborating with despite he claimed innocence.
producers for some upcoming While serving his term in
projects.” the prison, he becomes
And talk about what the friends with a fellow prisoner,
director is planning to work Ellis Red Redding, played by
on next, and she lists a Morgan Freeman.
number of projects. “I’ve just Dufresne becomes involved
completed a BRICS project. in a money-laundering
I’m also working on a few scheme run by the warden but
projects in collaboration with manages to turn the tables Kick at 1650 Ra.One at 1652 Commando 2 at 1525
other producers. I’ll also be with a few twists and later 0918 Mohan Vadani
1030 Golmaal 3 1106 Sanam Teri Kasam
making a film in Assam, manages to escape the prison. 1212 Singam 3
which is backed by the Assam Actors who are expected to 1330 The Return of 1416 Shiva The Super
Abhimanyu Hero 3 1525 Commando 2
State Film Corporation. My come at the reunion are Bob A still from the film
independent feature film Gunton William Sadler, Mark 1650 Kick 1652 Ra.One 1800 Rowdy Rajkumar 2
projects are in the pipeline, Rolston, Frank Medrano, Claire Slemmer. The shown in the film including 2000 Dumdaar Khiladi 2000 Himmatwar 2100 Mahaabali
too!” Alfonso Freeman, Scott celebration will feature a tour Ohio State Reformatory. 2240 Double Attack 2306 Show Dogs 2343 Revolver Raja
n Mann, Renee Blaine and to more than a dozen sites ANI



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Jameela Jamil against Kartik Aaryan shows up in

airbrushing pictures
ritish actor Jameela Jamil are perpetually scrutinised and
Thailand for Sara’s big day
B urged celebrities and
influencers to discontinue
the practice of airbrushing or
criticised in this industry, but
I’m begging other influencers,
actors, and models to join me in
The birthday
selfie with Sara
Ali Khan that
retouching their pictures. not allowing airbrushing,” she Kartik Aaryan
The actor took to Twitter tweeted. shared
urging influences, models actor She continued, “We have to PHOTO: INSTAGRAM/
to join her in discouraging the stop setting standards for KARTIKAARYAN
practice of airbrushing in others that we ourselves don’t
pictures. even meet.” To prove the same,
“I know it’s hard because we Jamil also shared a picture of
NBC’s The Good Place showing
her un-airbrushed backfat.
Jameela Alongside, she wrote, “Finally
Jamil able to insist my image, even on
PHOTO: billboards isn’t ever
AFP airbrushed. I get backfat in
every single bra. And I used to
hide so many photos because of
muffin tops. Double chins and
imperfections because I never ctor Sara Ali Khan and Eid Mubarak (this time
saw them on people on
television.” Chrissy Teigen, in
July last year, shared a video of
A turned 24 on Monday
and celebrated her
without the mask).”
In the picture, Sara and
Kartik are seated together
showing her stretch marks in Thailand, where she is with a cake in front of them.
where she said, “I guess currently shooting for He also added a heart emoji.
these just aren’t gonna go Coolie No 1 opposite Varun The last part of his
away. This is my body.” Dhawan. However, making statement had the internet
Last year, Jamil had her day super special was confused but he
initiated the #IWeigh rumoured boyfriend, actor seems to be referring to the
campaign on social Kartik Aaryan, who flew to duo’s appearance on Eid
media. the country to join her. before, where they roamed
She encouraged Taking to Instagram, the the streets of Mumbai with
users to stop Luka Chuppi actor shared a their faces covered. The two
focusing on their selfie with Sara and wrote: have been spotted together
body weight. “Happy Birthday Princess on various occasions. HTC




different from a man’s
TREND OVER COMFORT body. Women change sizes —
For fashion designer Pria monthly, yearly, situationally
Kataaria Puri, the trend — and so, our bodies are
LOOKBOOK that we need to get
freedom from is
changing forever.
Therefore, a fitted or a
PHOTO: YOGEN SHAH “feeling tight pair of jeans which may
uncomfortable in

be trending may become
our clothes”. “It is the point of unhappiness
important to and discomfort. When your
feel beautiful body is bloated due to
rather than menstrual cycles and you are
look not able to fit into them, it
beautiful. will upset you and make you
To be able feel fat. In that moment, you
to feel do not realise that you feel fat

beautiful, because the cut and fit of the
it is very pair of jeans is why you feel
important to be uncomfortable. “I believe it
comfortable. is essential to give away this
Comfort trend of restricted clothing
clothing and adopt a trend of
denotes free free-flowing and free size
size clothing clothing. A pair of jeans
that does not

which has elastic at the
restrict your waist can be of much better
body movement use. Sportswear fabrics
and comprises such as lycra are comfortable
silhouettes that because it allows you to
are styled in a expand and moulds
fluid manner,” according to the shape of your
adds Puri. body so you don’t feel
It is significant uncomfortable. Adopting
This Independence Day, say for women to
feel beautiful
free size clothing is a great
trend so that one feels
because a comfortable in their own
goodbye to fashion trends that have woman’s body is skin,” adds Puri.

been the norm on every runway

Akshata Shetty
hen was the SHORTS!
W last time you
told yourself
‘it’s okay to be
different?’ We live
a world where we
Reality star Kim Kardashian
West made them trendy and
everyone wanted them. We
are talking about the trend
are made to follow of cycling shorts. According
trends even if we to fashion designer Bhaavya

Understated chic don’t want to. Be i

the colour of the
season or a certain
Bhatnagar, the cycling
shorts trend is not
something she would
Rocking the denim jumpsuit is Bhumi Pednekar, who pulled recommend. “I personally
silhouette for a
off the look with panache. To complement her outfit, she
chose orange tinted shades and yellow pumps.
WHY SO dress, you start don’t like the cycling shorts
trend. It’s tricky to get right
GAUDY? believing that if you
don't own anything and not the easiest to style,”
According to which is trendy, you adds Bhatnagar. However, if
are not fashionable. you love shorts, she
suggests you can instead
However, this
Kunal Anil Independence Day, opt for formal Bermuda
Tanna, in fashion designers shorts with interesting
India, surface give their opinion details such as pleated,
ornamentation structured waistbands or
about certain fashion
has primarily sheer.
trends that need to go
always been
treated with away. “Fashion changes
embroidery and from season to season
and person to person.
more often
with gaudy Stop imitating people. COLOUR NO BAR
motifs Your clothes must speak For fashion designer
garishly about your personality. Eshaani Jayaswal,
overloaded Embrace your shape, size, freedom from colour is a
with budget and way of life. must. “Colours play a
unnecessary Every designer has a major role in staying
bling. With design philosophy and fashionable. The colour of
evolving aesthetic. Their creations the dress that you are
times, and are an extension of their love ourselves, we can pull wearing should not be
for a personalities,” says fashion off any outfit no matter the determined by your skin
dapper designer Eshaani Jayaswal. body type. Wouldn’t that be tone. Different colours
man, this fashionable?” asks Khera, work well for different
trend needs to go away. SAY NO TO BODY adding, “What we can individuals. Just because
Tanna believes that classic
styles stay forever and
SHAMING replace this with, is you are dusky doesn’t
hence, surface Fashion designer Sunaina acceptance. Instead of asking mean you can’t pull off

Beauty lies in simplicity ornamentation can be

dealt with a more
elegant approach with
Khera shares that we need
freedom from body shaming.
“We shouldn’t be spreading
women to fit into our
clothes, we as designers,
should make clothes that fit
brighter colours,” adds
Jayaswal. The designer
also feels that telling
Dia Mirza looks ethereal in this picture where she has donned intricate painstakingly insecurity among women women because there women not to wear black
a simple grey linen sari. She captioned it, “Don’t wait for the developed textures. about how they don’t conform shouldn’t be such a thing as or white for festivities
storms of your life to pass. Learn to dance in the rain.” to a conventional, acceptable convention in beauty.” should stop. PHOTO: INSTAGRAM/
body type. I think if we learn to n

ctor-comedian Amy Jia Tolentino’s new book “Nothing can prepare you for soft post-baby body.”

A Schumer loves being a

mother, even if parenting
can be a little crazy at times.
titled Trick Mirror and
Quentin Tarantino’s film,
Once Upon a Time in
childbirth and what comes
after,” she told People last
month . Fully embracing her
Schumer struggled with
hyperemesis gravidarum, a
form of acute morning
Over the weekend, the 38- Hollywood, which she said post-baby body, the actor sickness, throughout her
year-old comedian posted a was very funny. posted a group photo from a pregnancy period.
photo of herself and husband Saving the best for last, beach trip in July that showed Last month, she also
Chris Fischer, which was Schumer wrote that she her smiling on the beach in a celebrated another
taken after the pair played wanted to recommend being a black one-piece swimsuit milestone in her
“doubles volleyball” together. parent if you can. “It’s nuts,” while her husband carried postpartum journey
“Three months after a C she added. Schumer, who their baby boy. — getting her period
playing doubles volleyball for welcomed her first child, son “We’re good,” she again. “First period in
90 minutes. I feel so strong,” Gene Attell, with Fischer on captioned the image. In a year,” Schumer
she captioned the selfie. May 5, has been candid about response to a user who wrote triumphantly captioned
Schumer went on to list the difficulties of the that Schumer looked great in a slideshow of images that
some of the top things she’s postpartum period, which is her swimsuit with a normal showed her and Fischer on
recommending nowadays, referred to as the fourth woman’s body, the star wrote the beach.
including New Yorker writer trimester”of pregnancy. that she is “loving my warm ANI



34°C 27°C
Sunset on Wednesday 7:08pm
Sunrise on Thursday 5:49am

>>htcity p3

shortstories PENDING DEMANDS

RESULTS Peddler’s husband caught ASHA workers
CHANDIGARH: Panjab University
protest outside civil
running drug business from jail surgeon’s office
declared the results of BEd
(mental retardation) fourth
semester, MA (governance and
leadership) second semester, MA
(history) fourth semester, MSc
(environment science) second
semester, MSc (mathematics)
second semester, MA (economics)
BUSTED After being arrested on Monday, accused Manjit had deposed that her husband Surjit HT Correspondent
second semester, MA (history of Singh, presently lodged at Patiala central jail, was operating the racket and she was assisting him n
visual arts) fourth semester, for DEMANDING FIXED
the examinations held in May Navrajdeep Singh
2019; and of BSc (honours) in n
Sidhu said that during interroga-
tion, Manjit had deposed that her
JAIL OFFICIALS “The accused gave clear
instructions to his wife as to
cate assets of drug smugglers. A
case has been registered against
PATIALA: The Accredited Social
Health Activist (ASHA) work-
biophysics,third semester, for the
examinations held in December
husband Surjit Singh, who is RECOVER A MOBILE where to buy the drugs from and all accused under the NDPS Act. ers staged a protest outside the PATTERN FOLLOWED BY
2018. Students can see their result
PATIALA: A day after two women
drug peddlers were arrested,
presently lodged at the Patiala
central jail, is operating a drug
PHONE FROM THE where to deliver it. We are inter-
rogating the accused to gather ‘DIARY SPILLED
Patiala civil surgeon’s office
here on Tuesday.
on the website of their respective
colleges/university. HTC
husband of one of the accused racket from the jail premises and ACCUSED’S POSSESSION more information regarding THE BEANS’ They are demanding fulfilm- GOVERNMENT
has been nabbed for allegedly they were assisting him in run- their network,” the SSP said. On July 18, police had arrested ent of their pending demands of
Research journal running a drug business ning the trade. Surjit Singh was lodged in “The accused belongs to the drug peddlers – Navjot Singh a fixed salary. authorities.
‘Parishodh’ released from the Patiala Central Jail, on “We immediately contacted Patiala jail since five months Sansi community, which is noto- alias Nannu – with unaccounta- They are protesting against The protest was held under
Tuesday. the Patiala jail superintendent, after being named in another rious for selling drugs in Pun- ble for assets worth ₹66.75 lakh. the state government and health the flag of Asha Worker and
CHANDIGARH: Panjab University
Both the women accused, who acted swiftly and carried case under the Narcotic Drugs jab,” he said. They had seized 100gm heroin, department. Facilitator Union of Punjab.
vice-chancellor Raj Kumar on
Tuesday released the new issue of Manjit Kaur and Amarjit Kaur, out a joint search operation in and Psychotropic Substances Police have sealed two under- 1,030 intoxicant tablets, 190gm The protesters are demand- District president of the
‘Parishodh,’ the research journal who resided in the same village Surjit’s barrack. The jail officials (NDPS) Act. construction houses owned by gold ornaments, ₹3.25 lakh in ing fixed salary based on the pat- union,Harinder Kaur said that
brought out by the department — Rajgarh — about 6km from the recovered a mobile phone from Sidhu said that during prelim- Manjit. They have also confis- cash and a diary. tern followed by the Andhra the government should give
of Hindi. The last issue came out district headquarters, were the accused’s possession, follow- inary investigation, Surjit con- cated two ACs, two washing SSP Sidhu said that the diary Pradesh government. them a fixed monthly salary of
on September 14 last year. arrested with 850gm heroin and ing which, police have brought fessed that he was in regular con- machines, some vehicles and contained details of sellers and The protesters submitted a ₹10,000 along with travel allow-
Chairpesron Gurmeet Singh said ₹5 lakh cash, that they had alleg- him on production warrant and tact with his wife over the phone other household items allegedly buyers of drugs, “which led to memorandum to civil surgeon ance.
the journal was started by noted edly earned by selling drugs. taken him into three-day police and helped her in running bought using drug money, under the undoing of the racket and Dr Harish Malhotra, who “We will intensify the protest
Hindi writer Hazari Prasad Senior superintendent of custody for further interroga- the drug smuggling business, Section 68-F of the NDPS Act, helped police to nab the two assured them that he would take if our demands are not ful-
Dwivedi in the year 1964. HTC police (SSP) Mandeep Singh tion,” the SSP said. while in jail. which empowers police to confis- women.” up the matter with the higher filled,” she added.

MARCH ON Stray cattle menace: 4 deaths

in a month, MC ‘fails’ to act
HT Correspondent

PATIALA: At least three persons

were killed and four injured in
four separate accidents caused
by overcrowding of stray ani-
› The problem of stray cattle overcrowding roads is a
nationwide problem. We can’t handle it on our own
as we have limited financial resources which is not
sufficient to tackle this problem.However, we are doing
mals on city roads.
However, the Patiala munici-
our best by utilising our limited resource.
pal corporation (MC) is yet to SANJEEV SHARMA BITTU, mayor
address this problem and
find a long-term solution, say
residents. the Patiala municipal corpora- “Herds of stray animals are
On July 17, Amrik Singh of tion (MC), herds of stray ani- roaming on every street of the
Ishwar Nagar was attacked by a mals are still flocking the Royal City but the municipal
stray bull at Devigarh road . city roads which is resulting in corporation is ignoring the
He was rushed to Rajindra traffic disruptions and fatal problem,” he said.
hospital where he died during accident. Another resident Puneet
treatment. Satellite towns of the district Singh said, “The residents of
On July 19, Jugal Kishore was including Nabha, Rajpura, Sam- Patiala, need to get together and
killed after his vehicle collided ana and Patran are also witness- draw the attention of authori-
with a stray bull. ing the issue. ties to the severity of the stray
On the same day, four mem- An MC official, pleading ano- cattle menace.”
bers of a family were injured nymity said that a cattle pound Mayor Sanjeev Sharma Bittu
after their vehicle rammed into constructed over 21 acre at Gaj- said, “The problem of stray cat-
stray bull near northern bypass jipur village which is sheltering tle overcrowding roads is a
in Patiala more than 1,500 cattle is run- nationwide problem.”
On August 8, a 34- year- old ning low on space. “We can’t handle it on our
businessman Mandeep Singh Residents said that despite 60 own as we have limited financial
was going towards his house councillors being present in the resources which is not suffi-
from a petrol pump on Sirhind – city, they are unable to manage cient to tackle this problem.
Rajpura road when his motorcy- the menace of stray animals. However, we are doing our best
cle collided with a stray bull. A Ghuman Nagar resident, by utilising our limited
The victim was rushed to a SP Chand, said that they have resource,” the mayor said.
n Punjab Police officers taking part in the full dress rehearsal ahead of the 73rd Independence Day celebrations at the Polo Grounds in Patiala on Tuesday. hospital where he died during approached the civic body mul- “ We need support of the cen-
>>FOR MORE PICTURES >>PAGE 2 BHARAT BHUSHAN/HT treatment. tiple times but no action has tral and state government to
Despite the claims made by been taken so far. curb the menace,” he added

Art exhibition held to celebrate G U R U R AV I D A S T E M P L E D E L H I D E M O L I T I O N R O W

550th birth anniv of Guru Nanak Ravidasia community members block

HT Correspondent
philosophy of Guru Nanak.
The exhibition was organised
by the Guru Gobind Singh
and other cities of Punjab.
Trilok Singh, whose paintings
were on display at the exhibition
Punjabi University gates, bus terminus
PATIALA: In continuation of the Department of Religious studies is a well known artist from Pun- HT Correspondent
programmes commemorating of the University. Distinguished jab. In 1973, chief minister Giani n
the 550th birth anniversary of scholars and art enthusiasts Zail Singh organised an exhibi-
Guru Nanak , a painting exhibi- from all over Punjab were tion displaying his works at his PATIALA: Following the call for
tion displaying the works of the present at the exhibition. Trilok residence ,’Chitralok’ in Patiala. Punjab bandh given by different
late Trilok Singh which depicts Singh’s son Jotinder Singh was He is the only artist who was organisations of the Ravidasia
the life and teachings of Guru also in attendance It will con- awarded a Phd by the Punjabi community received a mixed
Nanak was organised at the clude on August 20. Director of University for research work response here on Tuesday.
museum and art gallery of the the World Punjabi Centre,pro- done by a student. Schools, colleges and commer-
Punjabi University in Patiala. fessor Balkar Singh said that the Guru Gobind Singh Depart- cial establishments remained
Vice-chancellor (V-C) BS exhibition makes us aware of the ment of Religious studies pub- open across the district amid spo-
Ghuman inaugurated the exhi- teachings of Guru Nanak and lished a catalogue on the artist radic protests from members of
bition. He released a catalogue shows the path to truthful living. and the exhibition. Coordinator the community, who are protest-
on the exhibition and said that He added that the state govern- of the Indian chapter of the Har- ing demolition of an ancient Ravi-
the works on display at the exhi- ment should promote and orga- darshan Memorial International das temple in New Delhi’s Tugh-
bition will encourage the nise the exhibition at Chandi- Trust , Ujagar Singh delivered lakabad on the directions of the
younger generation to follow the garh, Amritsar, Sultanpur Lodhi the vote of thanks. Supreme Court.
First, protesters blocked the
main gate of Punjabi University
for over an hour and raised slo-
gans against the Union govern-
ment. Later, around noon, they
blocked the main square near the
Patiala inter-state bus terminal
on the Patiala-Rajpura Road,
inconveniencing school children n Members of Ravidasia
and commuters. community protesting at the
However, the market arenas in bus stand chowk; and
satellite towns of Samana, (right) shops remained locked
Nabha, Patrana and Rajpura after the bandh call by the
were partially closed in the first community in Patiala on
half of the day. Agitators carried Tuesday. HT PHOTOS
protest marches in these areas,
forcing shopkeepers to bring in traffic jam,” he said.
down the shutters. Meanwhile, national sched-
Police remained on their toes uled castes alliance president
to maintain law and order. Paramjit Singh said the commu-
Hardev Singh, a resident of nity will not rest until the govern-
Urban Estate said the state gov- ment agrees to reconstruct the
ernment should have announced temple. “Centre should direct the
a holiday in schools and colleges lieutenant governor of Delhi to
so as to avoid inconveniencing proactively seek resolution of the
students. “During the blockade at issue. If our demands are not met,
n Students attending the painting exhibition showcasing works of the late Trilok Singh based on the life bus stand road, school vans ferry- we will stage a protest at Jantar
and teachings of Guru Nanak at Punjabi University in Patiala on Tuesday. BHARAT BHUSHAN/HT ing toddlers could be seen stuck Mantar on August 21.”



02 hindustantimes HINDUSTAN TIMES, C H AN D I G AR H



All set for I-Day


HT lensman Bharat
Bhushan caught
glimpses of patriotic
fervour in Patiala
ahead of the 73rd
Independence Day
PATIALA: Ahead of the 73rd Independence
Day, school and college students, who
are participating in the district-level
function, took part in the full dress
rehearsal organised at the Polo Grounds
near lower Mall Road in Patiala
on Tuesday.
Deputy commissioner Kumar Amit
and senior superintendent of police
(SSP) Mandeep Singh Sidhu reviewed
the rehearsals.
The DC said that state sports minister
Rana Gurmeet Singh Sodhi will unfurl
the national flag at the district-level
function in Patiala on August 15.
“On Independence Day, the parade
will be led by parade commander deputy
superintendent of police (DSP, investiga-
tion) Jaspreet Singh,” he said.
He added that cultural activities will
also be organised.
The deputy commissioner said that
during the event, certificates will be
issued to beneficiaries of Mahatma Gan-
dhi Sarbat Vikas Yojana. HTC

n Punjab Police officials, NCC cadets, members of the Red

Cross Society, Scouts and Guides cadets, and students from
different educational institutes took part in the full dress
rehearsal ahead of the district-level Independence Day
celebrations in Patiala on Tuesday. DC Kumar Amit and SSP
Mandeep Singh Sidhu took stock of the arrangements. Meanwhile, a
woman was spotted celling the Tricolour in city. BHARAT BHUSHAN /HT



CHANDIGARH, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 2019I Entertainment & Promotional Features


JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ in John Abraham’s mind today? Just to be in the rat race to push my intention. I am in a happy
I want to make films that make b
big numbers has never been
h space now. OF CELEBRATING


effective change within the
industry, and films that make
n rishabh
people think and at the same My earliest memories are
time, entertain them. Vicky of going to school,
Donor (2012) was the first of its unfurling the flag and
kind, so was Madras Cafe (2013; singing the national
both produced by John). It’s anthem. I come from two
diverse religions in my
very important to change. I am
family – Christian and


very happy I am not one of
Parsi. But from childhood,
those actors who are still it has always been instilled
trying to breach certain in my head by my parents
numerical figures. that, ‘remember that you
Yes, commerce is are an Indian first’, instead
important and I don’t of me denominating any
think I have lost religion on myself. I have
anything for my grown up with the
producers or emotion that India matters
Rishabh Suri crucial one. Just to weave in was then an ACP and now is a incident, the fact that he exhibitors. the most. So, I always look
that song was the most difficult DCP. My concern was to wanted to commit suicide, and up to the Indian flag. We
he patriotic streak in part for my director (Nikkhil understand not only his body his relationship with his lovely are very fortunate that we

T actor John Abraham is

more than evident
through his film choices
— 2018 saw him doing
Parmanu- The Story of
Advani). Once you see the film,
you will forgive us for having a
fantastic number in it.

What was it about the story that

language but mentality, too. To
understand the trauma he went
through after the Batla House
wife. I met her, too. It was nice
to meet a man who is such a
dichotomy in his real life.

You’ve been in showbiz for over 16

are allowed to unfurl the
National flag. So, this year
too, I will unfurl it, and
then fold it back before
Pokhran, followed by made you say yes? years now. How much have your
Satyameva Jayate, and in both, As an actor, consumer and priorities changed — what goes on
the theme was John’s love for viewer, I thought the script was
his country. But he maintains exciting. There’s a saying in
that his idea of patriotism is not English that ‘fact is stranger
‘jingoistic’. His next, Batla than fiction’. This story seemed
House, is inspired by the 2008 unbelievable. It came together
incident which took place in really well. I like political and
Delhi. While there have been psychological thrillers. I
objections raised, the actor thought this is a perfect film to
asserts that the treatment of his not only act in, but produce,
next is sensitive. Excerpts from too.
a chat with John:
You also screened the film recently
The subject of your next is very in Delhi for the honourable Vice
sensitive. How did you manage to President of India, Shri Venkaiah
retain the sensitivity, yet have the Naidu. What was his reaction to it?
scope for an item song like O Saki It was nice meeting Shri
Saki, and commercial elements? Venkaiah Naidu. Being a
senior political leader, he
To answer the former part of threw some light on the
your question, I think we have political situation in the
actually left the film open to country and me being
debate. We have told the film politically aware, it was a great
from three different point of opportunity to meet him. He’s a I don’t think I have
views — the victims’, the very learned man, and at the
terrorists’ point of view, the same time, extremely down to
lost anything for
court’s point of view, and the earth. We showed him some my producers or
witnesses’ point of view. When
they walk out of the film, we
parts of the film, he was very
excited to know the way we
exhibitors. Just to be in
want people to discuss it, if they have showed the film. the rat race to push big
agree, disagree, or whether numbers has never
they have a different point of How did you go about the prep for
view which was not shown in the film, based on a real-life John Abraham with been my intention. I am
the film. The item number part person? kids on the eve of in a happy space now.
— Nora (Fatehi) has got a full- I met and spent time with Independence Day JOHN ABRAHAM, ACTOR
fledged role in the film, and a Sanjeev Kumar Yadav, who PHOTOS: AALOK SONI/HT

‘I was a victim of domestic

abuse on multiple occasions’
n Sunday, a popular on her Instagram account, misinformed

O TV actor along with

her 18-year-old
daughter filed a complaint
speaking up against her
stepfather. She also
commented on her mother
views. It’s beyond
disgusting and its
time that i stand up
against her actor-husband being a victim of domestic for my mother for
and the latter’s stepfather. abuse. “The media does not she is the strongest
He was accused of allegedly have the facts and they person i know and
showing obscene pictures never will. I was on since out of all of us
to his stepdaughter and multiple occasions a I’m the only person
booked under section 354-A victim of domestic abuse who’s witnessed her
(sexual harassment), 323 NOT my mother, except struggle day in and
(causing hurt), 504 for the day that the day out, my opinion is
(intentional insult), 506 complaint was filed he the only one that
(criminal intimidation), 509 hadn’t hit my mother. As a matters (sic).”
(word, act or gesture to reader of the news its often She also clarified
insult modesty of woman) easy to forget that you do that her stepfather any walk of life
of the Indian Penal Code not know the truth of “never physically were to
(IPC) and 67-A what goes on behind closed molested or touched
(transmitting obscene doors or how much her inappropriately”. hear them she would be
material) of the fortitude my mother has She wrote, “Before greatly embarrassed and
Information Technology shown in both her spreading something provoked, too. Words
Act at Samta Nagar police marriages. This is of this calibre or even which would question
station, Kandivali someone’s household believing it, its imperative the standing dignity of
(East). you’re writing about, you as readers know any woman, which you
The TV actor married someone’s life you’re the veracity of the wouldn’t expect to hear
the accused in 2013, and the discussing. Many of facts that you’re from any man, especially
couple has a three-year-old you fortunately haven’t blindly divulging not your ‘father’.”
son. Reportedly, their even dealt with something endlessly. The girl claims to be a
marriage was going of such heinous He did persistently “proud daughter” and
through a rough patch, and proportions, and hence make inappropriate and that her “mother is the
the actor wanted a divorce. you have no right to disturbing remarks the most respectable
In light of multiple comment, discuss or impact of which is only individual that she has
media reports, the paint someone else’s image known to my mother and ever come across”.
daughter has penned a note through your biased, I, and if any woman from HTC




Astrologer Prem Kumar Sharma can be contacted at: Delhi: 011-47033152, Sunidhi Chauhan: The singer, who is known for
40532026 (Sat to Mon): Panchkula: 91-172-2562832, 2572874 (Tues to Thurs);
Mumbai: 09223376963 (Last week of every month)
songs such as Kamli, Dhoom Machale, Sajnaaji
Vaari, Sheila Ki Jawani and Desi Girl, turns 36

You will be much more careful in incurring a You will be able to adopt a set physical Active lifestyle will keep you fit. Financial Worries regarding money may be laid to
major expenditure, so as not to go routine through sheer will power to get security promises to add to your rest. Someone is likely to come near to
beyond the budget. Gift of the gab and back in shape. Be careful so as not to independence. Recognition for your your heart, even as no words are
good handling of clients promise to win default on loan. Some turbulence on the contribution at work may not come exchanged! A complaint of a family
them over. A short-tempered family work front can be expected and can take quickly and you may have to toil harder. member from someone can make you
ARIES member is likely to spoil your mood. TAURUS a serious turn. You are likely to do some GEMINI This is the time to strengthen the family CANCER see red. An exciting trip may get
(MAR 21 - APR 20) Driving off to a holiday destination cannot (APR 21 - MAY 20) fun things with family today. Travelling (MAY 21 - JUN 21) bonds. An overseas invitation may find (JUNE 22 - JULY 22) postponed. Legalities in acquiring a house
be ruled out for some. You may not feel right with your near and dear ones is indicated. some packing their bags. You are likely to or a flat will be completed without much
about an action you are about to undertake, This is an auspicious day to acquire property. add to your assets. Some of you can lag behind hassle. There is some scope of improving your
but your fears will prove to be baseless. Someone is likely to invite you over to stay at his or her place. on the academic front by not being regular. scores on the academic front, so go for it.
Love Focus: Spouse or lover is likely to shower dollops of love on you Love Focus: You may not be able to spare time for meeting lover Love Focus: Lover may be planning something special for you, so get Love Focus: Someone from the opposite gender you enjoy being
and brighten up the romantic front! today, but make up for it later. ready to be surprised. with may give rise to romantic aspirations.
Lucky Number: 7 Lucky Colour: Baby Pink Lucky Number: 9 Lucky Colour: Maroon Lucky Number: 11 Lucky Colour: Light Blue Lucky Number: 5 Lucky Colour: Parrot Green

Some of you may feel frustrated by not Chance to add to wealth may be seized by Good investments will ensure profuse Financially, you are not likely to face much
being able to raise enough money to you. A skill needs to be perfected to avoid growth of your money tree on the issues. Not discussing issues with seniors
realize your dreams. Things might come lagging behind others at work. A family financial front. A promotion or before implementing may bring you into
to a standstill on the professional front. member will be at his or her best recognition is likely for some on the the firing line. A trip with family is likely
Resolving a family dispute can take up behaviour and will do you proud. This is professional front. Family may appear a to prove most enjoyable. A packaged
much of your day. A trip will help you LEO not the day to undertake a journey as VIRGO bit demanding, but you may be reading LIBRA tour to a holiday destination is likely. A SCORPIO
realize your dream. Being fair to the heirs (JULY 23 - AUG 23) problems are indicated. A new property (AUG 24 - SEPT 23) too much into it. Travel only if you have (SEPT 24 - OCT 23) new property acquired by you will start (OCT 24 - NOV 22)
on the property front may become an acquired by you will start giving good to. A few additions and alterations in the giving good monetary returns. You will be
overriding issue. You are likely to enjoy the monetary returns. Spit and polish may become house are indicated. A stranger is likely to much more mentally at ease by talking things
company of friends today. the order of the day for some homemakers. extend a helping hand and become your friend. out with someone you blindly confide in.
Love Focus: On the romantic front, you may be left wondering by Love Focus: Flirting won’t hurt you and can give oodles of fun, so Love Focus: Your attempts to win someone’s heart may face Love Focus: Whatever is in your heart needs to be expressed in
lover! why not enjoy while it lasts! insurmountable hurdles on the romantic front. words on the romantic front, so don’t feel reluctant in doing so.
Lucky Number: 15 Lucky Colour: Red Lucky Number: 4 Lucky Colour: Dark Slate Grey Lucky Number: 22 Lucky Colour: Indigo Lucky Number: 17 Lucky Colour: Navy Blue

A project may require additional finances A loan given to someone may not be You can be a bit careful in spending your You manage to maintain good health
to become viable. You will take every returned on the promised date.Some kind money to avoid upsetting your budget. despite irregular hours. Stability on the
opportunity to understand the finer of compensation can be expected on the Your guidance in something important financial front is assured. An increase in
points of your job. Those planning to business front. Family responsibilities may be sought at work. Your popularity workload is foreseen on the professional
settle out of town will get full support will give little time for enjoyment. A among family and friends is set to rise. front, but you will overcome it. Those
of family. A long journey will be leisure trip with someone close will not Your desire to visit someone may make wanting to study abroad or out of town
SAGITTARIUS completed without any glitches or delays. CAPRICORN be without its share of hassles, but will AQUARIUS you undertake a journey. Property PISCES will find the family supportive. Some risk
(NOV 23 - DEC 21) (DEC 22 - JAN 21) (JAN 22 - FEB 19) (FEB 20 - MAR 20)
A property deal is likely to favour you. prove enjoyable on the whole. Some acquired recently promises to give good is foreseen on the road today, so remain
Someone calling a spade a spade on the social complications are foreseen in matters related returns. A peaceful existence is foreseen and alert. A property issue is likely to be resolved
front can hurt you in the extreme. to property. will allow you to unwind today. amicably. Homemakers can remain busy in doing up the house today.
Love Focus: Promises on the romantic front may be difficult to keep, Love Focus: A match making process may be underway for the Love Focus: Inadequate response from your side may dampen the Love Focus: Love life will cruise along satisfactorily and you will get a
but you will manage somehow. eligible. spirits of the one who is ready to shower his or her love on you. chance to enjoy happy moments with partner.
Lucky Number: 3 Lucky Colour: Red Lucky Number: 1 Lucky Colour: Peach Lucky Number: 6 Lucky Colour: White Lucky Number: 8 Lucky Colour: Forest Green

RimaDaswinsasecondtime, JAMEELA JAMIL

AGAINST Ohio to celebrate 25yrs of Shawshank Redemption
saysthingsarechanging AIRBRUSHING
he Shawshank
Redemption (1994) is
heading towards its 25th
anniversary and to mark
the same, a celebration is to
Shreya Mukherjee 66TH NATIONAL AWARDS ritish actor Jameela Jamil take place in Ohio, USA, WAS FILMED IN AND
er film Bulbul Can Sing B urged celebrities and
influencers to discontinue
starting from August 16 till
August 18.

H has been named the

Best Assamese Film at
the 66th National Film
Awards, and director Rima
Das can’t keep calm. “I feel
the practice of airbrushing or
retouching their pictures.
The actor took to Twitter
urging influences, models actor
to join her in discouraging the
According to reports, the
movie, which released in 1994,
was filmed in and around
Mansfield, Ohio, and this
year, the same location will be
elated and humbled,” she practice of airbrushing in filled with fans and a few cast
says. Her award-winning film pictures. “I know it’s hard members. CAST MEMBERS
was recently screened at the because we are perpetually The story followed a
Indian Film Festival Of scrutinised and criticised in banker named Andy Dufresne
Melbourne (IFFM). this industry, but I’m begging played by Tim Robbins, who Gunton William Sadler, Mark
“It feels great! Thanks to other influencers, actors, and was sentenced to life in Rolston, Frank Medrano,
the jury and the team of models to join me in not Shawshank State Alfonso Freeman, Scott
National Film Awards. Mr allowing airbrushing. We have Penitentiary for the murder of Mann, Renee Blaine and
Shah Rukh Khan introduced to stop setting standards for his wife and her lover, despite Claire Slemmer. The
Bulbul Can Sing at the others that we ourselves don’t he claimed innocence. celebration will feature a tour
opening night of Indian Film even meet.” To prove the same, While serving his term in to more than a dozen sites
Festival of Melbourne and he Jamil also shared a picture of the prison, he becomes shown in the film including
was the one who broke the NBC’s The Good Place showing friends with a fellow prisoner, Ohio State Reformatory.
news of the my film winning a her un-airbrushed backfat. Ellis Red Redding, played by ANI A still from the film
National award congratulated Alongside, she wrote, “Finally Morgan Freeman.
me. Even after Village able to insist my image, even on Dufresne becomes involved
Rockstars won the Best billboards isn’t ever in a money-laundering
Feature Film Award last year, airbrushed. I get backfat in scheme run by the warden but
the audience was celebrating every single bra. And I used to manages to turn the tables
it like one of their own films hide so many photos because of with a few twists and later
has won the award. I truly feel muffin tops. Double chins and manages to escape the prison.
blessed,” adds Rima. imperfections because I never Actors who are expected to
Last year, after Rima’s saw them on people on come at the reunion are Bob
much-talked about film A still from the Assamese film — television.” Chrissy Teigen, in
Village Rockstars (2017) Bulbul Can Sing; and (below) July last year, shared a video of
received the Best Feature filmmaker Rima Das. HT PHOTOS showing her stretch marks
Film ‘Swarna Kamal’ award, where she said, “I guess
Rima had spoken about how number of projects. “I’ve these just aren’t
she doesn’t have enough just completed a BRICS gonna go away.
budget to make and promote project. I’m also working on a This is my body.”
films. So, does she see the few projects in collaboration Last year, Jamil
scenario changing after this with other producers. I’ll had initiated the
award? Rima says, “Things also be making a film in #IWeigh
are definitely changing for Assam, which is backed by the campaign on
good. I’m collaborating with Assam State Film social
producers for some upcoming Corporation. My independent media.
projects.” And talk about feature film projects are in the ANI
what the director is planning pipeline, too!”
to work on next, and she lists a n



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