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This report is initiated by a group of 5 economics students who are intentionally seeking
for knowledge. The country that they select is there country, Thailand, which is famous in
terms of transportation issues. Many studies have been used theatrically and sometimes
numerically to be applied with the project, namely called “Easy Busy”.
The report consists of background of the first car policy and comes up with supportive
information for establishing business models, which emphasizes on finding parking lots. The
report also tries to apply with many general business terminologies which are taught in the
online-class and traditional class because it is important to reasonably state anything with
evidence and prove of understanding.
Finally, we would also like to acknowledge our friends who review the numerous
documents. Also, we would love to thank to Prof.Thomas Merz, John Van Lare, and Dr.Danai
Tanamee who have long been assisting us and teaching us for this project.

SWU Students
Table of Contents
Introduction 1
Business Industry 2
Market Analysis 4
Customers 5
Business Model 6
Potential Markets 9
Cost of creating “Easy Busy” application 10
How to start to make revenues through the “Easy Busy” application 12
SWOT Analysis 13
USP Determination 14
References 16

Easy Busy
Finding parking lots application

In Thailand, we have always faced with parking problems. Actually, we do not have
enough space for parking cars. The problem obviously had begun since the government came
out the policy called “The First Car Policy” aiming low paid people to be able to own a car at
a cheaper price because the they will receive tax refunds from four thousand baht to ten hundred
thousand baht per one car. The First Car policy sets various conditions as follows; the buyer
must be 21 years of age or older, the buyer must never buy a car before and the period must be
purchased from 16 September 2011 - 31 December 2012, the car price must not exceed one
million baht, the car must have no more than 1,500 engines CC (for pickup trucks are not
limited to CC) and must be cars manufactured in Thailand only, a car that they buy must be a
new car and no ownership transfer allowed.
Economically, the first car policy is stimulating the purchasing power of consumers. It
provides opportunities for Thai people to own a car at a lower price. However, the policy makes
Thai people use their personal car more than public transportation, especially in Bangkok. This,
hence, leads to huge numbers of cars in the city. Also, it costs air-pollution, traffic jam, and
loss in economic for the long term (for people who are unable to pay installment).
The parking place is a major factor that people who a personal car need to consider.
There are a lot of people who use personal cars which is causing not enough parking lots. Our
company, called “Easy Busy” has a purpose of creating this project in order to solve traffic
problems. The “Easy Busy” provides space rental services for smart parking also use every
square inch of space with maximum ability to allocate the parking spaces.

Business Industry
In Thailand, application which helps people to find parking lots has never officially
been used before because Thai parking lots are complicated in and people are familiar to
flexibility. The term complicated refers to there are many spaces and inefficiently used, and
flexibility refers to people are not seriously concerned on Thai regulations. Sometimes, they
violate traffic laws in order to serve their wants. It has potential to grow up in the future since
the cars in Thailand tends to increase more and more. Also, it can be the leader of parking
application in Thailand to have higher market share in the parking application in the future.
The numerical data is shown in the table below. It show that this business can achieve the goal
for short term and long term.

Number of Vehicles Registered in Bangkok

Total Vehicle under Motor Vehicle Act

Type of Vehicle Number of cars in Note

Microbus & Passenger Van 214,130

Motor Tricycle 846

Urban Taxi 77,955 Natural Person = 18033

Juristic Person = 59342
Not specified = 580

Fixed Route Taxi 2,160

Motortricycle Taxi (Tuk Tuk) 9,329

Hotel Taxi 662

Tour Taxi 1,671

Car For Hire 59

Tractor 94,557

Road Roller 3,846

Farm Vehicle 7

Automobile Trailer 2,662

Public Motorcycle 98,652


Number of the parking space and the parking fee of each place in Asoke (Bangkok)

Type: Car
Place Number of Fee(Baht per hour)

Srinakharinwirot University ≈720 20 (all day 100 Baht)

Asoke tower ≈200 40

BB building ≈600 40

Midtown tower 387 50

Terminal 21 ≈450 Free 3 hr. (next hour 20 Baht per


Singha Complex ≈60 Free at this time (due to

incomplete system)

Islamic bank of Thailand ≈300 50

Kiatnakin tower ≈500 30

Queen Sirikit National Convention ≈1250 Free


Market Analysis
Easy Busy’s Marketing Mix (4Ps) Analysis; Easy Busy’s marketing mix (4Ps)
involves various approaches that meet business concerns indifferent.

1. Product Strategy
Product concept: The consumers can download simply for free as well as for all since
the function is proper for everyone.
Product attribute: For the drivers who have the license (18-20 years old above)
Product feature: Just click, the parking nearby will be shown.
Product benefit: To help the users to find the parking easily even if it is a peak period
in Bangkok.

2. Pricing Strategy
We will offer them to download for free 30 days to be attractive to customers to use the
Prices for parking are various depending on situations, however, the prices are
expectedly between 30 to 200 baht. We consider from time, area, scarcity, and demand of users.

3. Place/Distribution strategy
This element of the marketing mix enumerates the locations where where customers
can access them and the customer can easily download application via Play Store for Android
and App Store for IPhone.

4. Promotion strategy
After downloaded, they can use for free for 5 times. Furthermore, we will give them
per day free when they share our application into social network e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Line,

From the statistical data (Motor Vehicles, 2014), we found that the ratio of 1,000 Thai
people that have the vehicles had increasing and we can divide it into two parts, the first part
starts from 2004 to 2008 and the second part starts from 2009 to 2013. The ratio of a thousand
of Thai people in 2004 to 2008 is 150, it means that a thousand Thai people have the vehicles
150 people or 15 percent of thousand Thai people. The ratio of a thousand of Thai people in
2009 to 2013 is 157, it means that a thousand Thai people have the vehicles 157 people or 15.7
percent of thousand Thai people.

The population density in Bangkok has home approximately 15.3 million people living
within 1,000 square miles (2,590 square kilometers) so density within the Bangkok
Metropolitan Region is more concentrated averaging 15,300 people per square mile (Worlds
Capital Cities, n.d.). It linked with the data that we know about the number people who have
vehicles and we have problems after that the areas do not enough for them.

According to the public transportations in Bangkok that are not enough, not cover to
most of areas in Bangkok and in rush hour, some people don’t like to use crowd public
transportation so, it makes most of people want to buy a car. Even though they have to face to
traffic jam and it can move slowly. Or if you need to travel outside the city, it is a necessity to
have a car but you need to think about how often to use the car and it can improve your quality
of life. (McCully, R, 2017).

2004-2008 2009-2013
150 157
Figure2: The ratio about the number of thousand Thai people who have vehicles (The World Bank, 2014).

Business Model
To establish “Easy Busy” completely, we set elements of business model according to
Business Model Canvas. Here are our fulfillments for the model.


We provide
Easy Busy is an application that provides a finding parking lots service. Customers
will have to book where they want to park before they pay any fee. The payment will be done
when customers reach their parking lots.

Value Chain
Primary Activities
1. Efficient transportation for customers: customers can faster and easier find parking
lots. This helps customers to save their time for searching.
2. Efficient transportation for public: decrease numbers of cars in urban area because
customers no need to search for parking lots, consequently, decrease noise and air
3. Easy Busy’s Operation System: Available various and comprehensive functions for
customers’ conveniences. The application has a call center, voice and text chat
function between customers and owners, pictures can be sent as a message, and we
will improve future functions to serve customers’ needs.

4. Attractive Promotion: we provide promotion in order to get for new customers and
alternative promotions to keep old customers.
5. Reliability: customers can give their reviews and feedback when they park, owners
can be informed what they need to fix. For Easy Busy, as an intermediary, we
always make our system effective and least mistakes.

Support Activities
1. Easy Busy Company: we try to let all owners of parking lots get involved to our
company. Large numbers of parking lots can generate more frequent revenue from
car owners. With few competitors and no one yet is a major player in Thai market,
we have a big opportunity to be the first one to garb the market share.
2. Employees: the application is a real time and online system, we need to have
technicians in terms of information communication technology who can fix and
update our systems. These persons who contribute to our company are important.
Hence, we need to treat them properly under labor laws.
3. Research and Development (R&D): technology goes fast, and there is a digital
disruption problem. We need to make our application in trend.

Easy Busy’s Capabilities

1. Service: customers can search and reserve parking lots
2. Time efficiency: customers can decrease their time for searching parking lots.
3. Space efficiency: owners who do not temporary use their garages and spaces for
parking, they can generate revenues from the service.
4. Public contribution: as the traffic jam decreases, consequently noise, oil consumption
and air pollution problems also decrease.
5. Reliability: as the application lets previous users give some feedback, customers can
check how reliability the parking lots are before making a decision.

Distribution & Communication Channel

Online Channel
1. Easy Busy application
2. Easy Busy website
3. Facebook
4. Line
5. WeChat
6. Other platforms for advertisement such as YouTube and Instagram
Offline Channel
1. Advertisement on physical media such as magazines and products that have Easy
Busy logo.

1. Parking lots and garages owners
2. Car washer shops
3. Public parking lots

Value Proposition
1. Car owners or drivers who want to find parking lots

Customer benefit
1. Time efficiency: decrease time for searching parking lots
2. Reliability: to see the level of security, customers can check the feedback from
previous customers.

Revenue model
Cost structure
1. Operational costs: Employees, research and development, system of the application,
2. Physical cost: Easy Busy main office, computers, internet, paper work
3. Unsystematic costs: costs of network failure, error and bugs on the system,
misleading GPS
Revenue Source
1. Easy Busy gains revenues from commission that customers pay to parking lots
owners. The commission is expected between 10 to 30 percent, which depends on
how highly needed parking lots are.
2. Alternative revenues come from additional functions that Easy Busy adds later such
as a shipping service (a future function).

Team &Values
There are 5 members who initially establish Easy Busy at the beginning:
1. Mr. Jirayut Monjagapate, Manager
2. Mrs. Nutnicha Supamongkol, Financial Controller
3. Mr. Peerawat Suriyaburaphakul, Technician and Theorist
4. Mrs. Angkhavipa Jaroenporn, Legal consultant
5. Mr. Nakorn Rungkittanasan, Marketer,

1. Parking lots and garages owners: these items can generate revenue to owners
while they do not temporally use it.
2. Convenience to customers: enable to customers to find parking lots easier
3. Environmental friendly: decrease amount of energy consumption, air pollution
and noise from traffic jam.
4. Employment: people are hired from this company, especially people who are
specialized in information communication technology

Potential Market
Steps to analyze potential market
1. Number of population in Thailand = 69,282,822
2. People who have a car that age from 20 years old to 70 years old = 68.7 % of total
3. Therefore, N= 69,282,822*687/100 = 47,581,881

4. Number of people who have cars = 15,490,503 or 22.36% of total population

5. N= 47,581,881*2236/100 = 10,639,308.6
6. Therefore, 10,639,308.6 is a number of Thai people who have a car.

7. Midpoint of using the cars of Thai people = 13500000/6900000 = 195.025

8. 195.025/44.98 = 4.335 per person/per year
Notice: 44.98 is the average price of that people who have cars
9. NPQ = 10,639,308.6*195.025*4.335 = 8,994,826,577.36 ฿ (value)

10. Volume = 10,639,308.6*4.335 = 46,121,402 (approximately 47 million)

11. Area market potential = (% area in urban area of population)/(% total
market population)
= 74.4% * 8,994,826,577.36
= 6,692,150,973.56฿ or 209,226,754.10$

Cost of creating “Easy Busy” application

In order to create the “Easy Busy” application, we need to generally handle these
costs; the price depends on the following aspects:

 Type (mobile game, business, social networking, lifestyle. etc.): Easy Busy is the business
app that seems to be an assistant to help the users find parking space for their car easier.
 Platforms (iOS, Android, Windows Phone, etc.)
 Design (basic, individual, custom)
 Features & infrastructure

1) User login- This is a standard practice in app development, and it takes

approximately 20 hours. It costs $500-1,000. When the users register and log-
in to an app for using it, they have to register via email or phone, while signing
in through social media accounts which is the most popular option. Social
sign-in makes it easier to access an app, as well as automatically creates a user
profile and collects all public data about a person (“How much does it cost to
make an app,” n.d.).

2) Push notifications- The cost may range from $1,000 to $10,000. It is real-time
updates that keep users informed about any activities related to an app or
service (“How much does it cost to make an app,” n.d.).

3) Geolocation- Expect no less than 50 hours of development, thus $1,250-2,500

cost. Regarding the cost, it depends on geolocation service accuracy and is
usually divided into the general area, medium range proximity and accurate
location. This feature is crucial for Easy Busy app since it is based on the
phone’s GPS and real-time user permissions (“How much does it cost to make
an app,” n.d.).

4) Google Maps integration- The cost starts at $1,000. Along with geolocation,
integrating Google Maps into your mobile app, developers will need 20 hours
at minimum to do it (“How much does it cost to make an app,” n.d.).

5) Ads- This feature takes around 20 to 50 hours, depending on the type. The cost
range may be $1,000-2,500 (“How much does it cost to make an app,” n.d.).

6) In-app purchases- The estimated cost is $750-1,500. It generally depends on

the number of items and should be about 30 hours (“How much does it cost to
make an app,” n.d.).

7) Payments integration- The cost of this feature would range from $2,500 to
$5,000. There are plenty of system options to choose from – Android Pay,
Google Wallet, Apple Pay, Stripe, PayPal, Intuit, Square, Braintree, and many
others (“How much does it cost to make an app,” n.d.).

8) Multi-language support- This feature is not that expensive and costs about
$350-750. When an app requires to be presented in various languages for
different regions, plain and simple (“How much does it cost to make an app,”

Moreover, we try estimating the cost of creating app via the website, included the
following determinants:
1. Type: Business
2. Platforms: Android, iOS, Tablet versions
3. Design: Template
4. Type of app: Native
5. Versions support: Basic
6. Database: My SQL
7. ERP integrations: Zoho
8. CRM integrations: Zoho
9. Mobile API: Note JS
10. Analytics: Google analytics
11. Mobile payments: Paypal
12. Ecommerce integration: Basic, In-app coupons
13. Users: Accounts, Email login, Feedback
14. Extra features: Audio, 3rd party API, Search, Social sharing, Push notifications,
Ads, Data collection, Geo location, Maps

Price is starting at $11,189 basically.


How to start to make revenues through the “Easy Busy”

Nowadays, Thailand is one of the most traffic jam in the world, especially in urban
areas. The problem of in sufficient parking lots are everywhere; there are in schools,
universities, governmental offices, private work places, and shopping malls due to the huge
amounts of cars. “Easy Busy” is, therefore, created one of best choices to order to help for
finding parking lots. The application provides linkages between owners of the particular
parking lots and customers who want to park their own car.
For the owners who have available garages, parking lots, and spaces for parking a car.
They can gain revenues from proving a temporary service for parking car, let the “Easy Busy”
application tell car owners where your spaces are. Then, you will get revenues from this service.

How the “Easy Busy” Works

To begin with, it starts from area-host and registering your area in Bangkok by
submitting photos and truly measured. The area-host needs to tell the landmarks near your area.
Before booking an area through “Easy Busy”, the customer can contact the host directly for
further information through messaging service.

 Access to “Easy Busy”: As well as system access, “Easy Busy” has mobile
apps for Apple IOS and Android devices.
 Security for customers: For security, the hosts must provide acceptable
identification to “Easy Busy”. To make a trusted community, customer can
comment or reviews and hosts also review customer.
 Taxation: it depends on the jurisdiction, may apply to provincial, or city taxes
to customer bookings.

How the “Easy Busy” makes profits

“Easy Busy” is considered as the sharing economy, which allows customers to find
parking lots. According the Urban design and Development Center studied, Bangkok is 1,569
square kilometers, which is divided into 113.06 square kilometers of road areas. The primary
source of Easy Busy’s revenue comes from service fees from booking areas for parking. Prices
will be various and dependent on the time and zones, which customers are required to pay a
non-refundable service fee. When the customers have already booked, they are unable to refund
the money in case of any cancellation, exclude mistakes made by “Easy Busy” services.

In addition to depending on time and areas, when customers are booking in the rush
hour or booking in highly needed places, the prices will be higher than usual prices.

SWOT Analysis
According to the numbers of people living in Bangkok who have cars, so it can be the
strength point of our business that everyone wants parking lots In other words, numbers of cars
exceed parking lots in urban areas. Secondly, we have the pricing strategy and the promotion
strategy that other parking platforms do not have it, it can be the strength point because in term
of the pricing, users can use the application, for instant, for free 30 days and in term of the
promotion, users can use free for the first time and when they share to others, they can receive
the discount promotion.
As we know, Bangkok has the problems about congestion and traffic jam because the
numbers of people who have cars increase in every single year, and the government used to
have the policy to support them in the past that called ‘the first car policy’ while the free space
or area that drivers can park are not sufficient. Therefore, in the rush hours, the “Easy Busy”
application may not be able to provide services that customers expect because of in sufficient
parking lots.
The numbers of people who have cars and the numbers of cars in Bangkok have been
increasing, and these are one of important things that generate the growth of our application in
the future. Additionally, we face with the problem that there are insufficient parking lots, so
this application has potential to grow up in the future and can be the leader of other competitors.
Moreover, in Thailand, there is no any services that have the highest market share in terms of
finding parking lots services, this, therefore, is a big potential for “Easy Busy”. The behavior
of people at the present is the factor for opportunities as well because, urban area people are
familiar to the online platform, so this application can respond their demand for short term and
long term.
The technology of this application can be copied easily and other brands that copy can
come with more attractive function for customers and changing consumer buying behavior
from online channel could be a threat of the physical infrastructure driven supply chain model
so they can loss the benefit that they deserve for the short time and long time.

Strengths Opportunities

- The number of people who use it - The number of people who have cars
- Pricing and promotion - The customers’ behavior are familiar to
online platform
- Potential to grow up
- The leader of market share in the future

Weaknesses Threats

- In sufficient parking lots which cannot - Can be copied easily

cover all customers’ expectation. - Loss the benefit
- Attractive strategies from future other

USP determination
Unique Selling point or USP is to develop our products and services to stand out and
different from competitors which is creating identity for themselves until having enough
power to attract or encourage the purchase of our products and services.
1. Story
‘Easy Busy’ is the innovative application that can help the users to find the parking
area that nearby them. The application can show the parking area that available, unavailable
and they can pay the cost via e-payment like credit card etc. The people, the shopping mall or
the exhibition hall that have the free are for parking can come to join with this application
and earn income.
2. The target
The target of people who use this application is the people who love the innovation,
online gadget and the target that they have car and they do not use the public transportation,
they love to use their private car.
3. Benefit
The people or customers who use this application, they can find the parking area
easily. They can "book before parking", there is a parking space before the destination
contributed to the owner of the parking lot with an increase of 10-30% on average and
penetrate the community landmark and the inner-city area.
4. Lifestyle
The heart of the business partnership with ‘Easy Busy’ is that we help to increase
your parking lot. Increasing the time to generate lost revenue at the parking lot, never from
using technology to help which helps increase the amount of 10-30% in terms of car users
will benefit from not having to find a parking space, reduce oil waste in vain if we look at the

macro Thailand loses oil by finding parking lots of 3.6 billion baht per year. Using this app,
just 10% of the car population in the capital area will help the nation reduce oil loss at least
360 million baht per year.
5. Fear
Timing is necessary thing of people in the future so, if the customers do not use this
application, they have to face the problem that they have to loss the time to find the parking
cost and they loss the opportunity cost that if they take time to do with other things, it can
increase their income or affect to GDP of nation etc.

[1] Capital Facts for Bangkok, Thailand. (n.d.). Retrieved April 26, 2019, from
[2] How much does it cost to make an app? (n.d.). Retrieved May 20, 2019, from
[3] McCully, R. (2017, June 20). Buying a Car in Thailand: What You Need to Know.
Retrieved April 26, 2019, from
[4] Motor vehicles (per 1,000 people). (n.d.). Retrieved April 26, 2019, from

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