Single Line Path Text For CNC - Easel - Inventables Community Forum

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10/30/2018 SOLVED!

Single line path text for CNC - Easel - Inventables Community Forum


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SOLVED! Single line path text for CNC


CoreyD 2016-04-26 12:12:42 UTC #1

Guys!! I've figured it out!! I've seen a few threads asking about this, but no one seems to have a solid solution.
Instead of answering each, I'm just posting it as a new thread. It'll be interesting to see if this works for other people,
and what other variations people might come up with.

OK so the goal was to generate text that consists only of single line paths that can be used in Easel; not outlined
characters, not filled. This way it can be engraved/carved/lasered in a single pass, without tracing back, without
thickening/bolding the characters, just like writing by hand with a pen.

Here's how I've done it:

Type text in AutoCAD using 'simplex' font (other software and fonts may work too)
Print to .pdf using Adobe pdf printer application (this is the key step!)
Open pdf in Illustrator and save as .svg. Do not expand it! (Or another program that you normally use)
Import into Easel

I'm using 2009 AutoCAD LT. I use this because I'm already familiar with it and can draw to scale.
Other fonts might work, but most likely they'll need to be .shx fonts. My understanding is that they're made with line
paths, unlike normal truetype fonts that are outlines...??
Printing to pdf is the key to this puzzle. It's the only way I've found that converts the text to single line paths.
Exploding in acad didn't work, and expanding in illustrator generated outlined font. Also, I think you'll need to use
the pdf printer from Adobe, not another software company. I've had trouble with others in the past. Could be wrong,
but that's my experience.
I use Illustrator to convert to svg just because that's what I have and it works. I'm sure you've all got different
programs to do this. 1/6
10/30/2018 SOLVED! Single line path text for CNC - Easel - Inventables Community Forum

Anyway I hope this helps some of you. It's certainly opened the door to a lot more projects and paid work for me.
Happy carving!

CoreyD 2016-04-26 12:24:14 UTC #2

Screenshot of my victory!

NAM37 2016-04-26 12:27:08 UTC #3

This works also:

Single line fonts

It might not be ideal, but if you have CorelDraw you can use the technique below. It works pretty well. [image]

GeoffSteer 2016-04-26 12:39:23 UTC #4

Does Easel use Truetype fonts ?

If so, there are some single line fonts available here.

I've used these with CamBam and engraving. Not an Easel user so apologies if way off track here

TysonSwan 2016-04-26 20:03:50 UTC #6

Inkscape uses whatever fonts are natively installed on your PC. Easel does not.

CoreyD 2016-04-27 01:42:01 UTC #8

Of course there is an easier way after I figure out a hard way to do it haha! @PhilJohnson does Inkscape allow
you to draw things to scale? For example, if I wanted to cut out a square 100mm x 100mm, would it be easy to do 2/6
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that accurately?

CraigStevenson 2016-06-04 14:19:25 UTC #15

I can't seem to import svg into easel, I read that it is possible but no luck.

I create my single font Hershey text, select it, path to object, save as either inscape.svg or plain.svg

Easel will not open when I import .svg.

would really appreciate any help on this

Thank you

CraigStevenson 2016-06-05 14:45:26 UTC #17

Thanks Phil,

Yes just text, I select all and then Path, object to path, ( this does not do anything obvious on the screen)

Then when I go to save as, I only see inkscape.svg or plain.svg

I don't see any optimized svg option

CraigStevenson 2016-06-05 15:25:17 UTC #19

I'm not sure, I will uninstall and try again

Thanks Phil

GailenJensen 2016-06-05 17:08:12 UTC #20

That sounds great! How would it work with other software like Inkscape?

GlennMDutcher 2016-06-05 18:17:37 UTC #21


You want want to look at this thread from a while back


CraigStevenson 2016-06-06 11:48:14 UTC #23

Thanks everyone.

I reloaded Inkscape and now I have the optimize option.

I then found the issue with the spaces and couldn't figure this out until I read the post above.

Works great now !

ChristophStieler 2016-07-10 08:11:05 UTC #24


Is there a way to produce this single line svg in Adobe Illustrator? 3/6
10/30/2018 SOLVED! Single line path text for CNC - Easel - Inventables Community Forum

GregMarshall 2017-05-02 16:07:01 UTC #25

This may be a stupid question, but while I have succeeded in creating text in Inkscape and importing the .svg into
Easel, it tells me there is nothing to carve. My impression is that Easel simply will not deal with anything with zero
line width, so how do you deal with this?

I've run across the same limitation with Easel in other areas. For example, if I specify a 1/16" bit and want to make a
round hole that is 1/16" diameter it won't do it. In fact, I have to increase the diameter by 4 or 5 mils before Easel
"sees it".

GregMarshall 2017-05-02 18:30:31 UTC #27

Well, a mill bit certainly can cut without moving laterally, but let's focus on the line text problem: I have a path, how
can I get Easel to simply follow it?

GregMarshall 2017-05-02 19:07:38 UTC #29

Phil, here's what you posted here some time ago:

"Inkscape Has the single line fonts you can just type it in inkscape and convert it to Path save as SVG and bring it
into easel"

I have done as you suggested and can see the text, but Easel won't carve it. How do you do it?

GregMarshall 2017-05-02 19:32:25 UTC #31

Regardless of how I set cut parameters (fill, outside, on path) Easel says there's nothing to carve. Changing the bit
size changes the width shown, but no matter what size, it won't carve.

GregMarshall 2017-05-02 19:44:19 UTC #33

I'm using a font called "CamBam_Stick". I don't see a font called "txt" in Inkscape, but suspect it is not truly a single
line font, as CamBam is. "txt" fonts are available from multiple sources, so I'll try that.

GregMarshall 2017-05-02 20:31:13 UTC #37

The "txt" and "CamBam" fonts do not behave the same. I was able to replicate your results with "txt", but doing
exactly the same thing with "CamBam" fails. The bug you mention does not seem to be the problem. Instead, just
clicking "simulate" generates the error message "There is nothing to carve. There are no objects in your design that
can be carved with your current settings."

With "txt" I get the same message if I select "fill" and set the bit size to anything greater than 3 mils (I imagine that
the exact number depends on how much you have scaled the text), but "on path" works at any size. "CamBam"
does not work under any circumstances/settings.

BTW, I did some screen captures, but don't see any way to insert them here. How did you do it?

PhillipLunsford 2017-05-02 20:33:30 UTC #38

Rough path was excellent. Nothing carved on detail path. Support team. Looking into it. They said that the five lines
of text might have too much detail. I used the new folders and made a copy of the file and split into different folders
and it is carving now. Did have one other issue. The safety height is fine on all but TWO of the pathes as it is 4/6
10/30/2018 SOLVED! Single line path text for CNC - Easel - Inventables Community Forum

cutting. The spindle did not raise high enough above the board in two places where I took out the text. All the
remaining safetyheights were fine. I was a little surprised by that

TylerFox 2017-05-02 20:40:03 UTC #39

I think you are looking for Hershey Text in Inkscape. I don't remember where it is located, I think under raster. But it
is a true single line path. I use it with a 30-degree v-bit and just adjust my depth until I reach my desired letter
thickness. Also helps clear chips for crisper looking letters.

GregMarshall 2017-05-02 21:16:26 UTC #40

When you carve text in the manner you describe does it make a single pass for each line, or multiple passes? I
have never seen a case where Easel will carve a line as a single pass (single movement), but that seems to be
what you want for the cleanest engraving.

BTW, I've tried using V bits for engraving, but they always seem to tear up the edges badly. A very small ball head
works much better for me.

GregMarshall 2017-05-02 21:35:03 UTC #43


That would require a vector line made font. Someone here made one and shared it. Search

Yes, I saw that, but he later said not to use it, as there were problems with it, and he apparently never fixed it.
However, a "vector line font" is exactly what I believe the CamBam font is, but it doesn't work because Easel seems
to be incapable of dealing with such lines - they have to have a width and that width has to be greater than the
width of the bit. In other words, Easel will never carve a line as a single pass - it always takes at least 2.

I could do my project with the "txt" font (or perhaps "Hershey" - I haven't tried that yet), but I don't like either of those
fonts. There does not seem to be much selection within "line fonts" and even within that small group some will work
with Easel and others not.

GregMarshall 2017-05-02 22:25:15 UTC #45


As soon as you convert to path, it is a loop.

I think that is only true because the original shape had a non-zero width, but with the CamBam font it really is zero

On the other hand, Inventables Tech Support is telling me that a zero-width line "usually" carves as a loop around
the line (when "on-path" is selected). I've sent them an example project where this is not working.

MiguelSanchez 2017-09-01 07:26:06 UTC #46

You might want to try this Java-based command-line tool:

gcodeFont - Simple command-line tool for creating the gcode for drawing/engraving a text line. 5/6
10/30/2018 SOLVED! Single line path text for CNC - Easel - Inventables Community Forum

BrendanO_grady 2017-10-30 08:53:55 UTC #47

In case anyone is still following this thread. I can confirm using Hershey text on Inkscape, saving as optimised.svg,
and importing into easel works to cut a single path font. Hit me up if you’re still having troubles.

JoeBcrafts 2018-10-21 21:30:45 UTC #48

Has there been any further development with Easel to allow this kind of carve?

I’d really like to be able to pick a simple font that would be cut via its center line in one pass. As said in this thread, I
don’t want to outline, or cut inside, or fill. I want to simple carve a single bit width centered on the text line.

JoeBcrafts 2018-10-22 18:34:07 UTC #49

I’ve messed around in AutoCAD today and found a way to “work around” (would love a way to just have Easel use
a few “single line” fonts):

1. Select any of the single line text styles: avant.shx, cdm.shx, dim.shx, hand.shx, iso.shx, simplex.shx (there
are more)
2. Create your text object(s)
3. WMFOUT and select the text object(s)
4. Erase the original text object(s)
5. WMFIN that file you just created
6. Explode the block
7. DXFOUT the file

Import the dxf into Easel and adjust size, stretch, rotate etc.

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