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Community Visit Reflection

By Patricia G. Presillas
Of 12 – STEM 22

In the quote said by George Santayana, “A child educated only at school is an uneducated
child”, tells us about how important it is to apply our knowledge learned in school to real-
life situations. Through the community visits, we were able to give impacts to families and
they gave us realizations in life as well.

Being able to learn and to help are two great things. In our community visits, we were
tasked to find a household wherein our community product will be of use by them. The
family is very welcoming and kind to us. The interviewees told us about their background
and that they don’t have permanent jobs. Their husbands are the ones who go to work
everyday and supply their needs. This also shows us that our country is still living its
patriarchal tradition. They also told us that they weren’t able to finish education, which is a
common problem from poverty. I also remembered that students are able to flaunt out
their creativity if their environment is appropriate. Personally thinking, the people who live
in these kinds of houses don’t have enough room for their minds to explore and certain
distractions such as noise and lack of materials or technology can influence their study.
They said that they were looked down by the government, but for me, we cannot blame the
poor for being poor. When it comes to work industry here in our country, it is hard to find a
stable job when you are not a college graduate and especially now that our president
established contractualization. But how can people like them be able to prove that they are
capable enough if from the start they weren’t given chances to lift their statuses? They’re
only poor into the eyes of society because of the its standards. After the interview and
discussion, when we gave our product to them they were astonished and said that they
didn’t know such products can still be made or improvised. The interviewees seemed to
appreciate it since their old broom contains very few strands, approximately one-fourth of
its original amount. Innovation didn’t seem familiar to the household based on what we
have observed. According to what I have learned in the past lesson in research capstone
and based on research and experiences, financial sustainability is one factor in innovating.
A possible reason for these informal settlers to be not much aware or capable of
innovation. When we came back for the evaluation, we received the feedbacks from Lola
Jelsie was so happy because it was very helpful, especially to her who cleans mostly. Before
making the product, we had a hard time on choosing the appropriate community project
since we didn’t have the ability to visit the household beforehand. Research became very
useful and helpful to me and my group mates while we were still beginning. Also,
brainstorming helped us build the idea and purpose of the product piece by piece. Personal
experiences such as cleaning gave us ideas on what our product should bear in order for it
to be efficient. While making the product, resources, time and experience in building are
what we lacked. So there are still deficiencies found in our product, but it doesn’t stop
there. From this, I learned that failure is the best way to learn. If we can still go back, we
will make these deficiencies as tools for improvement.

This activity is very heart-warming to me because we were able to touch other people’s
lives with just a multipurpose broom. The connection and interaction among us seemed
like we weren’t strangers. From this experience, I can say that I gained more respect to
people like them. They are just as hardworking as those successful people of today. Also,
even though they had some problems with our product, they still appreciate the helpful
side of it. In my personal life, I realized how ungrateful I am for little things I have. These
problems given to us are just a peak on what’s ahead of us. Through the community visit,
my skills and creativity were enhanced and will continue to do so, from finding solutions to
small populations to a greater one in the future. Overall, Research Capstone has made me
regain creativity and trained me to be an efficient server to my fellowmen. This activity also
helped me to think of the people I will serve in the near future when I become professional
in my field, I will focus on those who are needy. With these values and lessons I’ve learned,
I will take these with me as I continue to develop and to achieve my ultimate goal in helping
people who are in need. I can now say that with experience comes greater understanding in
the context of life.

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