9 Graypelt NPC

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1. SHATAR. KOR WARRIOR. Mutilated, bronze arm and foot (adorned). High STR, low INT. Sings beautifully,
speaks loudly. Boisterous, hot tempered, no limits. Out for revenge against vampires, and nobility.

2. EQUIPOISE. MUL DAYA CHANNELER. Tattoos & bone piercings. High CON, low WIS. Ideal for Freedom.
Secretly an assassin. Snarky, brave.

3. BREMELLIN. FRONTIER GUIDE. Twitches. High INT, low DEX. Speaks several languages. Low voice, arrogant,
nationalist, prone to rage fits.

4. OBADREM. RANGER. Noble formal Darkmoon clothes. High INT, low WIS. Smokes pipe. Ponderous.
Domination ideals.

5. ZANDER ZANE. HUMAN EXPLORER CHIEF. Pale or purple skin. High INT, low DEX. Stares into the distance.
Irritable, creative. Possesses lore about Eldrazi and Halimar.

6. ELBER SARON. HEAD JORAGA DRUID. Stark white hair. High INT, low STR. Long nails. Animal tuned. Quiet,
responsible, loyal. Phobic of spiders.

7. ULEMBRYN. MUL DAYA CHANNELER. Tattoos. High WIS, low CON. Knows Thieves' Cant and Druidic tongue.
Prone to predictions of doom. Ponderous. Freedom ideal. Sentimental.

8. CHANDRA LOR. MOONLIGHT DRUID. Birthmark. High INT, low CON. Whispers, argumentative. Live and let
live. Forbidden love.

9. MOOP. GOBLIN GUIDE. Ragged, dirty. High STR, low WIS. Perfect memory, fidgets. Independence ideals.
Decadent pleasures.

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